First step towards the Dissertation in Practice. Candidates will frame the problem, challenge, or phenomenon in the relevant literature and will design a specific change idea to be tested. Students will bring evidence from both literature and the specific setting that frames the problem, challenge, or phenomenon in the particular organizational context.
EDL 7109 Action Research II
EDL Teacher - EDL 7109
Problem of Practice II
Continuation of the Dissertation in Practice
with an emphasis on a deeper dive into the best practices, methodology, practices, creative solutions, challenges, roadblocks and implementation plans that are being currently used.
TeacherLeaders’ Coursework
Standard: 1. Oral Communication Standard: 2. Written Standard: 4.
Information Literacy Standard: 5. Ethics
Domain IV: Facilitating Improvements
TeacherLeaders’ Coursework
Standard: 1. Oral Communication Standard: 3.
Disciplined Inquiry Standard: 4.
Information Literacy Standard: 5. Ethics
Domain IIAccessing and Using Research to Improve Practice and Student Learning
EDL 7110 Innovation in Practice TeacherLeaders’ Coursework
design the intervention you wish to implement in order to respond to your Problem of Practice.
EDL 7111 Leadership for Innovation
EDL Teacher - EDL 7111
Culture of Innovation Plan
develop a plan to create a culture of innovation in cooperation with faculty and diverse families and community members.
EDL 7113 Leadership and Governance
EDL Teacher - EDL 7113
Mission Action Plan
Collaboratively develop an actionable mission and vision attentive to such considerations as data use, technology, values, diversity, equity, digital citizenship, and community.
EDL 7114 Labor Negotiations and Law
EDL Teacher - EDL 7114
Code of Ethics Reflection
Candidates produces an extended reflection that describes research based
TeacherLeaders’ Coursework
TeacherLeaders’ Coursework
TeacherLeaders’ Coursework
Leader Model Standards
Instruction and Student Learning
Standards for Building Leaders (2017)
Standards for District Level (2018)
Domain IFostering a Collaborative Culture to Support Educator Development and Student Learning
Domain VIIAdvocating for Student Learning and the Profession
Domain VIImproving Outreach and Collaboration with Families and Community Domain VIIAdvocating for Student Learning and the Profession
Domain VIIAdvocating for Student Learning and the Profession
best practices on the role of the Code of Ethics in the educational dilemma of collective bargaining and the strategies to anticipate and prevent difficulties, such as grievances, related to the moral and legal issues in decision making.
EDL 7116 Security and Safety
EDL Teacher - EDL 7116 Ed Trends Report Comprehensive Safety and Security Implementation and Communication Plan for providing school faculty, staff, students, parents and other stakeholders with a safe and secure school learning environment.
EDL 7117 Responsive School Environment
EDL Teacher - EDL 7117 Trauma Informed Plan
Develop a traumainformed plan using the six key principles (Safety, Trustworthiness, Peer Support, Collaboration, Empowerment, and Cultural, Historical, and Gender Issues) as a
CAEP (National Accreditation of EPP) WilmU Graduate Graduation Competencies (2015) Teacher Leader Model Standards NELP Standards for Building Leaders (2017) NELP Standards for District Level (2018) DPAS II for Administrators ISTE (Leaders)
TeacherLeaders’ Coursework
Domain IIIPromoting Professional Learning for Continuous Improvement Domain IVFacilitating Improvements in Instruction and Student Learning
TeacherLeaders’ Coursework
Domain IIIPromoting Professional Learning for Continuous Improvement Domain IVFacilitating Improvements in Instruction and Student Learning Domain VPromoting the Use of
framework to lead for success academically and emotionally for all students
EDL 7201 Managing Finance
EDL Teacher - EDL 7201 Advocacy Plan
Candidates collaboratively identify and prioritize strategic, long term needs, and tactical, short term needs, for the school. The identified needs are incorporated into a three-year plan that sets priorities.
EDL 7590 Theory and Practice
EDL Teacher - EDL 7590 Written Presentation Personal Plan for Professional Leadership Development. The required elements of the plan are: (1) personal philosophy of reflective leadership; (2) a vision for leadership development during the doctoral program; (3) learning goals for the first year of doctoral studies; (4) a list of possible learning activities and locations associated with each of
TeacherLeaders’ Coursework
CAEP (National Accreditation of EPP) WilmU Graduate Graduation Competencies (2015) Teacher Leader Model Standards NELP Standards for Building Leaders (2017) NELP Standards for District Level (2018) DPAS II for Administrators
Assessments and Data for School and District Improvement
Domain VIIAdvocating for Student Learning and the Profession
TeacherLeaders’ Coursework
Domain IFostering a Collaborative Culture to Support Educator Development and Student Learning Domain II - Accessing and Using Research to Improve Practice and Student Learning Domain IIIPromoting Professional Learning for Continuous Improvement Domain VIIAdvocating for Student Learning
goals that includes modeling; (5) plan for practice; (6) coach and a resource list (targeted to interactions with stakeholders) targeted to learning goals; and (7) outcome indicators for each goal that can be used to assess leadership development progress.
EDL 7703 Curriculum Theory/ Practice
EDL Teacher - EDL 7703 Improvement Plan
Developing a school improvement plan that is aligned to the district improvement plan, the school leader candidates will demonstrate instructional leadership skills by identifying curriculum needs in their school and its relationship to the district culture, considering the problem in the context of their philosophy of curriculum theory and research and the theorist with whom they most closely align.
TeacherLeaders’ Coursework
CAEP (National Accreditation of EPP) WilmU Graduate Graduation Competencies (2015) Teacher Leader Model Standards
and the Profession
Standards for Building Leaders (2017) NELP Standards for District Level (2018) DPAS II for Administrators
Domain IFostering a Collaborative Culture to Support Educator Development and Student Learning
Domain IIIPromoting Professional Learning for Continuous Improvement Domain IVFacilitating Improvements in Instruction and Student Learning
EDL 7704 Education for Equity and Social Justice TeacherLeaders’ Coursework
Candidate chooses a curriculum area and researches root causes of bias and inequity. Candidate develops a transformational school improvement plan to extend and achieve high expectations and learning for all students.
EDL 7709 Leading and Managing Human Resources
EDL Teacher - EDL 7709 Plan for Diverse Needs
Candidate develops a plan to meet the information needs of staff and stakeholders that begins by placing the school in its social, economic, and political contexts. The plan includes targeted communication and advocacy for school and community needs.
EDL 8115 Laboratory of Practice: Teacher-Leaders
CAEP (National Accreditation of EPP) WilmU Graduate Graduation Competencies (2015) Teacher Leader Model Standards
Continuous Improvement
Domain IVFacilitating Improvements in Instruction and Student Learning
Domain VPromoting the Use of Assessments and Data for School and District Improvement
Domain VIImproving Outreach and Collaboration with Families and Community
Standards for Building Leaders (2017)
Standards for District Level (2018)
TeacherLeaders’ Coursework
Domain IIIPromoting Professional Learning for Continuous Improvement
Domain VPromoting the Use of Assessments and Data for School and District Improvement
Assessment/Gates Check Point: CAEP (National Accreditation of EPP) WilmU Graduate Graduation Competencies (2015) Teacher Leader Model Standards
EDL Teacher - EDL 8115 Lab of Practice Project
The various school based Learning Outcome experiences make-up the entire project which addresses each NELP Standard Component. The entire project is to be an authentic field based experience of at least 240 clinical internship hours that is rubric scored for the NELP Standard Component being addressed. The identification of the total project and the specific Learning Outcome experiences involved in the project should be driven by the needs of the school and the learning needs and interest of the candidate.
EDL 8115 Laboratory of Practice: Teacher-Leaders TeacherLeaders’ Coursework
Culture to Support Educator Development and Student Learning Domain II - Accessing and Using Research to Improve Practice and Student Learning Domain IIIPromoting Professional Learning for Continuous Improvement Domain IVFacilitating Improvements in Instruction and STudent Learning Domain VPromoting the Use of Assessments and Data
Domain VIImproving Outreach and Collaboration with Families and Community Domain VIIAdvocating for Student Learning and the Profession
Mentor Observation Form TeacherLeaders’ Coursework
EDL 7108 Action Research I
EDL Building - EDL 7108
Problem of Practice
First step towards the Dissertation in Practice. Candidates will frame the problem, challenge, or phenomenon in the relevant literature and will design a specific change idea to be tested. Students will bring evidence from both literature and the specific setting that frames the problem, challenge, or phenomenon in the particular organizational context.
EDL 7109 Action Research
EDL Building - EDL 7109
Problem of Practice II
Continuation of the Dissertation in Practice
Assessment/Gates Check Point:
with an emphasis on a deeper dive into the best practices, methodology, practices, creative solutions, challenges, roadblocks and implementation plans that are being currently used.
EDL 7110 Innovation in Practice
EDL Building - EDL 7110 Draft Diss in Practice
design the intervention you wish to implement in order to respond to your Problem of Practice. Building Level Coursework
EDL 7111 Leadership for Innovation
EDL Building - EDL 7111 Culture of Innovation Plan
develop a plan to create a culture of innovation in cooperation with faculty and diverse families and community members.
EDL 7113 Leadership and Governance
EDL Building - EDL 7113 Mission Action Plan
Collaboratively develop an actionable mission and vision attentive to such considerations as data use, technology, values, diversity, equity, digital
Building Level Coursework
5: Community and External Leadership
3: Equity, Inclusiveness, and Cultural Responsiveness
EDL Building - EDL 7114 Code of Ethics Reflection Candidates produces an extended reflection that describes research based best practices on the role of the Code of Ethics in the educational dilemma of collective bargaining and the strategies to anticipate and prevent difficulties, such as grievances, related to the moral and legal issues in decision making.
EDL 7116 Security and Safety
EDL Building - EDL 7116 Ed Trends Report Comprehensive Safety and Security Implementation and Communication Plan for providing school faculty, staff, students, parents and other stakeholders with a safe and secure school learning environment.
Building Level Coursework
Building Level Coursework
EDL 7117 Responsive School Environment Building Level Coursework
Develop a traumainformed plan using the six key principles (Safety, Trustworthiness, Peer Support, Collaboration, Empowerment, and Cultural, Historical, and Gender Issues) as a framework to lead for success academically and emotionally for all students
EDL 7201 Managing Finance
EDL Building - EDL 7201
Advocacy Plan
Candidates collaboratively identify and prioritize strategic, long term needs, and tactical, short term needs, for the school. The identified needs are incorporated into a three-year plan that sets priorities.
EDL 7590 Theory and Practice
EDL Building - EDL 7590
Written Presentation
Personal Plan for Professional Leadership Development. The required elements of the plan are: (1) personal philosophy of reflective
leadership; (2) a vision for leadership development during the doctoral program; (3) learning goals for the first year of doctoral studies; (4) a list of possible learning activities and locations associated with each of goals that includes modeling; (5) plan for practice; (6) coach and a resource list (targeted to interactions with stakeholders) targeted to learning goals; and (7) outcome indicators for each goal that can be used to assess leadership development progress.
EDL 7703 Curriculum Theory/ Practice
EDL Building - EDL 7703 Improvement Plan
Developing a school improvement plan that is aligned to the district improvement plan, the school leader candidates will demonstrate instructional leadership skills by identifying curriculum needs in their school and its relationship to the district culture, considering the problem
(National Accreditation of EPP) WilmU Graduate Graduation Competencies (2015)
in the context of their philosophy of curriculum theory and research and the theorist with whom they most closely align.
EDL 7704 Education for Equity and Social Justice
EDL Building - EDL 7704 Transform. Improv. Plan
Candidate chooses a curriculum area and researches root causes of bias and inequity. Candidate develops a transformational school improvement plan to extend and achieve high expectations and learning for all students.
EDL 7709 Leading and Managing Human Resources
EDL Building - EDL 7709 Plan for Diverse Needs
Candidate develops a plan to meet the information needs of staff and stakeholders that begins by placing the school in its social, economic, and political contexts. The plan includes targeted communication and advocacy for school and community needs.
(National Accreditation of EPP) WilmU Graduate Graduation Competencies (2015)
Standards for Building Leaders (2017)
Standards for District Level (2018)
Building Level Coursework
3: Equity, Inclusiveness, and Cultural Responsiveness
Building Level Coursework
5: Community and External Leadership
7: Building Professional Capacity
Assessment/Gates Check Point:
EDL 8125 Laboratory of Practice: Principals
EDL Building - EDL 8125 Lab of Practice Project
The various school based Learning Outcome experiences make-up the entire project which addresses each NELP Standard Component. The entire project is to be an authentic field based experience of at least 240 clinical internship hours that is rubric scored for the NELP Standard Component being addressed. The identification of the total project and the specific Learning Outcome experiences involved in the project should be driven by the needs of the school and the learning needs and interest of the candidate.
EDL 8125 Laboratory of Practice: Principals
EDL Building - EDL 8125
Building Level Coursework
1: Mission, Vision, and Improvement
2: Ethics and Professional Norms
3: Equity, Inclusiveness, and Cultural
4: Learning and Instruction
5: Community and External Leadership
6: Operations and Management
7: Building Professional Capacity
SLLA Scores Building Level Coursework
EDL 8125 Laboratory of Practice: Principals
EDL Building - EDL 8125 Placement Details Form Building Level Coursework
EDL Building - EDL 8125 Mentor Observation Form Building Level Coursework
EDL 7108 Action Research
EDL District - EDL 7108
Problem of Practice
First step towards the Dissertation in Practice. Candidates will frame the problem, challenge, or phenomenon in the relevant literature and will design a specific change idea to be tested. Students will bring evidence from both literature and the specific setting that frames the problem, challenge, or phenomenon in the particular organizational context.
EDL 7109 Action Research
EDL District - EDL 7109 Problem of Practice II
Continuation of the Dissertation in Practice
with an emphasis on a deeper dive into the best practices, methodology,
practices, creative solutions, challenges, roadblocks and implementation plans that are being currently used.
EDL 7110 Innovation in Practice
EDL District - EDL 7110
Draft Diss in Practice design the intervention you wish to implement in order to respond to your Problem of Practice.
EDL 7111 Leadership for Innovation
EDL District - EDL 7111
Culture of Innovation Plan
develop a plan to create a culture of innovation in cooperation with faculty and diverse families and community members.
EDL 7113 Leadership and Governance
EDL District - EDL 7113
Mission Action Plan
Collaboratively develop an actionable mission and vision attentive to such considerations as data use, technology, values, diversity, equity, digital citizenship, and community.
(National Accreditation of EPP) WilmU Graduate Graduation Competencies (2015)
Standards for Building Leaders (2017)
District Leaders’ Coursework
5: Community and External Leadership
District Leaders’ Coursework
3: Equity, Inclusiveness, and Cultural Responsiveness
5: Community and External Leadership
District Leaders’ Coursework
1: Mission, Vision, and Improvement 6: Operations and Management 7: Building Professional Capacity
Assessment/Gates Check Point:
EDL 7114 Labor Negotiations and Law
EDL District - EDL 7114 Code of Ethics Reflection Candidates produces an extended reflection that describes research based best practices on the role of the Code of Ethics in the educational dilemma of collective bargaining and the strategies to anticipate and prevent difficulties, such as grievances, related to the moral and legal issues in decision making.
EDL 7116 Security and Safety
EDL District - EDL 7116 Ed Trends Report Comprehensive Safety and Security Implementation and Communication Plan for providing school faculty, staff, students, parents and other stakeholders with a safe and secure school learning environment.
EDL 7117 Responsive School Environment
EDL District - EDL 7117 Trauma Informed Plan
District Leaders’ Coursework
District Leaders’ Coursework
Assessment/Gates Check Point:
Develop a traumainformed plan using the six key principles (Safety, Trustworthiness, Peer Support, Collaboration, Empowerment, and Cultural, Historical, and Gender Issues) as a framework to lead for success academically and emotionally for all students
EDL 7201 Managing Finance
EDL District - EDL 7201 Advocacy Plan
Candidates collaboratively identify and prioritize strategic, long term needs, and tactical, short term needs, for the school. The identified needs are incorporated into a three-year plan that sets priorities.
EDL 7590 Theory and Practice
EDL District - EDL 7590 Written Presentation Personal Plan for Professional Leadership Development. The required elements of the plan are: (1) personal philosophy of reflective leadership; (2) a vision for leadership
development during the doctoral program; (3) learning goals for the first year of doctoral studies; (4) a list of possible learning activities and locations associated with each of goals that includes modeling; (5) plan for practice; (6) coach and a resource list (targeted to interactions with stakeholders) targeted to learning goals; and (7) outcome indicators for each goal that can be used to assess leadership development progress.
EDL 7703 Curriculum Theory/ Practice
EDL District - EDL 7703 Improvement Plan
Developing a school improvement plan that is aligned to the district improvement plan, the school leader candidates will demonstrate instructional leadership skills by identifying curriculum needs in their school and its relationship to the district culture, considering the problem in the context of their philosophy of
Leader Model Standards
District Leaders’ Coursework
4: Learning and Instruction
Assessment/Gates Check Point:
curriculum theory and research and the theorist with whom they most closely align.
EDL 7704 Education for Equity and Social Justice
EDL District - EDL 7704 Transform. Improv. Plan
Candidate chooses a curriculum area and researches root causes of bias and inequity. Candidate develops a transformational school improvement plan to extend and achieve high expectations and learning for all students.
EDL 7709 Leading and Managing Human Resources
EDL District - EDL 7709 Plan for Diverse Needs
Candidate develops a plan to meet the information needs of staff and stakeholders that begins by placing the school in its social, economic, and political contexts. The plan includes targeted communication and advocacy for school and community needs.
The various school based Learning Outcome experiences make-up the entire project which addresses each NELP Standard Component. The entire project is to be an authentic field based experience of at least 240 clinical internship hours that is rubric scored for the NELP Standard Component being addressed. The identification of the total project and the specific Learning
Outcome experiences involved in the project should be driven by the needs of the school and the learning needs and interest of the candidate.
EDL 8137 Laboratory of Practice: Superintendents/District Leaders
EDL District - EDL 8137
SSA Scores
EDL 8137 Laboratory of Practice: Superintendents/District Leaders
Leaders’ Coursework
Leaders’ Coursework
2: Ethics and Professional Norms
3: Equity, Inclusiveness, and Cultural Responsiveness
EDL 8137 Laboratory of Practice: Superintendents/District Leaders
EDL District - EDL 8137 Mentor Observation Form District Leaders’ Coursework
Standards for Building Leaders (2017)
Standards for District Level (2018)
EdD EDL Teacher - EDL 7108 Problem of Practice
Structured External Assignment: Action Research
Teacher Leaders
This SEA serves as the beginning of your Dissertation in Practice. The identification of the contextual meaning of the Problem of Practice is the first step towards the Dissertation in Practice. The Problem of Practice is grounded in strong evidence, improvement science methodology, action research methodology and practice. It is shareable and it clearly describes what is happening in the instructional core while being connected to a systemic issue of the school/district theory of action with intended benefits identified, meaningful, insightful and innovative.
The Problem of Practice is high leverage and specific of the significant impact to learning. To enhance this practical work, the candidate includes information, activities, tools and techniques, stakeholders involved and analyses to guide the Dissertation in Practice. There is a format or genre that is more applicable to your Problem of Practice as innovative approaches, ideas, designs and solutions are encouraged. Candidates will frame the problem, challenge, or phenomenon in the relevant literature and will design a specific change idea to be tested. Students will bring evidence from both literature and the specific setting that frames the problem, challenge, or phenomenon in the particular organizational context.
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Rubric Title: EdD EDL Teacher - EDL 7108 Problem of Practice
Mapped standards: TLMS (2020): Domain IV: Facilitating Improvements - Facilitating Improvements in Instruction and Student Learning / WilmU (2015): 1: Oral Communication - Oral Communication / WilmU (2015): 2: Written Communication - Written Communication/ WilmU (2015): 4: Information Literacy - Information Literacy / WilmU (2015): 5: Ethics - Ethics
Enable the N/A option for assessment
Rubric Structure
Domain 2: a. b. c. d. Accessing and Using Research to Improve Practice and Student Learning Promoting TLMS 2
Candidate follows colleagues in accessing and using research in order to select appropriate strategies to improve student learning.
Candidate assists in the analysis of student learning data, collaborative interpretation of results, and application of findings to improve teaching and learning.
Candidate follows colleagues in collaborating with the higher education institutions and other organizations engaged in researching critical educational issues.
Candidate follows colleagues to collect, analyze, and communicate data from their classrooms to improve teaching and learning.
Candidate assists colleagues in accessing and using research in order to select appropriate strategies to improve student learning.
Candidate facilitates the analysis of student learning data, collaborative interpretation of results, and application of findings to improve teaching and learning.
Candidate supports, colleagues in collaborating with the higher education institutions and other organizations engaged in researching critical educational issues.
Candidate supports colleagues to collect, analyze, and communicate data from their classrooms to improve teaching and learning.
Candidate assists and teaches colleagues in accessing and using research in order to select appropriate strategies to improve student learning.
Candidate facilitates and teaches the analysis of student learning data, collaborative interpretation of results, and application of findings to improve teaching and learning.
Candidate supports and teaches colleagues in collaborating with the higher education institutions and other organizations engaged in researching critical educational issues.
Candidate teaches and supports colleagues to collect, analyze, and communicate data from their classrooms to improve teaching and learning.
Candidate assists, teaches and leads colleagues in accessing and using research in order to select appropriate strategies to improve student learning.
Candidate facilitates and leads the analysis of student learning data, collaborative interpretation of results, and application of findings to improve teaching and learning.
Candidate supports, teaches and leads colleagues in collaborating with the higher education institutions and other organizations engaged in researching critical educational issues.
Candidate teaches, supports and leads colleagues to collect, analyze, and communicate data from their classrooms to improve teaching and learning.
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
TLMS (2020): Domain IV: Facilitating ImprovementsFacilitating Improvements in Instruction and Student Learning
Problem of Practice (POP)
Candidate identifies and develops a Problem of Practice into a manageable focus WilmU 1
Candidate selects a topic that is too broad or narrow. Defines the scope of the research question or hypothesis too broadly or narrowly. Candidate demonstrates how to formulate questions for research based on information gaps or on reexamination of existing, possibly conflicting, information. Develops a research question that is generally focused and relevant.
Candidate marginally demonstrates how to formulate questions for research based on information gaps. Develops a research question that is somewhat focused and appropriate for the assignment.
Candidate demonstrates how to formulate questions for research based on information gaps or on reexamination of existing, possibly conflicting, information. Develops a research question that is generally focused and relevant.
Candidate develops and clearly articulates a quality research question/hypothesis that is appropriately focused and relevant to the assignment. Begins to develop additional questions and lines of inquiry.
WilmU (2015): 1: Oral Communication - Oral Communication
Searching as Strategic Exploration: Candidate constructs and implements effectively designed search strategies using appropriate methods or information retrieval systems WilmU 4
Candidate identified only a few, broad key terms, uses minimal or same-type sources, and may not go beyond web searching.
Candidate lacks sophistication in selecting discipline-specific search engines.
Candidates selects general indexes/search engines. Candidate uses simple search strategies, basic search concepts, and a list of useful keywords/search terms.
Candidate demonstrates use of basic search concepts through development of simple search strategy and a list of useful keywords/subject search terms. Candidate selects appropriate indexes/search engines and articulates the way that Library databases work (e.g. fields, records, indexing).
Candidate demonstrates the ability to use appropriate indexes/search engines and uses a mix of basic and advanced searching techniques, including disciplinespecific subject headings, to access library collections and other relevant resources. Candidate demonstrates a use of alternate search avenues as new knowledge is developed.
WilmU (2015): 4: Information Literacy - Information Literacy
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Information Creation as a Process: Candidate identifies and describes potential formats/creation processes that would be appropriate to their action research topic, recognizing the difference between formal publication and information exchange.
WilmU 4
WilmU (2015): 4: Information Literacy - Information Literacy
Candidate identifies information sources that minimally meet the assignment requirements or reflect little relevance Candidate is unable to distinguish between scholarly sources
Candidate identifies information sources that are somewhat relevant or partially meet the action research need Candidate minimally articulates difference between scholarly sources
Candidate identifies a variety of scholarly information sources that are generally appropriate and relevant for the assignment or action research need. Candidate articulates the value of information each format would bring to their research.
Candidate identifies and selects a variety of scholarly information sources that best answer the action research need Candidate clearly articulates the value of information each format would bring to their research.
Resource Evaluation:
Candidate evaluates information and its sources critically for its value, relevance and accuracy. WilmU 4
Candidate uses sources that may be questionable as to credibility and reliability. Has trouble recognizing authority in various media types
Candidate uses sources that are generally credible, reliable, and lacking bias. Shows awareness of how to identify authoritative content.
Candidate applies evaluation criteria when selecting sources, and recognizes bias. Sources are relevant and significant to support the research need. Begins to recognize the discipline’s standard authorities.
Candidate applies evaluation criteria (timeliness, authority, relevance, accuracy, purpose) when selecting sources Recognizes context and bias when present Recognizes that authoritative content may be published or unpublished. Articulates distinctions when appropriate.
WilmU (2015): 4: Information Literacy -
Generated by:
Paige Minutola
Scholarship as Conversation:
Candidate will be able to take part in scholarly communication and conversation.WilmU 1
WilmU (2015): 1: Oral Communication - Oral Communication
Candidate acknowledges that there are different points of view on a topic but does not articulate that there is a sustained discourse within a community of scholars.
Candidate incorporates different points of view and recognizes that a scholarly work may not represent the only perspective on the issue.
Candidate incorporates different points of view and articulates that there is a sustained discourse within a community of scholars.
Candidate articulates that a given scholarly work may not represent the only perspective on the issue
Candidate demonstrates the value of incorporating different points of view and articulates that there is a sustained discourse within a community of scholars.
Candidate recognizes that a given scholarly work may not represent the only - or even the majorityperspective on the issue.
Information has Value: Candidate acknowledges sources and uses information following the conventions of the social sciences. WilmU 2
Candidate fails to attribute ideas and words to others Candidate may show improper use of sources or lack or quotation marks
Candidate uses discipline appropriate citation style of APA, but has errors. Errors in citation and references, with some ambiguity about original thought
Candidate uses discipline appropriate citation style of APA with repeated error type. Shows proper attribution of ideas. Candidate clearly identifies the work of other scholars whether quoted or paraphrased
Candidate uses discipline appropriate citation style of APA with no errors. Demonstrates consistent and appropriate use of paraphrasing and quotation of sources. Shows academic thought in quotes from another author unless paraphrased and cited
WilmU (2015): 2: Written Communication - Written Communication
Information legal and ethical work: Candidate demonstrates application of university policies regarding plagiarism, academic integrity and use of campus networks and information resources. WilmU 5
Candidate demonstrates need for training of university networks and information systems
Candidate demonstrates ability to use university networks and information with assistance
Candidate demonstrates ability to use university networks and information Demonstrates disciplinary conventions regarding ethical use of information. Consistently complies with restrictions on the legal and ethical use of information and university information resources. Applies ethical use of information and presents academic integrity
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
WilmU (2015): 5: EthicsEthics
Digital literacy Candidate effectively demonstrates the ability to use relevant technologies to manage and communicate information.
WilmU 4
WilmU (2015): 4: Information Literacy - Information Literacy
Candidate has difficulty attempting to use digital tools to organize information, construct new knowledge, create media expressions, and communicate with others.
Candidate is able to use digital tools to organize information, construct new knowledge, create media expressions, and communicate with others.
Candidate effectively uses digital tools to organize information, construct new knowledge, create media expressions, and communicate with others.
Candidate is highly accomplished in the use of digital tools to organize information, construct new knowledge, create media expressions and communications, Candidate assists others with digital tools for communication.
EdD EDL Teacher - EDL 7108 Problem of Practice Detail
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Set Title:
Standard Title:
Standard Identifier:
Standard Description:
TLMS (2020) - Teacher Leader Model Standards - EDL
Facilitating Improvements in Instruction and Student Learning
TLMS (2020): Domain IV: Facilitating Improvements
The teacher leader demonstrates a deep understanding of the teaching and learning processes and uses this knowledge to advance the professional skills of colleagues by being a continuous learner and modeling reflective practice based on student results. The teacher leader works collaboratively with colleagues to ensure instructional practices are aligned to a shared vision, mission, and goals a) Facilitates the collection, analysis, and use of classroom- and school-based data to identify opportunities to improve curriculum, instruction, assessment, school organization, and school culture; b) Engages in reflective dialog with colleagues based on observation of instruction, student work, and assessment data and helps make connections to researchbased effective practices; c) Supports colleagues’ individual and collective reflection and professional growth by serving in roles such as mentor, coach, and content facilitator;d) Serves as a team leader to harness the skills, expertise, and knowledge of colleagues to address curricular expectations and student learning needs; e) Uses knowledge of existing and emerging technologies to guide colleagues in helping students skillfully and appropriately navigate the universe of knowledge available on the Internet, use social media to promote collaborative learning, and connect with people and resources around the globe; and f) Promotes instructional strategies that address issues of diversity and equity in the classroom and ensures that individual student learning needs remain the central focus of instruction
Mapped to: Domain 2: a. b. c. d. Accessing and Using Research to Improve Practice and Student Learning PromotingTLMS 2
Set Title:
WilmU (2015) - WilmU Graduate and Undergraduate Graduation Competencies
Standard Title: Oral Communication
Standard Identifier:
WilmU (2015): 1: Oral Communication
Standard Description: Appraise the needs of the audience and then speak in a clear and succinct manner, AND research, construct, and deliver professional presentations using a variety of communication tools and techniques.
Mapped to: Problem of Practice (POP) Candidate identifies and develops a Problem of Practice into a manageable focus WilmU 1 / Scholarship as Conversation: Candidate will be able to take part in scholarly communication and conversation. WilmU 1
EdD EDL Teacher - EDL 7108 Problem of Practice Detail
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Set Title:
WilmU (2015) - WilmU Graduate and Undergraduate Graduation Competencies
Standard Title: Written Communication
Standard Identifier:
Standard Description:
Mapped to:
Set Title:
WilmU (2015): 2: Written Communication
Write with clarity and precision using correct English grammar: mechanics (punctuation) and usage (sentence structure and vocabulary), AND exhibit competence in writing for specific purposes, diverse audiences, and genres, AND correctly and ethically present scholarly writings utilizing the selected citation and writing style deemed appropriate for the student’s program of study
Information has Value: Candidate acknowledges sources and uses information following the conventions of the social sciences. WilmU 2
WilmU (2015) - WilmU Graduate and Undergraduate Graduation Competencies
Standard Title: Information Literacy
Standard Identifier:
Standard Description:
Mapped to:
Set Title:
WilmU (2015): 4: Information Literacy
Using information in any format to research, evaluate, and ethically utilize information effectively and with appropriate attribution
Searching as Strategic Exploration:Candidate constructs and implements effectively designed search strategies using appropriate methods or information retrieval systems WilmU 4 / Information Creation as a Process: Candidate identifies and describes potential formats/creation processes that would be appropriate to their action research topic, recognizing the difference between formal publication and information exchange. WilmU 4 / Resource Evaluation: Candidate evaluates information and its sources critically for its value, relevance and accuracy WilmU 4 / Digital literacy Candidate effectively demonstrates the ability to use relevant technologies to manage and communicate information. WilmU 4
WilmU (2015) - WilmU Graduate and Undergraduate Graduation Competencies
Standard Title: Ethics
Standard Identifier:
Standard Description:
WilmU (2015): 5: Ethics
Demonstrate knowledge and application of prescribed ethical codes and behaviors promoted by the student’s chosen profession.
Mapped to: Information legal and ethical work:Candidate demonstrates application of university policies regarding plagiarism, academic integrity and use of campus networks and information resources. WilmU 5
EdD EDL Teacher - EDL 7109 Problem of Practice II
SEA is in response to simulations in Canvas.
Teacher Leaders
This SEA serves as a continuation to your Dissertation in Practice with an emphasis on a deeper dive into the best practices, methodology, practices, creative solutions, challenges, roadblocks and action implementation plans that are being currently used. The identification of the contextual meaning, action steps, and collegial relationships towards the Problem of Practice is investigated, solidified, modified and proposed. The Problem of Practice is grounded in strong evidence, improvement science methodology and action research methodology and meaningful, insightful, innovation and practice. It is shareable and it clearly describes what is happening in the instructional core while being connected to a systemic issue of the classroom/school/district theory of action with intended benefits identified. The Problem of Practice is high leverage and specific of the significant impact to learning. To enhance this practical work, the candidate includes information, activities, tools and techniques, stakeholders involved and analyses to guide the Dissertation in Practice. If there is a format or genre that is applicable to your Problem of Practice as innovative approaches, ideas, concepts and solutions are designed, discuss it with your advisor or instructor.
EdD EDL Teacher - EDL 7110 Draft Diss in Practice
Teacher Leaders
In your draft of your Dissertation in Practice, you will design the intervention you wish to implement in order to respond to your Problem of Practice. What district level innovations have you seen or thought of during this course that might inform your intervention design? In your report discuss those innovations vis-à-vis your plan for your Dissertation in Practice, including the research, the original context of the innovation(s) community resources, and how the innovation(s) might be modified for your implementation plan. How will the crosscultural community resources be utilized and what outreach will be involved?
Generated by: Paige Minutola
Rubric Title: EdD EDL Teacher - EDL 7110 Draft Diss in Practice
Mapped standards:
Enable the N/A option for assessment
Rubric Structure
Teacher Rubric Domain 4:
Facilitating Improvements in Instruction and Student Learning TLMS 4
TLMS (2020): Domain IV: Facilitating Improvements - Facilitating Improvements in Instruction and Student Learning
The candidate facilitates the collection, analysis, and use of classroom and school based data to identify opportunities to improve curriculum, and instruction.
The candidate facilitates the collection, analysis, and use of classroom and school based data to identify opportunities to improve curriculum, instruction, and assessment.
The candidate facilitates the collection, analysis, and use of classroom and school based data to identify opportunities to improve curriculum, instruction, assessment, and school culture.
The candidate facilitates the collection, analysis, and use of classroom and school based data to identify opportunities to improve curriculum, instruction, assessment, district organization, and district culture
TLMS (2020): Domain IV: Facilitating ImprovementsFacilitating Improvements in Instruction and Student Learning
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Paige Minutola
Set Title:
Standard Title:
Standard Identifier:
Standard Description:
TLMS (2020) - Teacher Leader Model Standards - EDL
Facilitating Improvements in Instruction and Student Learning
TLMS (2020): Domain IV: Facilitating Improvements
The teacher leader demonstrates a deep understanding of the teaching and learning processes and uses this knowledge to advance the professional skills of colleagues by being a continuous learner and modeling reflective practice based on student results. The teacher leader works collaboratively with colleagues to ensure instructional practices are aligned to a shared vision, mission, and goals.a) Facilitates the collection, analysis, and use of classroom- and school-based data to identify opportunities to improve curriculum, instruction, assessment, school organization, and school culture; b) Engages in reflective dialog with colleagues based on observation of instruction, student work, and assessment data and helps make connections to researchbased effective practices; c) Supports colleagues’ individual and collective reflection and professional growth by serving in roles such as mentor, coach, and content facilitator;d) Serves as a team leader to harness the skills, expertise, and knowledge of colleagues to address curricular expectations and student learning needs; e) Uses knowledge of existing and emerging technologies to guide colleagues in helping students skillfully and appropriately navigate the universe of knowledge available on the Internet, use social media to promote collaborative learning, and connect with people and resources around the globe; and f) Promotes instructional strategies that address issues of diversity and equity in the classroom and ensures that individual student learning needs remain the central focus of instruction.
EdD EDL Teacher - EDL 7111 Culture of Innovation Plan
Structured External Assignment: Leadership for Innovation
Teacher Leaders
Describe the teaching culture in your workplace in the context of student learning and expectations and strategies to foster collaboration and student learning with faculty and community in innovation in the classrooms. Using what research and best practice say about leading for innovation in classrooms, develop a plan to create a culture of innovation in cooperation with faculty, diverse families and community members.
Describe the groups you will organize and the brainstorming and consensus building strategies that you will use to increase opportunities for innovation in your colleagues. Include what changes you will make that will create an environment in which it is safe to be creative and innovative in educational decisions. Be sure to include how these initiatives will strengthen and extend student learning. Your role as a group leader is to support two-way communication and carefully listen, clarify and summarize information, manage conflicts, and facilitate decision making, create an inclusive culture with diverse perspectives in achieving consensus and enhancing a culture of innovation. Be prepared to present and advocate for your plan.
Generated by: Paige Minutola 04/18/2024
Rubric Title: EdD EDL Teacher - EDL 7111 Culture of Innovation Plan
Mapped standards:
TLMS (2020): Domain VII: Advocating for Student Learning - Advocating for Student Learning and the Profession / TLMS (2020): Domain I: Fostering a Collaborative Culture to Support Educator Development and Student Learning - Fostering a Collaborative Culture
Mapped outcomes: -
Enable the N/A option for assessment
Rubric Structure
Teacher Rubric Domain 1:
Fostering a Collaborative Culture to Support Educator Development and Student Learning TLMS 1
Candidate utilizes group processes to help colleagues work collaboratively to solve problems; and
Candidate strives to create an inclusive culture.
Candidate utilizes group processes to help colleagues work collaboratively to solve problems, make decisions, manage conflict, and promote meaningful change; and
Candidate strives to create an inclusive culture where diverse perspectives are welcomed in addressing challenges
Candidate includes parent leaders and utilizes group processes to help colleagues work collaboratively to solve problems, make decisions, manage conflict, and promote meaningful change; and
Candidate strives to create an inclusive culture where diverse perspectives are welcomed in addressing challenges by intentionally including diversity.
Utilizes group processes to help colleagues work collaboratively to solve problems, make decisions, manage conflict, and promote meaningful change; and
Strives to create an inclusive culture where diverse perspectives are welcomed in addressing challenges.
TLMS (2020): Domain I:
Fostering a Collaborative Culture to Support Educator Development and Student Learning - Fostering a Collaborative Culture
Generated by: Paige Minutola 04/18/2024
Domain 7: Advocating for Student Learning and the Profession TLMS 7
TLMS (2020): Domain VII: Advocating for Student Learning - Advocating for Student Learning and the Profession
Works with colleagues to identify and use research to advocate for teaching and learning processes that meet the needs of failing students.
Works with colleagues to identify and use research to advocate for teaching and learning processes that meet the needs of all students.
Works with colleagues and parents to identify and use research to advocate for teaching and learning processes that meet the needs of all students.
Works with colleagues to identify and use research to advocate for teaching and learning processes that meet the needs of all students.
Generated by: Paige
Set Title:
Standard Title:
Standard Identifier:
Standard Description:
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Set Title:
Standard Title:
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Standard Description:
Mapped to:
TLMS (2020) - Teacher Leader Model Standards - EDL
Advocating for Student Learning and the Profession
TLMS (2020): Domain VII: Advocating for Student Learning
The teacher leader understands how educational policy is made at the local, state, and national level as well as the roles of school leaders, boards of education, legislators, and other stakeholders in formulating those policies. The teacher leader uses this knowledge to advocate for student needs and for practices that support effective teaching and increase student learning, and serves as an individual of influence and respect within the school, community, and profession. a) Shares information with colleagues within and/or beyond the district regarding how local, state, and national trends and policies can impact classroom practices and expectations for student learning;b) Works with colleagues to identify and use research to advocate for teaching and learning processes that meet the needs of all students; c) Collaborates with colleagues to select appropriate opportunities to advocate for the rights and/or needs of students, to secure additional resources within the building or district that support student learning, and to communicate effectively with targeted audiences such as parents and community members; d) Advocates for access to professional resources, including financial support and human and other material resources, that allow colleagues to spend significant time learning about effective practices and developing a professional learning community focused on school improvement goals; ande) Represents and advocates for the profession in contexts outside of the classroom.
Domain 7: Advocating for Student Learning and the Profession TLMS 7
TLMS (2020) - Teacher Leader Model Standards - EDL
Fostering a Collaborative Culture
TLMS (2020): Domain I: Fostering a Collaborative Culture to Support Educator Development and Student Learning
The teacher leader understands the principles of adult learning and knows how to develop a collaborative culture of collective responsibility in the school. The teacher leader uses this knowledge to promote an environment of collegiality, trust, and respect that focuses on continuous improvement in instruction and student learning.a) Utilizes group processes to help colleagues1 work collaboratively to solve problems, make decisions, manage conflict, and promote meaningful change; b) Models effective skills in listening, presenting ideas, leading discussions, clarifying, mediating, and identifying the needs of self and others in order to advance shared goals and professional learning;c) Employs facilitation skills to create trust among colleagues, develop collective wisdom, build ownership and action that supports student learning;d) Strives to create an inclusive culture where diverse perspectives are welcomed in addressing challenges; and e) Uses knowledge and understanding of different backgrounds, ethnicities, cultures, and languages to promote effective interactions among colleagues.
Teacher Rubric Domain 1: Fostering a Collaborative Culture to Support Educator Development and Student Learning TLMS 1
EdD EDL Teacher - EDL 7113 Mission Action Plan
Structured External Assignment: Leadership and Governance
Teacher Leaders
In the context of your school mission and vision, develop an action plan based on the diverse educational needs of your school’s families and community that has two phases. First, use the plan to develop a shared understanding of those needs among your colleagues. In the second phase, plan how you will bring families and community members together with the faculty to plan for the diverse needs they bring to the school to support and improve student learning.
EdD EDL Teacher - EDL 7113 Mission Action Plan Detail
Generated by: Paige Minutola 04/18/2024
Rubric Title:
Mapped standards:
Mapped outcomes: -
EdD EDL Teacher - EDL 7113 Mission Action Plan
TLMS (2020): Domain VII: Advocating for Student Learning - Advocating for Student Learning and the Profession / TLMS (2020): Domain VI: Improving Outreach and Collaboration - Improving Outreach and Collaboration with Families and Community
Enable the N/A option for assessment
Rubric Structure
Teacher Rubric Domain 6: Improving Outreach and Collaboration with Families and CommunityTLMS 6
Candidate develops a shared understanding among colleagues of the diverse educational needs of students; and
Candidate collaborates with colleagues to develop comprehensive strategies to address the diverse educational needs of students
Candidate develops a shared understanding among colleagues of the diverse educational needs of students; and
Candidate collaborates with colleagues to develop comprehensive strategies to address the diverse educational needs of students
Candidate develops a shared understanding among colleagues of the diverse educational needs of families; and
Candidate collaborates with families, and colleagues to develop comprehensive strategies to address the diverse educational needs of families
Develops a shared understanding among colleagues of the diverse educational needs of families and the community; and e) Collaborates with families, communities, and colleagues to develop comprehensive strategies to address the diverse educational needs of families and the community.
TLMS (2020): Domain VI: Improving Outreach and Collaboration - Improving Outreach and Collaboration with Families and Community
Domain 7: Advocating for Student Learning and the Profession TLMS 7
1 Point
Candidate shares information with colleagues within the district regarding how local policies can impact classroom practices and expectations for student learning.
Candidate shares information with colleagues within the district regarding how local policies can impact classroom practices and expectations for student learning.
Candidate shares information with colleagues within the district regarding how local, state policies can impact classroom practices and expectations for student learning
Shares information with colleagues within and/or beyond the district regarding how local, state, and national trends and policies can impact classroom practices and expectations for student learning
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EDL Teacher - EDL 7113 Mission Action Plan Detail
Generated by: Paige Minutola 04/18/2024
TLMS (2020): Domain VII: Advocating for Student Learning - Advocating for Student Learning and the Profession
Generated by: Paige
Set Title:
Standard Title:
TLMS (2020) - Teacher Leader Model Standards - EDL
Advocating for Student Learning and the Profession
Standard Identifier: TLMS (2020): Domain VII: Advocating for Student Learning
Standard Description: The teacher leader understands how educational policy is made at the local, state, and national level as well as the roles of school leaders, boards of education, legislators, and other stakeholders in formulating those policies. The teacher leader uses this knowledge to advocate for student needs and for practices that support effective teaching and increase student learning, and serves as an individual of influence and respect within the school, community, and profession. a) Shares information with colleagues within and/or beyond the district regarding how local, state, and national trends and policies can impact classroom practices and expectations for student learning;b) Works with colleagues to identify and use research to advocate for teaching and learning processes that meet the needs of all students; c) Collaborates with colleagues to select appropriate opportunities to advocate for the rights and/or needs of students, to secure additional resources within the building or district that support student learning, and to communicate effectively with targeted audiences such as parents and community members; d) Advocates for access to professional resources, including financial support and human and other material resources, that allow colleagues to spend significant time learning about effective practices and developing a professional learning community focused on school improvement goals; ande) Represents and advocates for the profession in contexts outside of the classroom.
Mapped to: Domain 7: Advocating for Student Learning and the Profession TLMS 7
EdD EDL Teacher - EDL 7113 Mission Action Plan Detail
Generated by: Paige Minutola 04/18/2024
Set Title:
Standard Title:
Standard Identifier:
TLMS (2020) - Teacher Leader Model Standards - EDL
Improving Outreach and Collaboration with Families and Community
TLMS (2020): Domain VI: Improving Outreach and Collaboration
Standard Description: The teacher leader understands that families, cultures, and communities have a significant impact on educational processes and student learning The teacher leader works with colleagues to promote ongoing systematic collaboration with families, community members, business and community leaders, and other stakeholders to improve the educational system and expand opportunities for student learning a) Uses knowledge and understanding of the different backgrounds, ethnicities, cultures, and languages in the school community to promote effective interactions among colleagues, families, and the larger community; b) Models and teaches effective communication and collaboration skills with families and other stakeholders focused on attaining equitable achievement for students of all backgrounds and circumstances;c) Facilitates colleagues’ self-examination of their own understandings of community culture and diversity and how they can develop culturally responsive strategies to enrich the educational experiences of students and achieve high levels of learning for all students; d) Develops a shared understanding among colleagues of the diverse educational needs of families and the community; and e) Collaborates with families, communities, and colleagues to develop comprehensive strategies to address the diverse educational needs of families and the community.
Mapped to: Teacher Rubric Domain 6: Improving Outreach and Collaboration with Families and Community TLMS 6
EdD EDL Teacher - EDL 7114 Code of Ethics Reflection
Structured External Assignment: Labor Negotiations and Law
Teacher Leaders - Candidates produces an extended reflection that describes the role of the Code of Ethics in the educational dilemma of collective bargaining and the strategies to anticipate and prevent difficulties, such as grievances, related to the moral and legal issues. Candidate describes the relationship between the district office and building leaders, and the law and professional ethical standards and the processes of collaborative bargaining. Candidate plans strategies to avoid violations of the law, the collaborative bargaining agreement, and ethical conduct. Candidate includes in the plan steps toward the successful and early resolution of grievances both advocating and proposing professional solutions. Candidate participates in contract negotiations, and describes and reflects on the process, the challenges, the impasses, and the solutions. Candidate will produce advocacy communication products promoting resources, finances, and staff support for colleagues in professional learning communities in a leadership role.
Teacher Rubric Domain 7: Advocating for Student Learning and the Profession
EdD EDL Teacher - EDL 7114 Code of Ethics Reflection
TLMS (2020): Domain VII: Advocating for Student Learning - Advocating for Student Learning and the Profession
Candidate advocates for access to professional resources.
Candidate advocates for the profession in the classroom.
Candidate advocates for access to professional resources about effective practices and develops a professional learning community focused on school improvement goals.
Candidate represents and advocates for the profession in contexts outside of their classroom.
Candidate advocates for access to professional resources, including financial support and human and other material resources that allow colleagues to spend significant time learning about effective practices and developing a professional learning community focused on school improvement goals.
Candidate leads conversation regarding high ethical standards in professional learning community
Candidate represents and advocates for the profession in contexts across the entire school.
Candidate advocates and proposes solutions and means for accessing professional resources, including financial support and human and other material resources that allow colleagues to spend significant time learning about effective practices and developing a professional learning community focused on school improvement goals.
Candidate professes, exemplifies, and carries out high ethical standards during conversations in professional learning community
Candidate activates leadership among colleagues in professional learning community.
Candidate represents and advocates for the profession in contexts across their school and district.
TLMS (2020): Domain VII: Advocating for Student Learning - Advocating for Student Learning and the Profession
Generated by:
Paige Minutola
Set Title:
Standard Title:
TLMS (2020) - Teacher Leader Model Standards - EDL
Advocating for Student Learning and the Profession
Standard Identifier: TLMS (2020): Domain VII: Advocating for Student Learning
Standard Description: The teacher leader understands how educational policy is made at the local, state, and national level as well as the roles of school leaders, boards of education, legislators, and other stakeholders in formulating those policies The teacher leader uses this knowledge to advocate for student needs and for practices that support effective teaching and increase student learning, and serves as an individual of influence and respect within the school, community, and profession a) Shares information with colleagues within and/or beyond the district regarding how local, state, and national trends and policies can impact classroom practices and expectations for student learning;b) Works with colleagues to identify and use research to advocate for teaching and learning processes that meet the needs of all students; c) Collaborates with colleagues to select appropriate opportunities to advocate for the rights and/or needs of students, to secure additional resources within the building or district that support student learning, and to communicate effectively with targeted audiences such as parents and community members; d) Advocates for access to professional resources, including financial support and human and other material resources, that allow colleagues to spend significant time learning about effective practices and developing a professional learning community focused on school improvement goals; ande) Represents and advocates for the profession in contexts outside of the classroom
Mapped to:
Teacher Rubric Domain 7: Advocating for Student Learning and the ProfessionTLMS 7
EdD EDL Teacher - EDL 7116 Ed Trends Report
Structured External Assignment: Security and Safety
Teacher Leaders
The teacher leader candidate will develop a report detailing emerging education, economic and social trends in planning and facilitating professional learning for presentation to colleagues on safety and security. The candidate’s participation in collaborative safety and security district/school planning and discipline management plans are to be a part of this report. The candidate will design and present a workshop of colleagues. The content of that workshop will be teacher and student responsibility for safety, security and discipline improvement. Teacher leader candidates may choose to design the workshop individually or they may choose to collaborate on a workshop design with other leaders.
EdD EDL Teacher - EDL 7116 Ed Trends Report Detail
TLMS (2020): Domain III: Promoting Professional Learning - Promoting Professional Learning for Continuous Improvement/ TLMS (2020): Domain IV: Facilitating Improvements - Facilitating Improvements in Instruction and Student Learning
Enable the N/A option for assessment
Rubric Structure
Teacher Rubric Domain 3: Professional Learning for Continuous Improvement TLMS 3
Candidate writes information about emerging education, economic, and social trends in planning and facilitating professional learning about safety and security.
Candidate writes information about emerging education, economic, and social trends in planning and facilitating professional learning for presentation to colleagues on safety and security
Candidate writes information about emerging education, economic, and social trends in planning and facilitating professional learning for presentation and usage in Professional Learning Communities on safety and security.
Candidate writes information about emerging education, economic, and social trends in planning and facilitating professional learning for presentation and usage in Professional Learning Communities and in School Leadership Team presentations on safety and security.
TLMS (2020): Domain III: Promoting Professional Learning - Promoting Professional Learning for Continuous Improvement
Domain 4: Facilitating Improvements in Instruction and Student Learning TLMS 4
Candidate functions as mentor, coach and content facilitator to support school safety through collective reflection and professional growth plan
Candidate functions as mentor, coach and content facilitator to support school safety through collective reflection and professional growth plan and through participation and presentations to colleagues.
Candidate functions as mentor, coach and content facilitator to support school safety through collective reflection and professional growth plan and through participation and presentations to the Professional Learning Community
Candidates function as mentor, coach and content facilitator to support district safety through collective reflection and professional growth plan and through participation and presentations to the Professional Learning Community and the school community. Page 1 of 4
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
TLMS (2020): Domain IV: Facilitating ImprovementsFacilitating Improvements in Instruction and Student Learning
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Set Title:
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TLMS (2020) - Teacher Leader Model Standards - EDL
Promoting Professional Learning for Continuous Improvement
TLMS (2020): Domain III: Promoting Professional Learning
The teacher leader understands the evolving nature of teaching and learning, established and emerging technologies, and the school community The teacher leader uses this knowledge to promote, design, and facilitate job-embedded professional learning aligned with school improvement goals.a) Collaborates with colleagues and school administrators to plan professional learning that is team-based, job-embedded, sustained over time, aligned with content standards, and linked to school/district improvement goals; b) Uses information about adult learning to respond to the diverse learning needs of colleagues by identifying, promoting, and facilitating varied and differentiated professional learning;c) Facilitates professional learning among colleagues; d) Identifies and uses appropriate technologies to promote collaborative and differentiated professional learning; e) Works with colleagues to collect, analyze, and disseminate data related to the quality of professional learning and its effect on teaching and student learning; f) Advocates for sufficient preparation, time, and support for colleagues to work in teams to engage in job-embedded professional learning; g) Provides constructive feedback to colleagues to strengthen teaching practice and improve student learning; andh) Uses information about emerging education, economic, and social trends in planning and facilitating professional learning.
Teacher Rubric Domain 3: Professional Learning for Continuous Improvement TLMS 3
Generated by:
Paige Minutola
Set Title:
Standard Title:
Standard Identifier:
Standard Description:
TLMS (2020) - Teacher Leader Model Standards - EDL
Facilitating Improvements in Instruction and Student Learning
TLMS (2020): Domain IV: Facilitating Improvements
The teacher leader demonstrates a deep understanding of the teaching and learning processes and uses this knowledge to advance the professional skills of colleagues by being a continuous learner and modeling reflective practice based on student results. The teacher leader works collaboratively with colleagues to ensure instructional practices are aligned to a shared vision, mission, and goals a) Facilitates the collection, analysis, and use of classroom- and school-based data to identify opportunities to improve curriculum, instruction, assessment, school organization, and school culture; b) Engages in reflective dialog with colleagues based on observation of instruction, student work, and assessment data and helps make connections to researchbased effective practices; c) Supports colleagues’ individual and collective reflection and professional growth by serving in roles such as mentor, coach, and content facilitator;d) Serves as a team leader to harness the skills, expertise, and knowledge of colleagues to address curricular expectations and student learning needs; e) Uses knowledge of existing and emerging technologies to guide colleagues in helping students skillfully and appropriately navigate the universe of knowledge available on the Internet, use social media to promote collaborative learning, and connect with people and resources around the globe; and f) Promotes instructional strategies that address issues of diversity and equity in the classroom and ensures that individual student learning needs remain the central focus of instruction
Mapped to: Domain 4: Facilitating Improvements in Instruction and Student Learning TLMS 4
EdD EDL Teacher - EDL 7117 Trauma Informed Plan
Structured External Assignment:
Teacher Leaders
Candidates will determine the make-up of the classroom, team and department climate. They will develop a trauma-informed plan using the six key principles (Safety, Trustworthiness, Peer Support, Collaboration, Empowerment, and Cultural, Historical, and Gender Issues) as a framework to lead for success academically and emotionally for all students. The plan will include a design for “taking the temperature” regularly of the classroom, team and department climate. Candidates should include the ways in which social agencies will become interwoven into the school’s day. Candidates will include in the plan a design for the classroom, team and department to have high expectations and high level supports for all of the school’s children, teachers and other school employees that will be communicated to all of the classroom and team stakeholders. The plan for safety and security (EDL 7116) and the plan for responsive school climate (EDL 7117) should show a relationship.
