Standard Two Compendium 3 - R2.3 Field Experiences - Depth and Breadth

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Grambling State University Standard 2 Compendium 3 R2.3 Field Experiences: Depth & Breadth

Standards Alignment: This compendium, is entitled Field Experiences: Depth & Breadth and it provides evidence to support:

CAEP Standard 2- The EPP ensures effective partnerships and high-quality clinical practice are central to candidate preparation. These experiences should be designed to develop candidate’s knowledge, skills, and professional dispositions to demonstrate positive impact on diverse students’ learning and development. High quality clinical practice offers candidates experiences in different settings and modalities, as well as with diverse P-12 students, schools, families, and communities. Partners share the responsibility of identifying and addressing real problems of practice that candidates can experience in their engagement with P-12 students.

Component R2.3: The EPP works with partners to design and implement clinical experiences, utilizing various modalities, of sufficient depth, breadth, diversity, coherence, and duration to ensure that candidates demonstrate their development of effective practice and positive impact on diverse P-12 students’ learning and development as presented in Standard R1.

How Alignment is assured: The Assessment Coordinator, in consultation with Program Leads and Department Heads, aligns the evaluation measures and assessment tasks with CAEP, InTASC, and appropriate Technology Standards. The Assessment Coordinator maintains alignments and adherence to multiple Louisiana state laws and policy regulations. All Standards have been maintained utilizing Watermark – Taskstream. This standards database is effectively maintained by the Assessment Coordinator so that alignments can accommodate updates to standards, program competencies, courses, or assessments.

Introduction to Evidence

In compliance with standards and requirements, the EPP effectively provides clinical experiences that are comprehensive and allow for utilizing various modalities, of sufficient depth, breadth, diversity, coherence, and duration to ensure that candidates demonstrate their effectiveness and positive impact on diverse P-12 students’ learning and development as presented in Standard R1.

Evidence Overview

Description of Evidence: The scope and sequence presented displays specific opportunities for teacher candidates across the programs. These performance-based measures ensure candidates experience learning opportunities that are well-structured and provide the candidates with feedback and progression through the program.

the Presentation
4.0 International
of Education
of Technology,
of Evidence by Dr. Michele Brewer and Dr. Amber Vraim is licensed under Attribution
Assessment, and Compliance: Template for the Presentation of Evidence." Copyright 2020 by Wilmington University.

Grambling State University Standard 2 Compendium 3

R2.3 Field Experiences: Depth & Breadth

BS Elementary Education (Grades 1-5)

BS Elementary Education and Special Education (Mild/Mod)

ED 302 Methods and Materials in Elementary Math

Candidates develop Math focused lesson and Complete an Observation. 15 hours III

BS Elementary Education (Grades 1-5)

BS Elementary Education and Special Education (Mild/Mod)

ED 360

Social Studies Methods and Strategies

Candidates develop standards based social students WebQuest and science infused lesson plan with P-12 students (Covid-19 created lesson plans aligned with standards utilizing internet-based sources: NextGen, NCSS, state standards).

hours II

BA Music Education - Instrumental K-12/Vocal K-12

BS Elementary Education (Grades 1-5)

BS Elementary Education and Special Education (Mild/Mod)

BS Kinesiology: Pedagogy (Teaching K-12)

BS Secondary Education and Teaching (Biology/Mathematics/Chemistry)

BA Music Education - Instrumental K-12/Vocal K-12

BS Elementary Education (Grades 1-5)

BS Elementary Education and Special Education (Mild/Mod)

BS Kinesiology: Pedagogy (Teaching K-12)

BS Secondary Education and Teaching (Biology/Mathematics/Chemistry)

ED 427 Classroom Management

ED 402 Instructional Media and Technology

Candidates develop a plan for assessing and remediating language delay or disorder from a culturally-responsive perspective. 15 III

Candidates develop a technology based lesson plan (e.g., WebQuest). It also requires candidates to document technology facilitation.

Template for the Presentation of Evidence by Dr. Michele Brewer and Dr. Amber Vraim is licensed under Attribution 4.0 International "College of Education Office of Technology, Assessment, and Compliance: Template for the Presentation of Evidence." Copyright 2020 by Wilmington University.

