ICT acceptable use policy

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Accrington and Rossendale College 2017-2018

Acceptable Use Guidance and Agreement 

In College, I can use Information Technology (IT) to help my learning. I agree to abide by these rules which aim to keep me safe.

I understand I must not install, copy, change or delete software on college equipment such as iPads or Computers.

I understand I must not tamper with any hardware.

I will only access the system with my own login ID and password, which I will keep secret.

When I leave a device I will log off so that nobody else can use my login.

I will only use material that is copyright protected when I have permission, and will acknowledge all sources.

I will only use portable pluggable data storage devices such as USB pens and hard drives that I believe are free from viruses.

I will not access other people’s files without their permission.

I will use the classroom computers for college work and homework but not social activities.

I will not use internet, social networking sites or email facilities in timetabled lessons unless directed by a tutor/ assessor.

The messages and content I send will be polite, professional and responsible.

I will not access unauthorised chat rooms or sites.

I will never arrange, over the internet, to meet strangers, or give out any of my personal information.

I will report any unpleasant material or messages sent to me. I understand this report would be confidential and would help protect myself and my fellow students.

I will not access inappropriate materials such as pornographic, racist or offensive material.

I will not post anonymous messages or forward chain letters.

I understand that the College may check my electronic data and can monitor my internet and email usage and that they may need to refer to the police or other services if they become aware of information that requires further investigation.

I will respect College IT equipment and not upload any material that may be offensive to others (including any material or content that may be identified as cyber bullying, harassment, discrimination or illegal).

If I become aware of any breach of the guidance or have concerns about another learner’s safety or IT usage, I will inform a member of college staff

Learner ICT Acceptable Use Agreement  I confirm that I have been provided with a copy of the College’s ICT acceptable use and e-safety guidance and have read and understand this.  I confirm that I understand and accept my responsibilities within this and that by accessing and using College ICT resources I undertake to comply with the guidance and restrictions within the guidance.  I confirm and acknowledge that if I do not follow or if I break any guidance, disciplinary action may be taken in accordance with the College disciplinary procedure and may result in Police action.









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