What's The Latest Buzz? | October 2020

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What’s the Latest Buzz? VOLUME 5

october 2020


EDITOR’S NOTE in this issue… 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22



WHAT’S POPPIN’ WHITNEY!! Happy November!! I hope that you guys are not too stressed about school :( Be sure to always take care of yourselves and stay active! As always bee safe and wear your masks! Thank you all so much for reading this issue! It really means a lot :’) This issue has a wide variety of topics so I hope you all enjoy it and learn something new! As always, a big shoutout to our Whitney cabinet members. I love you guys with all my heart, and thank you for always submitting these articles on time :)) A lot happened in the month of October and we served a total of 1081 hours! Thank you Whitney Key Club for all your service for the past month! Another thank you for those who supported our fundraisers to help us earn more than $60 this month! Please continue to serve and support Whitney Key Club <3 Thank you all!!


mich%e kim

’20-’21 bulletin editor


Want to be featured in my next newsletter? Email me a Key Clubrelated article to michellemkim6@gmail.com!


Over the past few years, I have become known as a “Key Clubber”. Not just a member of the club who goes out and serves in the community, but a fully devoted active member whose life has revolved around this single club for nearly 4 years. To you freshmen, I know that this year may be unconventional, but the fact that you are all showing up and showing out makes me so proud to be one of your leaders. I want you to know that when we do return to some sense of normalcy, you will be able to see what an amazing environment and realm that Key Club will be able to provide you with. I used to be incredibly shy and very under spoken in that I was very extroverted in my small group of friends, but when it came to meeting new people and conversing with students that I've never met before, this came as a challenge to me. In Key Club I not only look for new people to talk to, but I get so excited when I meet new people who share similar interests with me. I have found a family where I belong. For those of you who don't know, I've always been considered an outcast since elementary as I'm very different from the rest. I'd rather hang out with the librarian or have lunch with teachers then go out and play recess or hang out with friends. I was this way because I hadn't really found a group of individuals who truly understood and accepted me. That's one of the most amazing things about Key Club, we are able to give back to the community in which we empathize with. This empathy allows us to create unbreakable bonds and experience new things that we would have never imagined otherwise. I've been able to grow as an individual, as a member of my community, and as a leader. Aside from my development, Key Club means so much more because I am able to encourage future generations to invest themselves as much as I have. Serving over 600 service hours seems impossible but having found this group and second home, it becomes incredibly easy. The people you will meet, the experiences you will have, the opportunities you will receive are countless. It's hard to imagine a life where Key Club Isn't a huge part of it. To you juniors, continue to thrive in the way that you have over the past few years. You all understand the gratitude and appreciation that can be derived from this club. You all understand the feeling when you know Operation Christmas is going to make the holiday season for these families, you know the feeling of receiving the spirit stick at Fall Rally, you know the feeling of monthly DCMs. Next year, encourage those around you to grasp a hold of these feelings. Continue to force yourself to come out to these events because they are all worth it. To you sophomores, I know that your experiences with Key Club have been very limited due to the unexpectancy of the pandemic however I know that when junior year and Senior year roll around, you will all be able to experience what I was able to. I'm always asked how I can love a club so much and the answer is simple, it's because the club has given so much love to me. The people, the experiences, and the time we are able to invest into our community are what means so much to me. All of you individual members inspire me daily and you all mean the world to me as well. Do not let the overwhelmingness of this pandemic cloud your perception of the club because it only goes up from here. Continue to serve, continue to find raise, and continue to BEE you! I love you all and I hope this message finds you all well!

maya +v-ez-h-mon

’20-’21 whitney kc president




10/09 - Whitney Key Club Movie Night + Service Activity 3


fundraising THIS MONTH










Itzel Huerta | ’20-’21 Director of Publicity

Hello key-uties!!! Hopefully everyone has been having a good month of school so far, and just like this school year has been a new and different experience for all of us, we recently had our first events for this school year : New Student Orientation and Movie night online edition! Just like new beginnings, we were super excited to get the chance to see some new and old faces at both events and although it might of been under certain circumstances, both were still really fun and successful! •

