What's the Latest Buzz? | September 2020

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What’s the Latest Buzz? VOLUME 5

september 2020


EDITOR’S NOTE in this issue… 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21



WHAT’S POPPIN’ WHITNEY!! Another month has passed by and we are already halfway into our term :(. To start, I would like to welcome the 83 new members, 68 of which are freshmen! I feel sad that you can’t fully experience Key Club while at home, but I am so happy that you joined our ohana. A sincere thank you and welcome! :) In our September edition, we welcome our newest members, offering them guidance as they start their Key Club journey. To those new members, I hope these articles are of great help and that you learn more about our organization. Thank you for joining and becoming a part of our community organization. Thank you all for supporting and reading my newsletters thus far, it really means the world to me. In return, I hope my newsletters can provide you guidance, support, and new future experiences. P.S. - 36 weeks of school left Whitney! You got this! SUN-cerely,

mich%e kim

’20-’21 bulletin editor


Want to be featured in my next newsletter? Email me a Key Clubrelated article to michellemkim6@gmail.com!


Hey Buzzin’ Bees, I hope you have enjoyed the beginning of the School Year as hectic and different as it may be. For those of you reading this letter, thank you for being a part of the Hive however I strongly encourage each of you to reach out to freshmen who have not yet signed up for Key Club and tell them what an amazing opportunity this club offers. It would be greatly appreciated if our club can continue to grow in numbers which will help us grow in service hours as well as fundraising. The more individuals that we have who are truly dedicated to this organization, the better our outcome will be. For those of you who are reading this as freshmen, thank you so much for joining our community, you will not regret it. There are so many different service activities and opportunities that you all can get started on right now. I could honestly say from the bottom of my heart that Whitney Key Club was one of the best decisions that I could have ever made therefore I am so happy that each of you are coming along on this journey as well. We will be having a New Student Orientation soon so be on the lookout for that. I look forward to seeing all of the incoming freshmen there. If you ever need any advice, are in search of guidance, or just want somebody to talk to, please feel free to reach out to me. I am your President, however I am a member first and I would be nothing but pleased to assist each and every one of you at any given moment. Once again to those of you who know of anyone who might want to join Whitney Key Club, please send them the sign up or have them send an email to me and we will definitely get that going. I hope that the rest of this month goes smoothly for each and every one of you. I am excited to see our club climb new heights. I love and miss you all, and I can't wait to reconvene in the future.

maya +v-ez-h-mon ’20-’21 whitney kc president







fundraising THIS MONTH










Ethan Hong | ’20-’21 Director of Kiwanis and Member Relations

Salutations, Whitney Key Club! The month of September has been quite full of action, with our own school work as well as global events. I wish all of you are staying safe and healthy and I bid all of you good health. Here is a reminder to continue to social distance, but also continue to socialize and come to Key Club’s various virtual events! Although we have many events in store for our members, one such event that I would like to mention was this passing September Division Council Meeting (DCM). For those members that are new to Key Club, a DCM is ordinarily where Key Club members and officers alike from the 12 schools in our division, Division 30 South, come together at a local park to socialize and have fun, in addition to recognizing clubs and individuals who have shown their passion for service and uphold the values of Key Club. At each of these DCMs you can find different unique experiences, such as making new friends, participating in service activities, playing games, buying milk tea boba and spam musubi from fundraisers, viewing movies, and more! The theme of this DCM was Rainbow Rumble. This was a special DCM in which members from two other divisions, Division 04 North and Division 04 South came together on a Zoom call with D30S to participate in various games. There were a lot of members in attendance! First, the different Divisions split up into breakout rooms to hold our own meeting portion of the Division Council Meeting. We discussed previous events, upcoming events, and recognized some individuals and clubs. Whitney Key Club received the recognition of 4th Shining Club of the Month for our hard work! After the meeting, We were split into smaller breakout rooms containing multiple members from each division to play games. One of the games we played was online mafia, which was my personal favorite of the various activities at this DCM. I had the opportunity to play with some friends that I hadn’t spoken to in a while, and I was thankful for the opportunity to see them again. One of the reasons that I love attending DCMs is because you get to make new friends from different schools, and once you do, you get to see them when you go to the next DCM! I hope that you consider coming to next month’s DCM, the theme being our Region Training Conference, where you can learn more about what Key Club is and what we stand for! Well, that’s all I have for now. Until next time, I hope to see you at the next DCM!


