Danish Institute for Study Abroad
use BIM so ware to create floor plans and schema c designs
design wooden veneer furniture
create and model design itera ons for
construct sheet metal and plywood molds
university and military projects
hand cra original veneer chair design ("mi.ne chair")
compile images and informa on for client review
detail and photograph final product
using graphics and presenta on so wares
analyze furniture and architecture in Sweden, Finland, and
Second Life Studios
Career Scholar Society
design and digital modelling of chairs, tables, and various pieces of furniture for construc on
document construc on details
planning of programma c spaces
concept design for client review
(formerly Delta Epsilon Iota: career-focused honor society)
organize and run leadership and general assembly mee ngs
find funding opportuni es
educate members on ma ers related to career development
American Institute for Architecture Students
Lawrence Legends
design logos and graphics for organiza on
develop and implement recruitment strategies
edit videos for performance and internet release
assistant instructor for University Dance Company, House of Dragons Crew, and various clinics
assist local en
es with design problems
iden fy and conceptually solve construc on and architecture issues
develop and cri que por olios
increase knowledge basis of design career opportuni es
chicago lyric opera house
asia internship program
mixed-use living building
material investigations
chicago lyric opera house chicago
How does one redeďŹ ne the approach to opera? To begin, one redeďŹ nes the literal approach to the building. While the Chicago Lyric Opera boasts a grand entrance into the lobby, a second entrance from the parking garage and Navy Pier makes it accessible from mul ple angles. The asymmetrical design brings the opera-goer around or through the en re building before reaching the auditorium.
Exploring forms 8
Lines of ac on exploring programming possibili es
north eleva on
west eleva on
south eleva on
east eleva on 10
The building takes pride in the o en undermined workings in the back-of-house, emphasizing the clockwork-like inner mechanisms of any performance. Highly influenced by construc vist design, the landmark ju ng into Lake Michigan creates an eased transi on between the famous Navy Pier and the busy Chicago skyline. The spiralling lobby gives a 180-degree view of the surroundings while se ng one up for the experience of the auditorium.
auditorium reverbera on me: 1.45 seconds
The auditorium is designed to tell a different story, to be
sound deflec on
an experience set apart from the rest of the building. The
asymmetrical plan provides a variety of sea ng and entrance points,
The space has been designed to provide op mal sound deflec on
for acous c and vocal performance. A mixture of metal and metallic mesh make up most of the sound deflec ng surfaces and clouds. Metallic mesh surfaces are backed with alterna ng deflec ng and absorbing surfaces. The layering effect creates spaces for stage ligh ng, house ligh ng, and doorways. The effect of these dark surfaces gives texture to the space, but always puts the focus on the colors and movements on the
asia internship program south korea
Partnered with a rich cultural experience, the Asia Internship Program as a professional op on from the University of Kansas provided insight into real world architecture. For six months in Seoul, I worked with Haenglim Architects, providing a western approach to design while learning from those who had a dierent perspec ve.
The Gachon University campus had plans for two new buildings: a dormitory with an a ached cafeteria and office building; and a lecture hall. A er first crea ng floor plans for the new dormitory, the task was then working on facade design for both buildings, discovering new ways to approach the set plans for the dormitory and lecture hall, and new arrangements for the dormitory’s a ached facili es.
In addi on to the university projects, the South Korean Air Force had a new gymnasium in the works, for which form and facade were needed. Though none of the projects moved very far past the concept phase during that me frame, the work for Gachon University culminated in an 80-page document for the client to view and work from in the future.
While there was experience gained at the ďŹ rm, the biggest takeaway from the experience was the knowledge of the language and culture that came from interac ng with and learning from the locals and exploring the city of Seoul.
mixed-use living building kansas city
predesign massing op ons
The intent of the project was to create a single building with many dierent programs, adding to the urban fabric of the River Market area by ac ng as a transporta on hub and providing oďŹƒces and programming for the surrounding neighborhoods, as desired by the Kanasas City Area Transporta on Authority. Underground parking is available for both employees of the building as well as those commu ng further into the city. The plaza and public outdoor spaces oer a place to gather or hold events, as well as a safe place to be a er dark while returning from work or taking advantage of the nightlife.
