Standard One Evidence Packet 2 - R1.2 Application of Content - Praxis Pass Rates and Category Compar

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Southern University and A&M College - Initial Programs

Standard One Evidence Packet 2

R1.2 Application of Content

Praxis Pass Rates and Category Comparisons

Alignment to National Standard: This evidence packet, entitled Praxis II Pass Rates and Category Comparisons, provides evidence to support CAEP Standard R1.2:

Standard One: The provider ensures that candidates are able to apply their knowledge of content at the appropriate progression levels. Evidence provided demonstrates candidates know central concepts of their content area (InTASC Standard 4) and are able to apply the content in developing equitable and inclusive learning experiences (InTASC Standard 5) for diverse P-12 candidates. Outcome data can be provided from a Specialized Professional Associations SPA process, a state review process, or an evidence review of Standard 1.

InTASC Standard 4: Content Knowledge: The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline(s) he or she teaches and creates learning experiences that make these aspects of the discipline accessible and meaningful for learners to assure mastery of the content.

InTASC Standard 5: Application of Content: The teacher understands how to connect concepts and use differing perspectives to engage learners in critical thinking, creativity, and collaborative problem solving related to authentic local and global issues.

How Alignment is Assured: The CAEP Coordinator, in consultation with the Department Chair of Curriculum and Instruction, aligns the evaluation measures and assessment tasks with CAEP, InTASC, program standards, and appropriate Technology Standards. The CAEP Coordinator maintains alignments and adherence to multiple Louisiana state laws and policy regulations. All Standards have been maintained utilizing SharePoint. This database is maintained by the CAEP Coordinator so that alignments can accommodate updates to standards, program competencies, courses, and assessments.

Evidence Overview

Use of Assessment as Part of the Quality Assurance System: Praxis categories are aligned to corresponding CAEP and InTASC standards to support a detailed data analysis for continued improvement of candidates’ content knowledge.

Details of Assessment Administration: To complete their degree programs and achieve teacher certification, candidates must pass Praxis II exams related to their respective content areas. The Louisiana Department of Education provides two pathways to employment – certification for candidates earning passing scores on all Praxis exams, or a Temporary Employment Permit (TEP) for candidates scoring within 10% of passing Praxis exams. Within the program, candidates must take at least one Praxis exam in each educational methods course. Candidates are reimbursed for passed exam fees when they pay out of pocket. With each exam registration, ETS provides candidates with one practice exam. While candidates are not required to pass Praxis exams within methods courses [only to register, test, and report scores], they are required to earn passing and/or qualifying scores on the TEP prior to entering the first semester of the one-year teacher residency, and as such, prior to program completion. Candidates can register for Praxis exams during class sessions and/or independently, and they take exams at ETSapproved testing centers or using the Test at Home option; official scores are available to the provider through ETS.

Standard One Evidence Packet 2

R1.2 Application of Content

Praxis Pass Rates and Category Comparisons

How the Evaluation is Used to Measure Candidate Progress: Praxis exams, which are scored by ETS, are required for entry into the one-year residency and for program completion by the Louisiana Department of Education (LDOE), which determines cut scores. Southern University follows these requirements as set forth by LDOE. The cut scores for passing Praxis content exams can be found here, and the scores for TEP-range can be found here.

Candidates needing additional support to prepare for Praxis exams are encouraged to participate in Praxis Laboratory hours; in the lab, candidates can collaboratively prepare for exams with peers who have already met Praxis requirements. In addition, candidates have access to 240 Tutoring digital test guides, Kaplan preparation materials, and PrepStep Learning Express, as well as ETS-provided materials, such as Study Companions.

Student progress on Praxis is formally monitored at different program levels – including before program entry and before residency entry. Progress is also monitored during individual advising, group advising sessions, and coursetaking. Candidates must log hours in the Praxis lab; the expectation for those who have already passed exams is that they will collaborate with peers who need additional support.

