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Michael Weiner
I was born to an unwed mother Jo Anne Hargens in Philadelphia, PA 3/15/55, so yeah I'm a bastard. My biological father was killed in a fatal alcohol related automobile accident, I do no know when. That's the extent of what I know about him. I do have his death certificate in a box in the attic, but thus far have lacked any desire to research further. I was not certain as to the truth of his status until my mother passed away and I found the documentation in the box of her possessions I received from the family she last lived with before her passing. My mother married a Jewish man, Gus Weiner when I was between 5 and 7. Too far back for me to recall with anymore accuracy. Lately, I have had the desire to write to the commonwealth of PA to get a copy of my original birth certificate, the copy I have is dated 1962 when my father legally adopted me and gave me his name. Mom used to tell me I was of Scandanavian decent when she was serious, a Heinz 57 when she was not. I will add to or remove from thi