What's the Latest Buzz? | March 2021

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What’s the Latest Buzz?

march 2021



EDITOR’S NOTE in this issue… march

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Thank you for loving my work for the past year <3 SUN-cerely for the last time,

mich e kim

’20-’21 bulletin editor


It has finally arrived. The LAST newsletter of the 2020-2021 term. As Whitney Key Club’s Bulletin Editor for the past 11-12 months, I was able to closely see how our club was progressing throughout the year. It was so amazing to see how we could still be so strong as a club throughout the pandemic. It was truly a pleasure creating these newsletters for you. Thank you for reading and loving my newsletters every time. Thank you to our amazing members for continuing to have a passion and spirit to serve. Thank you to Maya, Ayaan, Emily, and Saadhvi for being the biggest and strongest pillars for Whitney Key Club. Our term would not have been the same without your constant efforts to make it memorable. Thank you cabinet for the amazing memories we made this year and for being in this together. To the new freshman members, I am sad and sorry that you didn’t get to experience a TRUE Key Club event yet, but I hope that your first year in Key Club was still unforgettable. To the seniors, I wish you the best of luck in all of your future endeavors. Whitney Key Club and I will miss you all truly. Go out and enjoy life (hopefully)! I love you guys :). Thank you for being a part of Whitney Key Club’s legacy and for being a part of my own Key Club journey. I will truly miss everyone one of you. <3 To Lizzy, MY BABY <3 I know you’re going to do amazing because your literally SO ARTISTIC and hardworking. You’re going to be MUCH better than me next year >3<. Don’t hesitate to ask me questions because I’ll always be here for you :D. I wish you the best of luck as I pass on the baton to you.

Want to be featured in my next newsletter? Email me a Key Club-related article to michellemkim6@gmail.com!




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Three years. I have been a member of Key Club for three years. In these past three years, I have grown so much as an individual. I have learned the value of selflessness and love. I have been able to make so many friends within my community, both highschoolers and not. I have been honored with the ability to lead the club in many different ways. But most importantly, I was truly able to find where I belong. Never once was I made to feel excluded, quite the contrary, I would receive invitations and offerings all the time. This is something that the once shy and timid girl had never anticipated. I can honestly say that Key Club has been one of the biggest character builders throughout my entire life. Ayaan, I wanted to say thank you for always being by my side throughout this entire journey. We have been through thick and thin together and I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for being such an important support system. Saadhvi, thank you so much for taking on the leadership roles and really taking charge whenever necessary. Elu, thank you for going and volunteering with me whenever I asked. And thank you for being the muchneeded entertainment in my life. Ethan, thank you for showing me what it means to be such an amazing Key Clubber. You radiate so much positive energy and you’re always willing to give, which is incredibly commendable. Rawnie, I literally love you so much, thank you for being such an amazing friend and being alongside me in this Key Club journey. Michelle, thank you for always being that ray of sunshine that everyone needs in their life. You've made me feel so loved and ever since we volunteered together at the Chinese Carnival we have made so many new memories that I wouldn’t change for the world. Also, thank you so much for gifting our club with these beautiful newsletters. To you Emily, I don’t even know where to begin. I know that you will do amazing things as president next year. You are such a diligent, dedicated, compassionate individual and I just can’t wait to see what your future brings. To Whitney Key Club in general, there’s so many more of you that I can individually thank. It was all of you who make leaving this club so incredibly difficult. It’s hard imagining how different my life is going to be when I’m not going to be thinking about when the next Key Club event is going to be. I’m going to miss making all these memories but I know that you all will continue to lead the legacy that Whitney Key Club has. Thank you all so much for giving me the best three years of my life. All that I ask is that you continue to be kind, be loving, and of course BEE YOU! I love and will miss you all.


maya v ez-h mon





’20-’21 whitney kc president




3/20 - MARCH DCM




fundraising PTP GOAL SURPASSED: $1545.91/$1,300 $3,406.67





GOAL SURPASSED: 11,341/8000 11,341



HI SUNS! Our club banquet recently happened on March 19, and the title was Despicable Bee! A Despicable Me theme is a perfect way to end the term! When we first entered, Bruno Mars’s song, “Leave the Door Open”, welcomed us and everyone was excited. Everyone was dressed semi-formally and ready to start with what was planned for us. It started with announcements about upcoming events and the special guests were introduced. Outside of our club members, students from Oxford and our advisors attended as well. After all of the introductions and preliminary business, we watched an end of the year video that recapped everything that we did this term. It was made by Lizzy and I, your current historians. With pictures from our Zoom meetings, service months, and messages from our cabinet, there were heartfelt moments reminiscing on what we achieved. Following this, we continued by thanking our advisors, Ms. Palmer and Mrs. Jensen, for how they have supported and guided us during the term. Jerrick and Ayush read notes written by our members, thanking both of them for their efforts. Keeping with the theme of words to be shared and important moments, the new cabinet for the next term was instilled. By using virtual backgrounds, the current cabinet passed on lit candles to the cabinet-elect, while also wishing them the best for the future. Now, it was game time! In my opinion, I thought that they were pretty creative and different from what I usually see. The first one included Key Club trivia, where Ayush got sprayed with water when someone answered three questions about Key Club correctly. This was definitely entertaining for many members, as the laughs and smiles were obvious across the screen. Afterwards, we played “Pin the Goggles on the Jerrick”. This entailed a picture of Jerrick (as a minion) on the screen while someone spun 10 times and tried to move the goggles image on his face. This was also pretty humorous to say the least. For the last game, we went into breakout rooms and played charades. We played with Key Club and Despicable Me related words. For example, I had to act out Vector from Despicable Me. It wasn’t exactly the easiest, but it was funny. After the games, we took a small break. Returning to our activities, we moved onto superlatives, awards, and recognition. For superlatives, the new cabinet came up with one for every attendee, which I thought was pretty special. The titles and words were all related to us, whether it be something we’ve done before or describing our personalities, so it was definitely meaningful. Then we moved onto recognition for the most service hours and most spirited from each class. This recognition was well-deserved because of how hard those individuals worked this past term. Smoothly transitioning into the Open Mic, messages were also shared with the class of 2021. Touching words and countless memories were expressed at this point, and then many of the seniors recalled their experiences in Key Club during the Open Mic. At this time, anyone was allowed to speak about whatever they pleased. Now for the last part, the part that many people were awaiting: the announcement of the ‘21-’22 cabinet. The positions were announced one by one, and the nine people who were appointed were soon all revealed to everyone. The joy on the faces of the people that were accepted into their positions were clear, even through a screen. It was a great way to end the banquet off with much anticipation. Overall, the banquet was lots of fun and well put together by the executives. I’m proud of their hard work to plan such an event, and enjoyed myself even though we had to be online. Thank you Suns for an amazing year, it was definitely one for the books!