Ayaan Ekram| ’20-’21 Vice President

Once again, Division 30 South held a joint DCM with Division 4 North and Division 4 West on September 19th over Zoom. We began the DCM by being sorted into breakout rooms by division to go over old business and future events the division wanted to communicate with us. In terms of old news, we were reminded of the fact that, in October, spirit gear interest forms for the division will be sent out if people would like to purchase Key Club merchandise. Such merchandise is great to use at service events to show what organization you are from and even to wear at this year’s Fall Rally South, which has been postponed due to the pandemic and will now be Spring Rally South. Furthermore, the division updated us on our progress on division goals. We are on track with service, being at around 60% of our goal, and made a huge jump in PTP funds. Although fundraising has been difficult this year, this month saw one of the biggest growth in the amount of PTP funds raised this term. To help increase PTP funds, you can buy stickers from @mayas.makes on Instagram. This page has an array of stickers from Key Club related designs to general artwork. All the proceeds will go directly to the Pediatric Trauma Program. In addition, the division spoke about their September Service Week in which members could serve their communities by spreading awareness of the importance of self-care, using apps to raise money for different charities through different activities, and taking care of plants around us. We then went on to recognition. Congratulations to everyone for helping our club win the fourth shining club of the month. Every month, Whitney Key Club is recognized as the club being most consistent in its high fundraising and service hours so, congratulations and thank you for your hard work. After the meeting, members of the divisions were randomly split into multiple breakout rooms to play a couple of games led by leaders from all three divisions. The first game would begin by having the group choose a specific priced home from a bundle of choices. Then, we were given a guide that gave a “price” to certain objects one may find around their homes, such as a water bottle or Key Club shirt. The group would have to work together to find objects around their homes that would add up to the exact price of the chosen home. For example, if the home costs 100 points, the group may find a Key Club shirt worth 50 points, a badge worth 20, and a Hydro Flask worth 30. Overall, this game was extremely creative and a lot of fun. After this game, we played mafia. This game was super fun as it gave us all the opportunity to get to know people from new divisions while playing a game a lot of people love. If you were unable to attend this DCM, I really encourage you to attend the October DCM. DCMs are all online, so it is easy to attend DCMs and practice safe social distancing. If you have any questions about DCMs, feel free to contact me or any cabinet member. I hope to see everyone at the October DCM on October 17th.


Saadhvi Narayanan | ’20-’21 Treasurer With the Key Club term starting up, it is important to know how to become a true Key Club member. There is no better way to become such a member than by exhibiting the 4 Core Values! 1.





Inclusiveness Inclusiveness is a difficult place to start if you have a very shy and timid nature. I was one of these Key Clubbers in my freshman year, often very reserved and quiet. In the past year, I came to embody inclusiveness by simply walking up to someone new and saying “Hello! I’m Saadhvi. What’s your name?”. I would then speak to them about their life and hobbies they enjoyed. Using this method, I was able to build up the courage to make sure that everyone was talking to another person and that they could always sit by me if they needed help. Caring You can easily be caring by setting a goal to perform one good deed a day. For example, sharpen your classmate’s pencil one day. The next day, pick up one piece of trash. Continue to do this every day, slowly increasing the number of good deeds you do per day. Encourage your friends to do so as well; perhaps even have friendly competitions between them for the most deeds done in a day. In the end, if every person does one action to help the world, our earth will become 1,000,000 times better. Leadership The biggest step in becoming a leader is to take initiative. By grasping opportunities, you begin to assert yourself and take responsibility for the tasks you have taken up. Once you do this, learn to become organized. This can be done in many forms, such as having a daily planner, making to-do lists, or making a checklist. Ultimately, you should have a written down plan that will help you prioritize what you need to get done. The last step to being a leader is to help others. You cannot be a leader unless you know how to address the needs of your group and how to make sure that everything runs smoothly. Character Building Building your character is perhaps the most important of all the four core values. If you do not improve, then you cannot change the community for the better. Character building can be improved upon with this mindset - you must be a better person than you were yesterday. Take an action you did yesterday and try to improve upon it today by using the other three characteristics or core values. For example, if you picked up one piece of trash yesterday, you can build your character by simply picking up more pieces of trash.

