What's the Latest Buzz? | December 2020

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What’s the Latest Buzz?

december 2020



EDITOR’S NOTE in this issue… december

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WHAT’S POPPIN’ WHITNEY!! HAPPY 2021!!! I hope the start to your new year has been great so far, and that it will bring you great happiness and love. There were many things that happened this last month, and much more to come in the new year. Look forward to more things like our upcoming MNT week! More info will be released soon, so look forward to that, and be sure to participate! Making these newsletters for the past few months has been so amazing and such a great experience. I hope you guys have been enjoying them as well! I’m sad that the term is already coming so close to an end. 2020 was quite a journey, but we got through it! Thanks to you guys, our beautiful members, Whitney Key Club was still able to achieve many things this term even in quarantine. <333 Don’t forget to stay safe and stay at home! Wear your masks and social distance! SUN-cerely,

mich e kim

’20-’21 bulletin editor


Want to be featured in my next newsletter? Email me a Key Clubrelated article to michellemkim6@gmail.com!


Hey Whitney Key Club, First and foremost I wanted to thank you all for making this term such an amazing one. Even though very unprecedented and different, we still managed to serve as much as we possibly could and fundraise all at the same time. We were able to help so many individuals all over the world. You have all made my year as President worthwhile. With that being said, in the coming future I will be stepping down and another excellent individual will be my successor. Same with all other Executive Board members. Key Club will be holding its Elections on Tuesday, January 5th and Thursday, January 7th. I would really like for all of you to be in attendance. Exercise your right to vote in Key Club and make sure to pick a candidate whom you would want leading you! If you are a dues paid member, be sure to free your schedule and come out to hear what each of the candidates has to offer. Not only will you be given the opportunity to vote for your favorite candidate, but you will also be given the opportunity to ask any pressing questions that you may have. If there are certain changes that you wish to see in Key Club, ask how the candidates can help make those changes. If there are goals that you would like to achieve as a club, ask how the candidates see themself achieving this goal. No matter what questions, comments, or concerns that you may have, come out and share. I hope to see you all present. Once again thank you so much Whitney Key Club for continuing to shine bright when a lot has been gloomy. I appreciate each and everyone of you and I cannot wait to see what the next term brings!

Signing off,

maya v ez-h mon




’20-’21 whitney kc president





12/30 - LOCK-IN

Got some candid shots of you serving your community? Send them to michellemkim6@gmail.com to be featured in my newsletter! 3





PTP GOAL SURPASSED: $1371.91/$1,300 $3,005.91





GOAL SURPASSED: 8474.5/8000 8474.5



Katie Phail | ’20-’21 Director of Fundraising HEY BEE-UTIFALS!!! I hope you all are enjoying your winter break and to all the seniors out there that are still finishing up their college apps, GOOD LUCK AND YOU GOT THIS!!! As the end of the month is approaching, I wanted to talk about this past DCM that we had as I had a bit of a different experience than I had at other times which turned out to be really fun. While the DCM took place on Zoom, there was a limit on the amount of people that could join the meeting for some reason, so the majority of our cabby couldn’t enter the meeting as the capacity had already been filled. However, we all still wanted to be a part of the meeting, so we decided to have a separate video call on Messenger and have someone who was in the meeting share their screen for everyone to see. It was a really fun memory since we were able to talk amongst ourselves while still knowing what was going on in the main call. It was especially funny when spaces in the meeting would open up as people left and we would all scramble to see who would be able to join the meeting first. As for the actual activities that we did there, we made a bunch of cards as a service project that we would upload later. It was really fun talking with everyone while we were making the cards and having people show what they created. We made sure to always build each other up, no matter how much they tried to trash their own work. After the service activities, we broke into separate groups and breakout rooms to play smaller bonding games with the other people in the meeting. This was also really funny because I still couldn’t get into the meet, so I had to FaceTime Ayaan and join him and the other people in his breakout room in the games we played. We ended up playing Skribblio and Among Us together, and it was a hilarious experience. When we were all playing Among Us, Ayaan and I secretly teamed up and worked together to try and find out who the imposters were. We always covered each other to make sure the other didn’t get killed, which only made the whole situation that much more memorable. When it came time to discuss in Among Us, Ayaan would either relay what I said to the other members in his breakout room or have me talk through his phone. We ended up doing this until the end of the DCM, and it was an extremely memorable and hilarious experience that will stay with me forever. There are a bunch of funny things that happen at DCMs, but this was one of the most memorable ones of mine to date. You all should try to go to as many DCMs as you can to make more lifelong memories with your friends and meet new people! I hope to see you all at more events in the future!