10-15 III

Evidence and Analysis
Program Course in the Plan of Study Description of Field Experience associated with the course Approximate Number of Hours Field Experience Level
Table of Field Experiences Initial Certification

Grambling State University Standard 2 Compendium 3

R2.3 Field Experiences: Depth & Breadth

BS Elementary Education (Grades 1-5)

BS Elementary Education and Special Education (Mild/Mod)

ED 442 Methods and Materials for Teaching Children with LBP (completed during Residency I)

1.Candidates create a lesson plan that modifies traditional standards-based lesson planning using the IEP and UDL to make them inclusive for the students with mild to moderate ELN in the classroom for grades 1-5, then implement and reflect on the lessons. Candidates also create lessons in a major content area in ELA/Reading, Social Studies, Math or Science*.

2. Candidates demonstrate skills in teaching students with mild to moderate learning needs in the appropriate age/grade range. For this clinical experience, they are observed by certified Special Education university faculty using the Special Education Addendum rubric to document.

*dependent upon the teaching duties of the mentor teacher

Fall semester IV

Template for the Presentation of Evidence by Dr. Michele Brewer and Dr. Amber Vraim is licensed under Attribution 4.0 International "College of Education Office of Technology, Assessment, and Compliance: Template for the Presentation of Evidence." Copyright 2020 by Wilmington University.
Program Course in the Plan of Study Description of Field Experience associated with the course Approximate Number of Hours Field Experience Level
Table of Field Experiences Initial Certification

Grambling State University Standard 2 Compendium 3

R2.3 Field Experiences: Depth & Breadth

BA Music Education - Instrumental K-12/Vocal K-12

BS Elementary Education (Grades 1-5)

BS Elementary Education and Special Education (Mild/Mod)

BS Kinesiology: Pedagogy (Teaching K-12)

BS Secondary Education and Teaching (Biology/Mathematics/Chemistry)

ED 452 & ED 455 Residency I & II Student Teaching

Candidates spend a year working with a teacher in the school as a resident teacher. Candidates spend 80% of the school week in both semesters and divide their time between general and special education placements. At all times they work with mentor teachers and university supervisors who are certified in the area.

Full year total ED 452 is Fall semester, ED 455 is Spring semester

Level IV

MAT Elementary Education and Special Education (Mild/Mod)

MAT Secondary Education & Spec. Ed. (Mild/Mod)

MAT Elementary Education and Special Education (Mild/Mod)

MAT Secondary Education & Spec. Ed. (Mild/Mod)

EDPT 528 Foundations in Special Education and Child/ Adolescent Psychology

Interns observe a target student with a mild/moderate exceptionality in an inclusive classroom setting, identify a cognitive or behavioral skill deficit, and develop a case study which includes a plan for remediation

15 Block 2 Level II

EDPT 515 Classroom and Behavior Management for Diverse Learners

Interns develop and implement a Behavior Management Plan to improve an academic or behavioral outcome for selected students with mild/moderate needs using research-based interventions

10 Block 2 Level II

for the Presentation of Evidence by Dr. Michele Brewer and Dr. Amber Vraim is licensed under Attribution 4.0 International "College of Education Office of Technology, Assessment, and Compliance: Template for the Presentation of Evidence." Copyright 2020 by Wilmington University. Table of Field Experiences Initial Certification Program Course in the Plan of Study Description of Field Experience associated with the course Approximate Number of Hours Field Experience Level

Grambling State University Standard 2 Compendium 3

R2.3 Field Experiences: Depth & Breadth

MAT Elementary Education and Special Education (Mild/Mod)

MAT Secondary Education & Spec. Ed. (Mild/Mod)

EDPT 514

Assessment Strategies for Diverse Learners

Interns administer, score and interpret formal assessments, plus collect informal, observational and formative assessment data to develop and implement an assessment plan that includes an intervention which is integrated into whole group instruction for learners without and with mild moderate exceptionalities and ESL learners. Document the use of progress monitoring techniques to show students’ progress and effectiveness of the intervention.

Interns administer a diagnostic remediation packet which includes a formal reading assessment as well as other informal measures of diagnosis to determine the needs of a target student.

MAT Elementary Education and Special Education (Mild/Mod)

MAT Secondary Education & Spec. Ed. (Mild/Mod)

EDPT 531

Reading Literacy Diagnosis and Correction

Interns design and implement remediation activities that include diverse resources, strategies, and activities that are individually presented to their on-site students.

