Rage against the dying of the light

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RAGE AGAINST THE DYING OF THE LIGHT When I learned of Werner’s death at ninety-four, I was taken by surprise. I had never forgotten my interview with him for a magazine article: his presence at the dining-table at right angles to me, but sitting quite upright and staring straight ahead, a proud cast of a man, as if reading an autocue running across the window opposite. Indestructible, he seemed, as if moulded from rock. Even his hard, inanimate face held a bluish metallic tone, his inner elbows a shocking deeper blue running to inflamed red, as if he’d burnt himself in the kitchen. Some would contend that repressed anger is like a corrosive acid burning the soul, while others might argue that anger focused for a purpose recharges one’s batteries, sustains the glow of self-righteousness or is a manifestation of stubborn will. Werner’s intense gaze at nothing concrete was chilling. It reminded me of my father. I was born of German parentage in Dusseldorf in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. After spending four years in primary school and six in high school, I matriculated in 1936, one of the last Jewish students to do so before the Nazi crackdown on Jewish institutions. It was my ambition to study engineering, but all Jewish students were now prevented from going to university. Since anti-Jewish sentiments were deliberately inflamed by the Nazis, I decided to study in Zurich, where the engineering syllabus in the technical colleges was similar to that of Germany’s educational system: six semesters over three years and familiar course content. I possessed the qualifications, so there was no need to take exams, but I did require six months of work experience in the field. By October, 1936 my chances of success looked fairly easy but one class appeared difficult – technical drawing. However, I took an extra class in the Christmas vacation, one bonus being that practical laboratory sessions gave access to lecturers for further assistance. It was my intention to return to Germany during vacations, but after 1937 my passport expired. A friendly passport control officer confided that I might not be able to return to Switzerland if I re-entered Germany. He gave me to understand that I would be dispatched to a re-training camp for instruction in Nazism. In 1938 my brother, who was six years older, found it increasingly difficult to work with my uncle under the Nazi regime and decided to emigrate to distant relations in the USA. But the number of applicants was so high that the American Government established quotas. Already a growing trickle of Jews and non-Jews was fleeing at night across the border to France, Belgium and Holland, countries that suffered in the early years of war. Fortunately, my brother received a visa in 1938, about the time of Neville Chamberlain’s Peace Agreement. I travelled through France along the German border in order to meet my uncle and parents across the Channel in London. Troops were assembling on stations, ships were already crowded. At Liverpool Street station my uncle said, ‘You look so pale.’ I was

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