Ayush Shah | ’20-’21 Director of Activities

What’s poppin Whitney Key Club? I hope you all had an amazing winter break and were able to relax and have fun during those 2 weeks. During the month of December, we had a variety of fundraisers, including the Sharetea and Rubio’s fundraiser, lots of service opportunities for you all to participate in, and Lock-In! However, we also had an amazing Christmas-themed DCM that was very exciting and exhilarating! On December 19th, from 4-6 P.M., the division held its December DCM with our sister division, Division 30 North. These 2 hours were filled with so much fun since there were several activities to participate in. As the DCM started, Christmas music was being played while everyone was in their pajama attire! As more people joined, the two divisions were split into their own distinct breakout rooms for their individual DCM’s. In these breakout rooms, the executive assistants and DLT officers were updating us on recent events, such as Candidate Training Conference and upcoming events, including the division judging committee. Each club’s respective treasurer also spoke about their own fundraisers, as well as Michelle talking about Maya’s sticker business where all the profits will be going to PTP. After officers and members were recognized, all the participants went to the main room to engage in a service activity. Members were making holiday cards for seniors and children to make their holiday season even better! Also, during this time the “nice and not naughty notes” different members wrote were being read aloud. Furthermore, there was a break after the card-making where participants were taking part in an icebreaker, and they were trying to figure out what Christmas phrase was being said through the emojis. Once the break was over, everyone was put into random breakout rooms where they were playing games, including Scribbl.io and Among Us. This was thrilling since members got to talk with new people that have the same passion for volunteering. Overall, the December DCM was remarkable since there was always something to participate in during the whole 2 hours. Although there were some downsides with the number of people allowed to join the Zoom call, the DCM was run very smoothly. Also, if you weren’t able to make it to this DCM, don’t worry! There are DCM’s every month that are publicized on the Division 30 South Instagram, so make sure to keep an eye on that. I hope to see you all during future events and DCM’s, and I hope you all continue to stay safe and healthy!


Annually, many Key Club members come together for Lock-In, a 12-hour service event with icebreakers and games to create lasting bonds. New friendships are always forged, and ties with our loving community are always strengthened. Even amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Lock-In 2020 was held. That day, December 30th, from 6 AM to 6 PM, was unforgettable. Members arrived on Zoom at 6 AM, eyes filled with sleep and a hint of excitement for a long day of service ahead. Members first made paracord bracelets for Operation Gratitude, which hopes to supply veterans with extra paracord rope, which serves very useful during emergencies. Although stumbling over a few knots, members were able to successfully complete the bracelets while conversing with others and listening to music. Subsequently, members made Sun Plushies to raise money for the Pediatric Trauma Program and hand-designed placemats for the meals-on-wheels program. Every design was beautiful, ranging from quotes to intricate swirling designs. Members took a short break after and then jumped into the next service project, which was creating academic study sets for elementary school students in breakout rooms. It was amazing to see such creativity in such a restrictive project as study sets. Members were able to create tracing templates and quick, yet difficult quizzes, all of which are sure to prepare any student. After, members made beautiful origami designs. From hearts to foxes to dragons, every design was inspirational and would bring delight to the senior citizens of Cerritos. The day's events continued, with members helping feed hungry mouths on Beanbeanbean.com and Freerice.com and creating posters and cards for hospitalized patients. Last, members made cat toys for cats in shelters. However, the day was not only dedicated to service. Members were able to bond through icebreakers, such as two truths and a lie and animal noises, and a newly released movie called Soul. Overall, Lock-In 2020 was a success - a truly memorable event amid the lackluster pandemic. New friendships were created, and it was a delight to be in such a positive environment amid the negativity in the world.