The design uses as many elements as possible to minimize the building’s carbon footprint, including some lesser-known methods such as thermal bimetal shading, phytoremedia on ven la on, and algae-powered ligh ng. The goal was to comply with standards of both the Living Building
Challenge and the Well Building Challenge. Energy efficiency was calculated using Sefaira, and design changes were made to maximize benefits and minimize detriments.
photovoltaic panels for energy genera on wastewater treatment + ver cal garden hybrid air system natural air ďŹ ltering steam and chilled water from adjacent plant passive shading and bimetal shading algae-powered ligh ng system parking atrium for light and assisted ven la on
systems overview 29
compressed earth brick ceiling frame and ligh ng system thermal bimetal shading system fan, dehumidiďŹ er, ďŹ lters mechanically-assisted phytoremedia on ven la on system acous c sound-absorbing panels triple-pane low-E glass radiant raised access oor compressed earth raised panels 18" steel framing concrete framing
northeast eleva on
30 0
3rd st eleva on
sec on 1
thermal bimetal shading system
grand blvd eleva on
sec on 2
n rthwest eleva on no
31 31
Well Building Challenge Water natural ďŹ ltra on and cleansing
Comfort ADA accessibility acous c control ven lated environment
Fitness promoted stairs pedestrian ameni es bicycle storage
ambient water noise Light dayligh ng responsive shading maximum 65’ depth
breathing walls natural + assisted ven la on pollu on control
Nourishment roo op agriculture produces seasonal foods for consump on by users of building
Living Building Challenge Beauty asthe cally pleasing to the eye Equity human scale plaza areas accessibility Health & Happiness operable windows gardens water features dayligh ng plants Water wastewater treatment on site capture rainfall
Materials sourcing locally no red list items Energy harvested CO2 to heat water wastewater provides nourishment to biolumescent algae solar panels Place brownďŹ eld site roo op agriculture storage for humanpowered vehicles a rac ve pedestrian routes
material investigations united states, denmark
“Material inves ga ons” is all about exploring adjacent possibili es in physical materials. “Mi.ne Chair” is the result of a summer spent in the furniture design program at the Danish Ins tute of Study Abroad in Copenhagen. The construc on process required twenty-one layers of maple, ash, and beech veneer with glue between to be wrapped around and suc oned to a sheet metal mould. A er curing, the wood could then be cut and shaped to what you see here.
In addi on to veneer furniture, I have also cra ed designs in solid wood, such as the coee table table below, made of cherry and ash, and the stool to the right, made of pine and ďŹ r, among other small projects like cu ng boards and jewelry. Besides tradi onal construc on materials, I have experimented with using less obvious choices. Tempered hardboard, for example, is not generally thought of as a furniture construc on material. However, experiments with vacuum-pressed steambent hardboard produced strong and sculptural forms as seen on the right. Other explored materials include tree bark, scrap metal, acrylic ligh ng panels, and canvas.
steambending process
vacuum-pressing process 39
concrete and steel step 60 lb spring barrel hinge lever arm tuned pipe wood decking hammer steel tube
Experimenta on doesn’t stop at the types of materials used. Tasked with crea ng interac ve elements for the beginnings of a small community playground and park, three brave souls of the architecture department’s third-year design+build studio designed a robust set of mechanical
musical steps to be part of the stage that would be placed on the lot. Due to the lack of any sort of non-electrical precedent, the trial-and-error process of crea ng a prototype was lengthy, with a steep learning curve. The result, however, is a one-of-a-kind set of sonic steps that provide entertainment for all ages.
oak and acrylic lamp
unbuilt furniture concepts
thank you