Standard One Evidence Packet 4 - R1.3 Integration of Technology
Southern University and A&M College - Initial Programs
Standard One Evidence Packet 4
R1.3 Integration of Technology
Standards Alignment: This Evidence Packet, entitled Integration of Technology, provides evidence to support:
R1.3 Instructional Practice: The provider ensures that candidates are able to apply their knowledge of InTASC standards relating to instructional practice at the appropriate progression levels. Evidence demonstrates how candidates are able to assess (InTASC Standard 6), plan for instruction (InTASC Standard 7), and utilize a variety of instructional strategies (InTASC Standard 8) to provide equitable and inclusive learning experiences for diverse P-12 students. Providers ensure candidates model and apply national or state approved technology standards to engage and improve learning for all students.
How Alignment is Assured: The CAEP Coordinator, in consultation with the Department Chair of Curriculum and Instruction, aligns the evaluation measures and assessment tasks with CAEP, InTASC, program standards, and appropriate Technology Standards. The CAEP Coordinator maintains alignments and adherence to multiple Louisiana state laws and policy regulations. All Standards have been maintained utilizing SharePoint. This database is maintained by the CAEP Coordinator so that alignments can accommodate updates to standards, program competencies, courses, and assessments.
Evidence Overview
Description of Evidence: Southern provides candidates with a variety of technology performance-based tasks as it guides, assesses, and supports the candidate from enrollment through to graduation. We are deeply committed to the most basic of technologies and take an active role focusing technology within our curriculum on improved practice, teacher collaboration, and above all, the empowerment of student learners.
The School of Education faculty are committed in assisting candidates in bridging the gap between technology adoption and technology integration. They support candidates in becoming digital age educators. They collaborate to ensure candidates are the beneficiaries of up-to-date technologies for learner curriculum.
The evidence below shows that clinical experiences allow opportunities for candidates to employ instructional uses of technology, successfully integrating digital media and technology into learner curricula.
The Evidence and Analysis
Lesson Planning
The School of Education lesson plan template has been carefully crafted so that teacher candidates develop expertise in designing learning experiences that get students to think, allows them to interact and ask questions, taps into their background knowledge, and build new skills. The approach used in this design is for candidates not only to think about what they are teaching (content), it contains elements that make all the difference in whether students actually learn.
Likewise, teacher candidates are prompted to think about the purposeful integration of technology along the following key InTASC indicators.
• DEVELOP EXPERTISE IN APPLYING TECHNOLOGY TO SUPPORT LEARNING Use technology to scaffold content understanding and skill development The teacher advocates, models, and teaches safe, legal, and ethical use of information and technology including appropriate documentation of sources and respect for others in the use of social media.
• EXPAND KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL IN PROMOTING LEARNER INDEPENDENCE support learner creativity through independent and collaborative inquiry projects (e.g., arts-based learning, integration of technology)
Southern University and A&M College - Initial Programs
Standard One Evidence Packet 4
R1.3 Integration of Technology
• PLANNING FOR INSTRUCTION The teacher integrates technology resources into instructional plans. The teacher plans how s/he will use technology to engage learners in meeting learning objectives. The teacher incorporates technology in a variety of innovative ways in planning (e.g., managing learner records, expanding options for learner choice, and documenting performance).
• EXPAND KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL IN CREATING CHALLENGING LEARNING EXPERIENCES Practice moves from a limited repertoire of strategies to one with greater depth and breadth, including infusing technology in instruction and providing access to resources from around the world.
• BUILD PROFESSIONAL COMMUNITY TO SHARE RESOURCES Use technology to share, analyze, and reflect on resources that can support learners in attaining high goals Build a virtual community (e.g., website, wiki) to support the sharing of resources with professional colleagues.
Candidates are introduced to lesson planning during their very first course. They create engaging activities, lessons, and units using the Southern University format during pivotal points in their program, each time infusing technology to maximize student learning. Below are some examples from candidate lesson plans demonstrating the integration of technology.
Candidate Program Lesson Objective Technology Integration Materials
Grade 2
1. Use number line as students recite numbers 1100 (Knowledge)
Elementary Education, Grades 1-5
Elementary Education, Grades 1-5
2. Discuss the use of numbers and why the world uses them (Comprehension)
3. Verbally state words problems (Application)
4. Investigate strategies to solve word problems using C.U.B.E method (Analysis)
5. Practice solving word problems (Synthesis)
6. Discuss solved word problems (Evaluation)
1. Remember) Students will identify and recall what is an offspring.
2. (Understand) Students will describe how animals offspring survive.
3. (Apply) Using the textbook, students will detect how animal offspring manage their survival skills when they are grown.
4. 9Analyze) Students will analyze how parts of an animal’s body help them adapt to their environment.
5. (Evaluate) Students will judge the importance of an animal’s body structure
Students completed their closure activity/assessment using Kahoot All students were engaged, and the candidate was able to provide immediate feedback through class discussion of the assessment items. Candidates also use Canva, PowerPoint, and other presentation software to develop and present slide decks.
Kahoot Canva PowerPoint
Candidates use SMART boards and other interactive boards to present instructional material. Teachers and students can interact with material on the board.
