Michela Palmisano | résumé & master thesis

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Michela Palmisano RÉSUMÉ MASTER THESIS PROJECT manhattanville masterplan columbia business school

PROJECTS yac-rome community ring landscape design project-supplément au paysage en mouvement


project for a new sport center with football pitches and restaurant in

Busto Garolfo.

Neuchâtel 2020. Building Restoration


Saline Joniche’s

the future of


waterfront and realization of a natural

and anthropic park.

Hi! Nice

to meet you!

Michela Palmisano

26.02.1990 |Tradate | VA adress: via Monte Bianco 8 | Saronno | VA mobile: +39 3347778675 phone: +39 02 9607767 email: palmisano_m@alice.it skype contact: michela_palmisano web: http://issuu.com/michelapalmisano born:

Let me introduce myself!

EN: Born in 1990, I earned my Master‘s degree in Architecture from Politecnico di Milano in April 2015 with the project “Manhattanville Urban Campus | A project for Columbia University’s new Harlem Campus in New York City”.

IT: Classe 1990, mi sono laureata in Architettura presso il Politecnico di Milano nella sessione di Aprile 2015, con il progetto di tesi “Manhattanville Urban Campus | Progetto per il nuovo Campus della Columbia University nel quartiere di Harlem, New York City”

This complex project allowed me to grew strong design skills , from conceptual design to detail’s project and drawing, to prove the power of persistence and to believe that you always can overcome your limits.

Questo progetto, caratterizzato da una forte complessità, mi ha permesso di accrescere le mie capacità progettuali in modo trasversale, dal concept al progetto e disegno di dettaglio, di provare il potere della caparbietà e di credere che si possano, continuamente, superare i propri limiti.

That’s why I decided to “introduce” myself only with the projects that “fits me perfectly”: to let people immediately understand who I am, what i am interested in,what i am able to do and, also, to earn the possibility of talking with you about my previous projects and experiences during an interview. I’m looking for a work experience which helps me to increase my professional skills,to learn new methods for architectural project and to do some experimentation in graphics and model making.

Ecco perchè ho deciso di presentarmi solo con il progetto che meglio mi descrive: per aiutare a comprendere immediatamente chi sono, a cosa sono interessata, cosa so fare e cosa non so fare, sperando di poter discutere con voi le mie precedenti esperienze e progetti durante un colloquio. Sto cercando un’esperienza di lavoro che mi permetta di acquisire professionalità, di imparare nuove metodologie di progetto e di sperimentare nuove tecniche di rappresentazione.




Personal skills


Working skills



Technical & Structural skills



Michela Palmisano

26.02.1990 |Tradate | VA Monte Bianco 8 | Saronno | VA mobile: +39 3347778675 phone: +39 02 9607767

email: palmisano_m@alice.it


adress: via

skype contact: michela_palmisano

web: http://issuu.com/michelapalmisano




28th April 2015 | MSc in Architecture/Building Architecture | Politecnico di Milano, “Manhattanville Urban Campus | A project for Columbia University’s new Harlem Campus in New York City”. Supervisor E.Battisti | F. Battisti 110 cum laude/110 nomination at

Mantero prize for the best (not yet assigned)

graduate thesis

et Ingénierie”

September 2012/ July 2013 | Erasmus Exchange Program at Ecole Nationale Superieure d’Architecture et de Paysage (ENSAP) de Bordeaux.


September 2015/now | Teaching Assistant at Architecture Construction Design Studio | Prof. E. Battisti / F. Battisti | Politecnico di Milano.

Google Sketchup Pro McNeel Rhinoceros Autodesk Autocad 3D Autodesk Revit Vector Graphics

Rendering & Post Production Adobe Photoshop 3D Studio Max Artlantis Maxwell Render

Adobe Indesign Microsoft Powerpoint Microsoft Word Microsoft Excel New Software Learning


Model Making

| Intern of the project department of Organisation in Design | Milan I work as a member of the project department at OiD, the dutch studio organizing design exhibitions and creator of Ventura Lambrate Design District during the Milan Design Week.

Detail Scale Model Building Scale Model Urban Scale Model


Cardboard Wood & Wood Veneer Plastics Plaster & Concrete

June / July 2015 | Collaborator at da-a architetti | Saronno(Va) I worked at the final phase of the executive project for a “Sport Center with football pitches and a bar-restaurant in Busto Garolfo (MI)”.

April/July 2012 | participation in international competition with Marco Voltini “Restoring Saline Joniche’s waterfront and realization and anthropic park”


Text Edit, Publishing & Data


January 2015 | participation in Yac (Young Architects Competitions) ”Rome Community Ring. How to transform a former tecture into a leisure time and cultural hub?”