Alanna Chan | ’20-’21 Historian/Tech Editor

Like many of us, this term was not what we expected. We hoped to go out to elementary schools, to the farmers market, to the senior center, but if we only hoped, there would be no time to see what we have truly accomplished in the unique year. Through all the challenges possibly thrown at us, we were able preserve and continue volunteering, positively impacting the community. As a result, the banquet held on Friday, March 19th, gave us a recap of the recordbreaking term Whitney Key Club had. Themed Despicable Bee, we had a wide variety of games that helped lighten the mood including a carnival themed charades game, dunk tank with our Treasurer elect Ayush Shah, and pin the google on the Jerrick. These games gave everyone a quick laugh before we reminisced on the emotional ending to this one-of-a-kind term. As always, we had to give appreciation to our wonderful and amazing advisors. Mrs. Jensen and Ms. Palmer were both with us through this roller coaster of a term, and without them, we would be nowhere close to our successes. Thanks to all their help and guidance, we were truly able to thrive even in an environment as challenging as the pandemic. In addition, we had the opportunity to recognize members for their spirit and service. These individuals and members as a whole were the backbone of our club. Their dedication and passion for this club is beyond anything anyone can see and is what makes this club as special as it is. Next, the emotional part came. It was an open mic session where anyone who wanted to speak on their year, their experiences, or anything else, was given the floor. This was especially emotional for all the seniors, saying their goodbyes after 4 whole years of being a part of this club, this family. When this all ended, it was time for what everyone waited for: the announcement of the 2021-2022 Key Club cabinet. These decisions were truly a difficult choice to make with over 22 BEE-YOND qualified candidates applying. Though we were only able to accept 9, we are confident that this cabinet will help lead us the future of Whitney Key Club into another successful term. With this banquet, it was our official ending to the 2020-2021 term. Though this term doesn’t technically end until DCON on April 9 - 11th, this article will be the last. I am truly honored to have been given the opportunity to serve and to find service activities for you all this term. But as they say, when one chapter ends, another begins. As a result, I am beyond excited and cannot wait for all that is to come!


Jerrick Wu| ’20-’21 Director of Activities

Club of the year. Secretary of the year. Member of the year. All of the awards that Whitney alone received, oh and did I forget to mention, most funds raised. Yeah, you read it right. This year Whitney Key Club showed it’s worth and this would not have been achieved without all of you working as hard as you did and putting your best foot forward 1000% of the time. At the banquet I was so proud to be the president of such an outstanding club. I’ve said it countless times but the challenges of this pandemic did not serve as an obstacle but instead fueled us to continue to push our limits and prove to not only our community that we are all going to be future patrons of the world, but we were able to prove to ourselves that anything is possible. Speeches were given, awards were honored, a recap video was shared, but the most important thing was the memories that were made to close out this unexpected, challenging, unforgettable year. I was able to witness so many faces being proud in the moment to be a Key Clubber. It doesn’t take much to make me emotional, but after banquet, I realized that this term is so close to its end. All I can say is that there is no other club I would rather have been a part of this year. Thank you to all of the members who served even an hour during this pandemic because I know how challenging it is with everything going on. Thank you to the members who attended almost every Division Council Meeting, served dozens of hours, and still managed to shine bright. It is because of all of your dedication and hard work that we were able to be recognized so much. Tears were shared, goodbyes were said, and new beginnings were paved. I look forward to seeing the amazing heights that this division will reach. I have no doubt in my mind that excellence will be achieved. If our division was able to serve 27,000+ hours and raise $7,000+ in a global pandemic, skys the limit to what can be achieved. Reach for the stars buzzin bees, you’ll make it.


Maya Alvarez-Harmon | ’20-’21 President

What’s poppin Whitney Key Club? This term is almost in its wraps, and I just want to highlight all of our amazing events and accomplishments throughout the year. No one was aware that this past year would be this unpredictable, but we were able to push through and continue serving as a club. Even though this was something new for all of us, we managed to continue holding a variety of service events and fundraisers because of you, our members. Despite the fact that these times have been difficult for all of us, you all have been pushing through, and I am so grateful for each and every one of you. Even with the term being online, we have accomplished so much, so let’s highlight some of the main aspects of this term. 1.