EdD EDL Teacher - EDL 7117 Trauma Informed Plan Detail
TLMS (2020): Domain III: Promoting Professional Learning - Promoting Professional Learning for Continuous Improvement/
TLMS (2020): Domain IV: Facilitating Improvements - Facilitating Improvements in Instruction and Student Learning / TLMS (2020): Domain V: Promoting the Use of Assessments and Data - Promoting the Use of Assessments and Data for School and District Impr
Enable the N/A option for assessment
Rubric Structure
Domain 3: Professional Learning for Continuous Improvement TLMS 3
TLMS (2020): Domain III: Promoting Professional Learning - Promoting Professional Learning for Continuous Improvement
Candidate knows trauma informed principles for use in promoting professional learning
Candidate knows trauma informed principles for use in promoting collaborative professional learning
Candidate knows trauma informed principles for use in promoting collaborative and differentiated professional learning.
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Domain 4: Facilitating Improvements in Instruction and Student Learning TLMS 4
Candidate reviews some existing and emerging trauma informed principles while working towards an inclusive and positive classroom climate.
Candidate uses knowledge of existing and emerging trauma informed principles to guide colleagues in helping students skillfully and appropriately collaborate and support one another.
Candidate builds a positive classroom climate to promote collaborative learning, and connect with people and resources
Candidate demonstrates knowledge of existing and emerging trauma informed principles to guide colleagues in helping students skillfully and appropriately navigate the universe of knowledge available on a cohesive, responsive and inclusive classroom environment.
Candidate builds a positive classroom climate to promote collaborative learning, and connect with people, cultures and resources to foster a positive team/department climate for maximum student learning.
Candidate demonstrates knowledge of existing and emerging trauma informed principles to guide and lead colleagues in helping students skillfully and appropriately navigate the universe of knowledge available on a cohesive, responsive and inclusive classroom environment.
Candidate builds a positive classroom climate to promote collaborative learning, and connect with people, cultures and resources around the globe to foster a positive team/department climate for maximum student learning
Domain 5: Promoting the Use of Assessments and Data for School and
Candidate presents to colleagues the use of some trauma informed principles when considering and implementing student assessment
Candidate increases the capacity of grade level or department colleagues to identify and use trauma informed principles when considering and implementing student assessment.
Candidate increases the capacity of colleagues throughout the school to identify and use trauma informed principles when considering and implementing student assessment.
Candidate increases the capacity of colleagues throughout the district to identify and use trauma informed principles when considering and implementing student assessment TLMS (2020): Domain V: Promoting the Use of Assessments and DataPromoting the Use of Assessments and Data for School and District Impr
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Set Title:
Standard Title:
Standard Identifier:
Standard Description:
TLMS (2020) - Teacher Leader Model Standards - EDL
Promoting Professional Learning for Continuous Improvement
TLMS (2020): Domain III: Promoting Professional Learning
The teacher leader understands the evolving nature of teaching and learning, established and emerging technologies, and the school community The teacher leader uses this knowledge to promote, design, and facilitate job-embedded professional learning aligned with school improvement goals.a) Collaborates with colleagues and school administrators to plan professional learning that is team-based, job-embedded, sustained over time, aligned with content standards, and linked to school/district improvement goals; b) Uses information about adult learning to respond to the diverse learning needs of colleagues by identifying, promoting, and facilitating varied and differentiated professional learning;c) Facilitates professional learning among colleagues; d) Identifies and uses appropriate technologies to promote collaborative and differentiated professional learning; e) Works with colleagues to collect, analyze, and disseminate data related to the quality of professional learning and its effect on teaching and student learning; f) Advocates for sufficient preparation, time, and support for colleagues to work in teams to engage in job-embedded professional learning; g) Provides constructive feedback to colleagues to strengthen teaching practice and improve student learning; andh) Uses information about emerging education, economic, and social trends in planning and facilitating professional learning.
Mapped to: Domain 3: Professional Learning for Continuous ImprovementTLMS 3
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
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Standard Description:
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Standard Title:
Standard Identifier:
Standard Description:
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TLMS (2020) - Teacher Leader Model Standards - EDL
Facilitating Improvements in Instruction and Student Learning
TLMS (2020): Domain IV: Facilitating Improvements
The teacher leader demonstrates a deep understanding of the teaching and learning processes and uses this knowledge to advance the professional skills of colleagues by being a continuous learner and modeling reflective practice based on student results. The teacher leader works collaboratively with colleagues to ensure instructional practices are aligned to a shared vision, mission, and goals a) Facilitates the collection, analysis, and use of classroom- and school-based data to identify opportunities to improve curriculum, instruction, assessment, school organization, and school culture; b) Engages in reflective dialog with colleagues based on observation of instruction, student work, and assessment data and helps make connections to researchbased effective practices; c) Supports colleagues’ individual and collective reflection and professional growth by serving in roles such as mentor, coach, and content facilitator;d) Serves as a team leader to harness the skills, expertise, and knowledge of colleagues to address curricular expectations and student learning needs; e) Uses knowledge of existing and emerging technologies to guide colleagues in helping students skillfully and appropriately navigate the universe of knowledge available on the Internet, use social media to promote collaborative learning, and connect with people and resources around the globe; and f) Promotes instructional strategies that address issues of diversity and equity in the classroom and ensures that individual student learning needs remain the central focus of instruction
Domain 4: Facilitating Improvements in Instruction and Student Learning TLMS 4
TLMS (2020) - Teacher Leader Model Standards - EDL
Promoting the Use of Assessments and Data for School and District Impr
TLMS (2020): Domain V: Promoting the Use of Assessments and Data
The teacher leader is knowledgeable about current research on classroom- and school- based data and the design and selection of appropriate formative and summative assessment methods. The teacher leader shares this knowledge and collaborates with colleagues to use assessment and other data to make informed decisions that improve learning for all students and to inform school and district improvement strategies. a) Increases the capacity of colleagues to identify and use multiple assessment tools aligned to state and local standards; b) Collaborates with colleagues in the design, implementation, scoring, and interpretation of student data to improve educational practice and student learning;c) Creates a climate of trust and critical reflection in order to engage colleagues in challenging conversations about student learning data that lead to solutions to identified issues; and d) Works with colleagues to use assessment and data findings to promote changes in instructional practices or organizational structures to improve student learning.
Domain 5: Promoting the Use of Assessments and Data for School and District Improvement TLMS 5
EdD EDL Teacher - EDL 7201 Advocacy Plan
Structured External Assignment: Managing Finance
Teacher Leaders
Teacher candidates should analyze the school’s needs and resources in cooperation with the School Leadership Team. Candidates collaboratively identify and prioritize strategic, long term needs, and tactical, short term needs, for the school.
Teacher candidates utilize group processes to help colleagues work collaboratively to manage conflict and promote meaningful change within their Professional Learning Community. They advocate for financial support and human and other material resources that will allow them significant time to learn effective practices and develop a Professional Learning Community focused on school improvement and the improvement of the educational environment. The candidate should develop an advocacy plan that is both immediate and longterm; and the candidates should consider how to differentiate the plan for advocacy at the school, district, and board levels.
EdD EDL Teacher - EDL 7201 Advocacy Plan Detail
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Rubric Title:
Mapped standards:
Enable the N/A option for assessment
Rubric Structure
Teacher Rubric Domain 7: Advocating for Student Learning and the Profession
EdD EDL Teacher - EDL 7201 Advocacy Plan
TLMS (2020): Domain VII: Advocating for Student Learning - Advocating for Student Learning and the Profession
Collaborates with colleagues to secure additional resources within the building or district that support student learning, and to communicate effectively with targeted audiences.
Advocates for access to professional resources, including financial support that allow colleagues to spend time developing a professional learning community.
Represents the profession in contexts outside of the classroom.
Collaborates with colleagues to select appropriate opportunities to secure additional resources within the building or district that support student learning, and to communicate effectively with targeted audiences such as parents.
Advocates for access to professional resources, including financial support and human and other material resources that allow colleagues to spend time learning about effective practices and developing a professional learning community.
Represents the profession in contexts outside of the classroom
Collaborates with colleagues to select appropriate opportunities to advocate for the rights and/or needs of students, to secure additional resources within the building or district that support student learning, and to communicate effectively with targeted audiences such as parents
Advocates for access to professional resources, including financial support and human and other material resources that allow colleagues to spend time learning about effective practices and developing a professional learning community focused on school improvement goals
Represents the profession in contexts outside of the classroom
Collaborates with colleagues to select appropriate opportunities to advocate for the rights and/or needs of students, to secure additional resources within the building or district that support student learning, and to communicate effectively with targeted audiences such as parents and community members
Advocates for access to professional resources, including financial support and human and other material resources that allow colleagues to spend significant time learning about effective practices and developing a professional learning community focused on school improvement goals.
Represents and advocates for the profession in contexts outside of the classroom.
EDL Teacher - EDL 7201 Advocacy Plan Detail
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
TLMS (2020): Domain VII: Advocating for Student Learning - Advocating for Student Learning and the Profession
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Set Title:
Standard Title:
TLMS (2020) - Teacher Leader Model Standards - EDL
Advocating for Student Learning and the Profession
Standard Identifier: TLMS (2020): Domain VII: Advocating for Student Learning
Standard Description: The teacher leader understands how educational policy is made at the local, state, and national level as well as the roles of school leaders, boards of education, legislators, and other stakeholders in formulating those policies The teacher leader uses this knowledge to advocate for student needs and for practices that support effective teaching and increase student learning, and serves as an individual of influence and respect within the school, community, and profession a) Shares information with colleagues within and/or beyond the district regarding how local, state, and national trends and policies can impact classroom practices and expectations for student learning;b) Works with colleagues to identify and use research to advocate for teaching and learning processes that meet the needs of all students; c) Collaborates with colleagues to select appropriate opportunities to advocate for the rights and/or needs of students, to secure additional resources within the building or district that support student learning, and to communicate effectively with targeted audiences such as parents and community members; d) Advocates for access to professional resources, including financial support and human and other material resources, that allow colleagues to spend significant time learning about effective practices and developing a professional learning community focused on school improvement goals; ande) Represents and advocates for the profession in contexts outside of the classroom
Mapped to:
Teacher Rubric Domain 7: Advocating for Student Learning and the ProfessionTLMS 7
EdD EDL Teacher - EDL 7590 Written Presentation
Teacher Leaders
Bennis and Goldsmith (2010) assert that as adult learners, “we learn best when we are committed to taking charge of our own learning” (p. xxi). The final paper for EDL7590 is a Personal Plan for Your Professional Leadership Development. The required elements of your plan are: (1) your personal philosophy of leadership; (2) a vision for your leadership development during the doctoral program; (3) your learning goals for the first year of your doctoral studies; (4) a list of possible learning activities associated with each of your goals; (5) your plan for practice; (6) your coach and a resource list (people and information) targeted to each of your learning goals; and (7) outcome indicators for each of your goals that can be used to assess your leadership development progress. Do not feel as though you are limited only to the required elements; your Personal Professional Growth plan can include anything you feel will enhance your learning and your leadership knowledge and skills. Be creative in thinking about and presenting your ideas for gaining the personal, team, organizational, community, and life experiences that you think will make you a more effective leader in your organization.
Both content and presentation of your Personal Leadership Development Plan count.
DIRECTIONS: Written Presentation Guidelines
Your personal leadership development plan should be formatted (headings, spacing, citation format, etc.) according to The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th Ed. (2011).
The paper should be edited and polished. Do not submit a first draft. Allow enough time, so you or someone else can proofread the document. Make sure: Material is well-organized and the flow is facilitated by use of transitions, headings and sub-headings. Sentences are clear, well-constructed and varied in complexity.
Grammar is correct. (See Publication Manual of APA, p.87-104)
Punctuation is appropriate.
Quoting is done according to APA guidelines. Jargon, wordiness and redundancy are minimized
Follow The American Psychological Association, 6th Ed. in preparing your list of print and electronic resources. For people included in your resource list include the following information: (1) name; (2) current position; (3) organizational affiliation; (3) address, telephone number and e-mail.
Be sure all resources (people and information) cited in your Personal Leadership Development Plan appear in your list of references and vice-versa.
This is the Structured External Assignment for this course. It is worth 100 points and counts for one-third of your final grade in this course. Your instructor will discuss this assignment further in class. The grading rubric is posted in Blackboard.
Note: Your Leadership Development Plan is a living document. It will continue to evolve over the course of your studies as you explore, learn and receive feedback from your instructors and classmates. There will be changes in your vision, learning goals, planned learning activities and in the list of relevant resources over-time. Each year you will be asked to submit an up-dated version of your Leadership Development Plan with an acknowledgement of progress on goals for the previous year and a new set of goals for the current year of your program.
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Rubric Title: EdD EDL Teacher - EDL 7590 Written Presentation
Mapped standards: TLMS (2020): Domain VII: Advocating for Student Learning - Advocating for Student Learning and the Profession / TLMS (2020): Domain I: Fostering a Collaborative Culture to Support Educator Development and Student Learning - Fostering a Collaborative Culture / TLMS (2020): Domain II: Accessing and Using Research to Improve Practice and Student Learning - Accessing and Using Research / TLMS (2020): Domain III: Promoting Professional Learning - Promoting Professional Learning for Continuous Improvement
TLMS (2020): Domain I: Fostering a Collaborative Culture to Support Educator Development and Student Learning - Fostering a Collaborative Culture
Candidate’s vision for own leadership development and reflection is one dimensional or sparse for obtaining insightful leadership change, learning or growth.
Candidate’s vision for own leadership development and reflection is grounded in selfassessment but learning, growth, and change is left to the judgement of the evaluator.
Candidate’s vision for own leadership development is reflective and multifaceted with thorough self-assessment for learning, growth Change elements address most goals.
Candidate’s vision for own leadership development is reflective grounded in thorough, insightful and deep introspective self- reflection
The candidate expresses the significant learning, growth, and change in the leadership skills, abilities and qualities that are planned providing the theory and rationale inherent in these activities and the change elements desired.
EdD EDL Teacher - EDL 7590 Written Presentation Detail
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Goals, Activities and Outcomes
1st YearDomain 2. TLMS 2
TLMS (2020): Domain II: Accessing and Using Research to Improve Practice and Student Learning - Accessing and Using Research
Candidate presents goals, activities and measurable outcomes for a 1st year personal leadership development plan.
Candidate presents aligned goals, activities and measurable outcomes for a 1st year personal leadership development plan.
Candidate presents aligned goals, activities and measurable outcomes for a 1st year personal leadership development plan that is grounded in leadership theory and practice
Candidate presents aligned goals, activities and measurable outcomes for a 1st year personal leadership development plan that is grounded in leadership theory and practice and is substantiated with a clear rationale for the actions
Coaching and Resources Domain 3. TLMS 3
Candidate presents a list of coaches and resources
Candidate presents a list of coaches and resources that are matched to the goals, activities and outcomes.
Candidate presents a list of coaches and resources that enhances the goals, activities and outcomes and provides a rationale for each item/person listed
Candidate presents a list of coaches and resources that enhances the goals, activities and outcomes and provides a rationale for each item/person listed and includes information on how this item/person will enrich, improve and empower the candidate’s development.
TLMS (2020): Domain III: Promoting Professional Learning - Promoting Professional Learning for Continuous Improvement
EdD EDL Teacher - EDL 7590 Written Presentation Detail
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Goals, Activities, Outcomes
Extended Plan for Years 2 and 3.* Domain 7. TLMS 7
Candidate presents a plan of goals, activities and outcomes as an extension to the 1st year plan.
Candidate presents a plausible plan of aligned goals, activities and outcomes as an extension to the 1st year plan models professional norms (i.e., integrity, fairness, transparency, trust, equity, democracy, digital citizenship, diversity, inclusiveness, and the belief that each child can learn) as a basis for building a cohesive school culture.
Candidate presents a plan of aligned goals, activities and outcomes as an extension to the 1st year plan that explains why this work is aligned and will enhance his/her personal development.
Candidate presents a plan of aligned goals, activities and outcomes as an extension to the 1st year plan that explains why this work is aligned and will enhance his/her personal development and how it is related to leadership theory.
TLMS (2020): Domain VII: Advocating for Student Learning - Advocating for Student Learning and the Profession
Leadership Philosophy
Candidate’s personal philosophy of leadership lacks coherence. Main points need support of evidence from experience or readings.
Candidate’s personal philosophy of leadership is clear. Evidence from experience or readings is minimal.
Candidate’s personal philosophy of leadership is comprehensive. It employs credible evidence from experience or readings.
Candidate’s personal philosophy of leadership is comprehensive, thorough, insightful, and growth oriented. It integrates credible and persuasive evidence from one’s experience or readings.
Information Candidate acknowledges sources and uses information following the conventions of the social sciences.
Candidate fails to attribute ideas and words to others.
Candidate may show improper use of sources or lack quotation marks.
Candidate uses discipline appropriate citation style of APA, but has errors. Errors in citation and references, with ambiguity present.
Candidate uses discipline appropriate citation style of APA with a minor repeated error type. Shows proper attribution of ideas. Candidate clearly identifies the work of other scholars whether quoted or paraphrased.
Candidate uses discipline appropriate citation style of APA with no errors. Demonstrates consistent and appropriate use of paraphrasing and quotation of sources. Shows academic thought in quotes from another author unless paraphrased and cited.
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Set Title:
Standard Title:
Standard Identifier:
Standard Description:
TLMS (2020) - Teacher Leader Model Standards - EDL
Advocating for Student Learning and the Profession
TLMS (2020): Domain VII: Advocating for Student Learning
The teacher leader understands how educational policy is made at the local, state, and national level as well as the roles of school leaders, boards of education, legislators, and other stakeholders in formulating those policies The teacher leader uses this knowledge to advocate for student needs and for practices that support effective teaching and increase student learning, and serves as an individual of influence and respect within the school, community, and profession a) Shares information with colleagues within and/or beyond the district regarding how local, state, and national trends and policies can impact classroom practices and expectations for student learning;b) Works with colleagues to identify and use research to advocate for teaching and learning processes that meet the needs of all students; c) Collaborates with colleagues to select appropriate opportunities to advocate for the rights and/or needs of students, to secure additional resources within the building or district that support student learning, and to communicate effectively with targeted audiences such as parents and community members; d) Advocates for access to professional resources, including financial support and human and other material resources, that allow colleagues to spend significant time learning about effective practices and developing a professional learning community focused on school improvement goals; ande) Represents and advocates for the profession in contexts outside of the classroom
Mapped to: Goals, Activities, Outcomes Extended Plan for Years 2 and 3.* Domain 7.TLMS 7
Set Title:
TLMS (2020) - Teacher Leader Model Standards - EDL
Standard Title: Fostering a Collaborative Culture
Standard Identifier:
Standard Description:
Mapped to:
TLMS (2020): Domain I: Fostering a Collaborative Culture to Support Educator Development and Student Learning
The teacher leader understands the principles of adult learning and knows how to develop a collaborative culture of collective responsibility in the school. The teacher leader uses this knowledge to promote an environment of collegiality, trust, and respect that focuses on continuous improvement in instruction and student learning a) Utilizes group processes to help colleagues1 work collaboratively to solve problems, make decisions, manage conflict, and promote meaningful change; b) Models effective skills in listening, presenting ideas, leading discussions, clarifying, mediating, and identifying the needs of self and others in order to advance shared goals and professional learning;c) Employs facilitation skills to create trust among colleagues, develop collective wisdom, build ownership and action that supports student learning;d) Strives to create an inclusive culture where diverse perspectives are welcomed in addressing challenges; and e) Uses knowledge and understanding of different backgrounds, ethnicities, cultures, and languages to promote effective interactions among colleagues
Teacher Rubric Leadership Vision Domain 1. c. TLMS 1
Generated by: Paige
Set Title:
Standard Title:
Standard Identifier:
Standard Description:
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Set Title:
Standard Title:
Standard Identifier:
Standard Description:
TLMS (2020) - Teacher Leader Model Standards - EDL
Accessing and Using Research
TLMS (2020): Domain II: Accessing and Using Research to Improve Practice and Student Learning
The teacher leader understands how research creates new knowledge, informs policies and practices and improves teaching and learning - The teacher leader models and facilitates the use of systematic inquiry as a critical component of teachers’ ongoing learning and development.a) Assists colleagues in accessing and using research in order to select appropriate strategies to improve student learning;b) Facilitates the analysis of student learning data, collaborative interpretation of results, and application of findings to improve teaching and learning;c) Supports colleagues in collaborating with the higher education institutions and other organizations engaged in researching critical educational issues; and d) Teaches and supports colleagues to collect, analyze, and communicate data from their classrooms to improve teaching and learning.
Goals, Activities and Outcomes 1st Year Domain 2 TLMS 2
TLMS (2020) - Teacher Leader Model Standards - EDL
Promoting Professional Learning for Continuous Improvement
TLMS (2020): Domain III: Promoting Professional Learning
The teacher leader understands the evolving nature of teaching and learning, established and emerging technologies, and the school community. The teacher leader uses this knowledge to promote, design, and facilitate job-embedded professional learning aligned with school improvement goals a) Collaborates with colleagues and school administrators to plan professional learning that is team-based, job-embedded, sustained over time, aligned with content standards, and linked to school/district improvement goals; b) Uses information about adult learning to respond to the diverse learning needs of colleagues by identifying, promoting, and facilitating varied and differentiated professional learning;c) Facilitates professional learning among colleagues; d) Identifies and uses appropriate technologies to promote collaborative and differentiated professional learning; e) Works with colleagues to collect, analyze, and disseminate data related to the quality of professional learning and its effect on teaching and student learning; f) Advocates for sufficient preparation, time, and support for colleagues to work in teams to engage in job-embedded professional learning; g) Provides constructive feedback to colleagues to strengthen teaching practice and improve student learning; andh) Uses information about emerging education, economic, and social trends in planning and facilitating professional learning.
Mapped to: Coaching and Resources Domain 3. TLMS 3
EdD EDL Teacher - EDL 7703 Improvement Plan
Structured External Assignment: Curriculum and Theory
Teacher Leaders
Using a strategic, research-based process for developing a department, team or grade level improvement plan that is aligned to the school and district improvement plans, teacher leader candidates in collaboration with colleagues and school administrators will demonstrate instructional leadership skills by identifying a curriculum problem in the classroom, professional learning community (department/grade level) or school and its relationship to an inclusive school culture, considering the problem in the context of their philosophy of curriculum theory and research and the theorist with whom they most closely align. They will use data choose a planning structure and engage school curriculum colleagues and school administrators in applying it to the curriculum problem(s), including how to implement and evaluate the changes. Candidates will design, develop and present a professional development plan for the classroom, grade level, department, school or district. Candidates will design, develop and present a professional development plan that supports equity and diversity for all students (i.e. special needs population, social and economic status) in the school. Finally, candidates will collect, analyze and disseminate data related to the quality of the student learning and school curriculum, instruction, assessment practices and results for the classroom, grade level, department, school or district.
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Rubric Title: EdD EDL Teacher - EDL 7703 Improvement Plan
Mapped standards:
TLMS (2020): Domain I: Fostering a Collaborative Culture to Support Educator Development and Student Learning - Fostering a Collaborative Culture / TLMS (2020): Domain III: Promoting Professional Learning - Promoting Professional Learning for Continuous Improvement/ TLMS (2020): Domain IV: Facilitating Improvements - Facilitating Improvements in Instruction and Student Learning
Enable the N/A option for assessment
Rubric Structure
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Teacher Rubric Domain 1:
Fostering a Collaborative Culture to Support Educator Development and Student Learning TLMS 1
Candidate often uses group processes to help colleagues work collaboratively to solve problems
Candidate sometimes models effective skills in listening to advance shared goals and professional learning
Candidate should practice facilitation skills to create trust among colleagues.
Candidate strives to create an inclusive culture with some colleagues
Candidate utilizes group processes to help colleagues work collaboratively to solve problems
Candidate models effective skills in listening, to advance shared goals and professional learning.
Candidate employs facilitation skills to create trust among colleagues
Candidate strives to create an inclusive culture
Candidate uses knowledge of different backgrounds, to promote effective interactions among colleagues
Candidate utilizes group processes to help colleagues work collaboratively to solve problems, make decisions, manage conflict.
Candidate models effective skills in listening, presenting ideas, leading discussions, clarifying, to advance shared goals and professional learning.
Candidate employs facilitation skills to create trust among colleagues, develop collective wisdom, and build ownership.
Candidate strives to create an inclusive culture where diverse perspectives are welcomed in addressing challenges
Candidate uses knowledge and understanding of different backgrounds, to promote effective interactions among colleagues.
Candidate utilizes group processes to help colleagues work collaboratively to solve problems, make decisions, manage conflict, and promote meaningful change.
Candidate models effective skills in listening, presenting ideas, leading discussions, clarifying, mediating, and identifying the needs of self and others in order to advance shared goals and professional learning.
Candidate employs facilitation skills to create trust among colleagues, develop collective wisdom, build ownership and action that supports student learning
Candidate strives to create an inclusive culture where diverse perspectives are welcomed in addressing challenges
Candidate uses knowledge and understanding of different backgrounds, ethnicities, cultures, and languages to promote effective interactions among colleagues
TLMS (2020): Domain I:
Fostering a Collaborative Culture to Support Educator Development and Student Learning - Fostering a Collaborative Culture
EdD EDL Teacher - EDL 7703 Improvement Plan Detail
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Domain 3: Professional Learning for Continuous Improvement TLMS 3
TLMS (2020): Domain III: Promoting Professional Learning - Promoting Professional Learning for Continuous Improvement
Candidate follows plans from school leaders to provide professional learning that is aligned with content standards, and linked to school/district improvement goals
Candidate collaborates with school leaders to plan professional learning that is aligned with content standards, and linked to school/district improvement goals
Candidate collaborates with colleagues and school leaders to plan professional learning that is team-based, job-embedded, aligned with content standards, and linked to school/district improvement goals
Candidate collaborates with colleagues and school leaders to plan professional learning that is team-based, job-embedded, sustained over time, aligned with content standards, and linked to school/district improvement goals
Domain 3: Professional Learning for Continuous Improvement TLMS 3
TLMS (2020): Domain III: Promoting Professional Learning - Promoting Professional Learning for Continuous Improvement
Candidate responds to the diverse learning needs of some colleagues by identifying, promoting, and facilitating professional learning
Candidate responds to the diverse learning needs of colleagues by identifying, promoting, and facilitating professional learning
Candidate uses information about adult learning to respond to the diverse learning needs of colleagues by identifying, promoting, and facilitating professional learning
Candidate uses information about adult learning to respond to the diverse learning needs of colleagues by identifying, promoting, and facilitating varied and differentiated professional learning
Domain 3: Professional Learning for Continuous Improvement TLMS 3
Candidate collects, analyzes, and disseminates data related to professional learning and its effect on teaching.
Candidate collects, analyzes, and disseminates data related to the quality of professional learning and its effect on teaching.
Candidate collects, analyzes, and disseminates data related to the quality of professional learning and its effect on teaching and student learning
Candidate works with colleagues to collect, analyze, and disseminate data related to the quality of professional learning and its effect on teaching and student learning
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
TLMS (2020): Domain III:
Promoting Professional Learning - Promoting Professional Learning for Continuous Improvement
Domain 4: Facilitating Improvements in Instruction and Student Learning TLMS 4
Candidate collects school-wide data to improve school-wide achievement
Candidate shares with colleagues the expertise to improve achievement.
Candidate collects, analyzes and shares school-based data to identify opportunities to improve curriculum, instruction, assessment, school organization, and school culture
Candidate serves as a team leader to harness the skills, expertise, and knowledge of colleagues to address curricular expectations and student learning needs.
Candidate facilitates the collection, analysis, and use of classroom and school-based data to identify opportunities to improve curriculum, instruction, assessment, school organization, and school culture.
Candidate serves as a team leader to harness the skills, expertise, and knowledge of colleagues to address curricular expectations and student learning needs.
Candidate facilitates the collection, analysis, and use of classroom and school-based data to identify opportunities to improve curriculum, instruction, assessment, school organization, and school culture.
Candidate facilitates the analysis of student learning data, collaborative interpretation of results, and application of findings to improve teaching and learning.
Candidate serves as a team leader to harness the skills, expertise, and knowledge of colleagues to address curricular expectations and student learning needs
TLMS (2020): Domain IV: Facilitating ImprovementsFacilitating Improvements in Instruction and Student Learning
EdD EDL Teacher - EDL 7703 Improvement Plan Detail
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Set Title:
TLMS (2020) - Teacher Leader Model Standards - EDL
Standard Title: Fostering a Collaborative Culture
Standard Identifier:
Standard Description:
Mapped to:
Set Title:
Standard Title:
Standard Identifier:
Standard Description:
TLMS (2020): Domain I: Fostering a Collaborative Culture to Support Educator Development and Student Learning
The teacher leader understands the principles of adult learning and knows how to develop a collaborative culture of collective responsibility in the school The teacher leader uses this knowledge to promote an environment of collegiality, trust, and respect that focuses on continuous improvement in instruction and student learning.a) Utilizes group processes to help colleagues1 work collaboratively to solve problems, make decisions, manage conflict, and promote meaningful change; b) Models effective skills in listening, presenting ideas, leading discussions, clarifying, mediating, and identifying the needs of self and others in order to advance shared goals and professional learning;c) Employs facilitation skills to create trust among colleagues, develop collective wisdom, build ownership and action that supports student learning;d) Strives to create an inclusive culture where diverse perspectives are welcomed in addressing challenges; and e) Uses knowledge and understanding of different backgrounds, ethnicities, cultures, and languages to promote effective interactions among colleagues.
Teacher Rubric Domain 1: Fostering a Collaborative Culture to Support Educator Development and Student Learning TLMS 1
TLMS (2020) - Teacher Leader Model Standards - EDL
Promoting Professional Learning for Continuous Improvement
TLMS (2020): Domain III: Promoting Professional Learning
The teacher leader understands the evolving nature of teaching and learning, established and emerging technologies, and the school community The teacher leader uses this knowledge to promote, design, and facilitate job-embedded professional learning aligned with school improvement goals.a) Collaborates with colleagues and school administrators to plan professional learning that is team-based, job-embedded, sustained over time, aligned with content standards, and linked to school/district improvement goals; b) Uses information about adult learning to respond to the diverse learning needs of colleagues by identifying, promoting, and facilitating varied and differentiated professional learning;c) Facilitates professional learning among colleagues; d) Identifies and uses appropriate technologies to promote collaborative and differentiated professional learning; e) Works with colleagues to collect, analyze, and disseminate data related to the quality of professional learning and its effect on teaching and student learning; f) Advocates for sufficient preparation, time, and support for colleagues to work in teams to engage in job-embedded professional learning; g) Provides constructive feedback to colleagues to strengthen teaching practice and improve student learning; andh) Uses information about emerging education, economic, and social trends in planning and facilitating professional learning.
Mapped to: Domain 3: Professional Learning for Continuous ImprovementTLMS 3 / Domain 3: Professional Learning for Continuous Improvement TLMS 3 / Domain 3: Professional Learning for Continuous ImprovementTLMS 3
Generated by:
Paige Minutola
Set Title:
Standard Title:
Standard Identifier:
Standard Description:
TLMS (2020) - Teacher Leader Model Standards - EDL
Facilitating Improvements in Instruction and Student Learning
TLMS (2020): Domain IV: Facilitating Improvements
The teacher leader demonstrates a deep understanding of the teaching and learning processes and uses this knowledge to advance the professional skills of colleagues by being a continuous learner and modeling reflective practice based on student results. The teacher leader works collaboratively with colleagues to ensure instructional practices are aligned to a shared vision, mission, and goals a) Facilitates the collection, analysis, and use of classroom- and school-based data to identify opportunities to improve curriculum, instruction, assessment, school organization, and school culture; b) Engages in reflective dialog with colleagues based on observation of instruction, student work, and assessment data and helps make connections to researchbased effective practices; c) Supports colleagues’ individual and collective reflection and professional growth by serving in roles such as mentor, coach, and content facilitator;d) Serves as a team leader to harness the skills, expertise, and knowledge of colleagues to address curricular expectations and student learning needs; e) Uses knowledge of existing and emerging technologies to guide colleagues in helping students skillfully and appropriately navigate the universe of knowledge available on the Internet, use social media to promote collaborative learning, and connect with people and resources around the globe; and f) Promotes instructional strategies that address issues of diversity and equity in the classroom and ensures that individual student learning needs remain the central focus of instruction
Mapped to: Domain 4: Facilitating Improvements in Instruction and Student Learning TLMS 4
EdD EDL Teacher - EDL 7704 Transformational Improvement Plan
Structured External Assignment: Education for Equity and Social Justice
Teacher Leaders
Candidate chooses a curriculum area and researches root causes of bias and inequity. Candidate develops a transformational department or grade level improvement plan to extend and achieve high expectations and learning for all students. The plan should include an analysis of current curricular practices in regard to culturally responsive instruction and competency and improves outreach and collaboration with community and families as well as professional development for the school community. The candidate will also use data when collaborating with colleagues to improve school and district learning.
EdD EDL Teacher - EDL 7704 Transformational Improvement Plan Detail
TLMS (2020): Domain III: Promoting Professional Learning - Promoting Professional Learning for Continuous Improvement/ TLMS (2020): Domain IV: Facilitating Improvements - Facilitating Improvements in Instruction and Student Learning / TLMS (2020): Domain V: Promoting the Use of Assessments and Data - Promoting the Use of Assessments and Data for School and District Impr / TLMS (2020): Domain VI: Improving Outreach and Collaboration - Improving Outreach and Collaboration with Families and Community
Enable the N/A option for assessment
Rubric Structure
Domain 3: g. Professional Learning for Continuous Improvement TLMS 3
Candidate support colleagues to strengthen teaching practice and improve student learning.
Candidate provides constructive feedback to colleagues to strengthen teaching practice and improve student learning.
Candidate provides continuing support and constructive feedback to colleagues to strengthen teaching practice and improve student learning
Candidate provides constructive feedback to colleagues and teaches colleagues strategies to strengthen teaching practice and improve student learning
TLMS (2020): Domain III: Promoting Professional Learning - Promoting Professional Learning for Continuous Improvement
Domain 4: f. Facilitating Improvements in Instruction and Student Learning TLMS 4
Candidate support instructional strategies that address issues of diversity and equity in the classroom and ensures that individual student learning needs remain the central focus of instruction
Candidate promotes instructional strategies that address issues of diversity and equity in the classroom and ensures that individual student learning needs remain the central focus of instruction
Candidate promotes and teaches colleagues instructional strategies that address issues of diversity and equity in the classroom and ensures that individual student learning needs remain the central focus of instruction
Candidate promotes, teaches colleagues, and presents to the school community instructional strategies that address issues of diversity and equity in the classroom and ensures that individual student learning needs remain the central focus of instruction
1 of 6
EdD EDL Teacher - EDL 7704 Transformational Improvement Plan Detail
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
TLMS (2020): Domain IV:
Facilitating ImprovementsFacilitating Improvements in Instruction and Student Learning
Domain 5: b. c. Promoting the Use of Assessments and Data for School and District Improvement TLMS 5
Candidate designs, implements, scores, and interprets student data to improve educational practice and student learning.
Candidate engages with colleagues in conversations about student learning data that lead to solutions to identified issues.
Candidate collaborates with colleagues in the scoring and interpretation of student data to improve educational practice and student learning.
Candidate creates a climate of trust in order to engage colleagues in challenging conversations about student learning data that lead to solutions to identified issues
Candidate collaborates with colleagues in the design and the interpretation of student data to improve educational practice and student learning.
Candidate creates a climate of trust and critical reflection in order to engage colleagues in challenging conversations about student learning data that lead to solutions to identified issues.
Candidate collaborates with colleagues in the design, implementation, scoring, and interpretation of student data to improve educational practice and student learning
Candidate creates a climate of trust and critical reflection and leads colleagues in challenging conversations about student learning data that lead to solutions to identified issues.
TLMS (2020): Domain V: Promoting the Use of Assessments and DataPromoting the Use of Assessments and Data for School and District Impr
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Domain 6: a. b. c. Improving Outreach and Collaboration with Families and Community TLMS 6
Candidate uses knowledge and understanding of the different backgrounds in the school community to support effective interactions among colleagues and families
Candidate discusses effective communication and collaboration skills with families and other stakeholders focused on attaining equitable achievement for students of all backgrounds and circumstances
Candidate examines their own understandings of community culture and diversity and how they can develop culturally responsive strategies to enrich the educational experiences of students and achieve high levels of learning for all students.
Candidate uses knowledge and understanding of the different backgrounds, ethnicities, cultures, and languages in the school community to promote effective interactions among colleagues, families, and the larger community
Candidate models and teaches effective communication and collaboration skills with families and other stakeholders focused on attaining equitable achievement for students of all backgrounds and circumstances
Candidate supports colleagues’ self-examination of their own understandings of community culture and diversity and how they can develop culturally responsive strategies to enrich the educational experiences of students and achieve high levels of learning for all students.
Candidate uses and supports colleagues in gaining knowledge and understanding of the different backgrounds, ethnicities, cultures, and languages in the school community to promote effective interactions among colleagues, families, and the larger community.
Candidate provides opportunities for colleagues to model and teach effective communication and collaboration skills with families and other stakeholders focused on attaining equitable achievement for students of all backgrounds and circumstances.
Candidate facilitates colleagues’ self-examination of their own understandings of community culture and diversity and how they can develop culturally responsive strategies to enrich the educational experiences of students and achieve high levels of learning for all students.
Candidate uses and supports colleagues and the school community in gaining knowledge and understanding of the different backgrounds, ethnicities, cultures, and languages in the school community to promote effective interactions among colleagues, families, and the larger community.
Candidate makes a presentation at a conference or to the school board on modeling and teaching effective communication and collaboration skills with families and other stakeholders focused on attaining equitable achievement for students of all backgrounds and circumstances.
Candidate facilitates, teaches and models colleagues’ selfexamination of their own understandings of community culture and diversity and how they can develop culturally responsive strategies to enrich the educational experiences of students and achieve high levels of learning for all students.
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Set Title:
Standard Title:
Standard Identifier:
Standard Description:
TLMS (2020) - Teacher Leader Model Standards - EDL
Promoting Professional Learning for Continuous Improvement
TLMS (2020): Domain III: Promoting Professional Learning
The teacher leader understands the evolving nature of teaching and learning, established and emerging technologies, and the school community The teacher leader uses this knowledge to promote, design, and facilitate job-embedded professional learning aligned with school improvement goals.a) Collaborates with colleagues and school administrators to plan professional learning that is team-based, job-embedded, sustained over time, aligned with content standards, and linked to school/district improvement goals; b) Uses information about adult learning to respond to the diverse learning needs of colleagues by identifying, promoting, and facilitating varied and differentiated professional learning;c) Facilitates professional learning among colleagues; d) Identifies and uses appropriate technologies to promote collaborative and differentiated professional learning; e) Works with colleagues to collect, analyze, and disseminate data related to the quality of professional learning and its effect on teaching and student learning; f) Advocates for sufficient preparation, time, and support for colleagues to work in teams to engage in job-embedded professional learning; g) Provides constructive feedback to colleagues to strengthen teaching practice and improve student learning; andh) Uses information about emerging education, economic, and social trends in planning and facilitating professional learning.
Mapped to: Domain 3: g Professional Learning for Continuous Improvement TLMS 3
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Set Title:
Standard Title:
Standard Identifier:
Standard Description:
Mapped to:
Set Title:
Standard Title:
Standard Identifier:
Standard Description:
Mapped to:
TLMS (2020) - Teacher Leader Model Standards - EDL
Facilitating Improvements in Instruction and Student Learning
TLMS (2020): Domain IV: Facilitating Improvements
The teacher leader demonstrates a deep understanding of the teaching and learning processes and uses this knowledge to advance the professional skills of colleagues by being a continuous learner and modeling reflective practice based on student results. The teacher leader works collaboratively with colleagues to ensure instructional practices are aligned to a shared vision, mission, and goals a) Facilitates the collection, analysis, and use of classroom- and school-based data to identify opportunities to improve curriculum, instruction, assessment, school organization, and school culture; b) Engages in reflective dialog with colleagues based on observation of instruction, student work, and assessment data and helps make connections to researchbased effective practices; c) Supports colleagues’ individual and collective reflection and professional growth by serving in roles such as mentor, coach, and content facilitator;d) Serves as a team leader to harness the skills, expertise, and knowledge of colleagues to address curricular expectations and student learning needs; e) Uses knowledge of existing and emerging technologies to guide colleagues in helping students skillfully and appropriately navigate the universe of knowledge available on the Internet, use social media to promote collaborative learning, and connect with people and resources around the globe; and f) Promotes instructional strategies that address issues of diversity and equity in the classroom and ensures that individual student learning needs remain the central focus of instruction
Domain 4: f. Facilitating Improvements in Instruction and Student Learning TLMS 4
TLMS (2020) - Teacher Leader Model Standards - EDL
Promoting the Use of Assessments and Data for School and District Impr
TLMS (2020): Domain V: Promoting the Use of Assessments and Data
The teacher leader is knowledgeable about current research on classroom- and school- based data and the design and selection of appropriate formative and summative assessment methods. The teacher leader shares this knowledge and collaborates with colleagues to use assessment and other data to make informed decisions that improve learning for all students and to inform school and district improvement strategies. a) Increases the capacity of colleagues to identify and use multiple assessment tools aligned to state and local standards; b) Collaborates with colleagues in the design, implementation, scoring, and interpretation of student data to improve educational practice and student learning;c) Creates a climate of trust and critical reflection in order to engage colleagues in challenging conversations about student learning data that lead to solutions to identified issues; and d) Works with colleagues to use assessment and data findings to promote changes in instructional practices or organizational structures to improve student learning.
Domain 5: b c Promoting the Use of Assessments and Data for School and District Improvement TLMS 5
EdD EDL Teacher - EDL 7704 Transformational Improvement Plan Detail
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Set Title:
TLMS (2020) - Teacher Leader Model Standards - EDL
Standard Title: Improving Outreach and Collaboration with Families and Community
Standard Identifier:
TLMS (2020): Domain VI: Improving Outreach and Collaboration
Standard Description: The teacher leader understands that families, cultures, and communities have a significant impact on educational processes and student learning The teacher leader works with colleagues to promote ongoing systematic collaboration with families, community members, business and community leaders, and other stakeholders to improve the educational system and expand opportunities for student learning a) Uses knowledge and understanding of the different backgrounds, ethnicities, cultures, and languages in the school community to promote effective interactions among colleagues, families, and the larger community; b) Models and teaches effective communication and collaboration skills with families and other stakeholders focused on attaining equitable achievement for students of all backgrounds and circumstances;c) Facilitates colleagues’ self-examination of their own understandings of community culture and diversity and how they can develop culturally responsive strategies to enrich the educational experiences of students and achieve high levels of learning for all students; d) Develops a shared understanding among colleagues of the diverse educational needs of families and the community; and e) Collaborates with families, communities, and colleagues to develop comprehensive strategies to address the diverse educational needs of families and the community.
Mapped to: Domain 6: a b c Improving Outreach and Collaboration with Families and CommunityTLMS 6
EdD EDL Teacher - EDL 7709 Plan for Diverse Needs
Structured External Assignment: Leading and Managing Human Resources
Candidates design a plan for responding to the diverse adult learning needs of colleagues based on a survey of teacher skills/needs and learning style. Candidates will demonstrate in a presentation how they will work in collaboration and facilitating differentiated professional learning with teacher colleagues, principals and district leadership to increase the capacity of the teachers. They will employ and articulate the application of the principles of adult learning to professional development activities. Candidate will develop the plan in collaboration with colleagues, and it will be informed by learning assessment data that will lead to improved student learning.
EdD EDL Teacher - EDL 7709 Plan for Diverse Needs Detail
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Rubric Title: EdD EDL Teacher - EDL 7709 Plan for Diverse Needs
Mapped standards:
TLMS (2020): Domain III: Promoting Professional Learning - Promoting Professional Learning for Continuous Improvement/
TLMS (2020): Domain V: Promoting the Use of Assessments and Data - Promoting the Use of Assessments and Data for School and District Impr
Enable the N/A option for assessment
Rubric Structure
Teacher Rubric Domain 3: Professional Learning for Continuous Improvement
Candidate uses personal experience to respond to the learning needs of colleagues;
Candidate identifies professional learning for colleagues; and
Candidate advocates for sufficient support for colleagues to engage in professional learning
Candidate uses information about adult learning to respond to the learning needs of colleagues;
Candidate facilitates professional learning among colleagues; and
Candidate advocates for sufficient support for colleagues to work in teams to engage in professional learning.
Candidate uses information about adult learning to respond to the learning needs of colleagues by identifying and facilitating varied and differentiated professional learning;
Candidate facilitates professional learning among colleagues; and
Candidate advocates for sufficient preparation and support for colleagues to work in teams to engage in job-embedded professional learning
Uses information about adult learning to respond to the diverse learning needs of colleagues by identifying, promoting, and facilitating varied and differentiated professional learning;
Facilitates professional learning among colleagues; and
Advocates for sufficient preparation, time, and support for colleagues to work in teams to engage in job-embedded professional learning.
TLMS (2020): Domain III: Promoting Professional Learning - Promoting Professional Learning for Continuous Improvement
Generated by:
Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Domain 5: Promoting the Use of Assessments and Data for School and District Improvement TLMS 5
TLMS (2020): Domain V: Promoting the Use of Assessments and DataPromoting the Use of Assessments and Data for School and District Impr
Candidate collaborates with colleagues in the interpretation of student data to improve educational practice and student learning; and
Candidate works with colleagues to use assessment findings to promote to improve student learning.
Candidate collaborates with colleagues in the implementation, scoring, and interpretation of student data to improve educational practice and student learning; and
Candidate works with colleagues to use assessment and data findings to promote changes in instructional practices or to improve student learning.
Candidate collaborates with colleagues in the implementation, scoring, and interpretation of student data to improve educational practice and student learning; and
Candidate works with colleagues to use assessment and data findings to promote changes in instructional practices or to improve student learning.
Collaborates with colleagues in the design, implementation, scoring, and interpretation of student data to improve educational practice and student learning; and Works with colleagues to use assessment and data findings to promote changes in instructional practices or organizational structures to improve student learning.
EdD EDL Teacher - EDL 7709 Plan for Diverse Needs Detail
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Set Title:
Standard Title:
Standard Identifier:
Standard Description:
Mapped to:
Set Title:
TLMS (2020) - Teacher Leader Model Standards - EDL
Promoting Professional Learning for Continuous Improvement
TLMS (2020): Domain III: Promoting Professional Learning
The teacher leader understands the evolving nature of teaching and learning, established and emerging technologies, and the school community The teacher leader uses this knowledge to promote, design, and facilitate job-embedded professional learning aligned with school improvement goals.a) Collaborates with colleagues and school administrators to plan professional learning that is team-based, job-embedded, sustained over time, aligned with content standards, and linked to school/district improvement goals; b) Uses information about adult learning to respond to the diverse learning needs of colleagues by identifying, promoting, and facilitating varied and differentiated professional learning;c) Facilitates professional learning among colleagues; d) Identifies and uses appropriate technologies to promote collaborative and differentiated professional learning; e) Works with colleagues to collect, analyze, and disseminate data related to the quality of professional learning and its effect on teaching and student learning; f) Advocates for sufficient preparation, time, and support for colleagues to work in teams to engage in job-embedded professional learning; g) Provides constructive feedback to colleagues to strengthen teaching practice and improve student learning; andh) Uses information about emerging education, economic, and social trends in planning and facilitating professional learning.
Teacher Rubric Domain 3: Professional Learning for Continuous Improvement TLMS 3
TLMS (2020) - Teacher Leader Model Standards - EDL
Standard Title: Promoting the Use of Assessments and Data for School and District Impr
Standard Identifier:
Standard Description:
Mapped to:
TLMS (2020): Domain V: Promoting the Use of Assessments and Data
The teacher leader is knowledgeable about current research on classroom- and school- based data and the design and selection of appropriate formative and summative assessment methods The teacher leader shares this knowledge and collaborates with colleagues to use assessment and other data to make informed decisions that improve learning for all students and to inform school and district improvement strategies a) Increases the capacity of colleagues to identify and use multiple assessment tools aligned to state and local standards; b) Collaborates with colleagues in the design, implementation, scoring, and interpretation of student data to improve educational practice and student learning;c) Creates a climate of trust and critical reflection in order to engage colleagues in challenging conversations about student learning data that lead to solutions to identified issues; and d) Works with colleagues to use assessment and data findings to promote changes in instructional practices or organizational structures to improve student learning
Domain 5: Promoting the Use of Assessments and Data for School and District Improvement TLMS 5
EDL 8115 Teacher-Leaders
EdD EDL Teacher - EDL 8115 Lab of Practice Project
Structured External Assignment: Laboratory of Practice
Teacher Leaders
Each candidate must complete 240 clinical or internship hours in the classroom, school, or district setting. The Laboratory of Practice is differentiated accordingly for teacher-leaders, principals, and superintendents or other district leaders. It is the setting in which candidates have practical leadership experience and in which each candidate, with consultation with a local teacher leader, identifies a problem of importance to the school or district that becomes the candidate’s problem of practice.
Candidates must demonstrate competency in all Model Teacher Leader Domains. There are defined required experiences candidates must have in the context of leadership. In this case a laboratory of practice is the classroom, school or district with classroom, school or district level experiences. The following are four projects that are standard based, rubric scored and required of every candidate.
In addition there is a fifth personalized project that is standards based and rubric scored.
Learning Outcome 1. (required – IV a. and d.)
Candidates will collaborate with the appropriate faculty, school and district leaders on curriculum development. Candidates will align a school, subject or grade level curriculum plan with the district curriculum plan and state standards. Candidate researches best practices for the needs of the student populations.
Candidate will coordinator quarterly formative assessments in alignment with district and state summative assessments. Candidate will analyze multiple measures for building improved colleague capacity and student learning.
Teacher Leader Standards
IV a. Facilitates the collection, analysis, and use of classroom and school based data to identify opportunities to improve curriculum, instruction, assessment, school organization, and school culture.
IV d. Serves as a team leader to harness the skills, expertise, and knowledge of colleagues to address curricular expectations and student learning needs.
Curriculum alignment map
Literature review
Formative and Summative Assessments Report
School, Subject or Grade Level Data Analysis Report
School, Subject or Grade Level Student Learning Analysis Report
Plan for Improvement based on the curricular and instructional program findings.
Reflection on the curriculum development process.
EdD EDL Teacher - EDL 8115 Lab of Practice Project Detail
Generated by: Paige Minutola 04/18/2024
Rubric Title: EdD EDL Teacher - EDL 8115 Lab of Practice Project
Mapped standards: TLMS (2020): Domain VII: Advocating for Student Learning - Advocating for Student Learning and the Profession / TLMS (2020): Domain I: Fostering a Collaborative Culture to Support Educator Development and Student Learning - Fostering a Collaborative Culture / TLMS (2020): Domain II: Accessing and Using Research to Improve Practice and Student Learning - Accessing and Using Research / TLMS (2020): Domain III: Promoting Professional Learning - Promoting Professional Learning for Continuous Improvement / TLMS (2020): Domain IV: Facilitating Improvements - Facilitating Improvements in Instruction and Student Learning / TLMS (2020): Domain V: Promoting the Use of Assessments and Data - Promoting the Use of Assessments and Data for School and District Impr / TLMS (2020): Domain VI: Improving Outreach and Collaboration - Improving Outreach and Collaboration with Families and Community
Mapped outcomes: -
Enable the N/A option for assessment
Rubric Structure
Facilitating Improvements in Instruction and Student Learning Domain 4:
Candidate collects school-wide data to improve school-wide achievement.
Candidate shares with colleagues the expertise to improve achievement
Candidate collects, analyzes and shares school-based data to identify opportunities to improve curriculum, instruction, assessment, school organization, and school culture.
Candidate serves as a team leader to harness the skills, expertise, and knowledge of colleagues to address curricular expectations and student learning needs.
Candidate facilitates the collection, analysis, and use of classroom and school-based data to identify opportunities to improve curriculum, instruction, assessment, school organization, and school culture
Candidate serves as a team leader to harness the skills, expertise, and knowledge of colleagues to address curricular expectations and student learning needs
Candidate facilitates the collection, analysis, and use of classroom and school-based data to identify opportunities to improve curriculum, instruction, assessment, school organization, and school culture
Candidate facilitates the analysis of student learning data, collaborative interpretation of results, and application of findings to improve teaching and learning
Candidate serves as a team leader to harness the skills, expertise, and knowledge of colleagues to address curricular expectations and student learning needs.
by: Paige Minutola 04/18/2024
TLMS (2020): Domain IV:
Facilitating ImprovementsFacilitating Improvements in Instruction and Student Learning
Promoting the Use of Assessments and Data for School and District Improvement Domain 5: c. d.
Candidate engages colleagues in conversations about student learning data that lead to solutions.
Candidate promotes practices that enhance safety and security.
Candidate engages colleagues in challenging conversations about student learning data that lead to solutions to identified issues.
Candidate promotes practices that enhance safety and security for students and staff
Candidate creates a climate of trust to engage colleagues in challenging conversations about student learning data that lead to solutions to identified issues.
Candidate promotes classroom management practices that enhance safety and security for students and staff.
Candidate creates a climate of trust and critical reflection in order to engage colleagues in challenging conversations about student learning data that lead to solutions to identified issues
Candidate works with colleagues to promote classroom management practices that enhance safety and security for students and staff.
TLMS (2020): Domain V:
Promoting the Use of Assessments and DataPromoting the Use of Assessments and Data for School and District Impr
by: Paige Minutola
Improving Outreach and Collaboration with Families and CommunityDomain 6: a. d.
TLMS (2020): Domain VI: Improving Outreach and Collaboration - Improving Outreach and Collaboration with Families and Community
Candidate uses knowledge of the different cultures, and languages in the school community to promote effective interactions among colleagues.
Candidate develops an understanding with some colleagues of the diverse educational needs of students.
Candidate uses knowledge and understanding of the different backgrounds, ethnicities, cultures, and languages in the school community to promote effective interactions among colleagues
Candidate develops a shared understanding among colleagues of the diverse educational needs of students
Candidate uses knowledge and understanding of the different backgrounds, ethnicities, cultures, and languages in the school community to promote effective interactions among colleagues and families.
Candidate develops a shared understanding among colleagues of the diverse educational needs of families and students.
Candidate uses knowledge and understanding of the different backgrounds, ethnicities, cultures, and languages in the school community to promote effective interactions among colleagues, families, and the larger community
Candidate develops a shared understanding among colleagues of the diverse educational needs of students, families and the community
Generated by: Paige Minutola 04/18/2024
Advocating for Student Learning and the Profession Domain 7
Collaborates with agreeable colleagues to secure additional resources within the building.
