Michael Zhou Portfolio 2019-2021

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PORTFOLIO Xiaoqian Zhou

XIAOQIAN ZHOU 周 小 千 Email: 18302147832@163.com Telephone: +86 15001812237 Date of birth: 2000/04/09

Nationality: Chinese Language: Chinese / English Gender: Male

Wechat: Mihael_Z QQ: 2575874159 Instagram: mzx_q / a_mzx_z

EDUCATION 教 育 经 历 MAY 2015 - SEP 2016 SEP 2017 - JUN 2018 SEP 2018 - JUN 2021

Dimensions International College (O-Level)


INTO Newcastle University (Architecture Foundation)

INTO 纽卡斯尔预科

Newcastle University (RIBA PART1 Architecture Design) 纽卡斯尔大学 本科 Degree: Second Class ( Division 1 ) 二等一学位


“Less create design"

2021 FINALIST (Group work) Re-nature Rome ( 2 Drawings competition )

2021 重塑自然罗马竞赛

2020 FINALIST (Group work)



Lagos City of water Architecture competition

2020 拉各斯水上建筑竞赛

2020 EDITOR’S CHOICE (Group work)


Sculpting activators of Urban Space Architecture competition

2020 城市空间雕塑设计竞赛

2019 SECOND PRICE (Group work) West End Women and Girls Centre: Wowen’s Library

二等奖 2019 妇女女童图书馆竞赛

2019 THIRD PRICE (Group work) 48 Hours Competition Organised by RIBA, NAS ARCHITETCURE

三等奖 48 小时建筑竞赛 NAS 主办


China Haisum Engineering Co.Ltd.


Archiectural Intern No.3 Design and Engineering Dept.


SKILLS 技 能 3D 2D

Rhino Revit AutoCAD Photoshop Indesign

Render Vray Other

Lumion Enscape Hand Sketch Model Making Oil painting

RE-NATURE ROME Competition Work Garden Imagination

FINALIST 2021 Re-nature rome

International Archiectural Competition / NonArchitecture Team: Ching Yee Jane Li (Jane) / Xiaoqian Zhou (Michael) While Ancient Rome was a wild place with rich biodiversity, the historical structures now stand bald and bare under the changes throughout the years. Situated next to the Colosseum, the Eternal Garden aims to resemble the landscape to bring back both the cultural and biodiversity loss under anthropogenic decimation. It acts as a new local hotspot that fosters ecotourism and efficiently promotes biodiversity and habitat preservation in its spaces.

The structure can be seen as a continuous process of reversing the actions of urbanisation, where living components will continue to sprawl in the surrounding of the site. This provides secure migration corridors and aid species move across changing maps. Ecology is a long term evolution, and the Eternal Garden strives to flourish and bring wildlife back to Rome once again. The garden looks into the relationship between natural and artificial, as well as between human and broader living

forms. It rethinks the definition of beauty in the Eternal City, through the inclusion of nonhuman beings in the experience, and a range of scales and biophysical environments are created for the components to accommodate all users. Besides, research spaces and viewing points are also included for tourists and locals. It provides educational values for visitors while connecting them with the surrounding heritage site.

SCULPTING Competition Work Scuplting urban space

FINALIST 2021 Sculpting activators of

Urban Space / UNI Team: Guoyi Huang (Robin) / Dongpei Yue (Derek) / Xiaoqian Zhou (Michael)

In a number of major cities across the world, public squares, parks, and plazas have been important urban vehicles in defining their morphology and even their culture, while at the same time being reflective of them. The challenge is to design an Architectural Sculpture with an intention to enliven a public square in the city of Paris(site detailed further). The intent of the intervention wouldbe to combine the functional qualities of architecture with the artful qualities of a sculpture. The final outcome is to be a built form that can act as an activator of the identified urban square in Paris: the Place de la Concorde.

Water is one of the most common substances on earth, an important resource for the survival of all life, including human beings, as well as the most important component of living organisms. Water plays an important role in the evolution of life. The fountains near the south of the Seine represent the ocean, and the patterns on them represent the Atlantic and Mediterranean, including coral, fish and shellfish. In form, the appearance and form of intervention are the extension of the fountain elements on

site, which also responds to the theme of Concorde Plaza. The waves are the main element, resulting in irregular curved surfaces. We then added “coral”, randomly opening holes of different sizes on the surface to create a variety of light changes, and at the same time, the transparent space was created, with a certain echo to the outside. The overall use of wood structure, internal and external with algae/rattan plants, in environmental protection at the same time also increase the connection between human and nature.