Saadhvi Naryanan | ’20-‘21

Each year Whitney High School Key Club hosts an event known as Operation Christmas to support underprivileged families through the Salvation Army. This year, Whitney Key Club was able to support four families, with the help of all the students and faculty from Whitney High School. These families are currently facing difficult times as they struggle to make ends meet and provide for their families. Such is much harder this year due to the added stress and potential unemployment they face during the COVID-19 pandemic. This is where Whitney Key Club steps in to help these families have the best possible holiday season. Due to the pandemic, the club has had a harder time fundraising in school, however, this did not stop the generous students from helping the community. Volunteers went around their neighborhoods, distributing flyers to hold individual, socially-distanced canned food drives. Together, the students were able to receive over 700 cans of food, in addition to other non-perishable food items and household cleaning supplies. Such will be able to feed the adopted families for at least a month, without the fear of not being able to put food on the table. Furthermore, students, faculty, and members of the community all donated to the cause to help raise $1,644.00 for the four families. This allowed for a few Key Club volunteers to go out and purchase clothing and household supplies that the families desperately needed. In addition, the club was able to use the money to purchase extra gifts and toys the families requested as a way to provide them with a joyous holiday season. The remainder of the money was given directly to the families so that they may go out and purchase any extra food or gifts they may need. Despite the obstacles presented by the pandemic, this year’s Operation Christmas was a huge success. With the help of all the students and faculty in Whitney High School, as well as the support from the Kiwanis Club, Whitney Key Club was able to help and support families in need so that they may celebrate during the holidays. THANK YOU to everyone who donated to Operation Christmas. Also, THANK YOU so much to all of the volunteers who helped with our canned food drive as well as ASB and club leaders on campus who helped Key Club plan and organize the event this year. The drive was a huge success because of all of your hard work.


Ayaan Ekram | ’20-’21 Vice President

Over $1,634 raised, more than 1,200 food items and supplies, and heaps of gifts galore for 4 families over the span of three weeks? Yes please! This past month in December, Whitney Key Club partnered with the Salvation Army for Operation Christmas: an annual school-wide initiative to collect donations of money, food, and gifts to support underprivileged families in need during the holiday season. Despite the presence of the pandemic, we were still able to push through and obtain a great deal of much-needed donations for families. Of course, Operation Christmas could not have been as successful without the generous support of our peers, staff, families, and communities, especially this year with restricted fundraising options and gathering guidelines. As such, members of Whitney Key Club were able to conduct their own neighborhood food and supply drives to request items such as canned vegetables, soup, laundry detergent, and other household essentials. I, along with the help of my family, was able to successfully collect hundreds of donations around my neighborhood and publicize for Operation Christmas! To recap my experience, here’s a step-by-step rundown of how the neighborhood food drive went for me, from start to finish: 1.




