WilmU Teaching and Learning Roadmap for Remote Learning

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Teaching and Learning Roadmap for Remote Learning

This Lesson Plan Format is structured to transition from a Face-to-Face Classroom setting to a Remote Learning Environment. What do students already know that is relevant to this activity, or what skills do they already have, and how do you know it?

Context for Learning:

Are the students interested and ready to engage? What factors might enhance or impede learning, and how will you address them?


What Standard(s) will be addressed by this activity? Common Core? NGSS? Etc.

Essential Question(s):

What open-ended questions will be used to stimulate student interest and thinking?

Learning Environment (building an online community): How will you establish a learning culture that promotes curiosity and critical examination of online resources and fosters digital literacy and media fluency.

Teaching and Learning Roadmap Components

Online Lesson Plan Learning Elements


Remote Learning

Instructional Strategies

Personalized Learning

Instruction & Modeling

Differentiation, Assistive Technology, and Student Engagement


Transfer information Explain concepts Show students how to: ● Navigate tasks ● Apply strategies ● Use a technology tool Students taking true ownership of their learning • experiencing opportunities for voice and choice in the classroom • allowing for different students to work at different speeds • focus learning on students’ specific interests and needs

Sample Online Tools

Video recording tools: ● Screencastify ● QuickTime ● Screencast-O-Matic Tools to engage students around video content: ● Edpuzzle ● Peardeck

TIC-TAC-TOE Menu Choice Board Choice Board Template Google Docs Visual Supports for Students with Autism and those with Disabilities Cinema Choice Board or Daily Activities Slides for Google Slides or PowerPoint ThinkThroughMath Adaptive instruction to teach CCSS Math Newsela Self-selection of text, Different Reading Levels

Teaching and Learning Roadmap Components

Online Lesson Plan Learning Elements


Remote Learning

Measuring Success

Extensions and Follow Up

Sample Online Tools

Engage higher-order thinking via conversation about: ● Texts ● Videos ● Podcasts ● Topics/Issues ● Current events

Synchronous discussions ● Google Meet ● Zoom Asynchronous text-based discussions ● Google Classroom ● LMS, like Schoology or Canvas Asynchronous video-based discussions ● FlipGrid

Research and Exploration

Conduct informal online research and crowdsource information with the group in a shared online space where students can learn from one another

Google Search Crowdsource in a shared online space: ● discussion board ● shared online document ● Shared slide deck ● Padlet Wall ● FlipGrid

Collaborative Tasks

Foster collaboration and creativity by asking students to work on shared tasks

Collaborative suite ● Drawp ● Trello ● ShowMe ● Google Slides

Practice and Review

Connect students with practice and review activities online to reinforce their understanding of concepts and help them to refine their skills


Activity Structure and Application


Formative and Summative Assessment

Reflection and Skill Building

Assess student learning and mastery of concepts and skills to guide instruction, scaffolds, and reteaching

Encourage students to reflect on their learning ● What did they learn? How did they learn it? What questions do they have?

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Quizizz Kahoot! Quizlet or StudyStack KhanAcademy NoRedInk

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Google Form run as a quiz Test/quiz features in Schoology or Canvas Writing prompts with Google Docs or Microsoft OneNote Outside of the box assessments (e.g., design an infographic with Picktochart)

Exit tickets ● Google Forms or Microsoft Forms ● Socrative Online journaling or blogging

Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

Create a flipbook
Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.