Grambling State University Standard One Compendium
R1.2 Application of Content
Alignment to National Standard: R1. 2 Content: The provider ensures candidates can apply their content knowledge at the appropriate progression levels. Evidence provided demonstrates candidates know central concepts of their content area (InTASC Standard 4) and are able to apply the content in developing equitable and inclusive learning experiences (InTASC Standard 5) for diverse P-12 students.
How Alignment is assured: The Assessment Coordinator in consultation with Program/Discipline Chairs, aligns the evaluation measures and assessment tasks with CAEP, InTASC, and appropriate Technology Standards. The Assessment Coordinator maintains alignments and adherence to multiple Louisiana state laws and policy regulations. All Standards have been maintained utilizing Watermark – Taskstream. The Assessment Coordinator maintains this standards database so that alignments can accommodate updates to standards, program competencies, courses, or assessments.
Evidence Overview
Use of Assessment as Part of the Quality Assurance System: The following assessments are designed to address the candidate’s ability to apply their knowledge of content at the appropriate progression levels. Candidates demonstrate their understanding of content knowledge specified within the learning outcomes of the EPP’s Conceptual Framework (Masters of Subject Matter Knowledge, Facilitators of Learning, Enhancers and Nurtures of Affective Behaviors)
Praxis II: Louisiana regulations require specific content knowledge specialty examinations (Praxis II) to evaluate pre-service teachers’ content. Grambling State University (GSU) College of Education licensure candidates are required to pass state-required Praxis II exams related to program content prior to Residency. Also, candidates must pass the state-required Praxis II exams to graduate or participate in the commencement ceremony. Consequently, GSU candidate passing rate on the Praxis II exam is 100%. Praxis II categories/sub-tests are analyzed from the various content areas to strengthen program coursework and candidate content knowledge
Evaluation during Year Long Residency: Candidate observations are completed within the first semester (formative) and second semester (summative) of the candidate residency period. The purpose of the evaluation during the first semester and evaluation during second semester is to provide a formative and summative report of candidate progress through residency. The assessments, completed by the University Supervisor in consultation with the Mentor Teacher, is used to verify that GSU candidates meet the standard for recommendation for licensure and demonstrates candidates know central concepts of their content area (InTASC Standard 4) and are able to apply the content in developing equitable and inclusive learning experiences (InTASC Standard 5) for diverse P-12 students. Additionally, this multi-layered assessment’s purpose is to provide evidence of candidate mastery of Planning and Preparation, Classroom Environment, Instruction, and Professionalism on these formal observations of teaching events. Beginning and final three-way conferences with the teacher candidate provide a platform for constructive feedback.
Details of Assessment Administration
Praxis II Content: Grambling State University requires all candidates in all programs leading to initial licensure to pass a content knowledge examination for program completion. Licensure requirements are described on the ETS website. The GSU website alerts candidates to the guidelines to take the Praxis IIContent prior to Residency I and as a requirement for graduation. Classroom visits and mandatory
Grambling State University Standard One Compendium
R1.2 Application of Content
meetings are held for all majors each semester, reiterating the requirement and sharing the various supports available. Test Vouchers are offered through the ETS website as well as the Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Praxis II Principals of Learning and Teaching (PLT): Grambling State University requires all candidates in all programs leading to initial licensure to pass the Principles of Learning and Teaching examination for program completion. Licensure requirements are described on the ETS website. The GSU website alerts candidates to the guidelines to take the Praxis II-PLT prior to Residency II and as a requirement for graduation. Classroom visits and mandatory meetings are held for all majors each semester, reiterating the requirement and sharing the various supports available. Test Vouchers are offered through the ETS website as well as the Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Evaluation during Year Long Residency: This assessment is completed by the cooperating/mentor teacher(s) and university supervisor(s) using evidence collected during the candidate's residency experience. Both evaluate the teacher candidate at the mi-term point which is the third evaluation. after the candidate has participated in three observations. The final evaluation is the sixth observation. Midterm and final three-way conferences with the teacher candidate provide a platform for constructive feedback. The assessment provides multiple pieces of evidence from the candidates’ field experience and illustrates their professional skills in designing, assessing, and implementing lessons, and their ability to be a reflective practitioner. Using Danielson’s Framework for Teaching aligned to the InTASC standards, grounded in a constructivist view of teaching and learning, candidates demonstrate competency in this multi-layered assessment. This proprietary rubric aligned to the InTASC standards Is used to guide student learning.
How the Evaluation is used to Measure Candidate Progress:
Praxis II: ETS scores the Praxis examinations. Louisiana requires specific passing scores in each content knowledge specialty examination (Praxis II) as preparation for licensure/certification. GSU adheres to the state of Louisiana requirements. Below are the cut scores for GSU licensure programs.
BA Music Education - Instrumental K-12/Vocal K-12 30205 LA Required Praxis II BS Elementary Education (Grades 1-5) 35281 BS Elementary Education and Special Education (Mild/Mod) 34075 BS Kinesiology: Pedagogy (Teaching K-12) 35280 BS Secondary Education and Teaching (Biology/Mathematics/Chemistry) 34074 MAT Elementary Education and Special Education (Mild/Mod) 30207 MAT Secondary Education & Spec. Ed. (Mild/Mod) 35282
Table 1- Praxis II Content Requirements Program Program ID
Grambling State University Standard One Compendium
2 R1.2 Application of Content
The Praxis II Content Knowledge tests provide credible evidence of whether teacher candidates have learned fundamental concepts of the content and relationships among those concepts that they are required to teach.
The Praxis II Principles of Learning and Teaching test provides credible evidence of the candidate's knowledge of topics such as human development, learning processes, instructional processes, diverse learners, educational psychology, and professional issues.
Candidates seeking help related to any Praxis II Content Knowledge or Principles of Teaching and Learning examinations can obtain support from the Praxis Lab, Khan Academy, Tutor 360 or the ETS website.
Evidence and Analysis
Praxis II- Content Area Exam
The Praxis II Content tests measure a teacher candidate's knowledge and subject-specific content knowledge needed for teaching. Each Praxis assessment reflects what educators across the United States believe to be important for new teachers. There are over 90 different tests that measure the candidate's knowledge of the subject, as well as their general and subject-specific teaching skills. Grambling State University candidates are required to take the exams as a part of their teacher licensure and certification process. With the exception of Braille Proficiency test, Praxis Tests are computer delivered. Students are given two convenient options for testing and may choose the one that best fits their needs. The options include the opportunity to take the test at home or at a testing center. Grambling State University became a Praxis Testing center in 2018. Candidates are instructed to plan to take the test during the Sophomore year. The candidate is instructed to schedule the test, prepare to sit for the test, sit for the test and check results. If the candidate is not successful on the exam, after intervention, the process is repeated.
