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Rose Window Verse

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Rose Window Verse

Rose Window as sunlight seen through the seven rays of the sun In Heavenly illumination of we have seen visions . Light is a visible spectrum seen by the eye with its rods & cones Is responsible for the sense of sight according to Galileo & has wavelengths ranging from 400 – 700 nanometres With infrared longer wavelengths & invisible Ultra Violet shorter WL Absorbed by cornea these WL have a frequency range of 430 -750 terahertz . With the main light source on earth being the sun stars fire & lightening in storms . Sunlight provides energy in photosynthesis Green plants use to create sugars Fire is another source of light . With electric lighting effectively replacing firelight now Fireflies use light to locate mates Whereas Vampire Squid Jellyfish & Mushrooms use it to hide from prey . Gamma ray’s microwaves & radio waves are also light Optics in physics Strady’s light of rainbows & Aurora Borealis Using lenses microscopes & telescopes The Indian Buddhists the Dignaga & Dharmakirti Viewed reality as flashes of light or energy Rene Descartes & Stephen Hawkins with there refraction theory & Newton with his reflection of light theory . Other mechanisms can produce light Bioluminescence, Cherenkov, Radiation, Electroluminescence, Scintillation, Sonoluminescence, Triboluminescence Or illumination intended for human use In radiant intensity spectral radiance directional reflectance Transmittance of colour through Rose Stained Glass Windows In spiritual luminance emittance exposure reflection of The Vishnu Purana Sunlight as seen through the seven rays of the Sun . Miracules Heavenly ethereal beauty & sheets of glass blown & cast In illumination of Rose Window at our Lady of Chartres and Madonnia of il Duomo shedding light Animated by changing light of the morn noon eve in sunrise & sunset Where their patterns & images reflected wander across the flag-floor


Inviting your thoughts to travel in soaring limestone & giant trunk Up & up where light play’s dances & casts Multicoloured stains to illuminate Buttresses & Saints .

Glass itself is one of the fruits of the art of fire Used in drinking vessels & windows & enables scientists to see distant stars Filling Chartres in walls of light of Lapis Lazuli & Turquoise With changing daylight streaming through glass shifting tone colours & light In a Harry Clarke, Sarah Purser, Veronica Whall, Evie Hone, Mary Lowndes Faith & form window so as to light up in the choir our Lady of Chartres & Divine Child Of the beautiful window bathed in White light & doves renewed Peace . 5 concentric circles which all contain 12 small windows The centre has 12 small circles where 12 windows radiate out from that There are 12 diamond shapes 12 quatrefoil & finally 12 half lunettes . The number 12 is important in Rose Windows Man has four limbs life cycles & seasons Jesus cross had four arms . Colour was also significant Where Cathedral of Chartres boasts three Rose Windows Plus 200 other Stained-Glass Windows Below the Rose Window are 5 large lancet windows Showing kings Melchizedek, King David, Saint Anne & Virgin Mary King Solomon & Aaron, King Saul, Jeoboam praying to golden idols of calves . Rose Window as sunlight seen through the seven rays of the sun plus 4 Gospels In Heavenly illumination of we have seen visions .

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