Michal Solár Portfolio /EN

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PORTFOLIO Michal Solรกr

CONTENTS: Personal information Projects Viewing tower on Barbořina Archmedium Students to the city! Demarcation Revitalization of the bus station Cultural hall for Znojmo Budoir Bibliothéque Integration Fragmentation In an apartment in a small city (bachelor´s thesis) Design of chair Design of the Pattern "grandfather"

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24. 05. 1995 Urbárska ulica 362/8, Gbeľany, 01302 msolar2405@gmail.com xasolar@stud.fa.vutbr.cz +421 903 712 980

EDUCATION: 2004 - 2014 2010 - 2014 2014 - now

Primary art school Gaštanová 8327/56A Secondary technical school of civil engineering Žilina Faculty of Architecture, BUT


AutoCAD Sketchup + v-ray Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Adobe In Design ArchiCAD 3DSmax Revit

advanced advanced advanced intermediate basics intermediate basics basics


hiking, mountaineering swimming skiing joging dancing art works photography travelling

WORKING EXPERIENCES: 2011 - now 2017

practice work for engineering group SOLAR-INTEGRA s.r.o. practice work for engineering group HADRON s.r.o.


2017 2017 2015 2018 2017 2017 2017 2016 2014 2013

- 1-st PLACE at competition Concrete and Architecture2017 - 1-st PLACE at public voting for the best CULTURAL HALL ZNOJMO - 3-rd PLACE at competition Grillpoint Líšeň - AWARDED PROJEKT of competition Bohuslav Fuchs XIV - AWARDED PROJEKT of competition Bohuslav Fuchs XIII - AWARDED PROJEKT of competition Bohuslav Fuchs XII - AWARDED PROJEKT of competition Jiřího Mahena - participation in the competition ARCHMEDIUM Berlin university residences - participation in the competition house VELUX 2014 - participation in the competition house VELUX 2013


Viewing tower on Barbořine AT1 Kroměříž Supervisor: doc. ing. arch. Josef Hrabec, CSc.

ARCHMEDIUM Berlin university residences Competition project Berlin Co-workers: Blanka Štuříková, Martin Pagáč, Michaela Domiňáková

Students to the city! AT2 Novobranská, Brno Supervisors: prof. ing. arch. Petr Pelčák, ing. arch. Bohumila Hybská

Demarcation AWARDED PROJECT of competition B. Fuchs XII AT3 Hranice na Moravě Supervisors: ing. arch. Jan Foretník, Ph.D., ing. arch. Barbora Ponešová, Ph.D. Co-workers: Hodek Pavel, Menšík David, Žvak Ondřej

Revitalization of the bus station Komposition of Urbanism Žilina Supervisor: doc. ing. arch. Maxmilián Wittmann, Ph.D.

Cultural hall for Znojmo AWARDED PROJECT of competition B. Fuchs XIII and 1-st PRICE of Concrete and architecture 2017 AT4 Znojmo Supervisor: ing. arch. Jan Hora

Reconversion of the high school to flathouse Private investor Kysucké Nové Mesto Co-worker: Blanka Štuříková

House on slope terrain

Private investor Žilina Co-worker: Blanka Štuříková

Budoir Bibliothéque AWARDED PROJECT of competition JIŘÍ MAHEN LIBRARY Design Manuál I Brno Supervisor: ing. arch. Nicol Galeová Co-workers: Blanka Štuřiková, Alena nekolná, Hana Valičková

Proposal of compact house Private investor Žilina Co-worker: Blanka Štuříková

Reconstruction of charity house

sect of st. Vincent de Paul Banská Bystrica

Integracion Fragmentation AWARDED PROJECT of competition B. Fuchs XIV AT5 Seefeld-Kadolz, Austria Supervisors: ing. arch. Jan Foretník, Ph.D., ing. arch. Barbora Ponešová, Ph.D. Co-worker: Blanka Štuříková

In an apartment in a small city Bachelor´s thesis Mikulov Supervisor: ing. arch. Jan Hora

Rozhledna na Barbořine AT1 Kroměříž Vedúci ateliéru: doc. ing. arch. Josef Hrabec, CSc.

