Author Michaël Stas Promotor Prof. Dr. ir. Bruno De Meulder Co-promotor Yuri Gerrits Local Promotor Eliana Rosa De Queiroz Barbosa Readers Guido Geenen Christian Nolf
Urban design strategies of deviation. Towards a resilient Tietê valley, São Paulo Impluvium Michaël Stas
Eindwerk aangeboden tot het verkrijgen van het diploma Master in de Ingenieurswetenschappen: Architectuur Promotor Prof. Dr. ir. Bruno De Meulder Co-promotor Yuri Gerrits Local promotor Eliana Rosa De Queiroz Barbosa
Academiejaar 2013-2014 Master in de Ingenieurswetenschappen: Architectuur
© Permission for Use of Content:
The authors herewith permit it that the present dissertation be made available for consultation; parts of it may be copied, strictly for personal use. Every other use is subject to strict copyright reservations. Particular reference is made to the obligation of explicitly mentioning the source when quoting the present dissertation’s results. Leuven, 2014 All images presented in this booklet are, unless credits are given, made or drawn by the authors.
© Copyright KU Leuven Without written permission of the promotors and the authors it is forbidden to reproduce or adapt in any form or by any means any part of this publication. Requests for obtaining the right to reproduce or utilize parts of this publication should be addressed to dept. ASRO, Kasteelpark Arenberg 1/2431, B-3001 Heverlee, +32-16-321361 or via e-mail to secretariaat@asro.kuleuven.be. A written permission of the promotor is also required to use the methods, products, schematics and programs described in this work for industrial or commercial use, and for submitting this publication in scientific contests.
K.U. Leuven Faculteit Ingenieurswetenschappen
Master’s thesis file
Student: Michaël Stas
Title: Urban design strategies of deviation. Towards a resilient Tietê valley, São Paulo. - IMPLUVIUM
As a curious trace at the margins of the Tietê valley, the railroad has set the preconditions for the linearities in the landscape. It had an undeniable role in the rapid urbanization of São Paulo, which is still noticeable in the dense urban fabric and the railway’s adjacent industrial heritage. This thesis recognizes the railroad as an intriguing figure, a body and part of a multi-layered interweaving of flows. Its history of two independent railway companies was the cause of the existence of an infrastructural void in the dense tissue of this Metropolis. The linearity and position of the railway at the edge of the floodplain, crossing several watershed systems, grant this figure an interesting potential in the perspective of São Paulo’s water issues. By excavating the unused area between the railway tracks, it can detain and redistribute runoff water coming from higher urbanized areas, depending on the drainage capacities of the watersheds. The project aims to surpass its engineering logic as flood management infrastructure and create an armature, guiding urban hydraulics and acknowledging the need for valuable public spaces that (collect and) connect people. This interweaving of flows becomes a ribbon to which several programs can be attached, allowing it to be adapted according to the needs of its surroundings and safeguarding the necessary space for water and people. This strategy is further explored in some of the figures perpendicular to this interweaving of flows. New railway stations become the gates to this infrastructural water space and control its permeability by guiding urban hydraulics.
Thesis submitted to obtain the degree of Master in Engineering: Architecture.
Promotor: Prof. Dr. ir. Bruno de Meulder Co-promotor: Yuri Gerrits Local promotor: Eliana Rosa De Queiroz Barbosa
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my gratitude to the people who have made the outcome of this thesis possible, To Eliana Rosa De Queiroz Barbosa, for her help and friendship. And for showing us this fascinating city and sharing her knowledge of Brazilian and Paulista culture. To Bruno De Meulder, our promotor, and Yuri Gerrits, our copromotor, for their critical reflections, expertise and guidance during the whole process.
To all the people we met in São Paulo, especially to Jeroen Stevens, Jonas Knapen, Luis Guilherme Milioni, Odilon Queiroz and Anne Loeckx, for their contributions; curricular and extra curricular. To the colleagues of the first Studio São Paulo for sharing their gained insights of our site and this Metropolis. To the whole studio but in special to Coco Kneepkens for their inspiring analysis of the railroad area in São Paulo. To VLIR for the financial support that allowed us to travel to São Paulo. To my friends for their inspiration, encouragement and support. To my parents and family for the opportunities and support they gave me. And last but not least to my friends and colleagues of Studio São Paulo, for the fruitful collaboration, exchange of ideas and experiences and sharing memorable moments.
To Christian Nolf, and Guido Geenen, as our readers, and for their insights that contributed to our thesis.
Im·plu’vi·um; noun [ Latin, from impluere to rain into; prefix ‘im’- in + ‘pluere’ to rain.]; the sunken part in the middle of the atrium (the circulation space) in a Roman house., designed to store and carry away the rainwater coming from the roof.
