Fall 2022 Meeting PowerPoint

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Grambling State University College of Education

Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Mentor Teacher Meeting

November 3, 2022

4:00 p.m. Microsoft Office 365 Teams Meeting

Dr. Cheyrl Mansfield Ensley, Facilitator

Greetings and Introductions


Interim Department Head

Residency Coordinator

TaskStream Coordinator

CAEP Coordinator


Other Guests

Grambling State University "Where Everybody is Somebody"!

Opening Comments

Dr. Debbie Thomas, Dean College of Education Dr. Cheyrl Ensley, Interim Department Head Curriculum and Instruction Ms. Rosiland Russell, Residency Coordinator
Grambling State University "Where Everybody is Somebody"!

OPLE Overview

 Field and Clinical Experiences

 CAEP Expectations

 Standard 2: Clinical Partnerships and Practice 

Theproviderensuresthateffective partnershipsandhigh-qualityclinicalpractice arecentraltopreparationsothatcandidates developtheknowledge,skills,and professionaldispositionsnecessaryto demonstratepositiveimpactonallP-12 students’learninganddevelopment.

Grambling State University "Where Everybody is Somebody"!

CAEP Standard 2.1

Partnerships for Clinical Preparation

2.1 Partners co-construct mutually beneficial P-12 school and community arrangements, including technology-based collaborations, for clinical preparation and share responsibility for continuous improvement of candidate preparation. Partnerships for clinical preparation can follow a range of forms, participants, and functions. They establish mutually agreeable expectations for candidate entry, preparation, and exit; ensure that theory and practice are linked; maintain coherence across clinical and academic components of preparation; and share accountability for candidate outcomes.

Grambling State University "Where Everybody is Somebody"!

CAEP Standard 2.2

Clinical Educators

2.2 Partners co-select, prepare, evaluate, support, and retain high-quality clinical educators, both provider- and school-based, who demonstrate a positive impact on candidates’ development and P-12 student learning and development. In collaboration with their partners, providers use multiple indicators and appropriate technology-based applications to establish, maintain, and refine criteria for selection, professional development, performance evaluation, continuous improvement, and retention of clinical educators in all clinical placement settings.

Grambling State University "Where Everybody is Somebody"!

CAEP Standard 2.3

Clinical Experiences

2.3 The provider works with partners to design clinical experiences of sufficient depth, breadth, diversity, coherence, and duration to ensure that candidates demonstrate their developing effectiveness and positive impact on all students’ learning and development. Clinical experiences, including technology-enhanced learning opportunities, are structured to have multiple performancebased assessments at key points within the program to demonstrate candidates’ development of the knowledge, skills, and professional dispositions, as delineated in Standard 1, that are associated with a positive impact on the learning and development of all P-12 students.

Grambling State University "Where Everybody is Somebody"!

Roles and Responsibilities

Partnership Roles

◦ Student Teacher/Intern/Resident

◦ University Supervisor

◦ School Principal

◦ Mentor Teacher

◦ District/University

◦ OPLE/Residency Coordinator

(See Handbook pages 7-13)

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District Liaison and OPLE Director

◦ Residency School Sites

◦ Mentor Teachers

◦ School Principals

 Department of Curriculum and Instruction

◦ University Supervisors

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Year-Long Residency

Residency I Fall Semester

◦ ED 452 Advanced Seminar Methods-Elementary

◦ ED 453 Advanced Teaching Methods-Secondary

 Seminar Thursdays 1:00 – 5:00 p.m.  School and Mentor Teacher Assignments

 Residency II Spring Semester

◦ ED 455 Student Teaching

◦ ED 427 Classroom Management

 Seminar Thursdays 1:00 – 5:00 p.m.

Grambling State University "Where Everybody is Somebody"!

Data Forms:

o University Supervisor Evaluation Form by Mentor

Cooperating Teacher (Responses will be kept confidential)


◦ Danielson Framework for Teaching

 Dispositions  Grades

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GSU Danielson Rubric

Three Observations/Evaluations Required


◦ Evaluating Resident Progress

◦ Assisting Teacher Candidate with Professional Growth

 Clinical Supervision Model

◦ Pre-Conference; Observation; Post-Conference

Grambling State University "Where Everybody is Somebody"!

Reporting Dates

Orientation – Beginning of Semester

Group Orientation – November 3, 2022 

December 2, 2022 - Final Evaluation, University Supervisor Evaluation Form by Mentor Cooperating Teacher (TaskStream)

Grambling State University "Where Everybody is Somebody"!
Grambling State University "Where Everybody is Somebody"!  https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/11 WSyWPP9wcIIIPMohWg5FCk3AME8axYm/edit? usp=sharing&ouid=1006545833941391097 36&rtpof=true&sd=true  https://youtu.be/H5zyLf1OCBs  https://youtu.be/5eV05FYxKwY

They establish mutually agreeable expectations for candidate entry, preparation, and exit; ensure that theory and practice are linked; maintain coherence across clinical and academic components of preparation; and share accountability for candidate outcomes.

Grambling State University "Where Everybody is Somebody"! 

Expectations for Preparation

◦ Residency/TaskStream Orientation

◦ Instructional Planning

◦ Teaching Diverse Learners

◦ Questioning Strategies

◦ Assessments

◦ Engaging Students/Managing the Classroom

◦ Inquiry Teaching & Higher Order Thinking

Grambling State University "Where Everybody is Somebody"!

Grambling State University "Where Everybody is Somebody"!


"Where Everybody is Somebody"!

Grambling State University

Contact Information

Dr. Cheyrl Ensley, Associate Professor/ Interim

Department Head

Charles P. Adams Hall, Room 113

P.O. Box 4282

Grambling, LA 71245

Phone 318-274-2549


Rosiland Russell, Residency Coordinator

Charles P. Adams Hall, Room 110

Phone 318-274-2184


Grambling State University "Where Everybody is Somebody"!

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