Candidate takes credit and acknowledges colleague contributions for work.
Candidate holds oneself responsible for ethical conduct by supporting the academic achievement of students.
The candidate maintains fidelity to the Code by talking to their colleague when having reason to believe that colleague may be approaching or involved in an ethically compromising situation.
Collaborates with colleagues to select appropriate opportunities to secure additional resources within the building or district that support student learning.
Candidate takes responsibility and credit only for work actually performed or produced and acknowledges colleague contributions and work.
Candidate holds oneself responsible for ethical conduct by supporting the academic achievement and the emotional well-being of all students.
The candidate maintains fidelity to the Code by taking speaking to the offending colleague and reporting to the principal when having reason to believe that colleague may be approaching or involved in an ethically compromising situation.
Collaborates with colleagues to select appropriate opportunities to advocate for the rights and/or needs of students, to secure additional resources within the building or district that support student learning, and to communicate effectively with the school learning community.
Candidate takes responsibility and credit only for work actually performed or produced and acknowledges colleague contributions and puts forward the work of colleagues.
Candidate holds oneself responsible for ethical conduct by supporting the academic achievement and the emotional well-being of all students with colleagues and school staff.
The candidate maintains fidelity to the Code by taking proactive steps (talks to the colleague, reports to the principal, or reports to law enforcement) when having reason to believe that another educator may be approaching or involved in an ethically compromising situation.
Collaborates with colleagues to select appropriate opportunities to advocate for the rights and/or needs of students, to secure additional resources within the building or district that support student learning, and to communicate effectively with targeted audiences such as parents and community members.
Candidate takes responsibility and credit only for work actually performed or produced and acknowledges colleague contributions and publically puts forward the work of colleagues. Candidate holds oneself responsible for ethical conduct by supporting the academic achievement and the emotional well-being of all students and the entire school community.
The candidate maintains fidelity to the Code by taking proactive steps (talks to the colleague, reports to the principal, or reports to law enforcement) when having reason to believe that another educator may be approaching or involved in an ethically compromising situation and knows when to take independent action.
EdD EDL Teacher - EDL 8115 Lab of Practice Project Detail
Generated by: Paige Minutola 04/18/2024
Teacher Leader Domain 1
TLMS (2020): Domain I: Fostering a Collaborative Culture to Support Educator Development and Student Learning - Fostering a Collaborative Culture
Candidate aligns the goals of the project to the Teacher Leader Standard, but lacks a strong connection Candidate aligns tasks and activities to the Standard without an explicit connection Candidate fails to identify the element(s) that inform the project. Candidates states the finding but presents no analysis of the project based on the findings. Candidate’s reflection lacks connection to the key elements of the leadership standard
Candidate aligns the goals of the project to the Teacher Leader Standard. Candidate aligns tasks and activities to the Standard Candidate identifies the element(s) that inform the project Candidates states the finding and presents an analysis of the project based on the findings Candidate’s reflection is linked to the key elements of the leadership standard.
Candidate aligns the goals of the project to the Teacher Leader Standard and provides a rationale for the goals Candidate aligns tasks and activities to the Standard and relates the artifacts or evidence to the standard. Candidate identifies the standard(s) element(s) that inform the project. Candidates states the findings and presents an analysis of the project based on the findings including a critique of the work Candidate’s reflection is linked to the key elements of the leadership standard and demonstrates personal growth as a leader.
Candidate aligns the goals of the project to Teacher Leader Standard and incorporates and relates the alignment to educational theory or research. Candidate aligns tasks and activities to the Standard and relates the artifacts or evidence to the standard and explains the importance of the connection. Candidate identifies the standard(s) element(s) that inform the project.
Candidates states the findings and presents an analysis of the project based on the findings including a critique of the work and provides suggestions for further or continued impact. Candidate’s reflection is linked to the key elements of the leadership standard and demonstrates personal growth as a leader and provides personal goals for continued learning
Generated by: Paige Minutola 04/18/2024
Teacher Leader Domain 2
Candidate aligns the goals of the project to the Teacher Leader Standard, but lacks a strong connection. Candidate aligns tasks and activities to the Standard without an explicit connection Candidate fails to identify the element(s) that inform the project Candidates states the finding but presents no analysis of the project based on the findings Candidate’s reflection lacks connection to the key elements of the leadership standard
Candidate aligns the goals of the project to the Teacher Leader Standard Candidate aligns tasks and activities to the Standard. Candidate identifies the element(s) that inform the project Candidates states the finding and presents an analysis of the project based on the findings. Candidate’s reflection is linked to the key elements of the leadership standard
Candidate aligns the goals of the project to the Teacher Leader Standard and provides a rationale for the goals. Candidate aligns tasks and activities to the Standard and relates the artifacts or evidence to the standard. Candidate identifies the standard(s) element(s) that inform the project. Candidates states the findings and presents an analysis of the project based on the findings including a critique of the work Candidate’s reflection is linked to the key elements of the leadership standard and demonstrates personal growth as a leader.
Candidate aligns the goals of the project to Teacher Leader Standard and incorporates and relates the alignment to educational theory or research. Candidate aligns tasks and activities to the Standard and relates the artifacts or evidence to the standard and explains the importance of the connection. Candidate identifies the standard(s) element(s) that inform the project.
Candidates states the findings and presents an analysis of the project based on the findings including a critique of the work and provides suggestions for further or continued impact Candidate’s reflection is linked to the key elements of the leadership standard and demonstrates personal growth as a leader and provides personal goals for continued learning.
Generated by: Paige Minutola 04/18/2024
Teacher Leader Domain 3
Candidate aligns the goals of the project to the Teacher Leader Standard, but lacks a strong connection. Candidate aligns tasks and activities to the Standard without an explicit connection Candidate fails to identify the element(s) that inform the project Candidates states the finding but presents no analysis of the project based on the findings Candidate’s reflection lacks connection to the key elements of the leadership standard
Candidate aligns the goals of the project to the Teacher Leader Standard Candidate aligns tasks and activities to the Standard. Candidate identifies the element(s) that inform the project Candidates states the finding and presents an analysis of the project based on the findings. Candidate’s reflection is linked to the key elements of the leadership standard
Candidate aligns the goals of the project to the Teacher Leader Standard and provides a rationale for the goals. Candidate aligns tasks and activities to the Standard and relates the artifacts or evidence to the standard. Candidate identifies the standard(s) element(s) that inform the project. Candidates states the findings and presents an analysis of the project based on the findings including a critique of the work Candidate’s reflection is linked to the key elements of the leadership standard and demonstrates personal growth as a leader.
Candidate aligns the goals of the project to Teacher Leader Standard and incorporates and relates the alignment to educational theory or research. Candidate aligns tasks and activities to the Standard and relates the artifacts or evidence to the standard and explains the importance of the connection. Candidate identifies the standard(s) element(s) that inform the project.
Candidates states the findings and presents an analysis of the project based on the findings including a critique of the work and provides suggestions for further or continued impact Candidate’s reflection is linked to the key elements of the leadership standard and demonstrates personal growth as a leader and provides personal goals for continued learning.
Generated by: Paige Minutola 04/18/2024
Teacher Leader Domain 4
Candidate aligns the goals of the project to the Teacher Leader Standard, but lacks a strong connection. Candidate aligns tasks and activities to the Standard without an explicit connection Candidate fails to identify the element(s) that inform the project Candidates states the finding but presents no analysis of the project based on the findings Candidate’s reflection lacks connection to the key elements of the leadership standard
Candidate aligns the goals of the project to the Teacher Leader Standard Candidate aligns tasks and activities to the Standard. Candidate identifies the element(s) that inform the project Candidates states the finding and presents an analysis of the project based on the findings. Candidate’s reflection is linked to the key elements of the leadership standard
Candidate aligns the goals of the project to the Teacher Leader Standard and provides a rationale for the goals. Candidate aligns tasks and activities to the Standard and relates the artifacts or evidence to the standard. Candidate identifies the standard(s) element(s) that inform the project. Candidates states the findings and presents an analysis of the project based on the findings including a critique of the work Candidate’s reflection is linked to the key elements of the leadership standard and demonstrates personal growth as a leader.
Candidate aligns the goals of the project to Teacher Leader Standard and incorporates and relates the alignment to educational theory or research. Candidate aligns tasks and activities to the Standard and relates the artifacts or evidence to the standard and explains the importance of the connection. Candidate identifies the standard(s) element(s) that inform the project.
Candidates states the findings and presents an analysis of the project based on the findings including a critique of the work and provides suggestions for further or continued impact Candidate’s reflection is linked to the key elements of the leadership standard and demonstrates personal growth as a leader and provides personal goals for continued learning.
by: Paige Minutola 04/18/2024
Teacher Leader Domain 5
Candidate aligns the goals of the project to the Teacher Leader Standard, but lacks a strong connection. Candidate aligns tasks and activities to the Standard without an explicit connection Candidate fails to identify the element(s) that inform the project Candidates states the finding but presents no analysis of the project based on the findings Candidate’s reflection lacks connection to the key elements of the leadership standard
Candidate aligns the goals of the project to the Teacher Leader Standard Candidate aligns tasks and activities to the Standard. Candidate identifies the element(s) that inform the project Candidates states the finding and presents an analysis of the project based on the findings. Candidate’s reflection is linked to the key elements of the leadership standard
Candidate aligns the goals of the project to the Teacher Leader Standard and provides a rationale for the goals. Candidate aligns tasks and activities to the Standard and relates the artifacts or evidence to the standard. Candidate identifies the standard(s) element(s) that inform the project. Candidates states the findings and presents an analysis of the project based on the findings including a critique of the work Candidate’s reflection is linked to the key elements of the leadership standard and demonstrates personal growth as a leader.
Candidate aligns the goals of the project to Teacher Leader Standard and incorporates and relates the alignment to educational theory or research.
Candidate aligns tasks and activities to the Standard and relates the artifacts or evidence to the standard and explains the importance of the connection Candidate identifies the standard(s) element(s) that inform the project
Candidates states the findings and presents an analysis of the project based on the findings including a critique of the work and provides suggestions for further or continued impact. Candidate’s reflection is linked to the key elements of the leadership standard and demonstrates personal growth as a leader and provides personal goals for continued learning.
Generated by: Paige Minutola 04/18/2024
Teacher Leader Domain 6
Candidate aligns the goals of the project to the Teacher Leader Standard, but lacks a strong connection. Candidate aligns tasks and activities to the Standard without an explicit connection Candidate fails to identify the element(s) that inform the project Candidates states the finding but presents no analysis of the project based on the findings Candidate’s reflection lacks connection to the key elements of the leadership standard
Candidate aligns the goals of the project to the Teacher Leader Standard Candidate aligns tasks and activities to the Standard. Candidate identifies the element(s) that inform the project Candidates states the finding and presents an analysis of the project based on the findings. Candidate’s reflection is linked to the key elements of the leadership standard
Candidate aligns the goals of the project to the Teacher Leader Standard and provides a rationale for the goals. Candidate aligns tasks and activities to the Standard and relates the artifacts or evidence to the standard. Candidate identifies the standard(s) element(s) that inform the project. Candidates states the findings and presents an analysis of the project based on the findings including a critique of the work Candidate’s reflection is linked to the key elements of the leadership standard and demonstrates personal growth as a leader.
Candidate aligns the goals of the project to Teacher Leader Standard and incorporates and relates the alignment to educational theory or research. Candidate aligns tasks and activities to the Standard and relates the artifacts or evidence to the standard and explains the importance of the connection. Candidate identifies the standard(s) element(s) that inform the project.
Candidates states the findings and presents an analysis of the project based on the findings including a critique of the work and provides suggestions for further or continued impact Candidate’s reflection is linked to the key elements of the leadership standard and demonstrates personal growth as a leader and provides personal goals for continued learning.
Generated by: Paige Minutola 04/18/2024
Teacher Leader Domain 7
Candidate aligns the goals of the project to the Teacher Leader Standard, but lacks a strong connection. Candidate aligns tasks and activities to the Standard without an explicit connection Candidate fails to identify the element(s) that inform the project Candidates states the finding but presents no analysis of the project based on the findings Candidate’s reflection lacks connection to the key elements of the leadership standard
Candidate aligns the goals of the project to the Teacher Leader Standard Candidate aligns tasks and activities to the Standard. Candidate identifies the element(s) that inform the project Candidates states the finding and presents an analysis of the project based on the findings. Candidate’s reflection is linked to the key elements of the leadership standard
Candidate aligns the goals of the project to the Teacher Leader Standard and provides a rationale for the goals. Candidate aligns tasks and activities to the Standard and relates the artifacts or evidence to the standard. Candidate identifies the standard(s) element(s) that inform the project. Candidates states the findings and presents an analysis of the project based on the findings including a critique of the work Candidate’s reflection is linked to the key elements of the leadership standard and demonstrates personal growth as a leader.
Candidate aligns the goals of the project to Teacher Leader Standard and incorporates and relates the alignment to educational theory or research. Candidate aligns tasks and activities to the Standard and relates the artifacts or evidence to the standard and explains the importance of the connection. Candidate identifies the standard(s) element(s) that inform the project.
Candidates states the findings and presents an analysis of the project based on the findings including a critique of the work and provides suggestions for further or continued impact Candidate’s reflection is linked to the key elements of the leadership standard and demonstrates personal growth as a leader and provides personal goals for continued learning. TLMS (2020): Domain VII: Advocating for Student Learning - Advocating for Student Learning and the Profession
Generated by: Paige Minutola 04/18/2024
Set Title:
Standard Title:
Standard Identifier:
Standard Description:
Mapped to:
Set Title:
TLMS (2020) - Teacher Leader Model Standards - EDL
Advocating for Student Learning and the Profession
TLMS (2020): Domain VII: Advocating for Student Learning
The teacher leader understands how educational policy is made at the local, state, and national level as well as the roles of school leaders, boards of education, legislators, and other stakeholders in formulating those policies The teacher leader uses this knowledge to advocate for student needs and for practices that support effective teaching and increase student learning, and serves as an individual of influence and respect within the school, community, and profession a) Shares information with colleagues within and/or beyond the district regarding how local, state, and national trends and policies can impact classroom practices and expectations for student learning;b) Works with colleagues to identify and use research to advocate for teaching and learning processes that meet the needs of all students; c) Collaborates with colleagues to select appropriate opportunities to advocate for the rights and/or needs of students, to secure additional resources within the building or district that support student learning, and to communicate effectively with targeted audiences such as parents and community members; d) Advocates for access to professional resources, including financial support and human and other material resources, that allow colleagues to spend significant time learning about effective practices and developing a professional learning community focused on school improvement goals; ande) Represents and advocates for the profession in contexts outside of the classroom
Advocating for Student Learning and the Profession Domain 7 / Teacher Leader Domain 7
TLMS (2020) - Teacher Leader Model Standards - EDL
Standard Title: Fostering a Collaborative Culture
Standard Identifier:
Standard Description:
TLMS (2020): Domain I: Fostering a Collaborative Culture to Support Educator Development and Student Learning
The teacher leader understands the principles of adult learning and knows how to develop a collaborative culture of collective responsibility in the school. The teacher leader uses this knowledge to promote an environment of collegiality, trust, and respect that focuses on continuous improvement in instruction and student learning a) Utilizes group processes to help colleagues1 work collaboratively to solve problems, make decisions, manage conflict, and promote meaningful change; b) Models effective skills in listening, presenting ideas, leading discussions, clarifying, mediating, and identifying the needs of self and others in order to advance shared goals and professional learning;c) Employs facilitation skills to create trust among colleagues, develop collective wisdom, build ownership and action that supports student learning;d) Strives to create an inclusive culture where diverse perspectives are welcomed in addressing challenges; and e) Uses knowledge and understanding of different backgrounds, ethnicities, cultures, and languages to promote effective interactions among colleagues
Mapped to: Teacher Leader Domain 1
EdD EDL Teacher - EDL 8115 Lab of Practice Project Detail
Generated by: Paige Minutola 04/18/2024
Set Title:
Standard Title:
Standard Identifier:
Standard Description:
Mapped to:
Set Title:
Standard Title:
Standard Identifier:
Standard Description:
Mapped to:
TLMS (2020) - Teacher Leader Model Standards - EDL
Accessing and Using Research
TLMS (2020): Domain II: Accessing and Using Research to Improve Practice and Student Learning
The teacher leader understands how research creates new knowledge, informs policies and practices and improves teaching and learning - The teacher leader models and facilitates the use of systematic inquiry as a critical component of teachers’ ongoing learning and development.a) Assists colleagues in accessing and using research in order to select appropriate strategies to improve student learning;b) Facilitates the analysis of student learning data, collaborative interpretation of results, and application of findings to improve teaching and learning;c) Supports colleagues in collaborating with the higher education institutions and other organizations engaged in researching critical educational issues; and d) Teaches and supports colleagues to collect, analyze, and communicate data from their classrooms to improve teaching and learning.
Teacher Leader Domain 2
TLMS (2020) - Teacher Leader Model Standards - EDL
Promoting Professional Learning for Continuous Improvement
TLMS (2020): Domain III: Promoting Professional Learning
The teacher leader understands the evolving nature of teaching and learning, established and emerging technologies, and the school community. The teacher leader uses this knowledge to promote, design, and facilitate job-embedded professional learning aligned with school improvement goals a) Collaborates with colleagues and school administrators to plan professional learning that is team-based, job-embedded, sustained over time, aligned with content standards, and linked to school/district improvement goals; b) Uses information about adult learning to respond to the diverse learning needs of colleagues by identifying, promoting, and facilitating varied and differentiated professional learning;c) Facilitates professional learning among colleagues; d) Identifies and uses appropriate technologies to promote collaborative and differentiated professional learning; e) Works with colleagues to collect, analyze, and disseminate data related to the quality of professional learning and its effect on teaching and student learning; f) Advocates for sufficient preparation, time, and support for colleagues to work in teams to engage in job-embedded professional learning; g) Provides constructive feedback to colleagues to strengthen teaching practice and improve student learning; andh) Uses information about emerging education, economic, and social trends in planning and facilitating professional learning.
Teacher Leader Domain 3
EdD EDL Teacher - EDL 8115 Lab of Practice Project Detail
Generated by: Paige Minutola 04/18/2024
Set Title:
Standard Title:
Standard Identifier:
Standard Description:
Mapped to:
Set Title:
Standard Title:
Standard Identifier:
Standard Description:
Mapped to:
TLMS (2020) - Teacher Leader Model Standards - EDL
Facilitating Improvements in Instruction and Student Learning
TLMS (2020): Domain IV: Facilitating Improvements
The teacher leader demonstrates a deep understanding of the teaching and learning processes and uses this knowledge to advance the professional skills of colleagues by being a continuous learner and modeling reflective practice based on student results. The teacher leader works collaboratively with colleagues to ensure instructional practices are aligned to a shared vision, mission, and goals a) Facilitates the collection, analysis, and use of classroom- and school-based data to identify opportunities to improve curriculum, instruction, assessment, school organization, and school culture; b) Engages in reflective dialog with colleagues based on observation of instruction, student work, and assessment data and helps make connections to researchbased effective practices; c) Supports colleagues’ individual and collective reflection and professional growth by serving in roles such as mentor, coach, and content facilitator;d) Serves as a team leader to harness the skills, expertise, and knowledge of colleagues to address curricular expectations and student learning needs; e) Uses knowledge of existing and emerging technologies to guide colleagues in helping students skillfully and appropriately navigate the universe of knowledge available on the Internet, use social media to promote collaborative learning, and connect with people and resources around the globe; and f) Promotes instructional strategies that address issues of diversity and equity in the classroom and ensures that individual student learning needs remain the central focus of instruction
Facilitating Improvements in Instruction and Student Learning Domain 4:/ Teacher Leader Domain 4
TLMS (2020) - Teacher Leader Model Standards - EDL
Promoting the Use of Assessments and Data for School and District Impr
TLMS (2020): Domain V: Promoting the Use of Assessments and Data
The teacher leader is knowledgeable about current research on classroom- and school- based data and the design and selection of appropriate formative and summative assessment methods. The teacher leader shares this knowledge and collaborates with colleagues to use assessment and other data to make informed decisions that improve learning for all students and to inform school and district improvement strategies. a) Increases the capacity of colleagues to identify and use multiple assessment tools aligned to state and local standards; b) Collaborates with colleagues in the design, implementation, scoring, and interpretation of student data to improve educational practice and student learning;c) Creates a climate of trust and critical reflection in order to engage colleagues in challenging conversations about student learning data that lead to solutions to identified issues; and d) Works with colleagues to use assessment and data findings to promote changes in instructional practices or organizational structures to improve student learning.
Promoting the Use of Assessments and Data for School and District ImprovementDomain 5: c d / Teacher Leader Domain 5
EdD EDL Teacher - EDL 8115 Lab of Practice Project Detail
Generated by: Paige Minutola 04/18/2024
Set Title:
Standard Title:
Standard Identifier:
TLMS (2020) - Teacher Leader Model Standards - EDL
Improving Outreach and Collaboration with Families and Community
TLMS (2020): Domain VI: Improving Outreach and Collaboration
Standard Description: The teacher leader understands that families, cultures, and communities have a significant impact on educational processes and student learning The teacher leader works with colleagues to promote ongoing systematic collaboration with families, community members, business and community leaders, and other stakeholders to improve the educational system and expand opportunities for student learning a) Uses knowledge and understanding of the different backgrounds, ethnicities, cultures, and languages in the school community to promote effective interactions among colleagues, families, and the larger community; b) Models and teaches effective communication and collaboration skills with families and other stakeholders focused on attaining equitable achievement for students of all backgrounds and circumstances;c) Facilitates colleagues’ self-examination of their own understandings of community culture and diversity and how they can develop culturally responsive strategies to enrich the educational experiences of students and achieve high levels of learning for all students; d) Develops a shared understanding among colleagues of the diverse educational needs of families and the community; and e) Collaborates with families, communities, and colleagues to develop comprehensive strategies to address the diverse educational needs of families and the community.
Mapped to: Improving Outreach and Collaboration with Families and Community Domain 6: a d / Teacher Leader Domain 6
EDL Teacher - EDL 8115 Placement Details Form
You must complete the My Placement Details form by clicking here prior to Week 6. This is a requirement for this course. Please make sure that all information is accurate and complete prior to submission. Click "Send me a copy of my responses" which will send you an email. Upload a PDF copy of that email including your answers below.
Please reach out to your course instructor if you have questions.
University supervisors and mentors collaboratively support candidates’ advancement of clearly defined professional responsibilities, dispositions, and performance that characterize successful educators. This end of term assessment documents an intern’s capacity as a leader and should be completed no later than during the final conference by the Mentor with collaboration from the University Supervisor.
The University Supervisor will enter scores here once the final assessment is completed.
This SEA serves as the beginning of your Dissertation in Practice. The identification of the contextual meaning of the Problem of Practice is the first step towards the Dissertation in Practice. The Problem of Practice is grounded in strong evidence, improvement science methodology, action research methodology and practice. It is shareable and it clearly describes what is happening in the instructional core while being connected to a systemic issue of the school/district theory of action with intended benefits identified, meaningful, insightful and innovative. The Problem of Practice is high leverage and specific of the significant impact to learning. To enhance this practical work, the candidate includes information, activities, tools and techniques, stakeholders involved and analyses to guide the Dissertation in Practice. There is a format or genre that is more applicable to your Problem of Practice as innovative approaches, ideas, designs and solutions are encouraged. Candidates will frame the problem, challenge, or phenomenon in the relevant literature and will design a specific change idea to be tested. Students will bring evidence from both literature and the specific setting that frames the problem, challenge, or phenomenon in the particular organizational context.
Generated by: Paige Minutola 04/18/2024
Rubric Title: EdD EDL Building - EDL 7108 Problem of Practice
Mapped standards: NELP Building Level (2017): 1: Mission, Vision, and Improvement - Mission, Vision, and Improvement / WilmU (2015): 1: Oral
Mapped outcomes:
Enable the N/A option for assessment
Rubric Structure
by: Paige Minutola
Building Rubric Content –
Candidate knowledge of research on school improvement; formal processes of iterative, evidence-informed improvement; and data collection, diagnosis, and use.
Candidate knows the need for a school improvement plan.
Candidate knows the research of required models for school improvement
Candidate knows the components of a school improvement plan.
Candidate knows the research on improvement models and its use in evidence-based school improvement planning.
Candidate knows the sequential steps involved in the planning processes for development, implementation and evaluation of data collection, diagnosis, design, and results analysis and interpretation.
Candidate knows research-based processes for engaging diverse stakeholders in the strategic planning, implementation and evaluation for continuous improvement
Candidate understands the components of a district improvement plan
Candidate understands the research on improvement models and its use in evidence-based school improvement planning
Candidates understands the sequential steps involved in the planning processes for development, implementation and evaluation of data collection, diagnosis, design, and results analysis and interpretation
Candidate understands researchbased processes for engaging diverse stakeholders in the strategic planning, implementation and evaluation for continuous improvement.
Candidate understands and through self disclosure is comfortable with carrying out the components of a district improvement plan through collaboration in its development
Candidate understands the research on improvement models and its use in evidence-based school improvement planning through multi-layered collaboration.
Candidates understands and facilitates others in understanding the sequential steps involved in strategic planning processes for development, implementation and evaluation of data collection, diagnosis, design, and results analysis and interpretation
Candidate understands and facilitates others in understanding research-based processes for engaging diverse stakeholders in the strategic planning, implementation and evaluation for continuous improvement
Candidate applies various tools and techniques (e.g. fish-bone diagram and other graphic organizers and analysis tools) for evaluating existing improvement process
Candidate applies various tools and techniques (e.g. fish-bone diagram and other graphic organizers and analysis tools) for evaluating existing improvement process with the school leadership team.
Candidate applies various tools and techniques (e.g. fish-bone diagram and other graphic organizers and analysis tools) for evaluating existing improvement process with the faculty and staff
Candidate applies various tools and techniques (e.g. fish-bone diagram and other graphic organizers and analysis tools) for evaluating existing improvement process with the faculty, staff, parent and community stakeholders
NELP Building Level (2017): 1: Mission, Vision, and Improvement - Mission, Vision, and Improvement
Problem of Practice (POP)
Candidate identifies and develops a Problem of Practice into a manageable focus WIlmU 1
Candidate selects a topic that is too broad or narrow. Defines the scope of the research question or hypothesis too broadly or narrowly. Candidate demonstrates how to formulate questions for research based on information gaps or on reexamination of existing, possibly conflicting, information Develops a research question that is generally focused and relevant
Candidate marginally demonstrates how to formulate questions for research based on information gaps. Develops a research question that is somewhat focused and appropriate for the assignment.
Candidate demonstrates how to formulate questions for research based on information gaps or on reexamination of existing, possibly conflicting, information. Develops a research question that is generally focused and relevant.
Candidate develops and clearly articulates a quality research question/hypothesis that is appropriately focused and relevant to the assignment. Begins to develop additional questions and lines of inquiry.
WilmU (2015): 1: Oral Communication - Oral Communication
Generated by: Paige Minutola 04/18/2024
Searching as Strategic Exploration: Candidate constructs and implements effectively designed search strategies using appropriate methods or information retrieval systems WIlmU 4
Candidate identified only a few, broad key terms, uses minimal or same-type sources, and may not go beyond web searching. Candidate lacks sophistication in selecting discipline-specific search engines.
Candidates selects general indexes/search engines. Candidate uses simple search strategies, basic search concepts, and a list of useful keywords/search terms.
Candidate demonstrates use of basic search concepts through development of simple search strategy and a list of useful keywords/subject search terms. Candidate selects appropriate indexes/search engines and articulates the way that Library databases work (e.g. fields, records, indexing).
Candidate demonstrates the ability to use appropriate indexes/search engines and uses a mix of basic and advanced searching techniques, including disciplinespecific subject headings, to access library collections and other relevant resources Candidate demonstrates a use of alternate search avenues as new knowledge is developed
(2015): 4: Information Literacy - Information Literacy
Information Creation as a Process: Candidate identifies and describes potential formats/creation processes that would be appropriate to their action research topic, recognizing the difference between formal publication and information exchange. WIlmU 4
WilmU (2015): 4: Information Literacy - Information Literacy
Candidate identifies information sources that minimally meet the assignment requirements or reflect little relevance. Candidate is unable to distinguish between scholarly sources
Candidate identifies information sources that are somewhat relevant or partially meet the action research need. Candidate minimally articulates difference between scholarly sources.
Candidate identifies a variety of scholarly information sources that are generally appropriate and relevant for the assignment or action research need Candidate articulates the value of information each format would bring to their research
Candidate identifies and selects a variety of scholarly information sources that best answer the action research need. Candidate clearly articulates the value of information each format would bring to their research
Generated by: Paige Minutola 04/18/2024
Resource Evaluation:
Candidate evaluates information and its sources critically for its value, relevance and accuracy. WIlmU 4
Candidate uses sources that may be questionable as to credibility and reliability Has trouble recognizing authority in various media types
Candidate uses sources that are generally credible, reliable, and lacking bias Shows awareness of how to identify authoritative content.
Candidate applies evaluation criteria when selecting sources, and recognizes bias Sources are relevant and significant to support the research need. Begins to recognize the discipline’s standard authorities.
Candidate applies evaluation criteria (timeliness, authority, relevance, accuracy, purpose) when selecting sources. Recognizes context and bias when present Recognizes that authoritative content may be published or unpublished Articulates distinctions when appropriate.
WilmU (2015): 4: Information Literacy - Information Literacy
Scholarship as Conversation:
Candidate will be able to take part in scholarly communication and conversation.WIlmU 1
WilmU (2015): 1: Oral Communication - Oral Communication
Candidate acknowledges that there are different points of view on a topic but does not articulate that there is a sustained discourse within a community of scholars
Candidate incorporates different points of view and recognizes that a scholarly work may not represent the only perspective on the issue.
Candidate incorporates different points of view and articulates that there is a sustained discourse within a community of scholars.
Candidate articulates that a given scholarly work may not represent the only perspective on the issue
Candidate demonstrates the value of incorporating different points of view and articulates that there is a sustained discourse within a community of scholars.
Candidate recognizes that a given scholarly work may not represent the only - or even the majorityperspective on the issue.
Information has Value: Candidate acknowledges sources and uses information following the conventions of the social sciences. WilmU 2
Candidate fails to attribute ideas and words to others
Candidate may show improper use of sources or lack or quotation marks
Candidate uses discipline appropriate citation style of APA, but has errors. Errors in citation and references, with some ambiguity about original thought
Candidate uses discipline appropriate citation style of APA with repeated error type. Shows proper attribution of ideas. Candidate clearly identifies the work of other scholars whether quoted or paraphrased.
Candidate uses discipline appropriate citation style of APA with no errors. Demonstrates consistent and appropriate use of paraphrasing and quotation of sources. Shows academic thought in quotes from another author unless paraphrased and cited
Generated by: Paige Minutola 04/18/2024
WilmU (2015): 2: Written Communication - Written Communication
Information legal and ethical work: Candidate demonstrates application of university policies regarding plagiarism, academic integrity and use of campus networks and information resources. WilmU 5
WilmU (2015): 5: EthicsEthics
Candidate demonstrates need for training of university networks and information systems.
Candidate demonstrates ability to use university networks and information with assistance.
Candidate demonstrates ability to use university networks and information. Demonstrates disciplinary conventions regarding ethical use of information Consistently complies with restrictions on the legal and ethical use of information and university information resources. Applies ethical use of information and presents academic integrity.
Digital literacy Candidate effectively demonstrates the ability to use relevant technologies to manage and communicate information. WilmU 4
WilmU (2015): 4: Information Literacy - Information Literacy
Candidate has difficulty attempting to use digital tools to organize information, construct new knowledge, create media expressions, and communicate with others.
Candidate is able to use digital tools to organize information, construct new knowledge, create media expressions, and communicate with others.
Candidate effectively uses digital tools to organize information, construct new knowledge, create media expressions, and communicate with others.
Candidate is highly accomplished in the use of digital tools to organize information, construct new knowledge, create media expressions and communications, Candidate assists others with digital tools for communication
EdD EDL Building - EDL 7108 Problem of Practice Detail
Generated by: Paige Minutola 04/18/2024
Set Title:
NELP BL (2017) - National Educational Leadership Preparation - Building Level
Standard Title: Mission, Vision, and Improvement
Standard Identifier: NELP Building Level (2017): 1: Mission, Vision, and Improvement
Standard Description:
Candidates who successfully complete a building-level educational leadership preparation program understand and demonstrate the capacity to promote the current and future success and well-being of each student and adult by applying the knowledge, skills, and commitments necessary to collaboratively lead, design, and implement a school mission, vision, and process for continuous improvement that reflects a core set of values and priorities that include data use, technology, equity, diversity, digital citizenship, and community.
Mapped to: Building Rubric Content – Candidate knowledge of research on school improvement; formal processes of iterative, evidenceinformed improvement; and data collection, diagnosis, and use. NELP 1 / Building Rubric EL Skills –Candidate demonstrates skills required to evaluate existing improvement processes NELP 1
Set Title:
WilmU (2015) - WilmU Graduate and Undergraduate Graduation Competencies
Standard Title: Oral Communication
Standard Identifier: WilmU (2015): 1: Oral Communication
Standard Description: Appraise the needs of the audience and then speak in a clear and succinct manner, AND research, construct, and deliver professional presentations using a variety of communication tools and techniques.
Mapped to:
Set Title:
Problem of Practice (POP) Candidate identifies and develops a Problem of Practice into a manageable focus WIlmU 1 / Scholarship as Conversation: Candidate will be able to take part in scholarly communication and conversation. WIlmU 1
WilmU (2015) - WilmU Graduate and Undergraduate Graduation Competencies
Standard Title: Written Communication
Standard Identifier: WilmU (2015): 2: Written Communication
Standard Description: Write with clarity and precision using correct English grammar: mechanics (punctuation) and usage (sentence structure and vocabulary), AND exhibit competence in writing for specific purposes, diverse audiences, and genres, AND correctly and ethically present scholarly writings utilizing the selected citation and writing style deemed appropriate for the student’s program of study.
Mapped to: Information has Value: Candidate acknowledges sources and uses information following the conventions of the social sciences WilmU 2
Generated by: Paige Minutola 04/18/2024
Set Title:
WilmU (2015) - WilmU Graduate and Undergraduate Graduation Competencies
Standard Title: Information Literacy
Standard Identifier: WilmU (2015): 4: Information Literacy
Standard Description: Using information in any format to research, evaluate, and ethically utilize information effectively and with appropriate attribution
Mapped to: Searching as Strategic Exploration:Candidate constructs and implements effectively designed search strategies using appropriate methods or information retrieval systems WIlmU 4 / Information Creation as a Process: Candidate identifies and describes potential formats/creation processes that would be appropriate to their action research topic, recognizing the difference between formal publication and information exchange WIlmU 4 / Resource Evaluation: Candidate evaluates information and its sources critically for its value, relevance and accuracy.WIlmU 4 / Digital literacy Candidate effectively demonstrates the ability to use relevant technologies to manage and communicate information WilmU 4
Set Title:
WilmU (2015) - WilmU Graduate and Undergraduate Graduation Competencies
Standard Title: Ethics
Standard Identifier: WilmU (2015): 5: Ethics
Standard Description:
Demonstrate knowledge and application of prescribed ethical codes and behaviors promoted by the student’s chosen profession.
Mapped to: Information legal and ethical work:Candidate demonstrates application of university policies regarding plagiarism, academic integrity and use of campus networks and information resources. WilmU 5
Generated by: Paige Minutola
Rubric Title:
by: Paige Minutola
Building Rubric Content –
Candidate knowledge of research on school improvement; formal processes of iterative, evidence-informed improvement; and data collection, diagnosis, and use.
Candidate knows the need for a school improvement plan.
Candidate knows the research of required models for school improvement
Candidate knows the components of a school improvement plan.
Candidate knows the research on improvement models and its use in evidence-based school improvement planning.
Candidate knows the sequential steps involved in the planning processes for development, implementation and evaluation of data collection, diagnosis, design, and results analysis and interpretation.
Candidate knows research-based processes for engaging diverse stakeholders in the strategic planning, implementation and evaluation for continuous improvement
Candidate understands the components of a district improvement plan
Candidate understands the research on improvement models and its use in evidence-based school improvement planning
Candidates understands the sequential steps involved in the planning processes for development, implementation and evaluation of data collection, diagnosis, design, and results analysis and interpretation
Candidate understands researchbased processes for engaging diverse stakeholders in the strategic planning, implementation and evaluation for continuous improvement.
Candidate understands and through self disclosure is comfortable with carrying out the components of a district improvement plan through collaboration in its development
Candidate understands the research on improvement models and its use in evidence-based school improvement planning through multi-layered collaboration.
Candidates understands and facilitates others in understanding the sequential steps involved in strategic planning processes for development, implementation and evaluation of data collection, diagnosis, design, and results analysis and interpretation
Candidate understands and facilitates others in understanding research-based processes for engaging diverse stakeholders in the strategic planning, implementation and evaluation for continuous improvement
Candidate applies various tools and techniques (e.g. fish-bone diagram and other graphic organizers and analysis tools) for evaluating existing improvement process
Candidate applies various tools and techniques (e.g. fish-bone diagram and other graphic organizers and analysis tools) for evaluating existing improvement process with the school leadership team.
Candidate applies various tools and techniques (e.g. fish-bone diagram and other graphic organizers and analysis tools) for evaluating existing improvement process with the faculty and staff
Candidate applies various tools and techniques (e.g. fish-bone diagram and other graphic organizers and analysis tools) for evaluating existing improvement process with the faculty, staff, parent and community stakeholders
NELP Building Level (2017): 1: Mission, Vision, and Improvement - Mission, Vision, and Improvement
Problem of Practice (POP)
Candidate identifies and develops a Problem of Practice into a manageable focus WIlmU 1
Candidate selects a topic that is too broad or narrow. Defines the scope of the research question or hypothesis too broadly or narrowly. Candidate demonstrates how to formulate questions for research based on information gaps or on reexamination of existing, possibly conflicting, information Develops a research question that is generally focused and relevant
Candidate marginally demonstrates how to formulate questions for research based on information gaps. Develops a research question that is somewhat focused and appropriate for the assignment.
Candidate demonstrates how to formulate questions for research based on information gaps or on reexamination of existing, possibly conflicting, information. Develops a research question that is generally focused and relevant.
Candidate develops and clearly articulates a quality research question/hypothesis that is appropriately focused and relevant to the assignment. Begins to develop additional questions and lines of inquiry.
WilmU (2015): 1: Oral Communication - Oral Communication
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Searching as Strategic Exploration: Candidate constructs and implements effectively designed search strategies using appropriate methods or information retrieval systems WIlmU 4
Candidate identified only a few, broad key terms, uses minimal or same-type sources, and may not go beyond web searching. Candidate lacks sophistication in selecting discipline-specific search engines.
Candidates selects general indexes/search engines. Candidate uses simple search strategies, basic search concepts, and a list of useful keywords/search terms.
Candidate demonstrates use of basic search concepts through development of simple search strategy and a list of useful keywords/subject search terms. Candidate selects appropriate indexes/search engines and articulates the way that Library databases work (e.g. fields, records, indexing).
Candidate demonstrates the ability to use appropriate indexes/search engines and uses a mix of basic and advanced searching techniques, including disciplinespecific subject headings, to access library collections and other relevant resources Candidate demonstrates a use of alternate search avenues as new knowledge is developed
(2015): 4: Information Literacy - Information Literacy
Information Creation as a Process: Candidate identifies and describes potential formats/creation processes that would be appropriate to their action research topic, recognizing the difference between formal publication and information exchange. WIlmU 4
WilmU (2015): 4: Information Literacy - Information Literacy
Candidate identifies information sources that minimally meet the assignment requirements or reflect little relevance. Candidate is unable to distinguish between scholarly sources
Candidate identifies information sources that are somewhat relevant or partially meet the action research need. Candidate minimally articulates difference between scholarly sources.
Candidate identifies a variety of scholarly information sources that are generally appropriate and relevant for the assignment or action research need Candidate articulates the value of information each format would bring to their research
Candidate identifies and selects a variety of scholarly information sources that best answer the action research need. Candidate clearly articulates the value of information each format would bring to their research
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Resource Evaluation:
Candidate evaluates information and its sources critically for its value, relevance and accuracy. WIlmU 4
Candidate uses sources that may be questionable as to credibility and reliability Has trouble recognizing authority in various media types
Candidate uses sources that are generally credible, reliable, and lacking bias Shows awareness of how to identify authoritative content.
Candidate applies evaluation criteria when selecting sources, and recognizes bias Sources are relevant and significant to support the research need. Begins to recognize the discipline’s standard authorities.
Candidate applies evaluation criteria (timeliness, authority, relevance, accuracy, purpose) when selecting sources. Recognizes context and bias when present Recognizes that authoritative content may be published or unpublished Articulates distinctions when appropriate.
WilmU (2015): 4: Information Literacy - Information Literacy
Scholarship as Conversation:
Candidate will be able to take part in scholarly communication and conversation.WIlmU 1
WilmU (2015): 1: Oral Communication - Oral Communication
Candidate acknowledges that there are different points of view on a topic but does not articulate that there is a sustained discourse within a community of scholars
Candidate incorporates different points of view and recognizes that a scholarly work may not represent the only perspective on the issue.
Candidate incorporates different points of view and articulates that there is a sustained discourse within a community of scholars.
Candidate articulates that a given scholarly work may not represent the only perspective on the issue
Candidate demonstrates the value of incorporating different points of view and articulates that there is a sustained discourse within a community of scholars.
Candidate recognizes that a given scholarly work may not represent the only - or even the majorityperspective on the issue.
Information has Value: Candidate acknowledges sources and uses information following the conventions of the social sciences. WilmU 2
Candidate fails to attribute ideas and words to others
Candidate may show improper use of sources or lack or quotation marks
Candidate uses discipline appropriate citation style of APA, but has errors. Errors in citation and references, with some ambiguity about original thought
Candidate uses discipline appropriate citation style of APA with repeated error type. Shows proper attribution of ideas. Candidate clearly identifies the work of other scholars whether quoted or paraphrased.
Candidate uses discipline appropriate citation style of APA with no errors. Demonstrates consistent and appropriate use of paraphrasing and quotation of sources. Shows academic thought in quotes from another author unless paraphrased and cited
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
WilmU (2015): 2: Written Communication - Written Communication
Information legal and ethical work: Candidate demonstrates application of university policies regarding plagiarism, academic integrity and use of campus networks and information resources. WilmU 5
WilmU (2015): 5: EthicsEthics
Candidate demonstrates need for training of university networks and information systems.
Candidate demonstrates ability to use university networks and information with assistance.
Candidate demonstrates ability to use university networks and information. Demonstrates disciplinary conventions regarding ethical use of information Consistently complies with restrictions on the legal and ethical use of information and university information resources. Applies ethical use of information and presents academic integrity.
Digital literacy Candidate effectively demonstrates the ability to use relevant technologies to manage and communicate information. WilmU 4
WilmU (2015): 4: Information Literacy - Information Literacy
Candidate has difficulty attempting to use digital tools to organize information, construct new knowledge, create media expressions, and communicate with others.
Candidate is able to use digital tools to organize information, construct new knowledge, create media expressions, and communicate with others.
Candidate effectively uses digital tools to organize information, construct new knowledge, create media expressions, and communicate with others.
Candidate is highly accomplished in the use of digital tools to organize information, construct new knowledge, create media expressions and communications, Candidate assists others with digital tools for communication
EdD EDL Building - EDL 7108 Problem of Practice Detail
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Set Title:
NELP BL (2017) - National Educational Leadership Preparation - Building Level
Standard Title: Mission, Vision, and Improvement
Standard Identifier: NELP Building Level (2017): 1: Mission, Vision, and Improvement
Standard Description:
Candidates who successfully complete a building-level educational leadership preparation program understand and demonstrate the capacity to promote the current and future success and well-being of each student and adult by applying the knowledge, skills, and commitments necessary to collaboratively lead, design, and implement a school mission, vision, and process for continuous improvement that reflects a core set of values and priorities that include data use, technology, equity, diversity, digital citizenship, and community.
Mapped to: Building Rubric Content – Candidate knowledge of research on school improvement; formal processes of iterative, evidenceinformed improvement; and data collection, diagnosis, and use. NELP 1 / Building Rubric EL Skills –Candidate demonstrates skills required to evaluate existing improvement processes NELP 1
Set Title:
WilmU (2015) - WilmU Graduate and Undergraduate Graduation Competencies
Standard Title: Oral Communication
Standard Identifier: WilmU (2015): 1: Oral Communication
Standard Description: Appraise the needs of the audience and then speak in a clear and succinct manner, AND research, construct, and deliver professional presentations using a variety of communication tools and techniques.
Mapped to:
Set Title:
Problem of Practice (POP) Candidate identifies and develops a Problem of Practice into a manageable focus WIlmU 1 / Scholarship as Conversation: Candidate will be able to take part in scholarly communication and conversation. WIlmU 1
WilmU (2015) - WilmU Graduate and Undergraduate Graduation Competencies
Standard Title: Written Communication
Standard Identifier: WilmU (2015): 2: Written Communication
Standard Description: Write with clarity and precision using correct English grammar: mechanics (punctuation) and usage (sentence structure and vocabulary), AND exhibit competence in writing for specific purposes, diverse audiences, and genres, AND correctly and ethically present scholarly writings utilizing the selected citation and writing style deemed appropriate for the student’s program of study.
Mapped to: Information has Value: Candidate acknowledges sources and uses information following the conventions of the social sciences WilmU 2
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Set Title:
WilmU (2015) - WilmU Graduate and Undergraduate Graduation Competencies
Standard Title: Information Literacy
Standard Identifier: WilmU (2015): 4: Information Literacy
Standard Description: Using information in any format to research, evaluate, and ethically utilize information effectively and with appropriate attribution
Mapped to: Searching as Strategic Exploration:Candidate constructs and implements effectively designed search strategies using appropriate methods or information retrieval systems WIlmU 4 / Information Creation as a Process: Candidate identifies and describes potential formats/creation processes that would be appropriate to their action research topic, recognizing the difference between formal publication and information exchange WIlmU 4 / Resource Evaluation: Candidate evaluates information and its sources critically for its value, relevance and accuracy.WIlmU 4 / Digital literacy Candidate effectively demonstrates the ability to use relevant technologies to manage and communicate information WilmU 4
Set Title:
WilmU (2015) - WilmU Graduate and Undergraduate Graduation Competencies
Standard Title: Ethics
Standard Identifier: WilmU (2015): 5: Ethics
Standard Description:
Demonstrate knowledge and application of prescribed ethical codes and behaviors promoted by the student’s chosen profession.
Mapped to: Information legal and ethical work:Candidate demonstrates application of university policies regarding plagiarism, academic integrity and use of campus networks and information resources. WilmU 5
EdD EDL Building - EDL 7109 Problem of Practice II
Structured External Assignment: Action Research
SEA is in response to simulations in Canvas.
Building Leaders
This SEA serves as a continuation to your Dissertation in Practice with an emphasis on a deeper dive into the best practices, methodology, practices, creative solutions, challenges, roadblocks and implementation plans that are being currently used. The identification of the contextual meaning, action steps, and collegial relationships towards the Problem of Practice is investigated, solidified, modified and proposed. The Problem of Practice is grounded in strong evidence, improvement science methodology and action research methodology and meaningful, insightful, innovation and practice. It is shareable and it clearly describes what is happening in the instructional core while being connected to a systemic issue of the school/district theory of action with intended benefits identified. The Problem of Practice is high leverage and specific of the significant impact to learning. To enhance this practical work, the candidate includes information, activities, tools and techniques, stakeholders involved and analyses to guide the Dissertation in Practice. If there is a format or genre that is applicable to your Problem of Practice as innovative approaches, ideas, concepts and solutions are designed, discuss it with your advisor or instructor.
EdD EDL Building - EDL 7109 Problem of Practice II Detail
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Rubric Title: EdD EDL Building - EDL 7109 Problem of Practice II
Mapped standards:
TLMS (2020): Domain II: Accessing and Using Research to Improve Practice and Student Learning - Accessing and Using Research / WilmU (2015): 1: Oral Communication - Oral Communication / WilmU (2015): 2: Written Communication - Written Communication / WilmU (2015): 3: Disciplined Inquiry - Disciplined Inquiry / WilmU (2015): 4: Information Literacy - Information Literacy / WilmU (2015): 5: Ethics - Ethics
Enable the N/A option for assessment
Rubric Structure
Building Rubric 1.2 B. C.
Educational Leadership Skills Candidate demonstrates skills required to use research and data to develop an improvement process that includes the following components: diagnosis, design, implementation, and evaluation; and develop an implementation plan to support the improvement process. TLMS 2
TLMS (2020): Domain II: Accessing and Using Research to Improve Practice and Student Learning - Accessing and Using Research
Candidate uses research and data advice from district office to develop a school-wide improvement process that includes diagnosis, design, implementation and evaluation
Candidate uses research and data to develop a school-wide improvement process that includes diagnosis, design, implementation and evaluation.
In collaboration with the school leadership team, candidate uses research and data to develop a school-wide improvement process that includes diagnosis, design, implementation and evaluation
In collaboration with the school leadership team, the faculty, staff, parents and stakeholders, candidate uses research and data to develop a school-wide improvement process that includes diagnosis, design, implementation and evaluation
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Problem of Practice (POP)
Candidate identifies and develops a Problem of Practice into a manageable focus WilmU 1
Candidate selects a topic that is too broad or narrow.
Defines the scope of the focus question(s) too broadly or narrowly
Candidate demonstrates how to formulate focus question(s) based on research information or gaps or on reexamination of existing, possibly conflicting, information. Develops focus question(s) that is generally relevant
Candidate marginally demonstrates how to formulate focus question(s) based on research information or gaps.
Develops a focus question(s) that is purposeful and appropriate for the assignment and the topic
Candidate demonstrates how to formulate focus question(s) based on research information or gaps or on a reexamination of existing, possibly conflicting, information.
Develops a focus question(s) that is generally pertinent and relevant
Candidate develops and clearly articulates quality focus question(s) that is appropriately pertinent and relevant to the assignment.
Begins to develop additional questions that are appropriate, pertinent, and relevant to the assignment and topic.
WilmU (2015): 1: Oral Communication - Oral Communication
Impact on the Classroom, School or District (CSD)
Candidate provides information from the literature and data gathered and describes the improvement project.WilmU 3
Candidate has an improvement project that describes supportive research and local CSD data
Candidate has an improvement project that describes the relevant research and local CSD data
Candidate has an improvement project that describes the relevant research and local CSD data and reviews all sides of the issue
Candidate has an improvement project that describes the relevant research and local CSD data and reviews all sides of the issue The candidate uses research specific to the CSD context
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Searching as Strategic Exploration: Candidate constructs and implements effectively designed search strategies using appropriate methods or information retrieval systems WilmU 4
Candidate identified only a few, broad key terms, uses minimal or same-type sources, and may not go beyond web searching. Candidate lacks sophistication in selecting discipline-specific search engines.
Candidates selects general indexes/search engines. Candidate uses simple search strategies, basic search concepts, and a list of useful keywords/search terms.
Candidate demonstrates use of basic search concepts through development of simple search strategy and a list of useful keywords/subject search terms. Candidate selects appropriate indexes/search engines and articulates the way that Library databases work (e.g. fields, records, indexing).
Candidate demonstrates the ability to use appropriate indexes/search engines and uses a mix of basic and advanced searching techniques, including disciplinespecific subject headings, to access library collections and other relevant resources Candidate demonstrates a use of alternate search avenues as new knowledge is developed
(2015): 4: Information Literacy - Information Literacy
Information Creation as a Process: Candidate identifies and describes potential formats/creation processes that would be appropriate to their action research topic, recognizing the difference between formal publication and information exchange. WilmU 4
WilmU (2015): 4: Information Literacy - Information Literacy
Candidate identifies information sources that minimally meet the assignment requirements or reflect little relevance. Candidate is unable to distinguish between scholarly sources
Candidate identifies information sources that are somewhat relevant or partially meet the action research need. Candidate minimally articulates difference between scholarly sources.
Candidate identifies a variety of scholarly information sources that are generally appropriate and relevant for the assignment or action research need Candidate articulates the value of information each format would bring to their research
Candidate identifies and selects a variety of scholarly information sources that best answer the action research need. Candidate clearly articulates the value of information each format would bring to their research
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Resource Evaluation:
Candidate evaluates information and its sources critically for its value, relevance and accuracy. WilmU 4
Candidate uses sources that may be questionable as to credibility and reliability Has trouble recognizing authority in various media types
Candidate uses sources that are generally credible, reliable, and lacking bias Shows awareness of how to identify authoritative content.
Candidate applies evaluation criteria when selecting sources, and recognizes bias Sources are relevant and significant to support the research need. Begins to recognize the discipline’s standard authorities.
Candidate applies evaluation criteria (timeliness, authority, relevance, accuracy, purpose) when selecting sources. Recognizes context and bias when present Recognizes that authoritative content may be published or unpublished Articulates distinctions when appropriate.
WilmU (2015): 4: Information Literacy - Information Literacy
Scholarship as Conversation:
Candidate will be able to take part in scholarly communication and conversation.WilmU 1
WilmU (2015): 1: Oral Communication - Oral Communication
Candidate acknowledges that there are different points of view on a topic but does not articulate that there is a sustained discourse within a community of scholars.
Candidate incorporates different points of view and recognizes that a scholarly work may not represent the only perspective on the issue.
Candidate incorporates different points of view and articulates that there is a sustained discourse within a community of scholars.
Candidate articulates that a given scholarly work may not represent the only perspective on the issue
Candidate demonstrates the value of incorporating different points of view and articulates that there is a sustained discourse within a community of scholars.
Candidate recognizes that a given scholarly work may not represent the only - or even the majorityperspective on the issue.
Information has Value: Candidate acknowledges sources and uses information following the conventions of the social sciences. WilmU 2
Candidate fails to attribute ideas and words to others
Candidate may show improper use of sources or lack or quotation marks
Candidate uses discipline appropriate citation style of APA, but errors. Errors in citation and references, with some ambiguity about original thought
Candidate uses discipline appropriate citation style of APA with repeated error type. Shows proper attribution of ideas. Candidate clearly identifies the work of other scholars whether quoted or paraphrased.
Candidate uses discipline appropriate citation style of APA with no errors. Demonstrates consistent and appropriate use of paraphrasing and quotation of sources. Shows academic thought in quotes from another author unless paraphrased and cited
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
WilmU (2015): 2: Written
Communication - Written Communication
Information legal and ethical work: Candidate demonstrates application of university policies regarding plagiarism, academic integrity and use of campus networks and information resources. WilmU 5
WilmU (2015): 5: EthicsEthics
Candidate demonstrates need for training of university networks and information systems.