Recognizing fluvial logics
Structuring parallels
Wet tracks
Operation of the redistributor
Projections of a water void
Origin of an infrastructural void
Railroad body parts
Traces of an industrial past
From os trilhos do café to suburban transport
Urban hydraulics
Programming the water void
Scaling down
Exploration of a hidden landscape
Local cluster of flows
Topographical manipulations
stages o flooding
Santa Marina Station
Prologue 13
e ogni ing fl ia ogi s
The collective research Urban design strategies of deviation. Towards a resilient Tietê valley, São Paulo acknowledges the valley’s fluvial logics that today are more complex than the river merely reclaiming its original territory. The strength and speed with which they appear are a consequence of storm water running down the hills due to the lack of permeable terrain in São Paulo’s urbanized territory. A set of proposed resilient design strategies explores the effect of water management interventions and topographical manipulations to guide the future transformation of this area and to assure the coexistence of water and people in this new ‘Riverplain’.
As an exception in São Paulo’s complex morphological landscape, the Tietê valley needs recognition for its intrinsic value. Today this rather peculiar territory finds itself in a momentum of change. Real estate developers are impatiently waiting at its boundaries to relentlessly conquer its land. In an attempt to tackle the unrestrained urban expansion of this Metropolis, the municipality turns its spotlights towards the Tietê valley as a major part of their new strategic urban expansion area. This area, however, repeatedly reminds the city of its true identity as a floodplain.
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The Tietê valley is defined by strong linear figures. These parallel infrastructures determine the flows and development in the valley. As pioneers in the landscape they have set the preconditions for the ‘otherness‘ of the Valley [1]. While demarcating its edges, they opposed the generic and ruling urban trends in São Paulo and allowed anomalies in scale and grain of the built mass, still recognizable in today’s tissue. [2]
Prologue This thesis further explores the potential of these structuring folds in the margins of the Tietê floodplain. The railway in particular is examined in more depth, chosen for its many interesting facets, like its important role in the history of São Paulo and its crucial part of the city’s public transport network.
Can these brutal structures be more than voids and scars in the urban fabric? Can they secure the valley as a heterogeneous and thick-layered landscape, accepting faults and other growth patterns? Can they mean more for ‘the Valley’ and this strategic area than its strong physical borders?
Acting as the last physical contour of the valley the railway is rather seen as an obstacle, a disturbing rupture in the urban tissue. Some tissues managed to cross into the valley, although often with a slight interruption. But others come to a dead end when they encounter the tracks.
Prologue 2
Plans existed [urban operation Lapa-Bras] to remove the railroad from the surface and put it underground as an integrated part of the subway network. This as well was influenced by the attempt of continuing to let the city’s tissue spread into the Tietê valley, depriving it of its unique character. Ruling generic urbanism trends will conquer the floodplain, ignoring its true otherness and identity. This thesis pleads for the conservation of the railroad, which is more than a thin line at the margins of the valley: it is a boundary with substance, a body worth exploring. [1]
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edesigning a a tation
Agua Branca station
Lapa 8 station
Lapa 7 station
Since the railway acts as a strong physical border, crossings become important. Bridges, pedestrian bridges, tunnels and stations determine the permeability of this border and access towards the valley. Crossing the railway often literally means crossing the last contour of the floodplain.
Luz station
Julio Prestes station
Barra Funda station
Prologue 0
[1] CPTM, “Dados Gerais: Relatório da Administração 2012 “
et a s
Although positioned on the outskirts of the floodplain, the railroad is not safeguarded from flooding. With an average of 850 000 commuters [1] passing along these tracks on a daily basis, the effects of interruptions due to disruptions to the rail network are experienced by the whole metropolis.
“Trens parados. A Linha 8-Diamante da Companhia Paulista de Trens Metropolitanos (CPTM) ficou parcialmente paralisada. Os trilhos entre a Barra Funda e a Lapa inundaram, impedindo a circulação de trens no trecho entre as 16h55 e as 17h20.”1 Trains stopped. Line 8-diamond Paulista Metropolitan Trains Company (CPTM) became partially paralyzed. The rails between Lapa and Barra Funda flooded, preventing the movement of trains on the stretch between 16h55 and 17h20.
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Prologue 31 flood in a a
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“Segundo a Companhia Paulista de Trens Metropolitanos (CPTM), a Linha 12-Safira (Brás - Calmon Viana) está completamente fechada desde as 16h45. O trecho registra vários pontos de alagamento. Na Linha 8-Diamante (Itapevi - Júlio Prestes), a circulação está interrompida entre as estações Lapa e Barra Funda.”2
According to the Paulista Metropolitan Train Company (CPTM), Line 12-Sapphire (Bras - Calmon Viana) is completely closed from the 16.45. The section records several points of flooding. On the Line 8-Diamond (Itapevi - Júlio Prestes), the circulation is interrupted between Lapa and Barra Funda station.
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34 nte
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“Chuva provoca alagamentos em SP e prejudica circulação de trens e ônibus Linha 9 da CPTM foi interrompida por causa de descarga elétrica às 16h. Subprefeitura de Campo Limpo chegou a entrar em estado de alerta.”3
“Chuva em SP causa alagamentos, granizo e interrupção de trens; falta de luz atinge bairro da Pompeia.”4 Rain in SP causes flooding, hail and interupted trains; A power breakdown strikes the Pompeia neighborhood.