LAGOS CITY OF WATER Competition Work The Floating Community

FINALIST 2021 Lagos: City of Water

Architecture Competition / Eddy Eguavoen Foundation Team: Muhammad Shujaat Afzal (Tony) / Dongpei Yue (Derek) / Xiaoqian Zhou (Michael) This project is located at the edge of Makoko, a neighbourhood located across the third mainland bridge, on the coast of Lagos’ mainland. The aim of the project is to provide sustainable housing for low income communities and simultaneously address three key issues of Makoko rising water levels, lack of green spaces and lack of pedestrian friendly circulation spaces.

The design consists of a series of communities placed together in a modular method forming a grid like structure, providing the communities to have a view of each other. Each community consists of four blocks joined together by an organic shaped bridge serving as a connection element but also as an outdoor public space. Each

block is designed to accommodate an average of 6 families on the first and the second floor, hence each community having the capacity to house up to 24 families which roughly adds up to 350 people. The ground floor is left as a public space for local shops and supermarkets along with internal circulation for boats.

The issue of the emerging rise of water levels is addressed through the integration of floating technology which has the ability to withstand extreme weather conditions. These conditions destroy hundreds of households in Makoko every year because of its local construction method using delicate stilt structure. We provided a more complete ecological living system in each unit, like people could grow their own food (fruits, vegetables and herbs) on their balconies and outdoor

public spaces, and be self sufficient, at the same time, the ground floor providing a place for people to sell their food in the supermarket and simultaneously work there. In terms of the material and construction of building, we used local materials such as timber and recycled corrugated metal sheet to make whole unit or community more sustainable and recycled. The timber columns/posts provide structural support and simultaneously act as the facade of the ground floor.

The corrugated metal sheet on the other hand, is used as a cladding material on the first and the second floor providing weather protection and also differentiating the public from the private. For decades, the residents of Makoko have been deprived of basic needs and an environmental friendly community to live in. Through our design we aim to fulfil their pre-existing desires to make them emotionally richer and healthier.

HERITAGE Personal work Textile Research Lab

YEAR3 PROJECT Studio: Curating the city / Xiaoqian Zhou (Michael)

"Heritage" as a property which represents the highest value for the human and environment, it is not a doubt that "Heritage" is a significant component in any country or culture. Additionally, at the same time, the debate about how to protect heritage is always existing. Our studio starts from the premise of 'Curating' as a method to critically engage a World Heritage Site (Saltaire in West Yorkshire). Moreover, develop a way of curating the site by contributing a design intervention with creative ideas and perceptive studies and a specific theorized agenda.

Saltaire is a Victorian model village in Shipley, part of the City of Bradford Metropolitan District, in West Yorkshire, England. At the beginning of the industrial revolution, the textile industry has been the pillar industry of the Uk, and West Yorkshire is not any exception. In the 19th century, due to the mechanisation of the textile industry led to a massive leap in productivity, Britain's economy has soared. Textiles have become a significant industry in West Yorkshire for over 300 years. Saltaire was built in 1851 by Sir Titus Salt, a leading industrialist in the Yorkshire woollen industry. Salt moved

his business (five separate mills) from Bradford to this site near Shipley to arrange his workers and site his large textile mill by the Leeds and Liverpool Canal and the railway. In order to provide better working and living conditions for the workers, a big industrial, residential town - "Saltaire" had been built. However, the historical memory and culture of the textile industry were lost in the process of urban development... Attitudes to the textile industry in the Saltaire grew cold, and few people spoke of the memory of the textile.

In this design, I strengthened the sense of use and memory of each part of the space. Most of the space is interwoven through overhead areas and ramps. People are "lost" in this space, and the boundary between space and space is blurred. In order to make the small space inside look more open and transparent, the interior of the building is rarely separated by walls. Most of the space is open and free.

Other works: Sketches & Oil painting & Digitial drawing

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