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Maestro of Crystal Miroslav Havel

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Starburst Quartz

Starburst Quartz

Maestro of Crystal Miroslav Havel

(For All the Sacred People of the Holocaust)


It would take a native of Prague which is the home of crystal To bring & share his expertise crafts to Ireland In finding Waterford Crystal & so honouring Saint Declan & Saint Odhran That still shines a Chandelier light sparkling glowing Like Kennedy Chandelier ordered by Onassis Made of 4,000 pieces of crystal for the white house Lighted with 116 bulbs in beautiful candle shapes . I also love his abstract of “Virgin Mary” Carved from a single Waterford Crystal Block With inlay intricate diamonds sparkling in a reverie He also fashioned a Crystal replica of “Statue of Liberty” Among unusual objects he made a “Crystal Cinderella Slipper” & “A Healing Waterford Crystal Bed” . An “Indian Snake Charmer” that glistens An Armadillo as magic gift to offer Many Crystal trophies & cups like Cheltenham Triumph Hurdle Miroslav Havel was such a romantic Making mainly celebration objects for special occasions In wide horizontal cut vases to receive 12 Red roses used in all kind’s adoration Or fluted oval diamond on the stem to receive Louis Roederer crystal champagne . Goblets Vases Bowls with mysterious Sea Horse Emblem That is only revealed when held up to the light how amazing When crystal is cut ground & polished to sparkle Crystals have been used in healing since dawn of time With clear quartz crystal as the master healer bringing shining light to mankind Opening windows in a six-sided prism of pure light & energy to our souls Like frozen water that never thawed pure ice crystal divine jewel like . With beautiful names like “Colleen Suite Ornate” or “Sheila Suite Plain”, “Curraghmore & Hibernia Suite”, “Maeve & Adare Suite”, “Lismore Suite” with decanter & three glasses & a jug of speckled coloured glass Like Cathedrals Chartres, Sagrada Família or Duomo and Santiago de Compstela stained glass windows shining their light pouring it out until flashing & igniting all our inward light

with help of “Mary Queen of Peace, Our Lady of Chartres, Notre-Dame de Chartres Mary Magdalene & Madonnina” . Among other unusual objects you made Bing Crosby Golf Trophy A sacred paper weight for Pope John Paul II Sacred Documents To keep them from taking flight like Angels or Birds & Sacred Crystals used by healers to heal on Sacred Waterford Crystal Beds Also, Shelbourne Hotel Chandelier shining light in Saint Laurence O’Toole & Saint Kevin’s of Glendalough city & Westminster Chandeliers in honour of 900 anniversary of cathedral . Mentioning just a few Crystals with beautiful names as White Coral which was skeleton of a Sea Creature Lemon Chrysoprase a candle colour for solar plexus Alabaster or Tangerine Quartz Spessartine Garnet for sacral chakra & White Celestite for brow & crown Twin Gemini quartz to conceive twins With Isis Quartz to aid conception . Grounding Quartz, Rhodizite to help with fear Crystal Wands & Key Quartz Crystal Joy bringer Picasso Jasper & healing Crystal Angels Tibetan Turquoise & Angelite for throat Blue Fluorite for communication & Healers Gold Amazonite for healed breasts Rose Quartz to call a lover to you . Maestro of Crystal Miroslav Havel It would take a native of Prague which is the home of crystal To bring & share his expertise crafts to Ireland In finding Waterford Crystal & so honouring Saint Declan & Saint Odhran That still shines a Chandelier enlightened light sparkling & glowing .

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