2017 Darling Wildflower Society Mini-Mag

Page 1


Letter from the Darling Wildflower Society


Celebrating a Century of Wildflower Love


The 100th Darling Wildflower Show Information


The Darling Flora Project & Herbarium

12-13 Darling Map 15

Flower Viewing Tips

16-17 Ten Flower Species 19

Gelukwensing van Darling Romery

20 100th Darling Wildflower Show Sponsors 21 100th Darling Wildflower Show Workshops 22

Events in and around Darling

CONTACT THE DARLING WILDFLOWER SOCIETY: Michelle Linder • T: 072 178 5744 / 084 916 1111 info@darlingwildflowers.co.za darlingwildflowers.co.za


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Published on behalf of The Darling Wildflower Society by I Love Yzer. T: 022 451 2202 info@iloveyzer.co.za j www.iloveyzer.co.za







e are very excited to share our plans for our upcoming Centenary Show! This year we are celebrating our 100th Darling Wildflower Show and we invite you to celebrate this with us. The display will focus on the Wildflower Society’s development through the past 100 years as well as on the Herbarium project. The Flower Show will offer a variety of activities to entertain young and old. Your ticket includes entry to a large landscaped hall of indigenous flowers in their natural habitat, as well as a free ride on a tractordrawn wagon to see the pristine wetland at Oude Post. This is a special treat, since the wetland is not normally accessible to the public and may only be visited during the Show. Your ticket also gains you access to our Craft & Gourmet Food Market, a Veteran Tractor/Car Display, an Entertainment Tent featuring live music from famous local acts like Klassik, Nedine Blom, Petra Mans, Glyn Lewis, Jimm Harrison Project (and many more!), safe and secure parking for vehicles and free Wi-Fi at the festival venue! This year you can also look forward to a range of workshops including: • Prof Peter Linder (currently residing in Zürich, Switzerland) will be doing two workshops on the theme of “Reeds in the Sandveld”. One will take place in the veld and the other at the Darling Sport Club. • “Tussie Mussie” workshops by Karen Moyle from Flowers on The Stoep.


Committee members: Front row: Martin Halvorsen (Vice-Chairman), Innes Linder (Chairman), Charles Duckitt (Secretary). Back row: Angelique Rosant, Lana Nel, Michelle Linder, Frances Solomon, Con Meyer, Jane Wallace, David Wallace (Treasurer). Insert: John Duckitt

• !Khwa ttu will be doing kids’ and family workshops about Fynbos and its links to traditional San culture and their heritage. • A talk by Simply Bee about bees and the importance of their conservation. More workshops and detailed information are available on our website. In addition to all of this there will be a shuttle driving through Darling, stopping at places of interest including the Darling Museum, Evita’s Perron, Duckitt Nurseries and the Renosterveld Reserve. With more than a hundred food and craft stalls, everyone’s taste buds and shopping needs will be catered for! Kids will have a weekend of fun in the playpark area with entertainment ranging from face-painting to rides, while adults can relax in the Mini Wine Route & Beer Tent. There will also be indigenous plants available at bargain prices, as well as an extensive country craft market and information stalls. And don’t forget to explore in and around our beautiful little village while you’re here! Your entrance fee to the Darling Wildflower Show will help to conserve our endangered floral kingdom for future generations! Visit our website for more information or find us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. We look forward to welcoming you to our Darling Celebrations!

The 100th Darling Wildflower Show 2017


Open House

14-17 Sept 2017

9am - 5pm

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wildflower love “There are always flowers for those who want to see them.” — Henry Matisse ARTICLE DARLING WILDFLOWER SOCIETY PHOTOS DUCKITT FAMILY ARCHIVES