Praxis II - Principles of Learning and Teaching
The Praxis II PLT tests measure a teacher candidate's knowledge and skills needed for teaching. The PLT tests knowledge of topics such as human development, learning processes, instructional processes, diverse learners, educational psychology, and professional issues. Grambling State University candidates are required to take the exams during their senior year as a part of their teacher licensure and certification
LA Required Praxis II BA Music Education - Instrumental K-12/Vocal K12 30205 BS Elementary Education (Grades 1-5) 35281 BS Elementary Education and Special Education (Mild/Mod) 34075 BS Kinesiology: Pedagogy (Teaching K-12) 35280 BS Secondary Education and Teaching (Biology/Mathematics/Chemistry) 34074 MAT Elementary Education and Special Education (Mild/Mod) 30207 MAT Secondary Education & Spec. Ed. (Mild/Mod) 35282
Table 2- Praxis II PLT Requirements Program Program
Grambling State University Standard One Compendium
R1.2 Application of Content
process. Except for the Braille Proficiency test, Praxis Tests are computer delivered. Students are given two convenient options for testing and may choose the one that best fits their needs. The options include the opportunity to take the test at home or at a testing center. Grambling State University became a Praxis Testing center in 2018. Candidates are instructed to plan to take the test during their Senior year. The candidate is instructed to schedule the test, prepare to sit for the test, sit for the test and check results If the candidate is not successful on the exam, after intervention, the process is repeated.
Evaluation during Year Long Residency
Using the Danielson Rubric, candidates will be formally evaluated on their effectiveness within the areas of Planning and Preparation, Classroom Environment and Instruction.
Selecting Instructional Goals: Candidate selects instructional goals that are aligned with the district's curricula. Goals are appropriate for the learners and reflect high expectations for all students, consistent with State Assessment levels of performance where applicable. Candidates explain what their goals are for this lesson and how this lesson fits into the overall goals of the unit.
Designing Coherent Instruction: Candidate plans for learning activities that align with the instructional goals and support student learning. Instructional planning shows a structure and selection of materials and activities that support student learning relative to the district’s curricula. Candidates explain the rationale for the design of their lesson and instruction.
Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and pedagogy: Candidates show his or her knowledge of content and how to teach it to a variety of learners. The candidate’s plans include natural connections around content areas that deepen student learning. The content that he or she teachers is aligned to the district's curriculum. Candidates describe how they will differentiate instruction to meet the learning needs of a variety of students, where they see the students struggling with the concepts of this lesson, and how they will address these struggles.
Demonstrating Knowledge of Candidates: Candidate shows his or her knowledge of student developmental characteristics; approaches to learning, knowledge, and skills; interests; cultural heritage; and, where applicable, State Assessment performance levels. Candidates describe the students in their class in terms of ability, culture, and interests and explain how they use the knowledge when planning the lesson.
Designing Student Assessments; Candidate creates and/or selects assessments that are congruent with instructional goals, criteria, and standards. The teacher plans for the use of formative and summative assessments of the candidate’s studen ts. Candidates explain how they will determine student progress toward lesson and/or unit goals.
The University Supervisor will provide feedback during a pre-conference prior to the teaching of the lesson. Candidates take an active role in the pre- conference where they present and discuss relevant artifacts. The candidate implements/teaches the lesson, and the University Supervisor completes the rubric and provides feedback, noting strengths and weaknesses during the post-conference. During the post-Observation conference, candidates reflect and comment on different aspects of their instruction for
Grambling State University Standard One Compendium
R1.2 Application of Content
the lesson to determine to what extent the lesson was effective and what they might do differently to improve the lesson. Candidates respond to the following and share this information with both the University Supervisor and the Mentor Teacher during the post-conference.
- What aspects of your lesson were effective? Why or why not?
o Instructional Strategies
o Student Grouping
o Student Centered Activities
o Materials and Resources
o Technology Integration
o Assessment Plan/Method
o Classroom Management/Student Behavior
o Student Engagement/Interest
- What would you do differently to improve the lesson?
- Was our instructional delivery effective? Why or why not?
- How many learned the information and how many did not learn the information that you taught? How do you know?
- What artifact(s) do you have as evidence of your results?
The University Supervisor, after observing the lesson, will conference with the candidate and evaluate the lesson/ teaching event utilizing the Evaluation Rubric in addition to providing detailed annotations on the observed lesson.
Evaluation Instrument:
Praxis II- Content
Praxis scores provide an accurate measure of the knowledge and skills a candidate has acquired while preparing for their teaching career. Additionally, the examination provides evidence of candidates learned relationships among those concepts that they are required to teach. These scores are trusted, reliable and valid for 10 years. Cut Scores determine whether or not the candidate meets the requirements for licensure.
Praxis II - Principles of Learning and Teaching Assessment
Praxis II PLT assesses key indicators of the beginning educator’s knowledge of topics such as human development, learning processes, instructional processes, diverse learners, educational psychology, and professional issues. The scores provide an accurate measure of the knowledge and skills acquired by a candidate as they prepare for their teaching career. These scores are trusted, reliable and valid for 10 years. Cut Scores determine whether the candidate meets the requirements for licensure.
Evaluation of Year Long Residency
The Danielson Rubric is used to evaluate candidates. Danielson divides the complex activity of teaching into four domains of teaching responsibility. The candidates are formally evaluated on their effectiveness within the areas of Planning and Preparation, Classroom Environment, Instruction and Professional Responsibilities.
Grambling State University Standard One Compendium 2 R1.2 Application of Content
Grambling State University/Danielson Rubric
Danielson Rubric
Performance Indicators - Descriptions
Novice (Unsatisfactory/Ineffective)
This rating is equivalent to having emerging performance skills/content knowledge that can be enriched with additional coursework.
Effective: Emerging (Basic)
This rating is equivalent to having the performance skills/content knowledge needed to move forward into student teaching; however, additional remediation might be needed to hone the candidate's performance.
Effective: Proficient (Target)
This rating is equivalent to having the performance skills/content knowledge needed to be an effective student teacher where additional skills will be practiced.
Highly Effective (Distinguished)
This rating is equivalent to having the performance skills/content knowledge needed as a highly effective first year teacher.
InTASC Domain 1: Planning and Preparation
1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy
Teacher’s goals reflect high-level learning relating to curriculum frameworks and standards; they are adapted, where necessary, to the needs of individual students and permit viable methods of assessment.
