KNITTING THE KNITTING THECITY CITY The scenario proposes a new tissue for the city of Biella, in which the functions and uses of spaces are harmonically interlaced, while revitalizing abandonment as main functional elements. It can also generate a chain reaction for new centralities, capable of adapting as a net not only for 2050, but also for new needs; allowing a continuous city regeneration.
TEAM 2: ENTANGLED PRODUCTION Juan Pablo Benavides Soto, Yuan Chang, Jinxuan Tang, Brenda Melissa Torres Varón TEAM 3: SOCIAL COHESION Hassan Hijiazi, Sena Sagiroglu, Merve Tatli, Valentina Trujillo TEAM 5: INTERTWINING SPACES Francois Cayla, Esma Dolgun, Antonia Ballesteros Rodriguez, Maria Alejandra Mora Rivera TEAM 6: INTERLACED MOBILITY Katherine Lucena, Andrés Panza, Hebatallah Nassar, Naydis Ochoa TEAM 8: THE LIVING PATH Alejandro Rossetti, Ceren Kocaslan, Ivo Casadio, María Alejandra Sánchez