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Reminding us of Famous Icon of Madonna & Child

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Starburst Quartz

Starburst Quartz

Reminding us of Famous Icon of Madonna & Child

(For Catherine Corless & For all the Sacred Tuam Mothers and Babies)


Madonna meaning my lady in Italian with Christ Child Making symbolic reference to Duccio Di Buoninsegna painting Where Mary majestically holds the child Jesus on her lap & Pablo Picasso’s mother and child painting . Madonnia of il Duomo, or the Sistine Madonna “The Virgin & Child” Also “Madonna of Bruges” or Raphael’s Madonna Or Michelangelo Buonarroti’s “Madonna & Child” & Leonardo Da Vinci’s shining in White marble a glorious splendour The beauty & fragility of the supreme mother Tenderly nursing her infant child or adult son in “The Pieta” . Just like Sheela-Na-Gig over Killinaboy door as motif Motif which adorns makes patterns figures shapes For ornamental & decorative purposes . Beautiful primitive stone carvings of females in fertile landscape Rough & simple natural & raw wild & free Not crude rude savage or fierce . Springs to mind Gauguin’s Tahitian motifs Also, Henry Rousseau who ushered in a new way of looking With his magic eye flourishing primitive forms of expressions In simplicity & a gesture carved out in ivory & stone Just like our Sheela-Na-Gig over Killinaboy church With its elegant curvaceous fertile vulva As emblem for everyone who enters to see . Madonna meaning my lady in Italian with Christ Child Making symbolic reference to Duccio Di Buoninsegha painting Where Mary majestically holds the child Jesus on her lap & Pablo Picasso’s mother and child painting .

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