ig ideas sometimes come from the small moments in life, such as standing in a carpet of wildflowers… And thus it was that in 1915, Mr. Frederick Duckitt of Waylands and Mrs Suzanne Malan of “Die Pastorie” in Darling, charmed by the magnificent colours around their feet, decided that this wonderful heritage of wildflowers must be shared with others. The outcome was the founding of the Darling Wildflower Society, as we know it today - the first flower show being held in 1917. It is, however, on record that a Mrs Albertyn held a flower show in the old C.J.V. Hall in 1905. It also seems that a Minister Luckhoff had an exhibit of Chincherinchees in Cape Town during World War 1. Chincherinchees were sold to the public by ladies from Darling dressed in fancy-dress costumes. But it was the much-loved Mrs Suzanne Malan who put the Flower Show on the road to fame and to becoming as wellknown as it is today. She was an expert arranger and taught others well. A tough taskmaster, too, who often had no qualms about pulling an arrangement to pieces and making the lady concerned re-arrange the whole vase. The first show in 1917 was arranged on a competition basis. Prizes were given in the various classes and garden flowers 6

Newspaper Clipping from the Duckitt Family Archives.

were also exhibited. Lunches and various refreshments were served. Children, organised by their teachers, also took part. We are told of Maypole dances, bazaars, refreshments served and special efforts being made to organise day trips to the show by train from Cape Town. Fast forward one hundred years, and we have approximately 7000 visitors during the show! Back then, years of experience taught the ladies who took part how to arrange the most delicate of flowers - not only in individual bowls but to make the whole hall a feast for the eye. The impact of the massed arrangements on the stage always created “oohs” and “ahs” among the many visitors. Competition, however, was a cause of concern to Mrs Malan. She endeavoured to get the whole community to work together to stage the show as she felt it should be done. By doing away with the competitive element, the show acquired a totally different atmosphere. Since those heady first days, the show has progressed from a hall full of bowls of flowers to natural exhibits – marshes and waterfalls – and even to fullscale landscaping.

The 100th Darling Wildflower Show 2017

The Darling Wildflower Society has now been around for more than a century and the Darling Wildflower Show takes place annually over the third weekend in September. The show celebrates an integral part of the Cape Fynbos Kingdom comprising of Renosterveld, Rietveld, Sandveld, and Strandveld. More than 1200 different species of flowers can be found in these habitats! We will be celebrating our 100th show this year, our CENTENARY! And we would love you to be there to share this auspicious date with us. DID YOU KNOW? Darling’s veld is unique in that it consists of an intermingling of various veld types. It is not unusual to find a single patch that can be classified as Sandveld, Strandveld, Renosterveld AND Rietveld. This mix-up has led to the veld in Darling producing flowers, especially Geophytes (bulbous plants), which are spectacular in their diversity, size and colour. This situation is found nowhere else in the world. The Cape Floral Kingdom, with more than 12 000 species, is also the richest in species diversity. It is astounding that Darling contains more than 10% of the species count of the Cape Floral Kingdom in less than 1% of the area. If there was ever a “Golden Mile” of the plant kingdom anywhere in the world, it must surely exist in Darling!

Unfortunately, if there was ever a “Most Threatened” area in the world, likewise. Some threatened plant species from the Darling-Hopefield area include Romulea exima (Darling Froetang); Gheissorhiza darlingensis (geel Kelkiewyn); Gheissorhiza eurystigma (Kelkiewyn); Ixia curta (Bruinoog Kalossie); Ixia framesii (rooi Kalossie); Sparaxis parviflora (klein Kappie); Spiloxene canaliculata (geel Poublom); Gladiolus meliusculus (pienk Kalkoentjie); Babiana rubrocyanea (Kelkiewynbobbejaantjie) and Nemesia strumosa (bont Leeubekkieweeskindertjies). Since the early shows, the wildflower show has grown from a hall with floral arrangements to include natural displays that reflect the geographical diversity of the veld surrounding Darling. All flowers and plants on show grow wild in the Darling district and are picked under strict supervision of the Darling Wildflower Society. The displays include the botanical and common names of all flowers exhibited as well as interesting information on conservation. The detail can vary substantially, being that the Darling Flora is all about the extravagant diversity and fragrance. The main aim of the Darling Wildflower Society is to conserve our natural habitat in our region and to keep a record of our flower and plant species in our Herbarium. We are extremely proud to host our 100th Darling Wildflower Show this year and we hope to see you there!