Autodesk Autocad 2d Adobe Illustrator Vectorworks

September 2012 | Bachelor Degree in Architecture | Politecnico di Milano, “Spatial Concept: forms, imaginations and projects between matter and limit”, 110/110

September 2015 /

French: fluency in written and spoken communication. | C1


April 2014 | participation in International Workshop Activating resilient communities_the Chicago charrette with Illinois Institute of Technology, Iwb (Institute without Boundaries), The City of Chicago, Cannon Design and Arup.

July 2009 | high school diploma (classical studies) | Liceo Classico S.M.Legnani | Saronno(VA)

English: fluency in written and spoken communication Toeic (Test of English for International Communication) 830/990 | C1.

German: basic knowledge Goethe Zertifikat | Start Deutsch | A2

nomination at the order of architects, planners, landscape architects and conservators of Milan prize for best graduate thesis 2015 (not yet assigned)

May 2013 | participation in Workshop“Architecture with ENSAP Bordeaux and ISA BTP

Italian: native speaker

Technical | Structural Skills Detail Project Detail Drawings

military archi-

Executive Project Executive Drawing Structural Project Structural Drawings

of a natural

Structural computation Procedures

February / March 2012 | Intern Architect at privileggio_secchi architettura | Milan I worked on the international competition “Neuchâtel 2020: shaping the future of Neuchâtel”.

Adina 900 Sap 2000



Architecture photography, Illustration, Art & Applied Arts, Yoga, Food and Travel. After all,I bake really good cakes! 9

Master Thesis Politecnico di Milano Architecture | Building Architecture 110 with honour/110 Supervisor: E. Battisti | F. Battisti Nomination

Mantero Prize Graduate Thesis


for the

Nomination for Best Graduate Thesis Chamber of Architects of Milan




Manhattanville Urban Campus

EN: To project a new Urban Campus for Columbia University means to remind and understand New York City’s settlement assumptions and why these didn’t work in Harlem context. In the same way Manhattanville is the only place that refuses the Manhattan grid in favor of its orographic identity, as happens in 125th street. This project is a crossover between Harlem district and New York City, departing from Harlem neighborhood to link it to the whole Manhattan Island through an urban and architectural strategy. Manhattanville Campus is a flowing space, in which the ground floor re-builds the genius loci through orography and through the project of an inhabited hypogeum space. The ground floor is overcame by hanged academic blocks, conceived as the evolution of context’s blocks, and relinked by a Mall,the evolution of “public covered spaces” of downtown Manhattan. The 125th street and the possibility of a mutation in island’s settlement produce a cross scale projects and the thesis main topic.

IT: Progettare un nuovo Campus urbano per la Columbia University significa comprendere le logiche della città di New York e come esse non riescano ad applicarsi al contesto di Harlem, come la griglia di Manhattan non riesce ad adattarsi alla variazione dell’orografia di questo luogo. Il progetto costruisce un dispositivo di mediazione tra la città e il quartiere, muovendo dal contesto prossimo, per costruire un legame con l’intera isola. Il progetto nasce dall’intersezione di molteplici impulsi e richieste e crea un campus fluido, in cui il piano terra ricostruisce l’orografia del luogo e la continuità con il sottosuolo, ora abitato; i volumi accademici si generano da una continuità di forme e proporzioni con il contesto, e lo spazio filtro ricuce la distanza con la downtown e i “public covered spaces”. La 125th street e il tema della variazione generano un sistema progettuale trasversale alle scale e costituiscono l’ambito di analisi specifica della tesi.


Context & Analysis


Where are we now? New York City Manhattanville | West Harlem 40’ 49’’ N | 73’ 57’’ W

1 | Common ground An inhabited soil, born from site geography, becomes a new shared space between Columbia University and West Harlem neighborhood.

2 | Context Academic buildings are suspended over the continous common ground and share with the context the farmal concept.

3 | Urban axis The 125th street comes back to its role: new landmarks sign the links with the settled city and re-create the lost urban tale.

3 | New Waterfront Columbia University arrives to Hudson River, passing under the infrastructure and building a connection with Riverside Drive Park. 13

Aerial View On the left page | Morningside Columbia University City Campus On the background | New Jersey’s natural Hudson shore. On the right page | Columbia University Manhattanville Campus in Harlem.


Welcome to Manhattanville!