Southern University and A&M College - Initial Programs
Standard One Evidence Packet 4
R1.3 Integration of Technology
Candidate Program
Music Education, Grades K-12
Lesson Objective Technology Integration Materials when they are raised to its parents.
6. (Create) In a group activity, students will use photographs cards to observe and discuss the structures the animal and plant offspring use to defend themselves when they grow up.
Music, Grades 9-12
1. See the lyrics of the song and be able to discuss the meaning of certain verbiage in the song.
2. Determine what the overall tone and mood of the song is.
3. Identify the different instruments and voices used in the song.
4. Be able to sing the song while matching the mood of the song.
Candidates utilize Dr. Beat and Tonal Energy to support K-12 students with timing, tuning, etc. Tonal Energy also provides a metronome for timing and immediate feedback on tone, rhythm, and meter.
Dr. Beat Tonal Energy
Secondary Education, Grades 7-12
AP U.S. Government and Politics, Grade 10
Explain why court cases have been vital in establishing civil rights. Articulate the main arguments that have created the different forms of Civil Rights.
Candidates use Document Based Questions (DBQ) and Crash Course YouTube videos. DBQ supports critical thinking, document analysis, and argument writing. The Crash Course on U.S. Government helps build students’ understanding of the topic and their knowledge of how they can contribute to government and political processes. Albert.IO supports applications of learning to AP practice items.
DBQ Crash Course on YouTube Albert.IO
1. Mathematics
Southern University and A&M College - Initial Programs
Standard One Evidence Packet 4
R1.3 Integration of Technology
Southern University and A&M College - Initial Programs
Standard One Evidence Packet 4
R1.3 Integration of Technology
2. Elementary Science
3. Music
Southern University and A&M College - Initial Programs
Standard One Evidence Packet 4
R1.3 Integration of Technology
4. AP U.S. Government and Politics
“Technology: Select all that apply
● Substitution: Technology acts as a direct substitute.
● Augmentation: Technology acts as a substitute with functional improvements
● Modification: Technology allows for task redesign
● Redefinition: Technology allows the creation of a new task.“
Survey Results
Completers (n=20, Spring 2024) were asked to rate the opportunity that SUBR's Educator Preparation Program assisted them with acquiring the skills to integrate technology into lessons.
• 65% rated the opportunity to integrate technology as excellent.
• 30% rated the opportunity provided by SUBR EPP as adequately.
• 5% rated the opportunity provided by SUBR EPP as limited.
The completers rated their acquisition on skill based on a four scale: excellent, adequate, limited, and non-existent.
Employers (n=2, Spring 2023) were asked to rate SUBR completers abilities to use technological tools and/or products of technology to enhance student learning based on a four-point scale: excellent, strong, average, and below average.
• 50% rated SUBR completers' use of tech tools and/or products to enhance learning as excellent.
• 50% rated SUBR completers' use of tech tools and/or products to enhance learning as adequate.
Analysis and Interpretation:
Integration of technology to engage and improve learning for all P-12 students (CAEP Standard 1.3) is a foundational component of all degree programs offered by SU’s School of Education. Through relationships with P12 partners and collaboration with the Louisiana Department of Education, program faculty and coordinators maintain familiarity and access to various up-to-date educational technologies (e.g. BrainPOP, Nearpod) and digital and hard copy Tier 1 curricular materials (e.g. Amplify, Guidebooks, etc.). Within all initial programs, candidate coursework and clinical experiences include effective integration of technology (CAEP Standard 3.2) Candidates learn and practice the essential technology knowledge and key skills in education courses, as evidenced by inclusion in lesson planning and teaching.
Southern University and A&M College - Initial Programs
Standard One Evidence Packet 4
R1.3 Integration of Technology
Quantitative survey results indicate that 95% of completers responded favorably when provided with the prompt “My teacher preparation program prepared me to integrate technology into instruction and learning experiences to achieve learning goals” (Spring 2024). 100% of employers who completed the employer survey rated completers’ use of tech tools and/or products to enhance learning as adequate or above.
Continuous Improvement
Focus Area #1: As a result of the Self-Study and in gathering feedback from department chairs and faculty members, who teach methods and clinical courses, we determined that the technology portion of the candidate lesson plan template should clearly and intentionally provide candidates with an opportunity to more thoroughly focus on integration of technology. A draft of the technology portion is provided below.
1. Select all that apply.
• Substitution: Technology acts as a direct substitute
• Augmentation: Technology acts as a substitute with functional improvements
• Modification: Technology allows for task redesign
• Redefinition: Technology allows the creation of a new task
2. Describe how technology will be integrated throughout the lesson.
3. Within your lesson plan, provide the links to technology-based activities, lessons, etc.
Focus Area #2: In Fall 2024, the provider re-launched CRIN 212 Educational Computer Literacy. Candidates engage in project-based learning to increase proficiency with Microsoft 365 (Word, Outlook, file linking, etc.), Canva, iMovie, CapCut, Canva, MS Teams, MS Forms, etc. The department’s goal is to help students build a solid foundation with technology so that throughout their matriculation, they can build on that foundation by developing proficiency with more complex educational technology (e.g. Brain POP, Nearpod, Document Based Questions).