Michelle Hold ! Michelle Hold
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Color is calling Color is calling
Solo exhibition
Solo exhibition Castello di Costigliole d’Asti
7 aprile al 24 giugno 2018
Castello di Costigliole d’Asti 7 aprile al 24 giugno 2018
Castello di Casale Monferrato !
8 -30 settembre 2018
Castello di Casale Monferrato 8 -30 settembre 2018
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! ! ! ! “Color ! is a power which directly influences the soul.”
Wassily Kandinsky
“Color is a power which directly influences the soul.” Wassily Kandinsky “Il colore è un potere che influenza direttamente l’anima.” Wassily Kandinsky
“Il colore è un potere che influenza direttamente l’anima.” copyright 2018 Michelle Hold
copyright 2018 Michelle Hold
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Wassily Kandinsky
‘Supersaturated’ 2018 80x80cm acrylics, pigments on canvas
Michelle Hold ‘Color is calling’ “A color stands abroad / On solitary hills / That silence cannot overtake / But human nature feels.” Emily Dickinson “The english poet explains with the help of a delicate but efficient picture the idea that color is something which is impossible to explain through science but can only be understood through the senses of every living being. In the virtue of reciprocity which happens between color and who is using it, who arises this expressive medium of extraordinary flow, one might think that he is able to manifest feelings and sensations, using it purely or through lines and graphics. Michelle Hold is indeed using color for this reason and in an absolute manner, which helps her to decipher hidden messages from the world. Her paintings can be declared a visible declaration of an archaic language of the soul. The presence or absence of color hues is a specific way to propel wishes, hopes and dreams. Color is a living and pulsating entity that offers an agreement between who is painting and who is looking at the canvas, resulting in a profound connection between the inner world of who is looking and the desire of the artist to convey, all searching between the infinite relationship that is inside everybody and the universe.between the infinite relationship that is inside everybody and the universe. “Un Colore sta là fuori / Su Campi Solitari / Che la Scienza non può cogliere / Ma la Natura Umana avvertire.” Emily Dickinson “La poetessa inglese esprime, attraverso un’immagine delicata, ma efficace, l’idea di colore come qualcosa di non spiegabile scientificamente, ma solo comprensibile attraverso la sensibilità presente in ogni essere vivente. In virtù della reciprocità che si viene a creare tra il colore e chi lo usa, che lo fa assurgere a medium espressivo di straordinaria portata, si può pensare che sia in grado di rendere manifesti sentimenti e sensazioni, attraverso il suo utilizzo puro o mediato da grafismi e linee. Michelle Hold usa il colore proprio per questo scopo e lo fa in senso assoluto, perché questo le consente di decifrare i messaggi nascosti del mondo. Le sue opere si possono dunque intendere come la manifestazione visibile di un arcano linguaggio parlato dall’anima e la presenza o assenza delle cromie sulla tela è un modo per veicolare desideri, speranze e sogni. Il colore è infatti una entità viva e pulsante, che consente di stringere un patto tra chi lo dispone sulla superficie pittorica e chi lo guarda, riuscendo a stabilire una connessione in profondità tra l’interiorità del riguardante e la volontà dell’artista, alla ricerca di un rapporto tra l’infinito che c’è in ognuno e quello dell’universo.” Federica Mingozzi
‘Dance me to the end of love’ 2018 150x100cm acrylics, pigments on canvas
‘Allow it to happen’ 2018 50x50cm acrylics, pigments on canvas
‘Enjoy a new Beginning’ 2017 120x150cm acrylics, pigments on canvas
‘Pink Mood’ 2018 120x100cm acrylics, pigments on canvas Pinks are youthful, fun, and exciting. Toning down the passion of red with the purity of white results in an emotion that feeds and balances the feminine side. Il rosa è divertente e sensuale. Calmando la passione del rosso con la purezza del bianco ottengo un emozione che nutre e bilancia il femminile.
‘No fear of dreaming only of living’ 2017 120x120cm acrylics, pigments o canvas ‘No fear of dreaming only of living’ 2017 120x120cm acrylics,pigments o canvas
Diverse Diverse blues of the makememe dream while ultramarine brings blues of background the background make dream while ultramarine brings excitement andexcitement movement. and movement. ! I vari toni delicati di blue liberi fondo fanno sognare mentre l’ultramarino I vari toni delicati di blue liberi nel nel fondo mi mi fanno sognare mentre l’ultramarino porta eccitazioneporta e eccitazione e movimento. movimento.
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‘More than a dream’ 2018 120x120cm acrylics pigments on canvas
‘Dancing with flowing energy’ 2018 120x150cm acrylics, pigments on canvas Magenta is a powerful color that gives me comfort but at the same time leaves space for dreaming. White leaves space for movement, while light grey gives depth. Il magenta per me è un colore energico, mi dà conforto, ma allo stesso tempo mi fa sognare. Il bianco lascia spazio al movimento, mentre il leggero grigio dà profondità.
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‘Vital Signs’ 2018 120x120cm acrylics, pigments on canvas
Red calls‘Vital for Signs’ your attention, it is the fire thatpigments fuels your vital force. 2018 120x120cm acrylics, on canvas Il rosso chiama ! la tua attenzione. Il rosso è vivo, pulsante come il fuoco che da forza alla vita. Red calls for your attention, it is the fire that fuels your vital force. Il rosso chiama la tua attenzione. Il rosso è vivo, pulsante come il fuoco che da forza alla vita.
