Revised preenrolment application form 2012

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Pre-Enrolment Application Form Name of Child:

Date of Birth:


P.P.S. No:

Religion of child: Expected Year of Entry:

Class Required:

Does your child have a sibling in the school or on the Pre-Enrolment list? If yes, please give name and Class / Expected year of entry:_

Yes □

Is your child transferring from another school? If yes, please give name of school and current class:


Yes □


Does your child have any special educational or medical needs? Yes □ No □ If yes, please give details: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Name(s) of Parent(s)/Guardian(s) 1. Address:

2. ____________________________

Address: ________________________________

Telephone (H): _____________________________

Telephone (H): __________________________

Telephone (M): _____________________________

Telephone (M):__________________________



DATA PROTECTION ACTS 1988-2003 (please complete and sign). I and I hereby consent to the retention of the enclosed data either manually or electronically. Signed:




Office use only Date of receipt of application:

Acknowledgement sent:

Reference Number: St. Matthew’s National School, Cranfield Place, Sandymount, Dublin 4, Ireland t. +353 (0)1 660 3145 f. +353 (0)1 667 8989 e. w. Principal: Mrs. Naomi Rousseau

Roll Number: 18282M

Pre-Enrolment Application Checklist Please ensure that the Application Form is completed in full and all relevant supporting documents enclosed with it. Incomplete applications will not be placed on the pre-enrolment list and will be returned to you. Completion of the application process does not guarantee a place in the school. 1. Completed Application Form

Yes □

2. Birth Certificate

Yes □

3. Proof of Religious Denomination

Yes □

N/A □

4. Medical reports

Yes □

N/A □

5. Educational reports

Yes □

N/A □

6. Other ____________________________

Yes □

N/A □

Please advise the school if there is any subsequent change to any of the information pertaining to the application.

Thank you for your co-operation.

St. Matthew’s National School, Cranfield Place, Sandymount, Dublin 4, Ireland t. +353 (0)1 660 3145 f. +353 (0)1 667 8989 e. w. Principal: Mrs. Naomi Rousseau

Roll Number: 18282M

ENROLMENT POLICY OF ST. MATTHEW’S NATIONAL SCHOOL CRANFIELD PLACE, DUBLIN 4 The Board of Management of St. Matthew’s National School hereby sets out the Enrolment Policy of the school, in accordance with the provisions of the Education Act 1998. General Information St. Matthew’s National School is the parish school of the Church of Ireland Parish of St. Matthew’s, Irishtown, Dublin 4. It has a distinct Church of Ireland ethos, and serves the educational needs of children living in the local catchment area The school is Co-educational, catering for pupils from Junior Infants to Sixth Class. It has seven class teachers, two full-time Learning Support/Resource Teachers and one part-time Learning Support Teacher. The Principal is Mrs. Naomi Rousseau. The Chairperson of the Board of Management is Canon E.G. Ardis. The school operates under the direction of the Department of Education and Science (D.E.S.) from which grants and resources are received annually. The school curriculum followed is the Revised Curriculum for Primary Schools (1999) produced by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment in conjunction with D.E.S. This curriculum may be amended from time to time in accordance with sections 9 & 30 of the Education Act (1998). Within the context and parameters of Department regulations and programmes, the rights of the Patron as set out in the Education Act, and the funding and resources available, the school supports the principles of: 1. Inclusiveness, particularly with reference to children with disabilities or special education needs. 2. Equality of access and participation in the school. 3. Respect for the diversity of values, beliefs, traditions, languages and ways of life in society. Priority of Admission All applicants for Junior Infants must have attained their 4th birthday by September 1st in the year of admission. Preference may be given to older children in the event of demand exceeding the places available. Children are admitted to the school in accordance with the following priority ranking: 1. Church of Ireland children living in the local catchment area or whose parents are accustomed members of St Matthew’s or the grouped parish of St Mary’s Donnybrook. [Accustomed members are those who worship in one of the Church of Ireland churches in the parish but reside in another parish.] 2. Children of other Protestant denominations resident in the local catchment area.

3. Children who do not fit into categories (a) and (b), who are from inter-church families living in the local catchment area and one of whose parents is Protestant. 4. Children of members of other Christian denominations for whom specific provision is not made within the educational system. 5. Brothers/sisters of existing pupils. Siblings of pupils already at the school will not automatically be entitled to a place. The onus is on parents to follow the prescribed procedures. Where a different surname is being used, the Application Form should clearly state that the applicant has a sibling in the school. 6. The remaining places are allocated at the discretion of the Board of Management, bearing in mind the requirements of the Education Act 1998 and other legal requirements. Enrolment Procedures 1. 2. 3. 4.


6. 7. 8.

All applications for places in the school must be submitted on the approved Application Form. A separate Application Form must be completed for each child. The Board of Management will only consider Application Forms completed in full. All Application Forms must include a copy of the child’s Birth Certificate and, in the case of those claiming priority on religious grounds (rankings 1 to 4 in the Priority of Admission above), proof of religious denomination e.g. Baptismal Certificate, letter from church. The Board of Management reserves the right to seek clarification of any information provided on the Application Form. In the case of a child with special educational needs, the Board of Management will request copies of medical, psychological, educational or other reports and assessments be made available to the Principal, in order to assess the school’s ability to provide appropriately for the child’s education. The onus is on parents to notify the school of subsequent change to any of the details on the Application Form. The closing date for applications for Junior Infants is 31st October in the year prior to entry. Places will be offered to Junior Infants by 30th November. When places in the school have been filled for a particular year and a child has not received a place, parents can apply for the child to be kept on a waiting list.

Right of Appeal 1. If a child is refused a place in the school in accordance with the procedures in this Enrolment Policy the applicant has the right to request the decision be reviewed at local level. The Board of Management reserves the right to request additional and/or supporting documentation. 2. The Board of Management will then review the matter, taking into account any additional information furnished by the Applicant. 3. In the event of such a review, any person involved in the decision to refuse a place will not be present at a vote on the review. If the Board of Management decides to uphold the decision, the parent(s)/guardian(s) should be advised of their reasons and also be informed of their right of appeal to the Secretary General of the Department of Education and Science and accordance with the Education Act 1988 and other relevant legislation or rules.


This policy was approved by the Board of Management on May 14 2008

St. Matthew’s National School, Cranfield Place, Sandymount, Dublin 4, Ireland t. +353 (0)1 660 3145 f. +353 (0)1 667 8989 e. w. Principal: Mrs. Naomi Rousseau

Roll Number: 18282M

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