Ayush Shah | ’20-’21 Director of Activities Hello freshman! I am beyond happy to see that you signed up for Key Club, and I can’t wait to see you all participating in the club. Joining Key Club was one of the best choices I have ever made, and I hope you all will feel the same way! Key Club also has an immense opportunities for you all, so here are a few tips that can help you throughout the beginning of your Key Club journey! 1.

Start volunteering early When I first joined the club, I didn’t start volunteering until October, so I sadly missed out on a plentiful amount of events and opportunities. However, I want you all to start as soon as possible so that you get to experience how the club works very early. You will be able to take a part in so many events and activities early, which you will be very grateful for. And although we are going through the Covid-19 situation currently, we are planning wonderful service opportunities for you all to participate in! We can’t wait to see all of you new freshman being a part of our one of a kind family, and we can’t wait to see all of the service you accomplish!


Join as many DCM’s as you can Division Council Meetings, or DCM’s, are monthly events where we get to interact with members from other schools! We are part of the Division 30 South Suns, and there are schools from Kennedy to Oxford! During these events, you can bond with so many people and make so many new friends. We talk about important information, but you are able to bond and play games with others who have the same interests and passions as you! Plus, due to Covid-19, the DCM’s are online, which gives you another reason why you should attend. Our next one will be around mid or late October, and I can’t wait to see you all there!


Have a Key Club buddy/friend Having a Key Club friend or buddy will truly help you throughout your Key Club journey since you will always have someone reminding you about events or just assisting you with whatever you need. When I first joined, there were times where I forgot to sign up for certain events, and my friends reminded me to. Just like this, there can be instances where you forget to read an email or sign up for a DCM, and you will have someone that can help keep you up to date about all of our club meetings and activities. And if you don’t know anyone yet, don’t worry! There will be so many socials, DCM’s, and events where you will be able to meet someone new!


Jerrick Wu | ’20-’21 Director of Activities

Although many may perceive Key Club as purely a club dedicated to volunteering, there is way more involved. Once you join Key Club, you will be apart of a group of dedicated individuals who all strive with the same purpose of caring, inclusiveness, character-building, and leadership which are the four key values we abide by. The environment is unlike anything else which gives you the chance to help the community around you. In addition, you will get chances to meet and make friends from our school and all over the division. While volunteering at our numerous events, you will get chances to bond with key clubbers and make memories that last a lifetime. Aside from our events, every month, our division holds a Division Council Meeting (DCM) where you will be able to learn about our division (Division 30 South) and get to meet other volunteers from all over the area through different games and activities. With the recent COVID-19 pandemic, all of our events have been forced to be online for the protection of everyone. As a result, every month, we hold numerous volunteering opportunities online. These can all be done from your homes and still greatly positively impact the community around us. Make sure to look out for an email at the beginning of the month to find a list of the service events. In addition, we hold general meetings to update our members, recognize outstanding members, along with hold activities for our members to bond. As a for the division, online DCMs are held every month where we catch up on division updates and play numerous games giving us the opportunity to make and get to know volunteers from other schools as well. With all this, whether you are a new member or returning, we welcome to the 20’ 21’ school year and cannot wait for all that we do this year! Reach out and try new things. If you ever have any questions, all cabinet members are happy to help! See you around and happy volunteering!


Eileen Rodriguez | ’20-’21 Director of Publicity When being a part of Key Club it’s important to get the full experience because Key Club is not just a club, it’s a community. Every year we host a variety of different events that are there to give you service opportunities and to also help you meet new Key Clubbers who love helping the community as much as you do. Service Events - Every month our Directors of Activities, Ayush Shah and Jerrick Wu send out an email with a list of service events you can take part of. Not only does our school club offer service event opportunities but our Division, Division 30 South, may also offer a service week each month. This is a great way to help your community from home in a variety of different ways. DCMs - DCMs are monthly meets with our division, which is a group of schools whose Key Clubs work together to make a huge Key Club family. Each month, our Lieutenant Governor, Jennifer Vo, hosts a DCM to update us on the past months’s activities, share upcoming events, and have member recognition. Not only is this a great way to meet people in Key Club from other schools but at times we also collaborate with other neighboring divisions to create an even better interactive experience. Fall Rally South This event is one of Key Club’s most popular spirit events and it is an annual event where multiple divisions travel to Six Flags and compete in spirit. This year it was moved from hall to spring but is still planned to happen. We also have other events that are offered annually such as training conferences and conventions which are used to give recognition to certain members and to meet new Key Clubbers. These are just examples of all of the unique things that Key Club offers to all of its members. It's important to stay updated so that you can enjoy all of the special benefits that come along with being a part of the club. Meet new people and enjoy serving! :)