Draft concept The top of Barbořina is situated on the northwest side of Kroměříž. The peak is currently used by the water company. There is also a transmitter in the waterworks area. The main idea of the proposal was to make available public space, which is used by public community for recreation, nature and sport.

Viewing tower concept The viewing tower was originally created as a place where people enjoy the view of the surrounding countryside. The object is oriented on specific viewing points. The main idea of proposal was incorporation of the object into the landscape with the least possible interference with nature. The observation tower is located in a part of the forest, where is sutuated less density of planting woods, so it is possible to assemble the object without surrounding trees. The tower will be prefabricated and transported by helicopter. The parts are then assembled in place into one block.

ARCHMEDIUM Berlin university residences participation in the competition Berlin Co-workers: Blanka Štuříková, Martin Pagáč, Michaela Domiňáková

Draft concept Conceptual and urban design uses a river to create a bay with the possibility of boat mooring for students. The barrier between the busy street and the inner space creates a U-shaped object to minimize noise from the city to the courtyard. The café in the form of a dyke bridge deliberately divides the public and semi-public space to capture the incoming people, while allowing the view of the river as a resident of the complex as well as of the café visitors. The private space is made up of green roofs on and between the objects situated closer to the river.

Students to the city! AT2 Novobranská, Brno Supervisors: prof. ing. arch. Petr Pelčák, ing. arch. Bohumila Hybská

Draft concept: The object is designed in a gap site on Novobranská street in close proximity to 3 buildings. The main idea of the proposal was to fill the vacant space in the middle of the city center of Brno as best and most readily as possible, incorporating the existing historical part of the city wall. The wall is the dominant feature of the whole building, so it is rewritten on the façade over the glazed part of the parterre. Last but not least, the wall of the cafeteria is added. The mass of the object is so placed between the existing building and respects it with a straight edge. Sensitive interconnection of two different objects on the sides is a window raster that respects the tectonics of the historic building as well as the new form of the shopping center E-passage shopping area. The dark street is further enhanced by a light-gray facade and fixed window panels made of patterned, olive-yellow glazing. To prevent the upper floor from compromising the composition of the building, it is conceived and constrained by glazed surfaces, illuminating communication and social areas.

Parterre segmentation: The ground floor is divided into a two-storey and one-storey part to adapt the surrounding buildings. The café space is situated in a two-storey gallery space, where the entrance to the residential part is located in one-storey parter. It is emphasized with a slightly embedded rizalit for the clearest indication of the main entrance. There are also rentable spaces and bicycle storage for students.

Demarcation AWARDED PROJECT of competition B. Fuchs XII AT3 Hranice na Moravě Supervisors: ing. arch. Jan Foretník, Ph.D., ing. arch. Barbora Ponešová, Ph.D. Co-workers: Hodek Pavel, Menšík David, Žvak Onřej Understanding the problem differently than in material form was essential for us. Time is like an important player as an investor or an architect. We began to play with the idea of a timetable, which would be to revive the center and improve the communication of the core of the city with the surrounding area, thus gaining in quality with an effort to understand the timeliness of these steps. We did not want these interventions to be in the spirit of functionalist ideas that may have caused part of the problem. Our goal was to build on a large scale the historical character, fill and complete a well-started work. Therefore, it can not be said that the plan is meant as a precise directive leading to a certain goal, but rather an expanded territorial plan offering references leading to a positive conclusion. Some of the interventions are left to investors who will have to follow certain principles, others belong to a city that can edit public spaces so investors have a reason to invest in the locality. It is clear that such a plan requires exploring not only urban, but also social, architectural and landscaping. All these aspects failed to be covered within a given timeframe, but based on the references, it was possible to compile this output, which at least outlines the possible form of such a strategy.

Flathouse complex Motošín

City gate Motošín

Revitalisation of the bus station Komposition of urbanism Žilina Supervisor: doc. ing. arch. Maxmiliån Wittmann, Ph.D.

Draft concept: The design principle is based on the overall spatial structure of the whole area as a block building. The main aspect of the cultivation of public areas is the fact that a continuous flow of people flowed through the area without stopping. The environment is not at present attractive and the spaces are mostly adapted to automobile transport. The suggestion of the proposal is to make the waiting for the people more comfortable so that they are not deprived of the existing services that are in the vicinity, to conclude the city's unplanned blocks and thus to create new possibilities of parking of services and housing, as there is an increasing number of suburbanization in Žilina.