Make preparations. Before I could start making my way around my neighborhood, I had to thoroughly prepare for the food drive beforehand in order to run it as smoothly and efficiently as possible. This included pulling up Google Maps to create a route, wearing comfortable walking gear and sunscreen, and printing more than 30 personalized flyers (utilizing ethos, pathos, and logos to persuade them to donate) to publicize to my neighbors. All of these plans would help facilitate the success of this first-ever Operation Christmas food drive! Distribute flyers, then wait. Once my flyers were ready to go, I walked around my neighborhood with my mom and put flyers on people’s doorsteps, making sure to target the people who I believed would definitely donate, based on my prior interactions with them. After distributing all of my flyers, I then returned home and waited until the next day to pick up my neighbors’ Operation Christmas items. Collect the donations. My strategic planning worked out in the end, as I was able to collect an unexpectedly large amount of donations; in fact, they filled up my car’s trunk and passenger seats! On top of that, I discovered that my neighbors are incredibly kind and generous, especially with one of the houses who went out of their way to buy every single requested item on the list at Target (which must have totaled over a whopping $100). I was even able to meet a Whitney High School student, who I did not know lived near me! Count and record all of the donations. From canned vegetables to tuna to cereal, I had to sort all of the donations into their respective categories and tally up how many items of each category I collected. Furthermore, I made sure that all of the donations I received were nonperishable, NOT expired items. This tedious process of arranging items, categorizing donations, and checking expiration dates took me around 2 hours, but it was definitely worth it in the end!


Emily Thang| ’20-’21 Secretary

Drop off the donations. A week after I collected the donations, it was finally time to transfer the donations out of my house and move it one step closer to the Salvation Army, who would then distribute the donations to our sponsored families. To do so, I gathered all of the donations I collected and dropped it off at Vice President Ayaan Ekram’s house, which then marked the end of my Operation Christmas food drive “expedition.”

Although the pandemic may have hindered our ability to fundraise in-person and obtain donations as we normally would under a normal school year, our school was able to pull through with a massive success. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you to everyone who contributed to Operation Christmas, whether it was donating money, food items, supplies, or gifts, or even simply publicizing for Operation Christmas. The fact that Whitney High School was able to come together for one collective cause in the face of adversity is quite an accomplishment. I am absolutely touched and inspired by our work, and I hope we can continue to serve with all our heart throughout the term; after all, caring is our way of life. Keep it up Whitney Key Club, and Happy New Year!



During this pandemic, we are often inspired to learn many subjects and/or skills we always wanted to. As a result, Homeschool Cooperative 2020 is an initiative to provide kids with virtual classes during this COVID-19 pandemic. The aim is to have volunteers teach any classes they choose to kids across the world. This year, we have partnered with this cooperative to provide Key Clubbers with the opportunity to either (or both) volunteer as a teacher or/and a general volunteer. As a teacher, you are able to create classes of any topic of your choice and choose the length and time of these classes. Everything is up to you and how long you would want to volunteer. You can get started anytime, even today, by just signing up with the link below. As a general volunteer, you are able to help in various facets including overseeing classes, outreach, or even helping with their social media. This opportunity is open to everyone and we highly encourage all of you to participate. How to sign-up up: You can sign-up with the links below, one is for teaching a class and the other for becoming a general volunteer. After following the steps and submitting the form, Homeschool Cooperative 2020 will be contacting you with more information and how to get started. Teaching: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdHCh6KBNEz6RZhdqhpizgAywHlErzX73AOJ6ndbwAFY5e3A/viewform General Volunteer: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1r_P5_wNT1UqXyUXaiy6Ziutc4WRJ5wAgDLP4JH5oKX4/ viewform?edit_requested=true In addition, we ask that you all sign up with our normal service event spreadsheet so we have a list of all volunteers for this program. With all that is going on currently in the world, this is an amazing opportunity to not only serve the community but to teach something you love. As the cooperative says, the sky is truly the limit to what is possible through this amazing opportunity for not only the volunteers but the students as well.


