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Our Sacred Burren is a Botanist & Ornithologist Paradise I

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Starburst Quartz

Starburst Quartz

There is a Mosaic of Magic disappearing lakes in the Sacred Heart of The Burren Where the water sculpts and enters the rock shapes Of fossils, runnel, pavement & erratic’s Revealing Carron turlough in winter Like a fully-fledged lake Inviting fishermen & Whopper swans Only to vanish in Summer Leaving a lush meadow to pasture for pregnant Belties .

Our Sacred Burren is a Botanist & Ornithologist Paradise I


(For Mary Johnston)

Our Sacred Burren is a Botanist & Ornithologist Paradise Whether your Bird watchin’ or Flower watchin’ or gauking . Archaic fairy foxglove erinus alpinus Or alpine blossom Reminiscent of Bishop Purple hue On walks near Fanore Red valerian centranthus ruber Colour that would stop you in your tracks gauking . Burren is a Botanist & Ornithologist Paradise Whether your Bird watchin’ or Flower watchin’ or gauking . Following on hue wise On the south slope of Cappanwalla Where petrifying springs emerge Offering perfect habitat for Large flowered Butterwort or pinguicula grandiflora A haze of Purple hue ignites And where carcases of flies lay hewn Trapped by plants sticky leaves . Peering out of wet soil in Burren marches & turloughs Yellow Iris or iris pseudacorus

Shine out loud like Sun Near Kilmacduagh & Lough Bunny Almost Buttercup like in hue & structure . Staying with the verse same shades Birds-foot Trefoil or your Latin name lotus corniculatus Commonly known as Cuckoo flower As flower appears same time as Cuckoo’s Call Peer up through grassland & heath Near valley of Clab with iris on hue A maximum Indian Yellow Royal gold, Cadmium divine Yellow shine through . Where birds perch on boulders & feast on bouquets . Not forgetting the marsh Dandelion Or Taraxacum Paulustre on Turlough Mór Like Daisy chain for the jewellery Brightening a Van Gogh Sunflower Yellow in hue only Or shrubby Cinquefoil or Potentilla Fruticosa Can be found on Mullach Mór Europe Asia & North America Similar to a Buttercup shining Urbano Sunny . Our Sacred Burren is a Botanist & Ornithologist Paradise Whether your Bird watchin’ or Flower watchin’ or gauking . Finishing with Scarlett Elf-Cup sarcoscyhpa austriaca Fairy like with a bold salmon Orange Vulvu shape Protruding from dead hazel branches Causing a visual sensuous delight for passers by Even by a simple fungus sumptuous Looking like a strong talisman for deceased hazel That could not be walked by . Where birds perch on boulders & feast on bouquets . Old Heads of Carline thistle or Calina vulgaris Wither a splendid Mauve & Cream With igniting specks of Yellow Ochre Just 20 cm high with 5 perfect round flower heads Like a bountiful Sacred Burren bouquet bunch posy Still-Life For Miss Havisham, Emily Dickinson & Biddy Early Seen on the old road out of Poulawack .

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