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Michelle Campbell

United States

You have to surf out of your comfort zone to catch the wave that is going to change your life! I am the blessed mother of a beautiful daughter who teaches me every day that you certainly pay for your raising when you have your own children. Addysyn has the biggest and sweetest heart and such a kind spirited soul. She makes me want to be a better person everyday. I have truly learned that my own personal happiness is up to me! It is a decision you must make everyday, and that no one should have the opportunity to set my happiness for me! People tell me a I am an accident waiting to happen, I like to say I just stumble upon my opportunities... and I always do things the hard way or my way - whichever seems to fit best. But as I get older I am learning to do things Gods way. It sure does save a lot of heartache and time to just trust in HIS timing and in HIS ways rather than my own. Its taken me a while to really learn this, but I believe I am getting better at it :) I live with passion, I stand up for wh
