Climate Urbanism FINAL REPORT a.y.2019-2020

Page 52



By the year 2050 the population of Biella would have quadrupled owing to the decompaction of proximal megacities like Milan and Turin, as a consequence of CoEMERGENT METROPOLIS vid-19 pandemic and itsEVOLUTION adverse implications dense andMEDIAL unorganized urban A POST PANDEMIC OF BIELLAon AND OTHER TERRITORIES centres. As a result, Biella would need to cater to the rise in demand of housing needs, public infrastructure and transportation as well as recreational and community By the yearWith 2050 the population of Biella would planning have quadrupled owing to the decompaction of proximal megacities like Milan and spaces. meticulous urban strategies of Circular Economy & Territory Turin, as a consequence of Covid-19 pandemic and its adverse implications on dense and unorganized urban centres. As a result, on a would macro the ofmajor areinfrastructure closely associated suburban Biella needlevel to cater(where to the rise inall demand housing cities needs, public and transportationwith as wellthe as recreational and community spaces. With meticulous urban planning strategies of Circular Economy & Territory on a macro level (where all the major medial territories), an organized growth of Biella can be devised which would not cities are closely associated with the suburban medial territories), an organized growth of Biella can be devised which would not only wouldwould contributecontribute to its development aid the neighbouring metropolises to keep density in check. metropolises only tobut itsalso development but also aid thetheir neighbouring to keep their density in check. TEAM 9: SYMBIOTIC REGENERATION Niyazi Batuhan Dizlek, Nicolas Esteban Gonalez R., Gauri Parag Mankeekar, Disha Nilesh Shroff, TEAM 9: SYMBIOTIC Aditya Tejas JoshiREGENERATION Niyazi Batuhan Dizlek, Nicolas Esteban Gonalez R., Gauri Parag Mankeekar, Disha Nilesh Shroff, Aditya Tejas Joshi

TEAM 10:LIVING RAILINFRASTRUCTURES TERRITORY TEAM 10: Erika Cerra, Loris Insinna, Tugana Aydin Erika Cerra, Loris Insinna, Tugana Aydin TEAM 11: GOLDEN GROWTH

Mina Mohammadzadeh Hamidreza Noroozi, Mehmet Ali Kurt TEAM 11: GOLDENShahriari, GROWTH Mina Mohammadzadeh Shahriari, Hamidreza Noroozi, Mehmet Ali Kurt TEAM 16: CONSCIOUS EVOLUTION Tolunay Karakas, Haucheng Sun, Lirong Zhu, Luishi Xue

TEAM 16: CONSCIOUS EVOLUTION Tolunay Karakas, Haucheng Sun, Lirong Zhu, Luishi Xue

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