Monthly Service Months To start off, even though service was unpredictable during the quarantine, we started providing service opportunities a month after the pandemic had started. As a club, we were able to push through and continue doing service, which allowed our division to serve the most hours. Although there were limited service events we could participate in, our club still managed to aid the people and communities around us, which was remarkable. Plus, we were even able to hold more interactive service events such as the Origami Paper Crane Making or the Whitney Key Club x Girl Up Card Writing Activity. Just like these events, there were so many more opportunities that you all participated in, which allowed us to serve more than 10,000 hours as a club! Fabulous Fundraisers Fundraising has been one of the most difficult aspects of Key Club during these times since we have lost our bake sale and in-person fundraiser opportunities. However, the Treasurer and DOF’s were able to push through, and they were able to raise a breathtaking amount of money for PTP and MNT. They went all out and came up with new and innovative ideas just for you all. There were movie nights, game nights, community fundraisers, giveaways, and so much more! With all of their hard work, we were still able to raise lots of funds to support Key Club’s preferred charities. Lock-In/Operation Christmas Lock-In and Operation Christmas are significant yearly events for Whitney Key Club. Even with all the uncertainties, Saadhvi Narayanan and Ayaan Ekram were able to push through and hold these remarkable events. Saadhvi had started planning Lock-In very early on and worked so hard to put the materials together so that you all would have a great time during your service activities. We were all able to bond in breakout rooms, meet new people, and even watch a fascinating movie. Even though this was the first virtual Lock-In, it was still breathtaking, and it was one to truly remember. As well as this, Ayaan had put his heart into making sure that Operation Christmas was successful. Even though it worked a bit differently this year, we were able to participate in a canned food drive, work with other clubs, and raise money for 4 different families. Because of all your help, we were able to make these 2 annual events amazing even under these new circumstances. New Member Involvement Lastly, even though this year was virtual, we were still able to have so many dedicated and passionate members join the club. Without you guys, we wouldn’t be where we are today. The freshman especially stood out and truly aided Whitney Key Club in service and fundraising. Because of all of your hard work, our club was able to become recognized during several DCM’s, and it is amazing to see how committed you all are even though there haven’t been any in-person events this year. So I just want to thank all of the existing and new members since you are the ones who truly shape our Key Club.

Thank you all for such an amazing term, and I can’t wait to see what we accomplish in this next term!

Ayush Shah | ’20-’21 Director of Activities

Ethan Hong| ’20-’21 Director of Kiwanis/Member Relations

Salutations Whitney Key Club! It’s me, your Director of Kiwanis and Member Relations for the 2020-2021 term. One of my duties is recognizing members and officers that have gone above and beyond in serving their communities and exhibiting the four core values of Key Club: Inclusiveness, Leadership, Character Building, and Caring. In a typical year, I would do recognition in Whitney’s Multi-purpose Room at Key Club’s monthly General Meetings. Members and officers would receive a physical paper with the recognition statement on it to keep and remember as they progress through their Key Club journey. This year, however, I was unable to give any physical recognition awards. To be able to look back and commemorate these incredible Key Clubbers, I wish to make them known here! Here are the members recognized as outstanding leaders in service by Whitney Key Club and myself: MONTH (’20-’21)


















It is my duty to recognize members on the club level, but I also submit member, officer, and Kiwanis member nominations every month to the Division 30 South Member Recognition Chair to possibly get recognized at a Division Council Meeting (DCM)! Other recognition takes place that I am not a part of, such as Secretary of the Month, Division Leadership Team (DLT) Member of the Month, and the 5 Shining Clubs of the Month. Here is all the recognition that Whitney Key Club and its members received at the division level: MONTH (’20-’21)






























Finally, I would like to mention members that were recognized by the California-NevadaHawaii District Member Recognition Program (MRP). MRP distributes bronze, silver, gold, and platinum awards. They recognize members based on a list of criteria, which you can easily find on the district website [www.cnhkeyclub.org > Recognition > Member Recognition Program]. Here are the members recognized from Whitney Key Club:








Congratulations to everyone who was recognized this term! For those that were not, remember that not being recognized does not undermine any of your achievements! Every member is an imperative part of Key Club and what we do as a collective. Thank you to everyone who has been with us this term, if it means attending one event or all of them. Your passion for service allows Whitney Key Club to thrive! I hope Whitney stays thriving for years to come. On a final note, thank you Whitney Key Club for allowing me to be your Director of Kiwanis and Member Relations for my final year in Key Club. I am so happy to have been part of Key Club for my four years of high school and Key Club Cabinet and the Division Leadership Team for three consecutive terms. I wish for everyone an incredible Key Club journey, wherever it takes you! Aloha, Whitney Key Club <3


MONTH (’20-’21)