Candidate demonstrates ability to use university networks and information with assistance.
Candidate demonstrates ability to use university networks and information. Demonstrates disciplinary conventions regarding ethical use of information Consistently complies with restrictions on the legal and ethical use of information and university information resources. Applies ethical use of information and presents academic integrity.
EDL Building - EDL 7109 Problem of Practice II Detail
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Set Title:
Standard Title:
Standard Identifier:
TLMS (2020) - Teacher Leader Model Standards - EDL
Accessing and Using Research
TLMS (2020): Domain II: Accessing and Using Research to Improve Practice and Student Learning
Standard Description: The teacher leader understands how research creates new knowledge, informs policies and practices and improves teaching and learning - The teacher leader models and facilitates the use of systematic inquiry as a critical component of teachers’ ongoing learning and development.a) Assists colleagues in accessing and using research in order to select appropriate strategies to improve student learning;b) Facilitates the analysis of student learning data, collaborative interpretation of results, and application of findings to improve teaching and learning;c) Supports colleagues in collaborating with the higher education institutions and other organizations engaged in researching critical educational issues; and d) Teaches and supports colleagues to collect, analyze, and communicate data from their classrooms to improve teaching and learning.
Mapped to:
Set Title:
Building Rubric 1 2 B C Educational Leadership SkillsCandidate demonstrates skills required to use research and data to develop an improvement process that includes the following components: diagnosis, design, implementation, and evaluation; and develop an implementation plan to support the improvement process. TLMS 2
WilmU (2015) - WilmU Graduate and Undergraduate Graduation Competencies
Standard Title: Oral Communication
Standard Identifier: WilmU (2015): 1: Oral Communication
Standard Description: Appraise the needs of the audience and then speak in a clear and succinct manner, AND research, construct, and deliver professional presentations using a variety of communication tools and techniques.
Mapped to:
Set Title:
Problem of Practice (POP) Candidate identifies and develops a Problem of Practice into a manageable focus WilmU 1 / Scholarship as Conversation: Candidate will be able to take part in scholarly communication and conversation. WilmU 1
WilmU (2015) - WilmU Graduate and Undergraduate Graduation Competencies
Standard Title: Written Communication
Standard Identifier:
WilmU (2015): 2: Written Communication
Standard Description: Write with clarity and precision using correct English grammar: mechanics (punctuation) and usage (sentence structure and vocabulary), AND exhibit competence in writing for specific purposes, diverse audiences, and genres, AND correctly and ethically present scholarly writings utilizing the selected citation and writing style deemed appropriate for the student’s program of study.
Mapped to: Information has Value: Candidate acknowledges sources and uses information following the conventions of the social sciences WilmU 2
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Set Title:
WilmU (2015) - WilmU Graduate and Undergraduate Graduation Competencies
Standard Title: Disciplined Inquiry
Standard Identifier: WilmU (2015): 3: Disciplined Inquiry
Standard Description: Employ scientific, quantitative and/or qualitative reasoning and other critical thinking strategies to analyze consequences and outcomes and to be able to recommend alternative solutions
Mapped to: Impact on the Classroom, School or District (CSD) Candidate provides information from the literature and data gathered and describes the improvement project WilmU 3
Set Title:
WilmU (2015) - WilmU Graduate and Undergraduate Graduation Competencies
Standard Title: Information Literacy
Standard Identifier:
WilmU (2015): 4: Information Literacy
Standard Description: Using information in any format to research, evaluate, and ethically utilize information effectively and with appropriate attribution
Mapped to: Searching as Strategic Exploration:Candidate constructs and implements effectively designed search strategies using appropriate methods or information retrieval systems WilmU 4 / Information Creation as a Process: Candidate identifies and describes potential formats/creation processes that would be appropriate to their action research topic, recognizing the difference between formal publication and information exchange. WilmU 4 / Resource Evaluation: Candidate evaluates information and its sources critically for its value, relevance and accuracy.WilmU 4
Set Title:
WilmU (2015) - WilmU Graduate and Undergraduate Graduation Competencies
Standard Title: Ethics
Standard Identifier: WilmU (2015): 5: Ethics
Standard Description: Demonstrate knowledge and application of prescribed ethical codes and behaviors promoted by the student’s chosen profession
Mapped to: Information legal and ethical work:Candidate demonstrates application of university policies regarding plagiarism, academic integrity and use of campus networks and information resources WilmU 5
EdD EDL Building - EDL 7110 Draft Diss in Practice
Structured External Assignment: Innovation in Practice
Building Leaders
In your draft of your Dissertation in Practice, you will design the intervention you wish to implement in order to respond to your Problem of Practice. What building level innovations have you seen or thought of during this course that might inform your intervention design? In your report discuss those innovations vis-à-vis your plan for your Dissertation in Practice, including the research, the original context of the innovation(s), collaboration and engagement with diverse community members, and how the innovation(s) might be modified for your implementation plan. Describe how oral, written and digital two-way communication will be targeted to a diverse stakeholder community? How it will be utilized and what outreach will be involved?
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Building Rubric Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to collaboratively engage with diverse community members, partners, and other constituencies around shared goals; cultivate regular, twoway communication with community members, partners, and other constituencies; identify and use diverse community resources to benefit school programs and student learning.NELP 5.2
Candidate writes a needs assessment of community resources
Candidate communicates with email to diverse cultural and social groups of parents.
Candidate sends the needs assessment information to the district office and reports it in a faculty meeting.
Candidate conducts a needs assessment of diverse community resources
Candidate attends diverse community cross-cultural and social functions.
Candidate fosters two-way communication and collaboration with community members, partners and other constituencies.
Candidate engages community members, partners and other constituents in using needs assessment date benefit school programs and student learning.
Candidate conducts a needs assessment of diverse community resources and uses it to promote understanding of the various crosscultural and social resources of the community
Candidate fosters two-way communication and collaboration via oral, written, and digital communication with community members, partners and other constituencies.
Candidate engages and collaborates with community members, partners and other constituents “on their turf” and within the school
Candidate applies and presents information gained from the needs assessment and the various communication venues to benefit school outreach programs and student learning.
Candidate applying the needs assessment of diverse community resources and stakeholders and uses it to promote understanding among the faculty of the various cross-cultural and social resources of the community.
Candidate fosters two-way communication and collaboration via oral, written, and digital communication with community members, partners and other constituencies
Candidate engages and collaborates with community members, partners and other constituents “on their turf” and within the school and involves teacher leaders and faculty in the various communication activities
Candidate applies and presents information gained from the needs assessment and the various communication venues to benefit school outreach programs and student learning as a leader of the effort
Generated by: Paige
Set Title:
NELP BL (2017) - National Educational Leadership Preparation - Building Level
Standard Title: Community and External Leadership
Standard Identifier: NELP Building Level (2017): 5: Community and External Leadership
Standard Description:
Mapped to:
Candidates who successfully complete a building-level educational leadership preparation program understand and demonstrate the capacity to promote the current and future success and well-being of each student and adult by applying the knowledge, skills, and commitments necessary to engage families, community, and school personnel in order to strengthen student learning, support school improvement, and advocate for the needs of their school and community
Building Rubric Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to collaboratively engage with diverse community members, partners, and other constituencies around shared goals; cultivate regular, two-way communication with community members, partners, and other constituencies; identify and use diverse community resources to benefit school programs and student learning NELP 5 2
EdD EDL Building - EDL 7111
Culture of Innovation Plan
Structured External Assignment: Leadership for Innovation
Building Leaders
Describe the school culture in your workplace in the context of student learning and expectations and strategies to foster collaboration and student learning with faculty and community in innovation in the school. Using what research and best practice say about leading for innovation in schools, develop a plan to create a culture of innovation in cooperation with faculty and diverse families and community members. Describe the groups you will organize and the brainstorming and consensus building strategies that you will use to increase opportunities for innovation in your school. Include what changes you will make that will create an environment in which it is fair, safe, healthy, caring, responsive, inclusive, and respectful to be creative and innovative in educational decisions. Be sure to include how these initiatives will strengthen and extend student learning. Your role as a group leader is to support two-way communication and carefully listen, clarify and summarize information and facilitate decision making in achieving consensus and enhancing a culture of innovation. Be prepared to present and advocate for your plan.
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Rubric Title: EdD EDL Building - EDL 7111 Culture of Innovation Plan
Mapped standards:
NELP Building Level (2017): 3: Equity, Inclusiveness, and Cultural Responsiveness - Equity, Inclusiveness, and Cultural Responsiveness / NELP Building Level (2017): 5: Community and External Leadership - Community and External Leadership
Enable the N/A option for assessment
Rubric Structure
Building Rubric Candidate provides knowledge of dimensions of positive school culture (i.e. safe, healthy, caring, responsive, inclusive and respectful); research on inclusive school cultures; processes for evaluating school culture; processes for effecting changes to school culture; and engaging in advocacy. NELP 3
Candidate is learning the elements of positive school culture and the research on inclusive school culture.
Candidate is learning the processes for evaluating and effecting change in school culture
Candidate is learning strategies for engaging in advocacy
Candidate knows the elements of positive school culture and the research on inclusive school culture.
Candidate knows the processes for evaluating and effecting change in school culture
Candidate knows strategies for engaging in advocacy
Candidate understands the elements of positive school culture and the research on inclusive school culture.
Candidate understands the processes for evaluating and effecting change in school culture
Candidate understands strategies for engaging in advocacy
Candidate understands and synthesizes the elements of positive school culture and the research on inclusive school culture.
Candidate understands and synthesizes the processes for evaluating and effecting change in school culture.
Candidate understands and synthesizes strategies for engaging in advocacy
NELP Building Level (2017): 3: Equity, Inclusiveness, and Cultural Responsiveness -
Generated by: Paige
Educational Leadership Skills Candidate demonstrates skills required to evaluate school culture; use research and data to design and cultivate a supportive, nurturing, and inclusive school culture; develop strategies for improving school culture; and advocating for a supportive and inclusive school culture.
NELP Building Level (2017): 3: Equity, Inclusiveness, and Cultural ResponsivenessEquity, Inclusiveness, and Cultural Responsiveness
Candidate gathers data to improve the school culture.
Candidate develops strategies for improving school culture.
Candidate advocates for an improved school culture
Candidate gathers data to evaluate and design a supportive, nurturing and inclusive school culture
Candidate gathers data to evaluate and design a supportive, nurturing and inclusive school culture with the school leadership team.
Candidate develops innovative strategies for improving school culture.
Candidate designs an advocacy plan for a supportive and inclusive school culture
Candidate develops innovative strategies for improving school culture with the school leadership team.
Candidate designs advocacy plan for a supportive and inclusive school culture with the school leadership team
Candidate gathers data to evaluate and design a supportive, nurturing and inclusive school culture with the school leadership team, faculty and stakeholders.
Candidate develops innovative strategies for improving school culture with the school leadership team faculty and stakeholders.
Candidate designs advocacy plan for a supportive and inclusive school culture with the school leadership team faculty and stakeholders
Candidate provides knowledge of research on the role of families in supporting student learning in and out of school; research on student and family diversity; and strategies for understanding and cultivating relationships with families and engaging them in their children’s education. NELP 5
Candidate is reviewing the research on the role of families in supporting student learning in and out of school.
Candidate knows to review research on student and family diversity
Candidate knows working with families and engaging them in their children’s education is important
Candidate knows research on the role of families in supporting student learning in and out of school.
Candidate knows the importance of research on student and family diversity
Candidate knows strategies for understanding relationships with families and engaging them in their children’s education
Candidate understands the research on the role of families in supporting student learning in and out of school.
Candidate understands the importance of research on student and family diversity
Candidate understands and fosters strategies for building relationships with families and engaging them in their children’s education
Candidate understands and synthesizes the research on the role of families in supporting student learning in and out of school
Candidate understands and synthesizes the importance of research on student and family diversity
Candidate understands, synthesizes, and fosters strategies for building relationships with families and engaging them in their children’s education
Generated by: Paige
Educational Leadership Skills Candidate demonstrates skills required to gather information about family demographics and funds of knowledge available within students’ families that can be accessed to enhance student learning; cultivate collaboration among staff and families in support of student learning and success; and foster two-way communication with families.
Candidate gathers family demographics that can be used to support student learning.
Candidate fosters two-way communication between families and faculties in support of student learning and success.
Candidate gathers family demographics and family resources (e.g. internet access in the home, books, paper, notebooks and digital devices) that can be used to support student learning.
Candidate grows collaboration and fosters two-way communication between families and faculties in support of student learning and success
Candidate gathers family demographics and family resources (e.g. internet access in the home, books, paper, notebooks and digital devices) that can be used to support student learning in cooperation with the school improvement team.
Candidate grows collaboration and fosters two-way communication between families and faculties in support of student learning and success in cooperation with the school improvement team
Candidate gathers family demographics and family resources (e.g. internet access in the home, books, paper, notebooks and digital devices) that can be used to support student learning in cooperation with the school improvement team, faculty, staff, parents, and stakeholders.
Candidate grows collaboration and fosters two-way communication between families and faculties in support of student learning and success in cooperation with the school improvement team faculty, staff, parents, and stakeholders.
Generated by: Paige
Set Title:
NELP BL (2017) - National Educational Leadership Preparation - Building Level
Standard Title: Equity, Inclusiveness, and Cultural Responsiveness
Standard Identifier:
Standard Description:
Mapped to:
Set Title:
NELP Building Level (2017): 3: Equity, Inclusiveness, and Cultural Responsiveness
Candidates who successfully complete a building-level educational leadership preparation program understand and demonstrate the capacity to promote the current and future success and well-being of each student and adult by applying the knowledge, skills, and commitments necessary to develop and maintain a supportive, equitable, culturally responsive, and inclusive school culture
Building Rubric Candidate provides knowledge of dimensions of positive school culture (i.e. safe, healthy, caring, responsive, inclusive and respectful); research on inclusive school cultures; processes for evaluating school culture; processes for effecting changes to school culture; and engaging in advocacy.NELP 3 / Educational Leadership Skills Candidate demonstrates skills required to evaluate school culture; use research and data to design and cultivate a supportive, nurturing, and inclusive school culture; develop strategies for improving school culture; and advocating for a supportive and inclusive school culture. NELP 3
NELP BL (2017) - National Educational Leadership Preparation - Building Level
Standard Title: Community and External Leadership
Standard Identifier:
Standard Description:
NELP Building Level (2017): 5: Community and External Leadership
Candidates who successfully complete a building-level educational leadership preparation program understand and demonstrate the capacity to promote the current and future success and well-being of each student and adult by applying the knowledge, skills, and commitments necessary to engage families, community, and school personnel in order to strengthen student learning, support school improvement, and advocate for the needs of their school and community
Mapped to: Candidate provides knowledge of research on the role of families in supporting student learning in and out of school; research on student and family diversity; and strategies for understanding and cultivating relationships with families and engaging them in their children’s education.NELP 5 / Educational Leadership Skills Candidate demonstrates skills required to gather information about family demographics and funds of knowledge available within students’ families that can be accessed to enhance student learning; cultivate collaboration among staff and families in support of student learning and success; and foster two-way communication with families NELP 5
EdD EDL Building - EDL 7113 Mission Action Plan
Structured External Assignment: Leadership and Governance
Building Leaders
Collaboratively develop an actionable mission and vision attentive to such considerations as data use, technology, values, diversity, equity, digital citizenship, and community. Identify the data you used to arrive at the needs. What support is needed and from whom? How will you effectively operationalize and implement the mission and vision statement in terms of systems management and operations to improve student learning? What is the role of parents, staff, and the district office in your advocacy? Are there initiatives coming from a source external to the school that should be considered as part of the plan?
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Rubric Title:
Building Rubric Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to evaluate existing mission and vision processes and statements; collaboratively design a school mission and vision attentive to values and priorities that include data, technology, values, equity, diversity, digital citizenship, and community; and develop a comprehensive plan for communicating the mission and vision. NELP 1.1
Candidate evaluates existing mission and vision statements and design a school mission and vision being attentive to technology and diversity.
Candidate develops a plan for announcing the mission and vision. Candidate evaluates existing mission and vision processes and statements and leads collaborative design of a school mission and vision being attentive to values and priorities that include data, technology, values, equity, diversity, digital citizenship, and community.
Candidate develops a comprehensive plan for communicating the mission and vision.
Candidate evaluates existing mission and vision processes and statements and leads collaborative design of a school mission and vision with the school leadership team while being attentive to values and priorities that include data, technology, values, equity, diversity, digital citizenship, and community
Candidate develops a comprehensive plan for communicating the mission and vision with the school leadership team.
Candidate evaluates existing mission and vision processes and statements and leads collaborative design of a school mission and vision with the school leadership team, faculty, staff and community while being attentive to values and priorities that include data, technology, values, equity, diversity, digital citizenship, and community.
Candidate develops a comprehensive plan for communicating the mission and vision with the school leadership team, faculty, staff and stakeholders
Generated by: Paige
Content Candidate knowledge of research on school management, operations, use of technologies, communication, and governance systems; principles of systems management and continuous improvement; management theories on the effective use of school resources and structures (i.e., school time and schedules) to achieve equitable outcomes for diverse student populations; processes for developing and implementing management, communication, technology, school-level governance, and operation sys NELP 6
Candidate knows research on school management and operations
Candidate knows principles of continuous improvement
Candidate knows the effective use of school resources to achieve equitable outcomes for diverse student populations
Candidate know a process for implementing school-level governance.
Candidate knows using technology to enhance learning and program management
Candidate knows research on school management, operations, use of technologies, communication, and governance systems.
Candidate knows principles of systems management and continuous improvement.
Candidate knows management theories on the effective use of school resources and structures (i e , school time and schedules) to achieve equitable outcomes for diverse student populations
Candidate knows processes for developing and implementing management, communication, technology, school-level governance, and operation systems.
Candidate knows using technology to enhance learning and program management
Candidate understands research on school management, operations, use of technologies, communication, and governance systems.
Candidate understands principles of systems management and continuous improvement.
Candidate understands management theories on the effective use of school resources and structures (i e , school time and schedules) to achieve equitable outcomes for diverse student populations.
Candidate understands processes for developing and implementing management, communication, technology, school-level governance, and operation systems
Candidate understands using technology to enhance learning and program management.
Candidate understands and synthesizes research on school management, operations, use of technologies, communication, and governance systems.
Candidate understands and synthesizes principles of systems management and continuous improvement.
Candidate understands and synthesizes management theories on the effective use of school resources and structures (i.e., school time and schedules) to achieve equitable outcomes for diverse student populations.
Candidate understands and synthesizes processes for developing and implementing management, communication, technology, school-level governance, and operation systems.
Candidate understands and synthesizes using technology to enhance learning and program management.
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Educational Leadership Skills
Candidates demonstrate skills required to use a process for auditing the equity of school processes and operations and their impact on resource allocation, personnel decisions, and students’ experiences and outcomes; use research and evidence to analyze and identify strategic and tactical challenges for the school’s systems; develop and implement management, communication, assessment, technology, school-level governance, and operation systems; and develop a NELP 6
Candidate audits school processes and operations on their impact and equity
Candidate uses research and evidence to analyze and identify tactical (short term) challenges for the school’s systems
Candidate analyzes and implements assessment and technology.
Candidate reviews school’s master schedule.
Candidate audits school processes and operations on resource allocation, personnel decisions, and students’ experiences and outcomes for their impact and equity
Candidate uses research and evidence to analyze and identify strategic and tactical (long term and short term) challenges for the school’s systems.
Candidate analyzes, evaluates, develops and implements management, communication, assessment, technology, schoollevel governance, and operation systems
Candidate develops a school’s master schedule
Candidate audits school processes and operations on resource allocation, personnel decisions, and students’ experiences and outcomes for their impact and equity in collaboration with the school leadership team.
Candidate uses research and evidence to analyze and identify strategic and tactical (long term and short term) challenges for the school’s systems in collaboration with the school leadership team
Candidate analyzes, evaluates, develops and implements management, communication, assessment, technology, schoollevel governance, and operation systems in collaboration with the school leadership team
Candidate develops a school’s master schedule in collaboration with the school leadership team.
Candidate audits school processes and operations on resource allocation, personnel decisions, and students’ experiences and outcomes for their impact and equity in collaboration with the school leadership team, faculty and staff
Candidate uses research and evidence to analyze and identify strategic and tactical (long term and short term) challenges for the school’s systems in collaboration with the school leadership team, faculty and staff
Candidate analyzes, evaluates, develops and implements management, communication, assessment, technology, schoollevel governance, and operation systems in collaboration with the school leadership team, faculty and staff.
Candidate develops a school’s master schedule in collaboration with the school leadership team, faculty and staff
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Content Candidate knowledge of laws, rights, policies, and regulations enacted by state, local, and federal authorities that affect schools, students, and adults; implications of laws, rights, policies, and regulations for diverse student populations, subgroups, and communities; and research on emerging challenges such as privacy, social media (i.e., cyber-bullying), and safety.
NELP 6.3
Candidate knows policies and regulations enacted by state and local authorities that affect schools and students.
Candidate knows policies and regulations for diverse student populations
Candidate considers research on emerging challenges such as privacy, social media (e.g., cyberbullying), and safety.
Candidate knows laws, rights, policies and regulations enacted by state, local, and federal authorities that affect schools, students, and adults.
Candidate knows the implications of laws, rights, policies, and regulations for diverse student populations, subgroups, and communities
Candidate knows research on emerging challenges such as privacy, social media (e.g., cyberbullying), and safety
Candidate understands laws, rights, policies and regulations enacted by state, local, and federal authorities that affect schools, students, and adults.
Candidate understands the implications of laws, rights, policies, and regulations for diverse student populations, subgroups, and communities
Candidate understands research on emerging challenges such as privacy, social media (e.g., cyberbullying), and safety
Candidate understands and synthesizes laws, rights, policies and regulations enacted by state, local, and federal authorities that affect schools, students, and adults
Candidate understands and synthesizes the implications of laws, rights, policies, and regulations for diverse student populations, subgroups, and communities.
Candidate understands and synthesizes research on emerging challenges such as privacy, social media (e.g., cyber-bullying), and safety
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Educational Leadership Skills
Candidates demonstrate skills required to reflectively evaluate situations and policies with Xregard to legal, ethical, and equity issues; analyze how law and policy are applied consistently, fairly, equitably, and ethically within a school; communicate policies, laws, regulations, and procedures to appropriate school stakeholders; and monitor and ensure adherence to laws, rights, policies, and regulations. NELP 6.3
Candidate review building situations and policies in relation to legal, ethical, and equity issues
Candidate monitors that laws, regulations, and policies are adhered to ethically within a school
Candidate communicates policies, regulations, and procedures to school personnel.
Candidate evaluates building situations and policies in relation to legal, ethical, and equity issues
Candidate analyzes, monitors and ensures that laws, rights, regulations, and policies are adhered to and applied consistently, fairly, equitably, and ethically within a school.
Candidate communicates policies, laws, regulations, and procedures to appropriate school stakeholders
Candidate evaluates building situations and policies in relation to legal, ethical, and equity issues with the school leadership team.
Candidate analyzes, monitors and ensures that laws, rights, regulations, and policies are adhered to and applied consistently, fairly, equitably, and ethically within a school with the school leadership team.
Candidate communicates policies, laws, regulations, and procedures to appropriate school stakeholders in collaboration with the school leadership team.
Candidate evaluates building situations and policies in relation to legal, ethical, and equity issues with the school leadership team, faculty and staff.
Candidate analyzes, monitors and ensures that laws, rights, regulations, and policies are adhered to and applied consistently, fairly, equitably, and ethically within a school with the school leadership team, faculty and stakeholders
Candidate communicates policies, laws, regulations, and procedures to appropriate school stakeholders in collaboration with the school leadership team, faculty and staff.
Building Level (2017): 6:
Educational Leadership Skills
Candidates demonstrate skills required to use research to design and cultivate a collaborative professional culture; model and foster effective communication; and develop a comprehensive for providing school community members with a healthy and positive school building environment. NELP 7.2
Candidate espouses research for the school culture plan.
Candidate develops a school environment plan that fosters communication for the school and community.
Candidate uses research to design and cultivate a plan for a collaborative professional culture
Candidate develops a comprehensive positive and healthy school environment plan that models and fosters effective communication for the school and community.
Candidate uses research to design and cultivate a plan for a collaborative professional culture with the school leadership team.
Candidate develops a comprehensive positive and healthy school environment plan that models and fosters effective communication for the school and community with the school leadership team.
Candidate uses research to design and cultivate a plan for a collaborative professional culture with the school leadership team, faculty and staff
Candidate develops a comprehensive positive and healthy school environment plan that models and fosters effective communication for the school and community with the school leadership team, faculty and staff.
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Content Candidate knowledge of research on teacher professional learning practices for supporting and developing school staff; practices for cultivating and distributing leadership among staff; providing professional learning that promotes reflection, cultural responsiveness, digital literacy, school improvement and student success; and how to use digital technology in ethical and appropriate ways to foster professional learning for self and othersNELP 7.3
Candidate reads research on teacher professional learning practices for supporting, distributing leadership
Candidate reviews research on professional learning that promotes school improvement for student success
Candidate supports the use of digital technology in ethical ways for self and others.
Candidate knows research on teacher professional learning practices for supporting, cultivating and distributing leadership among staff.
Candidate knows research on providing professional learning that promotes reflection, cultural responsiveness, digital literacy, school improvement and student success
Candidate knows how to use digital technology in ethical and appropriate ways to foster professional learning for self and others.
Candidate understands research on teacher professional learning practives for supporting, cultivating and distributing leadership among staff.
Candidate understands research on providing professional learning that promotes reflection, cultural responsiveness, digital literacy, school improvement, and student success
Candidate understands how to use digital technology in ethical and appropriate ways to foster professional learning for self and others.
Candidate understands and synthesizes research on teacher professional learning practices for supporting, cultivating and distributing leadership among staff.
Candidate understands and synthesizes research on providing professional learning that promotes reflection, cultural responsiveness, digital literacy school improvement, and student success.
Candidate understands and synthesizes how to use digital technology in ethical and appropriate ways to foster professional learning for self and others.
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Educational Leadership Skills
Candidates demonstrate skills required to evaluate professional staff capacity needs and management practices; identify leadership capabilities of staff; plan opportunities for professional growth that promotes reflection, cultural responsiveness, digital literacy, school improvement, and student success; engage staff in leadership roles; and utilize digital technology in ethical and appropriate ways to foster professional learning for staff and others. NELP 7.3
Candidate evalutates professional staff management practices.
Candidate plans professional growth activities for school improvement and student success
Candidate engages key staff in leadership roles.
Candidate utilizes digital technology to foster professional learning for self and others.
Candidate evaluates professional staff capacity needs and management practices
Candidate identifies leadership capabilities of staff
Candidate plans professional growth activities for reflection, cultural responsiveness, digital literacy, school improvement, and student success.
Candidate engages staff in leadership roles.
Candidate utilizes digital technology in ethical and appropriate ways to foster professional learning for self and others.
Candidate evalutes professional staff capacity needs and management practices with the school leadership team.
Candidate identifies leadership capabilities of staff with the school leadership team
Candidate plans professional growth activities for reflection, cultural responsiveness, digital literacy, school improvement, and student success with the school leadership team.
Candidate engages staff in leadership roles with the school leadership team
Candidate utilizes digital technology in ethical and appropriate ways to foster professional learning for self and others with the school leadership team.
Candidate evaluates professional staff capacity needs and management practices with the school leadership team, faculty and staff.
Candidate identifies leadership capabilities of staff with the school leadership team, faculty and staff.
Candidate plans professional growth activities for reflection, cultural responsiveness, digital literacy, school improvement, and student success with the school leadership team, faculty and staff
Candidate engages staff in leadership roles with the school leadership team, faculty and staff.
Candidate utilizes digital technology in ethical and appropriate ways to foster professional learning for self and others with the school leadership team, faculty and staff
by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Content Candidate knowledge of rearch-based strategies for personnel supervision and evaluation; importance of, and the ability to access, specific personnel evaluation procedures for a given context; and multiple approaches for providing actionable feedback and support systems for teachers. NELP 7.4
Candidate knows strategies for personnel supervision and evaluation
Candidate knows the importance of personnel evaluation
Candidate knows a few approaches for providing feedback and support systems for teachers.
Candidate knows research-based strategies for personnel supervision and evaluation
Candidate knows the importance of accessing specific personnel evaluation procedures for a given context
Candidate knows multiple approaches for providing actionable feedback and support systems for teachers.
Candidate understands researchbased strategies for personnel supervision and evaluation
Candidate understands the importance of accessing specific personnel evaluation procedures for a given context
Candidate understands multiple approaches for providing actionable feedback and support systems for teachers.
Candidate understands and synthesizes research-based strategies for personnel supervision and evaluation. Candidate understands and synthesizes the importance of accessing specific personnel evaluation procedures for a given context.
Candidate understands and synthesizes multiple approaches for providing actionable feedback and support systems for teachers.
by: Paige
Educational Leadership Skills
Candidates demonstrate skills required to observe teaching in a variety of classrooms; gather and analyze district policies on instructional expectations; provide teaching staff with actionable feedback to support improvement; and develop a system for monitoring whether supervision and evaluation strategies promote improvement. NELP 7.4
Candidate observation analysis from a few classrooms.
Candidate reviews district policies on instructional expectations.
Candidate provides teaching staff with feedback
Candidate develops a schedule for monitoring supervision and evaluation requirements.
Candidate observation analysis from a variety of classrooms.
Candidate reviews and analyzes district policies on instructional expectations
Candidate provides teaching staff with actionable feedback to support improvement.
Candidate develops a system for monitoring whether supervision and evaluation strategies promote improvement.
Candidate observation analysis from a variety of classrooms addresses multiple, inter-related learning strategies.
Candidate reviews and analyzes district policies on instructional expectations wit the school leadership team.
Candidate provides teaching staff with actionable feedback to support improvement with the school leadership team
Candidate develops a system for monitoring whether supervision and evaluation strategies promote improvement with the school leadership team.
Candidate observation analysis from a variety of classrooms addresses multiple, inter-related learning and assessment strategies.
Candidate reviews and analyzes district policies on instructional expectations with the school leadership team, faculty and staff.
Candidate provides teaching staff with actionable feedback to support improvement with the school leadership team, faculty and staff
Candidate develops a system for monitoring whether supervision and evaluation strategies promote improvement with the school leadership team, faculty and staff
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Set Title:
NELP BL (2017) - National Educational Leadership Preparation - Building Level
Standard Title: Mission, Vision, and Improvement
Standard Identifier: NELP Building Level (2017): 1: Mission, Vision, and Improvement
Standard Description:
Mapped to:
Set Title:
Candidates who successfully complete a building-level educational leadership preparation program understand and demonstrate the capacity to promote the current and future success and well-being of each student and adult by applying the knowledge, skills, and commitments necessary to collaboratively lead, design, and implement a school mission, vision, and process for continuous improvement that reflects a core set of values and priorities that include data use, technology, equity, diversity, digital citizenship, and community.
Building Rubric Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to evaluate existing mission and vision processes and statements; collaboratively design a school mission and vision attentive to values and priorities that include data, technology, values, equity, diversity, digital citizenship, and community; and develop a comprehensive plan for communicating the mission and vision. NELP 1.1
NELP BL (2017) - National Educational Leadership Preparation - Building Level
Standard Title: Operations and Management
Standard Identifier:
Standard Description:
NELP Building Level (2017): 6: Operations and Management
Candidates who successfully complete a building-level educational leadership preparation program understand and demonstrate the capacity to promote the current and future success and well-being of each student and adult by applying the knowledge, skills, and commitments necessary to improve management, communication, technology, school-level overnance, and operation systems to develop and improve data-informed and equitable school resource plans and to apply laws, policies, and regulations.
Generated by:
Paige Minutola
Mapped to: Content Candidate knowledge of research on school management, operations, use of technologies, communication, and governance systems; principles of systems management and continuous improvement; management theories on the effective use of school resources and structures (i e , school time and schedules) to achieve equitable outcomes for diverse student populations; processes for developing and implementing management, communication, technology, school-level governance, and operation sysNELP 6 / Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to use a process for auditing the equity of school processes and operations and their impact on resource allocation, personnel decisions, and students’ experiences and outcomes; use research and evidence to analyze and identify strategic and tactical challenges for the school’s systems; develop and implement management, communication, assessment, technology, school-level governance, and operation systems; and develop aNELP 6 / Content Candidate knowledge of laws, rights, policies, and regulations enacted by state, local, and federal authorities that affect schools, students, and adults; implications of laws, rights, policies, and regulations for diverse student populations, subgroups, and communities; and research on emerging challenges such as privacy, social media (i e , cyber-bullying), and safety NELP 6 3 / Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to reflectively evaluate situations and policies with Xregard to legal, ethical, and equity issues; analyze how law and policy are applied consistently, fairly, equitably, and ethically within a school; communicate policies, laws, regulations, and procedures to appropriate school stakeholders; and monitor and ensure adherence to laws, rights, policies, and regulations.
NELP 6 3
EdD EDL Building - EDL 7113 Mission Action Plan Detail
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Set Title:
Standard Title:
Standard Identifier:
Standard Description:
Mapped to:
NELP BL (2017) - National Educational Leadership Preparation - Building Level
Building Professional Capacity
NELP Building Level (2017): 7: Building Professional Capacity
Candidates who successfully complete a building-level educational leadership preparation program understand and demonstrate the capacity to promote the current and future success and well-being of each student and adult by applying the knowledge, skills, and commitments necessary to build the school’s professional capacity, engage staff in the development of a collaborative professional culture, and improve systems of staff supervision, evaluation, support, and professional learning
Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to use research to design and cultivate a collaborative professional culture; model and foster effective communication; and develop a comprehensive for providing school community members with a healthy and positive school building environment.NELP 7.2 / Content Candidate knowledge of research on teacher professional learning practices for supporting and developing school staff; practices for cultivating and distributing leadership among staff; providing professional learning that promotes reflection, cultural responsiveness, digital literacy, school improvement and student success; and how to use digital technology in ethical and appropriate ways to foster professional learning for self and othersNELP 7.3 / Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to evaluate professional staff capacity needs and management practices; identify leadership capabilities of staff; plan opportunities for professional growth that promotes reflection, cultural responsiveness, digital literacy, school improvement, and student success; engage staff in leadership roles; and utilize digital technology in ethical and appropriate ways to foster professional learning for staff and others NELP 7 3 / Content Candidate knowledge of rearch-based strategies for personnel supervision and evaluation; importance of, and the ability to access, specific personnel evaluation procedures for a given context; and multiple approaches for providing actionable feedback and support systems for teachers NELP 7 4 / Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to observe teaching in a variety of classrooms; gather and analyze district policies on instructional expectations; provide teaching staff with actionable feedback to support improvement; and develop a system for monitoring whether supervision and evaluation strategies promote improvement.NELP 7.4
EdD EDL Building - EDL 7114 Code of Ethics Reflection
Structured External Assignment: Labor Negotiations and Law
Building Leaders – Candidates produces an extended reflection that describes research based best practices on the role of the Code of Ethics in the educational dilemma of collective bargaining and the strategies to anticipate and prevent difficulties, such as grievances, related to the moral and legal issues in decision making. Candidate describes the relationship between the district office and building leaders, and the law and professional ethical standards and the processes of collaborative bargaining. Candidate plans strategies to avoid violations of the law, the collaborative bargaining agreement, and ethical conduct. Candidate includes in the plan steps toward the successful and early resolution of grievances. Candidate participates in contract negotiations, and describes and reflects on the process, the challenges, the impasses, and the solutions. Candidate will produce advocacy communication products promoting resources, finances, and staff support for learning communities for the improvement of instruction.
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Rubric Title:
EdD EDL Building - EDL 7114 Code of Ethics Reflection
Mapped standards: NELP Building Level (2017): 2: Ethics and Professional Norms - Ethics and Professional Norms
Enable the N/A option for assessment
Rubric Structure
Building Rubric Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to evaluate ethical dimensions of issues; analyze decisions in terms of established ethical framework; and develop a communication plan to advocate for ethical decisions.
NELP 2.2
and Professional Norms
Candidate evaluates ethical dimensions of issues through personal experience.
Candidate communicates ethical decisions as they occur.
Candidate evaluates ethical dimensions of issues through an analysis of an established ethical framework
Candidate develops a communication plan to advocate for ethical decisions.
Candidate evaluates ethical dimensions of issues through an analysis of an established ethical framework with the school leadership team.
Candidate develops a communication plan to advocate for ethical decisions with the school leadership team
Candidate evaluates ethical dimensions of issues through an analysis of an established ethical framework with the school leadership team, the faculty, staff, and stakeholders.
Candidate develops a communication plan to advocate for ethical decisions with the school leadership team, the faculty, staff, and stakeholders
Content Candidate knowledge of ethical practice; and approaches to cultivating ethical behavior in others. NELP 2.3
Candidate knows ethical practice. Candidate knows ethical practice and approaches to cultivate ethical behavior in others
Candidate understands ethical practice and approaches to cultivate ethical behavior in others
Candidate understands and synthesizes ethical practice and approaches to cultivate ethical behavior in others.
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
NELP Building Level (2017): 2: Ethics and Professional Norms
- Ethics and Professional Norms
Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to formulate a schoollevel ethical leadership platform; model ethical practice; and cultivate ethical behavior in others. NELP 2.3
Candidate uses a school-level ethical leadership platform.
Candidate models ethical behavior
Candidate formulates a schoollevel ethical leadership platform.
Candidate models ethical behavior and cultivates ethical behavior in others.
Candidate formulates a schoollevel ethical leadership platform with the school leadership team.
Candidate models ethical behavior and cultivates ethical behavior in others in cooperation with the school leadership team.
Candidate formulates a schoollevel ethical leadership platform with the school leadership team, the faculty, staff and stakeholders
Candidate models ethical behavior and cultivates ethical behavior in others in cooperation with the school leadership team, the faculty, staff and stakeholders.
NELP Building Level (2017): 2: Ethics and Professional Norms
- Ethics and Professional Norms
Generated by: Paige
Set Title: NELP BL (2017) - National Educational Leadership Preparation - Building Level
Standard Title: Ethics and Professional Norms
Standard Identifier: NELP Building Level (2017): 2: Ethics and Professional Norms
Standard Description:
Candidates who successfully complete a building-level educational leadership preparation program understand and demonstrate the capacity to promote the current and future success and well-being of each student and adult by applying the knowledge, skills, and commitments necessary to understand and demonstrate the capacity to advocate for ethical decisions and cultivate and enact professional norms
Mapped to: Building Rubric Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to evaluate ethical dimensions of issues; analyze decisions in terms of established ethical framework; and develop a communication plan to advocate for ethical decisions. NELP 2.2 / Content Candidate knowledge of ethical practice; and approaches to cultivating ethical behavior in others. NELP 2 3 / Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to formulate a school-level ethical leadership platform; model ethical practice; and cultivate ethical behavior in others. NELP 2.3
EdD EDL Building - EDL 7116 Ed Trends Report
Structured External Assignment: Security and Safety
Building Leaders
Each candidate will develop a Collaborative Comprehensive Safety and Security Implementation and Communication Plan for providing school faculty, staff, students, parents and other stakeholders with a safe and secure school learning environment. The communication plan needs to be sure and include strategies to support student self-management, civic literacy, citizenship, and positive leadership skills. The plan needs to address evidence from a Collaborative Safety and Security Audit Plan of the building, grounds, and information system and include both protections for physical safety and personal information security as well as a plan of action in a crisis. Based on a review and analysis of the discipline data, candidate designs and implements a collaborative Discipline Management Plan for improvement of the school environment and communication with the school community.
Generated by:
Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Rubric Title:
Mapped standards: -
Enable the N/A option for assessment
Rubric Structure
Candidate knowledge of school strategies supporting safe and secure learning environments including prevention, crisis management, and public relations.
Candidate knows strategies to support safe learning environments.
Candidate knows strategies to support safe and secure learning environments.
Candidate demonstrates skills required to develop a comprehensive plan for providing school staff, students, and visitors with a safe and secure school building environment.
Candidate develops a plan for school safety and security.
Candidate develops a comprehensive plan for school safety and security
Candidate understands and communicates to the faculty, staff and parents strategies to support safe and secure learning environments.
Candidate understands and communicates to the faculty, staff parents and stakeholders strategies to support safe and secure learning environments.
Candidate develops a comprehensive plan for school safety and security in collaboration with the school leadership team.
Candidate develops a comprehensive plan for school safety and security in collaboration with the school leadership team and outside experts.
EdD EDL Building - EDL 7117 Trauma Informed Plan
Structured External Assignment:
Building Leaders
Candidates will determine the make-up of the school climate. They will develop a trauma-informed plan using the six key principles (Safety, Trustworthiness, Peer Support, Collaboration, Empowerment, and Cultural, Historical, and Gender Issues) as a framework to lead for success academically and emotionally for all students. The plan will include a design for “taking the temperature” regularly of the school climate. Candidates should include the ways in which social agencies will become interwoven into the school’s day. Candidates will include in the plan a design for the school to have high expectations and high level supports for all of the school’s children, teachers and other school employees that will be communicated to all of the school’s stakeholders. The plan for safety and security (EDL 7116) and the plan for responsive school climate (EDL 7117) should show a relationship.
EdD EDL Building - EDL 7117 Trauma Informed Plan Detail
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Rubric Title:
Mapped standards: -
Enable the N/A option for assessment
Rubric Structure
EDL Building - EDL 7117 Trauma Informed Plan
Course Content Objective
Candidate knowledge of trauma informed principle use in determining the climate within the school
1 Point
Candidate is aware of trauma informed principles for use in determining the climate of the school
Candidate knows trauma informed principles for use in determining the climate of the school.
Candidate understands and collaborates with the teacher leadership team about trauma informed principles for use in determining and foster a positive school climate
Candidate collaborates, understands and communicates with the teacher leadership team, faculty, staff and stakeholders about trauma informed principles for use in determining and promoting a positive and inclusive the school climate.
1 Point 2 Points
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Course Leadership Objective
Candidate demonstration skills required to use climate indicators, trauma informed principles and high levels of support for communicating and creating a comprehensive plan for a responsive and inclusive climate within the school.
Candidate promotes the effective use of trauma informed principles.
Candidate observes the use of a plan for a responsive and inclusive climate within the school
Candidate models and promotes trauma informed principles.
Candidate observes, analyzes, monitors and evaluates a comprehensive plan for a responsive and inclusive climate within the school
Candidate frequently and effectively models and integrates trauma informed principles
Candidate observes and teaches the school leadership team high levels of communication to support a responsive and inclusive climate within the school.
Candidate monitors, analyzes, evaluates, shares and presents a comprehensive plan for a responsive and inclusive climate within the school with teachers and parents
Candidate frequently and effectively models, utilizes, practices and integrates trauma informed principles.
Candidate observes and teaches the school leadership team high levels of communication to support a responsive and inclusive climate within the district.
Candidate partners with the school leadership team, faculty and community stakeholders in monitoring, analyzing, evaluating, sharing and presenting a comprehensive plan for a responsive and inclusive climate within the school
EdD EDL Building - EDL 7201 Advocacy Plan
Structured External Assignment: Managing Finance
Building Leaders
Principal candidates should analyze the school’s needs and resources in cooperation with advisory groups made up of parents and community partners. Candidates collaboratively identify and prioritize strategic, long term needs, and tactical, short term needs, for the school. The identified needs are incorporated into a three-year plan that sets priorities. The longterm plan contains facility and space utilization plans. The short term plan includes the operational policies and procedures and the improvement of the educational environment. There is a plan that incorporates implementation, communication, and management for fiscal and human resources. Technology is used to manage the school’s operational systems. The candidate should consider what should be sought from partnerships, grants and nontraditional sources to accomplish these strategic and tactical plans in alignment with the school’s mission.
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Rubric Title:
Mapped standards:
Enable the N/A option for assessment
Rubric Structure
EdD EDL Building - EDL 7201 Advocacy Plan
NELP Building Level (2017): 6: Operations and Management - Operations and Management
Building Rubric Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to evaluate resource needs; use data ethically and equitably to develop a multi-year school resourcing plan aligned to the school’s goals and priorities; and advocate for resources in support of needs. NELP 6.2
Candidate reviews resource needs
Candidate uses data ethically and equitably to develop a school year resourcing plan aligned to the school’s goals and priorities.
Candidate advocates for resources.
Candidate evaluates resource needs
Candidate uses data ethically and equitably to develop a multi-year school resourcing plan aligned to the school’s goals and priorities
Candidate advocates for resources in support of needs
Candidate evaluates resource needs in collaboration with the school leadership team.
Candidate uses data ethically and equitably to develop a multi-year school resourcing plan aligned to the school’s goals and priorities in collaboration with the school leadership team
Candidate advocates for resources in support of needs in collaboration with the school leadership team.
Candidate evaluates resource needs in collaboration with the school leadership team, faculty, staff and stakeholders
Candidate uses data ethically and equitably to develop a multi-year school resourcing plan aligned to the school’s goals and priorities in collaboration with the school leadership team, faculty, staff and stakeholders
Candidate advocates for resources in support of needs in collaboration with the school leadership team, faculty, staff and stakeholders
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Set Title:
NELP BL (2017) - National Educational Leadership Preparation - Building Level
Standard Title: Operations and Management
Standard Identifier: NELP Building Level (2017): 6: Operations and Management
Standard Description:
Mapped to:
Candidates who successfully complete a building-level educational leadership preparation program understand and demonstrate the capacity to promote the current and future success and well-being of each student and adult by applying the knowledge, skills, and commitments necessary to improve management, communication, technology, school-level overnance, and operation systems to develop and improve data-informed and equitable school resource plans and to apply laws, policies, and regulations.
Building Rubric Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to evaluate resource needs; use data ethically and equitably to develop a multi-year school resourcing plan aligned to the school’s goals and priorities; and advocate for resources in support of needs NELP 6 2
EdD EDL Building - EDL 7590 Written Presentation
Structured External Assignment: School Leadership Theory & Practice
Building Leaders
Bennis and Goldsmith (2010) assert that as adult learners, “we learn best when we are committed to taking charge of our own learning” (p. xxi). The final paper for EDL7590 is a Personal Plan for Your Professional Leadership Development. The required elements of your plan are: (1) your personal philosophy of reflective leadership; (2) a vision for your leadership development during the doctoral program; (3) your learning goals for the first year of your doctoral studies; (4) a list of possible learning activities and locations associated with each of your goals that includes modeling; (5) your plan for practice; (6) your coach and a resource list (targeted to interactions with stakeholders) targeted to each of your learning goals; and (7) outcome indicators for each of your goals that can be used to assess your leadership development progress. Do not feel as though you are limited only to the required elements; your Personal Professional Growth plan can include anything you feel will enhance your learning and your leadership knowledge and skills. Be creative in thinking about and presenting your ideas for gaining the personal, team, organizational, community, and life experiences that you think will make you a more effective leader in your organization.
Both content and presentation of your Personal Leadership Development Plan count.
DIRECTIONS: Written Presentation Guidelines
Your personal leadership development plan should be formatted (headings, spacing, citation format, etc.) according to The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th Ed. (2011).
The paper should be edited and polished. Do not submit a first draft. Allow enough time, so you or someone else can proofread the document. Make sure: Material is well-organized and the flow is facilitated by use of transitions, headings and sub-headings. Sentences are clear, well-constructed and varied in complexity. Grammar is correct. (See Publication Manual of APA, p.87-104)
Punctuation is appropriate.
Quoting is done according to APA guidelines. Jargon, wordiness and redundancy are minimized
Follow The American Psychological Association, 6th Ed. in preparing your list of print and electronic resources. For people included in your resource list include the following information: (1) name; (2) current position; (3) organizational affiliation; (3) address, telephone number and e-mail.
Be sure all resources (people and information) cited in your Personal Leadership Development Plan appear in your list of references and vice-versa.
This is the Structured External Assignment for this course. It is worth 100 points and counts for one-third of your final grade in this course. Your instructor will discuss this assignment further in class. The grading rubric is posted in Blackboard.
Note: Your Leadership Development Plan is a living document. It will continue to evolve over the course of your studies as you explore, learn and receive feedback from your instructors and classmates. There will be changes in your vision, learning goals, planned learning activities and in the list of relevant resources over-time. Each year you will be asked to submit an up-dated version of your Leadership Development Plan with an acknowledgement of progress on goals for the previous year and a new set of goals for the current year of your program.
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Rubric Title:
Mapped standards:
Enable the N/A option for assessment
Rubric Structure
EdD EDL Building - EDL 7590 Written Presentation
NELP Building Level (2017): 2: Ethics and Professional Norms - Ethics and Professional Norms
Building Rubric Leadership VisionContent Candidate
knowledge of reflective practice. NELP 2.1
NELP Building Level (2017): 2: Ethics and Professional Norms - Ethics and Professional Norms
Candidate studies reflective practice
Candidate knows reflective practice
Candidate understands reflective practice Candidate understands and synthesizes reflective practice
EducationalLeadership Skills
Candidate demonstrates skills required to engage in reflective practice. NELP 2.1
Candidate’s vision for own leadership development and reflection is one dimensional or sparse for obtaining insightful leadership change, learning or growth
Candidate’s vision for own leadership development and reflection is grounded in selfassessment but learning, growth, and change is left to the judgement of the evaluator
Candidate’s vision for own leadership development is reflective and multifaceted with thorough self-assessment for learning, growth. Change elements address most goals
Candidate’s vision for own leadership development is reflective grounded in thorough, insightful and deep introspective self- reflection.
The candidate expresses the significant learning, growth, and change in the leadership skills, abilities and qualities that are planned providing the theory and rationale inherent in these activities and the change elements desired
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
NELP Building Level (2017): 2:
- Ethics and Professional Norms
Goals, Activities and Outcomes
1st YearCandidate knowledge of professional norms (i.e., integrity, fairness, transparency, trust, equity, democracy, digital citizenship, diversity, inclusiveness, and the belief that each child can learn) which support student success and well-being; practices that reflect professional norms; and approaches to cultivate professional norms in others.
NELP 2.1
Candidate studies professional norms (i.e., integrity, fairness, transparency, trust, equity, democracy, digital citizenship, diversity, inclusiveness, and the belief that each child can learn) which support student success and well-being.
Candidate knows professional norms (i.e., integrity, fairness, transparency, trust, equity, democracy, digital citizenship, diversity, inclusiveness, and the belief that each child can learn) which support student success and well-being.
Candidate understands professional norms (i.e., integrity, fairness, transparency, trust, equity, democracy, digital citizenship, diversity, inclusiveness, and the belief that each child can learn) which support student success and well-being.
Candidate understands and synthesizes professional norms (i.e., integrity, fairness, transparency, trust, equity, democracy, digital citizenship, diversity, inclusiveness, and the belief that each child can learn) which support student success and well-being NELP Building Level (2017): 2:
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Educational Leadership Skills
Candidate demonstrates skills required to cultivate professional norms among diverse constituencies.NELP 2.1
Candidate presents goals, activities and measurable outcomes for a 1st year personal leadership development plan.
Candidate presents aligned goals and activities that cultivate professional norms in self and others (i.e., integrity, fairness, transparency, trust, equity, democracy, digital citizenship, diversity, inclusiveness, and the belief that each child can learn) among diverse constituencies using measurable outcomes for a 1st year personal leadership development plan.
Candidate presents aligned goals and activities that cultivate professional norms in self and others (i.e., integrity, fairness, transparency, trust, equity, democracy, digital citizenship, diversity, inclusiveness, and the belief that each child can learn) among diverse constituencies using measurable outcomes for a 1st year personal leadership development plan that is grounded in leadership theory and practice.
Candidate presents aligned goals and activities that cultivate professional norms in self and others (i.e., integrity, fairness, transparency, trust, equity, democracy, digital citizenship, diversity, inclusiveness, and the belief that each child can learn) among diverse constituencies using measurable outcomes for a 1st year personal leadership development plan that is grounded in leadership theory and practice and is substantiated with a clear rationale for the actions.
NELP Building Level (2017): 2:
and Professional Norms - Ethics and Professional Norms
Coaching and Resources
Candidate presents a list of coaches and resources
Candidate presents a list of coaches and resources that are matched to the goals, activities and outcomes
Candidate presents a list of coaches and resources that enhances the goals, activities and outcomes and provides a rationale for each item/person listed.
Candidate presents a list of coaches and resources that enhances the goals, activities and outcomes and provides a rationale for each item/person listed and includes information on how this item/person will enrich, improve and empower the candidate’s development
EdD EDL Building - EDL 7590 Written Presentation Detail
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Goals, Activities, Outcomes
Extended Plan for Years 2 and 3.*. Educational Leadership Skills Candidate demonstrates skills required to model professional norms (i.e., integrity, fairness, transparency, trust, equity, democracy, digital citizenship, diversity, inclusiveness, and the belief that each child can learn). NELP 2.1
Candidate presents a plan of goals, activities and outcomes as an extension to the 1st year plan
Candidate presents a plausible plan of aligned goals, activities and outcomes as an extension to the 1st year plan models professional norms (i.e., integrity, fairness, transparency, trust, equity, democracy, digital citizenship, diversity, inclusiveness, and the belief that each child can learn) as a basis for building organizational culture
Candidate presents a plausible plan of aligned goals, activities and outcomes as an extension to the 1st year plan models professional norms (i.e., integrity, fairness, transparency, trust, equity, democracy, digital citizenship, diversity, inclusiveness, and the belief that each child can learn) as a basis for building organizational culture with an explanation as to why this work is aligned and will enhance the candidate’s personal development
Candidate presents a plausible plan of aligned goals, activities and outcomes as an extension to the 1st year plan models professional norms (i.e., integrity, fairness, transparency, trust, equity, democracy, digital citizenship, diversity, inclusiveness, and the belief that each child can learn) as a basis for building organizational culture with an explanation as to why this work is aligned and will enhance the candidate’s personal development and how it is related to leadership theory
Building Level (2017): 2:
Leadership Philosophy
Candidate’s personal philosophy of leadership lacks coherence. Main points need support of evidence from experience or readings.
Candidate’s personal philosophy of leadership is clear. Evidence from experience or readings is minimal
Candidate’s personal philosophy of leadership is comprehensive. It employs credible evidence from experience or readings.
Candidate’s personal philosophy of leadership is comprehensive, thorough, insightful, and growth oriented. It integrates credible and persuasive evidence from one’s experience or readings
Information Candidate acknowledges sources and uses information following the conventions of the social sciences.
Candidate fails to attribute ideas and words to others
Candidate may show improper use of sources or lack quotation marks.
Candidate uses discipline appropriate citation style of APA, but has errors. Errors in citation and references, with ambiguity present
Candidate uses discipline appropriate citation style of APA with a minor repeated error type. Shows proper attribution of ideas. Candidate clearly identifies the work of other scholars whether quoted or paraphrased.