InTASC 1,2,7
1b: Demonstrating Knowledge of Students
InTASC 1 1c: Setting Instructional Outcomes
1d: Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources
InTASC 1, 4,7
1e: Designing Coherent Instruction
InTASC 6 1f: Designing Student Assessments
InTASC Domain 2: The Classroom Environment
InTASC 3 2a: Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport
2b: Establishing a Culture for Learning
2c: Managing Classroom Procedures
University Standard One Compendium 2 R1.2 Application of Content
2d: Managing Student Behavior
2e: Organizing Physical Space
InTASC Domain 3: Instruction
InTASC 5 3a: Communicating with Students
InTASC 8 3b: Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques
InTASC 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 8 3c: Engaging Students in Learning
InTASC 6 3d: Using Assessment in Instruction
InTASC 5 3e: Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness
InTASC Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities
InTASC 9 4a: Reflecting on Teaching 4b: Maintaining Accurate Records
InTASC 10 4c: Communicating with Families
InTASC 10 4d: Participating in a Professional Community
InTASC 9 4e: Growing and Developing Professionally
InTASC 9,10 4f: Showing Professionalism
Alignment from; The Danielson Group, (2014) Correlation between the Danielson Framework for Teaching and the Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC) Standard s.
Grambling State University Standard One Compendium 2 R1.2 Application
of Content
Assurance of Reliability and Validity: The Danielson Framework is one of the most widely used observation systems for evaluating teachers. This proprietary instrument provides a roadmap for effective teaching. It was first published by ASCD in 1996. The work has been extended and each component validated by the Measures of Effective Teaching study. Further research can be found on the Danielson Groups website.
Presentation of Data:
Praxis II-Content - Undergraduate
Music Education - Instrumental K-12/Vocal K-12 Average percentage of correct answers earned by candidates in each content area (Test Codes: 5113) Music Target 151
Table 3:
Average percentage of correct answers earned by candidates in each content area (Test Codes: 5002, 5003, 5004, 5005)
Average percentage of correct answers earned by candidates in content area (Test Code: 5543) Target - 153
Template for the Presentation of Evidence by Dr. Michele Brewer and Dr. Amber Vraim is licensed under Attribution 4.0 International "College of Education Office of Technology, Assessment, and Compliance: Template for the Presentation of Evidence." Copyright 2020 by Wilmington University.
N=0 Academic
N=2 153.50 Academic
2021-2022 N=1 158.00
Year 2019-2020
Year 2020-2021
Table 4: BS Elementary Education (Grades 1-5) Mean Scores
Semester (Number of Candidates) Mean not calculated if less than 5 5002 ELA 157 5003 Math 157 5004 SS 155 5005 Science 159 Academic Year 2019-2020 N=9 167.00 N=9 174.89 N=12 165.25 N=10 172.40 Academic Year 2020-2021 N=22 169.77 N=20 177.35 N=23 170.35 N=25 171.44 Academic Year 2021-2022 N=21 166.62 N=20 176.20 N=15 169.80 N=17 171.65
Table 5: BS Elementary Education and Special Education (Mild/Mod)
Semester SPED M/M Academic Year 2019-2020 N=3 168.33 Academic Year 2020-2021 N=2 155.50 Academic Year 2021-2022 N=3 175.00
Grambling State University Standard One Compendium 2 R1.2 Application of Content
Table 6: BS Kinesiology: Pedagogy (Teaching K-12)
Average percentage of correct answers earned by candidates in each content area (Test Codes: 5857) Target 160
Table 7: BS Secondary Education and Teaching (Biology/Mathematics/Chemistry)
Average percentage of correct answers earned by candidates in each content area (Test Codes: 5235, 5161, 5245)
Praxis II Principles of Learning and Teaching- Undergraduate
Table 8: Praxis II - PLT: Principles of Learning and Teaching (Undergraduate Programs)
Average percentage of correct answers earned by candidates in each content area (Test Codes: 5621/ 5622 or 5624)
Template for the Presentation of Evidence by Dr. Michele Brewer and Dr. Amber Vraim is licensed under Attribution
"College of Education Office of Technology, Assessment, and Compliance: Template for the Presentation of Evidence." Copyright 2020 by Wilmington University.
4.0 International
Semester (Number of Candidates) (5857) Academic Year 2019-2020 N=1 168.00 Academic Year 2020-2021 N=7 168.86 Academic Year 2021-2022 N=11 171.91
Semester (Number of Candidates) Secondary (5235) Biology Target 150 (5161) Math Target 160 (5245) Chemistry Target 151 Academic Year 2019-2020 N=0 N=0 N=1 152.00 Academic Year 2020-2021 N=1 153.00 N=2 172.00 N=0 Academic Year 2021-2022 N=0 N=1 169.00 N=0
Semester (Number of Candidates) Mean not calculated if less than 5 5622 Target 160 BS Elementary Education (Grades 1-5) and Elementary Education (Grades15) Mild/Moderate 5624 Target 157
Secondary Education & Teaching (Grades 712), Kinesiology Pedagogy, and Music Education (Instrumental or Vocal) Academic Year 2019-2020 N=4 169.00 N=4 161.00 Academic Year 2020-2021 N=12 169.50 N=7 164.57 Academic Year 2021-2022 N=12 172.42 N=10 177.60
Grambling State University Standard One Compendium 2 R1.2 Application of Content
Average percentage of correct answers earned by candidates in content area (Test Code: 5543) Target 153
Average percentage of correct answers earned by candidates in each content area (Test Codes: 5622/5623 or 5624) Target 160
4.0 International
Template for the Presentation of Evidence by Dr. Michele Brewer and Dr. Amber Vraim is licensed under Attribution
"College of Education Office of Technology, Assessment, and Compliance: Template for the Presentation of Evidence." Copyright 2020 by Wilmington University.
