Top 10 Seo Myths That We Have To Leave Behind
SEO is an ever evolving activity. The activities SEOers will carry out in 2015 are vastly different to those activities and focuses from a couple of years ago and as such there are a lot of practices that should now be highlighted as SEO myths. A big reason for this is due to the large amount that’s been written about SEO over the years. These articles may be factually correct at the time, but 12 months on, they’re still live, but SEO has moved on and what you may be reading may no longer be correct.
Activities That Should Be Left Out Of Your 2015 SEO Activity List 1. 1.Keyword KeywordMeta MetaTags Tags These used to be used to tell the search engines what the page was all about. But as usual with a quick and easy fix like this, it got spammed something cronic! So the search engines no longer place any weight on these. In fact, rumour has it that Bing actively uses it as a spammer signal. So don’t waste time adding a long list of terms to your page’s meta keyword tag. 2. 2.Keyword KeywordDensity DensityAnd AndStuffing Stuffing We’ve all read a page where every other word is obviously the keyword they’re trying to rank well for. Likewise at the bottom of the page you’ll find every variation of that keyword, just listed there like some boring shopping list. It’s something that did help about 10 years ago, but nowadays it’ll do more harm than good.
Activities That Should Be Left Out Of Your 2015 SEO Activity List 3. 3.Using UsingGoogle GoogleAdwords AdwordsWill WillHelp HelpBoost BoostYour YourSite’s Site’s Natural NaturalRankings Rankings We’ve heard many people assume that if you’re paying Google hundreds of thousands of pounds a month via their Google AdWord platform, that you’ll find your site naturally ranks higher. Well we’re afraid there’s no truth in this at all. We’ve heard it from the horses mouth directly. Just because you engage in Google AdWords, it does not mean they’ll give you a leg up and make your site rank better than it would normally. Sorry! 4. 4.You YouMust MustSubmit SubmitYour YourSite SiteTo ToThe TheSearch Search Engines Engines This is something that we see being offered a lot by cowboy SEO companies “We’ll submit your website to all the major search engines – for free!” or something along those lines. It’s absolutely rubbish. Google et al are smart enough to find your website without having some spammer tell them about it!
Activities That Should Be Left Out Of Your 2015 SEO Activity List 5. 5.Links LinksAre AreThe TheMost MostImportant ImportantThing Thing No. Content is the most important thing. Create great content and the links will naturally come. But without great content you won’t get great links. You could try buying links ,but that’ll just get you banned!
6. 6.Our OurGoal GoalShould ShouldBe BeTo ToRank RankAt AtNumber Number11 There is no such thing as ranking at number 1 in Google anymore. Much like submitting your site to the search engines, use this as an indication of a quality SEO company if you’re looking to outsource your SEO. If they say they can get you to number 1, run a mile!
Activities That Should Be Left Out Of Your 2015 SEO Activity List 7. 7.Keywords KeywordsMust MustBe BeExact ExactMatch Match We’ve heard people worrying about making sure they’re including their desired keywords in their content in an exact match format. But this doesn’t need to be the case. Google has a very high understanding of language and semantics, and understands how language relates. So don’t try and get your exact keyword into a page title if it doesn’t make sense. 8. 8.IIMust MustHave HaveAAKeyword KeywordRich RichH1 H1Tag TagOn OnEvery EveryPage Page Yes, the H1 tag is important, but again, it needs to look natural. If you have a page that doesn’t suit a huge big title, then don’t force it. The H1 tag is also something that people spammed to death, so Google doesn’t place quite so much weight on it as it used to. If the styling of your page suits an H2 or H3 tag at the beginning instead, then don’t fret about using this. As long as it’s clear immediately what your page is about, Google will understand this and evaluate it accordingly.
Activities That Should Be Left Out Of Your 2015 SEO Activity List 9. 9.Having HavingAASeparate SeparateSite SiteAnd AndLinking LinkingBack BackTo ToMy My Main MainSite SiteWill WillHelp Help No, this won’t help you much. Having a microsite which links back to your site multiple times still only really counts as one link. It’s the domain that counts – so 10 links from is just as valuable as 1 link from 10 links from 10 different sites is what you should be looking for.
10. 10.No NoOne OneWill WillFind FindOut OutIfIfThe TheLinks LinksI’ve I’veGot GotHave Have Been BeenPaid PaidFor For Yes they will! Google can spot a paid link a mile off. Can you pay to have a link listed on the BBC? No. Why not – because they’re a high quality website. Google can spot a website that’s accepting paid links a mile off – if they’ve got a large number of links pointing to a variety of unconnected websites, then that’s a big clue. If they have a higher than average link count, that’s a big clue.
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