Candidate uses discipline appropriate citation style of APA with no errors. Demonstrates consistent and appropriate use of paraphrasing and quotation of sources. Shows academic thought in quotes from another author unless paraphrased and cited Page 4 of 5
Generated by: Paige
Set Title:
NELP BL (2017) - National Educational Leadership Preparation - Building Level
Standard Title: Ethics and Professional Norms
Standard Identifier: NELP Building Level (2017): 2: Ethics and Professional Norms
Standard Description:
Mapped to:
Candidates who successfully complete a building-level educational leadership preparation program understand and demonstrate the capacity to promote the current and future success and well-being of each student and adult by applying the knowledge, skills, and commitments necessary to understand and demonstrate the capacity to advocate for ethical decisions and cultivate and enact professional norms
Building Rubric Leadership VisionContent Candidate knowledge of reflective practice. NELP 2.1 / EducationalLeadership Skills
Candidate demonstrates skills required to engage in reflective practice NELP 2 1 / Goals, Activities and Outcomes 1st Year
Candidate knowledge of professional norms (i.e., integrity, fairness, transparency, trust, equity, democracy, digital citizenship, diversity, inclusiveness, and the belief that each child can learn) which support student success and well-being; practices that reflect professional norms; and approaches to cultivate professional norms in others.NELP 2.1 / Educational Leadership Skills Candidate demonstrates skills required to cultivate professional norms among diverse constituencies NELP 2 1 / Goals, Activities, Outcomes Extended Plan for Years 2 and 3.*. Educational Leadership Skills Candidate demonstrates skills required to model professional norms (i.e., integrity, fairness, transparency, trust, equity, democracy, digital citizenship, diversity, inclusiveness, and the belief that each child can learn) NELP 2 1
EdD EDL Building - EDL 7703 Improvement Plan
Structured External Assignment: Curriculum and Theory
Building Leaders
Using a strategic, research-based process for developing a school improvement plan that is aligned to the district improvement plan, the school leader candidates will demonstrate instructional leadership skills by identifying curriculum needs in their school and its relationship to the district culture, considering the problem in the context of their philosophy of curriculum theory and research and the theorist with whom they most closely align. They will use data from curricula and technology management systems and choose a planning structure that engages school leadership team and teacher leaders in applying it to the curriculum problem(s), including how to implement and evaluate the changes. Candidates will design, develop and present a curriculum, instruction, assessment and plan for the school that includes academic or non-academic supports. Candidates will design, develop and present a professional development plan that supports equity and diversity for all students (i.e. special needs population, social and economic status) in the school. Finally, candidates will collect, analyze and disseminate data related to the quality of the curriculum, instruction, assessment practices and results in the school.
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Rubric Title:
Mapped standards:
Building Rubric Content
Candidate knowledge of research on the leadership of academic and non-academic programs; approaches to coordinating among (a) curricula, instructional technologies, and other supports and (b) academic and non-academic systems; evidence-based curricula, use of technology, and other supports for academic and non- academic programs; and infrastructures for the ongoing support of academic and nonacademic programs.NELP 4.1
Candidate knows to provide support for leadership research of academic and non-academic programs
Candidates knows to provide support for approaches to coordinating evidenced-based curricula, use of technology and other supports for academic and non- academic supports, programs and infrastructures
Candidate knows leadership research of academic and nonacademic programs.
Candidates knows approaches to coordinating evidenced-based curricula, use of technology and other supports for academic and non- academic supports, programs and infrastructures
Candidate understands leadership research of academic and nonacademic programs.
Candidates understands approaches to coordinating evidenced-based curricula, use of technology and other supports for academic and non- academic supports, programs and infrastructures.
Candidate understands and synthesizes leadership research of academic and non-academic programs
Candidates understands and synthesizes approaches to coordinating evidenced-based curricula, use of technology and other supports for academic and non- academic supports, programs and infrastructures
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Educational Leadership Skills
Candidates demonstrate skills required to evaluate (a) curricula, use of technology, and other supports and (b) academic and non- academic systems; and propose designs and implementation strategies for high-quality, technologyrich, and coherent curricula and supports for academic and non- academic programs. NELP 4.1
Candidate evaluates systemic practices of curricula and use of technology of the academic programs.
Candidate produces a plan for implementation strategies for technology and curricula academic programs.
Candidate evaluates systemic practices of curricula, use of technology and other supports of the academic and non-academic programs.
Candidate produces a plan for the design and implementation strategies for high-quality, technology rich and coherent curricula and supports for academic and non-academic programs.
Candidate evaluates systemic practices of curricula, use of technology and other supports of the academic and non-academic programs in cooperation with the school leadership team
Candidate produces a plan for the design and implementation strategies for high-quality, technology rich and coherent curricula and supports for academic and non-academic programs in cooperation with the school leadership team.
Candidate evaluates systemic practices of curricula, use of technology and other supports of the academic and non-academic programs in cooperation with the school leadership team, faculty, staff and stakeholders.
Candidate produces a plan for the design and implementation strategies for high-quality, technology rich and coherent curricula and supports for academic and non-academic programs in cooperation with the school leadership team with the school leadership team, faculty, staff and stakeholders. NELP Building Level (2017): 4:
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Content Candidate knowledge of evidence-based instructional practices for different student populations; curricula, educational technologies, and other educational resources that support digital literacy among students and adults; educational service providers; and approaches to coordinating resources and services in support of the school’s academic and nonacademic services. NELP 4.2
Candidate knows Open Educational Resources (OER) and local service providers that support digital literacy among students and adults
Candidate knows an approach to coordinating resources and services in support of school’s academic and non-academic services
Candidate knows evidence-based instructional practices for different student populations
Candidate knows Open Educational Resources (OER) and service providers that support digital literacy among students and adults.
Candidate knows approaches to coordinating resources and services in support of school’s academic and non-academic services.
Candidate understands evidencebased instructional practices applicable to different student populations.
Candidate understands Open Educational Resources (OER) and service providers that support digital literacy among students and adults.
Candidate knows approaches to coordinating resources and services in cooperation with the school leadership team in support of school’s academic and nonacademic services.
Candidate understands and synthesizes evidence-based instructional practices applicable to different student populations.
Candidate understands and synthesizes Open Educational Resources (OER) and service providers in cooperation with the school leadership team, faculty and parents that support digital literacy among students and adults.
Candidate knows approaches to coordinating resources and services in cooperation with the school leadership team, faculty and parents in support of school’s academic and non-academic services.
Generated by: Paige
Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to evaluate coordination and coherence among the practices, resources, and services that support equity, digital literacy, and the school’s academic and non-academic systems; and propose designs and implementation strategies for improving the impact of academic and non-academic practices, resources, and services that support student learning. NELP 4.2
Candidate evaluates practices and resources that support learning for equity, digital literacy and the school’s academic and nonacademic systems.
Candidate produces a plan for the implementation strategies for improving the impact of academic practices, resources, and services that support student learning
Candidate evaluates systemic practices and resources that support learning for equity, digital literacy and the school’s academic and non-academic systems.
Candidate produces a plan for the design and implementation strategies for improving the impact of academic and non-academic practices, resources, and services that support student learning.
Candidate evaluates systemic practices and resources for coordination in support of learning for equity, digital literacy and the school’s academic and nonacademic systems
Candidate produces a plan for the design and implementation strategies for improving the impact of academic and non-academic practices, resources, and services that support student learning with the school leadership team
Candidate evaluates systemic practices and resources for coordination and coherence in support of learning for equity, digital literacy and the school’s academic and non-academic systems.
Candidate produces a plan for the design and implementation strategies for improving the impact of academic and nonacademic practices, resources, and services that support student learning with the school leadership team, faculty, staff and stakeholders.
Generated by: Paige
Content Candidate knowledge of research on the effective and ineffective assessment of student learning and wellbeing; research on assessment practices that are culturally responsive and accessible for each student; formative and summative measures of student learning and wellbeing; and approaches to coordinating among assessments, instructional improvement, and educational service delivery. NELP 4.3
Candidate is learning the research on effective and ineffective assessment of student learning and well-being.
Candidate is learning culturally responsive assessment practices.
Candidate is learning formative and summative measures that are aligned to student learning and well-being.
Candidate has knowledge of research on effective and ineffective assessment of student learning and well-being.
Candidate knows research on culturally responsive assessment practices
Candidate knows formative and summative measures that are aligned to student learning and well-being.
Candidate know systems for coordinating the elements of curriculum (assessment, instruction and service delivery).
Candidate understands the research on effective and ineffective assessment of student learning and well-being.
Candidate understands the research on culturally responsive assessment practices
Candidate understands the formative and summative measures that are aligned to student learning and well-being.
Candidate understands the systems for coordinating the elements of curriculum (assessment, instruction and service delivery)
Candidate understands and synthesizes the research on effective and ineffective assessment of student learning and well-being.
Candidate understands and synthesizes research on culturally responsive assessment practices.
Candidate understands and synthesizes formative and summative measures that are aligned to student learning and well-being.
Candidate understands and synthesizes systems for coordinating the elements of curriculum (assessment, instruction and service delivery).
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Educational Leadership Skills
Candidates demonstrate skills required to use research to evaluate the quality of formative and summative assessments of learning; implement formal and informal culturally responsive and accessible assessments of student learning; interpret data from formative and summative assessments for use in educational planning; and cultivate teachers’ capacity to improve instruction based on analysis of assessment data.NELP 4.3
Candidate presents research of formative and summative assessments for learning
Candidate review formal and informal culturally responsive and accessible assessments of student learning in a research curricular learning plan.
Candidate presents research to evaluate the quality of formative and summative assessments for learning.
Candidate implements formal and informal culturally responsive and accessible assessments of student learning in a research curricular learning plan.
Candidate presents with the school leadership team research to evaluate the quality of formative and summative assessments for learning.
Candidate implements formal and informal culturally responsive and accessible assessments of student learning in a research curricular learning plan through collaboration with the school leadership team.
Candidate presents with the school leadership team and faculty members research to evaluate the quality of formative and summative assessments for learning
Candidate implements formal and informal culturally responsive and accessible assessments of student learning in a research curricular learning plan through collaboration with the school leadership team, parents and other stakeholders
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Educational Leadership Skills
Candidates demonstrate skills required to engage faculty in gathering, synthesizing, and using data to evaluate the quality, coordination, and coherence of the school’s curriculum, instruction, and assessment practices; use research and evidence to propose designs and implementation strategies for improving coordination and coherence among the school’s curriculum, instruction, and assessment practices; and use technology and performance management systemsNELP 4.
Candidate engage staff in gathering, data to evaluate results in the school’s academic and nonacademic services.
Candidate uses research to implement strategies for improving academic and non-academic systems.
Candidate uses technology and performance management systems to evaluate district assessment results
Candidate engage staff in gathering, synthesizing, and using data to evaluate the quality, coordination, and coherence in the school’s academic and nonacademic services
Candidate uses research to propose designs and implementation strategies for improving coordination and coherence among the school’s academic and non-academic systems
Candidate uses technology and performance management systems to monitor, analyze, and evaluate district curriculum, instruction, services, assessment practices, and results.
Candidate engage staff in gathering, synthesizing, and using data to evaluate the quality, coordination, and coherence in the school’s academic and nonacademic services through ongoing work with the school leadership team
Candidate uses research to propose designs and implementation strategies for improving coordination and coherence among the school’s academic and non-academic systems through collaboration with the school leadership team.
Candidate uses technology and performance management systems to monitor, analyze, and evaluate district curriculum, instruction, services, assessment practices, and results through collaboration with the school leadership team.
Candidate engage staff in gathering, synthesizing, and using data to evaluate the quality, coordination, and coherence in the school’s academic and nonacademic services through ongoing work with the school leadership team, faculty and stakeholders.
Candidate uses research to propose designs and implementation strategies for improving coordination and coherence among the school’s academic and non-academic systems through collaboration with the school leadership team, faculty and stakeholders
Candidate uses technology and performance management systems to monitor, analyze, and evaluate district curriculum, instruction, services, assessment practices, and results through collaboration school leadership team, faculty and stakeholders.
NELP Building Level (2017): 4:
and Instruction -
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Set Title:
NELP BL (2017) - National Educational Leadership Preparation - Building Level
Standard Title: Learning and Instruction
Standard Identifier: NELP Building Level (2017): 4: Learning and Instruction
Standard Description:
Mapped to:
Candidates who successfully complete a building-level educational leadership preparation program understand and demonstrate the capacity to promote the current and future success and well-being of each student and adult by applying the knowledge, skills, and commitments necessary to evaluate, develop, and implement coherent systems of curriculum, instruction, data systems, supports, and assessment
Building Rubric ContentCandidate knowledge of research on the leadership of academic and non-academic programs; approaches to coordinating among (a) curricula, instructional technologies, and other supports and (b) academic and nonacademic systems; evidence-based curricula, use of technology, and other supports for academic and non- academic programs; and infrastructures for the ongoing support of academic and non-academic programs NELP 4 1 / Educational
Leadership SkillsCandidates demonstrate skills required to evaluate (a) curricula, use of technology, and other supports and (b) academic and non- academic systems; and propose designs and implementation strategies for high-quality, technology-rich, and coherent curricula and supports for academic and non- academic programs. NELP 4.1 / Content Candidate knowledge of evidence-based instructional practices for different student populations; curricula, educational technologies, and other educational resources that support digital literacy among students and adults; educational service providers; and approaches to coordinating resources and services in support of the school’s academic and non-academic services. NELP 4.2 / Educational Leadership SkillsCandidates demonstrate skills required to evaluate coordination and coherence among the practices, resources, and services that support equity, digital literacy, and the school’s academic and non-academic systems; and propose designs and implementation strategies for improving the impact of academic and non-academic practices, resources, and services that support student learning. NELP 4.2 / Content Candidate knowledge of research on the effective and ineffective assessment of student learning and well-being; research on assessment practices that are culturally responsive and accessible for each student; formative and summative measures of student learning and well-being; and approaches to coordinating among assessments, instructional improvement, and educational service delivery NELP 4 3 / Educational Leadership SkillsCandidates demonstrate skills required to use research to evaluate the quality of formative and summative assessments of learning; implement formal and informal culturally responsive and accessible assessments of student learning; interpret data from formative and summative assessments for use in educational planning; and cultivate teachers’ capacity to improve instruction based on analysis of assessment data. NELP 4.3 / Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to engage faculty in gathering, synthesizing, and using data to evaluate the quality, coordination, and coherence of the school’s curriculum, instruction, and assessment practices; use research and evidence to propose designs and implementation strategies for improving coordination and coherence among the school’s curriculum, instruction, and assessment practices; and use technology and performance management systems NELP 4.
EdD EDL Building - EDL 7704 Transformational Improvement Plan
Structured External Assignment: Education for Equity and Social Justice
Building Leaders
Candidate chooses a curriculum area and researches root causes of bias and inequity. Candidate develops a transformational school improvement plan to extend and achieve high expectations and learning for all students. The plan should include an analysis of current curricular practices in regard to cultural responsiveness. The candidate will also critique the existing policies regarding equity, inclusiveness and culturally responsiveness among teachers and staff. Candidate develops and advocates for policies and procedures that cultivate equitable, inclusive and culturally responsive practices among teachers and staff.
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Rubric Title:
Mapped standards:
EdD EDL Building - EDL 7704 Transformational Improvement Plan
NELP Building Level (2017): 3: Equity, Inclusiveness, and Cultural Responsiveness - Equity, Inclusiveness, and Cultural Responsiveness
Enable the N/A option for assessment
Rubric Structure
Building Rubric Content
Candidate knowledge of research on the consequences for students of equitable and inequitable use of educational resources and opportunities; equitable allocation of educational resources, procedures, and opportunities (i.e. materials, technologies, media, teachers, social and behavioral supports, interventions, and adult relationships); and broader social and political concerns with equity and inequality in the use of educational resources, procedures, and oppo NELP 3.2
NELP Building Level (2017): 3: Equity, Inclusiveness, and Cultural ResponsivenessEquity, Inclusiveness, and Cultural Responsiveness
Candidate reads about equitable and inequitable use of educational resources and opportunities
Candidate knows equitable allocation of educational resources.
Candidate knows local social and political concerns with equity and inequality in the use of educational resources.
Candidate knows research on the consequences for students of equitable and inequitable use of educational resources and opportunities.
Candidate knows equitable allocation of educational resources, procedures, and opportunities (i.e. materials, technologies, media, teachers, social and behavioral supports, interventions, and adult relationships)
Candidate knows broad social and political concerns with equity and inequality in the use of educational resources, procedures, and opportunities.
Candidate understands research on the consequences for students of equitable and inequitable use of educational resources and opportunities.
Candidate understands equitable allocation of educational resources, procedures, and opportunities.
Candidate understands broad social and political concerns with equity and inequality in the use of educational resources, procedures, and opportunities
Candidate understands and synthesizes research on the consequences for students of equitable and inequitable use of educational resources and opportunities
Candidate understands and synthesizes equitable allocation of educational resources, procedures, and opportunities
Candidate understands and synthesizes broad social and political concerns with equity and inequality in the use of educational resources, procedures, and opportunities.
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Educational Leadership Skills
Candidate demonstrates skills required to evaluate sources of inequality and bias in the allocation of educational resources and opportunities; cultivate the equitable use of educational resources and opportunities through procedures, guidelines, norms, and values; and advocate for the equitable access to educational resources, procedures, and opportunities.
NELP 3.2
NELP Building Level (2017): 3:
Equity, Inclusiveness, and Cultural ResponsivenessEquity, Inclusiveness, and Cultural Responsiveness
Candidate evaluates sources of inequality and bias in allocation of resources
Candidate evaluates sources of inequality and bias in allocation of resources and opportunities
Candidate evaluates sources of inequality and bias in allocation of resources and opportunities with the school leadership team.
Candidate creates guidelines, norms and values for equitable resource use.
Candidate advocates for equitable access to educational resources.
Candidate creates procedures, guidelines, norms and values for equitable resource and opportunity use
Candidate advocates for equitable access to educational resources, procedures and opportunities.
Candidate creates procedures, guidelines, norms and values for equitable resource and opportunity use with the school leadership team.
Candidate advocates for equitable access to educational resources, procedures and opportunities with the school leadership team.
Candidate evaluates sources of inequality and bias in allocation of resources and opportunities with the school leadership team, faculty, staff and stakeholders.
Candidate creates procedures, guidelines, norms and values for equitable resource and opportunity use with the school leadership team, faculty, staff and stakeholders.
Candidate advocates for equitable access to educational resources, procedures and opportunities with the school leadership team, faculty, staff and stakeholders.
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Educational Leadership Skills
Candidate demonstrates skills required to evaluate root causes of inequity and bias; develop school policies or procedures that cultivate equitable, inclusive, and culturally responsive practice among teachers and staff; support the use of differentiated, content-based instructional materials and strategies; and advocate for equitable practice among teachers and staff.NELP 3.3
Candidate analyzes root causes of inequity and bias.
Candidate develops school procedures that cultivate equitable, inclusive practice among teachers and staff.
Candidate supports use of differentiated, content-based instructional materials
Candidate advocates for equitable practice
Candidate evaluates root causes of inequity and bias.
Candidate develops school policies and procedures that cultivate equitable, inclusive and culturally responsive practice among teachers and staff
Candidate supports use of differentiated, content-based instructional materials and strategies.
Candidate advocates for equitable practice among teachers and staff
Candidate evaluates root causes of inequity and bias in collaboration with the school leadership team
Candidate develops school policies and procedures that cultivate equitable, inclusive and culturally responsive practice among teachers and staff in collaboration with the school leadership team.
Candidate supports use of differentiated, content-based instructional materials and strategies in collaboration with the school leadership team
Candidate advocates for equitable practice among teachers and staff in collaboration with the school leadership team.
Candidate evaluates root causes of inequity and bias in collaboration with the school leadership team, faculty, staff and stakeholders.
Candidate develops school policies and procedures that cultivate equitable, inclusive and culturally responsive practice among teachers and staff in collaboration with the school leadership team, faculty, staff and stakeholders.
Candidate supports use of differentiated, content-based instructional materials and strategies in collaboration with the school leadership team, faculty, staff and stakeholders
Candidate advocates for equitable practice among teachers and staff in collaboration with the school leadership team, faculty, staff and stakeholders. NELP Building Level (2017): 3: Equity, Inclusiveness, and Cultural Responsiveness
Generated by: Paige
Set Title:
NELP BL (2017) - National Educational Leadership Preparation - Building Level
Standard Title: Equity, Inclusiveness, and Cultural Responsiveness
Standard Identifier:
Standard Description:
Mapped to:
NELP Building Level (2017): 3: Equity, Inclusiveness, and Cultural Responsiveness
Candidates who successfully complete a building-level educational leadership preparation program understand and demonstrate the capacity to promote the current and future success and well-being of each student and adult by applying the knowledge, skills, and commitments necessary to develop and maintain a supportive, equitable, culturally responsive, and inclusive school culture
Building Rubric ContentCandidate knowledge of research on the consequences for students of equitable and inequitable use of educational resources and opportunities; equitable allocation of educational resources, procedures, and opportunities (i e materials, technologies, media, teachers, social and behavioral supports, interventions, and adult relationships); and broader social and political concerns with equity and inequality in the use of educational resources, procedures, and oppo NELP 3 2 /
Educational Leadership Skills Candidate demonstrates skills required to evaluate sources of inequality and bias in the allocation of educational resources and opportunities; cultivate the equitable use of educational resources and opportunities through procedures, guidelines, norms, and values; and advocate for the equitable access to educational resources, procedures, and opportunities. NELP 3.2 / Educational Leadership Skills Candidate demonstrates skills required to evaluate root causes of inequity and bias; develop school policies or procedures that cultivate equitable, inclusive, and culturally responsive practice among teachers and staff; support the use of differentiated, content-based instructional materials and strategies; and advocate for equitable practice among teachers and staff NELP 3 3
EdD EDL Building - EDL 7709 Plan for Diverse Needs
Structured External Assignment: Leading and Managing Human Resources
Building Leaders
Candidate develops a plan to meet the information needs of staff and stakeholders that begins by placing the school in its social, economic, and political contexts. The plan includes targeted communication and advocacy for school and community needs. The candidate should include identification and means to access resources. Candidate conducts research on faculty and community needs to apply to the plan. The plan reflects a knowledge of building situations and policies in relation to legal, ethical and equity issues and has a design to communicate those issues and needs (communication plan) to the appropriate stakeholders and building personnel. The plan also addresses emerging issues; e.g., privacy, social media and safety. The plan incorporates the steps that should be taken to recruit and select a faculty and staff that reflects the diversity of the school and its community that will advance student learning.
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Rubric Title:
Building Rubric Content
Candidate knowledge of research on the importance and implications of social, cultural, economic, legal, and political contexts; strategies for effective oral, written, and digital communication with members of the organization, community, and policy communities; and educational policy and advocacy. NELP 5.3
Candidate knows research on the importance of social, cultural, economic, legal, and political contexts.
Candidate knows strategies for oral, written, and digital communication with members the community.
Candidate knows educational policy.
Candidate knows research on the importance and implications of social, cultural, economic, legal, and political contexts.
Candidate knows strategies for effective oral, written, and digital communication with members of organizations in the community, and policy makers.
Candidate knows educational policy and advocacy.
Candidate understands research on the importance and implications of social, cultural, economic, legal, and political contexts.
Candidate understands strategies for effective oral, written, and digital communication with members of organizations in the community, and policy makers.
Candidate understands educational policy and advocacy.
Candidate understands and synthesizes research on the importance and implications of social, cultural, economic, legal, and political contexts.
Candidate understands and synthesizes strategies for effective oral, written, and digital communication with members of organizations in the community, and policy makers.
Candidate understands and synthesizes educational policy and advocacy
EdD EDL Building - EDL 7709 Plan for Diverse Needs Detail
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Educational Leadership Skills
Candidates demonstrate skills required to develop a plan for identifying and accessing resources; gather information about the policy and district context; develop targeted communication for oral, written, and digital distribution; and advocate for school and community needs.
NELP 5.3
(2017): 5:
Candidate develops a plan for identifying resources.
Candidate compiles information about policy and school regulations
Candidate develops oral and written communication for school and community needs.
Candidate develops a plan for identifying and accessing resources
Candidate compiles information about policy and district context
Candidate develops targeted communication for oral, written, and digital distribution and advocates for school and community needs.
Candidate develops a plan for identifying and accessing resources with the school leadership team.
Candidate compiles information about policy and district context with the school leadership team
Candidate develops targeted communication for oral, written, and digital distribution and advocates for school and community needs with the school leadership team.
Candidate develops a plan for identifying and accessing resources with the school leadership team, faculty and stakeholders.
Candidate compiles information about policy and district context with the school leadership team, faculty and stakeholders.
Candidate develops targeted communication for oral, written, and digital distribution and advocates for school and community needs with the school leadership team, faculty and stakeholders.
Content Candidate knowledge of research on teacher recruitment, hiring, and selection; practices for recruiting, selecting, and hiring school staff; and strategic staffing based on student, school, and staff needs.NELP 7.1
NELP Building Level (2017): 7: Building Professional Capacity - Building Professional Capacity
Candidate knows the district process for school and hiring and selection.
Candidate knows research, practices and strategic staffing based on student, school and staff needs through recruitment, hiring, and selection.
Candidate understands research, practices and strategic staffing based on student, school and staff needs through recruitment, hiring, and selection.
Candidate understands and synthesizes research, practices and strategic staffing based on student, school and staff needs through recruitment, hiring, and selection
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to evaluate school’s professional staff capacity needs; evaluate applicant materials; and use research and data to plan and engage in candidate recruitment and selection that reflects the diversity of the student body.
NELP 7.1
Candidate evaluates school’s professional staff capacity needs and applicant materials.
Candidate uses research and data to plan and engage candidate recruitment and selection that reflects diversity.
Candidate evaluates school’s professional staff capacity needs and applicant materials.
Candidate uses research and data to plan and engage candidate recruitment and selection that reflects diversity.
Candidate evaluates school’s professional staff capacity needs and applicant materials with the school leadership team
Candidate uses research and data to plan and engage candidate recruitment and selection that reflects diversity with the school leadership team.
Candidate evaluates school’s professional staff capacity needs and applicant materials with the school leadership team, faculty and staff.
Candidate uses research and data to plan and engage candidate recruitment and selection that reflects diversity with the school leadership team faculty and staff.
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Set Title:
Standard Title:
Standard Identifier:
Standard Description:
Mapped to:
Set Title:
Standard Title:
Standard Identifier:
Standard Description:
Mapped to:
NELP BL (2017) - National Educational Leadership Preparation - Building Level
Community and External Leadership
NELP Building Level (2017): 5: Community and External Leadership
Candidates who successfully complete a building-level educational leadership preparation program understand and demonstrate the capacity to promote the current and future success and well-being of each student and adult by applying the knowledge, skills, and commitments necessary to engage families, community, and school personnel in order to strengthen student learning, support school improvement, and advocate for the needs of their school and community
Building Rubric ContentCandidate knowledge of research on the importance and implications of social, cultural, economic, legal, and political contexts; strategies for effective oral, written, and digital communication with members of the organization, community, and policy communities; and educational policy and advocacy. NELP 5.3 / Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to develop a plan for identifying and accessing resources; gather information about the policy and district context; develop targeted communication for oral, written, and digital distribution; and advocate for school and community needs. NELP 5.3
NELP BL (2017) - National Educational Leadership Preparation - Building Level
Building Professional Capacity
NELP Building Level (2017): 7: Building Professional Capacity
Candidates who successfully complete a building-level educational leadership preparation program understand and demonstrate the capacity to promote the current and future success and well-being of each student and adult by applying the knowledge, skills, and commitments necessary to build the school’s professional capacity, engage staff in the development of a collaborative professional culture, and improve systems of staff supervision, evaluation, support, and professional learning.
Content Candidate knowledge of research on teacher recruitment, hiring, and selection; practices for recruiting, selecting, and hiring school staff; and strategic staffing based on student, school, and staff needs.NELP 7.1 / Educational Leadership Skills
Candidates demonstrate skills required to evaluate school’s professional staff capacity needs; evaluate applicant materials; and use research and data to plan and engage in candidate recruitment and selection that reflects the diversity of the student body NELP 7 1
Laboratory of Practice
EdD EDL Building - EDL 8125 Lab of Practice Project
The various school based Learning Outcome experiences make-up the entire project which addresses each NELP Standard Component. The entire project is to be an authentic field based experience of at least 240 clinical internship hours that is rubric scored for the NELP Standard Component being addressed. The identification of the total project and the specific Learning Outcome experiences involved in the project should be driven by the needs of the school and the learning needs and interest of the candidate. A listing of possible Learning Outcomes is provided below for each NELP Standard Component.
For the identification of the candidate’s proposed learning project, the candidate, the university supervisor and the building mentor will agree as to the content, structure, Learning Outcome(s), artifacts and evidence. Each Learning Outcome experience must align with the NELP Standard Component being addressed.
For each project the candidate will describe: the goals of the project; the Learning Outcome(s), tasks and activities of the project; standard(s)/component(s) to be emphasized and how that component is specifically being addressed; findings and analysis of the components addressed; and a reflective response on the impact on K12 student learning, professional learning and innovative practices.
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Rubric Title: EdD EDL Building - EDL 8125 Lab of Practice Project
Mapped standards: NELP Building Level (2017): 1: Mission, Vision, and Improvement - Mission, Vision, and Improvement / NELP Building Level (2017): 2: Ethics and Professional Norms - Ethics and Professional Norms/ NELP Building Level (2017): 3: Equity, Inclusiveness, and Cultural Responsiveness - Equity, Inclusiveness, and Cultural Responsiveness/ NELP Building Level (2017): 4: Learning and Instruction - Learning and Instruction / NELP Building Level (2017): 5: Community and External Leadership - Community and External Leadership / NELP Building Level (2017): 6: Operations and Management - Operations and Management/ NELP Building Level (2017): 7: Building Professional Capacity - Building Professional Capacity
Enable the N/A option for assessment
Rubric Structure
Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to evaluate existing mission and vision processes and statements; collaboratively design a school mission and vision attentive to values and priorities that include data, technology, values, equity, diversity, digital citizenship, and community; and develop a comprehensive plan for communicating the mission and vision. NELP 1.1
Candidate evaluates existing mission and vision statements and design a school mission and vision being attentive to technology and diversity
Candidate develops a plan for announcing the mission and vision Candidate evaluates existing mission and vision processes and statements and leads collaborative design of a school mission and vision being attentive to values and priorities that include data, technology, values, equity, diversity, digital citizenship, and community.
Candidate develops a comprehensive plan for communicating the mission and vision.
Candidate evaluates existing mission and vision processes and statements and leads collaborative design of a school mission and vision with the school leadership team while being attentive to values and priorities that include data, technology, values, equity, diversity, digital citizenship, and community
Candidate develops a comprehensive plan for communicating the mission and vision with the school leadership team.
Candidate evaluates existing mission and vision processes and statements and leads collaborative design of a school mission and vision with the school leadership team, faculty, staff and community while being attentive to values and priorities that include data, technology, values, equity, diversity, digital citizenship, and community.
Candidate develops a comprehensive plan for communicating the mission and vision with the school leadership team, faculty, staff and stakeholders
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Educational Leadership Skills Candidate demonstrates skills required to evaluate existing improvement processes; use research and data to develop an improvement process that includes the following components: diagnosis, design, implementation, and evaluation; and develop an implementation plan to support the improvement process. NELP 1.2
Candidate applies various tools and techniques (e.g. fish-bone diagram and other graphic organizers and analysis tools) for evaluating existing improvement process
Candidate uses research and data advice from district office to develop a school-wide improvement process that includes diagnosis, design, implementation and evaluation.
Candidate applies various tools and techniques (e.g. fish-bone diagram and other graphic organizers and analysis tools) for evaluating existing improvement process with the school leadership team.
Candidate uses research and data to develop a school-wide improvement process that includes diagnosis, design, implementation and evaluation.
Candidate applies various tools and techniques (e.g. fish-bone diagram and other graphic organizers and analysis tools) for evaluating existing improvement process with the faculty and staff
In collaboration with the school leadership team, candidate uses research and data to develop a school-wide improvement process that includes diagnosis, design, implementation and evaluation.
Candidate applies various tools and techniques (e.g. fish-bone diagram and other graphic organizers and analysis tools) for evaluating existing improvement process with the faculty, staff, parent and community stakeholders.
In collaboration with the school leadership team, the faculty, staff, parents and stakeholders, candidate uses research and data to develop a school-wide improvement process that includes diagnosis, design, implementation and evaluation.
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Educational Leadership Skills Candidate demonstrates skills required to engage in reflective practice; to cultivate professional norms among diverse constituencies; and to model professional norms (i.e., integrity, fairness, transparency, trust, equity, democracy, digital citizenship, diversity, inclusiveness, and the belief that each child can learn). NELP 2.1
Candidate’s vision for own leadership development and reflection is one dimensional or sparse for obtaining insightful leadership change, learning or growth.
Candidate presents a plan of goals, activities and outcomes as an extension of the plan
Candidate’s vision for own leadership development and reflection is grounded in selfassessment but learning, growth, and change is left to the judgement of the evaluator.
Candidate presents a plausible plan of aligned goals, activities and outcomes as an extension of models professional norms (i e , integrity, fairness, transparency, trust, equity, democracy, digital citizenship, diversity, inclusiveness, and the belief that each child can learn) as a basis for building organizational culture.
Candidate’s vision for own leadership development is reflective and multifaceted with thorough self-assessment for learning, growth Change elements address most goals.
Candidate presents a plausible plan of aligned goals, activities and outcomes as an extension of plan models professional norms (i.e., integrity, fairness, transparency, trust, equity, democracy, digital citizenship, diversity, inclusiveness, and the belief that each child can learn) as a basis for building organizational culture with an explanation as to why this work is aligned and will enhance the candidate’s personal development
Candidate’s vision for own leadership development is reflective grounded in thorough, insightful and deep introspective self- reflection
The candidate expresses the significant learning, growth, and change in the leadership skills, abilities and qualities that are planned providing the theory and rationale inherent in these activities and the change elements desired.
Candidate presents a plausible plan of aligned goals, activities and outcomes as an extension of models professional norms (i.e., integrity, fairness, transparency, trust, equity, democracy, digital citizenship, diversity, inclusiveness, and the belief that each child can learn) as a basis for building organizational culture with an explanation as to why this work is aligned and will enhance the candidate’s personal development and how it is related to leadership theory.
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Educational Leadership Skills
Candidates demonstrate skills required to evaluate ethical dimensions of issues; analyze decisions in terms of established ethical framework; and develop a communication plan to advocate for ethical decisions. NELP 2.2
Candidate evaluates ethical dimensions of issues through personal experience
Candidate communicates ethical decisions as they occur.
Candidate evaluates ethical dimensions of issues through an analysis of an established ethical framework.
Candidate develops a communication plan to advocate for ethical decisions
Candidate evaluates ethical dimensions of issues through an analysis of an established ethical framework with the school leadership team
Candidate develops a communication plan to advocate for ethical decisions with the school leadership team
Candidate evaluates ethical dimensions of issues through an analysis of an established ethical framework with the school leadership team, the faculty, staff, and stakeholders.
Candidate develops a communication plan to advocate for ethical decisions with the school leadership team, the faculty, staff, and stakeholders.
NELP Building Level (2017): 2:
Ethics and Professional Norms
- Ethics and Professional Norms
Educational Leadership Skills
Candidates demonstrate skills required to formulate a schoollevel ethical leadership platform; model ethical practice; and cultivate ethical behavior in others. NELP 2.3
Candidate uses a school-level ethical leadership platform.
Candidate models ethical behavior
Candidate formulates a schoollevel ethical leadership platform.
Candidate models ethical behavior and cultivates ethical behavior in others
Candidate formulates a schoollevel ethical leadership platform with the school leadership team
Candidate models ethical behavior and cultivates ethical behavior in others in cooperation with the school leadership team.
Candidate formulates a schoollevel ethical leadership platform with the school leadership team, the faculty, staff and stakeholders
Candidate models ethical behavior and cultivates ethical behavior in others in cooperation with the school leadership team, the faculty, staff and stakeholders.
NELP Building Level (2017): 2:
Ethics and Professional Norms
- Ethics and Professional Norms
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Educational Leadership Skills
Candidate demonstrates skills required to evaluate school culture; use research and data to design and cultivate a supportive, nurturing, and inclusive school culture; develop strategies for improving school culture; and advocating for a supportive and inclusive school culture.
NELP 3.1
NELP Building Level (2017): 3: Equity, Inclusiveness, and Cultural ResponsivenessEquity, Inclusiveness, and Cultural Responsiveness
Candidate gathers data to improve the school culture.
Candidate develops strategies for improving school culture
Candidate advocates for an improved school culture
Candidate gathers data to evaluate and design a supportive, nurturing and inclusive school culture
Candidate gathers data to evaluate and design a supportive, nurturing and inclusive school culture with the school leadership team.
Candidate develops innovative strategies for improving school culture.
Candidate designs an advocacy plan for a supportive and inclusive school culture
Candidate develops innovative strategies for improving school culture with the school leadership team.
Candidate designs advocacy plan for a supportive and inclusive school culture with the school leadership team.
Candidate gathers data to evaluate and design a supportive, nurturing and inclusive school culture with the school leadership team, faculty and stakeholders
Candidate develops innovative strategies for improving school culture with the school leadership team faculty and stakeholders
Candidate designs advocacy plan for a supportive and inclusive school culture with the school leadership team faculty and stakeholders.
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Educational Leadership Skills
Candidate demonstrates skills required to evaluate sources of inequality and bias in the allocation of educational resources and opportunities; cultivate the equitable use of educational resources and opportunities through procedures, guidelines, norms, and values; and advocate for the equitable access to educational resources, procedures, and opportunities.
NELP 3.2
NELP Building Level (2017): 3:
Equity, Inclusiveness, and Cultural Responsiveness -
Equity, Inclusiveness, and Cultural Responsiveness
Candidate evaluates sources of inequality and bias in allocation of resources
Candidate creates guidelines, norms and values for equitable resource use.
Candidate advocates for equitable access to educational resources
Candidate evaluates sources of inequality and bias in allocation of resources and opportunities
Candidate creates procedures, guidelines, norms and values for equitable resource and opportunity use
Candidate advocates for equitable access to educational resources, procedures and opportunities.
Candidate evaluates sources of inequality and bias in allocation of resources and opportunities with the school leadership team.
Candidate creates procedures, guidelines, norms and values for equitable resource and opportunity use with the school leadership team
Candidate advocates for equitable access to educational resources, procedures and opportunities with the school leadership team.
Candidate evaluates sources of inequality and bias in allocation of resources and opportunities with the school leadership team, faculty, staff and stakeholders
Candidate creates procedures, guidelines, norms and values for equitable resource and opportunity use with the school leadership team, faculty, staff and stakeholders.
Candidate advocates for equitable access to educational resources, procedures and opportunities with the school leadership team, faculty, staff and stakeholders
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Educational Leadership Skills
Candidate demonstrates skills required to evaluate root causes of inequity and bias; develop school policies or procedures that cultivate equitable, inclusive, and culturally responsive practice among teachers and staff; support the use of differentiated, content-based instructional materials and strategies; and advocate for equitable practice among teachers and staff.NELP 3.3
Candidate analyzes root causes of inequity and bias.
Candidate develops school procedures that cultivate equitable, inclusive practice among teachers and staff.
Candidate supports use of differentiated, content-based instructional materials
Candidate advocates for equitable practice.
Candidate evaluates root causes of inequity and bias.
Candidate develops school policies and procedures that cultivate equitable, inclusive and culturally responsive practice among teachers and staff
Candidate supports use of differentiated, content-based instructional materials and strategies
Candidate advocates for equitable practice among teachers and staff
Candidate evaluates root causes of inequity and bias in collaboration with the school leadership team
Candidate develops school policies and procedures that cultivate equitable, inclusive and culturally responsive practice among teachers and staff in collaboration with the school leadership team
Candidate supports use of differentiated, content-based instructional materials and strategies in collaboration with the school leadership team
Candidate advocates for equitable practice among teachers and staff in collaboration with the school leadership team
Candidate evaluates root causes of inequity and bias in collaboration with the school leadership team, faculty, staff and stakeholders.
Candidate develops school policies and procedures that cultivate equitable, inclusive and culturally responsive practice among teachers and staff in collaboration with the school leadership team, faculty, staff and stakeholders.
Candidate supports use of differentiated, content-based instructional materials and strategies in collaboration with the school leadership team, faculty, staff and stakeholders.
Candidate advocates for equitable practice among teachers and staff in collaboration with the school leadership team, faculty, staff and stakeholders.
EdD EDL Building - EDL 8125 Lab of Practice Project Detail
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Educational Leadership Skills
Candidates demonstrate skills required to evaluate (a) curricula, use of technology, and other supports and (b) academic and non- academic systems; and propose designs and implementation strategies for high-quality, technologyrich, and coherent curricula and supports for academic and non- academic programs. NELP 4.1
Candidate evaluates systemic practices of curricula and use of technology of the academic programs.
Candidate produces a plan for implementation strategies for technology and curricula academic programs.
Candidate evaluates systemic practices of curricula, use of technology and other supports of the academic and non-academic programs
Candidate produces a plan for the design and implementation strategies for high-quality, technology rich and coherent curricula and supports for academic and non-academic programs
Candidate evaluates systemic practices of curricula, use of technology and other supports of the academic and non-academic programs in cooperation with the school leadership team.
Candidate produces a plan for the design and implementation strategies for high-quality, technology rich and coherent curricula and supports for academic and non-academic programs in cooperation with the school leadership team.
Candidate evaluates systemic practices of curricula, use of technology and other supports of the academic and non-academic programs in cooperation with the school leadership team, faculty, staff and stakeholders.
Candidate produces a plan for the design and implementation strategies for high-quality, technology rich and coherent curricula and supports for academic and non-academic programs in cooperation with the school leadership team with the school leadership team, faculty, staff and stakeholders
Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to evaluate coordination and coherence among the practices, resources, and services that support equity, digital literacy, and the school’s academic and non-academic systems; and propose designs and implementation strategies for improving the impact of academic and non-academic practices, resources, and services that support student learning. NELP 4.2
Candidate evaluates practices and resources that support learning for equity, digital literacy and the school’s academic and nonacademic systems.
Candidate produces a plan for the implementation strategies for improving the impact of academic practices, resources, and services that support student learning
Candidate evaluates systemic practices and resources that support learning for equity, digital literacy and the school’s academic and non-academic systems.
Candidate produces a plan for the design and implementation strategies for improving the impact of academic and non-academic practices, resources, and services that support student learning.
Candidate evaluates systemic practices and resources for coordination in support of learning for equity, digital literacy and the school’s academic and nonacademic systems
Candidate produces a plan for the design and implementation strategies for improving the impact of academic and non-academic practices, resources, and services that support student learning with the school leadership team
Candidate evaluates systemic practices and resources for coordination and coherence in support of learning for equity, digital literacy and the school’s academic and non-academic systems.
Candidate produces a plan for the design and implementation strategies for improving the impact of academic and non-academic practices, resources, and services that support student learning with the school leadership team, faculty, staff and stakeholders Page 8 of 25
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
NELP Building Level (2017):
Educational Leadership Skills
Candidates demonstrate skills required to use research to evaluate the quality of formative and summative assessments of learning; implement formal and informal culturally responsive and accessible assessments of student learning; interpret data from formative and summative assessments for use in educational planning; and cultivate teachers’ capacity to improve instruction based on analysis of assessment data.NELP 4.3
NELP Building Level (2017): 4:
Candidate presents research of formative and summative assessments for learning.
Candidate review formal and informal culturally responsive and accessible assessments of student learning in a research curricular learning plan.
Candidate presents research to evaluate the quality of formative and summative assessments for learning
Candidate implements formal and informal culturally responsive and accessible assessments of student learning in a research curricular learning plan
Candidate presents with the school leadership team research to evaluate the quality of formative and summative assessments for learning
Candidate implements formal and informal culturally responsive and accessible assessments of student learning in a research curricular learning plan through collaboration with the school leadership team
Candidate presents with the school leadership team and faculty members research to evaluate the quality of formative and summative assessments for learning.
Candidate implements formal and informal culturally responsive and accessible assessments of student learning in a research curricular learning plan through collaboration with the school leadership team, parents and other stakeholders.
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to engage faculty in gathering, synthesizing, and using data to evaluate the quality, coordination, and coherence of the school’s curriculum, instruction, and assessment practices; use research and evidence to propose designs and implementation strategies for improving coordination and coherence among the school’s curriculum, instruction, and assessment practices; and use technology and performance management systemsNELP 4.
Candidate engage staff in gathering, data to evaluate results in the school’s academic and nonacademic services.
Candidate uses research to implement strategies for improving academic and non-academic systems.
Candidate uses technology and performance management systems to evaluate district assessment results.
Candidate engage staff in gathering, synthesizing, and using data to evaluate the quality, coordination, and coherence in the school’s academic and nonacademic services.
Candidate uses research to propose designs and implementation strategies for improving coordination and coherence among the school’s academic and non-academic systems.
Candidate uses technology and performance management systems to monitor, analyze, and evaluate district curriculum, instruction, services, assessment practices, and results
Candidate engage staff in gathering, synthesizing, and using data to evaluate the quality, coordination, and coherence in the school’s academic and nonacademic services through ongoing work with the school leadership team
Candidate uses research to propose designs and implementation strategies for improving coordination and coherence among the school’s academic and non-academic systems through collaboration with the school leadership team.
Candidate uses technology and performance management systems to monitor, analyze, and evaluate district curriculum, instruction, services, assessment practices, and results through collaboration with the school leadership team
Candidate engage staff in gathering, synthesizing, and using data to evaluate the quality, coordination, and coherence in the school’s academic and nonacademic services through ongoing work with the school leadership team, faculty and stakeholders.
Candidate uses research to propose designs and implementation strategies for improving coordination and coherence among the school’s academic and non-academic systems through collaboration with the school leadership team, faculty and stakeholders.
Candidate uses technology and performance management systems to monitor, analyze, and evaluate district curriculum, instruction, services, assessment practices, and results through collaboration school leadership team, faculty and stakeholders. NELP Building Level (2017): 4:
Generated by:
Paige Minutola
Educational Leadership Skills
Candidate demonstrates skills required to gather information about family demographics and funds of knowledge available within students’ families that can be accessed to enhance student learning; cultivate collaboration among staff and families in support of student learning and success; and foster two-way communication with families.
NELP 5.1
Candidate gathers family demographics that can be used to support student learning
Candidate fosters two-way communication between families and faculties in support of student learning and success
Candidate gathers family demographics and family resources (e g internet access in the home, books, paper, notebooks and digital devices) that can be used to support student learning.
Candidate grows collaboration and fosters two-way communication between families and faculties in support of student learning and success.
Candidate gathers family demographics and family resources (e g internet access in the home, books, paper, notebooks and digital devices) that can be used to support student learning in cooperation with the school improvement team
Candidate grows collaboration and fosters two-way communication between families and faculties in support of student learning and success in cooperation with the school improvement team.
Candidate gathers family demographics and family resources (e g internet access in the home, books, paper, notebooks and digital devices) that can be used to support student learning in cooperation with the school improvement team, faculty, staff, parents, and stakeholders.
Candidate grows collaboration and fosters two-way communication between families and faculties in support of student learning and success in cooperation with the school improvement team faculty, staff, parents, and stakeholders.
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to collaboratively engage with diverse community members partners, and other constituencies around shared goals; cultivate regular, two-way communication with community members, partners, and other constituencies; identify and use diverse community resources to benefit school programs and student learning.NELP 5.2
Candidate writes a needs assessment of community resources
Candidate communicates with email to diverse cultural and social groups of parents.
Candidate sends the needs assessment information to the district office and reports it in a faculty meeting.
Candidate conducts a needs assessment of diverse community resources Candidate attends diverse community cross-cultural and social functions
Candidate fosters two-way communication and collaboration with community members, partners and other constituencies
Candidate engages community members, partners and other constituents in using needs assessment date benefit school programs and student learning.
Candidate conducts a needs assessment of diverse community resources and uses it to promote understanding of the various crosscultural and social resources of the community.
Candidate fosters two-way communication and collaboration via oral, written, and digital communication with community members, partners and other constituencies
Candidate engages and collaborates with community members, partners and other constituents “on their turf” and within the school.
Candidate applies and presents information gained from the needs assessment and the various communication venues to benefit school outreach programs and student learning
Candidate applying the needs assessment of diverse community resources and stakeholders and uses it to promote understanding among the faculty of the various cross-cultural and social resources of the community.
Candidate fosters two-way communication and collaboration via oral, written, and digital communication with community members, partners and other constituencies.
Candidate engages and collaborates with community members, partners and other constituents “on their turf” and within the school and involves teacher leaders and faculty in the various communication activities.
Candidate applies and presents information gained from the needs assessment and the various communication venues to benefit school outreach programs and student learning as a leader of the effort.
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Educational Leadership Skills
Candidates demonstrate skills required to develop a plan for identifying and accessing resources; gather information about the policy and district context; develop targeted communication for oral, written, and digital distribution; and advocate for school and community needs.
NELP 5.3
Candidate develops a plan for identifying resources.
Candidate compiles information about policy and school regulations.
Candidate develops oral and written communication for school and community needs
Candidate develops a plan for identifying and accessing resources
Candidate compiles information about policy and district context.
Candidate develops targeted communication for oral, written, and digital distribution and advocates for school and community needs.
Candidate develops a plan for identifying and accessing resources with the school leadership team.
Candidate compiles information about policy and district context with the school leadership team
Candidate develops targeted communication for oral, written, and digital distribution and advocates for school and community needs with the school leadership team.
Candidate develops a plan for identifying and accessing resources with the school leadership team, faculty and stakeholders
Candidate compiles information about policy and district context with the school leadership team, faculty and stakeholders
Candidate develops targeted communication for oral, written, and digital distribution and advocates for school and community needs with the school leadership team, faculty and stakeholders
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Educational Leadership Skills
Candidates demonstrate skills required to use a process for auditing the equity of school processes and operations and their impact on resource allocation, personnel decisions, and students’ experiences and outcomes; use research and evidence to analyze and identify strategic and tactical challenges for the school’s systems; develop and implement management, communication, assessment, technology, school-level governance, and operation systems; and develop a NELP 6.
Candidate audits school processes and operations on their impact and equity
Candidate uses research and evidence to analyze and identify tactical (short term) challenges for the school’s systems
Candidate analyzes and implements assessment and technology.
Candidate reviews school’s master schedule.
Candidate audits school processes and operations on resource allocation, personnel decisions, and students’ experiences and outcomes for their impact and equity.
Candidate uses research and evidence to analyze and identify strategic and tactical (long term and short term) challenges for the school’s systems.
Candidate analyzes, evaluates, develops and implements management, communication, assessment, technology, schoollevel governance, and operation systems.
Candidate develops a school’s master schedule.
Candidate audits school processes and operations on resource allocation, personnel decisions, and students’ experiences and outcomes for their impact and equity in collaboration with the school leadership team.
Candidate uses research and evidence to analyze and identify strategic and tactical (long term and short term) challenges for the school’s systems in collaboration with the school leadership team.
Candidate analyzes, evaluates, develops and implements management, communication, assessment, technology, schoollevel governance, and operation systems in collaboration with the school leadership team.
Candidate develops a school’s master schedule in collaboration with the school leadership team
Candidate audits school processes and operations on resource allocation, personnel decisions, and students’ experiences and outcomes for their impact and equity in collaboration with the school leadership team, faculty and staff
Candidate uses research and evidence to analyze and identify strategic and tactical (long term and short term) challenges for the school’s systems in collaboration with the school leadership team, faculty and staff
Candidate analyzes, evaluates, develops and implements management, communication, assessment, technology, schoollevel governance, and operation systems in collaboration with the school leadership team, faculty and staff.
Candidate develops a school’s master schedule in collaboration with the school leadership team, faculty and staff.
Generated by:
Paige Minutola
Educational Leadership Skills
Candidates demonstrate skills required to evaluate resource needs; use data ethically and equitably to develop a multiyear school resourcing plan aligned to the school’s goals and priorities; and advocate for resources in support of needs.NELP 6.2
Candidate reviews resource needs.
Candidate uses data ethically and equitably to develop a school year resourcing plan aligned to the school’s goals and priorities.
Candidate advocates for resources
Candidate evaluates resource needs.
Candidate uses data ethically and equitably to develop a multi-year school resourcing plan aligned to the school’s goals and priorities.
Candidate advocates for resources in support of needs
Candidate evaluates resource needs in collaboration with the school leadership team
Candidate uses data ethically and equitably to develop a multi-year school resourcing plan aligned to the school’s goals and priorities in collaboration with the school leadership team
Candidate advocates for resources in support of needs in collaboration with the school leadership team.
Candidate evaluates resource needs in collaboration with the school leadership team, faculty, staff and stakeholders.
Candidate uses data ethically and equitably to develop a multi-year school resourcing plan aligned to the school’s goals and priorities in collaboration with the school leadership team, faculty, staff and stakeholders.
Candidate advocates for resources in support of needs in collaboration with the school leadership team, faculty, staff and stakeholders.
EdD EDL Building - EDL 8125 Lab of Practice Project Detail
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Educational Leadership Skills
Candidates demonstrate skills required to reflectively evaluate situations and policies with regard to legal, ethical, and equity issues; analyze how law and policy are applied consistently, fairly, equitably, and ethically within a school; communicate policies, laws, regulations, and procedures to appropriate school stakeholders; and monitor and ensure adherence to laws, rights, policies, and regulations. NELP 6.3
Candidate review building situations and policies in relation to legal, ethical, and equity issues
Candidate monitors that laws, regulations, and policies are adhered to ethically within a school
Candidate communicates policies, regulations, and procedures to school personnel.
Candidate evaluates building situations and policies in relation to legal, ethical, and equity issues
Candidate analyzes, monitors and ensures that laws, rights, regulations, and policies are adhered to and applied consistently, fairly, equitably, and ethically within a school
Candidate communicates policies, laws, regulations, and procedures to appropriate school stakeholders.
Candidate evaluates building situations and policies in relation to legal, ethical, and equity issues with the school leadership team.
Candidate analyzes, monitors and ensures that laws, rights, regulations, and policies are adhered to and applied consistently, fairly, equitably, and ethically within a school with the school leadership team.
Candidate communicates policies, laws, regulations, and procedures to appropriate school stakeholders in collaboration with the school leadership team
Candidate evaluates building situations and policies in relation to legal, ethical, and equity issues with the school leadership team, faculty and staff
Candidate analyzes, monitors and ensures that laws, rights, regulations, and policies are adhered to and applied consistently, fairly, equitably, and ethically within a school with the school leadership team, faculty and stakeholders.
Candidate communicates policies, laws, regulations, and procedures to appropriate school stakeholders in collaboration with the school leadership team, faculty and staff.
Candidates demonstrate skills required to evaluate school’s professional staff capacity needs; evaluate applicant materials; and use research and data to plan and engage in candidate recruitment and selection that reflects the diversity of the student body.
NELP 7.1
Candidate evaluates school’s professional staff capacity needs and applicant materials.
Candidate uses research and data to plan and engage candidate recruitment and selection that reflects diversity.