Interns present in-class the results of the one-on-one instruction with their student at the field site. They share

15 Block 2 Level IV

4.0 International "College
of Field Experiences Initial Certification Program Course in the Plan of Study Description of Field Experience associated with the course Approximate Number of Hours Field Experience Level
Template for the
of Evidence by Dr. Michele Brewer and Dr. Amber Vraim is licensed under Attribution
of Education Office of Technology, Assessment, and Compliance: Template for the Presentation of Evidence."
2020 by Wilmington University. Table
15 Block 2 Level II

Grambling State University Standard 2 Compendium 3

R2.3 Field Experiences: Depth & Breadth

products of the students’ work to demonstrate the extent of progress.

As a culminating project, interns design a DiagnosticRemediation Portfolio which includes all their students' diagnostic results, and artifacts which resulted from the remediation activities that their students completed. MAT Elementary Education

Interns to develop and present a standards-based lesson plan that incorporates technological resources, empirical strategies, theoretical principles, best practices, and appropriate culturally responsive assessments for effectively differentiating instruction for students with mild/moderate disabilities in diverse inclusion classroom settings. The intern presents the lesson plan at one of the E PP partnership schools or at a community-based enrichment and/or tutoring site.

Interns demonstrate the steps for applying research-based differentiated reading and math materials and strategies

10 Block 2 Level IV

Template for the Presentation of Evidence by Dr. Michele Brewer and Dr. Amber Vraim is licensed under Attribution 4.0 International "College of Education Office of Technology, Assessment, and Compliance: Template for the Presentation of Evidence." Copyright 2020 by Wilmington University.
Program Course in the Plan of Study Description of Field Experience associated with the course Approximate Number of Hours Field Experience Level
Table of Field Experiences Initial Certification
and Special Education (Mild/Mod) MAT Secondary Education & Spec. Ed. (Mild/Mod)
EDPT 512 Differentiated Instruction in Inclusive Classrooms

Grambling State University Standard 2 Compendium 3

R2.3 Field Experiences: Depth & Breadth

Table of Field Experiences Initial Certification

MAT Elementary Education and Special Education (Mild/Mod)

MAT Secondary Education & Spec. Ed. (Mild/Mod)

EDPT 552

EDPT 553

Educational Practicum & Residency

Option A


Interns participate in university and district sponsored professional development seminars on differentiated instruction, planning, and assessing differentiation in academic settings when available and write a reflection of each professional development activity attended.

Interns enrolled in Educational Practicum & Residency Option A participate in an intensive yearlong clinical experience designed to enhance their content knowledge and pedagogical skills. Interns engage in instructional planning, selection and implementation of evidencebased strategies; differentiation of instruction to meet the academic needs of diverse learners; development of a safe culturally responsive learning environment; and the utilization of multiple methods of assessment and data sources to guide instruction. Interns participate in roles and responsibilities associated with hands on teaching and


(Must be completed during the clinical practicum and residency experience)

Block 2 Level IV

Template for the Presentation of Evidence by Dr. Michele Brewer and Dr. Amber Vraim is licensed under Attribution 4.0 International "College of Education Office of Technology, Assessment, and Compliance: Template for the Presentation of Evidence." Copyright 2020 by Wilmington University.
Program Course in the Plan of Study Description of Field Experience associated with the course Approximate Number of Hours Field Experience Level
for tiered
inclusive setting.
instruction in an

R2.3 Field Experiences: Depth & Breadth

Grambling State University Standard 2 Compendium 3
Template for the Presentation of Evidence by Dr. Michele Brewer and Dr. Amber Vraim is licensed under Attribution 4.0 International "College of Education Office of Technology, Assessment, and Compliance: Template for the Presentation of Evidence." Copyright 2020 by Wilmington University.
of Field Experiences Initial Certification Program Course in the Plan of Study Description of Field Experience associated with the course Approximate Number of Hours Field Experience Level
learning in an inclusive Elementary 1-5 classroom setting under the supervision of a
teacher, external mentor, and MAT Residency faculty member.