New Student Orientation With new incoming students taking their first steps into highschool, it is important to help guide them into a completely new experience that can be life changing within the next 4 years, it can be the same thing with Key Club. Many people don’t know what to expect at first especially since it provides many people with endless possibilities of volunteering and creating new bonds. In reality, it can be pretty scary or over whelming for a small 9th grader, and that’s okay, the best thing we can do is welcome them with open arms and help lead the way for them so they can eventually find their own path in their key club journey. To start off the orientation, we had a KaHoot icebreaker based on some facts about key club which everyone enjoyed, it gave people a chance to ease up a bit more after since this activity was super fun. After that, we talked a bit more about what key club is all about, from the Four Core Values which we know as LICC, to the hours requirement, the key club structure and this very Newsletter. Then we got into our Origami Butterfly Activity which everyone enjoyed doing since it was a nice and simple project that resulted in a very cute butterfly and their very first service activity experience. Right after we were done with that, we got a chance to talk a bit more about Key Club’s preferred charities, more projects like Lock-in and Operation Christmas, some upcoming fundraisers, and then cabinet members shared what Key Club meant to them and what experience new members could expect overall. Nearing the end of the meeting, we had one final round of KaHoot based on the information we went over during the meeting which was also more fun for our new members, and the two winners will be receiving a sun plushie! Finally, to top off the meeting, we watch some video recaps of the 2019-2020 term. I personally think these videos captured and showed really well what the true feeling and experience of being in Key Club is and how amazing it will be for our new members as well. Movie Night

For our movie night, this was really just a great opportunity to relax, do a fun service activity and enjoy a Friday afternoon with a movie once everyone had finished their classes for the week. Online school has hit people differently and it is especially important to take care of ourselves and take breaks. Once people joined the zoom call, we got the chance to talk a bit among our members and then we moved to Kast so we could all watch the movie. One of our directors of fundraising, Anika Kasula, was able to screen the movie Spider-man: Into the Spider Verse, and while watching the movie, everyone could grab a snack, chat with each other in the chat room, do the card making service we had, and overall just unwind after a busy day of work. It all ran really smoothly and everyone had a really fun time and we will be looking forward to more future interactions with everyone else, until next time! Stay safe bees <3


Ayush Shah| ’20-’21 Director of Activities

What’s poppin’ Whitney Key Club? This month of October has been full of action with everything that’s going on around us, but we have also been having a variety of Key Club events. In this past month, we have had a new student orientation, a DCM, a service month, and so much more! Although we had a variety of events this month, one event that stood out, in particular, was our very own Key Club movie night fundraiser! On October 9th from 3-5 P.M., we held our one of a kind movie night, which went out very successfully. These 2 hours were filled with lots of action since we were also participating in a service event at the same time! While watching Spiderman into the Spiderverse, we were making cards for our very own teachers at Whitney. Our teachers have been working so hard for us to make sure that we are doing well in online school, so it was wonderful to show a little token of our appreciation. As well as this, while watching the movie, there weren’t many technical difficulties, and we were able to chat during the movie, which made it even more fun. During this pandemic, it has been hard for all of us to interact with each other. However, during this movie night, we were all able to chat and have fun with each other, which made this event stand out even more. Continuing on, all of the proceeds from this movie night fundraiser are going to PTP, the Pediatric Trauma Program. PTP is one of Key Club’s most important preferred charities since, with our donations, we are able to reduce the number of children who are killed or injured by trauma. Therefore, I want to thank each and every person who came to the movie night since your donation will help a variety of children suffering from trauma. Overall, this event was very fun and exhilarating, and I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did. We were able to help such an important cause while having fun with our friends, which made this event even more worthwhile. If you weren’t able to make it to this event, don’t worry! We will have several upcoming fundraisers you all can participate in, so make sure to keep checking your emails! I hope to see you all at future events and fundraisers, and I hope you all continue to stay safe and healthy!