Candidate evaluates school’s professional staff capacity needs and applicant materials.
Candidate uses research and data to plan and engage candidate recruitment and selection that reflects diversity.
Candidate evaluates school’s professional staff capacity needs and applicant materials with the school leadership team
Candidate uses research and data to plan and engage candidate recruitment and selection that reflects diversity with the school leadership team.
Candidate evaluates school’s professional staff capacity needs and applicant materials with the school leadership team, faculty and staff.
Candidate uses research and data to plan and engage candidate recruitment and selection that reflects diversity with the school leadership team faculty and staff.
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Educational Leadership Skills
Candidates demonstrate skills required to use research to design and cultivate a collaborative professional culture; model and foster effective communication; and develop a comprehensive plan for providing school community members with a healthy and positive school building environment. NELP 7.2
Candidate espouses research for the school culture plan.
Candidate develops a school environment plan that fosters communication for the school and community.
Candidate uses research to design and cultivate a plan for a collaborative professional culture
Candidate develops a comprehensive positive and healthy school environment plan that models and fosters effective communication for the school and community.
Candidate uses research to design and cultivate a plan for a collaborative professional culture with the school leadership team
Candidate develops a comprehensive positive and healthy school environment plan that models and fosters effective communication for the school and community with the school leadership team.
Candidate uses research to design and cultivate a plan for a collaborative professional culture with the school leadership team, faculty and staff.
Candidate develops a comprehensive positive and healthy school environment plan that models and fosters effective communication for the school and community with the school leadership team, faculty and staff.
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Educational Leadership Skills
Candidates demonstrate skills required to evaluate professional staff capacity needs and management practices; identify leadership capabilities of staff; plan opportunities for professional growth that promotes reflection, cultural responsiveness, digital literacy, school improvement, and student success; engage staff in leadership roles; and utilize digital technology in ethical and appropriate ways to foster professional learning for self and others.NELP 7.3
Candidate evaluates professional staff management practices.
Candidate plans professional growth activities for school improvement and student success.
Candidate engages key staff in leadership roles.
Candidate utilizes digital technology to foster professional learning for self and others
Candidate evaluates professional staff capacity needs and management practices
Candidate identifies leadership capabilities of staff.
Candidate plans professional growth activities for reflection, cultural responsiveness, digital literacy, school improvement, and student success.
Candidate engages staff in leadership roles.
Candidate utilizes digital technology in ethical and appropriate ways to foster professional learning for self and others
Candidate evaluates professional staff capacity needs and management practices with the school leadership team.
Candidate identifies leadership capabilities of staff with the school leadership team
Candidate plans professional growth activities for reflection, cultural responsiveness, digital literacy, school improvement, and student success with the school leadership team.
Candidate engages staff in leadership roles with the school leadership team.
Candidate utilizes digital technology in ethical and appropriate ways to foster professional learning for self and others with the school leadership team
Candidate evaluates professional staff capacity needs and management practices with the school leadership team, faculty and staff
Candidate identifies leadership capabilities of staff with the school leadership team, faculty and staff.
Candidate plans professional growth activities for reflection, cultural responsiveness, digital literacy, school improvement, and student success with the school leadership team, faculty and staff
Candidate engages staff in leadership roles with the school leadership team, faculty and staff.
Candidate utilizes digital technology in ethical and appropriate ways to foster professional learning for self and others with the school leadership team, faculty and staff.
by: Paige
Educational Leadership Skills
Candidates demonstrate skills required to observe teaching in a variety of classrooms; gather and analyze district policies on instructional expectations; provide teaching staff with actionable feedback to support improvement; and develop a system for monitoring whether supervision and evaluation strategies promote improvement. NELP 7.4
Candidate observation analysis from a few classrooms.
Candidate reviews district policies on instructional expectations
Candidate provides teaching staff with feedback
Candidate develops a schedule for monitoring supervision and evaluation requirements.
Candidate observation analysis from a variety of classrooms.
Candidate reviews and analyzes district policies on instructional expectations.
Candidate provides teaching staff with actionable feedback to support improvement
Candidate develops a system for monitoring whether supervision and evaluation strategies promote improvement.
Candidate observation analysis from a variety of classrooms addresses multiple, inter-related learning strategies.
Candidate reviews and analyzes district policies on instructional expectations with the school leadership team.
Candidate provides teaching staff with actionable feedback to support improvement with the school leadership team.
Candidate develops a system for monitoring whether supervision and evaluation strategies promote improvement with the school leadership team.
Candidate observation analysis from a variety of classrooms addresses multiple, inter-related learning and assessment strategies
Candidate reviews and analyzes district policies on instructional expectations with the school leadership team, faculty and staff
Candidate provides teaching staff with actionable feedback to support improvement with the school leadership team, faculty and staff
Candidate develops a system for monitoring whether supervision and evaluation strategies promote improvement with the school leadership team, faculty and staff.
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Set Title:
NELP BL (2017) - National Educational Leadership Preparation - Building Level
Standard Title: Mission, Vision, and Improvement
Standard Identifier: NELP Building Level (2017): 1: Mission, Vision, and Improvement
Standard Description:
Mapped to:
Candidates who successfully complete a building-level educational leadership preparation program understand and demonstrate the capacity to promote the current and future success and well-being of each student and adult by applying the knowledge, skills, and commitments necessary to collaboratively lead, design, and implement a school mission, vision, and process for continuous improvement that reflects a core set of values and priorities that include data use, technology, equity, diversity, digital citizenship, and community.
Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to evaluate existing mission and vision processes and statements; collaboratively design a school mission and vision attentive to values and priorities that include data, technology, values, equity, diversity, digital citizenship, and community; and develop a comprehensive plan for communicating the mission and vision. NELP 1.1 / Educational Leadership Skills Candidate demonstrates skills required to evaluate existing improvement processes; use research and data to develop an improvement process that includes the following components: diagnosis, design, implementation, and evaluation; and develop an implementation plan to support the improvement process.NELP 1.2
Set Title: NELP BL (2017) - National Educational Leadership Preparation - Building Level
Standard Title: Ethics and Professional Norms
Standard Identifier: NELP Building Level (2017): 2: Ethics and Professional Norms
Standard Description:
Mapped to:
Candidates who successfully complete a building-level educational leadership preparation program understand and demonstrate the capacity to promote the current and future success and well-being of each student and adult by applying the knowledge, skills, and commitments necessary to understand and demonstrate the capacity to advocate for ethical decisions and cultivate and enact professional norms.
Educational Leadership Skills Candidate demonstrates skills required to engage in reflective practice; to cultivate professional norms among diverse constituencies; and to model professional norms (i.e., integrity, fairness, transparency, trust, equity, democracy, digital citizenship, diversity, inclusiveness, and the belief that each child can learn) NELP 2 1 / Educational Leadership SkillsCandidates demonstrate skills required to evaluate ethical dimensions of issues; analyze decisions in terms of established ethical framework; and develop a communication plan to advocate for ethical decisions NELP 2 2 / Educational Leadership SkillsCandidates demonstrate skills required to formulate a school-level ethical leadership platform; model ethical practice; and cultivate ethical behavior in others. NELP 2.3
Generated by: Paige
Set Title:
NELP BL (2017) - National Educational Leadership Preparation - Building Level
Standard Title: Equity, Inclusiveness, and Cultural Responsiveness
Standard Identifier: NELP Building Level (2017): 3: Equity, Inclusiveness, and Cultural Responsiveness
Standard Description:
Mapped to:
Candidates who successfully complete a building-level educational leadership preparation program understand and demonstrate the capacity to promote the current and future success and well-being of each student and adult by applying the knowledge, skills, and commitments necessary to develop and maintain a supportive, equitable, culturally responsive, and inclusive school culture
Educational Leadership Skills Candidate demonstrates skills required to evaluate school culture; use research and data to design and cultivate a supportive, nurturing, and inclusive school culture; develop strategies for improving school culture; and advocating for a supportive and inclusive school culture. NELP 3.1 / Educational Leadership Skills Candidate demonstrates skills required to evaluate sources of inequality and bias in the allocation of educational resources and opportunities; cultivate the equitable use of educational resources and opportunities through procedures, guidelines, norms, and values; and advocate for the equitable access to educational resources, procedures, and opportunities NELP 3 2 / Educational Leadership Skills Candidate demonstrates skills required to evaluate root causes of inequity and bias; develop school policies or procedures that cultivate equitable, inclusive, and culturally responsive practice among teachers and staff; support the use of differentiated, content-based instructional materials and strategies; and advocate for equitable practice among teachers and staff. NELP 3.3
EdD EDL Building - EDL 8125 Lab of Practice Project Detail
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Set Title:
NELP BL (2017) - National Educational Leadership Preparation - Building Level
Standard Title: Learning and Instruction
Standard Identifier: NELP Building Level (2017): 4: Learning and Instruction
Standard Description:
Candidates who successfully complete a building-level educational leadership preparation program understand and demonstrate the capacity to promote the current and future success and well-being of each student and adult by applying the knowledge, skills, and commitments necessary to evaluate, develop, and implement coherent systems of curriculum, instruction, data systems, supports, and assessment
Mapped to: Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to evaluate (a) curricula, use of technology, and other supports and (b) academic and non- academic systems; and propose designs and implementation strategies for high-quality, technology-rich, and coherent curricula and supports for academic and non- academic programs.NELP 4.1 / Educational Leadership SkillsCandidates demonstrate skills required to evaluate coordination and coherence among the practices, resources, and services that support equity, digital literacy, and the school’s academic and non-academic systems; and propose designs and implementation strategies for improving the impact of academic and non-academic practices, resources, and services that support student learning. NELP 4.2 / Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to use research to evaluate the quality of formative and summative assessments of learning; implement formal and informal culturally responsive and accessible assessments of student learning; interpret data from formative and summative assessments for use in educational planning; and cultivate teachers’ capacity to improve instruction based on analysis of assessment data. NELP 4.3 / Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to engage faculty in gathering, synthesizing, and using data to evaluate the quality, coordination, and coherence of the school’s curriculum, instruction, and assessment practices; use research and evidence to propose designs and implementation strategies for improving coordination and coherence among the school’s curriculum, instruction, and assessment practices; and use technology and performance management systemsNELP 4.
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Set Title:
NELP BL (2017) - National Educational Leadership Preparation - Building Level
Standard Title: Community and External Leadership
Standard Identifier: NELP Building Level (2017): 5: Community and External Leadership
Standard Description:
Mapped to:
Candidates who successfully complete a building-level educational leadership preparation program understand and demonstrate the capacity to promote the current and future success and well-being of each student and adult by applying the knowledge, skills, and commitments necessary to engage families, community, and school personnel in order to strengthen student learning, support school improvement, and advocate for the needs of their school and community
Educational Leadership Skills Candidate demonstrates skills required to gather information about family demographics and funds of knowledge available within students’ families that can be accessed to enhance student learning; cultivate collaboration among staff and families in support of student learning and success; and foster two-way communication with families NELP 5 1 / Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to collaboratively engage with diverse community members partners, and other constituencies around shared goals; cultivate regular, two-way communication with community members, partners, and other constituencies; identify and use diverse community resources to benefit school programs and student learning.NELP 5.2 / Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to develop a plan for identifying and accessing resources; gather information about the policy and district context; develop targeted communication for oral, written, and digital distribution; and advocate for school and community needs.NELP 5.3
EdD EDL Building - EDL 8125 Lab of Practice Project Detail
Generated by: Paige
Set Title:
NELP BL (2017) - National Educational Leadership Preparation - Building Level
Standard Title: Operations and Management
Standard Identifier:
Standard Description:
Mapped to:
NELP Building Level (2017): 6: Operations and Management
Candidates who successfully complete a building-level educational leadership preparation program understand and demonstrate the capacity to promote the current and future success and well-being of each student and adult by applying the knowledge, skills, and commitments necessary to improve management, communication, technology, school-level overnance, and operation systems to develop and improve data-informed and equitable school resource plans and to apply laws, policies, and regulations.
Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to use a process for auditing the equity of school processes and operations and their impact on resource allocation, personnel decisions, and students’ experiences and outcomes; use research and evidence to analyze and identify strategic and tactical challenges for the school’s systems; develop and implement management, communication, assessment, technology, school-level governance, and operation systems; and develop a NELP 6 / Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to evaluate resource needs; use data ethically and equitably to develop a multi-year school resourcing plan aligned to the school’s goals and priorities; and advocate for resources in support of needs NELP 6 2 / Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to reflectively evaluate situations and policies with regard to legal, ethical, and equity issues; analyze how law and policy are applied consistently, fairly, equitably, and ethically within a school; communicate policies, laws, regulations, and procedures to appropriate school stakeholders; and monitor and ensure adherence to laws, rights, policies, and regulations. NELP 6.3
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Set Title:
NELP BL (2017) - National Educational Leadership Preparation - Building Level
Standard Title: Building Professional Capacity
Standard Identifier: NELP Building Level (2017): 7: Building Professional Capacity
Standard Description:
Mapped to:
Candidates who successfully complete a building-level educational leadership preparation program understand and demonstrate the capacity to promote the current and future success and well-being of each student and adult by applying the knowledge, skills, and commitments necessary to build the school’s professional capacity, engage staff in the development of a collaborative professional culture, and improve systems of staff supervision, evaluation, support, and professional learning
Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to evaluate school’s professional staff capacity needs; evaluate applicant materials; and use research and data to plan and engage in candidate recruitment and selection that reflects the diversity of the student body.NELP 7.1 / Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to use research to design and cultivate a collaborative professional culture; model and foster effective communication; and develop a comprehensive plan for providing school community members with a healthy and positive school building environment. NELP 7 2 / Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to evaluate professional staff capacity needs and management practices; identify leadership capabilities of staff; plan opportunities for professional growth that promotes reflection, cultural responsiveness, digital literacy, school improvement, and student success; engage staff in leadership roles; and utilize digital technology in ethical and appropriate ways to foster professional learning for self and others. NELP 7.3 / Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to observe teaching in a variety of classrooms; gather and analyze district policies on instructional expectations; provide teaching staff with actionable feedback to support improvement; and develop a system for monitoring whether supervision and evaluation strategies promote improvement NELP 7 4
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EdD EDL Building - EDL 8125 SLLA Scores
EdD EDL Building - EDL 8125 SLLA Scores Detail
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Rubric Title:
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EdD EDL Building - EDL 8125 SLLA Scores
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EDL Building - EDL 8125 Placement Details Form
You must complete the My Placement Details form by clicking here prior to Week 6. This is a requirement for this course. Please make sure that all information is accurate and complete prior to submission. Click "Send me a copy of my responses" which will send you an email. Upload a PDF copy of that email including your answers below.
Please reach out to your course instructor if you have questions.
University supervisors and mentors collaboratively support candidates’ advancement of clearly defined professional responsibilities, dispositions, and performance that characterize successful educators. This end of term assessment documents an intern’s capacity as a leader and should be completed no later than during the final conference by the Mentor with collaboration from the University Supervisor. The University Supervisor will enter scores here once the final assessment is completed.
This SEA serves as the beginning of your Dissertation in Practice. The identification of the contextual meaning of the Problem of Practice is the first step towards the Dissertation in Practice. The Problem of Practice is grounded in strong evidence, improvement science methodology, action research methodology and practice. It is shareable and it clearly describes what is happening in the instructional core while being connected to a systemic issue of the school/district theory of action with intended benefits identified, meaningful, insightful and innovative. The Problem of Practice is high leverage and specific of the significant impact to learning. To enhance this practical work, the candidate includes information, activities, tools and techniques, stakeholders involved and analyses to guide the Dissertation in Practice. There is a format or genre that is more applicable to your Problem of Practice as innovative approaches, ideas, designs and solutions are encouraged. Candidates will frame the problem, challenge, or phenomenon in the relevant literature and will design a specific change idea to be tested. Students will bring evidence from both literature and the specific setting that frames the problem, challenge, or phenomenon in the particular organizational context.
by: Paige Minutola
Rubric Title:
by: Paige Minutola
District Rubric Content –Candidate knowledge of research on district improvement; formal processes of system-wide, iterative, evidence-informed improvement; research-based strategic planning processes that engage diverse stakeholders; and data collection, diagnosis, and use.
NELP 1.2
Candidate knows the need for a district improvement plan.
Candidate knows the research of required models for district improvement
Candidate knows the components of a district improvement plan.
Candidate knows the research on improvement models and its use in strategic planning
Candidate knows the sequential steps involved in strategic planning processes for development, implementation and evaluation of data collection, diagnosis, design, and results analysis and interpretation
Candidate knows research-based processes for engaging diverse stakeholders in the strategic planning, implementation and evaluation for continuous improvement.
Candidate understands the components of a district improvement plan
Candidate understands the research on improvement models and its use in strategic planning.
Candidates understands the sequential steps involved in strategic planning processes for development, implementation and evaluation of data collection, diagnosis, design, and results analysis and interpretation.
Candidate understands researchbased processes for engaging diverse stakeholders in the strategic planning, implementation and evaluation for continuous improvement
Candidate understands and through self disclosure is comfortable with carrying out the components of a district improvement plan through collaboration in its development
Candidate understands the research on improvement models and its use in strategic planning through multi-layered collaboration.
Candidates understands and facilitates others in understanding the sequential steps involved in strategic planning processes for development, implementation and evaluation of data collection, diagnosis, design, and results analysis and interpretation.
Candidate understands and facilitates others in understanding research-based processes for engaging diverse stakeholders in the strategic planning, implementation and evaluation for continuous improvement.
Candidate applies various tools and techniques (e.g. fish-bone diagram and other graphic organizers and analysis tools) for evaluating existing improvement process
Candidate applies various tools and techniques (e.g. fish-bone diagram and other graphic organizers and analysis tools) for evaluating existing improvement process with the district office leadership team.
Candidate applies various tools and techniques (e.g. fish-bone diagram and other graphic organizers and analysis tools) for evaluating existing improvement process with the district and school leadership and board membership.
Candidate applies various tools and techniques (e.g. fish-bone diagram and other graphic organizers and analysis tools) for evaluating existing improvement process with the district and school leadership and board membership and the community stakeholders.
NELP District Level (2018): 2: Ethics and Professional Norms - Ethics and Professional Norms
Problem of Practice (POP)
Candidate identifies and develops a Problem of Practice into a manageable focus WilmU 1
Candidate selects a topic that is too broad or narrow Defines the scope of the research question or hypothesis too broadly or narrowly. Candidate demonstrates how to formulate questions for research based on information gaps or on reexamination of existing, possibly conflicting, information. Develops a research question that is generally focused and relevant.
Candidate marginally demonstrates how to formulate questions for research based on information gaps. Develops a research question that is somewhat focused and appropriate for the assignment
Candidate demonstrates how to formulate questions for research based on information gaps or on reexamination of existing, possibly conflicting, information Develops a research question that is generally focused and relevant
Candidate develops and clearly articulates a quality research question/hypothesis that is appropriately focused and relevant to the assignment Begins to develop additional questions and lines of inquiry
WilmU (2015): 1: Oral Communication - Oral Communication
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Searching as Strategic Exploration: Candidate constructs and implements effectively designed search strategies using appropriate methods or information retrieval systems WilmU 4
Candidate identified only a few, broad key terms, uses minimal or same-type sources, and may not go beyond web searching. Candidate lacks sophistication in selecting discipline-specific search engines.
Candidates selects general indexes/search engines. Candidate uses simple search strategies, basic search concepts, and a list of useful keywords/search terms.
Candidate demonstrates use of basic search concepts through development of simple search strategy and a list of useful keywords/subject search terms. Candidate selects appropriate indexes/search engines and articulates the way that Library databases work (e.g. fields, records, indexing).
Candidate demonstrates the ability to use appropriate indexes/search engines and uses a mix of basic and advanced searching techniques, including disciplinespecific subject headings, to access library collections and other relevant resources Candidate demonstrates a use of alternate search avenues as new knowledge is developed
(2015): 4: Information Literacy - Information Literacy
Information Creation as a Process: Candidate identifies and describes potential formats/creation processes that would be appropriate to their action research topic, recognizing the difference between formal publication and information exchange. WilmU 4
WilmU (2015): 4: Information Literacy - Information Literacy
Candidate identifies information sources that minimally meet the assignment requirements or reflect little relevance. Candidate is unable to distinguish between scholarly sources
Candidate identifies information sources that are somewhat relevant or partially meet the action research need. Candidate minimally articulates difference between scholarly sources.
Candidate identifies a variety of scholarly information sources that are generally appropriate and relevant for the assignment or action research need Candidate articulates the value of information each format would bring to their research
Candidate identifies and selects a variety of scholarly information sources that best answer the action research need. Candidate clearly articulates the value of information each format would bring to their research
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Resource Evaluation:
Candidate evaluates information and its sources critically for its value, relevance and accuracy. WilmU 4
Candidate uses sources that may be questionable as to credibility and reliability Has trouble recognizing authority in various media types
Candidate uses sources that are generally credible, reliable, and lacking bias Shows awareness of how to identify authoritative content.
Candidate applies evaluation criteria when selecting sources, and recognizes bias Sources are relevant and significant to support the research need. Begins to recognize the discipline’s standard authorities.
Candidate applies evaluation criteria (timeliness, authority, relevance, accuracy, purpose) when selecting sources. Recognizes context and bias when present Recognizes that authoritative content may be published or unpublished Articulates distinctions when appropriate.
WilmU (2015): 4: Information Literacy - Information Literacy
Scholarship as Conversation:
Candidate will be able to take part in scholarly communication and conversation.WilmU 1
WilmU (2015): 1: Oral Communication - Oral Communication
Candidate acknowledges that there are different points of view on a topic but does not articulate that there is a sustained discourse within a community of scholars.
Candidate incorporates different points of view and recognizes that a scholarly work may not represent the only perspective on the issue.
Candidate incorporates different points of view and articulates that there is a sustained discourse within a community of scholars.
Candidate articulates that a given scholarly work may not represent the only perspective on the issue
Candidate demonstrates the value of incorporating different points of view and articulates that there is a sustained discourse within a community of scholars.
Candidate recognizes that a given scholarly work may not represent the only - or even the majorityperspective on the issue.
Information has Value: Candidate acknowledges sources and uses information following the conventions of the social sciences. WilmU 2
Candidate fails to attribute ideas and words to others
Candidate may show improper use of sources or lack or quotation marks
Candidate uses discipline appropriate citation style of APA, but has errors. Errors in citation and references, with some ambiguity about original thought
Candidate uses discipline appropriate citation style of APA with repeated error type. Shows proper attribution of ideas. Candidate clearly identifies the work of other scholars whether quoted or paraphrased.
Candidate uses discipline appropriate citation style of APA with no errors. Demonstrates consistent and appropriate use of paraphrasing and quotation of sources. Shows academic thought in quotes from another author unless paraphrased and cited
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
WilmU (2015): 2: Written Communication - Written Communication
Information legal and ethical work: Candidate demonstrates application of university policies regarding plagiarism, academic integrity and use of campus networks and information resources. WilmU 5
WilmU (2015): 5: EthicsEthics
Candidate demonstrates need for training of university networks and information systems.
Candidate demonstrates ability to use university networks and information with assistance.
Candidate demonstrates ability to use university networks and information. Demonstrates disciplinary conventions regarding ethical use of information Consistently complies with restrictions on the legal and ethical use of information and university information resources. Applies ethical use of information and presents academic integrity.
Digital literacy Candidate effectively demonstrates the ability to use relevant technologies to manage and communicate information. WilmU 4
WilmU (2015): 4: Information Literacy - Information Literacy
Candidate has difficulty attempting to use digital tools to organize information, construct new knowledge, create media expressions, and communicate with others.
Candidate is able to use digital tools to organize information, construct new knowledge, create media expressions, and communicate with others.
Candidate effectively uses digital tools to organize information, construct new knowledge, create media expressions, and communicate with others.
Candidate is highly accomplished in the use of digital tools to organize information, construct new knowledge, create media expressions and communications, Candidate assists others with digital tools for communication
EdD EDL District - EDL 7108 Problem of Practice Detail
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Set Title:
NELP DL (2018) - National Educational Leadership Preparation - District Level
Standard Title: Ethics and Professional Norms
Standard Identifier:
Standard Description:
NELP District Level (2018): 2: Ethics and Professional Norms
Candidates who successfully complete a district-level educational leadership preparation program understand and demonstrate the capacity to promote the current and future success and well-being of each student and adult by applying the knowledge, skills, and commitments necessary to understand and demonstrate the capacity to advocate for ethical decisions and cultivate and enact professional norms
Mapped to: District Rubric Content – Candidate knowledge of research on district improvement; formal processes of system-wide, iterative, evidence-informed improvement; research-based strategic planning processes that engage diverse stakeholders; and data collection, diagnosis, and use. NELP 1.2 / Educational Leadership Skills Candidate demonstrates skills required to evaluate existing improvement processes NELP 1 2
Set Title:
WilmU (2015) - WilmU Graduate and Undergraduate Graduation Competencies
Standard Title: Oral Communication
Standard Identifier:
WilmU (2015): 1: Oral Communication
Standard Description: Appraise the needs of the audience and then speak in a clear and succinct manner, AND research, construct, and deliver professional presentations using a variety of communication tools and techniques.
Mapped to: Problem of Practice (POP) Candidate identifies and develops a Problem of Practice into a manageable focus WilmU 1 / Scholarship as Conversation: Candidate will be able to take part in scholarly communication and conversation. WilmU 1
Set Title:
WilmU (2015) - WilmU Graduate and Undergraduate Graduation Competencies
Standard Title: Written Communication
Standard Identifier:
WilmU (2015): 2: Written Communication
Standard Description: Write with clarity and precision using correct English grammar: mechanics (punctuation) and usage (sentence structure and vocabulary), AND exhibit competence in writing for specific purposes, diverse audiences, and genres, AND correctly and ethically present scholarly writings utilizing the selected citation and writing style deemed appropriate for the student’s program of study.
Mapped to: Information has Value: Candidate acknowledges sources and uses information following the conventions of the social sciences WilmU 2
Generated by: Paige
Set Title:
WilmU (2015) - WilmU Graduate and Undergraduate Graduation Competencies
Standard Title: Information Literacy
Standard Identifier: WilmU (2015): 4: Information Literacy
Standard Description:
Using information in any format to research, evaluate, and ethically utilize information effectively and with appropriate attribution
Mapped to: Searching as Strategic Exploration:Candidate constructs and implements effectively designed search strategies using appropriate methods or information retrieval systems WilmU 4 / Information Creation as a Process: Candidate identifies and describes potential formats/creation processes that would be appropriate to their action research topic, recognizing the difference between formal publication and information exchange WilmU 4 / Resource Evaluation: Candidate evaluates information and its sources critically for its value, relevance and accuracy.WilmU 4 / Digital literacy Candidate effectively demonstrates the ability to use relevant technologies to manage and communicate information WilmU 4
Set Title:
WilmU (2015) - WilmU Graduate and Undergraduate Graduation Competencies
Standard Title: Ethics
Standard Identifier:
Standard Description:
WilmU (2015): 5: Ethics
Demonstrate knowledge and application of prescribed ethical codes and behaviors promoted by the student’s chosen profession.
Mapped to: Information legal and ethical work:Candidate demonstrates application of university policies regarding plagiarism, academic integrity and use of campus networks and information resources. WilmU 5
EdD EDL District - EDL 7109 Problem of Practice II
Structured External Assignment: Action Research
SEA is in response to simulations in Canvas.
District Leaders
This SEA serves as a continuation to your Dissertation in Practice with an emphasis on a deeper dive into the best practices, methodology, practices, creative solutions, challenges, roadblocks and implementation plans that are being currently used. The identification of the contextual meaning, action steps, and collegial relationships towards the Problem of Practice is investigated, solidified, modified and proposed. The Problem of Practice is grounded in strong evidence, improvement science methodology and action research methodology and meaningful, insightful, innovation and practice. It is shareable and it clearly describes what is happening in the instructional core while being connected to a systemic issue of the school/ district theory of action with intended benefits identified. The Problem of Practice is high leverage and specific of the significant impact to learning. To enhance this practical work, the candidate includes information, activities, tools and techniques, stakeholders involved and analyses to guide the Dissertation in Practice. If there is a format or genre that is applicable to your Problem of Practice as innovative approaches, ideas, concepts and solutions are designed, discuss it with your advisor or instructor
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Rubric Title:
District Rubric Educational Leadership Skills Candidate demonstrates skills required to develop a district-wide improvement process that includes data collection, diagnosis, design, implementation, and evaluation; articulate a process for strategic planning; and develop an implementation plan to support the improvement process. NELP 1.2
Candidate adopts the existing district-wide improvement process that may include data collection, diagnosis, design, implementation and evaluation.
Candidate articulates the strategic planning process to the school board.
Candidate developments an implementation plan with the school board.
Candidate develops a district-wide improvement process that includes data collection, diagnosis, design, implementation and evaluation
Candidate articulates the strategic planning process to the district leadership team and the school board.
Candidate developments an implementation plan with the district leadership team and the school board.
Candidate, in collaboration with the district office leadership team, develops a district-wide improvement process that includes data collection, diagnosis, design, implementation and evaluation.
Candidate articulates the strategic planning process to the district and school leadership teams and the school board.
Candidate developments an implementation plan with the district and school leadership teams and the school board.
Candidate, in collaboration with the district and school leadership teams, develops a district-wide improvement process that includes data collection, diagnosis, design, implementation and evaluation.
Candidate articulates the strategic planning process to the district and school leadership teams, the school board, and the community stakeholders
Candidate developments an implementation plan with the district and school leadership teams, the school board and the community stakeholders
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Problem of Practice (POP)
Candidate identifies and develops a Problem of Practice into a manageable focus WilmU 1
Candidate selects a topic that is too broad or narrow.
Defines the scope of the focus question(s) too broadly or narrowly
Candidate demonstrates how to formulate focus question(s) based on research information or gaps or on reexamination of existing, possibly conflicting, information. Develops focus question(s) that is generally relevant
Candidate marginally demonstrates how to formulate focus question(s) based on research information or gaps.
Develops a focus question(s) that is purposeful and appropriate for the assignment and the topic
Candidate demonstrates how to formulate focus question(s) based on research information or gaps or on a reexamination of existing, possibly conflicting, information.
Develops a focus question(s) that is generally pertinent and relevant
Candidate develops and clearly articulates quality focus question(s) that is appropriately pertinent and relevant to the assignment.
Begins to develop additional questions that are appropriate, pertinent, and relevant to the assignment and topic.
WilmU (2015): 1: Oral Communication - Oral Communication
Impact on the Classroom, School or District (CSD)
Candidate provides information from the literature and data gathered and describes the improvement project.WilmU 4
WilmU (2015): 4: Information Literacy - Information Literacy
Candidate has an improvement project that describes supportive research and local CSD data
Candidate has an improvement project that describes the relevant research and local CSD data
Candidate has an improvement project that describes the relevant research and local CSD data and reviews all sides of the issue
Candidate has an improvement project that describes the relevant research and local CSD data and reviews all sides of the issue The candidate uses research specific to the CSD context
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Searching as Strategic Exploration: Candidate constructs and implements effectively designed search strategies using appropriate methods or information retrieval systems WillmU 4
Candidate identified only a few, broad key terms, uses minimal or same-type sources, and may not go beyond web searching. Candidate lacks sophistication in selecting discipline-specific search engines.
Candidates selects general indexes/search engines. Candidate uses simple search strategies, basic search concepts, and a list of useful keywords/search terms.
Candidate demonstrates use of basic search concepts through development of simple search strategy and a list of useful keywords/subject search terms. Candidate selects appropriate indexes/search engines and articulates the way that Library databases work (e.g. fields, records, indexing).
Candidate demonstrates the ability to use appropriate indexes/search engines and uses a mix of basic and advanced searching techniques, including disciplinespecific subject headings, to access library collections and other relevant resources Candidate demonstrates a use of alternate search avenues as new knowledge is developed
(2015): 4: Information Literacy - Information Literacy
Information Creation as a Process: Candidate identifies and describes potential formats/creation processes that would be appropriate to their action research topic, recognizing the difference between formal publication and information exchange. WilmU 4
WilmU (2015): 4: Information Literacy - Information Literacy
Candidate identifies information sources that minimally meet the assignment requirements or reflect little relevance. Candidate is unable to distinguish between scholarly sources
Candidate identifies information sources that are somewhat relevant or partially meet the action research need. Candidate minimally articulates difference between scholarly sources.
Candidate identifies a variety of scholarly information sources that are generally appropriate and relevant for the assignment or action research need Candidate articulates the value of information each format would bring to their research
Candidate identifies and selects a variety of scholarly information sources that best answer the action research need. Candidate clearly articulates the value of information each format would bring to their research
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Resource Evaluation:
Candidate evaluates information and its sources critically for its value, relevance and accuracy. WilmU 4
Candidate uses sources that may be questionable as to credibility and reliability Has trouble recognizing authority in various media types
Candidate uses sources that are generally credible, reliable, and lacking bias Shows awareness of how to identify authoritative content.
Candidate applies evaluation criteria when selecting sources, and recognizes bias Sources are relevant and significant to support the research need. Begins to recognize the discipline’s standard authorities.
Candidate applies evaluation criteria (timeliness, authority, relevance, accuracy, purpose) when selecting sources. Recognizes context and bias when present Recognizes that authoritative content may be published or unpublished Articulates distinctions when appropriate.
WilmU (2015): 4: Information Literacy - Information Literacy
Scholarship as Conversation:
Candidate will be able to take part in scholarly communication and conversation.WilmU 1
WilmU (2015): 1: Oral Communication - Oral Communication
Candidate acknowledges that there are different points of view on a topic but does not articulate that there is a sustained discourse within a community of scholars.
Candidate incorporates different points of view and recognizes that a scholarly work may not represent the only perspective on the issue.
Candidate incorporates different points of view and articulates that there is a sustained discourse within a community of scholars.
Candidate articulates that a given scholarly work may not represent the only perspective on the issue
Candidate demonstrates the value of incorporating different points of view and articulates that there is a sustained discourse within a community of scholars.
Candidate recognizes that a given scholarly work may not represent the only - or even the majorityperspective on the issue.
Information has Value: Candidate acknowledges sources and uses information following the conventions of the social sciences. WilmU 2
Candidate fails to attribute ideas and words to others
Candidate may show improper use of sources or lack or quotation marks
Candidate uses discipline appropriate citation style of APA, but errors. Errors in citation and references, with some ambiguity about original thought
Candidate uses discipline appropriate citation style of APA with repeated error type. Shows proper attribution of ideas. Candidate clearly identifies the work of other scholars whether quoted or paraphrased.
Candidate uses discipline appropriate citation style of APA with no errors. Demonstrates consistent and appropriate use of paraphrasing and quotation of sources. Shows academic thought in quotes from another author unless paraphrased and cited
EDL District - EDL 7109 Problem of Practice II Detail
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
WilmU (2015): 2: Written
Communication - Written Communication
Information legal and ethical work: Candidate demonstrates application of university policies regarding plagiarism, academic integrity and use of campus networks and information resources. WilmU 5
WilmU (2015): 5: EthicsEthics
Candidate demonstrates need for training of university networks and information systems.
Candidate demonstrates ability to use university networks and information with assistance.
Candidate demonstrates ability to use university networks and information. Demonstrates disciplinary conventions regarding ethical use of information Consistently complies with restrictions on the legal and ethical use of information and university information resources. Applies ethical use of information and presents academic integrity.
EdD EDL District - EDL 7109 Problem of Practice II Detail
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Set Title:
NELP DL (2018) - National Educational Leadership Preparation - District Level
Standard Title: Mission, Vision, and Improvement
Standard Identifier: NELP District Level (2018): 1: Mission, Vision, and Improvement
Standard Description:
Candidates who successfully complete a district-level educational leadership preparation program understand and demonstrate the capacity to promote the current and future success and well-being of each student and adult by applying the knowledge, skills, and commitments necessary to collaboratively lead, design, and implement a school mission, vision, and process for continuous improvement that reflects a core set of values and priorities that include data use, technology, equity, diversity, digital citizenship, and community.
Mapped to: District Rubric Educational Leadership Skills Candidate demonstrates skills required to develop a district-wide improvement process that includes data collection, diagnosis, design, implementation, and evaluation; articulate a process for strategic planning; and develop an implementation plan to support the improvement process NELP 1 2
Set Title:
WilmU (2015) - WilmU Graduate and Undergraduate Graduation Competencies
Standard Title: Oral Communication
Standard Identifier:
WilmU (2015): 1: Oral Communication
Standard Description: Appraise the needs of the audience and then speak in a clear and succinct manner, AND research, construct, and deliver professional presentations using a variety of communication tools and techniques.
Mapped to: Problem of Practice (POP) Candidate identifies and develops a Problem of Practice into a manageable focus WilmU 1 / Scholarship as Conversation: Candidate will be able to take part in scholarly communication and conversation. WilmU 1
Set Title:
WilmU (2015) - WilmU Graduate and Undergraduate Graduation Competencies
Standard Title: Written Communication
Standard Identifier: WilmU (2015): 2: Written Communication
Standard Description: Write with clarity and precision using correct English grammar: mechanics (punctuation) and usage (sentence structure and vocabulary), AND exhibit competence in writing for specific purposes, diverse audiences, and genres, AND correctly and ethically present scholarly writings utilizing the selected citation and writing style deemed appropriate for the student’s program of study.
Mapped to: Information has Value: Candidate acknowledges sources and uses information following the conventions of the social sciences WilmU 2
EdD EDL District - EDL 7109 Problem of Practice II Detail
Generated by: Paige
Set Title:
WilmU (2015) - WilmU Graduate and Undergraduate Graduation Competencies
Standard Title: Information Literacy
Standard Identifier: WilmU (2015): 4: Information Literacy
Standard Description:
Mapped to:
Set Title:
Using information in any format to research, evaluate, and ethically utilize information effectively and with appropriate attribution
Impact on the Classroom, School or District (CSD) Candidate provides information from the literature and data gathered and describes the improvement project WilmU 4 / Searching as Strategic Exploration:Candidate constructs and implements effectively designed search strategies using appropriate methods or information retrieval systems WillmU 4/ Information Creation as a Process: Candidate identifies and describes potential formats/creation processes that would be appropriate to their action research topic, recognizing the difference between formal publication and information exchange. WilmU 4 / Resource Evaluation: Candidate evaluates information and its sources critically for its value, relevance and accuracy WilmU 4
WilmU (2015) - WilmU Graduate and Undergraduate Graduation Competencies
Standard Title: Ethics
Standard Identifier:
Standard Description:
Mapped to:
WilmU (2015): 5: Ethics
Demonstrate knowledge and application of prescribed ethical codes and behaviors promoted by the student’s chosen profession.
Information legal and ethical work:Candidate demonstrates application of university policies regarding plagiarism, academic integrity and use of campus networks and information resources. WilmU 5
EdD EDL District - EDL 7110 Draft Diss in Practice
Structured External Assignment: Innovation in Practice
District Leaders
In your draft of your Dissertation in Practice, you will design the intervention you wish to implement in order to respond to your Problem of Practice. What district level innovations have you seen or thought of during this course that might inform your intervention design? In your report discuss those innovations vis-à-vis your plan for your Dissertation in Practice, including the research, the original context of the innovation(s), collaboration and engagement with diverse community members, and how the innovation(s) might be modified for your implementation plan. Describe how oral, written and digital two-way communication will be targeted to a diverse stakeholder community? How it will be utilized and what outreach will be involved?
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Rubric Title:
Rubric Structure
District Rubric Content
Candidate knowledge of research on student, family, and community diversity; research on how community members, partners, and other constituencies effectively engage in and support district and school improvement and student success; and effective practice for communicating through oral, written, and digital means. D. Strategies for understanding and engaging district constituents E. Governance and decisionmaking processes that support family-school communicati NELP 5.
Candidate reads research on student, family, and community diversity.
Candidate studies how community members engage in and support district and school improvement and student success.
Candidate knows practices for communicating through oral, written, and digital means
Candidate knows research on student, family, and community diversity.
Candidate knows research on how community members, partners, and other constituencies effectively engage in and support district and school improvement and student success Candidate knows effective practice for communicating through oral, written, and digital means.
Candidate understands research on student, family, and community diversity.
Candidate understands research on how community members, partners, and other constituencies effectively engage in and support district and school improvement and student success Candidate understands effective practice for communicating through oral, written, and digital means.
Candidate understands and synthesizes research on student, family, and community diversity.
Candidate understands and synthesizes research on how community members, partners, and other constituencies effectively engage in and support district and school improvement and student success.
Candidate understands and synthesizes effective practice for communicating through oral, written, and digital means
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to develop systems and processes designed to support district personnel’s understanding of diverse families, community members, partners and other constituencies; collaborate with diverse community members, partners, and other constituencies; foster regular, two-way communication with community members, partners, and other constituencies; develop communication for oral, written and digital distribution targeted to a d NELP 5.
Candidate writes a needs assessment of community resources
Candidate communicates with email to diverse cultural and social groups of parents and stakeholders
Candidate sends the needs assessment information to the district office and reports it in a faculty meeting.
Candidate conducts a needs assessment of diverse community resources
Candidate attends diverse community cross-cultural and social functions.
Candidate fosters two-way communication and collaboration via oral, written, and digital communication with community members, partners and other constituencies
Candidate engages community members, partners and other constituents in using needs assessment date to improve district efforts.
Candidate conducts a needs assessment of diverse community resources and uses it to promote understanding of the various crosscultural and social resources of the community
Candidate fosters two-way communication and collaboration via oral, written, and digital communication with community members, partners and other constituencies.
Candidate engages and collaborates with community members, partners and other constituents “on their turf” and within the district
Candidate applies and presents information gained from the needs assessment and the various communication venues to benefit district efforts.
Candidate applying the needs assessment of community resources uses it to promote understanding among the district office, the schools and the community about the various cross-cultural and social resources of the community
Candidate engages and collaborates with various crosscultural community groups “on their turf” and within the district and involves principals and teacher leaders in the various communication activities
Candidate regularly and throughout the school year communicates and collaborates with diverse community members using various software and web based media platforms to various cultural groups and gauges the availability of media and promotes facilitates access.
Candidate applies and presents information gained from the needs assessment and the various communication venues to improve the curriculum across schools and outreach programs via a communication plan.
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Set Title:
NELP DL (2018) - National Educational Leadership Preparation - District Level
Standard Title: Community and External Leadership
Standard Identifier: NELP District Level (2018): 5: Community and External Leadership
Standard Description:
Mapped to:
Candidates who successfully complete a district-level educational leadership preparation program understand and demonstrate the capacity to promote the current and future success and well-being of each student and adult by applying the knowledge, skills, and commitments necessary to understand and engage families, communities, and other constituents in the work of schools and the district and to advocate for district, student, and community needs
District Rubric ContentCandidate knowledge of research on student, family, and community diversity; research on how community members, partners, and other constituencies effectively engage in and support district and school improvement and student success; and effective practice for communicating through oral, written, and digital means. D. Strategies for understanding and engaging district constituents E Governance and decision-making processes that support family-school communicatiNELP 5. / Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to develop systems and processes designed to support district personnel’s understanding of diverse families, community members, partners and other constituencies; collaborate with diverse community members, partners, and other constituencies; foster regular, two-way communication with community members, partners, and other constituencies; develop communication for oral, written and digital distribution targeted to a dNELP 5
EdD EDL District - EDL 7111 Culture of Innovation Plan
Structured External Assignment: Leadership for Innovation
District Leaders
Describe the district culture in your workplace in the context of student learning and expectations and strategies to foster collaboration and student learning with faculty and community in innovation in the district. Using what research and best practice say about leading for innovation in school districts, develop a plan to create a culture of innovation in cooperation with faculty, diverse families and community members. Describe the groups you will organize and the brainstorming and consensus building strategies that you will use to increase opportunities for innovation in your district. Include what changes you will make that will create an environment in which it is safe to be creative and innovative in educational decisions. Be sure to include how these initiatives will strengthen and extend student learning. Your role as a group leader is to support two-way communication and carefully listen, clarify and summarize information and facilitate decision making in achieving consensus and enhancing a culture of innovation. Be prepared to present and advocate for your plan.
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Rubric Title:
EdD EDL District - EDL 7111 Culture of Innovation Plan
Mapped standards: NELP District Level (2018): 3: Equity, Inclusiveness, and Cultural Responsiveness - Equity, Inclusiveness, and Cultural Responsiveness / NELP District Level (2018): 5: Community and External Leadership - Community and External Leadership
Enable the N/A option for assessment
Rubric Structure
District Rubric Educational Leadership Skills Candidate demonstrates skills required to evaluate district culture; use research and evidence to design and cultivate a supportive, and inclusive district culture; advocate for a supportive and inclusive district culture. NELP 3.1
Candidate gathers data to improve the district culture.
Candidate develops strategies for improving district culture.
Candidate advocates for an improved district culture
Candidate gathers research and evidence to evaluate and design a supportive, nurturing and inclusive district culture.
Candidate develops innovative strategies for improving district culture
Candidate designs an advocacy plan for a supportive and inclusive district culture.
Candidate gathers research and evidence to evaluate and design a supportive, nurturing and inclusive district culture with the district and school leadership teams.
Candidate develops innovative strategies for improving the district culture with the district and the school leadership teams.
Candidate designs advocacy plan for a supportive and inclusive district culture with the district and the school leadership teams.
Candidate gathers research and evidence to evaluate and design a supportive, nurturing and inclusive school culture with the district and school leadership teams, the board and district stakeholders
Candidate develops innovative strategies for improving the district culture with the district and the school leadership teams, the board and district stakeholders.
Candidate designs advocacy plan for a supportive and inclusive district culture with the district and the school leadership teams.
NELP District Level (2018): 3: Equity, Inclusiveness, and Cultural Responsiveness
Generated by:
Paige Minutola
Educational Leadership Skills
Candidate demonstrates skills required to represent the district and its schools; support the efforts of district schools in engaging diverse families in strengthening student learning in and out of school; and make decisions about when and how to engage families. NELP 5.1
Candidate gathers family demographics that can be used to support student learning with diverse families.
Candidate makes decisions about when and how to engage with some families
Candidate gathers family demographics and family resources (e g internet access in the home, books, paper, notebooks and digital devices) to support the efforts of the schools in engaging diverse families and strengthening student learning in and out of school.
Candidate makes decisions about when and how to engage families.
Candidate gathers family demographics and family resources (e g internet access in the home, books, paper, notebooks and digital devices) to support the efforts of the schools in engaging diverse families and strengthening student learning in and out of school with the administrative and school leadership teams.
Candidate makes decisions about when and how to engage families and articulates guidelines with the administrative and school leadership teams
Candidate gathers family demographics and family resources (e g internet access in the home, books, paper, notebooks and digital devices) to support the efforts of the schools in engaging diverse families and strengthening student learning in and out of school with the administrative and school leadership teams, the board and stakeholders.
Candidate makes decisions about when and how to engage families and articulates guidelines with the administrative and school leadership teams, the board and stakeholders
NELP District Level (2018): 5: Community and External Leadership - Community and External Leadership
EdD EDL District - EDL 7111 Culture of Innovation Plan Detail
Generated by: Paige
Set Title:
NELP DL (2018) - National Educational Leadership Preparation - District Level
Standard Title: Equity, Inclusiveness, and Cultural Responsiveness
Standard Identifier:
Standard Description:
Mapped to:
NELP District Level (2018): 3: Equity, Inclusiveness, and Cultural Responsiveness
Candidates who successfully complete a district-level educational leadership preparation program understand and demonstrate the capacity to promote the current and future success and well-being of each student and adult by applying the knowledge, skills, and commitments necessary to develop and maintain a supportive, equitable, culturally responsive, and inclusive district culture
District Rubric Educational Leadership Skills Candidate demonstrates skills required to evaluate district culture; use research and evidence to design and cultivate a supportive, and inclusive district culture; advocate for a supportive and inclusive district culture. NELP 3.1
Set Title: NELP DL (2018) - National Educational Leadership Preparation - District Level
Standard Title: Community and External Leadership
Standard Identifier:
Standard Description:
Mapped to:
NELP District Level (2018): 5: Community and External Leadership
Candidates who successfully complete a district-level educational leadership preparation program understand and demonstrate the capacity to promote the current and future success and well-being of each student and adult by applying the knowledge, skills, and commitments necessary to understand and engage families, communities, and other constituents in the work of schools and the district and to advocate for district, student, and community needs
Educational Leadership Skills Candidate demonstrates skills required to represent the district and its schools; support the efforts of district schools in engaging diverse families in strengthening student learning in and out of school; and make decisions about when and how to engage families. NELP 5.1
EdD EDL District - EDL 7113 Mission Action Plan
District Leaders
Collaboratively develop an actionable mission and vision attentive to such considerations as data use, technology, values, diversity, equity, digital citizenship, and community. Identify the data you used to arrive at the needs. What support is needed and from whom? How will you effectively operationalize and implement the mission and vision statement in terms of systems management and operations to improve student learning? What is the role of parents, staff, school leaders, board members, and the school board in your advocacy? Are there initiatives coming from a source external to the district that should be considered as part of the plan?
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
District Rubric Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to evaluate existing mission and vision processes and statements; collaboratively design an actionable district mission and vision attentive to such considerations as data use, technology, values, equity, diversity, digital citizenship, and community; and develop a comprehensive plan for communicating the mission and vision to multiple constituencies. NELP 1.1
Candidate evaluates existing mission and vision statements and design a district mission and vision being attentive to technology and diversity.
Candidate develops a plan for announcing the mission and vision. Candidate evaluates existing mission and vision processes and statements and leads collaborative design of a school mission and vision being attentive to values and priorities that include data, technology, values, equity, diversity, digital citizenship, and community.
Candidate develops a comprehensive plan for communicating the mission and vision to multiple constituencies.
Candidate evaluates existing mission and vision processes and statements and leads collaborative design of a school mission and vision with the school leadership team while being attentive to values and priorities that include data, technology, values, equity, diversity, digital citizenship, and community
Candidate develops a comprehensive plan for communicating the mission and vision to multiple constituencies with the district leadership team.
Candidate evaluates existing mission and vision processes and statements and leads collaborative design of a school mission and vision with the school leadership team, faculty, staff and community while being attentive to values and priorities that include data, technology, values, equity, diversity, digital citizenship, and community.
Candidate develops a comprehensive plan for communicating the mission and vision to multiple constituencies with the district and school leadership teams, board, and stakeholders.
Generated by: Paige
Educational Leadership Skills
Candidates demonstrate skills required to evaluate management and operation systems; use data and research to propose designs for improving the coordination and impact of district management, communication, technology, governance, and operation systems; communicate with relevant stakeholders about the relationship between the district’s management, operation, and governance systems and the district’s mission and vision; and develop an implementation plan to NELP 6
Candidate reviews management and operation systems.
Candidate uses data to propose designs for improving the coordination and impact of district management, communication, technology, governance, and operation systems.
Candidate communicates with relevant stakeholders about the relationship between the district’s governance systems and the district’s mission and vision.
Candidate develops a plan to support district systems.
Candidate evaluates management and operation systems.
Candidate uses data and research to propose designs for improving the coordination and impact of district management, communication, technology, governance, and operation systems.
Candidate communicates with relevant stakeholders about the relationship between the district’s management, operation, and governance systems and the district’s mission and vision
Candidate develops an implementation plan to support improved district systems.
Candidate evaluates management and operation systems with the district leadership team
Candidate uses data and research to propose designs for improving the coordination and impact of district management, communication, technology, governance, and operation systems with the district leadership team.
Candidate communicates with relevant stakeholders about the relationship between the district’s management, operation, and governance systems and the district’s mission and vision with the district leadership team.
Candidate develops an implementation plan to support improved district systems district with the leadership team.
Candidate evaluates management and operation systems with the district and leadership teams, board and stakeholders.
Candidate uses data and research to propose designs for improving the coordination and impact of district management, communication, technology, governance, and operation systems with the district and leadership teams, board and stakeholders
Candidate communicates with relevant stakeholders about the relationship between the district’s management, operation, and governance systems and the district’s mission and vision with the district and leadership teams, board and stakeholders.
Candidate develops an implementation plan to support improved district systems with the district and leadership teams, board and stakeholders.
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to represent the district and its mission, strengths, and needs to the board of education; cultivate a positive, respectful, and responsive relationship with the board; advocate for board actions that will support the mission and vision of the district and meet district needs.NELP 7.1
Candidate represents the district and its needs education.
Candidate cultivates a responsive relationship with the board.
Candidate advocates for board actions that meet district needs
Candidate represents the district and its mission, strengths and needs to the board education
Candidate cultivates a positive, respectful, and responsive relationship with the board.
Candidate advocates for board actions that will support the mission and vision of the district and meet district needs.
Candidate represents the district and its mission, strengths and needs to the board education and with the district office staff.
Candidate cultivates a positive, respectful, and responsive relationship with the board and the district leadership staff.
Candidate advocates for board actions that will support the mission and vision of the district and meet district needs through collaboration with the district leadership staff
Candidate represents the district and its mission, strengths and needs to the board education and with the district office and school administrative staffs.
Candidate cultivates a positive, respectful, and responsive relationship with the board and the district and schools’ leadership staffs
Candidate advocates for board actions that will support the mission and vision of the district and meet district needs through collaboration with the district and schools’ leadership staffs.
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Content Candidate knowledge of research and best practice concerning effective systems for district governance; processes for engaging multiple and diverse community stakeholders; and developing and sustaining effective board relations. NELP 7.2
Candidate reads research and best practice concerning effective systems of district governance
Candidate reviews research and best practice of the processes for engaging community stakeholders.
Candidate reads research and best practice for developing board relations
Candidate knows research and best practice concerning effective systems of district governance
Candidate knows research and best practice of the processes for engaging multiple and diverse community stakeholders
Candidate knows research and best practice for developing and sustaining effective board relations.
Candidate understands research and best practice concerning effective systems of district governance.
Candidate understands research and best practice of the processes for engaging multiple and diverse community stakeholders.
Candidate understands research and best practice for developing and sustaining effective board relations
Candidate understands and synthesizes research and best practice concerning effective systems of district governance.
Candidate understands and synthesizes research and best practice of the processes for engaging multiple and diverse community stakeholders.
Candidate understands and synthesizes research and best practice for developing and sustaining effective board relations
Generated by:
Paige Minutola
Educational Leadership Skills
Candidates demonstrate skills required to evaluate district governance and stakeholder engagement systems; design governance systems that engage multiple and diverse stakeholder groups; implement strategies (i.e., communication) that support stakeholder engagement in district governance; and cultivate and coordinate an effective collaborative system for district governance. NELP 7.2
Candidate utilizes district governance systems.
Candidate uses the district governance system to engage some stakeholder groups
Candidate implements strategies that support favored stakeholder engagement in district governance
Candidate coordinates a collaborative system for district governance.
Candidate evaluates district governance and stakeholder engagement systems
Candidate designs governance systems that engage multiple and diverse stakeholder groups.
Candidate implements strategies that support stakeholder engagement in district governance.
Candidate cultivates and coordinates an effective collaborative system for district governance.