‘Off limits’ 2018 80x80cm acrylics and pigments on canvas
‘Keep the light coming’ 2018 60x60cm acrylics, pigments on canvas
‘Travel so far’ 2018 120x120cm acrylics, pigments on canvas
‘Stand by me’ 2018 100x120cm acrylics, pigments on canvas
‘Moment by Moment’ 2018 80x80cm acrylics, pigments on canvas
Michelle Hold is a German-born artist based in Italy who paints vibrant abstract by emotion andbased energy. Her canvases loud and Michelle works Hold isinspired a German-born artist in Italy who paintsare vibrant layered, the viewer to look further and further into theirare depths. We abstractenticing works inspired by emotion and energy. Her canvases loud and just love the expressive force of Michelle’s canvases, and we’d recommend layered, enticing the viewer to look further and further into their depths. We them for any interior in need of some punch. The artist, who grew up in just lovehad the begun expressive forcearchitecture of Michelle’s canvases, recommend Austria, to study when she fell and into we’d modelling. On her travels, took various art and textilepunch. design classes. She then worked as them forshe any interior in need of some aThe textile designer in Milan later time into painting. artist, who grew up inbefore Austria, hadthrowing begun toherself studyfull architecture when she Michelle has held solo exhibitions throughout Italy and in London, and she has fell into modelling. On her travels, she took various art and textile design participated in international art fairs in London, Miami, Athens, Milan and classes. Sheinthen worked as a textile in Milan before later throwing Berlin. Her works have featured group exhibitions acrossdesigner the globe. herself full time into painting. Michelle has held solo exhibitions throughout Italy and in Solo 2018 2017 2016
London, and she has participated in international art fairs in London, Miami, Athens, Milan
‘Musical Vibrations’ Discerner Residence / Mayfair / London ‘Color is calling’ Castello di Costigliole d’Asti solo ‘Turning Inside’ Communal Culture Center Valenza Abstract Art at Salone del Mobile Milano per Capital Decor ‘Woman in Red’ Tenuta Tenaglia, 2018 ‘Musical Vibrations’ Discerner Residence/ Mayfair/ London Serralunga di Crea 2015 ‘Warriors of Light’ Debut Contemporary, London ‘Color is calling’ Castello diCostigliole d’Asti ‘Blue Mood’ Spazio E Milan 2014 2017 ‘Blue Mood’ RacchettaCulture Ferrara ‘TurningPalazzo Inside’ Communal Center Valenza ‘Blue Mood’ Galleria 20 Turin 2016 Abstract Art at Salone del Mobile Milano per Capital Decor ‘Woman in Red’ Tenuta Tenaglia, 2013 ‘Visioni Sfumate’ Palazzo del Monferrato, Alessandria Serralunga di Crea ‘European Abstract Painting’ Shanghai M50 2015 ‘Warriors of Light’ Debut Contemporary, London ‘5 paintings for Capital DÉCOR’ Salone del Mobile Milano ‘Blue Mood’ SpazioZanuso E Milan Milano 2012 ‘Viaggio’ Galleria 2014 ‘Blueper Mood‘ Racchetta ‘Proposte una Palazzo Collezione’ MuseoFerrara di Roccamonfina MAGMA Caserta ‘Blue Mood’ Galleria 20 Turin ‘Equilibri Rari’ Castello di Casale Monferrato ‘7 paintings CapitalPalazzo Decor’del Salone del Mobile Milano ‘European Abstract Painting’ Shanghai M50 2013 ‘Visionifor Sfumate‘ Monferrato, Alessandria 2011 ‘5 ‘Colori’ Fieraforinternazionale d’Arte Piacenza paintings Capital DÉCOR’ Salone del Mobile Milano 2012 ‘Viaggio’ Galleria Zanuso Milano
and Berlin. Her works have featured in group exhibitions across the globe.
‘Proposte per una Collezione’Museo di Roccamonfina MAGMA Caserta ‘Equilibri Rari ‘ Castello di Casale
‘L’Energia del Colore’ Chiesa di Treville 2010 ‘In alto mare’ Galleria Immagine Colore Genova ‘Rose su tela’ Tenuta la Tenaglia Serralunga di Crea International Art Fairs 2018 FLUX London 2017 Affordable ArtFair Milano 2014 Red Dot Miami, Step Up Milano, Art Athina Athens, Art Vilnius 2013 Berliner Liste Curating Experiences 2017 ‘Dreamers’ Centro Culturale Valenza 2016 ‘Terræ’ Castello di Casale Monferrato ‘Touch of Water’ Castello di Rapallo ‘Shades of Silence’ Castello di Costigliole d’Asti ‘Oltre l’Immaginazione’ Accademia Filarmonica Casale Monferrato ‘Il Sogno dell’Acqua’ Monte Rosa Terme Champoluc 2015 ‘Silenzi’ Palazzo Lomellini Carmagnola ‘Atlante delle Nuvole’ Istituto di Cultura italiana Vienna 2014 ‘Rosso Vivo e l’Infernot’ Castello di Casale Monferrato 2013 ‘Il Sogno dell’Acqua’ Palazzo Lascaris Torino ‘Rosso Vivo’ Museum of Science Turin 2011 30 artists for Casale Monferrato Castello di Casale Monferrato Michelle Hold, nata a Monaco di Baviera, è cresciuta a Innsbruck dove ha iniziato a studiare architettura. Si forma come artista e disegnatrice di tessuti attraverso diversi corsi a Parigi, New York, Hong Kong, Monaco e Londra. La sua pittura s’ispira prevalentemente a fatti e a eventi naturali. Le rappresentazioni superano l’espressione figurativa e approdano a un’astrazione vitale: penetrazione nell’invisibile, apertura su un mondo segreto che promette gioie sommesse. La ricerca accoglie suoni e rumori del silenzio in un dialogo spirituale. Michelle ha esposto in Italia e vari paesi del mondo.
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www.michellehold.com michelle@michellehold.com