Hello dear bees! As many of you may be aware of, this is one of the last articles for the Final Newsletter of this term. This past year was nothing like what we had in mind, going into a completely different experience definitely threw everyone off and all of our expectations had changed. In the end, all we could do would be to hope for things to go back to normal or get better even if it was a small possibility. But at last here we are, perhaps still in quarantine and maybe with some disappointed expectations, but also as different people. This is a chance to look and and enjoy all of the little things that have led up to this moment. Near the end of the last term, things took a turn a lot of people didn’t really expect. COVID had started getting more serious and before we knew it schools began to close. Following up with that, other in-person key club service events had to come to an end temporarily too. Even then, people still had some hope that things would improve and some of the bigger events for the end of the year would still get a chance to go on, but the news later came. Whitney Banquet, the Division Banquet, DCON and along with many other activities had to either cancel or go virtual in the end. The experience was definitely different, but it will never mount up to the same feeling everyone else had experienced before. Since it was supposed to be my first time going and seeing these events, it was a little disappointing, but knowing that there were seniors who would not get their fair and final goodbye from Key Club was definitely a lot more heartbreaking. From the beginning of this term, people were starting to get more used to our new online lives. With this being said, there was definitely a shift in our expectations, service events and duties for this year. DCM’s were now planned online in a way that would still allow us to have fun. Historians had to figure out how to receive photos of different events. Publicity needed to turn to digital graphics from posters so information of different events would still be able to reach people. These kinds of changes in our lives as Key Clubbers were not what we had intended at the beginning, but we soon came to accept. And at one point, it all started to get a little better. Serving as an officer for the first time but also being my second year as a member in Key Club has surely been a wild ride. I can definitely say that I have had a variety of experiences that have been incredibly unique and interesting throughout my Key Club timeline, some not being for the best nor the worst. In the end, I have learned so much from everything that has gone on and in the end, it didn’t turn out to be such a bad experience. With changes like these, many people don’t have much of a choice but to learn to get used to them. But it has shown us that despite the distance between people, there are still ways to feel connected and also help others while doing so. It might not be the ideal term we had in mind, but overcoming these challenges is what helps people not only come closer, but also appreciate every moment we have with them. When the show is near the end, all that there is left to do is to watch the performers finish off their final dance routine before the curtains close and applaud for all the hard work and effort they have put into the show. So I do hope everyone had a chance to finish off this term with the best they could give and do for Key Club despite the year not going our way and have some fun at the banquet :) Like a lot of people say, all good things have to come to an end, or do they really? As for some people, their time in Key Club may come to an “end” and they’ll either move onto other clubs or go to college and take part in other things. (Btw seniors you will be missed) But in reality, the opportunity to help others and serve never really stops. I hope everyone is doing well and will continue to help others in the community or even show a little bit of kindness to a person every day, including yourself! Good bye busy bees <3


Itzel Huerta | ’20-’21 Director of Publicity

Eleven months. It's been eleven months since my first duty on Key Club cabinet. Looking back at this year and the unique situation we were all put into, I have good and not so good memories. However, when I think of Key Club, only good memories flood my mind. Being a director of fundraising for such an amazing club has helped me grow, have fun, and most importantly, make some unforgettable friendships. For eleven months, along with the amazing fundraising team, I have been consistently trying my best to find fundraisers and raise money for the charities Key Club supports. I learned so many new skills as a DOF that I do not think I could have developed anywhere else. In terms of finance, I learned a lot about budgeting and ways to fundraise from our treasurer and my co-director of fundraising. The RTCs and OTCs truly helped me learn more about this job as well. On a more personal level, I have exponentially increased my social skills. Having one to two meetings every single week has truly helped me gain confidence in not only my ideas but also my ability to convey them. I learned the importance of being unafraid, as communicating even my smaller ideas can amount to something bigger. The most rewarding part of being on cabinet for me is honestly just seeing our work paying off. Whether it was Lock-in or our movie/game nights, seeing all the logistics and details of our work succeeding in the end was incredibly fun. I also truly enjoyed all the virtual zoom events where Key Clubbers just came together to bond. This includes our well-planned DCMs, socials, Kiwanisgiving, and so on. Simply being able to talk to and connect with others over what we love to do most, service, constantly motivates me to keep going and to keep working my hardest as a member of this club. Key Club truly is like a second home/family to me. I have made some amazing, long-lasting friendships here, like with our club fundraising team. I learned so so much from the treasurer, Saadhvi, and the co-director of fundraising, Katie. They constantly gave me so much love and support throughout the term and have been such kind and wonderful human beings. They truly deserve the world, and I know for a fact that they will achieve impressive feats in the future. Since May of 2020, I have experienced Key Club as an officer. However, there are so many ways to be involved in this club without holding a leadership position. Simply being involved, like attending all DCMs, general meetings, socials, and district/international events show your commitment to the club. Furthermore, not forgetting about one of the more important aspects of Key Club is vital: service. It is imperative that you do not forget about doing service, as helping others is one of the main goals of Keu club. You should also try participating in fundraisers, which are the only way we as a club can raise money for the four charities of Key Club. By participating in our fundraisers, you know exactly where your money is going to. Every single penny donated goes to someone who is truly in need. Furthermore, our fundraisers always have something to offer. During our restaurant fundraisers, you can donate in exchange for food from your favorite restaurants. Our other fundraisers are typically more engaging, like movie nights and game nights. Here, you donate in exchange for an amazing time to bond with other Key Clubbers. Key Club has so so many opportunities and experiences to offer, so trying to be as involved as possible is definitely super rewarding and worth it.


