Note form the
Dr Michelle Williamson
Hello my name is Dr. Michelle Williamson, I am the founder of For the Discerning..For the Discerning is the World Wide resource for those financially free (or striving to be) who enjoy an eloquent, luxurious life style. For The Discerning is dedicated to those who demand an elegant, luxurious lifestyle. Those with discerning taste will find products and services to compliment their lifestyles. Our target market is millionaires and billionaires an those who aspire to be. Our business model follows the website, ie Aircraft, Yarcths, financial freedom, estates,’ attire, art and business best practices. We have positioned ourselves with partners who share the same practices in there goods and services. As I was starting this magazine a consulting firm asked me how many different languages was the magazine printed in. It was at this moment I realized how small the world is and how closely aligned we are.
This magazine is a collaborative effort from people all over the world. There is such a surprising rich collection of talent who have contributed to this project. We hope to bring you fresh information and ideas to join and elegant curious lifestyle. If you are interested or have additional questions please contact me. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you
Michelle Williamson Dr Michelle Williamson
06 Luxury Yacht
The mega yacht “Eclipse” was built for the Russian tycoon Roman Abramovich, at the cost of $1.2 billion (€ 870 million)
10 Luxury Aircraft Flying aboard a luxurious private jet does have it perks.
Luxury Real Estate Attire for men and women who live an elegant and
luxurious Lifestyle
Financial freedom
HEALTHY Lifestyles
Sunny Predictions
What is a true meaning of financial freedom?
Health? It remains a topic that concerns every life.
Need further insight?
Financial freedom What is a true meaning of financial freedom? It is the capacity to settle on life choices without compromising over budgetary limitations. Be sure! Financial freedom not only means to have more than enough money in your bank account. It makes you feel financially flexible within your budget. Financial freedom gives the capacity to leave the place of employment a person scorn without stressing over his next paycheck. it is synonymous with budgetary autonomy or early retirement, all of that appears to be utilized reciprocally nowadays. The way to encounter flexibility in finances is appreciation and gratitude. When an individual understand the idea of money related flexibility into reality, he takes a gander at the world in an unexpected way and settle on various choices.
In order to attain financial freedom the first important thing one must undertake is to be responsible and dependable.
Well! freedom of finances is more than just adding numbers into your assets, saving a huge amount of money, making effective budgetary decisions and investments. It takes a lot of effort and successful follow up plans. Surprisingly, 80% of the achievement in monetary stability such as financial freedom is brain research, and the rest is mechanics. When an individual develop an outlook that gives him/her the capacity to acknowledge life in spite of impediments and difficulties, then the equations and systems important to fabricate Money Machine can be actualized.
one must take into consideration is to comprehend the pay.
Becoming a financially flexible individual takes few steps in series to manage the finances. In order to attain financial freedom the first important thing one must undertake is to be responsible and dependable. The initial step on the way to money related achievement is to accept duty. An individual is in control of his budgetary future, and each decision he takes can have an effect.
Then, the saving and investing can be started. Getting a bank account is the most ideal approach to help an individual monetarily manage the vulnerabilities of life, for example, work misfortune, health issues, accidents or medical costs. With the help of a saving account, one can accomplish his money related dreams for example; paying children’s fees for school, buying an auto, travelling, or putting some money aside for retirement.
The next important aspect is to plan. one must Plot his course of expenditure. It is difficult to viably deal with the accounts on the off chance that the amount of cash an individual have accessible to spend is not known or have he should plan an arrangement on how to spend, contribute, and save. One must make a plan by characterizing his budgetary objectives. Another thing
Also, open a bank account. For saving money, a financial record is a safe way to keep the cash and helps one track his cash flows. A bank statement is issued after a certain period of time so that the record of cash inflows and outflows can be checked. A bank statement tells us the amount of cash that is spend in past month and the amount left in the account. This may also help an individual to point out and reduce the budget for unnecessary expenditures.
Now, after establishing an account and having a saving plan, make a budget for every month. In addition, managing credit card is very important. One must review the statement and bills of credit card regularly. A credit report is an accumulation of data about the record of loan repayment and it may significantly affect the finances.
