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The Sacred Sheela-Na-Gigs of Saint Inghean Bhaoith

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The Sacred Sheela-Na-Gigs of Saint Inghean Bhaoith

To please from Latin placer, give pleasure be approved or sensual enjoyment People visit in throngs still in veneration of Saint Inghean Bhaoith For a happy feeling to delight have joy rapture glee Gratification fulfilment contentment thrill buzz Relish velvet zest solace relish honour Felicity rapture ease delight afterglow . The vulva & labia majora & labia minora forms the entrance & the cervix of the uterus protrudes into the vagina The elastic muscular canal with soft flexible lining Then oozes with lubrication & sensation The figure known as Saint Inghean Bhaoith or Innan Biudhe or Saint Buidhe Or Sheela-Na-Gig is displayed above the entrance door of Killinaboy church Near Corofin depicted like the great feminine idol adored for her fertile vulva . The Sacred Sheela-Na-Gigs In Irish Sile Na gCioch, Sheela or Sile meaning feminine Hag, spirit, spiritual woman or fairy Sídhe The word Gig is gioch or giob meaning breasts or buttocks Or could be related to the word Guí to pray or even dance the jig The sculptures were often known by saints’ names or the hag or Cailleach Meaning both old woman & Nun or Idol . Sheela-Na-Gigs are symbolic sculptures carved primitively In a very simple form of head torso arms & legs Filling the frame with the vulva mainly In a Celtic goddess genital organ style like a magician Unlike the usual fertility or mother goddess Where breasts & belly are carved explicitly Now a microscope view of the sacred Vulva is full on display . To please from Latin placer, give pleasure be approved or sensual enjoyment People visit in throngs still in veneration of Saint Inghean Bhaoith For a happy feeling to delight have joy rapture glee Gratification fulfilment contentment thrill buzz Relish velvet zest solace relish honour Felicity rapture ease delight afterglow .


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