General Plan | Original Scale: 1 : 2000. The academic tissue becomes the link with the context typology, whereas the geographical soil becomes the link with the context sociology. The 125th breaks the rules and changes the grid regulation in order to create a new urban Axis. 16

Ground Floor Plan (+6,5mt) | Original Scale 1 : 500 Perspective Section | Original Scale 1 : 500


The 125th street is viewed as a box: If you open box’s sides you may see all the space in one view. A new possibility is now discovered, the new project is right here.


The 125th street tale


125th street brief architecture summary 1 | Section of the Recreation Center and the Park under Infrastructures. On the background the Waterfront Tower .

2 | Riverside Residential Tower | Recreation Center | Original Scale 1:500

3 | Lancaster Center for Performing Arts | Original Scale 1:500

4 | South West Corner Residential Tower | Original scale 1:500


Maquette | Original Scale 1:500 Venereed Wood and Forex | Laser & Hand Cutted


Columbia Business School 45.000 square meters 4 blocks | 1 building Public Ground Floor 6 stories blocks 1 library 50 classrooms 150 offices for researchers | Administration Informal areas


Columbia Business School

EN: From the masterplan, I chose to develop the project of Columbia Business School, which lies on the most relevant parcel and which solve through architecture the complex interaction between Manhattan’s grid and 125th street urban axis. Columbia University functional programme requested a two blocks building, one for Master degrees and one for Bachelor degrees,with some public facilities on the ground floor. The aim of the project was to split these two building in four blocks, in which classrooms and researchers’ areas are strictly interrelated through a system of informal spaces which spread all across the building. The divided blocks are re-linked through aerial paths and rooms on different heights, which also draw the section of the Mall: this borderline space between indoor and outdoor becomes the link between the new building and Manhattan’s downtown main architectural topic and also the possibility of a new meaning for one of the most discussed themes of American public spaces (POPS).

IT: A partire dal piano complessivo, il progetto si orienta prevalentemente sullo sviluppo del progetto della Columbia Business School, l’edificio che occupa il lotto principale del tessuto e che risolve architettonicamente le problematiche del rapporto tra i sistemi territoriali della griglia di Manhattan e dell’asse della 125th street. Il programma funzionale fornito dalla Columbia prevede la suddivisione della Business School in due edifici e la necessità di un substrato di funzioni pubbliche da svolgersi al piano terra. Il progetto articola i due edifici previsti in quattro volumi, in cui gli spazi dell’insegnamento e quelli della ricerca sono legati dal sistema di distribuzione, che privilegia la presenza di ampi spazi informali, percepiti come una spazialità continua. I volumi separati ritrovano una continuità attraverso i passaggi aerei, ad altezze diverse, che contribuiscono a disegnare la sezione del Mall, uno spazio al limite tra interno ed esterno, in cui si riconosce il legame dell’edificio con l’isola di Manhattan e in cui si attribuisce un nuovo significato a uno dei temi più discussi dello spazio pubblico americano.


Columbia Business School viewed from Riverside Residential Tower. South-West Corner Tower with Student Center on the ground floor and the Columbia Business School Entrance Plaza

On the right the



Perspective Section | Original Scale 1:100


The Business School is made by 3 layers:

1 | A continous,geographical and digged soil 2 | Classes and offices buildings, suspended over the ground 3 | A large mall, the link between the parts , conceived as a new interpretation of the typical commercial structure.


Ground floor Axonometrical View | Original Scale 1:200 The soil is inhabited both over and under the ground line. Above, the continous public space. Below, the the digged space with private & public functions.


A new paths geography

geology & orography

the new orography

the new geology the caves


the new geology the subsoil revelation

Ground floor Plan |+1,5 mt | Original Scale 1:200

Technical Section | Original Scale 1:50


Ground floor Plan |+6 mt | Original Scale 1:200


Technical Details | Original Scale 1:10 Soil | Faรงade | Brick choices


A built geography Columbia Entrance Plaza. The soil, designed with sloping trianglular surfaces, allows the collection of the rain water towards useful points.

The Cave. View of the Students Associations Center, one of the cave spaces. The space is in connection both with the university and the urban life on the streets.


Technical Perspective Section | Original Scale 1:50 The building is hang up through a truss system on the top floor. The underlying stories are hanged up through cables while only concrete service boxes reach the ground and allows to traverse continously the public space.


Hanged Architecture


Typical floor plan | +14,8 mt | Original Scale 1:200


Informal Spaces

Openable window detail | Original Scale 1: 10


Office façade solutions

Classrooms’ system

Classroom façade solutions

Common Spaces, Library and Service Spaces

Façade system detail | Original Scale 1:10


Plan & façade detail | original scale 1:50

Cross Section | Original Scale 1:200

Cross Section | Original Scale 1:200

Cross Section | Original Scale 1:200


Everyday life of Business School Building


The Mall | Living space for the new community made by Harlem people, Business students and their crossing interests.

informal and connection space

the public arena


In | Between


Longitudinal Section | Original Scale 1:200 The public space is built through the sequence of vertical compression and dilatation.


