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Snow is unusual in the Burren with Crystals Peering out through Grykes
Grykes & limestone pavement create abundant niches With different microclimates Whether you walk Cappanawalla the former site of Oughtmama or Glen of Clab Pine forest Or the Green road to Fahee North & Ballyvaughan Valley In particular the coastal zone from Black head to Poulsallagh . Snow is unusual in the Burren with Crystals Peering out through Grykes . Pyramidal Bugle Ajuga Pyramidalis peer up at Poulsallagh A striking Purple hue hairy with erect sculpted petals Curious bedfellows living close to each other Spring Gentian Gentiana Verna an Alpine specious growing beside Dense-flowered Orchid Neotinea Maculata from the Mediterranean Growing south of Fanore a fleeting snowflake crystal in Gryke . Snow is unusual in the Burren with Crystals Peering out through Grykes . With Maidenhair Fern Adiantum Capillus-Veneris leaves pale Green fan shaped Or Heart’s Tongue fern Phyllitis with the unfurling felt Scolopen Drium frond Resembling the tongue of a heart or Deer Bursting out of a sheltered habitat of a Gryke near Blackhead . Snow is unusual in the Burren with Gems Peering out through Grykes . So, ferns & flowers growing in Grykes to the peculiar Cries of Sea Birds Kestrel, Puffin, Seagulls, Guillemots & Razorbills, Black Ravens with their loud Croaking Call Offers musical Sound-Scape sonying off Karst limestone Meandering din & pitch in & around Clints & Grykes . With our rare Irish Sun glistening like a fleeting Snowflake crystal in Gryke . Soothing & lapping a song encouraging beautiful flower or fern to appear Out of their limestone chamber or grave of Clints & Grykes Unfurling flower & fern reaching up back & out towards Our rare Irish Sun glistening like a fleeting Snowflake crystal in Gryke .