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Rain causes flooding in SP and impairs the movement of trains and buses. Line 9 of CPTM was interupted because of an electrical disruption at 16h. The Campo Limpo subprefeitura anounced a state of emergency.
36 flood at g a
an a tation
Prologue 37 e eito a adino tation
Prologue 0
The railroad as an infrastructural void flirting with the valley’s last contour, positioned at the interplay between the hills of the city and the floodplain.
Prologue 0
The linearity and position of the railway, running parallel to the river and crossing several watershed systems, grant this figure an interesting potential in the perspective of São Paulo’s water issues and the railroad’s own water issues.
By excavating the hardly used area between the railway tracks, the railroad body becomes more than a fracture in the urban tissue, it creates a crack in the morphological landscape. The resulting trench can hold and redistribute runoff water coming from higher urbanized areas, depending on the drainage capacities of the watersheds and can play a major role in the larger system of water strategies proposed for the ‘Riverplain’ [1].
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A calculation of the water volumes, per watershed, that run down and hit the railroad is made for various situations of heavy rainfall [1]. A projection of the water volumes for a day of 100mm rainfall on the potential areas between the tracks clearly show a big difference in water pressure and capacity between the watershed systems and the railway area. The widest areas, Moinho and especially Santa Marina are ‘underused’ and so a shift of water volumes towards these zones can be of great significance for the lower lying land. an design st ategies o de iation ae o a o ate ss es
oiting de iations in t e a e o iet
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Prologue With an average depth of between 2,5 - 3 m, the water void in between the railway tracks can in itself detain up to 700 000 m3. Enough to store the rainwater on days of < 50mm / day, which is about more than half of the occurring days of heavy rain. [1] Since most railroad floods occur in days of around 50mm of rain and more, this water void will, apart from being an important system for the valley, also play a major role in safeguarding the railroad from flooding. 1 t dio o a o o a ds a esi ient iet e en 2 1 1 21
an design st ategies o de iation ae o a o ate ss es
By means of topographical manipulations the storm water is guided to the areas with the largest capacity. After the water level has passed 0,5 m above its lowest point, the largest part of the redistributor is connected. A system of communicating sluices that control the coming in and going out of the water and that divide the system into compartments, can redistribute the storm water volumes according to the capacities of lower water spaces.
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Prologue ossing t o g
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Framing the railway 51
Framing the railway This chapter is strongly connected with the ‘On Track‘ chapter from the collective research ‘Exploiting deviations in the valley of Tietê.‘ by Studio São Paulo I iand the further explorations by Coco Kneepkens in her work on redesigning Lapa station. It rephrases some elements to create a better understanding of the current conditions of the railway and its position in the a ge a e o o flo s in o a o
São Paulo’s fast urban expansion and industrialisation are strongly related to coffee. In the mid nineteenth century the profitability of this easy growing crop was discovered and it became the country’s main export product. However, its expansion was hampered by the slow and expensive ways of transporting the coffee from the fertile hinterland to the seaport of Santos. There was a need for more efficient and large-scale transportation than the traditional mules that were used in those days. The biggest challenge was crossing the Serra do Mar. Although ideas of railroad construction across this steep mountain range already existed in 1830, it was the British who in 1867 were the first to overcome this obstacle and to connect the coffee-growing plateau with the port. Coffee plantations proliferated in the hitherto unexploited hinterland of São Paulo. [1]
As a foreign- owned company the British São Paulo Railway (SPR) was controlling the transport of cargo, and later also passengers, as hundreds of thousands of immigrants came from Europe to work on the plantations. In protest against this monopoly other Brazilian railway companies emerged and new railway tracks were built. One prominent Brazilian railway company was the Estrada de Ferro Sorocabana, founded by coffee barons who wanted to connect their properties with the city of São Paulo. At first they constructed just one track, starting near the Luz station and running parallel to the tracks of SPR along the edge of the Tietê valley, as it was easier to built a railroad on this barely sloping land. These two railway lines next to each other created a broad margin with an ‘infrastructural’ void in between them. Increasing coffee production caused the EFS to eventually connect with several other cities. But due to the monopoly of SPR on the track to Santos, they never managed to construct their own connection with the port. [2] Acting as a catalyst, the railroad played an undeniable role in the urbanization of São Paulo. Settlements of immigrants, working in the factories connected by the rails, sprung up and gave rise to new neighbourhoods (bairros) along these tracks, running parallel to the edges of the floodplain. Due to its situation of often following the valleys of large rivers, the railway tracks already supported the dominant east- west direction of urban expansion. [1] COOPER, M, Brazilian railway culture, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, New Castle, 2011, pp. 3-4 [2] SOUKEF, A.J. et al., Sorocabana Railway,- uma saga ferroviaria, Dialeto, Latin American Documentary, São Paulo, 2001, pp. 29-33.