The Mall | The space under the mall is conceived as an exterior space, in which informal activity are encouraged as the expression of the possibility of culture and architecture for all.

The Street | Streets are Manhattan structure and suggest people the permanence of the neighborhood. The built geography is a lived space in its meanders and slopes.


Detail of the coverage |

Technical section of the Mall | Original Scale 1:50

Original Scale 1:20

Detail of the exit air system | Original Scale 1:20

Detail of the ground | Original Scale 1:20


Axonometrical breakdown of the structure | Original Scale 1:100

Conceptual Design


Naked Structures

Vertical Structure

Horizontal Structure

Trusses System on the Top Floor


projects 1

international ideas competition


| Rome

landscape design projects

(Ensap Bordeaux)


Projects YAC |Young Architects Competitions

Ideas Competition for the transformation of Forte Portuense (Rome) into a leisure time and cultural focal point. Creation of a cultural and wellness network made by all the disused military fortifications in Rome. team: Manuel Clasadonte, Daniele Demattè, Michela Palmisano

View of Forte Portuense (on the right side) and the new digged and inhabited bank (on the left). The moat becomes a “sport moat” and it’s conceived as a link between all activities in the bank and the city.


Axonometry of the internal empty space | the empty space is capable of resuming both itself and the opposite terms,and of giving an idea of which space people will live in.


Spaces are “tableaux� 1 | The community temple | Big hall for conferences with small and flexible chapels for neighborhood associations.

2 | Active and wellness center, provided with two swimming pools and gym.

4 | Band rehearsal space and music rooms.


3 | Workshop space & mediatheque.


et diffuse.


dictionnaire de la mutation, supplĂŠment au paysage en mouvement.

The Landes de Guascogne district has the biggest productive forest in Europe and the highest sprawl problem in France. A large scale project in this area has to forget the gesture and to build a method able to analyse and solve the multiplicity and the complexity of this large area ( almost 40 km). The method was based on permanence and has a strong procedural and synthetic way of working. The project is made by little interventions, but repeteables,all based on the duration of natural cycles, and in each of them,loisir and agriculture could become an unicum.Two villages are the start and the finish of the project, and their interventions are the only built part of the project. Each intervention is like a piece of a puzzle: you can recognise the general image even without all the pieces, but when you are there, you want to know easch detail of the image. Research


of a method


1 | the river

2 | houses in the middle of nowhere

3 | intensive farmland

4 | vegetable garden for schools. 50

5 | corn intensive plantation

6 | growig forest cycle

7 | main vehicle street

8 | hub into the forest: space for workshops, etc...

Labrit: start

Le sen: finish


that’s just the start! 1

executive project


final model

early construction phase


urban design competition



Work Experiences

Paolo Citterio Architetti | Saronno |www.da-a.com

Executive project for a new Sport Center with football pitches and Bar / Restaurant in Busto Garolfo (MI) Phisical Model made in Birch Wood, cut and painted with Aniline and Acrylic paint. | Scale 1:50. Construction site in progress. In the last image, the selection of the colour of prefab external walls.


privileggio_secchi architettura | Milano | www.privileggio-secchi.com Neuchâtel 2020 | International Ideas Competition | Building the future of Neuchâtel The competition proposal was to find Neuchatel’s way for growing of and for its transition from city to canton city. The focus was mostly on the lake, with its necessity of offering a pedestrian environment full of urban activities (university, research centes, congress center), and on the unused rail yard, in which was concentrated all the necessary real estate intervention.





International Ideas Competition | with Marco Voltini

Ideas Competition for the Restoration of Saline Joniche’s waterfront and realization of a natural and anthropic park. The decadence of the never-used factories on Saline Joniche’s shore asks for a projects in which past and present are strictly connected and teach the uselessness of an imposed project. The strategy was to spread many different typologies of “culture seeds”, creating a network of little intervenctions ( restoration,little building,paths...) with the idea of a “weak and diffuse project”, affordable by communities and institutions and proposed as a long-term programme.


Feel free to contact me for an interview, for a job or just to say Hi! at palmisano_m@alice.it



L’architettura è

un cristaLLo! (gio


|| Michela palMisano ||


+39 3347778675 | phone: +39 02 9607767 || eMail: paLmisano_m@aLice.it || skype contact: Michela_palMisano || http://issuu.coM/MichelapalMisano




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