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How to Apply
Michener accepts payment online, and by mail, fax, or telephone. Due to COVID-19, we are not currently accepting in-person registration or payment.
ONLINE (PREFERRED METHOD) Find the course that interests you at michener.ca/ce and click Register Online.
TELEPHONE Please have your Visa or MasterCard and the course code(s) ready. Call 416.596.3117 or toll-free 1.800.387.9066 (toll-free within Canada and outside the Toronto area).
FAX Fax your completed registration form with payment by Visa, MasterCard or purchase order to 416.596.3180.
MAIL Mail your completed registration form with payment by certified cheque or money order (payable to The Michener Institute), Visa or MasterCard or purchase order to:
Registrar’s Office The Michener Institute of Education at UHN 222 St. Patrick Street Toronto, ON M5T 1V4 Canada
For registration in CE Programs at the UHN Hospitals, please contact the program of interest directly.
The Michener Institute of Education at UHN
222 St. Patrick Street Toronto, ON M5T 1V4 416.596.3117 1.800.387.9066 ce@michener.ca