M i c h a e l Tr a v i s - Yo u r Wa t e r f r o n t A g e n t
7 5 J o e D e l D r i v e i n E a s t Wa k e f i e l d
Presented by Michael Travis l REALTOR ® 4 Stevens Avenue, PO Box 84, Meredith, NH 03253
Office: 800.450.7784
( My real office can usually be found anywhere in the state where I am traveling in my car. ) Web:
www.BuySellHomesNH.com • www.WaterfrontAgent.com
Direct: 603.303.2599
Imagine building your brand new dream waterfront home on Balch Lake with all the hard stuff complete that are almost impossible on a small lot to get approved including a setting only a few feet from the waters edge, a foundation and state approved 3 bedroom septic, lot across the street with an oversized barn/garage. How is this possible. Well it is because the original home burned to the ground leaving a walk out foundation with garage platform in place, pipes from the well and to the septic seemingly untouched and big open views. Imagine an arts and craft lake home with metal roof and interesting architectural details and stone foundation, perhaps an natural wood adirondack home with trees as decking posts and decks or modern bungalow with a combination of board and baton combined with cedar shakes and walls of windows. Maybe a LEEDS certified energy efficient home with geo thermal heating. You will only be limited by the imagination of your architect or builder. The possibilities are endless really. The beauty and family memories will be endless as well. Come enjoy the best lake home you can make for yourself and your friends and family to enjoy for generations.
Balch Lake as it is commonly called is a 704 acresof interconnecting lakes in both Maine and New Hampshire including what was known as Stump Pond and Balch Pond. There are boat launches and a marina on the lake with many coves and inlets for excellent fishing, swimming and boating opportunities. Located in Wakefield homeowners benefits from one of the lowest tax rates in the state yet centrally located between the mountains and seacoast.