Eileen Rodriguez | ’20-’21 Director of Publicity

For the month of October, Region 3 held their annual RTC on October 17, 2020. An RTC, or Regional Training Conference, is where all the divisions in one region, in our case Region 3, come together to share what Key Club is and what it stands for. There are sessions/ presentations in different breakout rooms throughout the conference and there are many options to choose from when choosing which presentations to watch (there is so much you can learn in each). Since all the divisions in the region get together on one call you get an opportunity to see and meet Key Clubbers from all over. The Conference started with an introduction to all of the LTGs in our district including our very own D30S LTG Jennifer Vo. We then broke out into our first session where we could choose which breakout room to join depending on what topic would be discussed in each room. There were many different options to attend such as Presidents & Vice Presidents, Secretaries, Treasurers, and Editors workshops along with informational options such as Key Club 101, Climbing the Key Club Ladder, Public Speaking, and Circle K 101. Each breakout room would have presentations from 1-2 LTGs and they would spend about half an hour discussing their topic and answering questions. We then split up into our second breakout sessions where we have even more options to choose from. After our second session we went into a lunch break which then led us into joining our third session. The RTC ended with our fourth and last session and a good-bye from the LTGs. We then split into our individual divisions to have our monthly Division Council Meetings. Our DCMs are where 12 schools nearby us, who are also part of our division, come together to get our division updates, and to see other members get recognized for all the work they've put into Key Club. This month, Whitney Key Club got First Shining Club of the Month and one of our Directors of Activities, Ayush Shah, was named officer of the month! Overall the RTC went very smoothly and it was such a fun event to attend. If you didn’t have a chance to attend, be sure to come out to November DCM!


Saadhvi Narayanan | ’20-’21 Treasurer

On October 17th, 2020, hundreds of caring and inclusive Key Club members joined a Zoom call. It was not unique by any means. It was one of the thousands of Zoom meetings running simultaneously, one of thousands of Zoom meetings with a randomized meeting ID. If anything, the creative and humor-laden passcode may have caught the average student’s eyes. However, it was unique, as it was the Zoom meeting of the Rainbow Region 3’s Region Training Conference (RTC). RTC began with a positive note as our beloved Lieutenant Governors introduced themselves with the fun-filled energy of Teletubbies. Members, new and old, were able to receive an understanding of the ideal Key Club member through these iconic members. What most caught the attention of the members in attendance was the variety of workshops offered. From Key Club 101 to applying for scholarships, LTGs and officers of the District Board described each workshop in detail. In all the workshops, detailed information was provided, as well as step by step guides to clearly convey their topic. Every piece of information held value that would be carried for the years to come. Members were able to attend 4 of these workshops, and at the end of the 4th, a closing ceremony. The RTC then ended, to the dismay of many. However, it left with every member new knowledge and hope that Key Club will still run strong even amidst this pandemic.


Anika Kasula | ’20-’21 Director of Fundraising One of the most important aspects of a Key Club is fundraising, which is why it is imperative that members know about the fundraising events happening every month. When a Key Club fundraises, they don’t do so for themselves but rather for charities. Every penny that members donate directly benefits someone in need. The Key Club itself will not keep the money for personal club reasons, as we are a nonprofit. There are four charities that our club raises money for every year: Pediatric Trauma Program (PTP), Eliminate for MNT, March of Dimes, and Children’s Miracle Network. The Pediatric Trauma Program is a charity founded by the Cali-Nev-Hawaii (CNH) district, which Whitney Key Club is a part of. PTP is the main charity we raise funds for, as all funds help people in these three states (California, Nevada, & Hawaii). If you check out many of our fundraising posts or read our emails about upcoming events, you have likely seen us state that “All Proceeds Go Toward PTP”. This essentially means that all the money you, our members, donate, goes directly to the Pediatric Trauma Program, which supplies grants to partner hospitals and strives to develop local projects that will reduce the number of children impacted by fatal, unintentional injuries. It is honestly so heartbreaking that trauma is the leading cause of death for children in the United States. These children have their whole lives in front of them, but because of improper resources and a lack of money, they cannot not help their situation. That is exactly why it is so important to donate, especially if you can, as we have the ability to save children just like us. The Eliminate Project is another program Key Club raises funds for while partnering with UNICEF. It is a charity that aims to eliminate Maternal Neonatal Tetanus (MNT) from the world. MNT is typically a terrible consequence of unclean deliveries; however, a simple vaccine is what can cure this disease. Unfortunately, not many people can afford this vaccine, which costs less than a dollar. Therefore, before you decide to buy something from a vending machine, think about donating it, as that dollar could potentially save a life. This is why the Eliminate Project is so important: every cent donated counts and directly impacts someone in the world. The March of Dimes is a charity that started in order to raise awareness of prematurity in babies. They collect dimes to raise funds for medical research into birth defects, to reduce the rate of premature births, and to help mothers have healthy pregnancies. Once again, we see a common theme appear here, where every cent donated truly counts. The fact that every dime they donate is going toward research or toward a pregnancy shows that there is no need to question where your money goes. What makes me personally motivated to donate is the thought that my donation saves multiple lives. It is extremely surreal to think about the fact that I, a regular teenager, am able to do something so pure and good for the world. This made me want to show others around me that giving to those who are not as privileged is imperative in making the world a better place. March of Dimes is one of the four charities that give key clubbers the ability to do just that.