Anika Kasula | ’20-’21 Director of Fundraising

Eileen Rodriguez | ’20-’21 Director of Publicity

It’s almost impossible to wrap my mind around the fact that our term has officially reached its end. Though we have a new term that is just beginning, it’s still hard to say goodbye to this virtual term and to all the seniors who are ending their Key Club journey (though Circle K is always an option)! This year has been so difficult in terms of service, fundraising, publicity, and even spirit(for all of these are just slightly more challenging online), but we have made the most of it. Especially for those who have solely experienced Key Club online so far, just know that it gets so much better. With the joint DCMs, amazing ice breakers, and so so so so many breakout rooms, Key Club has tried many ways to keep its social aspect alive. Not only have we bonded a lot more within our club but we’ve also gotten closer as a division and even with other divisions. Service has been completely different, having not only virtual activities but also handmade activities to mail/turn in. We’ve had fundraisers through food nights, raffles, and selling plushies/stickers. Though these were different ways that we’ve learned to adapt to this situation, it is still impossibly hard to digest the fact that for the seniors, this past term was the last we will have with them. To the seniors: Thank you so much for being there throughout this Key Club journey that we’ve all started. Personally, when I think of Key Club the seniors all include the people who embody everything I imagine Key Club to stand for. It must have been so difficult for you guys to have to experience your last term entirely online but I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless. We will miss you all so immensely and thank you for making all of Key Club such an open, welcoming, and inclusive environment. I couldn’t have imagined this term without your energy and all of the dedication that you put into everything you do. All of you are so inspiring and I only hope to be as influential as you are. For all the memories that will remain in our minds forever I have to genuinely thank you. I wish you all the best on all your future endeavors wherever it may take you. To wrap it all off, I just want to thank everyone for making this year full of memories that I will forever cherish. I can’t wait to see everything we accomplish next term!!


Katie Phail | ’20-’21 Director of Fundraising

HEY KEY-UTIESSSS!!! With this being the final article I will be writing for my term, I just wanted to take a moment and thank everyone for an amazing year and overall experience it has been in Key Club. I joined as a freshman not really knowing what to expect, but Key Club has been nothing but amazing. I have made so many new friends from all different grade levels and have learned to step out of my comfort zone to go and actively talk to people and participate in different activities. I discovered how good volunteering made me feel and how my seemingly simple actions could have such a positive impact on my surrounding community. These little moments, fragments of my life, piece together to create a beautiful mosaic that will forever stay with me. I remember the Hope Food Banks, the Rose Float Decorating, and the Lock-Ins. I remember the loud laughs, the frozen fingers, and unforgettable memories. Key Club has had a huge impact on who I’ve become throughout my time in high school, more than I probably see on a surface level. I’m not ready to say bye to such a huge part of my life just yet, and knowing that my time here is quickly ending makes me feel saddened that I couldn’t do more. I wish I could’ve gone to more division and district events. I wish I went to more volunteering opportunities. I wish I met more people. However, rather than living thinking about the “what if’s,” I will forever remember the “have done’s.” All the events I did attend; all of the volunteering I did do; all the people I met; the family and memories I made. It’s been a long four years in Key Club, and an even longer six at Whitney overall. Joining in freshman year and applying for cabinet will remain as some of the most important events on the timeline of my life at Whitney. So thank you; thank you to all of my cabinet members who worked their butts off this year; thank you to all of the general members for always being so enthusiastic about serving and pushing me to become a better example; and lastly, thank you to Key Club in general for bringing some much needed sunny days to me.


Dear Suns, This year has been a wild roller coaster ride. From our virtual DCMs to our virtual service events, I felt as though I didn’t get the full key club experience. But of course, our club was still as positive and welcome as ever and the full key club experience would be an understatement because I have been able to get that and so much more this year. I wasn’t able to see anyone in person but even through a screen, I could feel the energy and love from our club. We have been able to make the transition to a virtual setting seem like an easy feat. Thank you to the cabinet members who have made this past year in Key Club just so memorable. You are all such hardworking and talented individuals and I don’t know where our club would be without each and every one of you. I’m so proud of how we have been able to handle a situation that we’ve never had to face before. Though I wish I could have been able to take pictures of our club events in person and bond with more of our members, this experience has still been fulfilling. Shoutout to Alanna, my favorite person ever, you are the best co-historian I could’ve asked for and working with you has been absolutely amazing ~ i luv you <33 I know that we are going to make jokes out of this year. “Remember when Michelle forgot to unmute her mic w h e n she was talking to our whole division?” “Remember when we went on a messenger call during the DCM to listen to Ayaan and Saadhvi criticize To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before?” We have been able to make so many lasting memories and yes it would have been amazing to see everyone in person, but I also wouldn’t change a thing. I know that this year wasn’t what any of us expected, but I honestly think that’s a good thing. None of us were prepared for this year, none of us were prepared to join a zoom call and see each other through pixels, none of us were prepared to make so many memories that we will carry with us through the rest of high school as we look back. It has been an amazing journey, and one that I’m so grateful to say, have trekked with you all. I have been able to grow both as an individual and as a Key Club member, I have been challenged in ways I have never thought of before and stepped out of my comfort zone. This year was a wild roller coaster ride yes, but it was the type of roller coaster ride that has you wanting to do it all over again when it ends. With all the love, Lizzy


