Museum Mabel Wilson
Core Studio II - Spring 2008 Critic: Mabel Wilson
Program: The Museum of Delineation
The program for this studio was to design a new museum for The Drawing Center in New York City. A series of material studies informed strategies for the site and program. I proposed a museum which would be open twenty-four hours a day, and by being a semi-public space, encourage contribution from new talent. The wedge, working in two, three, and four dimensions drives my formal and programmatic strategy for the new Drawing Center. At the intersection of Chinatown, SoHo and Little Italy,
the arrival of new populations and uses to the neighborhood, including the proposed museum, can be described in terms of wedging operations—the friction, both abstract and literal, between these disparate programs and forms keep them together, situated at a seam between urban conditions. The new museum is an extension of this logic, where programmatic wedges slide past each other, highlighting tensions between programs and volumes within the building. The act of viewing of art or the city is based in perspective—a wedge of perception— and this museum exploits opportunities of that condition.
Material-Techtonic Study Drawings Studies of Friction-Jointed Wood Shims
24-Hour Program Diagrams. L: Given, R: Proposed
Section Showing Galleries, Theater, Slide Library
Exterior View of Theater Floor Plans