Jerrick Wu | ’20-’21 Director of Activities

Anika Kasula | ’20-’21 Director of Fundraising

On December 20th, 2020, a district-wide event was held to inform members about the elections processes. This event was conducted and coordinated by the Policy, International Business, and Elections Committee for the California-Nevada-Hawaii District of Key Club International. The PIE Committee talked about the elections procedures for club officers, Lieutenant Governors, District Board Members, and Key Club International Officers, all of which were much different from previous years due to COVID-19. One core aspect of elections is campaigning, which in Key Club, has many regulations attached to it. Generally, members are only allowed to say “yes” when asked whether they are a candidate for any election. Furthermore, the PIE Committee stressed the importance of not distributing literatures, posters, and flyers anywhere, as this will result in the disqualification of a candidate. Only members running for club office are allowed to post their graphics on social media. However, they are unable to have others post for them. In terms of running for district board or lieutenant governor, a member is allowed to seek endorsement from their home club/division. Publicity for your candidacy is limited however. The process of a club election was also discussed during this webinar. These elections are now being held virtually, due to the ongoing pandemic. The voting process is being done through a google form, and after the results are tallied, the current president of the club announces the “winner”. Candidates running for any election are required to be dues-paid, as this signifies them as a legitimate Key Club member. After submitting a series of forms to their president and advisor, they are eligible to participate in the election. The election itself requires candidates to give a two minute speech and be in a three minute caucus, in which members will ask them questions about their plan for the next term. Whitney Key Club has already started their election process, and candidates will give their speeches in the beginning of January, so it is definitely something to look forward to next month. This is just a gist of what the PIE Committee talked about. They went over the specific duties of each member of a home club executive board. They talked about the purpose of Conclave, which happens on a divisional level for LTG elections. Members running for LTG are required to go to Candidate Training Conference (CTC), which actually happened a few weeks ago. For District Executive Candidates, a Division endorsement is recommended, and candidates must attend the District Officer Training Conference (DOCTC) that will happen in February 2021. Finally, we learned that Key Club International officers are elected during ICON, which will happen in Walt Disney World, Florida this term. The Committee also went over some important events that happen in Key Club, like DCMs, Kiwanis Meetings, and Training Conferences. They went over monthly submissions, which include monthly report forms, training conference reports, article and visuals, division newsletters, member recognition forms, and DCM Agendas. If someone is running for office, they are recommended to ask past and current officers for advice, as this will truly help them understand beforehand what their responsibilities will be. The PIE Committee stressed the importance of taking up a role because of your individual interest in it, as doing it just for college will end up bringing down your club as a whole. Thus, if you plan on running, make sure you know exactly what you are getting yourself into. Some helpful sites mentioned were the CNH Cyberkey and Officer Reflector Groups, which have much information about the Key Club organization itself. Even if you may have missed the deadline for our club election happening next month, there is no need to worry, as there are still plenty opportunities for you to be involved as an appointed home club officer or division officer!


The emails have recently been sent, a CNH Webinar about this has just been held, and it’s the time of the year many are anticipating. What am I talking about exactly? Elections! Many are currently preparing their literature and speech for our club’s executive board, and after that comes the process of the appointed board. If you’re ever thinking of running for a position in the future, whether that be a Key Club position or in another organization/program, here’s some tips for you! 1.





Know why you are running! Allow me to start by saying this: no one should run for a position because it looks impressive on their college application or because of the title. Rather, if you’re passionate about what you are doing, you will be able to make that much more of a difference. Becoming an officer or holding a leadership position comes with the responsibility of making sure everything operates smoothly and the truth is, if your heart isn’t in it, neither will the rest of you. Be confident! You may be facing some obstacles along the way. Maybe you’re asked a question you don’t have an answer to. Maybe the person who is running for the same position did an incredible job on their speech and you’re starting to get nervous. But the only thing stopping you is you. Take a second to regroup and absolutely kill it! Approaching a challenge (or anything for that matter) with a positive mindset will likelier yield positive results too. Be knowledgeable about the organization/program! Nothing is more disappointing than when a candidate is not aware of the mission, objectives/ goals, and the overall message of the entity. Show that you care and take the initiative to educate yourself on topics like these to prove that you should be considered for the position. Your appearance matters! You might be confused about what I mean by “appearance,” but what I am referring to is how you are dressed and your body language. There is no such thing as being underdressed, so dress to impress! As for body language, this is important to show that you are open and confident (tying in to tip 2). Shoulders back, feet apart, hands to the side or making gestures if beneficial, and make eye contact! Make sure you have all the requirements! When preparing for a speech or interview, our minds are often frantic. This may cause one to forget a paper (agreement, notes, etc.), sample works, or something that was asked to bring. Make sure to double check that you have prepared well and are not lacking anything or it may cost you later!

