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Dressed in a shell of yellow Huon pine by the forger Grove: Lieutenant­Governor David Collins, March 24, 1810 Grubbing with saw, maul, wedges, wary for waddies, spears, The lime­juicer splits the smooth, white peppermint, Stripping its ribbons, measuring off boards and posts, Shifts gaze to the bark­chopper, ex­javelin man himself, Smearing the chimney’s insides with mud. Quaffing the whorls of leaf­teeth from cut­down she­oaks, Too leaden to stray, a pair of unhobbled bullocks. Skulls scattered hard by the killing gang’s huts, The stench of oil and gore from puncheons of skins. Skins by the thousand: young seals, mother seals, seal elephants. The wallaby­skins on their crows’ backs the sealers snatch, Spread black arms round a trunk and, growling oaths, Flog their buttocks bloody, curse to sever ears And club them on the snout like wide­eyed seals. How dare these slaves pilfer the buckoes’ sugar Or slope back from mutton­bird burrows, skin bags empty. the pale­creamy flowers of the blackwood in spring call to mind the complexion of a free woman; its hard, fissured bark the visage of government crones. Tearing at great girths, the cedar­getters with cross­cut saws hew and haul the golden, red­hued slabs for mouldings, dadoes, dining tables, thick, panelled doors that yield the subtle fragrance of old lags. Gondwana giants one hundred feet without a bend Great stands line the Gordon; Huon stands tall along the Gordon Best ships’ timber: springy, easy to work, close­grained Impenetrable to the worm, as good as to the canary Axe­gashed trunks slain by felons lie still in Macquarie

above rough swamp­gums and scent of musk stood straight our masts of celery­pine when, struck dumb, we spied in ferny, top­knot hold the frantic beat of wings, jade and scarlet­lined and greaves of glinting gold cusick cusick cusick cusick

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