Praxis II Content - Graduate
Semester (Number of Candidates) Mean not calculated if less than 5 5002 ELA Target 157 5003 Math Target 157 5004 Social Studies Target 155 5005 Science Target 159 Academic Year 2019-2020 N=1 177.00 N=1 169.00 N=2 172.50 N=2 162.00 Academic Year 2020-2021 N=7 170.57 N=9 172.89 N=8 167.75 N=7 175.86 Academic Year 2021-2022 N=5 172.80 N=4 183.00 N=4 156.00 N=3 186.67
Table 9: Praxis II Content MAT Elementary Education and Special Education (Mild/Mod)
Table 10: Special Education Mild/Moderate MAT Secondary Education & Spec. Ed. (Mild/Mod)
Semester (Number of
SPED/MM Academic Year 2019-2020 N=0 Academic Year 2020-2021 N=4 160.00 Academic Year 2021-2022 N=4 163.75
Praxis II Principles of Learning and Teaching - Graduate
Table 11: PLT Principles of Learning and Teaching (MAT)
Semester (Number of Candidates) Mean not calculated if less than 5 5622 K-6 5623 Grades 5-9 5624 Grades 7-12 Academic Year 2019-2020 N=1 161.00 N=0 N=1 163.00 Academic Year 2020-2021 N=2 173.00 N=1 190.00 N=0 Academic Year 2021-2022 N=6 173.33 N=1 188.00 N=2 172.50
Grambling State University Standard One Compendium 2 R1.2 Application of Content
Table 12: Candidates Ineligible for Graduation as a Result of Not Passing Praxis II-Content
Support for those who do not pass Praxis II Conten t
Candidates seeking help related to any Praxis II examination may find assistance on the ETS website. Additional support is also provided through resources such as Khan Academy, Tutor 240 and individualized tutoring from The SAGE Group The SAGE Group Fa culty members also provide subject specific tutoring sessions. Additionally, Grambling State University houses a Praxis Lab where Edmentum, an online learning program for educators, is housed. Students can also find resources and receive guidance in preparing for the examinations in the Praxis Lab that is run by a staff member during regular school business hours and other times as scheduled
Template for the Presentation of Evidence by Dr. Michele Brewer and Dr. Amber Vraim is licensed under Attribution 4.0
"College of Education Office of Technology, Assessment, and Compliance: Template for the Presentation of Evidence." Copyright 2020 by Wilmington University.
Program Spring 2020 Spring 2021 Spring 2022 Number of Candidates Who Entered Residency Number of candidates who were ineligible as a result of Not Passing Praxis II Content Percentage of Candidates Ineligible to graduate as a Result of Not Passing Praxis II Number of Candidates Who Applied for Student Teaching Number of candidates who were ineligible to graduate as a result of Not Passing Praxis II Percentage of Candidates Ineligible as a Result of Not Passing Praxis II Number of Candidates Who Entered Residency Number of candidates who were ineligible to graduate as a result of Not Passing Praxis II Percentage of Candidates Ineligible as a Result of Not Passing Praxis II BA Music Education - Instrumental K-12/Vocal K-12 1 0 0% 1 1 100% 2 0 0% BS Elementary Education (Grades 1-5) 3 0 0% 10 4 40% 5 0 0% BS Elementary Education and Special Education (Mild/Mod) 0 0 0% 0 0 0% 0 0 0% BS Kinesiology: Pedagogy (Teaching K-12) 2 0 0% 1 1 100% 0 0 0% BS Secondary Education and Teaching (Biology/Mathematics/Chemistry) 0 0 0% 1 0 0% 1 1 100% MAT Elementary Education and Special Education (Mild/Mod) 0 0 0% 2 0 0% 3 0 0% MAT Secondary Education & Spec. Ed. (Mild/Mod) 0 0 0% 0 0 0% 1 0 0%
Grambling State University Standard One Compendium 2 R1.2 Application of Content
Table 13: Candidates Ineligible for Graduation as a Result of Not Passing Praxis II-PLT
Support for those who do not pass Praxis II PLT
The student who did not graduate Spring 2022 due to the PLT did not have scores back in time to be certified and awarded the degree. Once the scores were received, the candidate passed, and the degree was awarded Summer 2022 A continued focus will be placed on the importance that candidate study for, sit for and pass the Praxis II PLT Exam earlier during the academic career. Procedures, already in place, will be monitored and candidates will continue to be encouraged to follow the procedures. Ways to prevent procrastination and decrease anxiety around the test will be explored.
Template for the Presentation of Evidence by Dr. Michele Brewer and Dr. Amber Vraim is licensed under Attribution
"College of Education Office of Technology, Assessment, and Compliance: Template for the Presentation of Evidence." Copyright 2020 by Wilmington University.
4.0 International
Program Spring 2020 Spring 2021 Spring 2022 Number of Candidates Who Entered Residency Number of candidates who were ineligible as a result of Not Passing Praxis II PLT Percentage of Candidates Ineligible to graduate as a Result of Not Passing Praxis II PLT Number of Candidates Who Applied for Student Teaching Number of candidates who were ineligible to graduate as a result of Not Passing Praxis II PLT Percentage of Candidates Ineligible as a Result of Not Passing Praxis II PLT Number of Candidates Who Entered Residency Number of candidates who were ineligible to graduate as a result of Not Passing Praxis II PLT Percentage of Candidates Ineligible as a Result of Not Passing Praxis II PLT BA Music Education - Instrumental K-12/Vocal K-12 1 0 0% 1 0 0% 2 0 0% BS Elementary Education (Grades 1-5) 3 0 0% 10 0 0% 5 1 20% BS Elementary Education and Special Education (Mild/Mod) 0 0 0% 0 0 0% 0 0 0% BS Kinesiology: Pedagogy (Teaching K-12) 2 0 0% 1 0 0% 0 0 0% BS Secondary Education and Teaching (Biology/Mathematics/Chemistry) 0 0 0% 1 0 0% 1 0 0% MAT Elementary Education and Special Education (Mild/Mod) 0 0 0% 2 0 0% 3 0 0% MAT Secondary Education & Spec. Ed. (Mild/Mod) 0 0 0% 0 0 0% 1 0 0%
Grambling State University Standard One Compendium 2 R1.2 Application of Content
Evaluation during Year Long Residency:
Formative and Summative Observation during Year Long Residency
Template for the Presentation of Evidence by Dr. Michele Brewer and Dr. Amber Vraim is licensed under Attribution 4.0 International "College of Education Office of Technology, Assessment, and Compliance: Template for the Presentation of Evidence." Copyright 2020 by Wilmington University.
