Michigan Golf News, October 1, 2010

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© Wales Tourist Board

The Ryder Cup Visits Wales

=================================================== Schedule of Events for the 2010 Ryder Cup Source: http://rydercup.com =================================================== -------All Times BMT (GMT +1; EDT -5)-------------Fri, 1 Oct: 07:45 - 15 min intervals AM Matches - Fourballs 07:45, 08:00, 08:15, 08:30 PM Matches - Foursomes 13:15, 13:30, 13:45, 14:00 Sat, 2 Oct: 07:45 - 15 min intervals AM Matches - Fourballs 07:45, 08:00, 08:15, 08:30 PM Matches - Foursomes 13:15, 13:30, 13:45, 14:00 Sun, 3 Oct: 11:30 - 12 min intervals Singles Matches 11:30, 11:42, 11:54, 12:06, 12:18, 12:30 12:42, 12:54, 13:06, 13:18, 13:30, 13:42 17:30 - 18:00 approx. Closing Ceremony http://www.rydercup.com/2010/usa/event/event_schedule.cfm “In This Issue” on next page

In This Issue

__/ October __/ Today's Daily Mail: http://tiny.cc/kmdv7 __/ Ryder Cup Update: PGA Media __/ After Five Years at Candlestone Golf & Resort, Mike Husby is Moving ON __/ GR's Scott Seiferlein Takes on Seven Golf Mythis in His New Video __/ Free Golf at Gaylord in Customer Appreciation Week - October 11-17 __/ MGN on the Road: World Golf Hall of Fame - St. Augustine, Florida __/ Michigan Golfer Magazine Fall Issue Now Online http://michigangolfer.com/fall10/ __/ New Shows on GLSP __/ Upcoming Michigan PGA Events for Professionals and Amateurs __/ Thad Gutowski - The Cyber Geezer - Part VII of a Series __/ Minzey's Musings __/ Michigan Golf Calendar __/ Michigan Golf Archives http://michigangolfer.com/mgn/archives.html __/ Michigan Golf History http://michigangolfer.com/mgn/history.html __/ Michigan Golf Association Links http://michigangolfer.com/mgn/associations.html __/__/__/__/__/__/___/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/ __/__/


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Edited by Art McCafferty artmccaf@glsp.com

Michigan Golfer Magazine http://michigangolfer.com/#pastissues Editor - Jennie McCafferty

Archived, graphic, Michigan Golf News: http://issuu.com/michigangolfer

Michigan Golfer Television http://michigangolfer.tv Producer - Art McCafferty

Associate Producer - Jennie McCafferty

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=========================================== RYDER CUP IS LIVE FROM WALES THIS MORNING ========================================== -------All Times BMT (GMT +1; EDT -5)-------------Fri, 1 Oct: 07:45 - 15 min intervals AM Matches - Fourballs 07:45, 08:00, 08:15, 08:30 PM Matches - Foursomes 13:15, 13:30, 13:45, 14:00 =================== DEVINE THOUGHTS =================== And we bitch about slow greens. Ken Devine WWII GOLF RULES Richmond Golf Club Players are asked to collect Bomb and Shrapnel splinters tp save these causing damage to the mowing machines. In competitions, during gunfire or while bombs are falling, players may take cover without penalty for ceasing play. The positions of known delayed action bombs are marked by red flags at at reasonably, but not guaranteed, safe distance therefrom. Shrapnel and/or bomb splinters on the fairways , or in the bunkers within a club's length of a ball, may be moved without penalty, and no penalty shall be incurred if a ball is thereby caused to move accidentally. A ball moved by enemy action may be replaced, or if lost or destroyed, a ball may be dropped not nearer the hole without penalty. A ball lying in a crater may be lifted and dropped not nearer the hole, preserving the line to the hole. Without penalty. A player whose stroke is affected by the simultaneous explosion of a bomb may play another ball from the same place. Penalty one stroke. http://www.therichmondgolfclub.com/ Editor's Note: Thanks and a Tip of the Tam to Ken Devine, former COO of the Michigan PGA, for this timely tidbit.