The Children’s Miracle Network (CMN), another charity that Key Club raises funds for, is a nonprofit that raises money for hospitalized kids and increases awareness about its 
 member hospitals. Once again, every donation directly impacts these hospitals, and money goes toward, research, medical equipment, training staff, and healthcare for children who are unable to afford any. It is thus so important to donate when you can. All proceeds go to these charities, which fuel all the money to those in need. To invite you on our fundraising journey, we set up multiple fundraisers for next month. We have a two week long fundraiser at 7 leaves from November 15th to November 28th, so be sure to stop by any time during that time frame to not only get something to eat but to potentially save a life by doing so. We are also currently holding a Halloween grams fundraiser where you can purchase a gift basket for yourself and your friends. From goodies like sun plushies to cute stationery, this bag is sure to lift up your spirits during these unprecedented times. In the month of November, there will be a Chipotle Fundraiser as well as a Raising Canes Gift Basket Giveaway, in which you enter a raffle to win the basket. There are so many opportunities to give back through Key Club, all of which directly help someone in need, which is why I truly recommend participating in all of these events!!


Katie Phail | ’20-’21 Director of Fundraising

HEY BEE-UTIFALS!!!!!! Sending positive vibes your way to help you get through the rest of the semester!!! With school really starting to pick up and everything, you all may find it harder to find time throughout the day to actually get in service hours, but there are many different ways you can try to fit a service project in every now and then! For me personally, I find myself getting busier and busier with school, volunteering, and college apps, but I still try to do a couple small things everyday for around an hour, which really helps in the long run. One volunteering opportunity I’ve been introduced to recently is working with the Child Education Centers in California to help tutor elementary and middle school students! This opportunity was made available to me through Key Club and is one of many different service opportunities that they provide their members with despite having to work remotely. My job usually consists of tutoring students through Zoom for around 1 to 2 hours a day for 2 to 3 days a week. This is such a small fraction of our day compared to the amount of time that we spend on other activities, but it adds up to a lot over time. Besides that, tutoring these students helps me take my mind off of my schoolwork and everything I need to get done, so even though I am helping with school-related activities, it helps me destress and relax from my typical workload. Working with these students and the tutors at CEC have taught me a lot and have helped me improve different skills, the main one being speaking with other people. I’ve always had a more difficult time talking with people that I wasn’t very familiar with, but this experience helped me break out of my shell and learn how to talk and work with people both my age and those younger than me. I am now much more confident and comfortable with the students that I’m working with, so interacting with them and explaining questions to them have become much easier compared to before. This has been one of the most meaningful and beneficial experiences that I have had throughout my time participating in Key Club as I get to see the results of my efforts through their understanding of what they’re learning as well as for that person-to-person interaction that I have not had much of since quarantine started. This is why all of you need to take advantage of the opportunities that we provide for you because who knows, you may find and connect with a certain project more than others that inspires you to give back even more and help in any ways that you can. Yes, time does play a factor in your ability to serve, but taking an hour or 2 out of your day to help support our community during this tough time rather than look at your phone or play video games, you can do many more things that will have a larger impact than you realize. However, you can only participate in these activities and get credit for them if you are a dues paid member, so make sure to turn your dues in as soon as possible!!! More details will be provided later on, so be on the lookout for that!!! I hope you all have a great day and won’t get too stressed about everything going on right now with not being able to see anyone!!!


Asia Estrella | ’20-’21 Spirit Coordinator

Whether or not this is your first year of Key Club or your fourth year it is very important that you remain active throughout the entirety of the term. Showing interaction could be through little actions such as participating in service activities and attending club meetings. However it is also important to branch out and expand your Key Club experience further from just your home club. Although this has been mentioned numerous times Whitney Key Club is a part of Division 30S and it is important to interact with our division. Our division constantly hosts service projects and Division Council Meetings which is open to ALL members. By interacting with our division not only do you expand your service but you can also create new friends within the Orange County/Anaheim Area. Important events to attend in order to expand your interaction with our Division are Division Socials, Division Council Meetings, Fall Rally, and Service Events. But the interaction and expansion doesn’t just stop there Division 30S is a part of Region 3 which contains other divisions in the Orange County Area. If you have any interest in becoming a LTG or on our District Board it is important to maintain a strong relationship with our Region. To interact with our region you can attend events such as Joint Division Council Meetings, Service Events (such as Rose Float), Fall Rally, Region Training Conference, Officer Training Conference, and DCON. Our home club is just a small part of a huge organization so don’t be afraid to venture out and explore. You’ll be sure to make lots and lots of friends in different areas and even states so don’t be afraid to attend Division, Region, District, or even International events. Key Club isn’t only about service but Key Club also gives you the best experiences and friendships.