Formative Observation during
Long Residency Programs Fall 20 N=14 Fall 21 N=15 Fall 22 N=11 Total CAEP 1.1 InTASC 4 BS Elementary Education (Grades 1-5) N = 10 M 2.88 N= 5 M=2.93 N=9 M =3 N=24 M=2.93 BS Elementary Education & Spec Ed (Mild/Mod) N=0 N=0 N=1 M=3 N=1 M=3 BS Secondary Education & Teaching (Math Concentration, Biology Concentration, Chemistry Concentration) N = 1 M=2.00 N=1 M=3.00 N=0 N=2.00 M=2.50 MAT Elementary Education and Special Education (Mild/Mod) N = 1 M = 4.00 N=8 M=2.50 N=10 M=2.70 N=19 M=2.68 MAT Secondary Education and Special Education (Mild/Mod) N=0 N=0 N=0 N=0 BA Music Education- Instrumental K-12/Vocal K-12 N=1 M = 2.66 N=1 M= 2.00 N=1 M=4.00 N=3 M=2.88 BS Kinesiology- Pedagogy (Teaching K-12) N=1 M = 3.00 N=0 N=0 N=1 M=3.00 M=2.88 M=2.64 M=2.90 M =2.78 CAEP 1.1 InTASC 5 BS Elementary Education (Grades 1-5) N=10 M=2.90 N=5 M=2.73 N=9 M=3.03 N=24 M=2.91 BS Elementary Education & Spec Ed (Mild/Mod) N=0 N=0 N=1 M=3.0 N=1 M=3.0 BS Secondary Education & Teaching (Math Concentration, Biology Concentration, Chemistry Concentration) N=1 M=2.00 N=1 M=3.00 N=0 N=2 M=2.50 MAT Elementary Education and Special Education (Mild/Mod) N=1 M=3.66 N=8 M=2.70 N=10 M=2.76 N=19 M=2.78 MAT Secondary Education and Special Education (Mild/Mod) N=0 N=0 N=0 N=0 BA Music Education- Instrumental K-12/Vocal K-12 N=1 M=3.0 N=1 M=2.33 N=1 M=4.00 N=3 M=3.11 BS Kinesiology- Pedagogy (Teaching K-12) N=1 M=3.0 N=0 N=0 N=1 M=3.00 M=2.90 M=2.71 M=2.95 M=2.85
Grambling State University Standard One Compendium 2 R1.2 Application of Content
The Danielson rubric aligns with InTASC and CAEP standards. The InTASC standards are infused throughout the framework. Specifically, InTASC standards 4 and 5 are demonstrated in 1a - Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy, 1e – Designing Coherent Instruction, 3a - Communicating with Students, 3c - Engaging Students in Learning and 3e - Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness.
Template for the Presentation of Evidence by Dr. Michele Brewer and Dr. Amber Vraim is licensed under Attribution 4.0 International "College of Education Office of Technology, Assessment, and Compliance: Template for the Presentation of Evidence." Copyright 2020 by Wilmington University.
Programs Spring 21 N =14 Spring 22 N-15 Spring 20 N=11 Total CAEP 1.1 InTASC 4 BS Elementary Education (Grades 1-5) N=10 M=3.10 N=5 M=3.5 N=9 M=3.25 N=24 M=3.23 BS Elementary Education & Spec Ed (Mild/Mod) N=0 N=0 N=1 M=3.00 N=1 M=3.00 BS Secondary Education & Teaching (Math Concentration, Biology Concentration, Chemistry Concentration) N=1 M-=3 00 N=1 M=2.33 N=0 N=2 M=2.66 MAT Elementary Education and Special Education (Mild/Mod) N=1 M=4.00 N=8 M=2.85 N= 9 M=2.90 N=18 M=2.93 MAT Secondary Education and Special Education (Mild/Mod) N=0 N=0 N=0 N=0 BA Music Education- Instrumental K-12/Vocal K-12 N=1 M-2.66 N=1 M=3.33 N=1 M=4.00 N=3 M= 3.33 BS Kinesiology- Pedagogy (Teaching K-12) N=1 M=3.00 N=0 N=0 N=1 M=3.00 M=3.11 M=3.0 M=3.11 N=3.10 CAEP 1.1 InTASC 5 BS Elementary Education (Grades 1-5) N=10 M=3.16 N=5 M=3.60 N=9 M=3.37 N=24 M=3.33 BS Elementary Education & Spec Ed (Mild/Mod) N=0 N=0 N=1 M=3.00 N=1 M=3.00 BS Secondary Education & Teaching (Math Concentration, Biology Concentration, Chemistry Concentration) N=1 M=2.66 N=1 M=2.66 N=0 N=2 M=2.66 MAT Elementary Education and Special Education (Mild/Mod) N=1 M=3.66 N=8 M=2.95 N=9 M=2.96 N=18 M=2.99 MAT Secondary Education and Special Education (Mild/Mod) N=0 N=0 N=0 M=0 BA Music Education- Instrumental K-12/Vocal K-12 N=1 M=3.00 N=1 M=2.33 N=1 M=4.00 N=3 M= 3.11 BS Kinesiology- Pedagogy (Teaching K-12) N=1 M=3.33 N=0 N=0 N=1 3.33 M=3.16 M=3.11 M=3.19 M= 3.16
Summative Observation during Year Long Residency
Program: BA Music Education -
Instrumental K-12/Vocal K-12
Grambling State University Standard One Compendium 2
R1.2 Application of Content
Analysis and Interpretation
Evidence provided demonstrates candidates know central concepts of their content area (InTASC Standard 4). GSU’s graduate passing rate on the Praxis II Music exam is 100%. Praxis II categories/sub-tests are analyzed from the various content areas to strengthen program coursework and candidate content knowledge.
GSU candidate performance is above the target of 151 as indicated by a score of 153 -158 as recorded in Table 3.
In Spring 2021, 1 student was not eligible for graduation as a result of not passing Praxis II while in 2022 both students tested were eligible for graduation.
Evidence provided demonstrates candidates are able to apply their knowledge of content at the appropriate progression levels (InTASC Standard 4) and are able to apply the content in developing equitable and inclusive learning experiences (InTASC Standard 5) for diverse P-12 students.
GSU’s graduate passing rate on the Praxis II PLT is 100%
GSU candidate performance is above the target of 157 as indicated by a mean score range of 161-177 as recorded in Table 8.
No student was deemed ineligible for graduation as a result of not passing Praxis II PLT.
Data from table labeled “Formative Observation during Year Long Residency” demonstrates candidates know central concepts of their content area (InTASC Standard 4). Across the three data collection cycles, the mean score of all candidates for these formative evaluations was 2.88, placing their performance within the Effective: Emerging range of 2.00-2.99 which is slightly below the target of 3.0.
Data from table labeled “Formative Observation during Year Long Residency” (InTASC Standard 5), indicate that candidates are able to apply the content in developing equitable and inclusive learning experiences (InTASC Standard 5). Candidates are performing at the target level of Effective Proficient Across the three data collection cycles, the mean score of all candidates for the formative evaluations was 3.11, placing their performance within the target of Effective Proficient.
Data from table labeled “Summative Observation during Year Long Residency demonstrates candidates know central concepts of their content area (InTASC Standard 4). Across the three data collection cycles, the mean score of all candidates for these summative evaluations was 3.33, placing their performance within the target of Effective Proficient
Data from table labeled “Summative Observation during Year Long Residency” demonstrates that candidates are able to apply the content in developing equitable and inclusive learning experiences for diverse P-12 students (InTASC Standard 5).