The 100th Darling Wildflower Show 2017


Advertise in the Holiday Issue of I LOVE YZER DARLING: Available: Dec 2017-Feb 2018 Contact info@iloveyzer.co.za for a booking form. Booking Deadline: 13 Oct


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he Flora Project is the direct consequence of voluntary community contributions over many years and generations. We are currently seeing 3rd and 4th generations actively involved in this Project, and we have high hopes for the future. How did we get here? Through 100 years of communal collective volunteerism! Plus, of course, successful annual shows (this year’s being our Centenary celebration), and involvement with the community to not only preserve our natural heritage but to also put in place facilities to aid this vision. The society was instrumental in the declaration of the Riverlands Reserve in the 70s, and assisting Hilda Mason in finding plants for the illustrations for her book Western Cape Sandveld Flowers, published in 1972. In 1995, we were copublishers of the West Coast Field Guide, and helped with the establishment of the Mamre Nature Reserve. The Society was one of the major financial sponsors involved in the building of the Darling Club where the annual wildflower shows are held. This show is now one of the oldest Wildflower Shows in the world. 10

Modern times have seen the concept of volunteerism under severe pressure. We face a serious situation in that the conservation participation of new landowners is diminished as priorities have changed. Farming is now a business and wildflowers do not create an income for the farmer. One of our challenges year on year has been to find someone to help with the plant IDs for the show. The input of Pixie Littlewort has been invaluable to us over the years in this respect. Pixie made good use of her connections, and enlisted the skills and knowledge of several respected Botanists to point the local volunteers into more formal and proper botanical directions. Here both Helene Preston and Carol Duckitt must be mentioned as the leading lights in getting the local “systems” revised. All identifications and records now comply with scientific standards and are entered into the official SANBI system. Many a day over the years was spent in the veld with Pixie; collecting and creating improved local knowledge and enthusiasm. All specimens were pressed and identified. This collection was at first kept at Pixie Littlewort’s house in Rondebosch.

The 100th Darling Wildflower Show 2017

In 2002, Carol Duckitt and Helene Preston (nee Versfeld) decided that they would tackle this project again after several years of dormancy. The aim was to have a complete collection of everything that grew in the area. Free early herbarium premises in Darling were not ideal, so the current herbarium is located at the local school. For the first two years Carol and Helene collected every Tuesday and Wednesday during the winter and spring months, and did the mounting when not out in the veld. Sponsorship from Cape Nature helped purchase a computer and program, camera, and a GPS. The West Coast Biosphere pledged an annual amount for three years for the continuation of the project. The formal CREW project followed in 2003. We were one of the first five groups involved. They liked what Darling was doing and immediately offered further help with identifications and the provision of an intern for data capturing. By now a core group comprising Libbes Loubser, Maggie Fowle, Judy Wood and Helene Preston were collecting the Renosterveld and Carol Duckitt populating the Sandveld herbarium on Rondeberg. All the data was transferred to Cape Nature to input into the new Red List of Plants published in 2009.

The CREW monitoring continues under Helene Preston. In our premises, we were able to work regularly and mount and file all the specimens we collected. We also mounted and filed the entire specimen data collected by Pixie and Helene in the late 1980s. Importantly: in 1990 the Darling Wildflower Trust was established under Martin Halvorsen to add independent external trustee input and continuity in overseeing the Flower Society’s affairs. Proceeds of the annual show needed preservation, and the dream of an own conservation centre and herbarium required nurturing. Today a suitably located 2000 m2. plot of land in Darling has been purchased and is held bond free. A healthy cash investment holding is now needed to serve not only our natural heritage, but also our entire community. Town planning and design is currently ongoing. This is a task for the community to bring to fruition going forward. Energy, commitment to the environment and the greater community is needed – and some challenging work lies ahead! Your interest, assistance and input will greatly contribute.

The 100th Darling Wildflower Show 2017




















The Cape West Coast Biosphere Reserve is the second designated of the five Biosphere Reserves in the Western Cape. Biosphere Reserves are territories with beautiful landscapes which possess a wealth of species of fauna and flora. They bring together communities in dialogue to create solutions and models such that the environment and development can co-exist successfully. Biosphere Reserves are areas where these models can be tried and implemented.



