We were asked to make a video of 50 daily interactions, the purpose of this task was to study the interactions and create new interactions from them.
Task 50 Examples of Interactions
A Table where Little People Live Interactive furniture for children from teamLab is a wide round table with many projected little characters navigate around the objects you place on it.
Grapheme Installation by Robert Seidel features colourful projections onto hanging abstract paper sculptures.
Starter Kit: Arduino Uno, USB A to B, Half size Breadboard, Red LED, Green LED, RGB LED, 10nF Ceramic Capacitors, 100nF Ceramic Capacitors, 100uF Electrolytic Capacitors, 330 Resistors, 1k Resistors, 10 Resistors, Jumper wires, Push button switches, Slide switch, Mini servo, 9V Battery clip, Tilt switch, Thermistor, Photo resistor, Diode, Buzzer, Potentiometer with knob.
void setup () { }
Processing: Using processing to print “Hello World”
void draw () { printIn (“Hello World”) }
int x = 220; void setup () { size (600, 200); rectMode (CENTER); noStroke (); }
void draw () { println (mouseX + " " + mouseY); background (#81D8D0); fill (255); rect (100,100,25,100); rect (125,100,28,25); rect (150,100,25,100); Processing: Using shapes to create “HT”
rect (220,63,80,25); rect (220,105,25,90); }
Processing: Creating shapes
Processing: Change colour
Processing: Draw a circle and animate it.
Processing: Using circles to create a dice
Processing: Changing font size
Processing: Using the mouse to scale the font
1. Find all fonts from the computer using Processing. 2. Task: Create a music instrument interface using Processing.
Task: Music Instruments. Creating the triangle in Processing
Task: Music Instruments. With and without waveform
Video: Watch it here... http://htang7.tumblr.com/post/76126990508/music-instrument-the-triangle-with-waveform http://htang7.tumblr.com/post/76126492746/music-instrument-the-triangle-without-waveform
Research Self Exploration
Water Light Graffiti by Antonin Fourneau.
Interactive Design project by Stijn van Iersel is a closet with magnetic hangers which give hanging clothes personalities (from dancing to falling out with each other).
Gamebuino own games (and can connect to upto 128 other devices).
Turbulence Watercolor + Magic First in a series of geometric watercolour paintings using an industrial robot arm, put together by Dr. Woohoo
Public interactive installation by Javier Lloret allows participants to control the colourful lighting of a square building with a Rubik Cube like device.
Artificial Nature by Haru Ji and Graham Wakefield
The MASHine Audio / Visual installation by Miles Polaski lets users mashup 42 pop songs.
Exploring different types of functions, the keyboard for the music instrument task and roll the dice task.
Task: Roll the dice, Sketches
Task: Drawing the bear using illustrator
Video: Watch it here http://htang7.tumblr.com/post/75788692924/first-one-to-complete-the-bear-wins-code
Exploring “Continuous Lines� for roll the dice task and I found different examples on OpenProcessing
Task: Cat group project, Ideas and sketches
Video: Watch it here. http://htang7.tumblr.com/post/77098498961/group-project-interactive-pet-code-pimage
Project 1: Research - Classic to modern games + DIY tic tac toe
Project 1: Simple testing
Project 1: Candy Tic Tac Toe
Introduction to Arduino
Video: Watch it here http://htang7.tumblr.com/post/79691554811/morse-code-team-tang-int-pin-13-void http://htang7.tumblr.com/post/79691668724/morse-code-elan-hiu-int-pin-13-void-setup
Task: Morse Code
Learning/Working Ardunio from the starter guide for arduino example projects.
Project 2: Team Logo (Team Tang)
First test using LDR Task is to create an aware object that has an pseudo-emotional response to light. This must include the designed form and characteristics of the object.
Video: Watch it here http://htang7.tumblr.com/post/80731737641/team-tang-magic-moon-box
Project 2 ideas
Project 2 video http://vimeo.com/93489970