Elizabeth Hoang | ’20-’21 Historian/Tech Editor

Our term is nearing the end with the terms ending with DCON and you might be wondering what now? For our Seniors we might embark on new journeys or even might want to continue our duties with Key Club with Circle K if our future colleges offer such programs but for the incoming Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors you might not know what to expect. This past year and term was incredibly unexpected and does not amount to what Key Club truly is. However I am hopeful that in the upcoming school year in person events will be allowed and my greatest advice is to attend everything, keeping in mind health regulations. Go to every single DCM, every service project, every bonding activity, go to everything. Make memories and make many friends. The years will go by fast and you will not want to miss out and spend years regretting something that you had the opportunity to do. Invite your friends, maybe your friends will enjoy Key Club as much as you and might even encourage you to be more active within the club. Go to every single Division Events and District Events trust me you’ll make friends from cities and regions you didn’t even know existed and plus the bragging rights are worth it. Apply for cabinet, whether it be the Whitney Cabinet, the Division Cabinet, or even the District Cabinet APPLY! Expand upon your leadership and inspire those who are in the same position as you. As corny as it sounds Key Club is actually a family, and it is a place where you can be yourself and make friends on top of serving your community. It’s essentially killing two birds with one stone, imagine being able to have tons of fun and making numerous memories while helping out in your community. If you’re an incoming Freshmen or even an incoming Senior who just started their Key Club journey make the most of it, this virtual Key Club is nowhere near as fun as in person Key Club. It is never too late to join and time will fly by so fast in the blink of an eye you’ll be graduating so make sure to try everything and live your high school career without any regrets.


Asia Estrella | ’20-’21 Spirit Chair

★ WHAT IS THE “DIVISION LEADERSHIP TEAM”? Division Leadership Team , or more commonly known as DLT, are the cabinet members who work underneath the Lieutenant Governor , or LTG, in the division. Anyone from the 13 schools in our division can be a part of this team and each officer has a certain job, just like a club cabinet. It is made up of the presidents from each school and also appointed officer positions. These positions include Executive Assistants , who work closely with the LTG, Division News Editor, Publicity Coordinators, Service Project Coordinators, Historians, Directors of Fundraising, Member Recognition Chair, Merchandise Coordinator, and Spirit Chairs . ★ WHY SHOULD I JOIN DLT? Joining DLT is not only a great way to become more involved in Key Club, it is also an incredible learning experience where you can pick up skills in responsibility, time management, and more! You will also be able to meet lots of different people from Division 30 South , and become closer with officers from a wide range of schools in the Orange County area! ★ WHO CAN APPLY & HOW DO I APPLY FOR DLT? You do NOT need to have a position in your club cabinet to apply for DLT! However, you must be a dues paid member of Key Club, and active members who often participate are encouraged to apply (no prior experience is necessary!). Your application may consist of questions for you to answer, supplement work based on your preferred position, and an interview for the Executive Assistants ( may vary this term ). Further information on each individual position’s responsibilities and applications will soon be available via the Division 30 South official Instagram and Linktree, so be sure to look out for it!~ ★ WHAT ARE SOME OF DLT’S RESPONSIBILITIES? In addition to your individual position’s responsibilities and tasks, members of DLT must attend monthly DLT meetings as well as attend all of our Division Council Meetings , or DCMs, which they will have the opportunity to lead games or projects in. The workload may range depending on your position as well as the current LTG’s dedicated tasks, so if you have any questions, your LTG would be the best person to ask! ★ MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE WITH DLT / ADVICE : Applying for DLT was one of the best decisions I’ve made in my Key Club journey. I served as Division 30 South Historian for the 2020-2021 term, and though we couldn’t fulfill all of our tasks due to the current circumstances, we were still able to come up with tasks and keep ourselves actively involved in the division. I was able to become close with my co-Historians from other schools and make friends with other officers as well! If you are having doubts or considering applying for DLT at all, I would encourage you to do so! While serving on DLT, be prepared to come up with new ideas for the division and help out your fellow officers! Being on DLT also comes with the responsibilities of participating in our club cabinet, which is not required, but I would heavily encourage it. For those who may have a division position and no club position, be sure to continue to participate actively in your home club and attend weekly club cabinet meetings as well, though they are not mandatory. Make the most out of your term, since you will be able to meet new people in both your home club and division! Do not take this opportunity for granted!~ GOOD LUCK & STAY SHININ’ SUNS! ☀☀


Ashlyn Wong | ’20-’21 Division Historian

Saadhvi Narayanan | ’20-’21 Treasurer

Whitney, it has been a pleasure serving you in the 2020-2021 term as your Treasurer. This year, due to the Coronavirus-19 pandemic, we have all had struggles, our driving inner lights burnt out. But even then, we continued to shine bright, like the suns we are, lighting up the sky for everyone to see. Although this term is ending, it brings an opportunity to improve upon this term and to shine brighter, bolder, and better. I am glad to have the honor of serving as your next Vice President, where I promise to make sure that every member shines as I work together with the future club cabinet. I wanted to share with all of you my goals for the 2021-2022 term, and some aspects of Key Club that you can look forward to every single day. Each of these goals were shaped with not only the community in mind, but every single member. I love each and every one of you dearly, and I am always here if you need someone to talk to. 1.

Get to know every Whitney Key Club member Whitney Key Club is nothing without its members. Each and every one of you, through your service, spirit, and dedication has made our club one of the best in Division 30 South, and I could not have been more proud of all of you. I would love to build deeper connections with all of you and share Key Club memories. Every member should always be cared for, and I certainly want to make sure that you are and that you have a blast as a part of Whitney Key Club! Raise $4,000+ for Operation Christmas Operation Christmas is a two week long event that occurs around Christmas time that raises money and collects canned goods to donate to low-income families. For this event, Whitney Key Club adopts about 8 families and helps provide for them during the winter holidays, during which they cannot afford presents. Operation Christmas is truly a beautiful part of Key Club, as it is what we do best – give back to our community. 3. Educate members about Key Club This term, we were not able to communicate with our members as much about Key Club due to the pandemic. I would like to remedy this in the next term by posting weekly infographics with a Key Club fun fact to educate our members about our preferred charities, service projects, and more. I hope that this will encourage members to become more involved in Key Club. 4. Have fun, interactive events This year, I was able to plan a Game Night and Movie Night for our club, and it was a huge success and was even adopted by other clubs in our school! I want to host more events like these so that members can always have fun in our club and be involved. 5. Keep a close relationship with our Kiwanis The Kiwanis are the backbone of Whitney Key Club. They have supported us in every way possible – through events, fundraisers, and even scholarships and donations. They are so kind and are the most beautiful people in the world, and I would like to make sure that every Whitney Key club member is given the opportunity to meet them! I plan to host joint Kiwanis family events so that members can interact with them while engaging in a service project or spirit activity.