Across the three data collection cycles, the mean score of all candidates for these summative evaluations was 3.11, placing their performance within the target of Effective Proficient.
the Presentation of Evidence
is licensed under Attribution 4.0 International "College of Education Office of Technology, Assessment, and Compliance: Template for the Presentation of Evidence." Copyright 2020 by
Template for
by Dr. Michele Brewer and Dr. Amber Vraim
Program Praxis II Content Praxis II PLT Formative Observation Summative Observation
Program: BS Elementary Education (Grades 1-5)
Grambling State University Standard One Compendium 2
R1.2 Application of Content
GSU graduate passing rate on the Praxis II ELA exam is 100%. Praxis II categories/sub-tests are analyzed from the various content areas to strengthen program coursework and candidate content knowledge.
GSU candidate performance is above the target of 157 as indicated by a score of 167 to 169 in Table 4.
GSU candidate passing rate on the Praxis II Math exam is 100%. Praxis II categories/sub-tests are analyzed from the various content areas to strengthen program coursework and candidate content knowledge.
GSU candidate performance is above the target of 157 as indicated by a score of 174 to 177 in Table 4.
GSU candidate passing rate on the Praxis II Social Studies exam is 100%. Praxis II categories/sub-tests are analyzed from the various content areas to strengthen program coursework and candidate content knowledge.
GSU candidate performance is above the target of 155 as indicated by candidate scores of 166 to 170 in Table 4.
GSU candidate passing rate on the Praxis II Science exam is 100%.
Candidates are able to apply their knowledge of content at the appropriate progression levels. Evidence provided demonstrates candidates know central concepts of their content area (InTASC Standard 4) and are able to apply the content in developing equitable and inclusive learning experiences (InTASC Standard 5) for diverse P-12 students.
Evidence provided demonstrates candidates know central concepts of their content area. GSU graduate passing rate on the Praxis II PLT is 100% Praxis II categories/sub-tests are analyzed from the various areas to strengthen program coursework and candidate content knowledge.
GSU candidate performance is above the target of 160 as indicated by a mean score range of 169-172 as recorded in Table 8.
No student was deemed ineligible for graduation as a result of not passing Praxis II PLT.
InTASC Standard 4: Data from table labeled “Formative Observation during Year Long Residency” demonstrates candidates know central concepts of their content area.
Across the three data collection cycles, the mean score of all candidates for these formative evaluations was 2.93, placing their performance within the Effective Emerging range, as indicated by a score rage of 2.002.99. 2.93 is slightly below the target range of 3.00 to 3.99 –Effective Proficient.
InTASC Standard 5: Candidates are able to apply the content in developing equitable and inclusive learning experiences for diverse P-12 students. Data from table labeled “Formative Observation during Year Long Residency” indicate that within this assessment, four “domains of teaching responsibility” align to InTASC Standard 5
Across all three data collection cycles, the mean score of all candidates for these formative evaluations was 2.91, placing
InTASC Standard 4:
Data from table labeled “Summative Observation during Year Long Residency” demonstrates candidates know central concepts of their content area
Across the three data collection cycles, the mean score of all candidates for these summative evaluations was 3.23, placing their performance within the Effective Proficient range, within the target score of 3.00 -3.99
InTASC Standard 5: Candidates are able to apply the content in developing equitable and inclusive learning experiences for diverse P12 students.
Data from table labeled “Summative Observation during Year Long Residency” indicate that across the three data collection cycles, the mean score of all candidates for these summative evaluations was 3.33, placing their performance within the Effective Proficient range, within the target of 3.00-3.99
Template for the Presentation of Evidence by Dr.
Brewer and Dr. Amber Vraim is licensed under Attribution 4.0 International "College of Education Office of Technology, Assessment, and Compliance: Template for the Presentation of Evidence." Copyright 2020 by Wilmington University. Program Praxis II Content Praxis II PLT Formative Observation Summative Observation
Program: BS Elementary Education and Special Education (Mild/Mod)
Grambling State University Standard One Compendium 2
R1.2 Application of Content
Praxis II categories/sub-tests are analyzed from the various content areas to strengthen program coursework and candidate content knowledge. GSU candidate performance is above the target of 159 as indicated by a score of score of 171 to 172 in Table 4.
Over the three data collection cycles, 4 of 18 (22%) students were deemed not eligible for graduation as a result of not passing Praxis II Content. Four of the 10 candidates, Spring 2021 did not meet the cut score.
their performance at Effective Emerging, slightly below the target of 3.00 -Effective Efficient.
InTASC Standard 4: Evidence provided demonstrates candidates know central concepts of their content area
GSU candidate passing rate on the Praxis II content exam is 100%. Praxis II categories/sub-tests are analyzed from the various content areas to strengthen program coursework and candidate content knowledge. GSU candidate performance is above the target of 153 as indicated by a score range of 155 -175 in Table 5.
Over the three data collection cycles, no student was deemed not eligible for graduation as a result of not passing Praxis.
Candidates are able to apply their knowledge of content at the appropriate progression levels. Evidence provided demonstrates candidates know central concepts of their content area (InTASC Standard 4) and are able to apply the content in developing equitable and inclusive learning experiences (InTASC Standard 5) for diverse P-12 students.
Evidence provided demonstrates candidates know central concepts of their content area. GSU graduate passing rate on the Praxis II PLT is 100% Praxis II categories/sub-tests are analyzed from the various areas to strengthen program
InTASC Standard 4: Data from table labeled “Formative Observation during Year Long Residency” demonstrates candidates know central concepts of their content area
Across the three data collection cycles, there was one candidate completing formative evaluations, earning a score of 3.0 which is within the target of Effective Efficient.
InTASC Standard 5: Candidates are able to apply the content in developing equitable and inclusive learning experiences for diverse P-12 students.
Template for the Presentation of Evidence by Dr. Michele Brewer and Dr. Amber Vraim is licensed under Attribution 4.0 International "College of Education Office of Technology, Assessment, and Compliance: Template for the Presentation of Evidence." Copyright 2020 by Wilmington University.
InTASC Standard 4: Data from table labeled “Summative Observation during Year Long Residency” demonstrates candidates know central concepts of their content area.
Across the three data collection cycles, there was one candidate completing summative evaluations, earning a score of 3.0 which is within the target of Effective Efficient.
InTASC Standard 5: Candidates are able to apply the content in developing equitable and inclusive learning experiences for diverse P12 students.
Program Praxis II Content Praxis II PLT Formative Observation Summative Observation
Program: BS Kinesiology: Pedagogy (Teaching K-12)
Grambling State University Standard One Compendium 2
R1.2 Application of Content
coursework and candidate content knowledge.
GSU candidate performance is above the target of 160 as indicated by a mean score range of 169-172 as recorded in Table 8.
No student was deemed ineligible for graduation as a result of not passing Praxis II PLT.
Data from table labeled “Formative Observation during Year Long Residency” indicate that within this assessment, four “domains of teaching responsibility” align to InTASC Standard 5.