Grambling State University Standard 2 Compendium 3

R2.3 Field Experiences: Depth & Breadth

Additional evidence demonstrating the sufficient depth, breath, and coherence of each clinical experience, as well as the multiple performance- based assessments administered at key points within the program, are included within the chart below. This is where Program Chairs link coursework to the clinical components.

Program Link to Performance Data Standard 1

BA Music Education - Instrumental K-12/Vocal K-12

BS Elementary Education (Grades 1-5)

BS Elementary Education and Special Education (Mild/Mod)

BS Kinesiology: Pedagogy (Teaching K-12)

BS Secondary Education and Teaching (Biology/Mathematics/Chemistry)

MAT Elementary Education and Special Education (Mild/Mod)

MAT Secondary Education & Spec. Ed. (Mild/Mod)

GSU Standard One Compendium 1 - R1.1

Learner Growth and Development

GSU Standard One Compendium 2 - R1.2

Application of Content

GSU Standard One Compendium 3 – R1.3

Instructional Practice

GSU Standard One Compendium 4 – R1.4

Professional Responsibility

Student Impact

The Grambling State University EPP requires residents to complete a Student Impact Project in which pre and post results are analyzed. The results are compiled in the linked document. At the time of the Self Study, collection and informed data-based decisions have been cited as an area for continuous improvement.

R2.3 Initial Data Student Impact Analysis and Interpretation:

The scope and sequence of required courses for the four levels of field experience R2.3 GSU Course Requirements and R2.3 Shared Courses Field Experiences substantiates that the program is designed to implement clinical experiences, utilizing various modalities, of sufficient depth, breadth, diversity, coherence, and duration to ensure that candidates demonstrate their developing effectiveness and positive impact on diverse P-12 students’ learning and development as presented in Standard R1 data with alignment to INTASC as evidenced with R2.3 Danielson

Framework Alignment and R2.3 Updated Danielson Rubric.

Each program is represented and some data regarding completion of residency expectations is shown in Compendium 1.2 The data show candidates consistently perform at the proficient level and support positive impacts on P-12 students’ learning and development.

Template for the Presentation of Evidence by Dr. Michele Brewer and Dr. Amber Vraim is licensed under Attribution 4.0 International "College of Education Office of Technology, Assessment, and Compliance: Template for the Presentation of Evidence." Copyright 2020 by Wilmington University.

Grambling State University Standard 2

Field Experiences: Depth & Breadth

A course key assessment R2.3 ED300 Updated Rubric aligned to INTASC and Danielson is provided to display an example of experiences for candidates and dissemination of information and expectations of experiences.

Diversity is shown in the following Charts:

R2.3 19-20 Academic Diversity Chart

R2.3 20-21 Academic Diversity Chart

R2.3 21-22 Academic Diversity Chart

Continuous Improvement

Focus Area(s):

As residency is a relatively new endeavor in partnership with the State of Louisiana, data regarding stakeholder feedback for the implementation and building of the program is still being gathered and used to inform continuous improvement model as evidenced in R2.1 and R2.2 Compendia Narrative. Following the COVID-19 pandemic where temporary remote measures were in place, there has not been a full cycle of implementation of face-to-face program field experiences following the redesign except for the Residency data presented with face-to-face observations occurring and collected utilizing the Danielson Rubric. The EPP is looking forward to moving past the pandemic and fully implementing face to face field experiences for candidates. Following an internal review of sufficient depth, breadth, diversity, coherence, and duration of field experiences that scaffold candidate experiences in preparation for residency in preparation for the CAEP Self Study, completion of course based of field experience is being captured by number of hours, however, data was inconsistent and Taskstream was not being utilized effectively to store data. However, this has been acknowledged in Standards 1 and 5 and processes regarding intentional collection have begun. Our transition to face-to-face field experiences has started though limited. The EPP recertifies with the Danielson Group each year as evidenced in R2.1. The group has released a new rubric and a committee was created Fall 22 to begin realignment and identification of field experiences to determine a transition plan to the new Danielson Rubric that will follow the implementation of the new Watermark: SL&L Data Collection System.

Compendium 3 R2.3
Template for the Presentation of Evidence by Dr. Michele Brewer and Dr. Amber Vraim is licensed under Attribution 4.0 International "College of Education Office of Technology, Assessment, and Compliance: Template for the Presentation of Evidence." Copyright 2020 by Wilmington University.

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