Ayaan Ekram | ’20-’21 Vice President

1,815,384 minutes! The moment I began writing this article, it had been 1,815,384 minutes since volunteering at my very first HOPE Food Bank as a Key Club member on October 7, 2017. During that time I was one of the most shy people in school as I was afraid to attend a single Key Club meeting. However, today, I proudly serve as Whitney High School Key Club Vice President. Just as fast as my Key Club journey began, this chapter of my life is coming to an end. So, I want to present a little bit of my fun-filled and fulfilling journey through Key Club and hopefully help you realize just why this club is so special. Four years ago I was a shy freshman who only thought about academics. I was adjusting to high school life and worried about the workload I would soon have to juggle. However, after volunteering at a few Key Club events, some junior friends I made from PE the previous year told me about Lock-In. It was an event where I would be able to get twelve service hours in a single day. I signed up expecting to just have fun volunteering. What I did not expect was to be inspired by the hardworking cabinet members who were running from end to end of the MPR putting together the various events we had. At that moment, I knew I wanted to do more. I wanted to be more involved in Key Club. I began going to HOPE Food Bank every Saturday it was held and quickly became a regular bread station worker. I attended various decoration-making events for nursing homes and hospitals. I even attended a couple of DCMs. Then, the proudest moment of my time in Key Club journey was Banquet 2018 where I was appointed as the next Whitney Key Club Spirit Chair. Throughout my term as a Spirit Chair, I made countless friendships. I grew close with the rest of my club cabinet, got to meet people from various clubs from both our own and neighboring divisions, and learned a


lot more about our club community. In 2018, I even attended my very first Fall Rally South where I had the most fun ever bonding with people who would become my best friends. I then decided to run for Key Club Treasurer. I will never forget the nervousness I felt when I ran for the position and the countless nights I spent rehearsing my speech as they were the scariest yet most exciting moments of my life. When elected as a Treasurer, I quickly learned almost everything about Key Club. I was truly pushed to my full potential as the job gave me a responsibility no other experience in my life had ever given me. As a result, winning the Distinguished Treasurer award at District Convention 2020 made me happier than I could have ever imagined. Then, I was elected as your Vice President. At the beginning of this term, I was a bit nervous. With the pandemic raging, I did not understand what was going on in the world and was just frustrated that I would not be able to have a normal final year of Key Club. I had looked forward to doing so much and I was upset that we had to cancel Fall Rally, in-person District Convention, and Rose Float decorating. However, in spite of it all, I have made some of the best memories of my life at Zoom Socials, Virtual Lock-In, and General Meetings this year. It was such a pleasure having the opportunity to lead you all as a Vice President. These past four years have been amazing. From serving at HOPE Food Bank to creating socials and planning Lock-In to coordinating Operation Christmas, I have truly had the privilege of doing everything Whitney Key Club has to offer. Thank you all, so much for these past four years of fun, happiness, and spirit. Thank you to my club cabinets, Mr. Ou, Mr. Tseng, Ms. Palmer, and Ms. Jensen for supporting and leading our club these past years. My Key Club journey would not have been possible without your guidance and support. I am going to miss this club and all of you, and I will forever cherish the fond memories we have made together. For one final time, I would like to sign off. Spirit Chair. Treasurer. Vice President. Member. Ayaan Ekram


Emily Thang | ’20-’21 Secretary After over 10,300 hours served, $3,400 raised, and countless meetings, training events, and socials, the 2020-2021 term is finally coming to an end. I guess time flies when you’re having fun, right? To think that we have come this far, especially in the midst of a global pandemic, is absolutely crazy... It still feels like yesterday was the first weeks of our term and we were only beginning to navigate through the challenges of a virtual setting. This term has definitely been a rollercoaster of successes and setbacks, yet we were able to push through and even break records together, which is an extraordinary feat that we should all be proud of. My Key Club journey certainly would not have been as amazing without the Class of 2021 seniors, who have been a huge part of helping me grow and evolve into the person I am today. For one last time as we near the end of the term, here are some special messages to reflect back on these past years (some of these words may sound familiar, if you attended Banquet 2021): To Asia: Thank you so much for your kindness and spirit. Your immense passion is ever-so-inspiring, and the energy you radiate is absolutely contagious. I know you are more than capable of achieving great things, and I wish you all the best in the future because you deserve it! To Ayaan: You are so hard working, kind, and talented. From playing Heads Up in line for Rose Float Decorating to staying up late for distinguished apps, I greatly cherish all of the unforgettable memories we have shared together. Thank you for being one of the first people to reach out and welcome me in Key Club, and for constantly supporting me in my endeavors. I know for sure that you’re going to do great things in the future—maybe at Stanford, who knows? Either way, you are a genius. To Elu: Thank you for being such a compassionate and understanding person! I’m really glad I was able to meet you through Key Club (and Kokoro Kara), as you have always been so supportive, funny, and kind to everyone around you. Good luck in college, even though you probably won’t need the luck! To Emma: SEASA QUEEN! I’m so glad I met you through Key Club because you are one of the most amazing, hard working people I have ever met in my life. It still feels like yesterday that we were carpooling to and from bake sales and service events (OC Japan Fair is one for the books). You are so passionate about what you do, and it really shows in all of your endless dedication! You are going to thrive in college and I wish you all the best!


