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Burren You’re Like a Definition of Silver

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Burren You’re Like a Definition of Silver

Definition of silver Atomic number of 47 Of appearance shinny Greyish White metal You have the highest thermal & electric conductivity of a substance Used for making mirrors, coins & ornaments Silver hair of our wise elders, silver of Burren smooth accent gentle Clare clear & melodious . Burren You’re like a definition of silver Shinny & metallic colour Grey Meaning like industrial sleek Hi-tech modern & glistening . As well as your floral display’s Of yarrow, cowslip, honey suckle & ladies bedstraw Punctuating the bare limestone karst with niches of optimism Of ornate glamourous, graceful, sophisticated elegant Burren flowers . Burren it’s like you were born with a heart silver spoon in your mouth Or displaying precious metals such as Gold & Silver When the sun shines on the Burren glistening symbolising riches & wealth Gold With feminine energy of full moon yin reflected in Lough Bunny Or Traucht Beech harmonising ebb & flow of tides hue of Silver . Burren you’re not the hue of Gunmetal Moonless night Smoke, ash speckled Black, coal or cement Nor the common conations of Grey dreary Pessimism depression boredom neutrality Neither dim nor dark nor slate .


Tumbled merlin or lithium wheel Gravel steel or lead Nor Grey of aluminium Nickel, Black ice nor Blue Nile . Burren you shine a moon hue A pale tone of Spanish Grey of contentment & elegance Light medium warm Grey Marengo Rose Quartz, Taupe, Grey Green, tinfoil shining Silver .

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