Emily Thang | ’20-’21 Secretary

So, you’ve filled out the Key Club Sign-Ups Google Form during Club Rush, you’ve followed our club Instagram (@whitneyhigh_keyclub), and you’ve joined our Facebook Group (Whitney Key Club!)—you’re all set… now what? Well, fear not! To help you answer that question, here’s a rundown of what you can do next as a Key Clubber: 1.





Pay your dues! Because Key Club is an international organization, every single member must pay a membership fee each year (this applies to all Key Clubs everywhere), which covers insurance, provides scholarships, covers operating costs at the district and international level, and most importantly, allows you to volunteer. Currently, due to COVID-19, there is no method for students to pay their dues through the school’s Finance Office. However, stay tuned for more details in the future regarding how you can pay your dues to be eligible to volunteer. Volunteer! Of course, Key Club would not be the same without its tremendous involvement in community service. Although we are currently in quarantine, the pandemic has not stopped us from actively engaging in service projects—and we are certainly not stopping anytime soon. Our Director of Activities, Jerrick Wu and Ayush Shah, send out weekly emails containing service projects YOU can sign up for, so be sure to check those out! Participate in fundraisers and school drives! Supporting preferred charities, including the Pediatric Trauma Program, is a HUGE part of Key Club. If you are able to, donate to our fundraisers or spread the word to your friends and family! Whitney Key Club also hosts an annual Operation Christmas drive to spread holiday cheer and help families in need during the winter, in which you can volunteer as a homeroom representative, contribute a monetary donation, or donate nonperishables. Remember, every dollar counts in every fundraiser, so any help is greatly appreciated! Attend meetings! Now that we are in quarantine, attending meetings has never been easier. Whitney Key Club typically holds a general meeting every month where all members can come to hear important announcements and club updates, participate in activities, and bond! Division 30 South (the division we are part of) also hosts fun monthly Division Council Meetings (DCMs), where you can hear division updates and meet Key Clubbers across the Los Angeles and Orange County area. Go to socials and fun events! Key Club is more than service and fundraising; it has endless opportunities to make new friends and showcase your spirit! Every now and then, Whitney Key Club will participate in an interclub social with other schools in the area, in which you can interact with other Key Clubbers and play fun games. On top of that, Key Club hosts an annual Fall Rally and District Convention (DCON), which are both memorable, large-scale events you should attend, if possible!

Keep in mind that this is not an exhaustive list of what you can do in Key Club; there is SO much more to offer, and this list is just to help you get started. Feel free to reach out to any of the cabinet members if you have any questions or concerns! We can’t wait to see you serve and be a part of the Key Club ohana. :))


Asia Estrella | ’20-’21 Spirit Coordinator

Thank you so much for signing up for Key Club but what now? What should you expect? Well Key Club is notorious for being the community service club, but Key Club is more than that. Whitney Key Club is a small part of a huge organization. For those of you who don’t know Whitney Key Club is a part of Division 30 South and Division 30 South is a part of The CaliforniaNevada-Hawaii District. As a Key Club member it is important to keep yourself updated with all news coming from our Home Key Club, our Division, and our District. From our home club our Director of Activities alongside our Secretary help provide service activities and document our hours, so make sure to check your emails for our continuous service activities and please participate. If you’ve completed our service activities at our home club don’t feel discouraged because our Division also has service activities like the self care week! Although obtaining hours is a huge part of Key Club we also have our own preferred charities that we help donate to, by a big one you will hear a lot is PTP, the Pediatric Trauma Program, it means a lot to our cabinet members to help with these fundraisers, our Treasurer and our Directors of Fundraising work hard planning food nights and other fundraisers so it is highly encouraged that you all participate. If you haven’t already make sure to follow us on instagram at @whitneyhigh_keyclub and take a look at our website Whitney Key Club, our historians/tech editors and directors of publicity work so incredibly hard to create graphics for publicity and our website! And please continue to read our newsletters, since you are reading this one you should read the previous ones as well as future ones, our Bulletin Editor works hard each and every month organizing our very beautiful newsletters. But we can’t forget that none of this would be possible without our President and Vice President, they dedicate so much to Key Club they are the glue that brings the cabinet together. And we can’t forget our advisors Mrs.Jensen and Ms.Palmer. Key Club isn't just a community service club but it is also a family, so thank you so much for signing up! Please continue your service by volunteering, attending general meetings, attending food nights, attending Division Council Meetings, following and checking up on our club instagram and facebook, and enjoy yourself at all of the Key Club events we offer!