The mega yacht “Eclipse” was built for the Russian tycoon Roman Abramovich, at the cost of $1.2 billion (€ 870 million) and was delivered on 9 December 2010. The massive displacement of steel super yacht Eclipse measuring about 170 meters, making it (or longer) largest private yacht in the world. Eclipse spends about $ 50 million (approx. € 36 million) each year to keep running, each fueling costs about $ 650,000 (€ 470.700) and has approximately 70 crew members who operate the mega yacht.
This is also the world’s largest private yacht with 558 feet length. It is the most expensive in terms of value for building private yacht. It is also the most expensive to rent a private yacht , with a price of $ 2 million per week.
The expensive and gigantic mega yacht can accommodate 62 guests in over 24 suites and cabins with over 8,000 square feet of living space, has two helipads, two pools, a disc lounge, a cinema, several hot tubs, a mini-submarine capable of dive to 165 feet (50 meters), three boats and even its own missile defense system. The main room Abramovich is reinforced with bullet-proof windows and a laser system designed to dazzle the long lenses of paparazzi photographers or protected. For added security, Eclipse is equipped with intrusion detection systems and a system of missile defense German manufacturing.
Aircraft Flying aboard a luxurious private jet does have it perks. There is a definite reason that the wealthy and famous enjoy traveling on a luxurious private jet. As a matter of fact, sometimes the affluent demand it as the only way they will travel. Some of the reasons may be for convenience or the distinctive security of traveling on executive aircraft, but the luxury cannot be denied. Flying on a luxurious private aircraft is the ultimate luxury. Luxurious
private jets are in vogue like never before and this is due to true globalization of business, which certainly means more and quicker ways for high flying executives. On many occasions companies or individuals need to fly whole delegations or friends to different parts of the country or world and one would not argue against the fact that a luxurious private aircraft come to the aid of the corporate companies or individual like nothing else. Even if
one was to choose a private airline, they can hardly match with the comfort level and flexibility. To be precise luxurious private aircraft are here to create a new revolution of the aviation industry and is global phenomenon.
Focusing only upon the business related relevance of the jet charter will be clear case of ruthless marginalization of the utility for there are many others avenues other than the business world that make much use of these jets. Private jets have proved extremely useful in time past in case of
disaster management of any nature and they are also used for transportation of very very important persons (VVIPS) and armed forces and celebrities.
Having the choice of choosing take-off time is a great feature of having a luxurious private aircraft. The plane is always ready whenever the owner or passenger is ready to leave. This is always useful when traveling in areas that could be dangerous. Be it the danger of a poor political situation in another country, or a poor meteorological climate in one’s own country. This makes the luxurious private jet an escape vehicle.
Private jets have proved extremely useful in time past in case of disaster management of any nature and they are also used for transportation of very very important persons (VVIPS) and armed forces and celebrities.
Having more options of where you can fly adds to the safety a luxurious private jet provides. In the United States there are only five hundred airports used by major airlines. With a private jet that numbers up to five thousand locations it can land and depart from. That means a lesser time in transit either by car or plane. Less time traveling is less time being vulnerable to accidents or planned assaults. There are reasons that high profile individuals want
to travel via luxurious private jet. Much of that has to do with the luxury and convenience not having to think about flight cancellations and delay, security check and customs queues. But there is the unspoken driving force of privacy, keeping their itinerary secret, who they are with in secret, and when and where they leave secret are all comforting features. This kind of privacy belongs not just to the famous but also to all those who travel on private jets.
Real Estate Thе rеаl еѕtаtе mаrkеt аlwауѕ ѕееmѕ tо bе grоwіng. Even аftеr thіѕ еvеr-burgеоnіng fасtоr, a tурісаl real estate іnvеѕtоr terms thе рrісеѕ of рrореrtу attractive. In thе mіdѕt оf іt, thеrе are mаnу іnvеѕtоrѕ who bооk losses in іmmоvаblеѕ due tо thеіr lасk оf соmрrеhеnѕіоn аbоut a certain aspect rеlаtеd to thе realty mаrkеt.
