Search Engine Ranking Factors 2014
Introduction Google uses 200 ranking factors when ranking websites. While Google doesn’t actually reveal what these ranking factors are, SEO experts have a pretty good idea of what they are simply by examining the websites that appear on top of the SERPs.
These Are The Factors General GeneralRanking RankingFactors Factors In this section, I asked participants to identify the influence of eight thematic clusters of ranking factors across the two primary types of Local results (localized organic, pack/carousel). In each case, they assigned a percentage of influence to all eight thematic clusters, totaling 100%. Businesses consistently ranked behind their competition in each of these types of results can use this section to prioritize their marketing efforts by theme.
These Are The Factors Specific SpecificRanking RankingFactors Factors In part A of this section, I asked the experts to rank the top 20 individual ranking factors (out of a total list of 106) that have the biggest impact on pack/carousel rankings. In part B of this section, I asked them to rank the top 20 factors from the same list, only this time to rank them based on impact on localized organic rankings.
These Are The Factors Factors FactorsMost MostAffected Affectedby byPigeon Pigeon
Results were then tabulated via inverse scoring, where the #1 ranked factor received the most "points" for that question, and the lowest-ranked factor received the fewest points. (The factors ranking outside the top 5 for all respondents ended up with zero points.)
These Are The Factors Social SocialNetwork NetworkPresence Presence This involves the same principle as when you have other websites link to your site and mention your site often. A lot of people use social networks, and Google and other search engines pay attention to them. Social signals and spreading your content among networks are signs that your website is legit and relevant. But to build a fan base among Facebook and Google+ users, often you’ll be required to participant in social media yourself. So, this is something you should keep in mind.
These Are The Factors Improved ImprovedUser UserExperience Experience Perhaps the most important factor here is loading time. That’s because Internet users are notoriously impatient, and they lose interest if it takes more than a few seconds to load a webpage. Mobile users are also increasing considerably, and that means your website must be able to function properly across multiple platforms. Other factors which are relevant here will include ease of navigation, and the lack of annoying popup ads.
These Are The Factors SEO SEOEssentials Essentials These are the factors that SEO experts have always known to be relevant, and many of these have not changed all that much. For example, the domain name should be relevant to your niche, and your keywords should be placed in strategic locations on your website. Broken links should also be fixed, the site architecture should be organized, and there should be a sitemap.
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