Wheels of Time

Cape West Coast Biosphere Trails: Tel: 022 125 0049 • 0837084007 • email: info@capebiosphere.co.za • trails@capebiosphere.co.za


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Five Bay Trail

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Eve’s Trail


Darling Stagger


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Our Slackpacking Trails offer a wonderful way to experience the unique cultural and natural heritage of the “Weskus.” Trails are available 7 days a week. Maximum duration 2.5 days. Starts just 90 minutes outside Cape Town. 5 Trail options.

Heritage Trail

UU Get out of the car and walk amongst







the flowers but make sure to also look for the delicate, smaller species. Tread lightly and carefully so as not to trample plants unnecessarily. Please don’t pick any flowers. Many outlying areas do not have mobile phone reception. Make sure that you set off on your journey with a full tank as fuel is not readily available everywhere. It is thus also important that you take your own drinking water.

UU The best time for viewing is between




10:30 and 16:00 during the warmest part of the day when the flowers are open. The day temperature must be at least 18 degrees Celsius. Sunny days are best for the opening of flowers. Rainy or overcast weather is not ideal so avoid disappointment. Plan to visit other sights on such days. Flowers face the sun and are therefore best displayed when traveling with the sun behind you. Viewers are advised to travel north soon after departure and then to do most flower-viewing by moving in a southerly direction. When taking a circular route, try traveling in a westerly direction in the morning, followed by a southerly one and finally an easterly one.


UU Long pants/ trousers and comfortable shoes for walking around in the fields. UU Insect repellent is also essential.

ADVICE TO TOURISTS UU Try to book your accommodation in advance. UU The West Coast Flower Hotline 063 724 6203 is available from 08:00 until 20:00, 7 days a week (starting from 23 Jul - 30 Sep) UU Most towns along the flower routes have fuel stations, ATM’s and mobile reception. UU Please note that the further north you travel, the greater the distance between towns become! UU Stop and ask the friendly locals for advice on flower hot spots and distances. UU Namakwa/West Coast flower maps are available at all tourism information offices.

The 100th Darling Wildflower Show 2017



Geissorhiza radians – witring Kelkiewyn Geophyte with overlapping, hard, black corm tunics notched below. Leaves three, very narrow and grooved. Flowers few, cup-shaped with the stamens directed downwards and curled upwards at the tip, deep blue with a red centre ringed in white and a dark notch in the lower part of each petal. Flowering from September to October in damp sites, in sandy or often granitic soil, on flats between Darling and Gordon’s Bay.

Bulbinella triquetra – geel Katstert Geophyte with clustered roots. Leaves numerous, thread-like, triangular in section. Flowers crowded on a slender stem, star-shaped with smooth stamens, pale yellow. Flowering from August to October. Common on flats or rocky slopes, often on clay from Clanwilliam to Caledon.

Babiana ringens – Rotstert Geophyte with deeply buried corm covered with matted tunics. Leaves erect, narrow and stiff, pleated, hairless. Flowers strongly two-lipped with the stamens held in the tubular base of the longer upper lip, red with a yellow throat, unscented. Flowering from July to September, especially after fires.

Cotula duckittiae - Buttons Similar to C. turbinata but the flower heads are much larger, orange and with well developed ray florets. Flowering from September to October. Restricted to sandy coastal flats around Jakkalsfontein and Bokbaai.

Romulea hirsuta – pienk Froetang Similar to R. eximia but the corm is bell-shaped and the bracteoles with colourless, not brown, membranous margins. Flowering from August to September. Common and widespread in sandy soils from Clanwilliam to Elim.


The 100th Darling Wildflower Show 2017


Pelargonium fulgidum – rooi Malva Small shrub with somewhat succulent stems becoming woody. Leaves variously lobed, covered in soft, often silvery hairs. Flowers in radiating clusters of four to nine blooms on dark purplish stems, bright red. Flowering June to November. Growing on granite or other rocky outcrops from the Orange River to Yzerfontein.