Anika Kasula | ’20-’21 Director of Fundraiser These past few months have been quite a journey. Adjusting to this new way of life (remote social contact & staying at home) has been a challenge, especially for fundraising. One of the most important aspects of a Key Club is the ability to raise funds because at the end of the day, these donations are what allow us to help babies, children, and families in our community and even around the world. Currently, our club is putting a majority of its efforts into raising money for the Pediatric Trauma Program (PTP). This charity is imperative in preventing children under the age of 14 from perishing from pediatric trauma aka unintentional injury. Our fundraisers are held for the sole purpose of saving lives. We also raise funds for other causes, like MNT, Children's Miracle Network, March of Dimes, and Unicef. Key Club is a nonprofit with the sole intention of helping others, and while we are at it, we want to help as many people as possible. This cannot be done without the help of you guys...our members! All of you are an essential part of our purpose as a club, and it is because of you that we have become such a distinguished and celebrated organization. Just know that every time you participate in one of our fundraisers, you are indirectly saving a life. To you, it may seem like you’re just buying a drink, but for a family somewhere in the world, your purchase has given them life. Sometimes the small things make a huge difference. So far, as a director of fundraising for Whitney Key Club, I have helped organize many fundraisers with my fellow cabby. Unfortunately, with the current COVID situation, we were forced to approach our goal in a completely irregular way...but we made it work, and we still are doing our best to make it work. Just a few days ago, we held a Starbucks Gift Basket Giveaway, in which we raffle off a basket full of goodies from Starbucks. The money raised from this fundraiser will ALL go toward PTP, so every penny donated is so valuable. From online grants to virtual fundraisers, we have managed to gather up funds. Though we are unable to produce as much money as we did before the virus outbreak, we do our best to stay positive and think of the lives that we ARE saving. This job has taught me to be optimistic and see life as “glass half full”. From all the “failed” attempts to fundraise, I learned about patience. As the term is progressing, I am continuing to learn more valuable life lessons. Fundraising has taught me so much, and I am truly grateful for that. In our near future, Key Club has some amazing fundraising activities planned. Very soon we will be hosting our very own online movie night, which members are given access to if they donate $3 to PTP. During this event, be prepared to bond over hilarious scenes and participate in a service activity led by our very own DOAs! Be on the lookout for more details. We will be hosting similar fundraising events, so members can not only help their community but can also meet new people, which is probably the best part about volunteering. Personally, I have made some amazing friends on my ongoing Key Club journey, and I hope, that amidst this outbreak, I can help you do the same as well. So as a final note, stay safe & be happy!!!


Katie Phail | ’20-’21 Director of Fundraising

Hey BEE-UTIFALS!!!! I hope you guys are all enjoying school so far and that you’re not too stressed out about everything! This past week was Club Rush, meaning that you all should’ve signed up for Key CLub then hehe. But even if you didn’t get a chance to, that’s ok! We are keeping our sign ups open, so make sure to fill it out when you get the chance because Key Club is truly a one-of-a-kind experience. I want to take the time here to explain why you should continue to volunteer for Key Club, even though we are currently online. Key Club, first off, is an AMAZING organization that strives to give back to its community, whether it be on a small or large scale. This means that all of the activities, service events, and fundraisers we host go towards one of the many amazing charities we donate to or help benefit people around the world. Even though we can’t do anything in person at the moment, all of the activities that we have available for you guys are great opportunities to give back. No matter how seemingly simple or insignificant the activity is, it is DEFINITELY helping someone somewhere in the world. You are making a difference in the world by participating in these activities, whether it be helping your parents out around the house or participating in freerice to help feed those who need it. Even if you don’t necessarily have a lot of free time, taking half an hour or an hour a day to participate in one of these activities makes a huge difference, and if you continue to volunteer consistently, the total amount you’ve served will quickly add up to show how much you contributed. For me, I’m really busy at the moment with college apps as well as school, but anytime I have a moment of free time, I try to participate in a service project. While I may not be able to serve in large amounts of time, I’m still helping contribute by doing a little bit at a time. The feeling of knowing that you as an individual helped positively impact someone else’s life is a really sweet feeling. Doing these activities, while you may not be able to see your efforts pay off in person, will definitely give you a sense of accomplishment and peace. So make sure that you participate in everything you can because the impact of these projects is larger than you would think.