Městský sál pro Znojmo 1-st PLACE at competition Concrete and Architecture 2017 1-st PLACE at public voting for the best CULTURAL HALL ZNOJMO AWARDED PROJECT of competition B. Fuchs XIII AT4 Znojmo Supervisor: ing. arch. Jan Hora

KONCEPT Znojmo is an important historical city on the border between South Moravia and Austria. Its significance is enhanced by the preserved medieval center, which closes the original walls. The main urban aspect that contributed to the importance of the region was undoubtedly the church. With its wealth, it helped to maintain and develop the city. Znojmo thus gained an identity whose inseparable part is the Znojmo monasteries. Monasteries, built mainly in the Middle Ages, devoted themselves to various activities, but the most important was the cultivation of grapevine. Wine culture is still characteristic symbol of the city and it delivers the character of the area. The main idea was to create a cultural center in a clear connection to the historical core, which is based on the context of the monastic archetype. The goal was to create spaces based on the early-medieval structure of the monasteries and the motive of the vault. The generosity of the building is completed by the storming of the monastery so-called "tomb garden", which connects two halls through the atrium. The object does not have a clear public space in front of the building. By connecting through the passage, the city connects with the public representation spaces inside the courtyard.

Budoir Bibliothéque AWARDED PROJECT of competition Jiří Mahen library Design Manuál I Brno Supervisor: ing. arch. Nicol Galeová Co-workers: Blanka Štuříková, Alena Nekolná, Hana Valičková

Concept: The story of the library begins with the departure of the old lady - the inhabitants of the original flat. The library was created in its premises. The old lady is the embodiment of wisdom in man, the book is wisdom in the subject. At the same time, we introduce the wise lady as an image of elegance and timeless identity. This is based on the whole concept of rebuilding and designing the interior of a future multifunctional library.

Due to the amount of creative activities organized by the library for a wide range of publications, the shelf space can also be used on spreadsheets that can create up to 15 workplaces at tables - art workshops. Similarly, students from adjacent faculties for joint work on projects could also benefit. The library can rent their space and earn some profit too.

After removing the shelves, a spacious room with a capacity of 45 sitting listeners is created, a projection screen and a projector are attached to the ceiling, the library can work as a cinema, a lecture room or a children's playroom. Good acoustic of space are provided by textile coverings, which aesthetically complement the space and bring a sense of coziness.

The public space is divided into two sections - a part of the library, consisting of mobile shelves with a capacity of over 8000 books and resting places in the overhanging windows, and part of the relaxation zone in the spirit of a wise lady's flat. There is also a kitchen behind the sliding door, a playful modular sofa, a rug with sliding modules, a chalkboard on the doors of a children's toy storage box and a work desk with computers and a space for their own notebooks.

Construction work consists in raising the elegance of the arches and inscribing the motive of the arc to the facade, thus opening the library to the surrounding environment and inviting citizens to visit. The opening and cleaning of the interior space allows for the variable use of space not only for the library, but also for other events and activities in connection with the nearby Faculty of Architecture and the Faculty of Education. Of course there is a wc for the disabled and the staff.

A major problem of library space is the untapped potential, the site is strategic, but closeness to the library's street is not beneficial. The interior space is inappropriately built up by shelves, and a considerable part of the area occupies the unused bookstore in the future, unavailable to readers. The base of librarians is totally inappropriate, broken down by unnecessary partitions and doors. The vaults are a beautiful element in the simple but unfortunately in the interior their elegance is not supported in any way.

The story of the library begins with the departure of the old lady - the inhabitants of the original flat in which the library was created. The old lady is the embodiment of wisdom in man, the book is wisdom in the subject. At the same time, we introduce the wise lady as an image of timeless identity. This is based on the whole concept of rebuilding and the design of a new multifunctional library.

