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Diabetes Education
According to Diabetes Canada, 11 million Canadians are living with diabetes or prediabetes. Given the high prevalence and its impact on the health care system, effective patient education is an important factor in managing this disease. Continuing Education at Michener offers a variety of online courses for those who work with patients, clients or loved ones living with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes.
All courses are current to the 2018 Diabetes Canada Clinical Practice Guidelines and have incorporated the 2020 and 2021 Guidelines Updates.
Delivered online and led by Certified Diabetes Educators, the Diabetes Educator Certificate Program offers flexible and varied learning methods with objectives drawn from the International Diabetes Federation’s International Standards for the Education of Diabetes Health Professionals. The program is designed to provide you with the opportunity to enhance your knowledge about diabetes. In addition, you will explore the most effective means to educate your patients, whether you are new to diabetes education or working towards certification or credits through the Canadian Diabetes Educator Certification Board. This program is eligible for transfer credit in Athabasca University’s Post-LPN Bachelor of Nursing and Post-RN Bachelor of Nursing programs.
The Diabetes Educator Certificate Program consists of one course made up of six modules:
• Teaching and Learning • Pathophysiology • Managing Diabetes • Antihyperglycemic Agents • Complications of Diabetes • Special Populations and Issues

In addition to the Certificate Program, there are Diabetes Specialty Courses focused on special topics and/or populations.
DE801 Diabetes Management in Children and AdoleCEnts DE802 Diabetes Management in Pregnancy DE804 Diabetes Management in Older Adults DE806 Diabetes 101: Introduction to Diabetes DE807 Intensive Insulin Management DE808 Foundations of Foot Management in Diabetes: A Holistic Approach
“I completed this course with all my objectives covered and more. My knowledge and understanding of diabetes is so much more advanced.”
- Diabetes Educator Certificate student Winter 2021