Ayaan Ekram | ’20-’21 Vice President

Ever wonder what is the best way to become more involved in Key Club. Ever wonder if you could take a field trip in order to learn more about service and leadership. If so, DCON is perfect for you. WHAT IS DCON? DCON stands for District Convention. As you may know, Key Club is an international organization and, as a result, it is divided into many districts. Whitney Key Club belongs to the CNH or California-Nevada-Hawaii District. District Convention serves as a gathering for all members from throughout the three states to end the Key Club term and celebrate the achievements of each club and division as well as the District as a whole. DCON’s main purpose is also for all the clubs in the three states to elect their District Officers for the following term. DCON serves as a great opportunity to meet new people, learn about service events, become more involved in Key Club, and have fun. WHAT CAN I DO AT DCON? DCON has many activities that span the three-day event. Throughout the event, members can attend workshops where they can learn about the Key Club organization, leadership skills, Key Club leadership opportunities, and general life lessons for the future. In three days, one can truly learn about a huge variety of subjects. Furthermore, members can apply for awards and scholarships before DCON that they will be awarded at DCON. Awards are given out to general members, leaders, clubs, and divisions. Winners may even get to go on stage in front of the hundreds of attendees from the three states to receive their awards or scholarships from District Officers. Last, but certainly not least, attendees will have the opportunity to attend the Governors Ball, which is a big party on the last night of the convention where members can dance, play games, and have fun with their friends from around the district. Overall, DCON has many opportunities for Key Clubbers. OH MY GOD!!! DCON SOUNDS AMAZING! HOW DO I SIGN UP? DCON is currently scheduled for April 9-11 of 2021 at the Ontario Convention Center, which is only about an hour away from Cerritos. Although DCON is five months away, DCON does take a lot of planning, so sign-ups are quite early. More information will be coming soon about how to sign up and interest meetings will be held in the coming months, as well. Look out for sign-ups around December or January to ensure your spot at DCON, especially if you hope to win an award. I highly encourage everyone to sign up for DCON. Going two years ago was the best decision I ever made and, if there is one thing I am sad I missed last year, it is DCON. If you have any questions about DCON, feel free to contact me. I hope to see everyone there and many people applying for awards!


Emily Thang | ’20-’21 Secretary

It’s no secret that Key Club is the oldest and largest service club for high school students across the globe, actively cultivating the next generation of passionate, motivated leaders who want to change the world. With so many leadership opportunities and fun activities to participate in, anyone can easily get involved, make unforgettable memories, and unlock countless doors to success through Key Club—and the best part: YOU can get recognized for your accomplishments! Known as the Member Recognition Program (MRP), this annual initiative recognizes dues-paid members who have met and exceeded the expectations of Key Club International. There are four different levels of recognition—Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum—each with specific criteria that must be fulfilled in order to attain a status of recognition. See below for the 2020-2021 Member Recognition Program Rubric, which shows the corresponding requirements for each level:

So, why exactly should you consider aiming for one of these levels? Well, at the end of the 2020-2021 term, members who meet the Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Platinum levels will be recognized at District Convention (DCON) and Division Banquet—a huge honor! Certificates will be awarded to those who meet the Bronze, Silver, or Gold levels, while a medal and certificate will be awarded to those who have attained Platinum status. Plus, unlike other contests, you will not have to submit anything at all in order to qualify for the MRP; I will be keeping track of all members’ attendance and progress throughout the year, so there’s no work on your part whatsoever. However, if you would like to keep a personal record of your own attendance and progress just in case, I encourage you to do so. Earning Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Platinum level of recognition is definitely a hefty feat, so take initiative and make the effort to attend as many events as possible to make the most out of your Key Club journey, not to mention all the memories and growth you will experience! This year, the Member Recognition Program runs from April 19th, 2020 to February 10th, 2021, but do keep in mind that recognition submissions will be due earlier than this. Remember to always be on the lookout for future club, division, district, and even international events, which can help contribute towards meeting the requirements for the MRP, as well as enhance your Key Club experience. Try to remain active throughout the year, and most importantly, participate in our service projects and fundraisers—every hour and cent counts! For more information on the Member Recognition Program, feel free to check out this very informative guide, created by the CNH District Member Recognition Committee. Otherwise, if you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me and I will be more than happy to help! Let’s get that Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum recognition, Whitney Key Club!