Framing the railway EFS
Railways of the state of São Paulo; Inital tracks of SPR and EFS highlighted in orange
British train in front of the Matarazzo complex
1887, Immigrants embark the train at the port in Santos, heading to São Paulo
Framing the railway 0
The railroad no longer serves as the clear boundary between natural and urban landscapes. The urbanization pressure and the rectification of the Tietê, led the city to cross the rails and expand into the floodplain, however with a different grain and pattern, organized by strong parallel figures and pioneer routes crossing the valley. The former parallel SPR and EFS railway tracks are still present in today’s dense urban tissue, leaving a clear trace and ‘infrastructural void in the margins of the Tietê Valley.
Framing the railway
Estação Ciência
Old curve where the cows entered the slaughterhouse;Tendal da Lapa
the refurbished Poupatempo da Lapa
The chimneys of Casa das Caldeiras, notable between a range of new tower complexes, remember the industrial importance of this area
Franscisco Matarazzo (IRFM) Industrial park, end 1920’s
Mercado da lapa as a popular market place in 1954.
Today the flourishing days of the trilhos do café are hardly remembered and many of the factories along its tracks are demolished and erased from memory. But still a few traces remain visible in the dense urban fabric and adjacent industrial heritage.
Mercado Municipal da Lapa
Framing the railway
This indoor market was inaugurated in 1954 at the occasion of the city’s 400th birthday. At the time of construction, the building’s structure was considered modern and innovative and was praised by engineers for its well-ventilated and (naturally lit) open design which allowed natural light in. Most of the initial traders and consumers were European immigrants who settled around the railroad in labourer houses connected to the nearby factories. The market is still a very popular place, not only for the locals but also for other Paulistas who do their grocery shopping in these 160 stalls, and it forms the heart of Lapa.
Estação Ciência
Tendal da Lapa
This cultural centre for performing arts uses the structure of a slaughterhouse positioned next to the railroad and along the now covered tributary Curtume. (‘leather’ in Portuguese). It used the railroad to efficiently bring in the cows from the hinterland and exploited the tributary for the large volumes of water used in the meat processing. Since 2007 it is a heritage listed building. The open structure has been simply but playfully turned into rehearsal spaces and places for dance and performance workshops. Due to its diversity in programs it is popular with youngsters.
Poupatempo da Lapa
This converted warehouse across Tendal da Lapa is home to one of São Paulo’s 32 local administrations, called Poupatempo’s. These centres aim to facilitate the access to information and provide services related to citizen administration and personal documents.
Casa das Caldeiras
Was part of the Franscisco Matarazzo (IRFM) Industrial park that was established in the early 20’s in the Agua Branca neighbourhood. It was the first industrial park in São Paulo that used vertical manufacturing. This building housed an electricity production unit, fuelled by coal. It was positioned along the railroad (with a former bridge crossing it) for the efficient supply of coals by rail. As it is the last remaining building of this industrial complex that produced soap, alcohol, oil, candles, mechanical tools, etc., it became the symbol of the great influence of the IRFM and was saved from demolition. In 1992 a restoration process was started and the building was converted into a venue for events, ranging from weddings to concerts. drawing of Mercado da Lapa and Estação Ciência are reused from KNEEPKENS, Coco, Exploiting deviations in the Valley of Tietê, São Paulo- Redesigning Lapa station Leuven, 2013, pp. 61
This former textile factory now houses the ‘Science Station’ after a long period of decay. The local community stimulated the conservation and reuse of these industrial sheds, willing to preserve part of its historical value in the area as so much had already been demolished. In 1986 its reconversion into a interactive Science centre was undertaken. The centre aims to increase the popularity of science and education with the youth.
Today the former Ford Factory serves as a warehouse
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60 view on Luz station and its large roofspan constructed by the English engineers
Inner courtyard of the culture and arts centre ‘Pinacoteca São Paulo’
Bird view on the prestigious Júlio Prestes station. You can se Luz station in the background
Until the mid 19th century Brazil imported its cars from Europe. But due to the first World War in Europe the import was interrupted. The only cars at that moment arriving in Brazil were coming from a branch of the Ford company in Argentina. Growing demands for the Ford T-model made the company decide to establish a production line in São Paulo in 1919 and later to build a big factory complex on Rua Solon in Bom Retiro in 1921. The presence of this factory resulted in a clear predominance of Ford cars and trucks in Brazil in the 1920’s. From 1953 on the Bom Retiro plant witnessed a gradual reduction in production activities due to the opening of a larger Ford site in Vila Prudente, until it closed down. The complex in Vila Prudente was demolished for the construction of a shopping centre in 2001, whereas the plant in Bom Retiro still remains present in the body of the railroad, being used as a warehouse that benefits from the large elevators that were once used to move the cars to the different floor levels.
