Standard Two Evidence Packet 2 - R2.2 Clinical Expectations and Training
Southern University and A&M College - Initial Programs
Standard Two Evidence Packet 2
R2.2 Clinical Expectations and Training
Alignment to National Standard: This evidence packet entitled Clinical Expectations and Training, provides information to support the following standard:
R2.2 Clinical Educators: Partners co-select, prepare, evaluate, and support high-quality clinical educators, both provider- and school-based, who demonstrate a positive impact on candidates’ development and diverse P-12 student learning and development.
How Alignment is Assured: The CAEP Coordinator, in consultation with the Department Chair of Curriculum and Instruction, aligns the evaluation measures and assessment tasks with CAEP, InTASC, program standards, and appropriate Technology Standards. The CAEP Coordinator maintains alignments and adherence to multiple Louisiana state laws and policy regulations. All Standards have been maintained utilizing SharePoint. This database is maintained by the CAEP Coordinator so that alignments can accommodate updates to standards, program competencies, courses, and assessments.
Evidence Overview
Presentation of Evidence: Below is a compilation of evidence demonstrating selection, preparation, evaluation, and support of high quality high-quality clinical educators.
1. Co-Selection of High-Quality Clinical Educators
Excerpts from Sample Memoranda of Understanding Louisiana Department of Education/Board of Elementary and Secondary Criteria Excerpts from the Residency Handbook
Mentor Teacher Eligibility
Requirements. Each mentor teacher/staff member selected to supervise the field experience candidate(s) shall hold a current Louisiana license and certificate in the subject area/grade level to which the field experience is assigned. The cooperating teacher will have a minimum of three (3) years of full-time experience and in his/her current assignment in a school for a minimum of one year. The [District, School] and University will collaborate and co-select the mentor teacher best suited to the teacher candidates’ needs.
Draft Written Agreement –
Mentor Teacher requirements set forth by the Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, Bulletin 746
Hold valid type C, level 1 or higher LA teaching certificate (for add-on) – ORHave at least two years successful teaching with effective evaluations via Compass if serving uncertificated in a charter school (for ancillary)
Successfully complete a BESE-approved Mentor Teacher training program (documented with completion certificate from program provider) –AND- Passed Louisiana Mentor Teacher assessment series (documented with completion certificate from Bloomboard*)
Hold Leadership Certification (educational leadership certificate/endorsement or any one of the leadership endorsements preceding current certification structure)
Mentor Teacher Certification Requirements
Mentor Teachers must hold a Mentor Teacher Certificate or The Provisional Mentor Teacher Ancillary Certificate to mentor undergraduate residents and post-baccalaureate candidates. The Louisiana State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) allows caseby-case waivers for eligible mentors (linked here).
According to the Louisiana Bulletin 996 Policy Statement, beginning September 1, 2020, the teacher of record shall be required to hold a provisional Mentor Teacher ancillary certificate or a Mentor Teacher certificate in accordance with LAC 28:CXXXI (Bulletin 746).
Southern University and A&M College - Initial Programs
Standard Two Evidence Packet 2 R2.2 Clinical Expectations and Training
Excerpts from Sample Memoranda of Understanding
The MOU does not specifically mention qualifications of University Supervisors. However, these requirements are clearly communicated within the SOE among faculty and staff, to potential university supervisors, and to partner school districts.
Louisiana Department of Education/Board of Elementary and Secondary Criteria
Hold National Institute for Excellence in Training (NIET) Teacher Evaluator Training Certification
Hold CLASS® Observers credential
Elementary and Secondary Education Bulletin 746
University Supervisor requirements set forth by the Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, Bulletin 746
§1547. Supervisor of Student Teaching
A. This is no longer a required endorsement that must appear on a certificate.
B. To qualify to perform this supervisory service, a teacher must meet one of the following eligibility criteria:
1. valid Type A or Level 3 Louisiana certificate in the field of the supervisory assignment;
2. valid Type B or Level 2 Louisiana certificate in the field of the supervisory assignment and successfully complete the three semester-hour course in the supervision of student teaching;
3. valid Type B or Level 2 Louisiana certificate in the field of the supervisory assignment and successfully complete assessor training through the Louisiana Teacher Assistance and Assessment Program; or
4. valid Type B or Level 2 Louisiana certificate and national board certification in the field of the supervisory assignment.
C. On September 1, 2023, the mentor teacher endorsement or ancillary certificate will replace the supervisor of student teaching certificate. The supervisor of student teaching certificate will no longer be issued effective December 31, 2020.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 17:6, R.S. 17:7(6), 17:8.1-8.4, and R.S. 17:3902.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by
Excerpts from the Residency Handbook
Mentor teacher selection criteria
University Supervisor Requirements:
University Supervisors must meet at least one of the following requirements based on BESE Bulletin 746.
Valid Type A or Level 3 Louisiana certificate in the field of the supervisory assignment;
Valid Type B or Level 2 Louisiana certificate in the field of the supervisory assignment and successfully complete the three semester-hour course in the supervision of student teaching;
Valid Type B or Level 2 Louisiana certificate in the field of the supervisory assignment and successfully complete assessor training through the Louisiana Teacher Assistance and Assessment Program; or
Valid Type B or Level 2 Louisiana certificate and national board certification in the field of the supervisory assignment.
Southern University and A&M College - Initial Programs
Standard Two Evidence Packet 2
R2.2 Clinical Expectations and Training
Excerpts from Sample Memoranda of Understanding
Louisiana Department of Education/Board of Elementary and Secondary Criteria
the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, LR 48:473 (March 2022), repromulgated LR 48:1082 (April 2022).