Integration Fragmentation AWARDED PROJECT of competition B. Fuchs XIV AT5 Seefeld-Kadolz, Austria Psychologist and psychotherapist: PhDr. Roman Hytych, Ph.D. Supervisor: ing. arch. Jan Foretník, Ph.D., ing. arch. Barbora Ponešová, Ph.D. Spoluautor: Blanka Štuříková

CONCEPT: The ability to preserve inner integrity, regardless of the situations in which we find ourselves, is crucial to the quality of life of the individual and to the preservation of mental health. The conscious, mindful experience of the physical presence is the only real reality and the basic instinct of every living creature, but a safe life without a struggle for survival has taken it to us. In the belief of excesses of perceptions, thoughts and responsibilities we cease to perceive our own breath, we practically do not live. We are paralyzed, confused in our own thoughts, out of reality. The way to rediscover the ability to live is to return to perception now and here. The idea of a labyrinth as a tool of a psychotherapist to create a self-development path tailored to a particular individual. Issue a challenge through the way. Partial restriction of senses changes perceptions. Scenographic and physical transformations of space. Relativity of perception: Negative experience as a necessity for the perception of positive experience. Present without ideas = integrity. Using Labyrinth for Self-Developmental and Medical Purposes in History: An example of ancient Greece is Tholos in Epidaurus: in the healing complex of Asklepius, probably functioned as the ending phase of the treatment. The goal of staying in a dark labyrinth under construction in a society of sacred snakes-for being exposed to fear and danger-was to find oneself.

Pillow hall PILÍŘOVÁ SÍŇ



Corridor CHODBA Labyrinth LABYRINT

TECHNICKÉ ZÁZEMÍ Technology space

KOMUNIKAČNÍ OKRUH Communication circle

Underground complex NOVOSTAVBA KOMPLEXU

NAVRHOVANÝ Psychotherapist andSTAV doctor Maintenance and staff

In an apartment in a small city Bachelor´s thesis Mikulov Supervisor: ing. arch. Jan Hora

URBANISM CONCEPT: The Mikulov is South Moravian town in the Břeclav region, which has around 7400 inhabitans. Town is located in the protected landscape area Palava and is important historical center not only for landscape Palava but also of whole South Moravian region. Is close to Czech-Austrian border with connection to the main route from the direction Brno - Vienna. Becouse of the unique location and wealthy history, Mikulov is well-known tourist destination. This fact brings the problem of suburbanization and increasing gentrification. Historic center is depopulating and mixed function of living space and commercial parterre inside of medieval structure is replaced by rental apartments and hotels. The town is now losing the identity made by it´s original ihabitans. The best solution of urbanizm is recovering original function which can solve current problems of the Mikulov.

DRAFT CONCEPT: The concept is based on the historical development of the plot and the city as well. Historicly the location was defined without strict regulations. Becouse of that is Mikulov full of moments which are not just of aestetic or spiritual characters but also functional substances. The moment of surprise enriches the interior of the yard as well as the whole town. On the first view, such unpleasant spaces have a certain quality, produced by play of light or the overall substance of the space.

CONCEPT OF LAYERING: The distinguished feature of historic homes in the Mikulov center is the scheme where the main representative building follows the street in cleanliness purity. Respects the environment and communicates with them. As diferent part of world is the rear part of the house where the whole mass grows and is premixed into the organically designed structure of the servis objects. Gradually passing through the rear of the service part we reach the garden or the space connected with the neighboring yard. This scheme helps to create the comunity of people sharing their privacy. But whole scheme can work only with pernament help of service entrance which is clearly transcribed into a parterre and influencing it´s structure. The principe of layering has writed into the mass of the object and has been divided into individual parts of different qualities and privacy.

Segmentation of building

Flat no.6 3-bed flat 117,32 m2 Flat no.4 2-bed flat 89,10 m2

Flat no.3 2-bed flat 96,62 m2

Flat no.5 2-bed flat 88,63 m2 Commercial spaces Cafe, multi-functional space 122,16 m2

Flat no. 2 1-bed flat 51,65 m2 Connection space Flat no.1 2-bed flat 69,60 m2

Design manual for flat no.4 Bachelor´s thesis 2-beds flat


DRAFT CONCEPT: The flat is set for young family with 1 or 2 kids which likes living inside of historic city centre but also prefers living at house. The interior dominates the axis of the connecting terrace with the living space and consequently the whole space optically enlarges.

Design of the chair Interior and exhibitions Brno Superior: ing. arch. Petra Žalmanovå, Ph.D.

Design of the pattern "grand father" Design Manual I Brno Superior: ing. arch. Nicol Galeova

2018 ©

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