Framing the railway
Ford Factory Moinho
Originally this was just a small station on the SPR line from Jundiaì to the port in Santos. But due to the flourishing and fast growing coffee business the station was soon unable to meet the demands and in 1901 a new Luz station was inaugurated. This impressive neoclassical building became the headquarters of the British SPR, illustrating their wealth and influence in the city. The station was the main gateway to the city of São Paulo for many immigrants that started their new lives here and still today is one of the most important stations, with a flow of around 146 000 commuters passing through here every day. This high turnover is also due to the fact that Luz station is one of the transport hubs where the trains of CPTM connect with the subway network. Part of the original station now also houses the Museum of the Portuguese Language.
Estação Júlio Prestes [EFS]
After 12 years of construction the EFS inaugurated Júlio Prestes station in 1938, to become their reflection of the power of coffee, as a contract to (opposing the) nearby Luz station. Built with imported marble and granite in the French style, this station was the departure point of the Sorocabana Railway. In an attempt to revitalize the neighbourhood in decay, the São Paulo state organized the reconversion of the Grand hall into the city concert hall ‘Sala São Paulo’, which is home to the State Symphony Orchestra. Despite the effort the area around the station is still in a dilapidated state.¬
Pinacoteca São Paulo
This former administration building of the Soracabana railroad now houses a cultural institution for art exhibitions, managed by the Secretary of Culture of the State of São Paulo. It is located near the city centre and the imposing Luz and Júlio Prestes stations. During the military dictatorship it housed the Department of Political and Social Order. Today it is a pleasant and popular place.
Estação da Luz [SPR]
1930 e st ind st ia de e o new railraods.
ents on ent ated a o nd t e
1950 Increasing mobility ‘on tires‘ initiated industrial expansion occuring along the major roads 62
1970 The industrial tissue around the railraod consolidated
2000 Major industrial sites shifted from the railroad to concentrate around main acces roads leading towards the city graphs redrawn from Studio São Paulo 1 and based on: MEYER, R.M.P, GROSTEIN, M.D. and BIDERMAN C., São Paulo Metrópole, Editora da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2004, 166.
In 1946, the British SPR was nationalized and its name was changed, after increasing criticism and the ending of the foreign concession, into Estrada de Ferro Santos à Jundiaí (EFS-J). But its nickname ‘Inglesa’ remained. By the 1950’s, the increasing car dominance and growth of the Brazilian road network, together with a neglect and mismanagement of the nationalized railroads, led to a shift in the transportation of cargo from ‘on tracks’ to ‘by road’. [1]
Framing the railway
From ‘Os trilhos do café‘ to suburban transport
From the 1980’s onwards, in an attempt to improve their status, parts of the SPR and EFS tracks were integrated in a larger Metropolitan rail-network managed by the Companhia de Trens Metropolitanos (CPTM).
Urban Hydraulics
Mobility in this Metropolis is associated with congested roads and long travel times. São Paulo’s Integrated Plan for Urban Transport [PITU 2025] tries to face these challenges. Within these plans expansion and improvement of the interconnections between railway stations and other means of public transport are a necessary tool for the development of the Valley and São Paulo as a whole. New transport hubs between future subway lines and the former SPR and EFS stations ¬¬will play an important role in achieving these goals. [2] [1] THE ECONOMIST, “Brazil’s railways- Trucks to trains, (www. economist.com/node/252111), [last consulted 06-08-2014] [2] GOVERNO DO ESTADO SÃO PAULO, Plano Integrado de Transportes Urbanos, PITU 2025, São Paulo, 2013.
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et o ines in t e a a
nda station
The railroad cannot be studied alone, its true importance on the suburban scale of São Paulo is as an integrated part of a bigger public transport system. Embedded in an interweaving of ‘urban hydraulics’, multimodal transport hubs become important.
URBAN HYDRAULICS RAILWAY network Railway lines with the existing (black cross) and planned stations (grey cross)
METRO network Existing metro lines (full line) and newly planned metro lines and extentions of existing ones (dotted line)
64 BUS lines Existing (full line) and newly planned bus routes (dotted line). Imortant routes are the one on Av. Franscisco Matarazzo and Av. Marquez. Both running parallel to the railroad.
Framing the railway
WATERWAYS A complex network of rivers and tributaries. Mainly hidden from the eye under a layer of asphalt.
ROAD network The primary and secondary roads. Few strong north- south axes cross the railroad an Tietê river. Compared with the network of waterways one can clearly see that many large roads where constructed on top of these side rivers. 66 HIGH VOLTAGE lines Distribution network of electrical energy. Some cross the valley and stop around the railroad. From here the voltage is lowered and power is transfered on a smaller scale to its users.
Framing the railway
Framing the railway
Strategy 71
PROGRAMMING THE WATER VOID As a part of a multi-layered interweaving of flows, the railroad plays a crucial role in the infinite variety of pathways, created every day by millions of Paulistas. Explored as a redistributor of urban storm water, the railroad adds another flow to this bundle parallel and perpendicular to its tracks. This fold in the urban landscape is integrated into the depth of the railroad’s body. As it is the longest linear figure in the so called ‘expanded city centre’, this water void becomes an extra interesting figure in a city in need of valuable public spaces. To exploit this potential a continuous path for pedestrians and cyclist is introduced from Lapa to Luz, connecting the neighbourhoods and their ‘traces of an industrial past’ along these tracks. To control these new hydraulics of water and people, a system of sluices and stations is added. Positioned at the joining of tributaries or routes intersecting the railroad, they regulate the flow of water and people in and out of the park.