2. Preparation of High-Quality Clinical Educators
a. Louisiana Aspiring Educator Rubric
Excerpts from the Residency Handbook
i. Per LDOE: “During the Learning Year (2024-2025), school systems are encouraged to transition to the improved evaluation system, LEADS, to support school-level educators and school-level leaders through the evaluation process. Systems will receive support during the Learning Year and will have the opportunity to provide feedback prior to full implementation. All schools will use the new evaluation system beginning in 2025-2026.”
ii. Faculty and University Supervisors are currently completed LDOE-sponsored evaluator training and certification for using the Louisiana Aspiring Educator Rubric, which is the NIET Aspiring Teacher Rubric that was piloted for 2023-2024 observations of teacher residents.
iii. All Faculty and University Supervisors for Fall 2024 have completed the training and will complete the assessment to meet evaluator certification criteria by October 10, 2024.
iv. New University Supervisors are currently being identified for Spring 2024. One of these supervisors is currently completing the evaluator training/certification, and others, once vetted, will complete the training and certification as well.
v. The following training materials were provided during the in-person sessions.
1. Louisiana Aspiring Educator Rubric (LAER) – July 2024
2. LAER Training Participant Guide
3. LAER and Evaluation Handbook
4. LAER and Evaluator Training Session – Session 1
5. LAER and Evaluator Training Session – Session 2
vi. The following Faculty/University Supervisors have completed the LAER Training and will complete the assessment by October 10, 2024.
1. Residency Coordinator
2. Assistant Professors (4)
3. Student Services Coordinator
b. Special Training and Collaboration for the Residency Coordinator
i. The Residency Coordinator was hired effective August 15, 2024.
ii. Additional training for the position includes the Residency Coordinator serving as a University Supervisor in the School of Education at our A&M Agenda partner, Louisiana State University. In that position, she has completed summer trainings and is participating in residency activities. In this capacity, the Residency Coordinator is working collaboratively with LSU’s Director of Professional Experiences to fully understand how their best practices might be adapted to support a cycle of continuous improvement within SU’s SOE.
c. Mentor Teacher Training
i. In addition to meeting LDOE requirements, Mentor Teachers participate in trainings with the Residency Coordinator. Trainings may or may not include University Supervisors, Teacher Residents, and SOE Faculty and Staff.
Southern University and A&M College - Initial Programs
Standard Two Evidence Packet 2 R2.2 Clinical Expectations and Training
ii. Training topics include the Pre-Observation, Observation, and Post-Observation (POP Cycle) requirements and procedures, review of the Residency Handbook, question and answer sessions, etc.
3. Evaluation of High-Quality Clinical Educators
a. Evaluation is conducted through surveys and discussions with teacher residents during weekly residency seminars. Surveys include Likert-scale items and open-ended items. The Accreditation Coordinator, Assessment Coordinator, and other faculty and staff review the evaluation data on a semesterly basis.
i. Teacher Residents evaluate Mentor Teachers and University Supervisors.
ii. Mentor Teachers evaluate Teacher Residents and University Supervisors.
iii. University Supervisors evaluate Teacher Residents and Mentor Teachers.
Evidence and Analysis
Analysis and Interpretation:
Selection: School of Education faculty and staff have ensured that all Clinical Educators meet or exceed selection requirements set by the Louisiana Department of Education. Based on the criteria set and collaboration with stakeholders, including school leaders, human resources personnel, and other clinical educators, the selection process has yielded high-quality Clinical Educators.
Training: With 2023-2024 as the launch year for using the NIET Aspiring Teacher Rubric (LAER) across various assessments for pre-residency and residency and the 2024-2025 LDOE evaluator training and certification, new clinical educators will be able to receive high-quality evaluator training through LDOE and the SOE. It is expected that as current and potential Mentor Teachers become more familiar with the instrument that will be used to evaluate in-service Louisiana teachers – the Louisiana Educator Rubric (LER) – their expertise with co-evaluating residents with University Supervisors will increase so that Teacher Residents are able to receive more high-quality feedback and support for improving their content and pedagogical knowledge and practice.
The Residency Coordinator’s experiences with the LSU SOE’s Office of Professional Experiences will also support the training of SU SOE Clinical Educators, especially in relation to effectively implementing the LAER POP Cycle to improve Teacher Residents’ teaching practices.
Evaluation: Spring 2024 marks the pilot implementation of comprehensive evaluation data being collected from Teacher Residents and Clinical Educators. In Fall 2025, we expect to receive a greater number of responses from Mentor Teachers and University Supervisors.
Continuous Improvement
Focus Area #1: Improving Survey Instruments and Increasing Survey Participation
To continuously improve the quality of the instruments used to evaluate Clinical Educators, the Accreditation Coordinator and the Assessment Coordinator will be participating in the Louisiana CAEP Consortium’s Fall 2024 Gathering, a collaborative effort to develop, pilot, and improve common measures for the completer and employer survey cycle and to create a common dispositional measure. With updated candidate tracking, the 4 | Page
Southern University and A&M College - Initial Programs
Standard Two Evidence Packet 2
R2.2 Clinical Expectations and Training
Assessment Coordinator has the capability to reach more potential alumni/completers to complete survey instruments.
Focus Area #2: Evaluating University Supervisors
In addition to using survey results from Teacher Resident and Mentor Teacher surveys to evaluate University Supervisors, the Residency Coordinator will supplement survey data with anecdotal evidence from discussions with Teacher Residents during the weekly residency seminar and from the Residency Coordinator’s own interactions with the University Supervisors, including but not limited to training, meetings, quality of observation data, and timely submission of work products.