THE NEW REALM In recent years, myriad computational technologies and theories has been applied to work with creative ideas to open a new chapter in the design field. Through explorations, they further branch into many unprecedented realms that produced innovative design solutions. As one of the most dominant innovation, ALGORITHMS have been able to transcend their role as frameworks of formalization and abstraction. This has been made possible in a large part by the integration of scripting languages into CAD programs. Algorithms’ output can now be directly visualized, and through digital fabrication methods this output can be built.
Yet beyond this, a computational approach to architecture enables the generation of the previously unseen. Forms that can longer be conceived of through traditional methods become possible. New realms open up. ————Michael Hansmeyer
ALGORITHMS - Logic Michael Hansmeyer’s project L-Systems examined the underlying logic, mathematics and chemistry of natural forms and how they merge with the computational technology to become a design tool. Within the project, a string-rewriting algorithm proposed by biologist Aristid Lindenmayer was applied to the design and modelling stages. The algorithm can model simplified plants and their growth processes with an astounding ease. Therefore, logic (like a story telling) and this morphogenetic formation seems to play a big role in communicating within its design components and with the readers.
By mapping and diagramming, the first part of the project is to visualize the algorithmic code and match up the design to logic. And the second part is to expand the L-systems into the parametric system so that it can respond to wider range of architectural design requirements. Referring to the Reading, its self-organisational and multiple performance capacity is communicating the exact future architectural thinking Architecture as a possible Autopoietic System
Beside conveying the new language that archictecture can speak, some other Michael’s projects are also delivering very innovative messages such as the Ornamented Columns, using doric and other classic orders as input to create evolutionary digital columns through algorithms. By adding new meanings, it turns out to be a good communication about its values.
Driftwood Pavilion Project London
In the era of massive infomation flow, Parametrization is a powerful tool while working with complexity, such as free form geometries. Then architecture becomes a network of multidependent data, a system of static and dynamic parameters. Driftwood Pavilion is such a project that used parametric technology to create a piece of architectural language to make connection with the audiences, to communicate. Through a computergenerated script which manipulated the movement of lines in a continuous parallel fashion, creating line drawings which formed the basis of a plan. Designer’s interests revolved around carving, eroding and layering. Containing such information, some can can feel sentimental connections to its conceptual links to driftwood and the sea; others praised its deeply sculpted form.
Also, thinking about another thing that was made possible or easier by Parametrization, its language also spell things for fabrication. Referring to Architecture and Visual Culture, communication are needed not only for stakeholders but also for the builders. And through the exploration of innovation on construction, robots are designed to take script of the design and then produce the structure. Such advanced technology used is also to communicate the idea of a digital future.
Seoul Performing Arts Center Proposal Korea
MORPHOGENESIS- Society Seoul Performing Arts Center by DMP architects was designed to be a emerging icon which it was also able to achieve social, cultural and ecological value through its Morphogenetic design. Located on a forgotten and isolated island at the center of the city, the Center’s undulating form enables interaction and integration with the surrounding landscape which once again connects the social and cultural fabric on both sides of the River. When a visitor crosses onto the island, the wetland around the Center then serves as a transition from daily urban life to the ceremonial experience of performance. As it is a iconic building proposal, one wants to see an image built on the island that represents our identity, describes humanity, reflects better life styles of everyone. The geometry of the roof is a moment of flapping of a bird’s wings, a soaring hope, it represents the city and its future. In our coming Gateway design, the idea of transition, being an icon and creating social values will be something that i can take inspiration from.
In terms of materials, Seoul Performing Arts Center has a Eco-Driven Roof which make the building sustainable and eco-friendly. While focusing on the structure and design, using green and materials that have a promising future is also a way to communicate the idea of innovation.
Parametric Design has no precise definition but its essence and potential lies in the application of it as a tool which enables or makes possible of various innovative architectural explorations. Through those explorations, exciting architectural thinking regarding to its system and deifinition was developed.
New perception towards architecture has been pointed out by architects such as Manuel de Landa, similiar to Michael Hansmeyer’s idea taken from nature, architecture aid by computational technology is now conceptualized as an open living system which has its bones and skins, which grows to adapt to the environment. Like the growth of a child, the bones develop together with the skin to make sure it functions the best. Then it comes to my personal interpretation, with the powerful computational technology, parametric architecture is shifting the idea of each design into a living cell which can absorb nutrition or other cells to grow into a bigger one, or it can take out its parts and re-generate new ones as some smiliar designs can share a same formular. Then when one cell is fully developed or dead, it will pass on its legacy to the network which makes possible links between various cells. The way it brings architecture to life is a huge innovation on rethinking it with a new system.
Enabled by the use of computational programming, the design process are much more flexible than drafting by hand, simply by pulling some control bars, adjustment can always be made also following a very logical order that computer generates.