To study the value of this Water void as a public space of its own kind and the way its controlling and added elements interact with its rhythms. Two sites are particularly interesting. The areas near Santa Marina and Moinho are the largest in size and in this way also posses the largest potential to hold storm water and house public programs on an urban scale. Storm water is led from both sides towards these areas. In addition to this there is the demand for new railway and metro stations at the junction of the railroads and pioneer routes that were the first to cross the valley and who’s significance is still notable today.
Santa Marina
- planned extension of the exiting train station to connect the former SPR and EFS tracks - metro station that has to be integrated within/ into the new train station, planned for 2020. - crossing between the tracks and the influential Avenida Santa Marina - clear body with an asymmetric front and backside. - large entity of the Santa Marina factory. - topographically, literally on the edge of the floodplain.
Strategy 77
- further away from the edge of the floodplain (ref previous map) it has to deal less with flood problems and receives smaller volumes of water and people passing through. - New metro and train, planned for 2025. - less clear difference between both sides of the railroad as the tissue crosses the railway tracks and has grown into valley.
The Santa Marina area was chosen as the site for a design intervention that explores in more depth the operation and experience of the ‘Impluvium‘.
Situated in the depth of the railroad body, the ‘Impluvium’ is mostly hidden (for) from the eye. This boundary between the park and the outside world varies strongly in width. Sometimes only a fence separates the tracks from its surroundings, while at other places hundreds of meters of built mass and walls conceal this landscape. A series of sections from Lapa to Barra Funda (the path from where the runoff water is guided towards the Santa Marina compartment, which has the greatest capacity along this line) shows this depth and the variety of this water void’s own width and surroundings, in its topography as well as in its built form. Placed in between the Valley and the city, this excavated landscape introduces a new entity inside the margins of the Tietê floodplain. An introvert world, only accessible for men by the main railway stations and sometimes also from the sluices that manage the flow of water crossing the railroad.
The volumes highlighted in orange are elements of the ‘Impluvium‘ that will be explained more clearly in the continuing of in this book.
Glimpses of an infrastructural landscape.
Walls and fences regulate the visibility of the railroad, sometimes brutal, on other moments more gentle. Due to their height, often only glimpses of passing trains can be seen.
Crossing the railroad by foot.
When overpassing the railroad and its physical borders, the landscape reveals itself.
Strategy 85
Near Lapa two small tunnels pass underneath the railway. (often s e ted to flooding e i e osed and e a ed idges as the redistributor excavates the ground between the tracks
Exploring ‘on track‘
This collection of views out of a train along the former SPR - and one along EFS tracks show the vacuum of unused land in between the tracks. They also dipect the assymetric situation of the railroad body at the fold between identities. Linha 7: looking towards South
Luz Linha 8: looking towards North
Julio Prestes Linha 7: looking towards South
86 Barra Funda Linha 8: looking towards North
Linha 7: looking towards South
Agua Branca Linha 8: looking towards North
Agua Branca
Strategy 87 Barra Funda
Borders of site map
Exploring the site 89
Exploring the site
Exploring the site The still small Santa Marina factory found its place in the valley at the crossing of the similar named pioneer route that finds its way through the floodplain. In the upper left corner one sees a water reservoir that by a system of canals served the glass factory.
Exploring the site As the rectification of the Tietê is reaching its completion, the occupation of the floodplain accelerated, but large parts still remained vacant, since they were still regularly flooding. More industries settled along the Santa Marina axis. Penetrating into the valley
São Paul
Av. M ar
de Sã
o Vic
Sa Av. rina
94 Tendal da Lapa Poupatempo da Lapa
lo Football Club
Exploring the site Palmeiras Football Club
nal A.C.
The industries along the railroad consolidated into a thick border, a body with an assymetric frontand backside, often concealing the influential tracks in its depth. The largest plot in the valley was still empty when this aerial image was made, but in the beginning of 2013 the construction of a generic tower complex started. Oversized road infrastructures have divided the valley into fragments
Av . Po
mp éia
The Santa Marina factory is surrounded by a large wall, forming an enormous block in the valley. On can only pass it in the north.
Casa das Caldeiras
96 Figure - Ground and topography: depicting the difference in tissue and topography between the Valley in the north and the denser city in the south
Exploring the site
A colored aerial image of the Santa Marina Glass factory in 1940. In the distance clear remnants of the floodplain can still be noticed since the canalization of the Tietê river wasn’t completed yet. On the right the Avenida Santa Marina finds its way through the floodplain to later on cross the river and create the connection with the village Santa Frequesia do Ó.