Jerrick Wu | ’20-’21 Director of Activities

Around 2 months ago, our first year of virtual online academy had started. We all went into this not knowing what to expect. We didn’t expect the increased workloads, staring at our computer screens for multiple hours straight, and not being able to see our friends between periods. However, this tough time will eventually change. We are all in this together and together we must stay strong and preserve through these unprecedented times. Though many of us are getting warn out from school, we are already a quarter of the way through school. Within a couple of weeks, we can get a huge mental break with Thanksgiving break and only focus on being thankful for what we have. Aside from this, we still have to continue working hard and pushing through. This is a vital time to continue putting all our effort into trying our best. We cannot let times like these dictate our future. As a result, this is no time to give in and we are just months away from finishing the school year. To alleviate the stress many of us are experiencing, one of the most beneficial skills is time management. Planning out your week allows us to gauge the workload we have in front of us and to ensure we are not procrastinating. With big projects or assignments, slowly working through them from time to time will help relieve the stress of scrambling to finish them hours before they are due. As a result, planning ahead is crucial to help lessen the stress we feel every day. In addition, it is also important for all of us to take care of our mental health. Taking a couple of minutes each day to focus on our health and to refresh will help us become healthier. This can include going out for a walk, meditating, spending time with family, or even doing the things we love. These breaks are crucial to help us recharge and to refocus, allowing us to complete our work in a more productive manner. Aside from mental breaks, adequate sleep is absolutely crucial. The sleep you get helps dictate the day you have and, therefore, it is important to get the most you possibly can. Overall, make sure to always keep your head up no matter the situation. Never be afraid to ask for help and always seek advice from parents, counselors, teachers, and even upper graders. Everyone is always looking out for you and caring for you. Stay positive and we can get through this together!


Ethan Hong | ’20-’21 Director of Kiwanis/Member Relations

What’s popping, Whitney? It is so crazy to me that we are more than one quarter into the school year! It feels just last week when we started Virtual Academy, and here we are already taking tests in our first set of comps for the 2020-2021 school year. Allow me to tell you the processes I go through to prepare for comp week; it might lend some insight and some good practices for the future! The first process in my week is setting up my desk. I clear it all of clutter and organize my supplies. I find that a clear desk is a clear mind, which is crucial for a testing situation, and any learning situation! My desk stays relatively clean all the time so this step was easier for me, but if you have a more disorganized desk, I recommend not to clear it up on the same week as comps – do not rush, give it some time! My second process is creating an agenda of the week’s events. Personally, I love to use the school-issued academic planner to keep my weekly agenda. I write down homework from my subjects, test dates, and any extracurricular events I have! This keeps me organized and on track; it’s definitely easier to work when you know what you need to work on. My third process is adequate health. It is terrible to take a test when you are feeling ill! You are unable to focus while your body is yearning for attention. For this process, follow healthy habits more often! This can mean more consistent sleep, drinking more water, exercising during your free time, or much more. For me, I always take a sip of water whenever I can. Also, being in AP Psychology, I can tell you that proper sleep helps with memory retention! *wink wink* Those are my three tips for testing time! Tests can be important for grades, but remember that your health and wellbeing should come first at all times! Be sure to take care of yourself and help take care of others when you have the chance. That’s all from me! Hope to see you next month. <3<3


Alanna Chan | ’20-’21 Historian/Tech Editor We all know that we are in the “holiday season” part of the year because of all of the holidays that are in this fall season! Now that Halloween is essentially over, many are excitedly preparing for Christmas. Before that, however, is a holiday that is just as important: Thanksgiving! It’s common for people to give thanks and show their appreciation when this holiday comes. Though we may not be able to see the people we love as often, there’s still ways to show your gratitude, which is not just limited to this time of the year! •