Polygala myrtifolia - Septemberbos Shrub with broad, alternate leaves. Flowers showy, mauve or purple with two large petaloid sepals and the lower keel bearing a fringed crest at the end. Fruits flattened. Flowering mostly May to September. Widespread in a variety of habitats, in dune bush or sand dunes and on hillsides from the Western Cape to KwaZulu-Natal.

Lachenalia pustulata – knoppies Viooltjie Geophyte with one or two leaves, often covered with pustules. Flowers shortly stalked, cream, pink or bluish with brownish pink tips, inner petals with brownish or green tips. Flowering from August to October. Often in large colonies on sandy flats or granite outcrops from Saldanha Bay to the Peninsula.

Gladiolus gracilis – blou Pypie Slender geophyte with woody, strongly toothed corm tunics. Leaves usually four, the lowest is longest, stiff and with a prominently flanged margins. Flowers are usually blue, sometimes pink, grey or yellow with the lower three petals with dark streaks and usually very fragrant. Flowering from June to September. Common on wet clay flats and lower slopes from Aurora to Heidelberg.

Dorotheanthus bellidiformis – Bokbaai Vygie Low, tufted annual with fleshy leaves covered in glistening papillae. Flowers solitary, various shades of white, pink, orange and yellow, with or without a darker centre. Flowering June to September. This is a popular garden plant for drier areas.

The 100th Darling Wildflower Show 2017





Get your HAUS holiday ready.

Voor van links is Annie Basson (Volstruisfontein), haar seun, Michael (Oupos) en kleinseuns Nico Basson (Alexanderfontein) en Junior Duckitt (Oupos).



eld- en natuurbewaring is so te sê in die Bassons se gene, sê Christelle Basson, wat in 1970 saam met haar man, Nico, op die familieplaas Alexanderfontein gaan woon het. Dis ‘n jaar wat sy nooit sal vergeet nie, want dit kenmerk die begin van haar liefdesverhouding met plante en blomme. ’My oorlede man se ouma, Annie, destyds van Oupos, was ’n stigterlid van die veldblommeskou. Sy het haar liefde en passie vir blomme en die veld oorgedra aan haar kleinkinders – onder andere Frederick Duckitt van Waylands, Junior Duckitt van Oupos en Nico Basson van Alexanderfontein. Dié twee plase het tot vandag toe nog natuurreservate waar besoekers hulle aan die natuurskoon kan gaan verlustig.’ Die stigters van die veldblommeskou het gevoel dat die asemrowende blommeprag wat elke jaar ná die winter

al wat vlak en heuwel is, versier, so uniek en kosbaar is dat dit eenvoudig met die buitewêreld gedeel moet word. Darling se blommeprag is reeds voor die ontstaan van die jaarlikse veldblommeskou as ‘t ware die wêreld ingestuur deur Hildagonda Duckitt, destyds van Groote Post, wat die bekende Kew Gardens in Londen van nemesiasaad voorsien het. ’My oorlede man, wat Darling Romery in 1991 begin het, het met blou Pypies (Gladiolis carinatus) grootgeword, vandaar dié blom op Darling Romery se embleem, wat deur die jare onveranderd gebly het,’ sê Christelle. Die Bassons van Alexanderfontein en Rheboksfontein is trots op hul jarelange verbintenis met die Darling Veldblommeskou en wens dié instelling nog vele skouspelagtige jare toe.

The 100th Darling Wildflower Show 2017


SPONSORS The Darling Wildflower Society would like to thank the following sponsors for their contribution to the 100th Darling Wildflower Show.


WIRELESS Wireless Internet Dedicated VPN VOIP Phones Hotspots T: 022 433 2324

Charles Duckitt

072 723 2116






WORKSHOPS Visit www.darlingwildflowers.co.za to book your seat at one of the workshops and to find information on additional workshops to be hosted at the 100th Darling Wildflower Show.

SIMPLY BEE — EDUCATIONAL TALK Prof Peter Linder -University of Zurich, Switzerland

Helena van der Westhuizen — Simply Bee

15 September DURATION: 45 min | COST: Free



Workshop date and information will be available on www.darlingwildflowers.co.za.