Santa Marina is an active axis wihin the valley that contains many old buildings revealing traces of its past, and lunch places across the enourmous walled factory that acts as a block in the tissue, where people have to walk around.
Exploring the site 99
Today the factory’s chimneys still mark its presence against the background of a verticalized city.
a view on the Avenida Santa Marina towards the south with the city’s towers in the back and the long white wall circumfering the factory ont the right.
Agua Branca station was one of the earliest railway stations, inaugurated in 1867 at the joining of the railroad and the Santa Marina axis, almost immediately after the completion of the construction of a connection between Jundiaí and the port of Santos. This station was rebuilt in 1976 but because there was no overall management of the former SPR and EFS railroads, they weren’t combined into one station.
Exploring the site
Trains, pedestrians and cars cross at the same level. This is still possible because of CPTM employees guarding the safety of people crossing and the few vehicles that cross since the Avenida doesn’t cross the EFS tracks to connect with the city in the south and is only used to reach the few occupied warehouses between the tracks. A small pedestrian bridge allows pedestrians to enter or leave the valley and use the Agua Branca station to reach their work or home.
The station that already nears the need for extension will be far to small when the valleys density will increase as result of the implementation of the Arco Tietê plans and the newly planned metro line passing underneath the Santa Marina axis.
View from the pedestrian bridge crossing the southern tracks of Linha 8. One clearly sees the verticalizing city on the left in contrast with the still active Santa Marina factory (now as a part of the French Saint Gobain glass producer).
These sheds and warehouses that still express the area’s industrial character are worht to be maintained and interesting to house culture and sports programs withing the larger strategy for the railroad.
Exploring the site Aerial image of the Agua Branca area with the Santa Marina factory and the similar named pioneer route that here still crosses the SPR and EFS tracks. The Warehouses in between the tracks remained until today and are now used by the military police to store seized goods.
View over the fields of the Palmeiras and Sao Paulo footbal club. And closer to the railroad Nacional A.C., which is the former Sao Paulo railway Athletic Clup (SPRAC), founded in 1903 as football and sportsclub the employees of this British company.
104 e o igina flood sit ation e da e t e o e e ent t ese a ts flood e i age ea de i ts t at a t o g t e ai oad is ositioned at t e edge o t e a e it an a so s e o floods e flood oints nea t e iad to o eia a se t e ost inte tions in t e ontino es flo o t ains a ong t ese t a s
Exploring the site
Design intervention 107
Design intervention
Existing situation
Depicted in orange are the flows of pedestrians coming together at the junction of the Santa Marina axis and the railroad. In the north they cross at the same level as the trains. In the south literally overpassing the last contour of the floodplain. The land in between the tracks contains few old and newer industrial warehouses and sheds.
Design intervention 109
Projection of the water void
Projecting the water void on the existing situation at Santa Marina it becomes clear than some of the sheds have to be demolished to assure enough space and capacity for the storm water. The most interesting an historically valuable once are preserved and could house culture and sports programs, as part of a backbone of cultural institutions along the railway. They as well get extra meaning as they will be situated right next to the new station that is planned to be completed by the year 2020. This new railway station will also provide a new of crossing this manipulated area and will play an important role the new cluster of flows.
o a
ste o flo s
The railroad and redistributor do not only act on the large scale, but ‘scaling down’ they also interact with local clusters of flows.
FLOW OF CARS e i ting t e ie a in a t a one sees t at t e an on cross the railroad in this area by the bridge on Avenida Pompeia.
EXISTING AND PLANNED BUS LINES AND STOPS There is a bus stop close to both pedestrian bridges, one at rua Curtume in the east and another central in this site at the Santa Marina axis.
Design intervention EXISTING SYSTEM OF CROSSING TRIBUTARIES ain on ea ed nde neat t e s a e a net o o t i ta ies flo s unnoticed towards the Tietê river. Only marking their presence in days of heavy rainfall when their dimensions proof to be to small for today’s drainage volumes.
PEDESTRIAN FLOWS Pedestrians cross the rails at the pedestrian bridges that cross this border. The a gest flo osses t e ai oad at t e e tension o t e anta a ina
Introducing new continuities.
New continuities in the hydraulics of water and people will be added to this interweaving of flows.
CONTINOUES WATER FLOW ne ate flo a a e to t e t a s and e endi a to t e arriving tributaries, will insure the functioning or the redistributor.
CONTINOUES PATHS A bundle of paths criss-crossing the water traces, allow people to move throughout this linear landscape.
Design intervention an 113
PERPENDICULAR AND PARALLEL FLOWS toget e t ese o a flo s o a ste o a a e s and e endi a flo s inte se ting one anot e is nd e o hydraulics and the permeability towards the ‘Impluvium’ is regulated by a superimposed system of sluices and stations.
114 TOPOGRAPHICAL MANIPULATIONS Topographical manipulations excavate a linear trace between the railway tracks too obtain the necessary capacity and ontin o s flo o ate a ong its engt s a ea in t e ands a e t is t en o e ts t e sto ate coming from the higher urbanized area in the south. [White, 745m above sea level - Black, 718 m above sea level]
100m 115
Design intervention
116 A variety of activities, resting places, water spaces, … braces itself in between the interwoven bundle of paths and water continuities.