========= OCTOBER ========= “October turned by maple’s leaves to gold; The most are gone now; here and there one lingers; Soon these will slip from the twig’s weak hold, Like coins between a dying miser’s fingers.” Thomas Bailey Aldrich; Maple Leaves =============================== RYDER CUP UPDATE: PGA MEDIA ============================== NEWPORT, Wales – The road signs in Wales are displayed in two languages – Welsh and English. Most of the roadways – from the massive suspension bridge over River Severn at the English border through to Newport – proclaim the presence of CWPAN RYDER – "Ryder Cup." Emill neu Colli – ("Enish – nay – ko-shee") There are only two words this week that will carry any importance to visitors to the 38th Ryder Cup, making its first visit to a proud country of three million. Say it again, it translates to "Win or lose." Though the United States is the defending champion in the biennial meeting with Europe, it has a losing streak that Captain Corey Pavin would like to erase once and for all by Sunday evening. The U.S. last won overseas in 1993, when Pavin was a member of the victorious team that defeated Europe, 15-13, at The Belfry in Sutton Coldfield, England. The alumni who are here this week from that team are also working extra time - Davis Love III is one of four other assistant captains helping Pavin, while Europe's Colin Montgomerie is the Captain of a 12-member team with six talented rookies. "I would like to break that [streak] and take the Cup home with us. That's what we are here for," said Pavin, whose team has five rookies. "It has been a long time. I like Team USA and I think Europe's got a very strong team, as well. It's really just going to come down to who makes the putts and at the right times." With Final Preparations Complete in Wales, United States Attempts to Break 17-Year Road Woes by Capturing the Ryder Cup in Europe U.S. Ryder Cup Captain Corey Pavin was a member of the victorious team that defeated Europe in 1993, the last time the United States won overseas. http://www.pgamediacenter.com/pganews/index.cfm?articleID=2485&linkID=2464 ======================================================================== AFTER FIVE YEARS AT CANDLESTONE GOLF & RESORT, MIKE HUSBY IS MOVING ON ======================================================================== After five years as General Manager of Candlestone Golf & Resort, Mike Husby resigned his position, as of yesterday. "Five years and two days I have been on board here at Candlestone and it has been a

great ride. I am especially thankful for the support of owners, Steve Leach, Cathy Farr and John Durkee for providing the resources that allowed the team at Candlestone to undertake an almost a complete makeover in the past five years." (Note: Steve Leach and Mike Husby detailed some of the changes at the resort on their video channel http://glsp.com/candlestone/ , earlier this year.) Husby has a bold new challenge ahead of him, and he indicated he would be able to fill us in as soon as its a done deal. Husby, has worked at Sugar Spring CC, Michaywe GC, The Otsego Club, Wild Bluff CC, Marsh Ridge Resort, The Loon GC and Candlestone during his Pro and GM career. He also found time to design, Wild Bluff CC, The Loon GC, Marsh Ridge and two second nine hole courses in the U.P., Indian Lakes and Newberry. =================================================================== GR'S SCOTT SEIFFERLEIN TAKES ON SEVEN GOLF MYTHS IN HIS NEW VIDEO =================================================================== Scott Seifferlein has put together a new video detailing the seven golf myths and entered it into the Golf Channel's International Golf Instructor Search Contest. The video can be seen at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dg5f4Z5Ea08 The Selection Phase to determine the four contest Finalists has begun and will end on November 29th where the public will be able to vote on the four finalists. The grand prize winner will receive the honor of having his or her very own Golf Channel Show. More details can be found at http://www.golfchannel.com and http://images.thegolfchannel.com/downloads/instructor/rules.html ======================================================================== FREE GOLF AT GAYLORD IN CUSTOMER APPRECIATION WEEK October 11-17, 2010 ======================================================================== The Gaylord Golf Mecca is celebrating “Customer Appreciation Week” by giving golfers the opportunity to come up and play free golf and experience one of the countries premier golf destinations at an affordable rate. Visitors who book an overnight stay at one of the participating hotels that week will be able to play a free round of golf on one of the participating Gaylord Golf Mecca courses. This is a celebration of fall and a "thank you" to the many golfers from around the Midwest who have frequented the scenic destination over the past twenty years. Golfers simply call one of the hotels to book your room and mention you would like to participate in the “Customer Appreciate Week”. Each hotel guest will then receive a golf certificate upon check in. The certificate is then presented to the golf course in order to get the complimentary round of golf. For more information about how you can experience free golf during “Customer Appreciation Week” and a complete list of participating hotels, golf courses and rates please log onto http://www.freegolfgaylord.com.

