University Supervisor Requirements
University faculty, including adjunct faculty, must meet the following criteria in order to supervise clinical practice during student teaching residency in initial programs:
Current full-time or adjunct employment with the university
Valid teaching certificate with appropriate subject area/level endorsements
Extensive teaching and/or supervisory experience
Training and mission match with university values
Training in Danielson’s Framework for Teaching
Roles/Responsibilities of The University Supervisor
University Supervisors work closely with the Residency Coordinator and the Director of Professional Laboratory Experiences to provide supervision of candidates doing student teaching residency The major responsibilities of university supervisors are:
1. Establish and maintain positive working relationships with the resident, the principal, and the cooperating mentor teacher.
2. Establish a schedule of face-to-face and/or virtual visits to classrooms where residents are working. Establish the observation schedule with input from the mentor teacher. Provide a copy of the schedule to the resident, the mentor teacher, the principal, the residency coordinator, and the Office of Professional Laboratory Experiences.
3. Complete an initial visit in the first two weeks of the residency assignment.
4. Confer with the resident and mentor teacher after each observation to discuss classroom performance and to provide constructive feedback and areas for improvement.
5. Make additional site/virtual visits and complete additional observations when problems arise with the resident.
6. Submit all required documentation to the Office of Professional Laboratory Experiences.
7. Evaluate the cooperating mentor teacher.
8. Complete the Dispositions Inventory on the assigned resident.
9. Conduct a mid-semester and end-of-semester conference with the mentor teacher about the performance of the resident.