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The Burren Is A Massive Silvery Grey Burial Site Tomb With Splash of Gentian Blue in Adoration

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Starburst Quartz

The Burren Is A Massive Silvery Grey Burial Site Tomb With Splash of Gentian Blue in Adoration

(For Maura Eibhlín & Hugh Carr)


The Burren Is A Massive Silvery Grey Burial Site Tomb With Splash of Gentian Blue in adoration Archeology ethnology anthroplogy excavation prehistory ancient human material scientific study of ancient immediate ancestors past . Receiving the dead bones & breath at burial Cairn or Tomb, Catacomb, Ossuary At Roughan Hill, Kilshanny & Caher Comann, Turlough Hill & Sliabh Carron And the 5,000-year-old Cist Cairn at Poulawack Where sixteen people rest in peace in ten separate catacombs now . Receiving the dead, a hole dug in our beautiful earth Whether in a burial chamber or sacred blessed piece of ground A Tomb, Sepulchre, Mausoleum, Vault, Crypt, Tumulus, Pyramid, Shrine, Ossuary, Reliquary, Grave, Barrow, Burial Mound, Sarcophagus, Dolmen, Monument, Memorial, Cenotaph, Marker, Mastaba, Feretory, Cemetery, Churchyard, Graveyard . Giving off sedate serious severe sober sheen Solemn staid uncomic unsmiling weighty Regretful downcast miserable despairing mourning Glum doleful dismal Blue melancholy lamenting Low spirited mournful woeful woebegone Forlorn crestfallen heartbroken inconsolable grief-stricken Out of sorts, down in the mouth, bowed down, sad, sombre . The Burren Is A Massive Silvery Grey Burial Site Tomb With Splash of Gentian Blue in adoration Usually shining ashen leaden drab dull dusky Greyish dark Aged gloomy dreary clouded occasionally neutral Sombre pearly dusty silvered overcast stone Sporadically seasonally with a splash of Gentian Blue . In Winter the Burren Is A Massive Silvery Grey Burial Site Tomb With Splash of Gentian Blue in Spring Giving of shades of Grey, Charcoal, Iron, Gun Metal,

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