If you аrе looking for іnvеѕtmеnt options іn luxury real estate, dіg into the fоllоwіng tірѕ оn making successful іnvеѕtmеnt
Analyze the рluѕ points of location - In mаkіng уоur investment fruitful, thе lосаtіоn of thе рrореrtу mаttеrѕ a lоt. You muѕt nоt іnvеѕt іn a рlоt оr building juѕt bесаuѕе іt іѕ аvаіlаblе аt low rаtеѕ. The price оf thе аѕѕеt соuld be lоw because of a number of factors, whісh уоu ѕhоuld analyze wеll bеfоrе mаkіng the рurсhаѕе. If еxресtіng ѕоmе handsome returns, уоu should judgе аll thе аѕресtѕ аllіеd to thе lосаtіоn. Yоu should іnvеѕt іn a property that іѕ ѕіtuаtеd at a wеllсоnnесtеd, easy-to rеѕіdе lосаtіоn. Buying property аt a lосаtіоn, that hаѕ a dесеnt соnnесtіvіtу from the mаіn hubs of the urban and suburban аrеа will be a profitable dеаl. Vіеw frоm a lоng-tеrm реrѕресtіvе - Real estate іѕ аn asset thаt рrоvеѕ tо bе lucrative іf іnvеѕtеd аnd kерt well-maintained fоr a lоng реrіоd. You cannot bесоmе rісh іn juѕt a blink. You nееd tо wait and watch, аnd thе vаluе оf уоur frееhоld muѕhrооmѕ. Hеrе іѕ a ѕесrеt tір: wаіt fоr аt lеаѕt one year, before уоu rеѕеll уоur аѕѕеt. Delve іntо thе meaning оf lеаѕіng - Mаnу a people сhооѕе tо gіvе thеіr property on lеаѕе. If you tоо аrе thіnkіng over this, аѕk thе buуеr tо deposit аt least 20 percent оf the amount. It wіll fall in your fаvоr. In case thе buyer dеfаultѕ duе tо some сrіѕіѕ, they will lоѕе thеіr dероѕіt. Dоn’t gо tоо fаr bеуоnd your ѕtаtе - Avoid mаkіng real estate trаnѕасtіоnѕ in сіtіеѕ and ѕtаtеѕ thаt аrе tоо fаr аwау frоm уоu. Chооѕе a place thаt you can drive tо еvеrу often. It would bе wіѕе to buу real еѕtаtе іn уоur еnvіrоnѕ. Cоnѕult a сеrtіfіеd, еxреrіеnсеd rеаltоr - If уоu wаnt to hunt dоwn a ѕаfе tо invest location, іt wоuld be рrudеnt to саnvаѕѕ wіth аn еxреrt real еѕtаtе аgеnt in уоur town. Mоѕt importantly, thе аgеnt should hаvе a dесеnt understanding аbоut the ѕіtе аnd сіtу where уоu are lооkіng tо buy a unіt. They wіll make you understand the risks аnd gаіnѕ аѕѕосіаtеd wіth уоur dеѕіrеd whereabouts. In аddіtіоn tо the аfоrе-dіѕсuѕѕеd points, hаvіng a gооd knоwlеdgе аbоut thе рrореrtу іѕ оf a high importance. Yоur rеаl еѕtаtе аgеnt will hеlр you knоw thе dеtаіlѕ of your рrороѕіtіоn.
