Ba session plan week 1 oct 15 bs

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Session Plan Programme:


Links to assessment criteria (where appropriate):

Level 1 Award in Administration (Business Professional)

Working in Business and Administration

Date: 06/10/2015



9.30am – 12.30pm

Bootstrap – Railway Road


Active Learning Outcomes

Resources Required:

(by the end of this session, learners will be able to…) Induction presentation, housekeeping, fire etc  LO 1: Discuss course overview

Enrolment packs

 LO 2: Complete ACCROSS paperwork

PowerPoint presentation – Session 1

 LO 3: Create group ground rules


 LO 4: Take part in a getting to know you activity


 LO 5: Research what business administration is and discuss the variety of roles


 LO 6: Discuss homework requirements

Timings (approx.)

Flipchart Markers

Teacher/learner activity and assessment

Lesson start(inc. recap of previous session, aims and objective/key questions, links to previous session, links to assessment, lively starter activity) 9.30am

= indicates learning styles

Registration, Housekeeping

1 hour Induction presentation – information about course and content

Answer any question/queries about the course

Introduce objectives for lesson (PowerPoint/verbal)

Sign-up paperwork



Create ground rules In groups of 3 write a list of ground rules that you would like everyone (including yourself) to adhere to for the next 5 weeks ď‚ž Each team will have the opportunity to share their ideas and then negotiate with other teams if they would like to keep/get rid of their proposed rules ď‚ž If you do want to get rid of a rule then you MUST explain why

Lesson middle (inc. teacher exposition, active learning, review and assessment)

Main body of session

Getting to know you activity You have been given an odd or an even number  Those with an odd number are in one team  Those with an even number are in another team In your teams, find (and write down) 10 THINGS YOU ALL HAVE IN COMMON  Once you have done that – See if you can find out something that could make you laugh, from a member of your team

PowerPoint - Session 1 - Slides of PowerPoint introduce different activities throughout.

Activity 1  In pairs  Log on to the computers  Research what Business Administration is  Work together to summarise a couple of sentences (IN YOUR OWN WORDS) to share with the rest of the class

Tutor introduction – What is BA

Activity 2  In pairs  List different job titles that are associated with an admin role  See how many you can come up with

Tutor – What types of roles are there

Lesson end (inc. summary of session, learning check, bridge to next session) 12.15pm

Recap on session – Outcomes on board

HOMEWORK  Using the internet or newspapers, find business administration job vacancies.  Write down a list of the different ACTIVITIES that the business administrator would be expected to do in their role  Example; Answer telephone

Next session….. You will be looking into;  The different roles of an administrator  The activities they may perform  How the work of an administrator help a team to achieve its goals

Session planning guidelines for inspirational and effective learning

When planning your session, have you considered the 6 key questions which are fundamental to effective teaching and learning? 1. Are students learning? 2. What are they learning? Why are they learning it? Equality and3.Diversity 4. Are they learning it in the right way? 5. Are learners maximising their potential? Does your session promote equality and support diversity? 6. How do we (and they) know they are learning it? Does your session take into account of the Differentiation specific needs of both genders, all ethnic groups and those with learning difficulties and/or disabilities? Does your session meet the needs of each of your learners? Does your session take information from the group profile relating to disability Consider the following elements of and make reasonable adjustment for that learner? differentiation: Does yourknowledge, session incorporate variety ofthat Content: skills andaattitudes teaching assessment methods tolesson. take into are set asand learning outcomes for the account different Recognising whichlearning studentsstyles? are able to progress and allowing Are your andtotopics them thematerials opportunity do so.planned in a way that is sensitive to equality and diversity? Process: activities that take place during the Does your session planned to make lesson.Varying learning activities toreference provide to and use examples fromforstudents a variety oflearning. cultures, appropriate methods religions, traditions, exploring stereotyping and other topics equality? Product: i.e.around the ‘work’ students produce in the lesson Are teaching resources accessible for all learners?

Functional Skills Even if you are not a specialist in Maths and/or English it is possible to support your learners in developing these skills

Stretch and challenge Research shows that embedding Functional

Skills results in better results on vocational Does your session develop and promote qualifications learner independence? Does your session offer opportunities for Have youtoplanned use differentiated learners developtoreading, writing or tasks to ensure and all learners challenged and speaking listeningare skills? supported to reach their potential? Does you session offer opportunities for developing Mathsdemanding skills? Do you set more homework for higher attaining learners? Have you spoken to the Maths and English tutors working with your learners explore Does your session encourage extra to research the they need to develop to maximise andskills reading? opportunities? Have you planned a range of assessment Remember, as we move towards Functional including requiring learners to 'analyse', Skills there are no portfolios, only tests so 'evaluate' and 'discuss' to promoteend these learners skills? need the opportunity for contextualised skills

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