Elizabeth Hoang | ’20-’21 Historian/Tech Editor

This month is suicide prevention month if you didn’t know already. So here’s a little check in. I don’t know if anyone has asked you already, so how are you? Honestly. Are you doing okay? Take a second and really think about how you are right now. I don’t know if your teachers have addressed this or if anyone has checked in on you recently, so I’m here to let you know I care. Make sure you’re taking care of yourself. I know it’s hard right now especially with school since the work keeps piling up and we’re all stressed but it’s important to really sit back and look at how you’re doing and making sure you don’t crumble under the pressure. Take a break, do something that makes you happy, get your work done, and then relax. Everyone is on edge right now because of all the work, stress, and pressure. You’re not alone in this. I know at times you’ll feel like breaking and like you’re at your limit, so breathe, calm down, drink water, it’s okay. You’re okay. We all have those times. Don’t let yourself break down because I know you can get through it. We’re all in the same boat. We all have classes whether it’s APs or honors. We are all staring at a screen for 8+ hours of the day listening to lectures or doing assignments. We are all struggling right now and close to giving up. Please don’t. I know you’re losing motivation to do your work and you’re staying up late but seriously take care of yourself. Don’t be so hard on yourself. You can do it, I’m rooting for you. One more thing, don’t procrastinate. I’ve been procrastinating myself and I’ve been sleeping at 2 or 3am on school nights doing work and my mental health has just gone out the door since school started. Don’t make the same mistake. :) Just think about doing the work now and getting it done so you don’t have to stress about it later. I know that’s really hard to do since we would rather do anything else except our work but trust me on this, you’ll feel better. So please, pay attention to your mental health. If you need someone to talk to, I’m here. Don’t get all stressed over your workload and don’t be afraid to put your wellbeing before your work once in a while. I hope you’re doing okay and I hope you get through whatever it is that you might be struggling with. You’re strong. Just remember you’re better than this. Remember that stress is temporary and you’ll get through it just like you always do. And I genuinely care so please smile haha, for me :’)


Alanna Chan | ’20-’21 Director of Publicity HII all new and old members! If you’re new, welcome to Key Club! If you are a returning member, I hope you have another great year serving and making new memories through our club. Moving onto business, this month, Elizabeth Hoang and I, your two Historians/Tech Editors, worked to update our home club website for this term. In it, we have uploaded new photos of all of our cabby members, added a few of our own creative twists, and added elements like our club’s recent achievements, current goals and progress for service hours/funds, and much more! If you have time and want to explore it: whitneyhskeyclub.wixsite.com/keyclub is the website domain. We hope that you guys enjoy it, and we want to use it as another main source of information since it has so many parts and is easily accessible. With that being said, we hope to be able to continuously add pictures with the service YOU guys do, so feel free to take some quick shots while you’re serving at home and send it to us at whitneyhskeyclub@gmail.com! If you did not already know, our position’s job is to take care of most of the online publicity like graphics and all of that! We’ve had quite a few service activities that have to do with making graphics and spreading them on social media, so I wanted to give a little run-down of what I do and some resources! •

First, for some of the main apps I use, my main one is Phonto but I have started to use Canva recently. Canva is definitely a great one to use if you haven’t dabbled in photo editing. It has templates for Instagram/Facebook posts, posters, flyers, and more! Adding images and little illustrations especially enhances the graphic, which makes it more pleasing to look at. It’s also a good idea to find the fonts that you like to use and get a feel for all of the different types there are. For this, I usually scroll through fonts on dafont.com and download the ones that I like. I typically combine one curvy/cursive font with another one that is standard and easy to read. When looking at a graphic, you want to make sure to emphasize important features using easy-to-read fonts and contrasting colors. As for video editing, I mainly use VideoStar! This is an app on the App Store that allows you to add special effects and transitions to video clips. This part is a little more complicated, but if you want any help, feel free to contact me!

