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Dance Talk III
Dance Talk III
Moving their bodies Creevagh & Karum free as Birds and Butterflies in the Burren and Öland In rhythmic human movement Powerful impulse & skilfully choreographed Hip hop to non-western Folk to tribal dance rituals .
Viennese waltz & Tango Samba mambo quick step Salsa flamenco polka East coast swing To country western dances . Whether your low to the ground Or kicking high Wearing shoes for dancing or barefoot . Belly dance to modern art dance Of natural body movement Somatic training head down to the toes Bringing authentic movement into performance . In genre where giant steps are taken Shining light on performance dance by Joan Davis, Ella Clarke, Janet Adler Isadora Duncan Maria Kerin & Mary Nunan Lester Horton, Rachel Sweeney Emile Jaque & Catherine Dunham . Where you can Bojangles Using your whole boogie body Standin sittin knitten Jookin lockin poppin Elbow knee anatomy of ankle Eyebrow nose head To human origins Of electric impulse movement .
Whether your low to the ground Or kicking high Wearing shoes for dancing or barefoot . Forget dance light on the toes Or on the ball of the foot Elbows close to sides Forearms bent upwards Lady’s hands crossed at the wrists Palms down heels together . Instead explore everyday movement Dance as vehicle of expressing the soul Like steps taken by Pina Bausch Anna Teresa de Keersmacker Trisha Brown & Robert Morris Lucinda Childs & Yvonne Rainer To move & to be moved in time in space Whether floor is flags stone or polished marble or dusty bare earth . Where you can Bojangles Using your whole boogie body Standin sittin knitten Jookin lockin poppin Elbow knee anatomy of ankle Eyebrow nose head To human origins Of electric impulse movement . Or pioneering contemporary dance in Ireland Sweden & US With Creevagh & Karum Moving their modern dance bodies free as Birds & Butterflies in Burren and Öland Enabling the body to act think speak as it wants Freedom like oxygen for the soul with the heart chakra open . With body no longer imprisoned or enslaved in dance routines But free mind free body now in Öland In grip hold sway energy power room space not dance hall