Across the three data collection cycles, there was one candidate completing formative evaluations, earning a score of 3.0 which is within the target of Effective Proficient.
Data from table labeled “Summative Observation during Year Long Residency” indicate that within this assessment, four “domains of teaching responsibility” align to InTASC Standard 5
Across the three data collection cycles, there was one candidate completing summative evaluation, earning a score of 3.0 which is within the target of Effective Efficient.
InTASC Standard 4: Evidence provided demonstrates candidates know central concepts of their content area
GSU candidate passing rate on the Praxis II exam is 100%. Praxis II categories/sub-tests are analyzed from the various content areas to strengthen program coursework and candidate content knowledge.
GSU candidate performance is above the target of 160 as indicated by a mean score range of 166 to 170 in Table 6.
Over the three data collection cycles, 1 student was deemed not
Evidence provided demonstrates candidates are able to apply their knowledge of content at the appropriate progression levels (InTASC Standard 4) and are able to apply the content in developing equitable and inclusive learning experiences (InTASC Standard 5) for diverse P-12 students.
GSU’s graduate passing rate on the Praxis II PLT is 100%
GSU candidate performance is above the target of 157 as indicated by a mean score range of 161-177 as recorded in Table 8.
InTASC Standard 4: Data from table labeled “Formative Observation during Year Long Residency” demonstrates candidates know central concepts of their content area.
Across the three data collection cycles, the mean score of the candidate for these formative evaluations was 3.00, placing the performance within the Effective Proficient range, as indicated by a score of 3.00-3.99
InTASC Standard 5: Candidates are able to apply the content in developing equitable and
Template for the Presentation of Evidence by Dr. Michele Brewer and Dr. Amber Vraim is licensed under Attribution 4.0 International "College of Education Office of Technology, Assessment, and Compliance: Template for the Presentation of Evidence." Copyright 2020 by Wilmington University.
InTASC Standard 4: Data from table labeled “Summative Observation during Year Long Residency” demonstrates candidates know central concepts of their content area
Across all three data collection cycles, the mean score of all candidates for these summative evaluations was 3.00, placing their performance within the target of Effective Proficient range of 3.003.99.
InTASC Standard 5: Candidates are able to apply the content in developing equitable and inclusive
Program Praxis II Content Praxis II PLT Formative Observation Summative Observation
Program: BS Secondary Education and Teaching (Biology/Mathematics/Chemistry)
Grambling State University Standard One Compendium 2
R1.2 Application of Content
eligible for graduation as a result of not passing Praxis II Content.
No student was deemed ineligible for graduation as a result of not passing Praxis II PLT.
inclusive learning experiences for diverse P-12 students. Data from table labeled “Formative Observation during Year Long Residency” indicate that within this assessment, four “domains of teaching responsibility” align to InTASC Standard 5
Across the three data collection cycles, the mean score of the candidate for the formative evaluations was 3.00, placing their performance within the target of Effective Proficient range, which includes a score of 3.00-3.99
learning experiences for diverse P12 students.
Data from table labeled “Summative Observation during Year Long Residency” indicate that across the three data collection cycles, the mean score of all candidates for these summative evaluations was 3.33, placing their performance within the Effective Proficient range, as indicated by a score of 3.00-3.99
InTASC Standard 4: Evidence provided demonstrates candidates know central concepts of their content area
GSU graduate passing rate on the Praxis II Biology exam is 100%. Praxis II categories/sub-tests are analyzed from the various content areas to strengthen program coursework and candidate content knowledge. GSU candidate performance is above the target of 150 in Biology as indicated by a score of 153 in Table 7.
GSU graduate passing rate on the Praxis II Mathematics exam is 100%. Praxis II categories/sub-tests are analyzed from the various content areas to strengthen
Evidence provided demonstrates candidates are able to apply their knowledge of content at the appropriate progression levels (InTASC Standard 4) and are able to apply the content in developing equitable and inclusive learning experiences (InTASC Standard 5) for diverse P-12 students.
GSU’s graduate passing rate on the Praxis II PLT is 100%
GSU candidate performance is above the target of 157 as indicated by a mean score range of 161-177 as recorded in Table 8.
InTASC Standard 4: Data from table labeled “Formative Observation during Year Long Residency” demonstrates candidates know central concepts of their content area.
Across the three data collection cycles, the mean score of all candidates for these formative evaluations was 2.50, placing their performance within the Effective Emerging range, which includes a score of 2.00-2.99.
InTASC Standard 5: Candidates are able to apply the content in developing equitable and inclusive learning experiences for diverse P-12 students.
Template for the Presentation of Evidence by Dr. Michele Brewer and Dr. Amber Vraim is licensed under Attribution 4.0 International "College of Education Office of Technology, Assessment, and Compliance: Template for the Presentation of Evidence." Copyright 2020 by Wilmington University.
InTASC Standard 4: Data from table labeled “Summative Observation during Year Long Residency” demonstrates candidates know central concepts of their content area.
Across all three data collection cycles, the mean score of all candidates for these summative evaluations was 2.66, placing their performance within the Effective Emerging range of 2.002.99.
InTASC Standard 5: Candidates are able to apply the content in developing equitable and inclusive learning experiences for diverse P12 students.
Program Praxis II Content Praxis II PLT Formative Observation Summative Observation
Program: MAT Elementary Education and Special Education (Mild/Mod)
Grambling State University Standard One Compendium 2
R1.2 Application of Content
program coursework and candidate content knowledge. GSU candidate performance is above the target of 160 in Mathematics as indicated by mean scores of 169 and 172 in Table 7.
GSU graduate passing rate on the Praxis II Chemistry exam is 100%. Praxis II categories/sub-tests are analyzed from the various content areas to strengthen program coursework and candidate content knowledge. GSU candidate performance is above the target of 151 in Chemistry as indicated by the score of 152 in Table 7.
Over the three data collection cycles, 1 student was deemed not eligible for graduation as a result of not passing Praxis II Content.
No candidate was deemed ineligible for graduation as a result of not passing Praxis II PLT.
Data from table labeled “Formative Observation during Year Long Residency” indicate that across the three data collection cycles, the mean score of all candidates for these formative evaluations was 2.5, placing their performance within the Effective Emerging range, as indicated by a score of 2 -2.99.
Data from table labeled “Summative Observation during Year Long Residency” indicate that across the three data collection cycles, the mean score of all candidates for these summative evaluations was 2.66, placing their performance within the Effective Emerging range, of 2.002.99.
InTASC Standard 4: Evidence provided demonstrates candidates know central concepts of their content area
GSU candidate passing rate on the Praxis II ELA exam is 100%. Praxis II categories/sub-tests are analyzed from the various content areas to strengthen program coursework and candidate content knowledge.