So why are graphics and this whole “digital aspect” important? When we hear about events or gain information, it comes from these graphics a lot of the time: they have all of the main points, are visually pleasing, and easy to spread. I’m sure many would rather see these than have to read a bucket-load of information. So, learning how to make them doesn’t hurt! Plus, the more you make them, the easier they are to continuously make. Considering the circumstances right now, it is significant because we can’t particularly talk face to face. So, have fun with it and happy creating! And check out the website! :)


Itzel Huerta | ’20-’21 Director of Publicity Hello buzzing bees! I hope school has not been too rough on everyone. Even though everyone has a different opinion on online school, there is one thing that everyone will find in common; stress. As school goes on, we are getting onto more serious topics and people will inevitably procrastinate, cram in last minute study sessions, lose sleep, and proceed to cry and stress. This can lead to a dangerous ongoing cycle, but, there is a way to help ease this tension :D And that way can be through small crafts! Although you may think, are you kidding? I can’t waste time if i already procrastinated and lose sleep. Of course, but if you continue the cycle everything will fall more out of balance and only get worse. So In the end, it can help taking a step back and giving your mind and body a break, sometimes after letting your brain cool off, that one math question you were struggling to solve will eventually make sense and come to you. You have to try to disconnect to reconnect. Some Small Crafty Ideas 1. Making Explosions boxes 2. Making Cascarones (Confetti Eggs) 3. Start Journaling 4. Painting rocks 5. Making Cards 6. Sewing 7. Making Friendship Bracelets 8. Painting Flower Pots 9. Making Candles 10. Making Clay Charms 11. Making Paper Flowers 12. Quilling 13. Trying Photography 14. Making Origami 15. Make a Popsicle Chandelier 16. Make a Popsicle House 17. Making Soap 18. Knitting 19. Painting your room 20. Create a book mark Now, these are just some of the things you can try to do. Don’t be afraid to go beyond your limits, sometimes creativity is just the one thing everyone needs in order to find a little peace in their lives. But also don’t push yourselves too hard either, know where your limits are at too so you can stay healthy and have fun while still being safe :) I hope everyone has a good time!!


SEPTEMBER secretary of the month


4th shining club of the month 18

Keep up with the Hive! linktr.ees https://linktr.ee/whitneykeyclub https://linktr.ee/d30ssuns

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cabinet President | Maya Alvarez-Harmon mayaharmon2003@gmail.com Vice-President | Ayaan Ekram ayaanekram@gmail.com Secretary | Emily Thang emsunnysunshine@gmail.com Treasurer | Saadhvi Narayanan saadhstar@gmail.com Bulletin Editor | Michelle Kim michellemkim6@gmail.com Director of Activities | Jerrick Wu jerrickwu7@gmail.com Director of Activities | Ayush Shah ayush98365@gmail.com Director of Publicity | Itzel Huerta itzel.huerta1510@gmail.com Director of Publicity | Eileen Rodriguez eileen.rodriguezsalehi@gmail.com Director of Fundraising | Anika Kasula anikakasula@gmail.com Director of Fundraising | Katherine Phail katherinephail@yahoo.com

Director of Kiwanis and Community Relations | Ethan Hong ethanhong2003@gmail.com Spirit Coordinator | Anastasia Estrella asia.estrella.3@gmail.com Historian/Tech Editor | Alanna Chan alannamchan@gmail.com Historian/Tech Editor | Elizabeth Hoang elizabeth.hoang8@gmail.com

division leadership team Executive Assistant | Michelle Kim michellemkim6@gmail.com Service Project Coordinator | Ethan Hong ethanhong2003@gmail.com Fundraising Task Coordinator | Elu Loquias eluloquias@gmail.com Division Historian | Ashlyn Wong ashlynwong01@gmail.com Division Spirit Coordinator | Anastasia Estrella asia.estrella.3@gmail.com

advisors Kiwanis | Ms. Jan Jensen sokkerjan@gmail.com Club |Mrs. Stacy Palmer stacy.palmer@abcusd.us


thank you for reading! BEE GREEN AND DO NOT PRINT!



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