Dressed in a shell of yellow Huon pine by the forger Grove: LieutenantGovernor David Collins, March 24, 1810 Grubbing with saw, maul, wedges, wary for waddies, spears, The limejuicer splits the smooth, white peppermint, Stripping its ribbons, measuring off boards and posts, Shifts gaze to the barkchopper, exjavelin man himself, Smearing the chimney’s insides with mud. Quaffing the whorls of leafteeth from cutdown sheoaks, Too leaden to stray, a pair of unhobbled bullocks. Skulls scattered hard by the killing gang’s huts, The stench of oil and gore from puncheons of skins. Skins by the thousand: young seals, mother seals, seal elephants. The wallabyskins on their crows’ backs the sealers snatch, Spread black arms round a trunk and, growling oaths, Flog their buttocks bloody, curse to sever ears And club them on the snout like wideeyed seals. How dare these slaves pilfer the buckoes’ sugar Or slope back from muttonbird burrows, skin bags empty. the palecreamy flowers of the blackwood in spring call to mind the complexion of a free woman; its hard, fissured bark the visage of government crones. Tearing at great girths, the cedargetters with crosscut saws hew and haul the golden, redhued slabs for mouldings, dadoes, dining tables, thick, panelled doors that yield the subtle fragrance of old lags. Gondwana giants one hundred feet without a bend Great stands line the Gordon; Huon stands tall along the Gordon Best ships’ timber: springy, easy to work, closegrained Impenetrable to the worm, as good as to the canary Axegashed trunks slain by felons lie still in Macquarie
above rough swampgums and scent of musk stood straight our masts of celerypine when, struck dumb, we spied in ferny, topknot hold the frantic beat of wings, jade and scarletlined and greaves of glinting gold cusick cusick cusick cusick