GSU candidate performance is above the target of 157 in ELA as indicated by mean score ranges of 170 to 177 in Table 9.
Evidence provided demonstrates candidates know central concepts of their content area (Standard 4) and are able to apply the content in developing equitable and inclusive learning experiences (InTASC Standard 5).
GSU candidate passing rate on the Praxis II PLT is 100% Praxis II categories/sub-tests are analyzed from the various areas to strengthen program coursework and candidate content knowledge.
InTASC Standard 4:
Data from table labeled “Formative Observation during Year Long Residency” demonstrates candidates know central concepts of their content area.
indicate across the three data collection cycles, the mean score of all candidates for these formative evaluations was 2.68, placing their performance within the Effective Emerging range, as indicated by a score of 2 -2.99.
InTASC Standard 4: Data from table labeled “Summative Observation during Year Long Residency” demonstrates candidates know central concepts of their content area.
Data indicate across the three data collection cycles, the mean score of all candidates for these summative evaluations was 2.93, placing their performance within the Effective Emerging range score of 2 -2.99.
Attribution 4.0 International "College of
the Presentation of Evidence."
Template for the Presentation of Evidence by Dr. Michele Brewer and Dr. Amber Vraim is licensed under
Education Office
Technology, Assessment, and Compliance: Template for
by Wilmington University.
Program Praxis II Content Praxis II PLT Formative Observation Summative Observation
Grambling State University Standard One Compendium 2
R1.2 Application of Content
GSU candidate passing rate on the Praxis II Mathematics exam is 100%. Praxis II categories/sub-tests are analyzed from the various content areas to strengthen program coursework and candidate content knowledge. GSU candidate performance is above the target of 157 in Mathematics as indicated by mean scores of 169 and 183 in Table 9.
GSU candidate passing rate on the Praxis II Social Studies exam is 100%. Praxis II categories/sub-tests are analyzed from the various content areas to strengthen program coursework and candidate content knowledge.
GSU candidate performance is above the target of 155 in Social Studies as indicated by a mean score range of 156 to 172 in Table 9.
GSU candidate passing rate on the Praxis II Science exam is 100%. Praxis II categories/sub-tests are analyzed from the various content areas to strengthen program coursework and candidate content knowledge. GSU candidate performance is above the target of 159 in Science as indicated by mean scores of 162 to 186 recorded in Table 9.
GSU candidate passing rate on the Praxis II Social Studies exam is 100%. Praxis II categories/sub-tests are analyzed from the various
GSU candidate performance is above the target of 160 as indicated by a mean score range of 161-173 as recorded in Table 11.
No candidate was deemed ineligible for graduation as a result of not passing Praxis II PLT
InTASC Standard 5: Candidates are able to apply the content in developing equitable and inclusive learning experiences for diverse P-12 students. Data from table labeled “Formative Observation during Year Long Residency” indicate across the three data collection cycles, the mean score of all candidates for these formative evaluations was 2.78, placing their performance within the Effective Emerging range, as indicated by a score of 2 -2.99.
• InTASC Standard 5: Candidates are able to apply the content in developing equitable and inclusive learning experiences for diverse P12 students.
Data from table labeled “Summative Observation during Year Long Residency” indicate that across the three data collection cycles the mean score of all candidates for these summative evaluations was 2.99, placing their performance within the Effective Emerging range score of 2 -2.99, slightly below the target of 3.0.
Template for the Presentation of Evidence by Dr. Michele Brewer and Dr. Amber Vraim is licensed under Attribution 4.0 International "College of Education Office of Technology, Assessment, and Compliance: Template for the Presentation of Evidence." Copyright 2020 by Wilmington University.
Grambling State University Standard One Compendium 2
R1.2 Application of Content
content areas to strengthen program coursework and candidate content knowledge. GSU candidate performance is above the target of 155 in Social Studies as indicated by a mean score range of 156 to 172 in Table 9.
GSU candidate passing rate on the Praxis II Special Education exam is 100%. Praxis II categories/sub-tests are analyzed from the various content areas to strengthen program coursework and candidate content knowledge. GSU candidate performance is above the target of 153 in Special Education as indicated by a mean scores range of 160 to 163 recorded in Table 10.
Over the three data collection cycles, no candidate was deemed not eligible for graduation as a result of not passing Praxis II Content or the Special Education exam.
4.0 International "College
Template for the Presentation
Evidence by Dr. Michele Brewer and Dr. Amber Vraim is licensed under Attribution
of Education Office of Technology, Assessment, and Compliance: Template for the Presentation of Evidence." Copyright 2020 by Wilmington University.
Grambling State University Standard One Compendium 2 R1.2 Application of Content
Continuous Improvement
Focus Area(s):
Focus Area 1: Graduation rate of candidates in the undergraduate initial program are impacted by not meeting the passing score on various tests. While supports such as tutoring, The Sage group and increased communication through mandatory meetings and class meetings have been put in place, it is important to closely monitor the progress of candidates. A continued focus will be placed on the importance that candidate study for, sit for and pass the Praxis II Content Exam earlier during the academic career. Ways to prevent procrastination and decrease anxiety around the test will be explored.
Focus Area 2: Candidates in the initial program performed at are near the target of 3.0 over the three cycles of data during formative and summative evaluations. The data from all programs show that candidates are experiencing growth between completion of the formative and the summative evaluation. However, the growth was not experienced in the secondary program. Although the numbers are small in the program, GSU will continue to monitor this program over the next few cycles, specifically because the scores were below the target of 3.0.
Focus Area 3: While candidates in the undergraduate initial program performed at the target level on the Praxis II Content Exam over the three data collection cycles, a downward trend was evident in the area of Social Studies This is an area to be monitored. While the decrease may not be considered substantial, and there was even a oneyear increase (2020-21), it is important to determine if there is a particular concept that is causing candidates difficulty. Faculty will seek feedback from candidates after they complete the examination, focusing on any areas in the social studies section that candidates felt that they were not fully prepared to address or that the scores indicate a lag. Additionally, feedback will be gathered regarding what supports were impactful in the success of the candidate. Additionally, GSU will look at the subcategories of the Social Studies test to target areas with the greatest need to support candidate success. The History - Social Studies Education Department has made changes to th e social studies education curriculum. Non-tested and duplicate general education requirements have been eliminated in favor of courses that align to PRAXIS testing strands.
4.0 International
Presentation of Evidence."
Template for the Presentation of Evidence by Dr. Michele Brewer and Dr. Amber Vraim is licensed under Attribution
"College of Education Office
Technology, Assessment, and Compliance: Template for the
Copyright 2020 by Wilmington University.