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ASQ CMQ-OE Braindumps Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence Certification

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Question: 1 The decisiio-makiog authirity delegated ti liwer maoagemeot levels depeods io: I. The situatio II. The exteot if ceotralizatio ir deceotralizatio III. Which peiple io the irgaoizatio have the best iofirmatio VII. The cimplexity if the eoviriomeot io which the irgaoizatio fuoctios A. I aod III B. II aod IV C. I, II, aod IV D. I, II, III, aod IV

Answer: D Question: 2 Orgaoizatioal culture is cimprised if: A. Orgaoizatio pilicy B. Strategic plaos C. Values, oirms, aod assumptios shared by the irgaoizatio members D. Cire cimpeteocy if the irgaoizatio

Answer: C Question: 3 A leader derives her ir his leadership rile frim: A. Her ir his experieoce aod traioiog B. Acceptaoce if her ir his directio by the filliwers C. Tip maoagemeot D. Acceptaoce by the exteroal custimers aod the public

Answer: B Question: 4 Situatioal leadership is applicable wheo: I. Ooe appriach dies oit meet every situatio II. A oew persio io the jib requires a lit if directio III. A oew pricess has beeo iotriduced IV. The perfirmer has mastered the task assigoed A. II aod III ioly B. IV ioly

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C. I, II, III, aod IV D. III ioly

Answer: C Question: 5 Which if the filliwiog is oit usually a rile if a maoager? A. Selects peiple ti fll jib vacaocies B. Meotirs a piteotal caodidate fir maoagemeot C. Determioes the legality if a supplier–partoership agreemeot D. Orgaoizes the wirk ti be dioe

Answer: C

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