Evidence and Analysis

Table 1. Totals for Elementary Education Programs

● Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education, Grades 1-5

● Bachelor of Science in Special Education: Mild to Moderate Disabilities (1-5)

● Master of Arts in Teaching, Elementary Education, Grades 1-5

Average score earned by candidates in each content area (Test Codes: 5001, 5002, 5003, 5004, 5005)



University and A&M College - Initial Programs

Standard One Evidence Packet 2

R1.2 Application of Content

Praxis Pass Rates and Category Comparisons

Table 2. Totals for Special Education Programs

● Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education, Mild/Moderate, Integrated to Merged, Grades 1-5

● Bachelor of Science in Middle School Education, Mild/Moderate, Integrated to Merged, Grades 4-8

Average score earned by candidates on the Special Education exam (Test Codes: 0543/5543)

Special Education: Core Knowledge, Mild to Moderate 0543/5543

Year from Sept. to Aug.


– 2023

The LDOE does not allow TEPs to be issued for Special Education areas.

Table 3. Totals for Programs with a Concentration in Secondary Education

● Bachelor of Science in Biology

● Bachelor of Science in Chemistry

● Bachelor of Arts in English

● Bachelor of Arts in History

● Bachelor of Science in Mathematics/Physics Year from Sept. to Aug.

Southern University and A&M College - Initial Programs

Standard One Evidence Packet 2 R1.2 Application of Content

Praxis Pass Rates and Category Comparisons

Table 3. Totals for Programs with a Concentration in Secondary Education

● Bachelor of Science in Biology

● Bachelor of Science in Chemistry

● Bachelor of Arts in English

● Bachelor of Arts in History

● Bachelor of Science in Mathematics/Physics

*Fewer than 5 candidates

Table 4. Totals for The Praxis Principles of Learning and Teaching (Grades K - 6)

Average score earned by candidates based on

and disaggregated based upon ethnicity and gender (Test Code: 5622)

Year from Sept. to Aug.

*Fewer than 5 candidates

Table 5. Totals for The Praxis Principles of Learning and Teaching (Grades 5 - 9) Average score earned by candidates based on

and disaggregated based upon

and gender (Test Code: 5623)

Southern University and A&M College - Initial Programs Standard One Evidence Packet 2

Application of Content Praxis Pass Rates and Category Comparisons

Table 5. Totals for The Praxis Principles of Learning and Teaching (Grades 5 - 9)

Average score earned by candidates based on total student population and disaggregated based upon ethnicity and gender (Test Code: 5623)

*Fewer than 5 candidates

Table 6. Totals for The Praxis Principles of Learning and Teaching (Grades 7 - 12)

Average score earned by candidates based on total student population and disaggregated based upon ethnicity and gender (Test Code: 5624)

Year from Sept. to Aug.

Analysis and Interpretation:

In January 2024, the CAEP Coordinator, Assessment Coordinator [newly hired on 1/16/2024], and Chair of Curriculum and Instruction discussed the Praxis results and trends and how the Department could address the opportunity gaps faced by African American candidates. The Praxis data (above) were considered along with findings from a Spring 2020 student focus group.

Spring 2020 Focus Groups. The CAEP Coordinator and Chair of Curriculum and Instruction used findings and protocols developed by Emery Petchauer (2012) to develop a protocol to investigate pre-residency teacher candidates’ (n=15) self-efficacy for passing Praxis examinations and the perceptions of affordances and barriers within the department that affect their ability to pass the examinations. Of the 15 candidates, findings related to their self-efficacy for passing the exam were mixed, but in the discussion, they described taking K-12 science and mathematics with long-term substitutes who were not certified teachers and not receiving instruction in those

Standard One Evidence Packet 2

R1.2 Application of Content

Praxis Pass Rates and Category Comparisons

courses. They largely attributed their perceived inability to pass the exam to opportunity gaps related to underqualified teachers who did not provide instruction, and also to their own struggles with certain subject areas, mainly mathematics. Candidates cited the high costs of testing and retesting as the greatest barrier to passing, and they cited faculty support and specific study materials as affordances.