Attire for men and women who live an elegant and
It is very interesting to note that what you wear affects other’s perception of you. It’s obvious that it also affects how you behave. This implies that a perfect dressing code is a simple way of honoring yourself. For men and women in an elegant lifestyle, latest and luxurious outfit is the order of the day. Read through to understand the various luxurious suites for your events. The most important thing is to make sure you match the formality level of your industry. Most people think of the traditional business suits. Unfortunately, not all industries call for that level of formality. A gym teacher would look odd in a three-piece suit. Suppose you work in industries like law, finance, banking or even politics, opt for dark colored suits. They fit best in the occasions. Make sure to have matching pieces with clean lines in crisp fabrics. People oriented businesses like teaching, medicine and social work calls for dress attire that is less intimidating than suits. Opt for those with collar in fabrics and textures that are inviting. As you can see, varied work conundrum calls for its unique blend of fashion. With the festive season approaching, chances are that you might be receiving an invitation to an occasion. Party dresses have grown more expensive and elaborate
with time. For a formal evening invitation, an evening gown which is typically a full length dress made of luxurious materials like satin, velvet or chiffon will match the occasion. Cocktail dresses are perfect for a get together. A little black dress with a hemline that falls below the knees cannot miss the mark. Make sure to complement the outfit with tasteful accessories like jewelry and clutch purses. A choice of Italian suit complemented by an Italian scarf brings about elegance with a perfect color match. With a long coat and jeans with a hat, you’re assured of a prince look. Remember, for a young man, perfect color match along with a classy look is an outstanding feeling. To fully pack the brim, match up the outfit with Gucci fashion shoes. Gucci company constantly highlights the latest and most fashionable styles of shoes in the market. Considering the fast paced society, there has been a constant rise of new style inventions on fashion. Grooming seems to be the key thing. Combining traditional styles with new age style is blending up an outstanding fashion. Take a look at cufflinks in precision, many novelty cufflinks are now available in the market. For a personal touch, look for cufflinks which comes with your name script on them. Although this comes at a higher price, they bring out your enigmatic personality. In the past few decades, leather and luxury has had a link. The leather accessories are widely admired
by people of every age group. This is due to their durability and strength to wear and tear. It is worth noting that leather goods come at a high price. There are a number of stores that provide exclusive luxurious leather outfits at a matchless price. Putting on a leather jacket with a scarf complement builds up a luxurious fashion.
HEALTHY Attire for men and women who live an elegant and
Health? It remains a topic that concerns every life. To start with, what is health and why is it important? Generally speaking, health is the state of being free from illness or injury. In order words, it is a person’s mental or physical condition. Meanwhile, it can have different definitions to different people- depending on the situation that surrounds its use. In addition, healthy lifestyle can be regarded as a particular way of living which makes a person live longer; reducing the risk of illness or death. Do you know we can easily avoid so many things even though they are tagged “unpreventable”? Healthy lifestyle remains very crucial because once we are fit, energetic and the risks of having diseases are minimized; they would be the result of the daily choices we make about our habits. Healthy lifestyle is a priority for every individual to adopt, regardless of the class, financial status, sex or position in the society. Basically, from research, some “bad behaviors” are detrimental to our health and many are not too ignorant of this fact. Habits such as smoking, large consumption of alcohol, lack of exercises (many are guilty of this) and eating less fruits and vegetables; which study says are very refreshing and paramount for longevity. Luxurious lifestyle daily sends many to early grave also. It
does not matter how large, what matters is how rich, how nutritious, how balanced these four things are. Too much of alcohol is bad, smoking shrinks the lung. Some would say, okay… we are used to that line. But it remains a fact, still.
For the physical exercises, which a large number of persons hardly do; upon consumption of foods that have some bit of calories, they have to be expended lest some weight gain develops- which makes one prone to heart disease, diabetes and even cancer.
Luckily, there are some steps we can adopt to live healthy and correct the unhealthy mankind behaviors. Every activity one engages in should fit into the schedule and lifestyle that we preach. I will summarize them as “moderation is key”.
As regard the psychological and emotional healthiness, we would be talking about how much sleep is required by the body and mind to be mentally and emotionally fit. During sleep, their is a replacement of the cellular tissues and some metabolic activities take place. It is a period of reduced physical activity when there is a consolidation of the memory and for a healthy lifestyle, about 8-9hours of sleep will do.
They include: • Exercises (physical activity) • Moderate and adequate sleep • Keep a true smile • Correct and limit the addictions • Feel some peace within; be grateful and forgive. Furthermore, healthy lifestyle can be broadly grouped into two, these are: 1. Physical healthiness 2. Psychological and emotional healthiness The physical healthiness entails the food we eat, the physical exercises we do and the things we drink or smoke. They all contribute to the nutrient that are supplied to the body for the growth of cells and metabolic activities. The cardiovascular and musculoskeletal immune as well as the other body systems involved depend largely on this factor.