100m 117
Design intervention
Changing landscape.
Determined by the rhythm of floods, the perceptopn of the ‘park‘ and its adjacent structures changes
118 1
flood at s t at oo to float in t e ate sti ead to a ds t e s o t e ds
Design intervention 119 a i a flood
e a
ea ed its
a i
a a it
CONTROLLERS Sluices A system of intercommunicating sluices, positioned at the crossing of the original tributaries with the redistributor, regulate the in- and outlet of storm water into this linear water void. Perpendicular to its internal flows, these sluices divide the redistributor into compartments, allowing parts to flood while others remain empty. This function is also a safety measure that gives people more time to evacuate the Water void and move themselves to higher and safer areas. The sluices also contain emergency staircases for when events, like large concerts or skate competitions are organized and can in this way also serve as controlled entrances if necessary. Their position perpendicular to the railroad and parallel with the crossing tributaries cause them to serve as crossings to enter or leave the ‘Riverplain’. Some of these crossings where already existing, since the tributaries were the last traces through the railroad’s body to be covered by built mass. 120
Design intervention 121 A normal waterlevel of 0,5 m allows the sluices to communicate and redistribute the storm water from curtume untill the tributary of Anhanguera. [ref water system- prologue]
122 Open sluice, allowing the water to shift between both compartments.
Design intervention 123 A closed sluice, dividing the redistributor in compartments.
i ato Closely related to the sluices, these structures perpendicular to the redistributor and parallel to a tributary or artery [ref ‘Riverplain’] purify the water using natural vegetation inside a collection of stepped basins. Built volumes are constructed in between these stepped levels, following the same logics. Hereby this structure becomes more than just another water space in the system, but it organizes the coexistence of water and housing. Both can benefit from one another. The purifying system is better looked at and maintained. While the inhabitants its building blocks and those of its surroundings can play in the purified water in the end. The sluices regulate the water coming into the purificator or let it just pass this natural filtering system. In a few cases they can also pump up water and use the building facades as vertical purificators fully integrating them in a whole system. In the most extreme situations of flooding these structures are used as detention reservoirs, helping to safeguard the lower land. 124
Design intervention
126 e a se its osition at t e a ea o t e oot a a oot a e d is e t in et een t e ste ed asins o t e i ato e i age de i ts t e sit ation o a 1 flood inside t e i at o
Design intervention 127 e a i a a a it o t e i ato is ea ed e ossings t e oot a become clear objects in a scenic landscape in between the existing tissue.
e d and t e
it o
Design intervention
tages o flooding
Design intervention
Design intervention
Design intervention
Design intervention
Design intervention
Design intervention
Design intervention
Design intervention
Design intervention
Design intervention
Design intervention
Design intervention
Design intervention
Changing landscape.
156 1
a i a flood 157
Design intervention
Design intervention
Design intervention
at e o flo s 163
at e o flo s
e edist i to s a e as a sto
anage ent s ste
a ong ot e detention ese oi s
[ Capacity m3]
[ 300 000 m3]
[ 310 000 m3]
[ 304 000 m3]
Aricanduva II
[ 150 000 m3]
[ 1 500 000 m3]
a a
a ia a
i a ssa a
de ai o
g as s aiadas
at e o flo s
at io
at io
o t e a i tino [ 700 000 m3] Curtume - Agua BrancaAgua Preta - Sumaré dos antos a ae Anhanguera - da Luz
[based on PREFEITURA DE SÃO PAULO, 2014 and Google Maps ]
at e o flo s
at e o flo s
The intervention positions itself in between two identities, the valley as a heterogeneous territory and the verticalizing dense urban fabric of the city of São Paulo. As a fold, hidden in the margin of the Tietê valley, it strengthens its boundary condition, not only by being a fracture in the urban tissue and build form, but also in its topographical morphology. On the other hand the intervention introduces a new continuity in the hydraulics of water and people, with a strong relation to public transport. It is this interweaving of flows that should be embraced and exploited. The linear void becomes part of an armature of flows, collecting as well as connecting water systems, people and programs. It forms a ribbon through the metropolitan landscape, to which several activities, programs and institutions can be attached, whether public or private. This collection of perpendicular figures starting from this cluster of flows around the railroad, gives direction to the development in its surroundings that can either expand from it, or be in opposition to it. Concealed in the depth of the railroad body, the Impluvium is a profound secret waiting to be discovered.
The previous chapters explored the potential of the infrastructural void within the body of the railroad. As a pars pro toto, the design interventions at the site of Santa Marina investigated the rhythms and flows in and around this water void and aimed at surpassing its engineering logic as a water management system in order to create a valuable, though (possibly) rough in appearance, public space for the valley and the whole of São Paulo.
1 8
at e o flo s
at e o flo s
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