Based on these findings, two main actions were taken. In Fall 2020, the Chair of Curriculum and Instruction leveraged the University’s Follett Access Program (FAP). Follett Access is a program that offers candidates access to discounted course materials. Candidates can opt-in to receive textbooks or other course materials at a discount of up to 40% off the national retail price. The cost is charged directly to the student's tuition and fees bill and can be paid with financial aid, scholarships, or other campus funds (Follett Higher Education, 2024). Department faculty use Open Education Resources (OERs) that are evidence-based for course readings and activities, and they leverage FAP to provide candidates with one or more Praxis vouchers for every Curriculum and Instruction course in which they enroll. This has virtually eliminated the need for candidates to come directly out of pocket and has increased the number of candidates testing and the number of candidates passing exams, especially for Elementary Education Praxis exams (See Table 7).

Elem Ed: MS Reading Lang Arts Subtest (5002/0002)

Elem Ed: MS Science Subtest (5005/0005)

Elem Ed: MS Social Studies Subtest (5004/0004)

Principles of Learn Teach: Grades K-6 (5622/0622)

Table 7. Five-Year Praxis Trends in Exams Taken and Number of Candidates Passing Praxis Examination

Southern University and A&M College - Initial Programs

Standard One Evidence Packet 2

R1.2 Application of Content

Praxis Pass Rates and Category Comparisons

1. Elementary Education Programs

Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education, Grades 1-5

Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education, Mild/Moderate, Integrated to Merged, Grades 1-5

Master of Arts in Teaching, Elementary Education, Grades 1-5

Average score earned by candidates in each content area (Test Codes: 5001, 5002, 5003, 5004, 5005)

● Data show that significantly more candidates sat for the Elementary Reading/Language Arts and Mathematics exams from 20-21 to 21-22 (by about 30 test takers) but decreased by about 10 test takers each from 21-22 to 22-23.

● The number of test takers for Social Studies and Science remained steady from 20-21 to 21-22 but increased by about 10 per test from 21-22 to 22-23.

● Pass rates were 100% for all test takers during the periods shown.

2. Totals for Special Education Programs

Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education, Mild/Moderate, Integrated to Merged, Grades 1-5

Bachelor of Science in Middle School Education, Mild/Moderate, Integrated to Merged, Grades 4-8

Average score earned by candidates on the Special Education exam (Test Codes: 0543/5543)

● There was an increase in testers from n=6 to n=13 from 20-21 to 21-22.

● There was a decrease in testers from n=13 to n=5 from 21-22 to 22-23.

● Scores followed a similar trend; the average score increased by about 10 points from 20-21 to 21-22.

● The scores decreased by about 4 points from 21-22 to 22-23.

3. Totals for Programs with a Concentration in Secondary Education

Bachelor of Science in Biology

Bachelor of Science in Chemistry

Bachelor of Arts in English

Bachelor of Arts in History

Bachelor of Science in Mathematics/Physics

● Trend data are available for Secondary English and Secondary Social Studies.

● From 20-21 to 22-23 for Secondary English, test takers increased from n=7 to n=12

● Pass rates increased by about 6% from 20-21 to 21-22 but decreased by over 7% from 21-22 to 22-23.

● For Secondary Social Studies, test takers initially increased from n=5 to n=9, but then decreased back n=5 from 21-22 to 22-23.

Southern University and A&M College - Initial Programs

Standard One Evidence Packet 2

R1.2 Application of Content

Praxis Pass Rates and Category Comparisons

4. Totals for The Praxis Principles of Learning and Teaching (Grades K - 6)

Average score earned by candidates based on total student population and disaggregated based upon ethnicity and gender

(Test Code: 5622)

Black Candidates and Other Candidates

● In 21-22, “other” test takers comprised 18% of the test takers and had a pass rate that was almost equal to the state pass rate of 89% with an average score that was about 1 point higher than the state average.