To Katie: You are such a volleyball queen! Thank you so much for all of your compassion and constant hard work. You are such an inspiration to everyone, and I know you are absolutely going to CRUSH IT in college! Fingers crossed that you get into USC!! To Maya: The QUEEN BEE, the SUPERWOMAN herself! Thank you for being such a supportive, hard working role model and friend. It has been such an honor to serve alongside you, and I am constantly inspired by your unmatched passion and work ethic. I still remember the times when you were in your DOA days, when you were teaching Key Clubbers how to make a hand warmer in Mr. Ou’s classroom during a general meeting… good times. I am 100% certain that you will go far in the future, and I can’t wait for Maya Alvarez-Harmon world domination!! To Rawnie: You are a once-in-a-lifetime gem. Thank you for all of the laughs, smiles, texts, and genuine compassion you have given me and everyone else these past years. It makes me emo that you’re already graduating in a few months :(( and I will truly miss you a lot! Hope you have a blast at college!! To ALL seniors: Thank you for these amazing past 3-4 years in Key Club. Thank you so much for being a tremendous part of not only my high school experience, but also my Key Club journey. I will really miss you all when you guys graduate, and hopefully you guys will join Circle K… and come visit us next year ;)) Good luck on all of your future endeavors and I know you guys will succeed regardless of where you will go! The world is NOT ready for all of your talent and just know that no matter what happens, we’ll always be here rooting for you. Love you all <33 To cabinet: Thank you for being there for me and each other every step of the way, as well as dealing with all my messages and interesting Facebook post reaction/comment requests. You are all so talented and hard working, and I really hope you all continue to partake in Key Club! To the members: It has been an incredible honor to serve you all this term! Thank you for being an active, integral part of Whitney Key Club. It is because of YOU that we have managed to accomplish so much this past term! Hopefully, we can resume in-person activities in the future, so that each and every one of us can get the ~full~ memorable Key Club experience, but in the meantime, enjoy every moment! Life flies by in the blink of an eye, so I really encourage all of you to take advantage of any opportunities and make your high school experience one to remember. With every sunset comes a new sunrise. While our beloved seniors may soon bid their final farewell, the legacy they have left behind will live on, forever and BEE-yond. Thank you for everything. See you in the 2021-2022 Whitney Key Club term! ♡


To Ethan: MR. KEY CLUB! Ethan, you are the epitome of what it means to be a Key Clubber. Thank you so much for being so inclusive and hard working all the time. From the moment I first met you
 when I was a freshman, you constantly pushed everyone around you to work harder and BEE better, and you never fail to brighten up our days! Your puns are pretty iconic too. Can’t wait to see you continue to shine in college!

WHITNEY KEY CLUB ———————————————————————————————— MOST SERVICE



2022 ANH LA







DIVISION 30 SOUTH ————————————————————————————————




CLUB STATISTICS ————————————————————————————————— ★ SERVICE - 11,341 HOURS 










sania usmani


alanna chan




Keep up with the Hive! linktr.ees

https://linktr.ee/whitneykeyclub https://linktr.ee/d30ssuns

upcoming dates!


APRIL 24 | 4-5 PM| ZOOM






social media whitneyhigh_keyclub Whitney Key Club! whitney_keyclub

cabinet President | Maya Alvarez-Harmon mayaharmon2003@gmail.com Vice-President | Ayaan Ekram ayaanekram@gmail.com Secretary | Emily Thang emsunnysunshine@gmail.com Treasurer | Saadhvi Narayanan saadhstar@gmail.com Bulletin Editor | Michelle Kim michellemkim6@gmail.com Director of Activities | Jerrick Wu jerrickwu7@gmail.com Director of Activities | Ayush Shah ayush98365@gmail.com Director of Publicity | Itzel Huerta itzel.huerta1510@gmail.com Director of Publicity | Eileen Rodriguez eileen.rodriguezsalehi@gmail.com Director of Fundraising | Anika Kasula anikakasula@gmail.com Director of Fundraising | Katherine Phail katherinephail@yahoo.com


CONTACT US Director of Kiwanis and Community Relations | Ethan Hong ethanhong2003@gmail.com Spirit Coordinator | Anastasia Estrella asia.estrella.3@gmail.com Historian/Tech Editor | Alanna Chan alannamchan@gmail.com Historian/Tech Editor | Elizabeth Hoang elizabeth.hoang8@gmail.com

division leadership team Executive Assistant | Michelle Kim michellemkim6@gmail.com Service Project Coordinator | Ethan Hong ethanhong2003@gmail.com Fundraising Task Coordinator | Elu Loquias eluloquias@gmail.com Division Historian | Ashlyn Wong ashlynwong01@gmail.com Division Spirit Coordinator | Anastasia Estrella asia.estrella.3@gmail.com

advisors Kiwanis | Ms. Jan Jensen sokkerjan@gmail.com Club |Mrs. Stacy Palmer stacy.palmer@abcusd.us

thank you for reading! BEE GREEN AND DO NOT PRINT!



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