Candidate evaluates district governance and stakeholder engagement systems with the district leadership staff.
Candidate designs governance systems that engage multiple and diverse stakeholder groups with the district leadership staff.
Candidate implements strategies that support stakeholder engagement in district governance with the district leadership staff
Candidate cultivates and coordinates an effective collaborative system for district governance with the district leadership staff.
Candidate evaluates district governance and stakeholder engagement systems with district and school leadership staffs.
Candidate designs governance systems that engage multiple and diverse stakeholder groups with district and school leadership staffs.
Candidate implements strategies that support stakeholder engagement in district governance with the district and school leadership staffs
Candidate cultivates and coordinates an effective collaborative system for district governance with the district and school leadership staffs
Content Candidate knowledge of educational policy, laws, rules, and regulations; educational policy systems, formulation, adoption, and actors; strategies for accessing information about: (a) policy, (b) local, state, and federal contexts, and (c) the policy implications for various contexts; strategies for collaborating with and/or influencing local, state, and federal policy and policy leaders. NELP 7.3
Candidate knows educational policy and regulations.
Candidate knows educational policy, formulation, and actors.
Candidate knows strategies for accessing information about: (a) policy, (b) local and state, or federal contexts.
Candidate knows strategies for collaborating with and/or influencing local, state, and federal policy and policy leaders.
Candidate knows educational policy, laws, rules, and regulations.
Candidate knows educational policy systems, formulation, adoption, and actors
Candidate knows strategies for accessing information about: (a) policy, (b) local, state, and federal contexts, and (c) the policy implications for various contexts.
Candidate knows strategies for collaborating with and/or influencing local, state, and federal policy and policy leaders.
Candidate understands educational policy, laws, rules, and regulations.
Candidate understands educational policy systems, formulation, adoption, and actors
Candidate understands strategies for accessing information about: (a) policy, (b) local, state, and federal contexts, and (c) the policy implications for various contexts.
Candidate understands strategies for collaborating with and/or influencing local, state, and federal policy and policy leaders.
Candidate understands and synthesizes educational policy, laws, rules, and regulations
Candidate understands and synthesizes educational policy systems, formulation, adoption, and actors
Candidate understands and synthesizes strategies for accessing information about: (a) policy, (b) local, state, and federal contexts, and (c) the policy implications for various contexts.
Candidate understands and synthesizes strategies for collaborating with and/or influencing local, state, and federal policy and policy leaders.
by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to evaluate the implications of educational policy for district practices; develop a plan for the implementation of laws, rights, policies, and regulations; communicate about district, state, and national policy, laws, rules, and regulations; and coordinate decisions and district policies with policies and/or regulations from local, state, and federal policy entities.NELP 7.3
Candidate analyzes implications of educational policy for district practices
Candidate develops an implementation plan of policies and regulations.
Candidate communicates about district and state policy, rules, and regulations
Candidate directs district policies with regulations from local, state, and federal policy entities.
Candidate evaluates the implications of educational policy for district practices
Candidate develops an implementation plan of laws, rights, policies, and regulations.
Candidate communicates about district, state, and national policy, laws, rules, and regulations
Candidate coordinates decisions and district policies with policies and/or regulations from local, state, and federal policy entities
Candidate evaluates the implications of educational policy for district practices with the district leadership team.
Candidate develops an implementation plan of laws, rights, policies, and regulations with the district leadership team.
Candidate communicates about district, state, and national policy, laws, rules, and regulations with the district leadership team
Candidate coordinates decisions and district policies with policies and/or regulations from local, state, and federal policy entities with the district leadership team.
Candidate evaluates the implications of educational policy for district practices with the district and school leadership teams, and the board.
Candidate develops an implementation plan of laws, rights, policies, and regulations with the district and school leadership teams, the board, and stakeholders.
Candidate communicates about district, state, and national policy, laws, rules, and regulations with the district and school leadership teams, the board, and stakeholders
Candidate coordinates decisions and district policies with policies and/or regulations from local, state, and federal policy entities with the district and school leadership teams, the board and stakeholders
EdD EDL District - EDL 7113 Mission Action Plan Detail
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Candidate knowledge of research on the implications of culture, societal trends, economic conditions, laws, and political factors for the students, schools, staff, and practices of school districts; research on emerging challenges such as privacy, social media (i.e., cyberbullying), and safety; approaches for identifying district and school needs; and prioritization processes. NELP 7.4
Candidate knows research on current economic conditions and political factors for students and the practices of school districts.
Candidate knows news reports about emerging challenges such as privacy, social media (e g , cyberbullying), and safety.
Candidate knows a desired prioritized approach for identifying district and school needs.
Candidate knows research on the implications of culture, societal trends, economic conditions, laws, and political factors for the students, schools, staff, and practices of school districts
Candidate knows research on emerging challenges such as privacy, social media (e.g., cyberbullying), and safety
Candidate know approaches and prioritization processes for identifying district and school needs
Candidate understands research on the implications of culture, societal trends, economic conditions, laws, and political factors for the students, schools, staff, and practices of school districts.
Candidate understands research on emerging challenges such as privacy, social media (e g , cyberbullying), and safety.
Candidate understands approaches and prioritization processes for identifying district and school needs.
Candidate understands and synthesizes research on the implications of culture, societal trends, economic conditions, laws, and political factors for the students, schools, staff, and practices of school districts.
Candidate understands and synthesizes research on emerging challenges such as privacy, social media (e.g., cyber-bullying), and safety.
Candidate understands and synthesizes approaches and prioritization processes for identifying district and school needs
NELP District Level (2018): 7:
Building Professional Capacity
- Building Professional Capacity
Educational Leadership Skills
Candidates demonstrate skills required to use evidence to evaluate district needs and priorities vis-à-vis education policy conversations and emerging challenges; represent the district and its priorities and needs at the local, state, and national level; and advocate for the needs and priorities of the district at the local, state, and national level.NELP 7.4
Candidate evaluates district needs in relation to educational policy.
Candidate represents the needs of the district at the local and state levels
Candidate evaluates district needs and priorities in relation to educational policy and emerging challenges.
Candidate represents and advocates for the needs and priorities of the district at the local, state, and national level.
Candidate evaluates district needs and priorities in relation to educational policy and emerging challenges with the district leadership team
Candidate represents and advocates for the needs and priorities of the district at the local, state, and national level with the district leadership team
Candidate evaluates district needs and priorities in relation to educational policy and emerging challenges with the district and school leadership teams and the board
Candidate represents and advocates for the needs and priorities of the district at the local, state, and national level with the district and school leadership teams and the board.
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
EdD EDL District - EDL 7113 Mission Action Plan Detail
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Set Title:
NELP DL (2018) - National Educational Leadership Preparation - District Level
Standard Title: Operations and Management
Standard Identifier:
Standard Description:
Mapped to:
Set Title:
NELP District Level (2018): 6: Operations and Management
Candidates who successfully complete a district-level educational leadership preparation program understand and demonstrate the capacity to promote the current and future success and well-being of each student and adult by applying the knowledge, skills, and commitments necessary to develop, monitor, evaluate, and manage data-informed and equitable district systems for operations, resources, technology, and human capital management
Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to evaluate management and operation systems; use data and research to propose designs for improving the coordination and impact of district management, communication, technology, governance, and operation systems; communicate with relevant stakeholders about the relationship between the district’s management, operation, and governance systems and the district’s mission and vision; and develop an implementation plan toNELP 6
NELP DL (2018) - National Educational Leadership Preparation - District Level
Standard Title: Mission, Vision, and Improvement
Standard Identifier:
Standard Description:
Mapped to:
NELP District Level (2018): 1: Mission, Vision, and Improvement
Candidates who successfully complete a district-level educational leadership preparation program understand and demonstrate the capacity to promote the current and future success and well-being of each student and adult by applying the knowledge, skills, and commitments necessary to collaboratively lead, design, and implement a school mission, vision, and process for continuous improvement that reflects a core set of values and priorities that include data use, technology, equity, diversity, digital citizenship, and community.
District Rubric Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to evaluate existing mission and vision processes and statements; collaboratively design an actionable district mission and vision attentive to such considerations as data use, technology, values, equity, diversity, digital citizenship, and community; and develop a comprehensive plan for communicating the mission and vision to multiple constituencies. NELP 1.1
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Set Title:
NELP DL (2018) - National Educational Leadership Preparation - District Level
Standard Title: Building Professional Capacity
Standard Identifier: NELP District Level (2018): 7: Building Professional Capacity
Standard Description:
Mapped to:
Candidates who successfully complete a district-level educational leadership preparation program understand and demonstrate the capacity to promote the present and future success and well-being of students and district personnel by applying the knowledge, skills, and commitments necessary to cultivate relationships, lead collaborative decision making and governance, and represent and advocate for district needs in broader policy conversations
Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to represent the district and its mission, strengths, and needs to the board of education; cultivate a positive, respectful, and responsive relationship with the board; advocate for board actions that will support the mission and vision of the district and meet district needs. NELP 7.1 / Content Candidate knowledge of research and best practice concerning effective systems for district governance; processes for engaging multiple and diverse community stakeholders; and developing and sustaining effective board relations. NELP 7.2 / Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to evaluate district governance and stakeholder engagement systems; design governance systems that engage multiple and diverse stakeholder groups; implement strategies (i.e., communication) that support stakeholder engagement in district governance; and cultivate and coordinate an effective collaborative system for district governance NELP 7 2 / Content Candidate knowledge of educational policy, laws, rules, and regulations; educational policy systems, formulation, adoption, and actors; strategies for accessing information about: (a) policy, (b) local, state, and federal contexts, and (c) the policy implications for various contexts; strategies for collaborating with and/or influencing local, state, and federal policy and policy leaders. NELP 7.3 / Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to evaluate the implications of educational policy for district practices; develop a plan for the implementation of laws, rights, policies, and regulations; communicate about district, state, and national policy, laws, rules, and regulations; and coordinate decisions and district policies with policies and/or regulations from local, state, and federal policy entities NELP 7 3 / Content Candidate knowledge of research on the implications of culture, societal trends, economic conditions, laws, and political factors for the students, schools, staff, and practices of school districts; research on emerging challenges such as privacy, social media (i.e., cyber-bullying), and safety; approaches for identifying district and school needs; and prioritization processes. NELP 7.4 / Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to use evidence to evaluate district needs and priorities vis-à-vis education policy conversations and emerging challenges; represent the district and its priorities and needs at the local, state, and national level; and advocate for the needs and priorities of the district at the local, state, and national level.NELP 7.4
EdD EDL District - EDL 7114 Code of Ethics Reflection
Structured External Assignment: Labor Negotiations and Law
District Leaders - Candidates produces an extended reflection that describes research based best practices on the role of the Code of Ethics in the educational dilemma of collective bargaining and the strategies to anticipate and prevent difficulties, such as grievances, related to the moral and legal issues in decision making. Candidate describes the relationship between the superintendent and the board, and the law and professional ethical standards, and the process of collaborative bargaining. Candidate plans strategies to avoid violations of the law, the collaborative bargaining agreement, and ethical conduct. Candidate includes in the plan steps toward the successful and early resolution of grievances. Candidate participates in contract negotiations, and describes and reflects on the process, the challenges, the impasses, and the solutions. Candidate will produce advocacy communication products promoting resources, finances, and staff support for learning communities for the improvement of instruction.
EdD EDL District - EDL 7114 Code of Ethics Reflection Detail
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Rubric Title:
EdD EDL District - EDL 7114 Code of Ethics Reflection
Mapped standards: NELP District Level (2018): 2: Ethics and Professional Norms - Ethics and Professional Norms / WilmU (2015): 2: Written Communication - Written Communication
Enable the N/A option for assessment
Rubric Structure
District Rubric Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to evaluate ethical dimensions of complex issues, including stewardship and use of district resources; analyze decisions in terms of established ethical frameworks; and advocate for ethical decisions. NELP 2.2
Candidate evaluates ethical dimensions of complex issues, including stewardship and use of district resources through personal experience.
Candidate advocates for ethical decisions that match personal beliefs.
Candidate evaluates ethical dimensions of complex issues, including stewardship and use of district resources through an analysis of an established ethical framework
Candidate develops a communication plan and advocates for ethical decisions.
Candidate evaluates ethical dimensions of complex issues, including stewardship and use of district resources through an analysis of an established ethical framework with the district leadership team.
Candidate develops a communication plan and advocates for ethical decisions with the district leadership team.
Candidate evaluates ethical dimensions of complex issues, including stewardship and use of district resources through an analysis of an established ethical framework with the district and school leadership teams, the board and stakeholders
Candidate develops a communication plan and advocates for ethical decisions with the district and school leadership teams, the board and stakeholders.
Candidate knowledge of ethical practice; and approaches to cultivating ethical behavior in others. NELP 2.3
Candidate knows ethical practice Candidate knows ethical practice and approaches to cultivate ethical behavior in others.
Candidate understands ethical practice and approaches to cultivate ethical behavior in others.
Candidate understands and synthesizes ethical practice and approaches to cultivate ethical behavior in others Page 1 of 3
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Paige Minutola
NELP District Level (2018): 2: Ethics and Professional Norms - Ethics and Professional Norms
Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to model ethical behavior in their personal conduct and relationships with others; and cultivate ethical behavior in others. NELP 2.3
Candidate models ethical behavior on occasion.
Candidate models ethical behavior in his/her personal conduct and relationships with others.
Candidate cultivates ethical behavior in others.
Candidate models ethical behavior in his/her personal conduct and relationships with others in cooperation with the district leadership team.
Candidate cultivates ethical behavior in others in cooperation with the district leadership team
Candidate models ethical behavior in his/her personal conduct and relationships with others in cooperation with the district and school leadership teams, the board and stakeholders.
Candidate cultivates ethical behavior in others in cooperation with the district and school leadership teams, the board and stakeholders
WilmU (2015): 2: Written Communication - Written Communication
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Set Title:
NELP DL (2018) - National Educational Leadership Preparation - District Level
Standard Title: Ethics and Professional Norms
Standard Identifier: NELP District Level (2018): 2: Ethics and Professional Norms
Standard Description:
Candidates who successfully complete a district-level educational leadership preparation program understand and demonstrate the capacity to promote the current and future success and well-being of each student and adult by applying the knowledge, skills, and commitments necessary to understand and demonstrate the capacity to advocate for ethical decisions and cultivate and enact professional norms
Mapped to: District Rubric Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to evaluate ethical dimensions of complex issues, including stewardship and use of district resources; analyze decisions in terms of established ethical frameworks; and advocate for ethical decisions.NELP 2.2 / Candidate knowledge of ethical practice; and approaches to cultivating ethical behavior in others NELP 2 3
Set Title: WilmU (2015) - WilmU Graduate and Undergraduate Graduation Competencies
Standard Title: Written Communication
Standard Identifier:
Standard Description:
WilmU (2015): 2: Written Communication
Write with clarity and precision using correct English grammar: mechanics (punctuation) and usage (sentence structure and vocabulary), AND exhibit competence in writing for specific purposes, diverse audiences, and genres, AND correctly and ethically present scholarly writings utilizing the selected citation and writing style deemed appropriate for the student’s program of study.
Mapped to: Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to model ethical behavior in their personal conduct and relationships with others; and cultivate ethical behavior in others. NELP 2.3
EdD EDL District - EDL 7116 Ed Trends Report
Structured External Assignment: Security and Safety
District Leaders
Each candidate will develop a Collaborative Comprehensive Safety and Security Implementation and Communication Plan for providing district faculty, staff, students, parents and other stakeholders with a safe and secure district learning environment. The communication plan needs to be sure and include strategies to support student self-management, civic literacy, citizenship, and positive leadership skills. The plan needs to address evidence from a Collaborative Safety and Security Audit Plan of the district grounds, and information systems and includes both protections for physical safety and personal information security as well as a plan of action in a crisis. Based on a review and analysis of the district based discipline data, candidate designs and implements a collaborative Discipline Management Plan for improvement of the district environment and communication with the district community.
Generated by: Paige
Rubric Title:
Mapped standards: -
Enable the N/A option for assessment
Rubric Structure
District Rubric Course Content
Objective Candidate knowledge of school strategies supporting safe and secure learning environments including prevention, crisis management, and public relations.
Candidate knows strategies to support safe learning environments.
Candidate knows strategies to support safe and secure learning environments.
Course Leadership Objective
Candidate demonstrates skills required to develop a comprehensive plan for providing school staff, students, and visitors with a safe and secure school building environment.
Candidate develops a plan for district safety and security.
Candidate develops a comprehensive plan for school safety and security.
Candidate understands and communicates to the faculty, staff and parents’ strategies to support safe and secure learning environments.
Candidate understands and communicates to the faculty, staff parents and stakeholders’ strategies to support safe and secure learning environments.
Candidate develops a comprehensive plan for district safety and security in collaboration with the district leadership team
Candidate develops a comprehensive plan for district safety and security in collaboration with the district leadership team and outside experts.
EdD EDL District - EDL 7117 Trauma Informed Plan
Structured External Assignment:
District Leaders
Candidates will determine the make-up of the district climate. They will develop a trauma-informed plan using the six key principles (Safety, Trustworthiness, Peer Support, Collaboration, Empowerment, and Cultural, Historical, and Gender Issues) as a framework to lead for success academically and emotionally for all students. The plan will include a design for “taking the temperature” regularly of the district climate. Candidates should include the ways in which social agencies will become interwoven into the district’s operations. Candidates will include in the plan a design for the district to have high expectations and high level supports for all of the district’s children, teachers and other district employees that will be communicated to all persons in the organization and the community. The plan for safety and security (EDL 7116) and the plan for responsive school climate (EDL 7117) should show a relationship.
EdD EDL District - EDL 7117 Trauma Informed Plan Detail
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Rubric Title: EdD EDL District - EDL 7117 Trauma Informed Plan
Mapped standards: -
Enable the N/A option for assessment
Rubric Structure
Course Content Objective
Candidate knowledge of trauma informed principle use in determining the climate within the district.
1 Point
Candidate is aware of trauma informed principles for use in determining the climate of the district
Candidate knows trauma informed principles for use in determining the climate of the district.
Candidate understands and collaborates with the teacher leadership team about trauma informed principles for use in determining and foster a positive district climate.
Candidate collaborates, understands and communicates with the teacher leadership team, faculty, staff and stakeholders about trauma informed principles for use in determining and promoting a positive and inclusive district climate.
1 Point 2 Points
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Course Leadership Objective
Candidate demonstration skills required to use climate indicators, trauma informed principles and high levels of support for communicating and creating a comprehensive plan for a responsive and inclusive climate within the district.
Candidate promotes the effective use of trauma informed principles.
Candidate observes the use of a plan for a responsive and inclusive climate within the district
Candidate models and promotes trauma informed principles.
Candidate observes, analyzes, monitors and evaluates a comprehensive plan for a responsive and inclusive climate within the district
Candidate frequently and effectively models and integrates trauma informed principles
Candidate observes and teaches the administrative leadership team high levels of communication to support a responsive and inclusive climate within the district.
Candidate monitors, analyzes, evaluates, shares and presents a comprehensive plan for a responsive and inclusive climate within the district to schools and parents
Candidate frequently and effectively models, utilizes, practices and integrates trauma informed principles.
Candidate observes and teaches the administrative leadership team and the school board high levels of communication to support a responsive and inclusive climate within the district
Candidate partners with the board, administrative leadership team, faulty and community stakeholders in monitoring, analyzing, evaluating, sharing and presenting a comprehensive plan for a responsive and inclusive climate within the district.
EdD EDL District - EDL 7201 Advocacy Plan
Structured External Assignment: Managing Finance
District Leaders
District candidates should analyze the district’s needs and resources in cooperation with advisory groups made up of parents and community partners. Candidates collaboratively identify and prioritize strategic, long term needs, and tactical, short term needs, for the district. The identified needs are incorporated into a three-year plan that sets priorities. The long-term plan contains facility and space utilization plans. The short term plan includes the operational policies and procedures and the improvement of the educational environment. There is a plan that incorporates implementation, communication, and management for fiscal and human resources and how the district will support the schools. Technology is used to manage the district’s operational systems. The candidate should consider what should be sought from partnerships, grants and nontraditional sources to accomplish these strategic and tactical plans in alignment with the district’s mission.
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Rubric Title:
Mapped standards:
Enable the N/A option for assessment
Rubric Structure
EdD EDL District - EDL 7201 Advocacy Plan
NELP District Level (2018): 6: Operations and Management - Operations and Management
Candidate knowledge of school and district-based budgeting; processes for gathering, synthesizing, and evaluating data to develop resourcing plans; research and best practices for allocating districtand school-level resources to support equity and excellence; methods for accessing and integrating external resources into the district and schools.
District Rubric NELP 6.2 Content
Candidate studies school and district-based budgeting
Candidate identifies processes for gathering, synthesizing and evaluating data to develop resource plans
Candidate knows school and district-based budgeting
Candidate knows processes for gathering, synthesizing and evaluating data to develop resource plans
Candidate understands school and district-based budgeting
Candidate understands processes for gathering, synthesizing and evaluating data to develop resource plans
Candidate understands research and best practices for allocating district and school resources to support equity and excellence
Candidate understands methods for accessing and integrating external resources into the district and schools.
Candidate understands and synthesizes school and districtbased budgeting.
Candidate understands and synthesizes processes for gathering, synthesizing and evaluating data to develop resource plans.
Candidate understands and synthesizes research and best practices for allocating district and school resources to support equity and excellence
Candidate understands and synthesizes methods for accessing and integrating external resources into the district and schools
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Candidates demonstrate skills required to use data to evaluate district resource needs and practices; use research and data to design an equitable district resourcing plan and support schools in designing school resourcing plans that coordinate resources with needs; communicate about district resources needs and plans; and develop an implementation plan for the district’s resourcing plan.
NELP 6.2 Educational Leadership Skills
Candidate studies district resource needs and practices based on data
Candidate evaluates district resource needs and practices based on data in coordination with the district leadership team.
Candidate evaluates district resource needs and practices based on data in coordination with the district leadership team.
Candidate uses data to design an equitable district resourcing plan
Candidate develops an implementation plan for the district’s resource needs.
Candidate requires schools design school resourcing plans that coordinate resource needs across the district.
Candidate uses research and data to design an equitable district resourcing plan with the district leadership team.
Candidate uses research and data to design an equitable district resourcing plan with the district leadership team.
Candidate evaluates district resource needs and practices based on data in coordination with the district and school leadership teams, the board and stakeholders
Candidate develops a communication plan and an implementation plan for the district’s resource needs with the district leadership team
Candidate supports schools in designing school resourcing plans that coordinate resource needs across the district with the district leadership team
Candidate develops a communication plan and an implementation plan for the district’s resource needs with the district leadership team
Candidate supports schools in designing school resourcing plans that coordinate resource needs across the district with the district leadership team
Candidate uses research and data to design an equitable district resourcing plan with the district and school leadership teams, the board and stakeholders.
Candidate develops a communication plan and an implementation plan for the district’s resource needs with the district and school leadership teams, the board and stakeholders.
Candidate supports schools in designing school resourcing plans that coordinate resource needs across the district with the district and school leadership teams, the board and stakeholders NELP District Level (2018): 6:
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Set Title:
NELP DL (2018) - National Educational Leadership Preparation - District Level
Standard Title: Operations and Management
Standard Identifier: NELP District Level (2018): 6: Operations and Management
Standard Description:
Mapped to:
Candidates who successfully complete a district-level educational leadership preparation program understand and demonstrate the capacity to promote the current and future success and well-being of each student and adult by applying the knowledge, skills, and commitments necessary to develop, monitor, evaluate, and manage data-informed and equitable district systems for operations, resources, technology, and human capital management
Candidate knowledge of school and district-based budgeting; processes for gathering, synthesizing, and evaluating data to develop resourcing plans; research and best practices for allocating district- and school-level resources to support equity and excellence; methods for accessing and integrating external resources into the district and schools. District Rubric NELP 6.2 Content / Candidates demonstrate skills required to use data to evaluate district resource needs and practices; use research and data to design an equitable district resourcing plan and support schools in designing school resourcing plans that coordinate resources with needs; communicate about district resources needs and plans; and develop an implementation plan for the district’s resourcing plan. NELP 6.2 Educational Leadership Skills
EdD EDL District - EDL 7590 Written Presentation
Structured External Assignment: School Leadership Theory & Practice
District Leaders
Bennis and Goldsmith (2010) assert that as adult learners, “we learn best when we are committed to taking charge of our own learning” (p. xxi). The final paper for EDL7590 is a Personal Plan for Your Professional Leadership Development. The required elements of your plan are: (1) your personal philosophy of reflective leadership; (2) a vision for your leadership development during the doctoral program; (3) your learning goals for the first year of your doctoral studies; (4) a list of possible learning activities and locations associated with each of your goals that includes modeling; (5) your plan for practice; (6) your coach and a resource list (targeted to interactions with stakeholders) targeted to each of your learning goals; and (7) outcome indicators for each of your goals that can be used to assess your leadership development progress. Do not feel as though you are limited only to the required elements; your Personal Professional Growth plan can include anything you feel will enhance your learning and your leadership knowledge and skills. Be creative in thinking about and presenting your ideas for gaining the personal, team, organizational, community, and life experiences that you think will make you a more effective leader in your organization.
Both content and presentation of your Personal Leadership Development Plan count.
DIRECTIONS: Written Presentation Guidelines
Your personal leadership development plan should be formatted (headings, spacing, citation format, etc.) according to The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th Ed. (2011).
The paper should be edited and polished. Do not submit a first draft. Allow enough time, so you or someone else can proofread the document. Make sure: Material is well-organized and the flow is facilitated by use of transitions, headings and sub-headings.
Sentences are clear, well-constructed and varied in complexity.
Grammar is correct. (See Publication Manual of APA, p.87-104)
Punctuation is appropriate.
Quoting is done according to APA guidelines. Jargon, wordiness and redundancy are minimized.
Follow The American Psychological Association, 6th Ed. in preparing your list of print and electronic resources. For people included in your resource list include the following information: (1) name; (2) current position; (3) organizational affiliation; (3) address, telephone number and e-mail.
Be sure all resources (people and information) cited in your Personal Leadership Development Plan appear in your list of references and vice-versa.
This is the Structured External Assignment for this course. It is worth 100 points and counts for one-third of your final grade in this course. Your instructor will discuss this assignment further in class. The grading rubric is posted in Blackboard.
Note: Your Leadership Development Plan is a living document. It will continue to evolve over the course of your studies as you explore, learn and receive feedback from your instructors and classmates. There will be changes in your vision, learning goals, planned learning activities and in the list of relevant resources over-time. Each year you will be asked to submit an up-dated version of your Leadership Development Plan with an acknowledgement of progress on goals for the previous year and a new set of goals for the current year of your program.
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Rubric Title:
Mapped standards:
Enable the N/A option for assessment
Rubric Structure
EdD EDL District - EDL 7590 Written Presentation
NELP District Level (2018): 2: Ethics and Professional Norms - Ethics and Professional Norms
District Rubric Leadership Vision Content Candidate knowledge of reflective practice. NELP 2.1
NELP District Level (2018): 2: Ethics and Professional Norms - Ethics and Professional Norms
Candidate studies reflective practice Candidate knows reflective practice
Candidate understands reflective practice Candidate understands and synthesizes reflective practice
Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to engage in reflective practice. NELP 2.1
Candidate’s vision for own leadership development and reflection is one dimensional or sparse for obtaining insightful leadership change, learning or growth
Candidate’s vision for own leadership development and reflection is grounded in selfassessment but learning, growth, and change is left to the judgement of the evaluator
Candidate’s vision for own leadership development is reflective and multifaceted with thorough self-assessment for learning, growth. Change elements address most goals
Candidate’s vision for own leadership development is reflective grounded in thorough, insightful and deep introspective self- reflection.
The candidate expresses the significant learning, growth, and change in the leadership skills, abilities and qualities that are planned providing the theory and rationale inherent in these activities and the change elements desired.
by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Goals, Activities and Outcomes
1st YearCandidate knowledge of professional norms (i.e., integrity, fairness, transparency, trust, equity, democracy, digital citizenship, diversity, inclusiveness, and the belief that each child can learn) that promote a productive, equitable, and effective district; and approaches to cultivate professional norms in others. NELP 2.1
Candidate acknowledges professional norms (i.e., integrity, fairness, transparency, trust, equity, democracy, digital citizenship, diversity, inclusiveness, and the belief that each child can learn) that promote a productive, equitable and effective district Candidate recognizes approaches to cultivate professional norms in others
Candidate knows professional norms (i.e., integrity, fairness, transparency, trust, equity, democracy, digital citizenship, diversity, inclusiveness, and the belief that each child can learn) that promote a productive, equitable and effective district.
Candidate knows approaches to cultivate professional norms in others
Candidate understands professional norms (i.e., integrity, fairness, transparency, trust, equity, democracy, digital citizenship, diversity, inclusiveness, and the belief that each child can learn) that promote a productive, equitable and effective district
Candidate understands approaches to cultivate professional norms in others.
Candidate understands and synthesizes professional norms (i.e., integrity, fairness, transparency, trust, equity, democracy, digital citizenship, diversity, inclusiveness, and the belief that each child can learn) that promote a productive, equitable and effective district
Candidate understands and synthesizes approaches to cultivate professional norms in others.
EdD EDL District - EDL 7590 Written Presentation Detail
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Educational Leadership Skills
Candidate demonstrates skills required to cultivate professional norms among diverse constituencies.NELP 2.1
Candidate presents goals, activities and measurable outcomes for a 1st year personal leadership development plan.
Candidate presents aligned goals and activities that cultivate professional norms in self and others (i.e., integrity, fairness, transparency, trust, equity, democracy, digital citizenship, diversity, inclusiveness, and the belief that each child can learn) among diverse constituencies using measurable outcomes for a 1st year personal leadership development plan.
Candidate presents aligned goals and activities that cultivate professional norms in self and others (i.e., integrity, fairness, transparency, trust, equity, democracy, digital citizenship, diversity, inclusiveness, and the belief that each child can learn) among diverse constituencies using measurable outcomes for a 1st year personal leadership development plan that is grounded in leadership theory and practice.
Candidate presents aligned goals and activities that cultivate professional norms in self and others (i.e., integrity, fairness, transparency, trust, equity, democracy, digital citizenship, diversity, inclusiveness, and the belief that each child can learn) among diverse constituencies using measurable outcomes for a 1st year personal leadership development plan that is grounded in leadership theory and practice and is substantiated with a clear rationale for the actions.
NELP District Level (2018): 2: Ethics and Professional Norms - Ethics and Professional Norms
Coaching and Resources
Candidate presents a list of coaches and resources
Candidate presents a list of coaches and resources that are matched to the goals, activities and outcomes
Candidate presents a list of coaches and resources that enhances the goals, activities and outcomes and provides a rationale for each item/person listed.
Candidate presents a list of coaches and resources that enhances the goals, activities and outcomes and provides a rationale for each item/person listed and includes information on how this item/person will enrich, improve and empower the candidate’s development
Goals, Activities, Outcomes
Extended Plan for Years 2 and 3.*Content Candidate knowledge of approaches to build organizational culture. NELP 2.1
Candidate studies approaches to build organizational culture.
Candidate knows approaches to build organizational culture.
Candidate understands approaches to build organizational culture.
Candidate understands and synthesizes approaches to build organizational culture
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
NELP District Level (2018): 2: Ethics and Professional Norms
- Ethics and Professional Norms
Educational Leadership Skills Candidate demonstrates skills required to model and cultivate professional norms as a basis for building organizational culture. NELP 2.1
Candidate presents a plan of goals, activities and outcomes as an extension to the 1st year plan.
Candidate presents a plausible plan of aligned goals, activities and outcomes as an extension to the 1st year plan models professional norms (i.e., integrity, fairness, transparency, trust, equity, democracy, digital citizenship, diversity, inclusiveness, and the belief that each child can learn) as a basis for building organizational culture.
Candidate presents a plausible plan of aligned goals, activities and outcomes as an extension to the 1st year plan models professional norms (i.e., integrity, fairness, transparency, trust, equity, democracy, digital citizenship, diversity, inclusiveness, and the belief that each child can learn) as a basis for building organizational culture with an explanation as to why this work is aligned and will enhance the candidate’s personal development.
Candidate presents a plausible plan of aligned goals, activities and outcomes as an extension to the 1st year plan models professional norms (i.e., integrity, fairness, transparency, trust, equity, democracy, digital citizenship, diversity, inclusiveness, and the belief that each child can learn) as a basis for building organizational culture with an explanation as to why this work is aligned and will enhance the candidate’s personal development and how it is related to leadership theory.
Leadership Philosophy
Candidate’s personal philosophy of leadership lacks coherence Main points need support of evidence from experience or readings
Candidate’s personal philosophy of leadership is clear Evidence from experience or readings is minimal.
Candidate’s personal philosophy of leadership is comprehensive It employs credible evidence from experience or readings
Candidate’s personal philosophy of leadership is comprehensive, thorough, insightful, and growth oriented It integrates credible and persuasive evidence from one’s experience or readings.
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Information Candidate acknowledges sources and uses information following the conventions of the social sciences.
Candidate fails to attribute ideas and words to others.
Candidate may show improper use of sources or lack quotation marks.
Candidate uses discipline appropriate citation style of APA, but has errors Errors in citation and references, with ambiguity present.
Candidate uses discipline appropriate citation style of APA with a minor repeated error type Shows proper attribution of ideas. Candidate clearly identifies the work of other scholars whether quoted or paraphrased.
Candidate uses discipline appropriate citation style of APA with no errors Demonstrates consistent and appropriate use of paraphrasing and quotation of sources Shows academic thought in quotes from another author unless paraphrased and cited
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Set Title:
NELP DL (2018) - National Educational Leadership Preparation - District Level
Standard Title: Ethics and Professional Norms
Standard Identifier: NELP District Level (2018): 2: Ethics and Professional Norms
Standard Description:
Mapped to:
Candidates who successfully complete a district-level educational leadership preparation program understand and demonstrate the capacity to promote the current and future success and well-being of each student and adult by applying the knowledge, skills, and commitments necessary to understand and demonstrate the capacity to advocate for ethical decisions and cultivate and enact professional norms
District Rubric Leadership Vision ContentCandidate knowledge of reflective practice. NELP 2.1 / Educational Leadership Skills
Candidates demonstrate skills required to engage in reflective practice NELP 2 1 / Goals, Activities and Outcomes 1st Year
Candidate knowledge of professional norms (i.e., integrity, fairness, transparency, trust, equity, democracy, digital citizenship, diversity, inclusiveness, and the belief that each child can learn) that promote a productive, equitable, and effective district; and approaches to cultivate professional norms in others. NELP 2.1 / Educational Leadership Skills Candidate demonstrates skills required to cultivate professional norms among diverse constituencies NELP 2 1 / Goals, Activities, Outcomes Extended Plan for Years 2 and 3.* Content Candidate knowledge of approaches to build organizational culture.NELP 2.1 / Educational Leadership SkillsCandidate demonstrates skills required to model and cultivate professional norms as a basis for building organizational culture. NELP 2.1
EdD EDL District - EDL 7703 Improvement Plan
Structured External Assignment: Curriculum and Theory
District Leaders
Using a strategic, research-based process for developing a district improvement plan, the district leader candidates will demonstrate instructional leadership skills by identifying curriculum needs in their district and its relationship to the district culture, considering the problem in the context of their philosophy of curriculum theory and research and the theorist with whom they most closely align. They will use data from curricula and technology management systems and choose a planning structure that engages district curriculum supervisors/ directors, principals, assistant principals and teacher leaders in applying it to the curriculum problem(s), including how to implement and evaluate the changes. Candidates will design, develop and present a professional development plan across schools within the district. Candidates will design, develop and present a professional development plan that supports equity and diversity for all students (i.e. special needs population, social and economic status) in the schools with the district. Finally, candidates will collect, analyze and disseminate data related to the quality of the curriculum, instruction, assessment practices and results in the district.
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Rubric Title:
Mapped standards:
Enable the N/A option for assessment
Rubric Structure
EdD EDL District - EDL 7703 Improvement Plan
NELP District Level (2018): 4: Learning and Instruction - Learning and Instruction
District Rubric Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to evaluate (a) curricula, use of technology, and other supports, (b) academic and non-academic systems, and (c) coordination among systems and supports; and use research and evidence to propose designs and implementation strategies for improving coordination and coherence among (a) curricula, instructional technologies, and other supports, and (b) academic and non-academic systems. NELP 4.1
Candidate evaluates systemic practices of curricula and use of technology of the academic programs
Candidate produces a plan for implementation strategies for technology and curricula academic programs and other supports.
Candidate evaluates systemic practices of curricula, use of technology and other supports of the academic and non-academic programs.
Candidate uses the research and produces a plan for the design and implementation strategies for improving coordination and coherence among curricula, instructional technologies and other supports for academic and non-academic programs.
Candidate evaluates systemic practices of curricula, use of technology and other supports of the academic and non-academic programs in cooperation with the district leadership team.
Candidate uses the research and produces a plan for the design and implementation strategies for improving coordination and coherence among curricula, instructional technologies and other supports for academic and non-academic programs with the district leadership team.
Candidate evaluates systemic practices of curricula, use of technology and other supports of the academic and non-academic programs in cooperation with the district and school leadership teams, board and stakeholders
Candidate uses the research and produces a plan for the design and implementation strategies for improving coordination and coherence among curricula, instructional technologies and other supports for academic and non-academic programs with the district leadership team in cooperation with the district and school leadership teams, board, and stakeholders
District Level (2018): 4: Learning and InstructionLearning and Instruction
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Candidate knowledge of research on instructional leadership at the school and district level; research-based approaches on using data to design, implement, and evaluate professional development for teachers and other educational professionals that promotes reflection, digital literacy, distributed leadership, data literacy, equity, improvement, and student success; and research-based approaches to leadership development focused on improving instructional practice (i.e., leader NELP 4.
Candidate knows research on instructional leadership at the school level
Candidate knows to use data to design, implement, and evaluate professional development for teachers (reflection, digital literacy, distributed leadership, equity, data literacy) to improve student success
Candidate knows an approach to coordinating resources and services in support of school’s academic and non-academic services.
Candidate knows research approaches to improve instructional practice ((i.e., coaching, development of professional learning communities, etc )
Candidate knows strategies for supporting school collaboration
Candidate knows research on instructional leadership at the school and district level
Candidate knows research-based approaches in using data to designing, implementing, and evaluating professional development for teachers (reflection, digital literacy, distributed leadership, equity, data literacy) to improve student success.
Candidate knows research approaches in leadership development to improve instructional practice ((i.e., leadership evaluation, coaching, development of professional learning communities, etc.).
Candidate knows approaches and strategies for supporting district and school collaboration.
Candidate understands research on instructional leadership at the school and district level
Candidate understands researchbased approaches in using data to designing, implementing, and evaluating professional development for teachers (reflection, digital literacy, distributed leadership, equity, data literacy) to improve student success.
Candidate understands research approaches in leadership development to improve instructional practice ((i.e., leadership evaluation, coaching, development of professional learning communities, etc.).
Candidate understands approaches and strategies for supporting district and school collaboration.
Candidate understands and synthesizes research on instructional leadership at the school and district level.
Candidate understands and synthesizes research-based approaches in using data to designing, implementing, and evaluating professional development for teachers (reflection, digital literacy, distributed leadership, equity, data literacy) to improve student success.
Candidate understands and synthesizes research approaches in leadership development to improve instructional practice ((i.e., leadership evaluation, coaching, development of professional learning communities, etc )
Candidate understands and synthesizes approaches and strategies for supporting district and school collaboration.
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to use research and data to evaluate the coordination, coherence, and relevance of the district’s systems of support, coaching, and professional development for educators, educational professionals, and leaders; and use research to propose designs and implementation strategies for cultivating systems of support and professional development that promote reflection, digital literacy, distributed leadership, data literac NELP 4.
NELP District Level (2018): 4:
Candidate evaluates practices and resources that support learning for equity, digital literacy and the school’s academic and nonacademic systems.
Candidate uses data to produce a plan for the implementation strategies for cultivating systems of support and professional development that promote digital literacy for student success.
Candidate uses research and data to evaluate systemic practices and resources that support learning for equity, digital literacy and the school’s academic and nonacademic systems
Candidate uses research and produces a plan for the design and implementation strategies for cultivating systems of support and professional development that promote reflection, digital literacy, distributed leadership, data literacy, equity, improvement and student success
Candidate uses research and data to evaluate systemic practices and resources for coordination in support of learning for equity, digital literacy and the school’s academic and non-academic systems.
Candidate uses research and produces a plan for the design and implementation strategies for cultivating systems of support and professional development that promote reflection, digital literacy, distributed leadership, data literacy, equity, improvement and student success through collaboration with the district leadership team
Candidate uses research and data to evaluate systemic practices and resources for coordination and coherence in support of learning for equity, digital literacy and the school’s academic and nonacademic systems.
Candidate uses research and produces a plan for the design and implementation strategies for cultivating systems of support and professional development that promote reflection, digital literacy, distributed leadership, data literacy, equity, improvement and student success through collaboration with the district and school leadership teams, board and stakeholders.
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Content Candidate knowledge of research, theory, and best practice regarding effective and ineffective assessments of academic and non-academic factors (i.e., instruction, student learning and wellbeing, instructional leadership, etc.); research on assessment practices that are culturally responsive and accessible; and research and best practices regarding systems for collecting, analyzing, managing, and utilizing assessment results and other sources of data. NELP 4.3
Candidate is learning the research on effective and ineffective assessment of student learning and well-being.
Candidate is learning culturally responsive assessment practices.
Candidate is learning formative and summative measures that are aligned to student learning and well-being.
Candidate knows systems for collecting and analyzing assessment results and other sources of data of the elements of the curriculum.
Candidate has knowledge of research on effective and ineffective assessment of academic and non-academic factors of student learning and well-being
Candidate knows research on culturally responsive assessment practices and accessible.
Candidate knows formative and summative measures that are aligned to student learning and well-being.
Candidate know systems for coordinating and collecting, analyzing, managing, and utilizing assessment results and other sources of data of the elements of the curriculum
Candidate understands the research on effective and ineffective assessment of academic and non-academic factors student learning and wellbeing
Candidate understands the research on culturally responsive assessment practices and accessible
Candidate understands the formative and summative measures that are aligned to student learning and well-being
Candidate understands the systems for coordinating and collecting, analyzing, managing, and utilizing assessment results and other sources of data of the elements of the curriculum.
Candidate understands and synthesizes the research on effective and ineffective assessment of academic and nonacademic factors student learning and well-being
Candidate understands and synthesizes research on culturally responsive assessment practices and accessible
Candidate understands and synthesizes formative and summative measures that are aligned to student learning and well-being.
Candidate understands and synthesizes systems for coordinating and collecting, analyzing, managing, and utilizing assessment results and other sources of data of the elements of the curriculum.
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Educational Leadership Skills
Candidates demonstrate skills required to evaluate the quality of formative and summative assessments of student learning; evaluate coordination and coherence among academic and nonacademic assessments and use data from these sources to support instructional improvement, student learning and well-being, and instructional leadership; and use research to propose designs and implementation strategies for district-wide assessment systems that are culturally r NELP 4.
Candidate presents research of formative and summative assessments for learning
Candidate evaluates the coherence among academic and nonacademic assessments.
Candidate uses data to support instructional improvement and student learning
Candidate reviews research to implement strategies for districtwide assessment systems that are culturally responsive and accessible.
Candidate presents research to evaluate the quality of formative and summative assessments for learning.
Candidate evaluates the coordination and coherence among academic and non-academic assessments.
Candidate uses data from evaluated sources to support instructional improvement, student learning and well-being, and instructional leadership.
Candidate uses research to design and implement strategies for district-wide assessment systems that are culturally responsive and accessible.
Candidate presents with the district leadership team research to evaluate the quality of formative and summative assessments for learning.
Candidate evaluates the coordination and coherence among academic and non-academic assessments with the district leadership team
Candidate uses data from evaluated sources to support instructional improvement, student learning and well-being, and instructional leadership with the district leadership team.
Candidate uses research in collaboration with the district leadership team to design and implement strategies for districtwide assessment systems that are culturally responsive and accessible.
Candidate presents with the district and school leadership teams, board and stakeholders research to evaluate the quality of formative and summative assessments for learning
Candidate evaluates the coordination and coherence among academic and nonacademic assessments with the district and school leadership teams, board and stakeholders.
Candidate uses data from evaluated sources to support instructional improvement, student learning and well-being, and instructional leadership with the district and school leadership teams, board and stakeholders.
Candidate uses research in collaboration with the district and school leadership teams, board and stakeholders to design and implement strategies for districtwide assessment systems that are culturally responsive and accessible
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Content Candidate knowledge of research on the coordination (or lack thereof) within and among academic and non-academic services and its impact on student learning and well-being; appropriate and ethical use of data to monitor and continuously improve the district’s curriculum, instruction, and assessment practices; and approaches and strategies for developing and implementing coherent and equitable systems of curriculum, instruction, assessment, student services, technology, and ins NELP 4.
Candidate review research on the coordination of academic and nonacademic services’ impact on student learning and well-being.
Candidate knows appropriate and ethical use of data to improve the district’s curriculum, instruction, and assessment practices.
Candidates knows strategies for developing and implementing systems of curriculum, instruction, assessment, student services, technology, and instructional resources
Candidate knows research on the coordination of academic and nonacademic services’ impact on student learning and well-being.
Candidate knows appropriate and ethical use of data to continuously improve the district’s curriculum, instruction, and assessment practices.
Candidates knows approaches and strategies for developing and implementing coherent and equitable systems of curriculum, instruction, assessment, student services, technology, and instructional resources.
Candidate understands research on the coordination of academic and non-academic services’ impact on student learning and well-being.
Candidate understands appropriate and ethical use of data to continuously improve the district’s curriculum, instruction, and assessment practices.
Candidates understands approaches and strategies for developing and implementing coherent and equitable systems of curriculum, instruction, assessment, student services, technology, and instructional resources
Candidate understands and synthesizes research on the coordination of academic and nonacademic services’ impact on student learning and well-being.
Candidate understands and synthesizes appropriate and ethical use of data to continuously improve the district’s curriculum, instruction, and assessment practices.
Candidates understands and synthesizes approaches and strategies for developing and implementing coherent and equitable systems of curriculum, instruction, assessment, student services, technology, and instructional resources.
NELP District Level (2018): 4:
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Educational Leadership Skills
Candidates demonstrate skills required to engage appropriate staff in gathering, synthesizing, and using data to evaluate the quality, coordination, and coherence in and among the district’s academic and non- academic services; use research to propose designs and implementation strategies for improving coordination and coherence among the district’s academic and non-academic systems; and use technology and performance management systems to monitor, analyze NELP 4.
Candidate engage staff in gathering, data to evaluate results in the district’s academic and nonacademic services.
Candidate uses research to implement strategies for improving academic and non-academic systems.
Candidate uses technology and performance management systems to evaluate district assessment results
Candidate engage staff in gathering, synthesizing, and using data to evaluate the quality, coordination, and coherence in the district’s academic and nonacademic services
Candidate uses research to propose designs and implementation strategies for improving coordination and coherence among the district’s academic and non-academic systems
Candidate uses technology and performance management systems to monitor, analyze, and evaluate district curriculum, instruction, services, assessment practices, and results.
Candidate engage staff in gathering, synthesizing, and using data to evaluate the quality, coordination, and coherence in the district’s academic and nonacademic services through ongoing work with the district leadership team
Candidate uses research to propose designs and implementation strategies for improving coordination and coherence among the district’s academic and non-academic systems through collaboration with the district leadership team.
Candidate uses technology and performance management systems to monitor, analyze, and evaluate district curriculum, instruction, services, assessment practices, and results through collaboration with the district leadership team.
Candidate engage staff in gathering, synthesizing, and using data to evaluate the quality, coordination, and coherence in the district’s academic and nonacademic services through ongoing work with the district and school leadership teams, board and stakeholders.
Candidate uses research to propose designs and implementation strategies for improving coordination and coherence among the district’s academic and non-academic systems through collaboration with the district and school leadership teams, board and stakeholders
Candidate uses technology and performance management systems to monitor, analyze, and evaluate district curriculum, instruction, services, assessment practices, and results through collaboration with the district and school leadership teams, board and stakeholders.
EdD EDL District - EDL 7703 Improvement Plan Detail
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Set Title: NELP DL (2018) - National Educational Leadership Preparation - District Level
Standard Title: Learning and Instruction
Standard Identifier: NELP District Level (2018): 4: Learning and Instruction
Standard Description:
Candidates who successfully complete a district-level educational leadership preparation programunderstand and demonstrate the capacity to promote the current and future success and well-being of each student and adult by applying the knowledge, skills, and commitments necessary to evaluate, design, cultivate, and implement coherent systems of curriculum, instruction, data systems, supports, assessment, and instructional leadership
EdD EDL District - EDL 7703 Improvement Plan Detail
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Mapped to:
District Rubric Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to evaluate (a) curricula, use of technology, and other supports, (b) academic and non-academic systems, and (c) coordination among systems and supports; and use research and evidence to propose designs and implementation strategies for improving coordination and coherence among (a) curricula, instructional technologies, and other supports, and (b) academic and non-academic systems.NELP 4.1 / Content Candidate knowledge of research on instructional leadership at the school and district level; research-based approaches on using data to design, implement, and evaluate professional development for teachers and other educational professionals that promotes reflection, digital literacy, distributed leadership, data literacy, equity, improvement, and student success; and research-based approaches to leadership development focused on improving instructional practice (i.e., leader NELP 4. /
Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to use research and data to evaluate the coordination, coherence, and relevance of the district’s systems of support, coaching, and professional development for educators, educational professionals, and leaders; and use research to propose designs and implementation strategies for cultivating systems of support and professional development that promote reflection, digital literacy, distributed leadership, data literac NELP 4. / Content Candidate knowledge of research, theory, and best practice regarding effective and ineffective assessments of academic and non-academic factors (i e , instruction, student learning and well-being, instructional leadership, etc ); research on assessment practices that are culturally responsive and accessible; and research and best practices regarding systems for collecting, analyzing, managing, and utilizing assessment results and other sources of data NELP 4 3 / Educational
Leadership SkillsCandidates demonstrate skills required to evaluate the quality of formative and summative assessments of student learning; evaluate coordination and coherence among academic and non-academic assessments and use data from these sources to support instructional improvement, student learning and well-being, and instructional leadership; and use research to propose designs and implementation strategies for district-wide assessment systems that are culturally rNELP 4 / Content Candidate knowledge of research on the coordination (or lack thereof) within and among academic and non-academic services and its impact on student learning and well-being; appropriate and ethical use of data to monitor and continuously improve the district’s curriculum, instruction, and assessment practices; and approaches and strategies for developing and implementing coherent and equitable systems of curriculum, instruction, assessment, student services, technology, and ins NELP 4 / Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to engage appropriate staff in gathering, synthesizing, and using data to evaluate the quality, coordination, and coherence in and among the district’s academic and non- academic services; use research to propose designs and implementation strategies for improving coordination and coherence among the district’s academic and non-academic systems; and use technology and performance management systems to monitor, analyzeNELP 4
EdD EDL District - EDL 7704 Transformational Improvement Plan
Candidate chooses a curriculum area and researches root causes of bias and inequity. Candidate develops a transformational district improvement plan to extend and achieve high expectations and learning for all students. The plan should include an analysis of current curricular practices in regard to cultural responsiveness. The candidate will also critique the existing policies regarding equity, inclusiveness and culturally responsiveness among teachers and staff. Candidate develops and advocates for policies and procedures that cultivate equitable, inclusive and culturally responsive practices among teachers and staff.
EDL District - EDL 7704 Transformational Improvement Plan Detail
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Rubric Title:
Mapped standards:
EdD EDL District - EDL 7704 Transformational Improvement Plan
NELP District Level (2018): 3: Equity, Inclusiveness, and Cultural Responsiveness - Equity, Inclusiveness, and Cultural Responsiveness
Enable the N/A option for assessment
Rubric Structure
District Rubric Content
Candidate knowledge of research on the consequences for students of equitable and inequitable use of educational resources and opportunities; equitable allocation of educational opportunities and resources, including instructional materials, technologies, classrooms, teachers, interventions, and adult relationships; and broader social and political concerns with equity and inequality in the use of educational resources and opportunities. NELP 3.2
Candidate reads about research on equitable and inequitable use of educational resources and opportunities.
Candidate acquaints self with equitable allocation of educational opportunities and resources, including instructional materials, technologies, classrooms, and teachers
Candidate knows local social and political concerns with equity and inequality in the use of educational resources
Candidate knows research on the consequences for students of equitable and inequitable use of educational resources and opportunities.
Candidate knows equitable allocation of educational opportunities and resources, including instructional materials, technologies, classrooms, teachers, interventions, and adult relationships.
Candidate knows broader social and political concerns with equity and inequality in the use of educational resources and opportunities
Candidate understands research on the consequences for students of equitable and inequitable use of educational resources and opportunities.
Candidate understands equitable allocation of educational opportunities and resources, including instructional materials, technologies, classrooms, teachers, interventions, and adult relationships.
Candidate understands broader social and political concerns with equity and inequality in the use of educational resources and opportunities
Candidate understands and synthesizes research on the consequences for students of equitable and inequitable use of educational resources and opportunities
Candidate understands and synthesizes equitable allocation of educational opportunities and resources, including instructional materials, technologies, classrooms, teachers, interventions, and adult relationships.
Candidate understands and synthesizes broader social and political concerns with equity and inequality in the use of educational resources and opportunities.
NELP District Level (2018): 3: Equity, Inclusiveness, and Cultural ResponsivenessEquity, Inclusiveness, and Cultural Responsiveness
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Educational Leadership Skills Candidate demonstrates skills required to evaluate sources of inequality and bias in the allocation of educational opportunities and resources, including instructional materials, technologies, classrooms, teachers, interventions, and adult relationships; cultivate the equitable use of educational resources and opportunities through procedures, guidelines, norms, and values; and advocate for equitable access to educational resources, procedures, and opportu NELP 3.
Candidate evaluates sources of inequality and bias in allocation of resources including instructional materials, technologies, classrooms and teachers.
Candidate creates guidelines, norms and values for equitable resource use
Candidate advocates for equitable access to educational resources
Candidate evaluates sources of inequality and bias in allocation of resources and opportunities including instructional materials, technologies, classrooms, teachers, interventions, and adult relationships.
Candidate creates procedures, guidelines, norms and values for equitable resource and opportunity use
Candidate advocates for equitable access to educational resources, procedures and opportunities.
Candidate evaluates sources of inequality and bias in allocation of resources and opportunities including instructional materials, technologies, classrooms, teachers, interventions, and adult relationships with the district leadership team.
Candidate creates procedures, guidelines, norms and values for equitable resource and opportunity use with the district leadership team
Candidate advocates for equitable access to educational resources, procedures and opportunities with the district leadership team.