And with that, good luck on any election you have the opportunity to be in! Whether you “win” or “lose”, there will be plenty of chances to get involved. Remember to continue to be an active member in whichever club, program, etc. you are in as you should be in it because it is what delights you—don’t be discouraged because of one little thing! Lastly, make sure to come out to our executive board elections happening in the beginning of January!


Alanna Chan | ’20-’21 Historian/Tech Editor

With 2020 coming to an end, and election season just beginning, it is crucial to know the parts of Key Club and how to stay involved in as many ways possible. Our current upcoming elections are for the four core positions of our Whitney High School Key Club which consists of president, vice president, treasurer, and secretary. The president is in charge of hosting club and board meetings, delegating tasks and ensuring their completion, holding club elections, attending Kiwanis meetings, and more. The Vice President is mainly in charge of helping and assisting other officers in any way they can, planning events and fundraisers, and is in charge of planning Operation Christmas and District Convention. The next available position is Secretary who records, files, and details all things important, recording minutes of meetings, taking care of member’s service hours, and more. The club treasurer takes care of membership dues, financial reports, budgets, fundraisers and more. Once these four club positions are filled there are also division and other club officer positions available. We have the position of LTG, or our lieutenant governor who runs the division and then we also have officers on the division leadership team who help run division events, such as division fundraisers, DCMs, and service activities. We also have other possible positions to run for within our school’s key club such as director of publicity or fundraising, bulletin editor, etc. Overall I would most definitely recommend running for a position whether in our school club, our division, our region, or even internationally. As a member you can definitely help the community, but becoming a closer part of this club will get you more involved and you will get to see the inner workings of Key Club. As Director of Publicity for Whitney Key Club I got to see how each member and each officer contributed to the club in their own unique way and I was able to get involved in ways I could not as simply a member. This year we have so many positions to fill and the experience is unlike any other. There is so much to learn, and so much you can do. So this upcoming election season, I encourage all of you to run for a position you’re interested in because it is definitely worth it :))


Eileen Rodriguez | ’20-’21 Director of Publicity

Happy winter, Whitney! I hope this cooler season still brings all of you light and feelings of warmth! And, of course, happy 2021! With a new year brings new perspectives, actions, and goals. For me, this means looking past secondary school and into higher education! Thinking about college life is not a simple feat, so I was so glad to be able to attend a special virtual event with other Key Clubbers called Key to College! Key to College is an event where Key Clubbers from multiple divisions can meet with college students to learn about college life, receive advice for college applications, and learn about Circle K International (CKI), the collegiate-branch of Kiwanis International (just like how Key Club International is the high school-branch of Kiwanis International)! This Key to College was hosted by CSU Long Beach’s Circle K Club, and I had a great time participating in icebreaker activities and attending workshops to hear about topics such as Time Management, Financial Stability, and CKI 101. Beyond these workshops, breakout rooms were organized by major interest, separating Natural Sciences & Mathematics, Liberal Arts, Arts, Education, Business, and Engineering. With my own interest in majoring in Chemical Engineering, I attended the Engineering workshop, where I was able to participate in a Q&A with other Key Clubbers interested in engineering and a 5th year student majoring in Electrical Engineering at CSU Long Beach. This experience was very insightful and I got to know a bit more about what it’s like to be a college student in engineering. Although there will not be any Key to Colleges soon (as the application season is closing up), I hope you will consider attending any Key to Colleges next school year! Even if you are not yet a senior applying for college, it is still insightful to attend and learn more about what to expect after high school! Who knows, maybe you will see me in the panel of Circle K speakers to talk to you about college! Good luck to all of you with first semester finals this month; I hope the first month of 2021 brings you joy and love :)) take care!