The adoption of these new concepts and technology within architecture is directly related to the development of associative design at a scale of a city. The idea of the city is shifting from a industrial machine of production to a complex ecology which houses various living systems, thus the city itself is conceptualized as a living and breathing organism. The city now can be generated out of a network of parameters, following a certain logic to divide and arrange spaces within a running morphogenesis process.
Morphogenesis of Dreams The futuristic City Vision proposal in Venice.
Differing from the other design softwares such as AutoCAD, the tool of parametric scripting and programming empowers architects to produce things closer to their imagined fantasy. Before this, designs are always somewhat restricted by the modelling tool since softwares are scripted by engineers or programmers. However, now when design are generally based on parameters, designers and architects’ role shift to the progra-mmers who take control over tools.
Architects had never made buildings. In the past, architects were only meant to produce drawings and drafts. However, nowdays modelling on computers becomes the major focus as another big innovation during an architectural process. By modeling not only the form but the relationships of various factors within a building, these models go beyond static representations and are able to change dynamically to accommodate ongoing changes in the design. Also challenging the role of engineers and builders, design and buildings now can be easily produced following fabrication instructions. In this sense, a digital model provided by designers can lead straight to the actual production.
The Collaborative Cloud Project
In projects such as the Collaborative Cloud, located in Colorado where houses some highest activity wind corridors. Such information were suppose to be taken by architects as constraints during the developing process. However, with the computational technology, wind data were measured and programmed to be one of the design forces through stimulation. Therefore, wind became the medium for the project which drives design decisions. The process of developing a design to respond to its context can now work backwards which makes it work better within that environment.
For centuries architects have been inspired by nature’s forms and geometries. It is only in the past decades that much of the underlying logic, mathematics and chemisty of nature’s forms has been better understood. ——Michael Hansmeye
In many of the contemporary architecture thinking, taking ideas from nature was aruged to become a trend which has great influences on building activities, and means to apply natural process on architecture became the exciting exploration for architects. Computer scripting approach was developed to be one of the methodology which processes algorithms and complex mathematics to produce very logistic and natural mimetic forms. The Algorithmic Tower proposal in Shanghai is such a project which employs a code-based scripting methodology that generates a complicated bony structure through an aggregation logic.
While some says parametric design in architetcure is only to produce new skins as decoration, the Algorithmic Tower applied a mathematical approach to organize spatial articulation, to divide and combine, to therefore achieve an outcome without any skin attached where the structure itself was the core of design during scrpting experimentat
And exploration, as an important scripting culture according to Burry, was throughly taken in this design. Based on a bony form, the tower is comprised of three spines, eac spine is picked with the best individual performance among a set of developing stage. And then through calculation, adjustments are made to allow the three spines to grow spirally with each other, serving stair and elevators, private space and recreational spa accordingly while providing interacting public space as a whole at the same time.
Also, by tracing its script that the design left open, elements can be added on or take out to produce building with similar logic. It was said that the tower has not been built and further modification is in progress. In this sense, each finished architectural design through scripting is not anymore a period but a comma, a data resource, a door to discovery
While everyone is busy being blown away by the avant-garde style and advanced computational technology, there are still some concerns need to be taken into account since nothing is perfect. In general, surfaces and structures produced by scripting and programming are undoubtedly amazing as unprecedented creations, however, buildings are designed to serve the stakeholders and the broad public after all, question is to what extend can people without all those knowledge appreciate such sophisticated designs. So, is the trend of designing such buildings like the Algorithmic Tower somewhat shifting architecture towards a form of performative art? There are definitely some qualities from them that can mix to achieve something astonishing, but hopefully, some extravagant elements will not override the essence of architecture.
In terms of the design and its urban context, the Algorithmic Tower is on one hand a landmark which stands out with its organic avant-garde style among others and on the other hand, it might seems a bit unexpected with such a strong contrast with its surrounding. Ideal concept such as a uniformed Swarm City mentioned earlier will be time consuming since the heat and development of buildings like this has just started.
Imagining myself to actually go inside the building, the avant-garde structure together with the spiral might be a bit too overwhelming, can even be a bit confusing. From a psychological point of view, elements from a environment that we are not familiar with may create a sense of distance according to De Young’s Environmental Psychology. I personally think public buildings like the Algorithmic Tower may be accepted better with some elements added in as a transition. The role of architects and engineers has always been conflicting ever since the computational technology was massively used in assisting design. In this case, structure and composition are already calculated precisely by the computer, construction of the tower only needs to employ advanced machines and technology of fabrication. However, only some small scripted design such as screens and pavilions has been actually built in real life, construction of a tower like this with such a large scale may still face challenges which is good in a way to push the development of technology. But in a larger picture, when technology is developed so advanced one day, it will inevitably replace manual construction. Does it mean there will not be such a job as construction worker anymore? And I personally agree to some ideas from the Art and Craft movement in the history that the buildings might be a bit cold being just a product produced by machines.