● For black test takers in all three periods included, candidates had average scores and pass rates that were significantly lower than those of candidates across the state.

● 20-21 – 13 points lower than state average, 45% lower pass rate

● 21-22 – 7 points lower than state average, 21% lower pass rate

● 22-23 – 10 points lower than state average, 31 points lower pass rate

Female Candidates and Male Candidates

● 22-23 – Female candidates had an average score that was 8 points higher than male candidates and a pass rate that was 20% higher than male candidates.

● 21-22 – Female candidates had an average score that was 2 points higher than male candidates and at pass rate that was 6% lower than male candidates.

● 20-12 – Not enough data available for male candidates to make a comparison.

5. Totals for The Praxis Principles of Learning and Teaching (Grades 5 - 9)

Average score earned by candidates based on total student population and disaggregated based upon ethnicity and gender

(Test Code: 5623)

There was insufficient data for this examination.

Southern University and A&M College - Initial Programs

Standard One Evidence Packet 2


Application of Content

Praxis Pass Rates and Category Comparisons

6. Totals for The Praxis Principles of Learning and Teaching (Grades 7 - 12)

Average score earned by candidates based on total student population and disaggregated based upon ethnicity and gender (Test Code: 5624)

● White test takers scores just below the state average score and the state pass rate.

● Black test takers for all three years had a pass rate that was 20-30% lower than the state average and average scores that were 11-14 points lower than the state average.

Continuous Improvement

Focus Area #1: Develop a Moodle/Canvas (Learner Management System – LMS) Module to Support Candidates’ Achievement on Praxis Examinations Required for Louisiana Teacher Certification (Praxis LMS Module)

The goal of developing a Praxis LMS Module is to provide a clear resource to candidates and faculty and to ensure that the department offers the supports necessary to close additional opportunity gaps related to candidates’ content knowledge.

The Department of Curriculum and Instruction hired a Praxis Coordinator (1/22/2024), who is responsible for leading the collaborative effort to develop a strategic plan, policies, and procedures to provide support to candidates with Praxis preparation. In addition, the CAEP Coordinator has leveraged federal funds to provide candidates with access to and support using preparation materials from 240Tutoring, the practice exam that is provided free with each exam registration, Praxis preparation courses (CRIR 213), ETS Praxis Companions, and the Praxis Laboratory (for individual, small group, and large group preparation). The current policies and procedures are outlined on page 6 of the Residency Handbook; this section of the handbook describes Louisiana licensure requirements, supports available, and contact information for the Praxis Coordinator.

The module, which was created in Fall 2023 and launched in Spring 2024 , includes policies and procedures detailing when candidates are required to use their vouchers to register for, prepare for, and take exams. Future iterations of the module will include links to candidate-created videos that show and explain how to access and make best use of the preparation materials and provide a map of when and how candidates will be required to participate in interventions, such as taking a Praxis preparation course (CRIR 213 or CRIR 313), and provide dates for faculty and student-led Praxis Laboratory activities, setting goals with the Praxis Coordinator, etc.

Focus Area #2:

Develop a

Protocol for Collaborative Review of Praxis Data

The Praxis Coordinator will also develop a protocol (in collaboration with the Accreditation Coordinator and Chair of Curriculum and Instruction) and lead a team data meeting that will involve reviewing these data; analyzing findings; and generating plans and resources to improve preparation and increase candidates’ success on Praxis exams. Target date for completion: December 15, 2024

Southern University and A&M College - Initial Programs

Standard One Evidence Packet 2

R1.2 Application of Content

Praxis Pass Rates and Category Comparisons


Petchauer, E. (2012). Teacher licensure exams and Black teacher candidates: Toward new theory and promising practice. Journal of Negro Education, 81(3), 252-267.

Follett Higher Education. (2024). Inclusive and equitable access. Follett Higher Education.,aid%2C%20scholarships%2C%20and%20grants

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