Candidate evaluates sources of inequality and bias in allocation of resources and opportunities including instructional materials, technologies, classrooms, teachers, interventions, and adult relationships with the district and school leadership teams, the board and stakeholders
Candidate creates procedures, guidelines, norms and values for equitable resource and opportunity use with the district and school leadership teams, the board and stakeholders.
Candidate advocates for equitable access to educational resources, procedures and opportunities with the district and school leadership teams, the board and stakeholders.
NELP District Level (2018): 3: Equity, Inclusiveness, and Cultural Responsiveness
Equity, Inclusiveness, and Cultural Responsiveness
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Content Candidate knowledge of culturally responsive instructional and behavior support practices; characteristics and foundations of equitable and inequitable educational practice; research on implications for students of equitable, culturally responsive, and inclusive practice; and broader social and political concerns with equity and inequity in schools and districts.NELP 3.3
Candidate knows responsive instructional and behavior support practices
Candidate knows foundations of equitable and inequitable educational practice.
Candidate knows research on responsive and inclusive practices.
Candidate knows local social and political concerns in the school and district
Candidate knows culturally responsive instructional and behavior support practices
Candidate knows characteristics and foundations of equitable and inequitable educational practice.
Candidate knows research on implications for students of equitable, culturally responsive, and inclusive practices.
Candidate knows broader social and political concerns with equity and inequality in schools and districts.
Candidate understands culturally responsive instructional and behavior support practices
Candidate understands characteristics and foundations of equitable and inequitable educational practice
Candidate understands research on implications for students of equitable, culturally responsive, and inclusive practices.
Candidate understands broader social and political concerns with equity and inequality in schools and districts.
Candidate understands and synthesizes culturally responsive instructional and behavior support practices.
Candidate understands and synthesizes characteristics and foundations of equitable and inequitable educational practice.
Candidate understands and synthesizes research on implications for students of equitable, culturally responsive, and inclusive practices.
Candidate understands and synthesizes broader social and political concerns with equity and inequality in schools and districts.
NELP District Level (2018): 3:
Equity, Inclusiveness, and Cultural ResponsivenessEquity, Inclusiveness, and Cultural Responsiveness
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Educational Leadership Skills
Candidate demonstrates skills required to evaluate root causes of inequity and bias; develop district policies or procedures that cultivate equitable, inclusive, and culturally responsive practice among teachers and staff; advocate for culturally responsive instructional and behavior support practices across the district and its schools NELP 3.3.
Candidate analyzes root causes of inequity and bias.
Candidate develops district policies or procedures that cultivate equitable, inclusive and culturally responsive practice among teachers and staff
Candidate advocates for and cultivates culturally responsive instructonal and behavior support practices among district staff and across district schools
Candidate evaluates root causes of inequality and bias.
Candidate develops district policies or procedures that cultivate equitable, inclusive and culturally responsive practice among teachers and staff
Candidate advocates for and cultivates culturally responsive instructional and behavior support practices among district staff and across district schools
Candidate evaluates root causes of inequity and bias in collaboration with the district leadership team
Candidate develops district policies or procedures that cultivate equitable, inclusive and culturally responsive practice among teachers and staff in collaboration with the district leadership team.
Candidate advocates for and cultivates culturally responsive instructional and behavior support practices among district staff and across district schools in collaboration with the district leadership team.
Candidate evaluates root causes of inequity and bias in collaboration with the school and district leadership teams, the board, and stakeholders.
Candidate develops district policies or procedures that cultivate equitable, inclusive and culturally responsive practice among teachers and staff in collaboration with the school and district leadership teams, the board, and stakeholders
Candidate advocates for and cultivates culturally responsive instructional and behavior support practices among district staff and across district schools in collaboration with the school and district leadership teams the board and stakeholders.
NELP District Level (2018): 3: Equity, Inclusiveness, and Cultural ResponsivenessEquity, Inclusiveness, and Cultural Responsiveness
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Set Title:
NELP DL (2018) - National Educational Leadership Preparation - District Level
Standard Title: Equity, Inclusiveness, and Cultural Responsiveness
Standard Identifier:
Standard Description:
Mapped to:
NELP District Level (2018): 3: Equity, Inclusiveness, and Cultural Responsiveness
Candidates who successfully complete a district-level educational leadership preparation program understand and demonstrate the capacity to promote the current and future success and well-being of each student and adult by applying the knowledge, skills, and commitments necessary to develop and maintain a supportive, equitable, culturally responsive, and inclusive district culture
District Rubric ContentCandidate knowledge of research on the consequences for students of equitable and inequitable use of educational resources and opportunities; equitable allocation of educational opportunities and resources, including instructional materials, technologies, classrooms, teachers, interventions, and adult relationships; and broader social and political concerns with equity and inequality in the use of educational resources and opportunities NELP 3 2 / Educational Leadership Skills Candidate demonstrates skills required to evaluate sources of inequality and bias in the allocation of educational opportunities and resources, including instructional materials, technologies, classrooms, teachers, interventions, and adult relationships; cultivate the equitable use of educational resources and opportunities through procedures, guidelines, norms, and values; and advocate for equitable access to educational resources, procedures, and opportuNELP 3. / Content Candidate knowledge of culturally responsive instructional and behavior support practices; characteristics and foundations of equitable and inequitable educational practice; research on implications for students of equitable, culturally responsive, and inclusive practice; and broader social and political concerns with equity and inequity in schools and districts NELP 3 3 / Educational Leadership Skills Candidate demonstrates skills required to evaluate root causes of inequity and bias; develop district policies or procedures that cultivate equitable, inclusive, and culturally responsive practice among teachers and staff; advocate for culturally responsive instructional and behavior support practices across the district and its schoolsNELP 3.3.
EdD EDL District - EDL 7709 Plan for Diverse Needs
Structured External Assignment: Leading and Managing Human Resources
Candidate develops a plan to meet the information needs of district and stakeholders that begins by placing the district in its social, economic, and political contexts. The plan includes targeted communication and advocacy for district and community needs. The candidate should include identification and means to access resources. Candidate conducts research on faculty and community needs to apply to the plan. The plan reflects a knowledge of district situations and policies in relation to legal, ethical and equity issues and has a design to communicate those issues and needs (communication plan) to the appropriate stakeholders and building personnel. The plan also addresses emerging issues; e.g., privacy, social media and safety. The plan incorporates the steps that should be taken to recruit and select personnel that reflects the diversity of the district and its community that will advance student learning.
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Rubric Title:
Mapped standards:
Enable the N/A option for assessment
Rubric Structure
EdD EDL District - EDL 7709 Plan for Diverse Needs
NELP District Level (2018): 6: Operations and Management - Operations and Management
Building Rubric Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to evaluate resource needs; use data ethically and equitably to develop a multi-year school resourcing plan aligned to the school’s goals and priorities; and advocate for resources in support of needs. NELP 6.2
Candidate reviews resource needs
Candidate uses data ethically and equitably to develop a school year resourcing plan aligned to the school’s goals and priorities.
Candidate advocates for resources.
Candidate evaluates resource needs
Candidate uses data ethically and equitably to develop a multi-year school resourcing plan aligned to the school’s goals and priorities
Candidate advocates for resources in support of needs
Candidate evaluates resource needs in collaboration with the school leadership team.
Candidate uses data ethically and equitably to develop a multi-year school resourcing plan aligned to the school’s goals and priorities in collaboration with the school leadership team
Candidate advocates for resources in support of needs in collaboration with the school leadership team.
Candidate evaluates resource needs in collaboration with the school leadership team, faculty, staff and stakeholders
Candidate uses data ethically and equitably to develop a multi-year school resourcing plan aligned to the school’s goals and priorities in collaboration with the school leadership team, faculty, staff and stakeholders
Candidate advocates for resources in support of needs in collaboration with the school leadership team, faculty, staff and stakeholders
EdD EDL District - EDL 7709 Plan for Diverse Needs Detail
Generated by: Paige
Set Title:
NELP DL (2018) - National Educational Leadership Preparation - District Level
Standard Title: Operations and Management
Standard Identifier: NELP District Level (2018): 6: Operations and Management
Standard Description:
Mapped to:
Candidates who successfully complete a district-level educational leadership preparation program understand and demonstrate the capacity to promote the current and future success and well-being of each student and adult by applying the knowledge, skills, and commitments necessary to develop, monitor, evaluate, and manage data-informed and equitable district systems for operations, resources, technology, and human capital management
Building Rubric Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to evaluate resource needs; use data ethically and equitably to develop a multi-year school resourcing plan aligned to the school’s goals and priorities; and advocate for resources in support of needs. NELP 6.2
EdD EDL District - EDL 8137 Lab of Practice Project
Structured External Assignment
District Leaders
Each candidate must complete 240 clinical or internship hours in the district setting. The Laboratory of Practice is differentiated accordingly for district level roles. It is the setting in which candidates have practical leadership experience and in which each candidate, with consultation with a local leader, identifies a problem of importance to the district that becomes the candidate’s problem of practice.
Candidates must demonstrate competency in all NELP Standards Components. There are defined Learning Outcomes for each NELP Standard Component in the context of district level leadership. In this case a laboratory of practice is the district office with district level experiences. The following Standards Components are shown with a list of possible Learning Outcome experiences and rubric assessments that are provided for every candidate. While recommended Learning Outcome experiences are provided for each Standard Component, as adult learners and leaders, candidates may select a portion of the Learning Outcome experiences with approval from the university advisor and district mentor that are agreed upon by all parties and that fully address the Standard Component(s).
Leadership in Practice
The various district based Learning Outcome experiences make-up the entire project which addresses each NELP Standard Component. The entire project is to be an authentic field based experience of at least 240 clinical internship hours that is rubric scored for the NELP Standard Component being addressed. The identification of the total project and the specific Learning Outcome experiences involved in the project should be driven by the needs of the school and the learning needs and interest of the candidate. A listing of possible Learning Outcomes is provided below for each NELP Standard Component.
For the identification of the candidate’s proposed learning project, the candidate, the university supervisor and the district mentor will agree as to the content, structure, Learning Outcome(s), artifacts and evidence. Each Learning Outcome experience must align with the NELP Standard Component being addressed.
For each project the candidate will describe: the goals of the project; the Learning Outcome(s), tasks and activities of the project; standard(s)/component(s) to be emphasized and how that component is specifically being addressed; findings and analysis of the component(s) addressed; and a reflective response on the impact on K12 student learning, professional learning and innovative practices.
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Rubric Title:
EdD EDL District - EDL 8137 Lab of Practice Project
Mapped standards: NELP District Level (2018): 6: Operations and Management - Operations and Management / NELP District Level (2018): 1:
Mission, Vision, and Improvement - Mission, Vision, and Improvement / NELP District Level (2018): 2: Ethics and Professional
Norms - Ethics and Professional Norms/ NELP District Level (2018): 3: Equity, Inclusiveness, and Cultural ResponsivenessEquity, Inclusiveness, and Cultural Responsiveness/ NELP District Level (2018): 4: Learning and Instruction - Learning and Instruction / NELP District Level (2018): 5: Community and External Leadership - Community and External Leadership/ NELP District Level (2018): 7: Building Professional Capacity- Building Professional Capacity
Enable the N/A option for assessment
Rubric Structure
District Rubric Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to evaluate existing mission and vision processes and statements; collaboratively design an actionable district mission and vision attentive to such considerations as data use, technology, values, equity, diversity, digital citizenship, and community; and develop a comprehensive plan for communicating the mission and vision to multiple constituencies. NELP 1.1
Candidate evaluates existing mission and vision statements and design a district mission and vision being attentive to technology and diversity.
Candidate develops a plan for announcing the mission and vision.
Candidate evaluates existing mission and vision processes and statements and leads collaborative design of a school mission and vision being attentive to values and priorities that include data, technology, values, equity, diversity, digital citizenship, and community
Candidate develops a comprehensive plan for communicating the mission and vision to multiple constituencies
Candidate evaluates existing mission and vision processes and statements and leads collaborative design of a school mission and vision with the school leadership team while being attentive to values and priorities that include data, technology, values, equity, diversity, digital citizenship, and community.
Candidate develops a comprehensive plan for communicating the mission and vision to multiple constituencies. with the district leadership team.
Candidate evaluates existing mission and vision processes and statements and leads collaborative design of a school mission and vision with the school leadership team, faculty, staff and community while being attentive to values and priorities that include data, technology, values, equity, diversity, digital citizenship, and community
Candidate develops a comprehensive plan for communicating the mission and vision to multiple constituencies with the district and school leadership teams, board, and stakeholders
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
NELP District Level (2018): 1:
District Rubric Educational Leadership Skills Candidate demonstrates skills required to evaluate existing improvement processes; to develop a district-wide improvement process that includes data collection, diagnosis, design, implementation, and evaluation; articulate a process for strategic planning; and develop an implementation plan to support the improvement process. NELP 1.2
Candidate applies various tools and techniques (e.g. fish-bone diagram and other graphic organizers and analysis tools) for evaluating existing improvement processes.
Candidate adopts the existing district-wide improvement process that may include data collection, diagnosis, design, implementation and evaluation.
Candidate articulates the strategic planning process to the school board.
Candidate developments an implementation plan with the school board.
Candidate applies various tools and techniques (e.g. fish-bone diagram and other graphic organizers and analysis tools) for evaluating existing improvement processes with the district office leadership team.
Candidate develops a district-wide improvement process that includes data collection, diagnosis, design, implementation and evaluation.
Candidate articulates the strategic planning process to the district leadership team and the school board.
Candidate developments an implementation plan with the district leadership team and the school board.
Candidate applies various tools and techniques (e.g. fish-bone diagram and other graphic organizers and analysis tools) for evaluating existing improvement processes with the district and school leadership and board membership.
Candidate, in collaboration with the district office leadership team, develops a district-wide improvement process that includes data collection, diagnosis, design, implementation and evaluation.
Candidate articulates the strategic planning process to the district and school leadership teams and the school board.
Candidate developments an implementation plan with the district and school leadership teams and the school board.
Candidate applies various tools and techniques (e.g. fish-bone diagram and other graphic organizers and analysis tools) for evaluating existing improvement processes with the district and school leadership and board membership and the community stakeholders.
Candidate, in collaboration with the district and school leadership teams, develops a district-wide improvement process that includes data collection, diagnosis, design, implementation and evaluation.
Candidate articulates the strategic planning process to the district and school leadership teams, the school board, and the community stakeholders.
Candidate developments an implementation plan with the district and school leadership teams, the school board and the community stakeholders.
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
District Rubric Educational Leadership Skills –Candidates demonstrate skills required to engage in reflective practice; to cultivate professional norms among diverse constituencies; and to model and cultivate professional norms as a basis for building organizational culture. NELP 2.1
Candidate’s vision for own leadership development and reflection is one dimensional or sparse for obtaining insightful leadership change, learning or growth.
Candidate presents goals, activities and measurable outcomes for leadership development.
Candidate presents a plan of goals activities and outcomes.
Candidate presents aligned goals and activities that cultivate professional norms in self and others (i.e., integrity, fairness, transparency, trust, equity, democracy, digital citizenship, diversity, inclusiveness, and the belief that each child can learn) among diverse constituencies.
Candidate presents a plausible plan of aligned goals, activities and outcomes as a model for professional norms (i.e., integrity, fairness, transparency, trust, equity, democracy, digital citizenship, diversity, inclusiveness, and the belief that each child can learn) as a basis for building organizational culture.
Candidate’s vision for own leadership development is reflective and multifaceted with thorough self-assessment for learning, growth. Change elements address most goals.
Candidate presents aligned goals and activities that cultivate professional norms in self and others (i.e., integrity, fairness, transparency, trust, equity, democracy, digital citizenship, diversity, inclusiveness, and the belief that each child can learn) among diverse constituencies. Candidate presents a plausible plan of aligned goals, activities and outcomes as a model for professional norms (i.e., integrity, fairness, transparency, trust, equity, democracy, digital citizenship, diversity, inclusiveness, and the belief that each child can learn) as a basis for building organizational culture with an explanation as to why this work is aligned and will enhance the candidate’s personal development.
Candidate’s vision for own leadership development is reflective grounded in thorough, insightful and deep introspective self- reflection.
The candidate expresses the significant learning, growth, and change in the leadership skills, abilities and qualities that are planned providing the theory and rationale inherent in these activities and the change elements desired.
Candidate presents aligned goals and activities that cultivate professional norms in self and others (i.e., integrity, fairness, transparency, trust, equity, democracy, digital citizenship, diversity, inclusiveness, and the belief that each child can learn) among diverse constituencies.
Candidate presents a plausible plan of aligned goals, activities and outcomes as a model for professional norms (i.e., integrity, fairness, transparency, trust, equity, democracy, digital citizenship, diversity, inclusiveness, and the belief that each child can learn) as a basis for building organizational culture with an explanation as to why this work is aligned and will enhance the candidate’s personal development and how it is related to leadership theory.
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
NELP District Level (2018): 2:
Ethics and Professional Norms
- Ethics and Professional Norms
District Rubric Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to evaluate ethical dimensions of complex issues, including stewardship and use of district resources; analyze decisions in terms of established ethical frameworks; and advocate for ethical decisions. NELP 2.2
Candidate evaluates ethical dimensions of complex issues, including stewardship and use of district resources through personal experience.
Candidate advocates for ethical decisions that match personal beliefs
Candidate evaluates ethical dimensions of complex issues, including stewardship and use of district resources through an analysis of an established ethical framework.
Candidate develops a communication plan and advocates for ethical decisions.
Candidate evaluates ethical dimensions of complex issues, including stewardship and use of district resources through an analysis of an established ethical framework with the district leadership team
Candidate develops a communication plan and advocates for ethical decisions with the district leadership team
Candidate evaluates ethical dimensions of complex issues, including stewardship and use of district resources through an analysis of an established ethical framework with the district and school leadership teams, the board and stakeholders.
Candidate develops a communication plan and advocates for ethical decisions with the district and school leadership teams, the board and stakeholders
NELP District Level (2018): 2: Ethics and Professional Norms
- Ethics and Professional Norms
EdD EDL District - EDL 8137 Lab of Practice Project Detail
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
District Rubric Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to model ethical behavior in their personal conduct and relationships with others; and cultivate ethical behavior in others. NELP 2.3
Candidate models ethical behavior on occasion.
Candidate models ethical behavior in his/her personal conduct and relationships with others
Candidate cultivates ethical behavior in others
Candidate models ethical behavior in his/her personal conduct and relationships with others in cooperation with the district leadership team.
Candidate cultivates ethical behavior in others in cooperation with the district leadership team.
Candidate models ethical behavior in his/her personal conduct and relationships with others in cooperation with the district and school leadership teams, the board and stakeholders
Candidate cultivates ethical behavior in others in cooperation with the district and school leadership teams, the board and stakeholders.
NELP District Level (2018): 2: Ethics and Professional Norms - Ethics and Professional Norms
District Rubric Educational Leadership Skills Candidate demonstrates skills required to evaluate district culture; use research and evidence to design and cultivate a supportive, and inclusive district culture; advocate for a supportive and inclusive district culture. NELP 3.1
Candidate gathers data to improve the district culture
Candidate develops strategies for improving district culture
Candidate advocates for an improved district culture.
Candidate gathers research and evidence to evaluate and design a supportive, nurturing and inclusive district culture
Candidate develops innovative strategies for improving district culture.
Candidate designs an advocacy plan for a supportive and inclusive district culture
Candidate gathers research and evidence to evaluate and design a supportive, nurturing and inclusive district culture with the district and school leadership teams
Candidate develops innovative strategies for improving the district culture with the district and the school leadership teams
Candidate designs advocacy plan for a supportive and inclusive district culture with the district and the school leadership teams
Candidate gathers research and evidence to evaluate and design a supportive, nurturing and inclusive school culture with the district and school leadership teams, the board and district stakeholders.
Candidate develops innovative strategies for improving the district culture with the district and the school leadership teams, the board and district stakeholders
Candidate designs advocacy plan for a supportive and inclusive district culture with the district and the school leadership teams. Page 5 of 27
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
NELP District Level (2018): 3:
Equity, Inclusiveness, and Cultural ResponsivenessEquity, Inclusiveness, and Cultural Responsiveness
District rubric Educational Leadership Skills Candidate demonstrates skills required to evaluate sources of inequality and bias in the allocation of educational opportunities and resources, including instructional materials, technologies, classrooms, teachers, interventions, and adult relationships; cultivate the equitable use of educational resources and opportunities through procedures, guidelines, norms, and values; and advocate for equitable access to educational resources, procedu NELP 3.
Candidate evaluates sources of inequality and bias in allocation of resources including instructional materials, technologies, classrooms and teachers.
Candidate creates guidelines, norms and values for equitable resource use.
Candidate advocates for equitable access to educational resources.
Candidate evaluates sources of inequality and bias in allocation of resources and opportunities including instructional materials, technologies, classrooms, teachers, interventions, and adult relationships.
Candidate creates procedures, guidelines, norms and values for equitable resource and opportunity use.
Candidate advocates for equitable access to educational resources, procedures and opportunities
Candidate evaluates sources of inequality and bias in allocation of resources and opportunities including instructional materials, technologies, classrooms, teachers, interventions, and adult relationships with the district leadership team
Candidate creates procedures, guidelines, norms and values for equitable resource and opportunity use with the district leadership team
Candidate advocates for equitable access to educational resources, procedures and opportunities with the district leadership team
Candidate evaluates sources of inequality and bias in allocation of resources and opportunities including instructional materials, technologies, classrooms, teachers, interventions, and adult relationships with the district and school leadership teams, the board and stakeholders.
Candidate creates procedures, guidelines, norms and values for equitable resource and opportunity use with the district and school leadership teams, the board and stakeholders
Candidate advocates for equitable access to educational resources, procedures and opportunities with the district and school leadership teams, the board and stakeholders.
NELP District Level (2018): 3:
Equity, Inclusiveness, and Cultural ResponsivenessEquity, Inclusiveness, and Cultural Responsiveness
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
District rubric Educational Leadership Skills Candidate demonstrates skills required to evaluate root causes of inequity and bias; develop district policies or procedures that cultivate equitable, inclusive, and culturally responsive practice among teachers and staff; advocate for culturally responsive instructional and behavior support practices among district staff and across district schools; and cultivate culturally responsive instructional and behavior support practices across the NELP 3.
Candidate analyzes root causes of inequity and bias.
Candidate develops district procedures that cultivate inclusive practice among teachers and staff
Candidate supports culturally responsive instructional and behavior support practices among district staff and across district schools.
Candidate evaluates root causes of inequity and bias.
Candidate develops district policies or procedures that cultivate equitable, inclusive and culturally responsive practice among teachers and staff
Candidate advocates for and cultivates culturally responsive instructional and behavior support practices among district staff and across district schools
Candidate evaluates root causes of inequity and bias in collaboration with the district leadership team
Candidate develops district policies or procedures that cultivate equitable, inclusive and culturally responsive practice among teachers and staff in collaboration with the district leadership team.
Candidate advocates for and cultivates culturally responsive instructional and behavior support practices among district staff and across district schools in collaboration with the district leadership team.
Candidate evaluates root causes of inequity and bias in collaboration with the school and district leadership teams, the board, and stakeholders.
Candidate develops district policies or procedures that cultivate equitable, inclusive and culturally responsive practice among teachers and staff in collaboration with the school and district leadership teams, the board, and stakeholders
Candidate advocates for and cultivates culturally responsive instructional and behavior support practices among district staff and across district schools in collaboration with the school and district leadership teams, the board, and stakeholders.
NELP District Level (2018): 3: Equity, Inclusiveness, and Cultural ResponsivenessEquity, Inclusiveness, and Cultural Responsiveness
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
District rubric Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to evaluate (a) curricula, use of technology, and other supports, (b) academic and non-academic systems, and (c) coordination among systems and supports; and use research and evidence to propose designs and implementation strategies for improving coordination and coherence among (a) curricula, instructional technologies, and other supports, and (b) academic and non-academic systems. NELP 4.1
Candidate evaluates systemic practices of curricula and use of technology of the academic programs.
Candidate produces a plan for implementation strategies for technology and curricula academic programs and other supports.
Candidate evaluates systemic practices of curricula, use of technology and other supports of the academic and non-academic programs.
Candidate uses the research and produces a plan for the design and implementation strategies for improving coordination and coherence among curricula, instructional technologies and other supports for academic and non-academic programs
Candidate evaluates systemic practices of curricula, use of technology and other supports of the academic and non-academic programs in cooperation with the district leadership team
Candidate uses the research and produces a plan for the design and implementation strategies for improving coordination and coherence among curricula, instructional technologies and other supports for academic and non-academic programs with the district leadership team
Candidate evaluates systemic practices of curricula, use of technology and other supports of the academic and non-academic programs in cooperation with the district and school leadership teams, board and stakeholders.
Candidate uses the research and produces a plan for the design and implementation strategies for improving coordination and coherence among curricula, instructional technologies and other supports for academic and non-academic programs with the district leadership team in cooperation with the district and school leadership teams, board, and stakeholders.
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
District rubric Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to use research and data to evaluate the coordination, coherence, and relevance of the district’s systems of support, coaching, and professional development for educators, educational professionals, and leaders; and use research to propose designs and implementation strategies for cultivating systems of support and professional development that promote reflection, digital literacy, distributed leadersh NELP 4.
NELP District Level (2018): 4:
Candidate evaluates practices and resources that support learning for equity, digital literacy and the school’s academic and nonacademic systems.
Candidate uses data to produce a plan for the implementation strategies for cultivating systems of support and professional development that promote digital literacy for student success.
Candidate uses research and data to evaluate systemic practices and resources that support learning for equity, digital literacy and the school’s academic and nonacademic systems
Candidate uses research and produces a plan for the design and implementation strategies for cultivating systems of support and professional development that promote reflection, digital literacy, distributed leadership, data literacy, equity, improvement and student success
Candidate uses research and data to evaluate systemic practices and resources for coordination in support of learning for equity, digital literacy and the school’s academic and non-academic systems.
Candidate uses research and produces a plan for the design and implementation strategies for cultivating systems of support and professional development that promote reflection, digital literacy, distributed leadership, data literacy, equity, improvement and student success through collaboration with the district leadership team
Candidate uses research and data to evaluate systemic practices and resources for coordination and coherence in support of learning for equity, digital literacy and the school’s academic and nonacademic systems.
Candidate uses research and produces a plan for the design and implementation strategies for cultivating systems of support and professional development that promote reflection, digital literacy, distributed leadership, data literacy, equity, improvement and student success through collaboration with the district and school leadership teams, board and stakeholders.
Generated by:
Paige Minutola
District rubric Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to evaluate the quality of formative and summative assessments of student learning; evaluate coordination and coherence among academic and non-academic assessments and use data from these sources to support instructional improvement, student learning and wellbeing, and instructional leadership; and use research to propose designs and implementation strategies for district-wide assessment systems that NELP 4.
Candidate presents research of formative and summative assessments for learning
Candidate evaluates the coherence among academic and nonacademic assessments.
Candidate uses data to support instructional improvement and student learning
Candidate reviews research to implement strategies for districtwide assessment systems that are culturally responsive and accessible.
Candidate presents research to evaluate the quality of formative and summative assessments for learning.
Candidate evaluates the coordination and coherence among academic and non-academic assessments.
Candidate uses data from evaluated sources to support instructional improvement, student learning and well-being, and instructional leadership.
Candidate uses research to design and implement strategies for district-wide assessment systems that are culturally responsive and accessible.
Candidate presents with the district leadership team research to evaluate the quality of formative and summative assessments for learning.
Candidate evaluates the coordination and coherence among academic and non-academic assessments with the district leadership team
Candidate uses data from evaluated sources to support instructional improvement, student learning and well-being, and instructional leadership with the district leadership team.
Candidate uses research in collaboration with the district leadership team to design and implement strategies for districtwide assessment systems that are culturally responsive and accessible.
Candidate presents with the district and school leadership teams, board and stakeholders research to evaluate the quality of formative and summative assessments for learning
Candidate evaluates the coordination and coherence among academic and nonacademic assessments with the district and school leadership teams, board and stakeholders.
Candidate uses data from evaluated sources to support instructional improvement, student learning and well-being, and instructional leadership with the district and school leadership teams, board and stakeholders.
Candidate uses research in collaboration with the district and school leadership teams, board and stakeholders to design and implement strategies for districtwide assessment systems that are culturally responsive and accessible
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
District rubric Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to engage appropriate staff in gathering, synthesizing, and using data to evaluate the quality, coordination, and coherence in and among the district’s academic and nonacademic services; use research to propose designs and implementation strategies for improving coordination and coherence among the district’s academic and non-academic systems; and use technology and performance management systems toNELP 4.
Candidate engage staff in gathering, data to evaluate results in the district’s academic and nonacademic services.
Candidate uses research to implement strategies for improving academic and non-academic systems.
Candidate uses technology and performance management systems to evaluate district assessment results
Candidate engage staff in gathering, synthesizing, and using data to evaluate the quality, coordination, and coherence in the district’s academic and nonacademic services
Candidate uses research to propose designs and implementation strategies for improving coordination and coherence among the district’s academic and non-academic systems
Candidate uses technology and performance management systems to monitor, analyze, and evaluate district curriculum, instruction, services, assessment practices, and results.
Candidate engage staff in gathering, synthesizing, and using data to evaluate the quality, coordination, and coherence in the district’s academic and nonacademic services through ongoing work with the district leadership team
Candidate uses research to propose designs and implementation strategies for improving coordination and coherence among the district’s academic and non-academic systems through collaboration with the district leadership team.
Candidate uses technology and performance management systems to monitor, analyze, and evaluate district curriculum, instruction, services, assessment practices, and results through collaboration with the district leadership team.
Candidate engage staff in gathering, synthesizing, and using data to evaluate the quality, coordination, and coherence in the district’s academic and nonacademic services through ongoing work with the district and school leadership teams, board and stakeholders.
Candidate uses research to propose designs and implementation strategies for improving coordination and coherence among the district’s academic and non-academic systems through collaboration with the district and school leadership teams, board and stakeholders
Candidate uses technology and performance management systems to monitor, analyze, and evaluate district curriculum, instruction, services, assessment practices, and results through collaboration with the district and school leadership teams, board and stakeholders.
Generated by: Paige
District rubricEducational Leadership Skills Candidate demonstrates skills required to represent the district and its schools; support the efforts of district schools in engaging diverse families in strengthening student learning in and out of school; and make decisions about when and how to engage families. NELP 5.1
Candidate gathers family demographics that can be used to support student learning with diverse families.
Candidate makes decisions about when and how to engage with some families
Candidate gathers family demographics and family resources (e g internet access in the home, books, paper, notebooks and digital devices) to support the efforts of the schools in engaging diverse families and strengthening student learning in and out of school.
Candidate makes decisions about when and how to engage families.
Candidate gathers family demographics and family resources (e g internet access in the home, books, paper, notebooks and digital devices) to support the efforts of the schools in engaging diverse families and strengthening student learning in and out of school with the administrative and school leadership teams.
Candidate makes decisions about when and how to engage families and articulates guidelines with the administrative and school leadership teams
Candidate gathers family demographics and family resources (e g internet access in the home, books, paper, notebooks and digital devices) to support the efforts of the schools in engaging diverse families and strengthening student learning in and out of school with the administrative and school leadership teams, the board and stakeholders.
Candidate makes decisions about when and how to engage families and articulates guidelines with the administrative and school leadership teams, the board and stakeholders NELP District Level (2018): 5: Community and External
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
District rubricEducational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to develop systems and processes designed to support district personnel’s understanding of diverse families, community members, partners and other constituencies; collaborate with diverse community members, partners, and other constituencies; foster regular, two-way communication with community members, partners, and other constituencies; develop communication for oral, written and digital distributio NELP 5.
Candidate writes a needs assessment of community resources
Candidate communicates with email to diverse cultural and social groups of parents and stakeholders
Candidate sends the needs assessment information to the district office and reports it in a faculty meeting.
Candidate conducts a needs assessment of diverse community resources
Candidate attends diverse community cross-cultural and social functions.
Candidate fosters two-way communication and collaboration via oral, written, and digital communication with community members, partners and other constituencies
Candidate engages community members, partners and other constituents in using needs assessment date to improve district efforts.
Candidate conducts a needs assessment of diverse community resources and uses it to promote understanding of the various crosscultural and social resources of the community
Candidate fosters two-way communication and collaboration via oral, written, and digital communication with community members, partners and other constituencies.
Candidate engages and collaborates with community members, partners and other constituents “on their turf” and within the district
Candidate applies and presents information gained from the needs assessment and the various communication venues to benefit district efforts.
Candidate applying the needs assessment of community resources uses it to promote understanding among the district office, the schools and the community about the various cross-cultural and social resources of the community
Candidate engages and collaborates with various crosscultural community groups “on their turf” and within the district and involves principals and teacher leaders in the various communication activities
Candidate regularly and throughout the school year communicates and collaborates with diverse community members using various software and web based media platforms to various cultural groups and gauges the availability of media and promotes facilitates access.
Candidate applies and presents information gained from the needs assessment and the various communication venues to improve the curriculum across schools and outreach programs via a communication plan.
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
District rubricEducational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to conduct a needs assessment of the district, school, students, and community; develop a plan for accessing resources that addresses district needs; cultivate collaborative relationships with district constituencies; develop oral, written, and digital communications targeted on the larger organizational, community, and political contexts; and advocate for district and community needs.
NELP 5.3
Candidate develops a needs assessment of the district, school and students
Candidate uses a plan for accessing district resources
Candidate builds relationships with identified district constituents.
Candidate develops targeted communication for oral, written, and digital distributions to the larger organizational community.
Candidate advocates for district needs.
Candidate conducts a needs assessment of the district, school, students, and community
Candidate develops a plan for accessing resources that address district needs.
Candidate cultivates collaborative relationships with district constituencies
Candidate develops targeted communication for oral, written, and digital distributions to the larger organizational community and political contexts.
Candidate advocates for district and community needs.
Candidate conducts a needs assessment of the district, school, students, and community in cooperation with the district leadership team.
Candidate develops a plan for accessing resources that address district needs in collaboration with the district leadership team.
Candidate cultivates collaborative relationships with district constituencies with the district leadership team.
Candidate develops targeted communication for oral, written, and digital distributions to the larger organizational community and political contexts with the district leadership team
Candidate advocates for district and community needs with the district leadership team.
Candidate conducts a needs assessment of the district, school, students, and community in cooperation with the district and school leadership teams, the board, and stakeholders
Candidate develops a plan for accessing resources that address district needs in collaboration with the district and school leadership teams, the board, and stakeholders.
Candidate cultivates collaborative relationships with district constituencies with the district and school leadership teams, the board, and stakeholders
Candidate develops targeted communication for oral, written, and digital distributions to the larger organizational community and political contexts with the district and school leadership teams, the board, and stakeholders.
Candidate advocates for district and community needs with the district and school leadership teams, the board, and stakeholders.
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
District rubricEducational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to evaluate management and operation systems; use data and research to propose designs for improving the coordination and impact of district management, communication, technology, governance, and operation systems; communicate with relevant stakeholders about the relationship between the district’s management, operation, and governance systems and the district’s mission and vision; and develop an imple NELP 6.
Candidate reviews management and operation systems.
Candidate uses data to propose designs for improving the coordination and impact of district management, communication, technology, governance, and operation systems.
Candidate communicates with relevant stakeholders about the relationship between the district’s governance systems and the district’s mission and vision.
Candidate develops a plan to support district systems.
Candidate evaluates management and operation systems.
Candidate uses data and research to propose designs for improving the coordination and impact of district management, communication, technology, governance, and operation systems.
Candidate communicates with relevant stakeholders about the relationship between the district’s management, operation, and governance systems and the district’s mission and vision
Candidate develops an implementation plan to support improved district systems.
Candidate evaluates management and operation systems with the district leadership team
Candidate uses data and research to propose designs for improving the coordination and impact of district management, communication, technology, governance, and operation systems with the district leadership team.
Candidate communicates with relevant stakeholders about the relationship between the district’s management, operation, and governance systems and the district’s mission and vision with the district leadership team.
Candidate develops an implementation plan to support improved district systems district with the leadership team.
Candidate evaluates management and operation systems with the district and leadership teams, board and stakeholders.
Candidate uses data and research to propose designs for improving the coordination and impact of district management, communication, technology, governance, and operation systems with the district and leadership teams, board and stakeholders
Candidate communicates with relevant stakeholders about the relationship between the district’s management, operation, and governance systems and the district’s mission and vision with the district and leadership teams, board and stakeholders.
Candidate develops an implementation plan to support improved district systems with the district and leadership teams, board and stakeholders.
by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
District rubricEducational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to use data to evaluate district resource needs and practices; use research and data to design an equitable district resourcing plan and support schools in designing school resourcing plans that coordinate resources with needs; communicate about district resources needs and plans; and develop an implementation plan for the district’s resourcing plan. NELP 6.2
Candidate studies district resource needs and practices based on data
Candidate evaluates district resource needs and practices based on data
Candidate uses data to design an equitable district resourcing plan
Candidate develops an implementation plan for the district’s resource needs.
Candidate requires schools design school resourcing plans that coordinate resource needs across the district.
Candidate uses research and data to design an equitable district resourcing plan.
Candidate develops a communication plan and an implementation plan for the district’s resource needs.
Candidate supports schools in designing school resourcing plans that coordinate resource needs across the district.
Candidate evaluates district resource needs and practices based on data in coordination with the district leadership team.
Candidate uses research and data to design an equitable district resourcing plan with the district leadership team.
Candidate develops a communication plan and an implementation plan for the district’s resource needs with the district leadership team
Candidate supports schools in designing school resourcing plans that coordinate resource needs across the district with the district leadership team
Candidate evaluates district resource needs and practices based on data in coordination with the district and school leadership teams, the board and stakeholders
Candidate uses research and data to design an equitable district resourcing plan with the district and school leadership teams, the board and stakeholders.
Candidate develops a communication plan and an implementation plan for the district’s resource needs with the district and school leadership teams, the board and stakeholders.
Candidate supports schools in designing school resourcing plans that coordinate resource needs across the district with the district and school leadership teams, the board and stakeholders
by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
District rubricEducational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to use data to evaluate district human resources needs; use research and data to develop a district-level system for hiring, retention, development, and supervision of school/district personnel; evaluate candidates’ materials for instructional and leadership positions; and implement systems of leadership supervision, evaluation, feedback, and support. NELP 6.3
Candidate reviews the use of data to evaluate district human resource needs
Candidate uses data to evaluate district human resource needs.
Candidate uses data to develop a district-level system for hiring and supervision of school/district personnel
Candidate evaluates candidates’ materials for instructional positions.
Candidate implements systems of supervision, evaluation and feedback
Candidate uses research and data to develop a district-level system for hiring, retention, development, and supervision of school/district personnel
Candidate evaluates candidates’ materials for instructional and leadership positions.
Candidate implements systems of leadership supervision, evaluation, feedback, and support
Candidate uses data to evaluate district human resource needs with the district leadership team
Candidate uses research and data to develop a district-level system for hiring, retention, development, and supervision of school/district personnel with the district leadership team.
Candidate evaluates candidates’ materials for instructional and leadership positions with the district leadership team.
Candidate implements systems of leadership supervision, evaluation, feedback, and support with the district leadership team.
NELP 6.3 Educational Leadership Skills
Candidates demonstrate skills required to use data to evaluate district human resources needs; use research and data to develop a district-level system for hiring, retention, development, and supervision of school/district personnel; evaluate candidates’ materials for instructional and leadership positions; and implement systems of leadership supervision, evaluation, feedback, and support
Generated by:
Paige Minutola
District rubricEducational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to represent the district and its mission, strengths, and needs to the board of education; cultivate a positive, respectful, and responsive relationship with the board; advocate for board actions that will support the mission and vision of the district and meet district needs.NELP 7.1
Candidate represents the district and its needs education.
Candidate cultivates a responsive relationship with the board.
Candidate advocates for board actions that meet district needs
Candidate represents the district and its mission, strengths and needs to the board education
Candidate cultivates a positive, respectful, and responsive relationship with the board.
Candidate advocates for board actions that will support the mission and vision of the district and meet district needs.
Candidate represents the district and its mission, strengths and needs to the board education and with the district office staff.
Candidate cultivates a positive, respectful, and responsive relationship with the board and the district leadership staff.
Candidate advocates for board actions that will support the mission and vision of the district and meet district needs through collaboration with the district leadership staff
Candidate represents the district and its mission, strengths and needs to the board education and with the district office and school administrative staffs.
Candidate cultivates a positive, respectful, and responsive relationship with the board and the district and schools’ leadership staffs
Candidate advocates for board actions that will support the mission and vision of the district and meet district needs through collaboration with the district and schools’ leadership staffs.
Generated by:
Paige Minutola
District rubricEducational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to evaluate district governance and stakeholder engagement systems; design governance systems that engage multiple and diverse stakeholder groups; implement strategies (i.e., communication) that support stakeholder engagement in district governance; and cultivate and coordinate an effective collaborative system for district governance. NELP 7.2
Candidate utilizes district governance systems.
Candidate uses the district governance system to engage some stakeholder groups
Candidate implements strategies that support favored stakeholder engagement in district governance
Candidate coordinates a collaborative system for district governance.
Candidate evaluates district governance and stakeholder engagement systems
Candidate designs governance systems that engage multiple and diverse stakeholder groups.
Candidate implements strategies that support stakeholder engagement in district governance.
Candidate cultivates and coordinates an effective collaborative system for district governance.
Candidate evaluates district governance and stakeholder engagement systems with the district leadership staff.
Candidate designs governance systems that engage multiple and diverse stakeholder groups with the district leadership staff.
Candidate implements strategies that support stakeholder engagement in district governance with the district leadership staff
Candidate cultivates and coordinates an effective collaborative system for district governance with the district leadership staff.
Candidate evaluates district governance and stakeholder engagement systems with district and school leadership staffs.
Candidate designs governance systems that engage multiple and diverse stakeholder groups with district and school leadership staffs.
Candidate implements strategies that support stakeholder engagement in district governance with the district and school leadership staffs
Candidate cultivates and coordinates an effective collaborative system for district governance with the district and school leadership staffs
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
District rubricEducational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to evaluate the implications of educational policy for district practices; develop a plan for the implementation of laws, rights, policies, and regulations; communicate about district, state, and national policy, laws, rules, and regulations; and coordinate decisions and district policies with policies and/or regulations from local, state, and federal policy entities.NELP 7.3
Candidate analyzes implications of educational policy for district practices
Candidate develops an implementation plan of policies and regulations.
Candidate communicates about district and state policy, rules, and regulations
Candidate directs district policies with regulations from local, state, and federal policy entities.
Candidate evaluates the implications of educational policy for district practices
Candidate develops an implementation plan of laws, rights, policies, and regulations.
Candidate communicates about district, state, and national policy, laws, rules, and regulations
Candidate coordinates decisions and district policies with policies and/or regulations from local, state, and federal policy entities
Candidate evaluates the implications of educational policy for district practices with the district leadership team.
Candidate develops an implementation plan of laws, rights, policies, and regulations with the district leadership team.
Candidate communicates about district, state, and national policy, laws, rules, and regulations with the district leadership team
Candidate coordinates decisions and district policies with policies and/or regulations from local, state, and federal policy entities with the district leadership team.
Candidate evaluates the implications of educational policy for district practices with the district and school leadership teams, and the board.
Candidate develops an implementation plan of laws, rights, policies, and regulations with the district and school leadership teams, the board, and stakeholders.
Candidate communicates about district, state, and national policy, laws, rules, and regulations with the district and school leadership teams, the board, and stakeholders
Candidate coordinates decisions and district policies with policies and/or regulations from local, state, and federal policy entities with the district and school leadership teams, the board and stakeholders
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
District rubricEducational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to use evidence to evaluate district needs and priorities vis-à-vis education policy conversations and emerging challenges; represent the district and its priorities and needs at the local, state, and national level; and advocate for the needs and priorities of the district at the local, state, and national level. NELP 7.4
NELP District Level (2018): 7: Building Professional Capacity - Building Professional Capacity
Candidate evaluates district needs in relation to educational policy.
Candidate represents the needs of the district at the local and state levels
Candidate evaluates district needs and priorities in relation to educational policy and emerging challenges.
Candidate represents and advocates for the needs and priorities of the district at the local, state, and national level.
Candidate evaluates district needs and priorities in relation to educational policy and emerging challenges with the district leadership team.
Candidate represents and advocates for the needs and priorities of the district at the local, state, and national level with the district leadership team
Candidate evaluates district needs and priorities in relation to educational policy and emerging challenges with the district and school leadership teams and the board
Candidate represents and advocates for the needs and priorities of the district at the local, state, and national level with the district and school leadership teams and the board.
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Set Title:
NELP DL (2018) - National Educational Leadership Preparation - District Level
Standard Title: Operations and Management
Standard Identifier: NELP District Level (2018): 6: Operations and Management
Standard Description:
Mapped to:
Candidates who successfully complete a district-level educational leadership preparation program understand and demonstrate the capacity to promote the current and future success and well-being of each student and adult by applying the knowledge, skills, and commitments necessary to develop, monitor, evaluate, and manage data-informed and equitable district systems for operations, resources, technology, and human capital management
District rubric Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to evaluate management and operation systems; use data and research to propose designs for improving the coordination and impact of district management, communication, technology, governance, and operation systems; communicate with relevant stakeholders about the relationship between the district’s management, operation, and governance systems and the district’s mission and vision; and develop an impleNELP 6. / District rubric Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to use data to evaluate district resource needs and practices; use research and data to design an equitable district resourcing plan and support schools in designing school resourcing plans that coordinate resources with needs; communicate about district resources needs and plans; and develop an implementation plan for the district’s resourcing plan.NELP 6.2 / District rubric Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to use data to evaluate district human resources needs; use research and data to develop a district-level system for hiring, retention, development, and supervision of school/district personnel; evaluate candidates’ materials for instructional and leadership positions; and implement systems of leadership supervision, evaluation, feedback, and support. NELP 6.3
EdD EDL District - EDL 8137 Lab of Practice Project Detail
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Set Title:
NELP DL (2018) - National Educational Leadership Preparation - District Level
Standard Title: Mission, Vision, and Improvement
Standard Identifier:
Standard Description:
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Set Title:
NELP District Level (2018): 1: Mission, Vision, and Improvement
Candidates who successfully complete a district-level educational leadership preparation program understand and demonstrate the capacity to promote the current and future success and well-being of each student and adult by applying the knowledge, skills, and commitments necessary to collaboratively lead, design, and implement a school mission, vision, and process for continuous improvement that reflects a core set of values and priorities that include data use, technology, equity, diversity, digital citizenship, and community.
District Rubric Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to evaluate existing mission and vision processes and statements; collaboratively design an actionable district mission and vision attentive to such considerations as data use, technology, values, equity, diversity, digital citizenship, and community; and develop a comprehensive plan for communicating the mission and vision to multiple constituencies. NELP 1.1 / District Rubric Educational Leadership Skills Candidate demonstrates skills required to evaluate existing improvement processes; to develop a district-wide improvement process that includes data collection, diagnosis, design, implementation, and evaluation; articulate a process for strategic planning; and develop an implementation plan to support the improvement process.NELP 1.2
NELP DL (2018) - National Educational Leadership Preparation - District Level
Standard Title: Ethics and Professional Norms
Standard Identifier: NELP District Level (2018): 2: Ethics and Professional Norms
Standard Description: Candidates who successfully complete a district-level educational leadership preparation program understand and demonstrate the capacity to promote the current and future success and well-being of each student and adult by applying the knowledge, skills, and commitments necessary to understand and demonstrate the capacity to advocate for ethical decisions and cultivate and enact professional norms.
Mapped to:
District Rubric Educational Leadership Skills – Candidates demonstrate skills required to engage in reflective practice; to cultivate professional norms among diverse constituencies; and to model and cultivate professional norms as a basis for building organizational culture NELP 2 1 / District Rubric Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to evaluate ethical dimensions of complex issues, including stewardship and use of district resources; analyze decisions in terms of established ethical frameworks; and advocate for ethical decisions.NELP 2.2 / District Rubric Educational Leadership SkillsCandidates demonstrate skills required to model ethical behavior in their personal conduct and relationships with others; and cultivate ethical behavior in others. NELP 2.3
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Set Title:
NELP DL (2018) - National Educational Leadership Preparation - District Level
Standard Title: Equity, Inclusiveness, and Cultural Responsiveness
Standard Identifier: NELP District Level (2018): 3: Equity, Inclusiveness, and Cultural Responsiveness
Standard Description:
Mapped to:
Candidates who successfully complete a district-level educational leadership preparation program understand and demonstrate the capacity to promote the current and future success and well-being of each student and adult by applying the knowledge, skills, and commitments necessary to develop and maintain a supportive, equitable, culturally responsive, and inclusive district culture
District Rubric Educational Leadership Skills Candidate demonstrates skills required to evaluate district culture; use research and evidence to design and cultivate a supportive, and inclusive district culture; advocate for a supportive and inclusive district culture. NELP 3.1 / District rubric Educational Leadership SkillsCandidate demonstrates skills required to evaluate sources of inequality and bias in the allocation of educational opportunities and resources, including instructional materials, technologies, classrooms, teachers, interventions, and adult relationships; cultivate the equitable use of educational resources and opportunities through procedures, guidelines, norms, and values; and advocate for equitable access to educational resources, proceduNELP 3. / District rubric Educational Leadership SkillsCandidate demonstrates skills required to evaluate root causes of inequity and bias; develop district policies or procedures that cultivate equitable, inclusive, and culturally responsive practice among teachers and staff; advocate for culturally responsive instructional and behavior support practices among district staff and across district schools; and cultivate culturally responsive instructional and behavior support practices across the NELP 3.
EdD EDL District - EDL 8137 Lab of Practice Project Detail
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Set Title:
NELP DL (2018) - National Educational Leadership Preparation - District Level
Standard Title: Learning and Instruction
Standard Identifier: NELP District Level (2018): 4: Learning and Instruction
Standard Description:
Mapped to:
Candidates who successfully complete a district-level educational leadership preparation programunderstand and demonstrate the capacity to promote the current and future success and well-being of each student and adult by applying the knowledge, skills, and commitments necessary to evaluate, design, cultivate, and implement coherent systems of curriculum, instruction, data systems, supports, assessment, and instructional leadership
District rubric Educational Leadership SkillsCandidates demonstrate skills required to evaluate (a) curricula, use of technology, and other supports, (b) academic and non-academic systems, and (c) coordination among systems and supports; and use research and evidence to propose designs and implementation strategies for improving coordination and coherence among (a) curricula, instructional technologies, and other supports, and (b) academic and non-academic systems NELP 4 1 / District rubric Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to use research and data to evaluate the coordination, coherence, and relevance of the district’s systems of support, coaching, and professional development for educators, educational professionals, and leaders; and use research to propose designs and implementation strategies for cultivating systems of support and professional development that promote reflection, digital literacy, distributed leadershNELP 4 / District rubric Educational Leadership SkillsCandidates demonstrate skills required to evaluate the quality of formative and summative assessments of student learning; evaluate coordination and coherence among academic and non-academic assessments and use data from these sources to support instructional improvement, student learning and well-being, and instructional leadership; and use research to propose designs and implementation strategies for district-wide assessment systems thatNELP 4 / District rubric Educational Leadership SkillsCandidates demonstrate skills required to engage appropriate staff in gathering, synthesizing, and using data to evaluate the quality, coordination, and coherence in and among the district’s academic and non- academic services; use research to propose designs and implementation strategies for improving coordination and coherence among the district’s academic and non-academic systems; and use technology and performance management systems to NELP 4.
Generated by:
Paige Minutola
Set Title:
NELP DL (2018) - National Educational Leadership Preparation - District Level
Standard Title: Community and External Leadership
Standard Identifier: NELP District Level (2018): 5: Community and External Leadership
Standard Description:
Mapped to:
Candidates who successfully complete a district-level educational leadership preparation program understand and demonstrate the capacity to promote the current and future success and well-being of each student and adult by applying the knowledge, skills, and commitments necessary to understand and engage families, communities, and other constituents in the work of schools and the district and to advocate for district, student, and community needs
District rubric Educational Leadership Skills Candidate demonstrates skills required to represent the district and its schools; support the efforts of district schools in engaging diverse families in strengthening student learning in and out of school; and make decisions about when and how to engage families. NELP 5.1 / District rubric Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to develop systems and processes designed to support district personnel’s understanding of diverse families, community members, partners and other constituencies; collaborate with diverse community members, partners, and other constituencies; foster regular, two-way communication with community members, partners, and other constituencies; develop communication for oral, written and digital distributio NELP 5. / District rubric Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to conduct a needs assessment of the district, school, students, and community; develop a plan for accessing resources that addresses district needs; cultivate collaborative relationships with district constituencies; develop oral, written, and digital communications targeted on the larger organizational, community, and political contexts; and advocate for district and community needs NELP 5 3
EdD EDL District - EDL 8137 Lab of Practice Project Detail
Generated by: Paige Minutola 09/19/2023
Set Title:
Standard Title:
Standard Identifier:
Standard Description:
Mapped to:
NELP DL (2018) - National Educational Leadership Preparation - District Level
Building Professional Capacity
NELP District Level (2018): 7: Building Professional Capacity
Candidates who successfully complete a district-level educational leadership preparation program understand and demonstrate the capacity to promote the present and future success and well-being of students and district personnel by applying the knowledge, skills, and commitments necessary to cultivate relationships, lead collaborative decision making and governance, and represent and advocate for district needs in broader policy conversations
District rubric Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to represent the district and its mission, strengths, and needs to the board of education; cultivate a positive, respectful, and responsive relationship with the board; advocate for board actions that will support the mission and vision of the district and meet district needs. NELP 7.1 / District rubric Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to evaluate district governance and stakeholder engagement systems; design governance systems that engage multiple and diverse stakeholder groups; implement strategies (i.e., communication) that support stakeholder engagement in district governance; and cultivate and coordinate an effective collaborative system for district governance.NELP 7.2 / District rubric Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to evaluate the implications of educational policy for district practices; develop a plan for the implementation of laws, rights, policies, and regulations; communicate about district, state, and national policy, laws, rules, and regulations; and coordinate decisions and district policies with policies and/or regulations from local, state, and federal policy entities. NELP 7.3 /
District rubric Educational Leadership Skills Candidates demonstrate skills required to use evidence to evaluate district needs and priorities vis-à-vis education policy conversations and emerging challenges; represent the district and its priorities and needs at the local, state, and national level; and advocate for the needs and priorities of the district at the local, state, and national level. NELP 7.4
Please upload your SSA scores.
EdD EDL District - EDL 8137 SSA Scores
Please refer to the Met/Not Met Rubric following EDL Building - EDL 8125 SLLA Scores
EDL District - EDL 8137 Mentor Observation Form
University supervisors and mentors collaboratively support candidates’ advancement of clearly defined professional responsibilities, dispositions, and performance that characterize successful educators. This end of term assessment documents an intern’s capacity as a leader and should be completed no later than during the final conference by the Mentor with collaboration from the University Supervisor. The University Supervisor will enter scores here once the final assessment is completed.