Ethan Hong | ’20-’21 Director of Kiwanis/Member Relations

2020 has really been something, but here it is, my Christmas gift to you. How you can be more active in Key Club for the upcoming year! New year means new you and if you haven’t been keeping up with key club, it’s not too late! You won’t regret starting off your new year being more active in Key Club I promise you. Key Club is definitely one of those clubs where you will always feel welcome and included. The memories and friends you make as a key clubber are all something you just cannot miss. And so, here are all my tips and advice for you! Sign Up For Service Events: Every month we have a service month full of service projects that you can do at-home! At the beginning of every month, an email is sent out with a list of service projects that you can do on your own time and you submit your proof of service on a google drive by the end of the month to receive your service hours. These range from making cards for healthcare workers to trivia apps/websites for you to use that help raise money for charities. Due to COVID-19, our service events are no longer in person but you can still earn hours through these projects! General Meetings: We have a general meeting on the second Tuesday of every month on zoom where we talk about upcoming service activities and fundraisers and do a service project. We also announce who is our officer of the month and member of the month! Join us to have some fun with other key clubbers and earn a half hour of service while you’re at it! DCM: DCM stands for division council meeting. We have a meeting every month with our division, which is made up of multiple key clubs from different schools. Whitney is a part of Division 30 South (D30S). At our DCMs, we give an update on our service hours and PTP funds, announce officer, member, and advisor of the month out of all the clubs in our division, and 5 out of 13 clubs get recognized as shining clubs of the month for their achievements. At our December DCM, it was frozen themed and we all wore pajamas, played among us, and did a service activity! Everyone always has so much fun talking to people from different schools like Cypress, Magnolia, and Oxford and there is always a big turnout! Attend Our Events: We also have events such as game nights, movie nights, socials, and this month we are having our annual lock-in! This is basically where we spend 12 hours doing service activities and bonding from 6am-6pm. You can check out our socials to find information about any upcoming events that we have and RSVP! Keep Up With Our Social Media: You can check out our social media for more information and updates on anything new going on in Key Club! Instagram: @whitneyhigh_keyclub Facebook: Whitney Key Club! Google Classroom: dozin76


Elizabeth Hoang | ’20-’21 Historian/Tech Editor

MOVIES Elf - available on Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Hulu ◦ Home Alone - Disney+, YouTube, Google Play, Vudu, iTunes ◦ The Grinch - YouTube, Google Play, Vudu, Amazon Prime Video ◦ Frosty the Snowman - Vudu, iTunes, Amazon Prime Video ◦ Little Women - Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, YouTube ◦ Klaus - Netflix ◦ Arthur Christmas - Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, Vudu ◦ A Charlie Brown Christmas - Amazon Prime Video ◦

SONGS Last Christmas - Wham! ◦ Mistletoe - Justin Bieber ◦ All I Want for Christmas Is You - Mariah Carey ◦ Winter Things - Ariana Grande ◦ Feliz Navidad - José Feliciano ◦ Wonderful Christmastime - Paul McCartney ◦ It’s Beginning to Look a Lot like Christmas - Michael Bublé ◦ Santa Tell Me - Ariana Grande ◦ Underneath the Tree - Kelly Clarkson ◦ Snowman - Sia ◦ I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus - The Jackson 5 ◦ Rocking Around the Christmas Tree - Brenda Lee ◦ Holly Jolly Christmas - Michael Bublé ◦

Hopefully these movies and songs will give you more comfort during these times. Be sure to spend lots of time with your family and loved ones and have a happy and safe holiday break at home! <3