Karen Moyle — Flowers on the Stoep 16 & 17 September TIME: 10:00 - 11:00 | DURATION: 1 Hour COST: R300pp

FLOWER PHOTO WALK Ron Moller, Jacques van der Merwe -Storyteller Productions 15 & 16 September TIME: 10:00 - 12:00 14:00 - 16:00 COST: R385pp

BOOKINGS: T: 082 573 7736 E: karen@flowersonthestoep.co.za


DID YOU KNOW? A “tussie mussie” refers to a small bunch of flowers or aromatic herbs. They originated in the early 1400s, and were usually made up of flowers that had specific “meanings” to the giver and receiver, and were given to friends or lovers to communicate messages that might not comfortably be said aloud. For example, white rosebuds mean an “untouched heart”, grass means “life is fleeting”, and rosemary is for “rememberance”.


AUGUST Duckitt Nurseries Open House


Duckitt Nurseries Open House

5 Aug Oudepost Farm, Darling 09:00 – 12:00 022 492 2606

2 Sep Oudepost Farm, Darling 09:00 – 12:00 022 492 2606

Darling College Sport Day

West Coast Endurance

5 Aug Darling Sport Club 08:00 022 492 3429

Women’s Day with Megz 9 Aug Villa Pescatori, Yzerfontein R60pp including light lunch. RSVP 4 Aug: 022 451 2794

Richard Stirton 12 Aug Evita’s Perron, Darling 18:00 022 492 3930

Game Night 15 Aug Wild Flour, Yzerfontein 19:00 for 19:30 Nadia 082 325 4907

Darling Museum Talk 25 Aug Darling Museum 022 492 3361

Waterkloof Fun Ride 26 Aug Darling Sport Club 022 492 3013

Charles Tertiens Comedy - Magic 26 Aug Evita’s Perron, Darling 022 492 3930

Groote Post Country Market 27 Aug Groote Post Winery, Darling 10:00 - 15:00 info@iloveyzer.co.za 022 451 2202 22

2 Sep Darling Sport Klub 022 492 3013

Darling Gymkhana 9 Sep Darling Sport Klub 022 492 3013

Quadbike Fun Run 9 Sep Elsana Quarry, R315 09:00 R180 per rider Nadine / Samaryn 022 492 2665

Game Night 12 Sep Wild Flour, Yzerfontein 19:00 for 19:30 Nadia 082 325 4907

100th Darling Wildflower Show 14-17 Sep Darling Sport Club Thu - Sat: 09:00 - 17:00 Sun: 09:00 - 15:00 Tickets: www.quicket.co.za Adults: R60 Scholars: R40 Pensioners: R40 (Thu & Fri only) Children under 13: Free 072 178 5744 / 084 916 1111

Duckitt Nurseries Open House 14-17 Sep Oudepost Farm, Darling 022 492 2606

Darling College Open Day 22 Sep 022 492 3429

Dit & Dat Market 23 Sep Yzerfontein Community Hall Hester 082 396 2258

Groote Post Country Market 24 Sep Groote Post Winery, Darling 10:00 - 15:00 info@iloveyzer.co.za 022 451 2202

!Khwa ttu School Holiday Programme 29 Sep - 8 Oct !Khwa ttu, West Coast R27 Bianca 022 492 2998

24hr Darling ttu MTB Enduro 30 Sep - 1 Oct !Khwa ttu, West Coast R27 10:00 - 10:00 Enter: www.darlingttu.co.za info@darlingttu.co.za 022 451 2202

Galjoen Derby 30 Sep Yzerfontein 07:00 Gawie Steyn 083 379 6044

OCTOBER Darling ttu Junior MTB Enduro 1 Oct !Khwa ttu, West Coast R27 11:00 - 15:00 Enter: www.darlingttu.co.za info@darlingttu.co.za 022 451 2202

Rocking the Daisies 5 – 8 Oct Cloof Wine Estate, Darling 022 492 2839 info@cloof.co.za


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