Write a handwritten letter! I cannot stress enough how meaningful handwritten letters are compared to a ◦ document typed out on Google Docs or another program. It shows not only your appreciation in words you’ve written yourself, but also the time you devoted into writing it. For example, for me, I always keep cards that are written to me. I love keeping them to hold onto the memories and admire the effort someone took to write kind words. Do something at home! Our parents/other family members do several things for us. For those older, they may ◦ work all day or take care of the household’s needs. Helping them even in the slightest suggests to them that we are thinking of them and acknowledge their attempts to help us. Make them a meal: people do say that food is the way to the heart! ▪ Do extra chores/responsibilities they usually take care of: after a long day, ▪ having even just one less thing to do feels great! Just something extra: do something for them when they least expect it! ▪ Something unexpected usually comes off more memorable than when someone is waiting for it. Phone calls! Similar to the handwritten note, calling one of your friends rather than text will really ◦ get the message across of how thankful you are! Expressing your gratitude—your words of kindness—live and present, holds more value than ordinary typed out words in a text. Having a thoughtful conversation goes a long way.

Why is it so important to give thanks? Think about it, you have so many people around you who care and support you through the numerous things you do. Imagine if you didn’t have them by your side. It’d feel weird right? Now, that’s another thing—Thanksgiving isn't the only time you should give thanks! Sure, it is the mood of the time being, but think about thanking your loved ones more often year round! Not only will it make them feel special inside, but it shows to them how appreciative you are and the impact that they may have on you. So get out there, give your thanks!


Ashlyn Wong | ’20-’21 Division Historian

During these stressful times, people all over the world have found comfort and fun in playing an online multiplayer game called “Among Us”. The game is very similar to the card game “mafia” and is based in a spaceship where players need to complete tasks and interact with each other to win. The game has been a way to relax for many teenagers just starting school and overcome stress with quarter finals or anything in general. It has become a common way to meet others over the internet or even connect with a group of their friends, now that it’s harder to meet up in person. How to play: Each lobby can host up to 10 players, and there are two groups of people. Depending on how many people are playing, there will be 1-2 “imposters”, whose job is to kill all of the other players and sabotage them without being caught. The crewmates, or other players who are not the imposters, try to complete their tasks while trying not to be killed by the imposters, whose identity is unknown to them. As they are killed, meetings are held for all of the players to vote out someone they find suspicious or think they are the imposter. Remember that it’s okay to take some time off to relax and destress and play a little game or practice self care! Drink plenty of water and stay safe! Although you might feel detached from your loved ones and others, there are always new ways that we can interact even throughout this pandemic. <3


OCTOBER division officer of the month


1 st shining club of the month 19

Keep up with the Hive! linktr.ees https://linktr.ee/whitneykeyclub https://linktr.ee/d30ssuns

upcoming dates!



CONTACT US social media whitneyhigh_keyclub Whitney Key Club! whitney_keyclub

cabinet President | Maya Alvarez-Harmon mayaharmon2003@gmail.com Vice-President | Ayaan Ekram ayaanekram@gmail.com Secretary | Emily Thang emsunnysunshine@gmail.com Treasurer | Saadhvi Narayanan saadhstar@gmail.com Bulletin Editor | Michelle Kim michellemkim6@gmail.com Director of Activities | Jerrick Wu jerrickwu7@gmail.com Director of Activities | Ayush Shah ayush98365@gmail.com Director of Publicity | Itzel Huerta itzel.huerta1510@gmail.com Director of Publicity | Eileen Rodriguez eileen.rodriguezsalehi@gmail.com Director of Fundraising | Anika Kasula anikakasula@gmail.com Director of Fundraising | Katherine Phail katherinephail@yahoo.com


Director of Kiwanis and Community Relations | Ethan Hong ethanhong2003@gmail.com Spirit Coordinator | Anastasia Estrella asia.estrella.3@gmail.com Historian/Tech Editor | Alanna Chan alannamchan@gmail.com Historian/Tech Editor | Elizabeth Hoang elizabeth.hoang8@gmail.com

division leadership team Executive Assistant | Michelle Kim michellemkim6@gmail.com Service Project Coordinator | Ethan Hong ethanhong2003@gmail.com Fundraising Task Coordinator | Elu Loquias eluloquias@gmail.com Division Historian | Ashlyn Wong ashlynwong01@gmail.com Division Spirit Coordinator | Anastasia Estrella asia.estrella.3@gmail.com

advisors Kiwanis | Ms. Jan Jensen sokkerjan@gmail.com Club |Mrs. Stacy Palmer stacy.palmer@abcusd.us

thank you for reading! BEE GREEN AND DO NOT PRINT!



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