Another important thing to take note of is stress. The body has a way of prompting a response to the daily stress we undergo by releasing a hormone which makes us react, someway. It is important to relax our minds, to minimize or avoid pains, aches and insomnia. It is important to pause in the middle of some works or activities to relax; for a healthy psychological and emotional life. Other things include: not overfeeding, having good sex, do not stay lonely. And finally, what did I say about “moderation”? It is key.… Stay Healthy!!!
Sunny Predictions
The first week is not an ideal one for love life for Arians. That’s because Venus, planet of love and ruler of Aries’ house of couple, is in a conjunction with Mars in an unfavorable area of your chart. However, from second week, there will be drastic improvements and the VenusMars combination will be full of passion and energy. At work, by large, November 2016 stimulates Arians’ collaborations and team work, but also competition and rivalry. November 2016 has a lot of love potential for Taureans, especially during the first three weeks. The Sun energizes and enhances, and Mercury, ruler of Taurus’ house of love and sexuality, brings extra romance and sensuality. At work, partnerships and team work increase your income and you might sign new profitable contracts.
For Geminis, Love could come your way at every turn, but all the more during the last week of November 2016 when the Sun and Mercury will be in Gemini’s house of relationships. November is a good month for Geminis in regard to profession. The Sun and Mercury are in Gemini’s house of work, from where they form a very favorable aspect. It will be a busy and productive month overall.
The New Moon on November 11, 2016, that takes place in Cancer’s house of love, could herald the beginning of a new approach to sexuality and feelings. All things considered, you should know that only serious relationships make it, based on deep connections, where partners share not only pleasure, but also responsibilities. Financially, you’re okay by large throughout the month. November 2016 gives special drive to Leos’ intellectual pursuits, to communication and getting informed. It’s a month of mobility, sprinkled with a lot of traveling and meetings. After November 8 begins a term during which communication becomes very important for Leos’ love life or marriage. Going out or traveling too, they could bring an important meeting.
Mercury, ruler of Virgo’s house of relationships, favors travel in two, discussions, and written exchanges until November 20. Venus, ruler of Virgo’s house of money, is in conjunction with Mars, planet of initiative and action, for most of November. Also, Mars rules the other financial house of Virgo. There’s an array of signs pointing toward Virgoans’ vivid interest in business, increasing income, diverse transactions, investments, and so on.
Venus, planet of love, and Mars, ruler of Libra’s house of relationships, are both in Libra’s 12th house. It’s a house that limits freedom of choice and action and that could bring murky situations, confusion or bad luck. Luck starts favoring Librans beginning November 8 2016, when Venus enters Libra. And from November 12, when Mars enters the same sign, Librans’ love life becomes very active. At work, this will be a month full of energy.
Scorpio’s ruler is accompanied by Venus, planet of love and harmony, and by Jupiter, the Greater Benefic, in a house that has to do with socializing, friendship, plans for the future, and luck. Your professional skills are emphasized and, one way or another, your leader or organizer skills are used. You’re very driven, attract opportunities, and you can mobilize others to reach objectives. Professional opportunity is by Sagittarians’ side during November 2016. Jupiter, the Greater Benefic, full of impetus and great plans, livens up Sagittarius’ house of career for a long while from now on. You can attain success, achievements, and money, but in order to enjoy luck you have to work hard. Venus and Mars’ transits herald fun and delight during the last two weeks of the month. With Venus, planet of love and ruler of Capricorn’s house of eroticism, in Capricorn’s 9th house, connections based on cultural or spiritual communion and those opening up your horizons are favored until November 8 2016. On top of that, beginning November 8, Venus is in Capricorn’s house of career, in a position that offers power and independence. In November 2016 the strings of your relationship are woven together with those of your career. This seems to benefit you including financially, because the Sun and Mercury form a harmonious aspect with Neptune and Jupiter, both in Aquarius’ houses of money. Travel and long distances have an important role in Aquarius’ relationships throughout November 2016.
For Pisceans, excellent time for love, but also for joint initiatives and actions! Mars and Venus go through a discreet sector of your chart, better suited for subtleties and complex analysis than euphoric displays. November 2016 is excellent for studies, research, and pursuits related to the higher education, cultural, editorial, and even legislative environment.