Ashlyn Wong | ’20-’21 Division Historian

Hello buzzing bees! Hopefully everyone has been enjoying winter break so far and are able to relax from school for a bit. Now that we have reached a time where we don’t have to worry so much about school, it is important to take this time for ourselves if we haven’t been able to do so throughout this quarantine. One of the many ways we can do that is by stepping outside and enjoying the world around us while taking in a fresh breath of air. And in that case, one of the activities we had recently done this month was actually just about that! Key Club and Arts2Cure had a collaborative event known as the Arts2Cure Nature Photography Challenge. Nonmembers and members from both clubs had the opportunity to take part of this activity and step outside to snap some pictures of anything in nature and donate the photos for .50 cents each towards Key Club’s Operation Christmas. This activity really gave lots of people a chance and reason to go outside. Within the past couple of months lots of people might have not really had the chance to get some fresh air or a healthy amount of exercise in the outdoors mainly because of the stay at home order. Regardless of our physical self it can overall be very therapeutic to take a small walk outside and admire all the beauty within nature that it has to offer. Covid may have taken a toll on some people’s mental health, from not being able to come in contact with friends and family to losing a loved one during this time, this may have given some people a chance to clear their minds and getting a small break on heavy things they’ve been through this year through nature’s ways. So because of this, while still taking safe precautions, we encouraged everyone to explore the and appreciate the outside world while donating to an amazing cause while doing something for their own health as well! Everyone had limitless freedom to take a picture of anything part of nature that inspired them. From animals to plants and the tallest mountains to the smallest bugs, everyone has able to express their own artistic abilities through a picture. Once the due date approached everyone had the opportunity to enter into a contest where the photos could be judged and have the chance to win a $10 or $5 gift card. People had the chance to title their photographs and write a small paragraph on the photo and how that moment or place made them feel/ inspired. This activity was an overall small fun way to express ourselves, provide for an amazing cause that will help other families in need and to give ourselves a mental break. It’s always the small things in life that can be the most impactful, so it’s important to keep that in mind to never stop doing or appreciating them. Hopefully everyone has a great winter break and takes time to sit out with nature and have a good day <3


Itzel Huerta | ’20-’21 Director of Publicity

Keep up with the Hive! linktr.ees

https://linktr.ee/whitneykeyclub https://linktr.ee/d30ssuns

upcoming dates!



social media whitneyhigh_keyclub Whitney Key Club! whitney_keyclub

cabinet President | Maya Alvarez-Harmon mayaharmon2003@gmail.com Vice-President | Ayaan Ekram ayaanekram@gmail.com Secretary | Emily Thang emsunnysunshine@gmail.com Treasurer | Saadhvi Narayanan saadhstar@gmail.com Bulletin Editor | Michelle Kim michellemkim6@gmail.com Director of Activities | Jerrick Wu jerrickwu7@gmail.com Director of Activities | Ayush Shah ayush98365@gmail.com Director of Publicity | Itzel Huerta itzel.huerta1510@gmail.com Director of Publicity | Eileen Rodriguez eileen.rodriguezsalehi@gmail.com Director of Fundraising | Anika Kasula anikakasula@gmail.com Director of Fundraising | Katherine Phail katherinephail@yahoo.com

Director of Kiwanis and Community Relations | Ethan Hong ethanhong2003@gmail.com Spirit Coordinator | Anastasia Estrella asia.estrella.3@gmail.com Historian/Tech Editor | Alanna Chan alannamchan@gmail.com Historian/Tech Editor | Elizabeth Hoang elizabeth.hoang8@gmail.com

division leadership team Executive Assistant | Michelle Kim michellemkim6@gmail.com Service Project Coordinator | Ethan Hong ethanhong2003@gmail.com Fundraising Task Coordinator | Elu Loquias eluloquias@gmail.com Division Historian | Ashlyn Wong ashlynwong01@gmail.com Division Spirit Coordinator | Anastasia Estrella asia.estrella.3@gmail.com

advisors Kiwanis | Ms. Jan Jensen sokkerjan@gmail.com Club |Mrs. Stacy Palmer stacy.palmer@abcusd.us



thank you for reading! BEE GREEN AND DO NOT PRINT!


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