============================================== MGN ON THE ROAD: WORLD GOLF HALL OF FAME ============================================== We received the following note from Jack Berry; "Good morning... I just looked at the hall of fame video and, since you're a veteran visitor, what has the attendance been like each time you've been there? I went to the one at Pinehurst (since torn down) and it was like walking through a mausoleum -- no one but stuff from dead people. A friend from my golf league has been to the resort twice to play golf and said you could've shot a cannon through the hall of fame without hitting anyone. Jack" *** Jack, regrettably your friend could be on to something, in that is how we have found the complex when there. There are a few of the businesses in the complex that have stayed the course since it opened up; Caddyshack, the Pro Tour golf store and the headquarters for the First Tee. We have visited the property during high and shoulder seasons and the lack of traffic was noticeable. As a partial solution to the attendance problem, the induction ceremony for the World Golf Hall of Fame was moved from this November to May 2011, where it will kick off a busy week at The Players Championship. The ceremony at the World Golf Village, about 20 minutes from the TPC Sawgrass, will be May 9. Officials are hopeful that inducting a new class on the Monday of one of golf’s biggest tournaments will increase attendance and attention. Actually, there are a number of Hall of Fames on the national level, that are having attendance challenges, including the new NASCAR Museum and Hall of Fame. Following years of speculation the College Football Hall of Fame will be relocating to Atlanta. Since it opened in South Bend in 1995, attendance figures have been disappointing despite its proximity to the University of Notre Dame. According to the AP, the hall had more than 150,000 visitors in its first year before dropping to an average of 60,000 a year. Nearer to home, the plaques located on the walls of Cobo Hall depicting the Michigan Sports Hall of Fame have been put up for sale. The purpose of the sale is to raise money for a mobile Hall of Fame that could be driven to places and people that are of need of it. I also wonder how our own Michigan Golf Hall of Fame is doing after it was moved to the Osprey property a few years back. Certainly the Grand Opening http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8lIxftiKoQ had its share of attendees, but I have not heard of its fate of late. However, while not the total answer, Michigan Golfer Television produced a series of 28 "Michigan Golf Hall of Fame" videos over the past decade. The viewership for the shows has surpassed 8,000. Here are the top dozen Michigan Golf Hall of Fame shows: Jack Berry 3,406 ( his PGA Lifetime Achievement Award show)

Ben Davis 678 Michigan Golf Hall of Fame Grand Opening Dave Hill 602 Dan Pohl 458 Walter Burkemo 446 Randy Erkskine 444 Robert McMasters 384 Chuck Kocsis 328 Glenn Johnson 274 Jerry Matthews 226 Sara Wold 216


Perhaps, this is the way it will be in the future, virtual Hall of Fames. Again, I am not privy to the attendance at our own Michigan Golf Hall of Fame, but I would assume that adding the over 8,000 viewers from our videos, would be a substantial contribution. ==================================================== MICHIGAN GOLFER MAGAZINE FALL ISSUE NOW ONLINE ==================================================== Contents http://michigangolfer.com/fall10/ Senior Tournaments Put Michigan Golf Back on the Map: By Jack Berry Michigan Tournament Round Up with Tim Hygh Strom Storms From Behind to Win Women’s Michigan Open Andy Matthews Wins Over Fouch and Do at the Tournament of Champions Brehm Wins Second Michigan Open at Orchard Lake CC Ron Beurmann Wins PGA Championship at Eagle Eye Teaching Pros Compete with the Touring Pros: By Brad Shelton Dyebolical: By Jack Berry The Golf Club at Harbor Shores Grand Opening: By BR Koehnemann For Pete’s Sake, Enough is Enough: By Bill Shelton Manitou Passage: Rebirth of King's Challenge: By Terry Moore Michigan Golfer Fall Issue http://michigangolfer.com/fall10/ Past Issues 1996 - 2010 http://michigangolfer.com/#pastissues ============================== NEW SHOWS ON GLSP NETWORK ============================== Michigan Travel Television

Scenes From Porcupine State Park http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxIq0yBh1H0

Michigan Skier Television

Stephen Kircher -Winter Olympics, the Golf Market and Pure Michigan http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8ecYP9c_cc

Michigan Golfer Television

Scott Hebert at the PGA Championship http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-B_2Y2PGJM Wisconsin Golf- Peter Allen and Mike Duff discuss their favorites http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTmzwSPmA7w

Sweetgrass GC - Jennie McCafferty interviews Dave Douglas, Dir. of Golf http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQ5g4spcm40

Michigan Runner Television

Marathon Oasis de Montreal http://michiganrunner.tv/2010montreal/ The 2010 Crim Festival of Races http://michiganrunner.tv/2010crim Milford Labor Day 30K http://michiganrunner.tv/2010milford/ Kensington Challenge http://michiganrunner.tv/2010kensington/ Playmakers Spartan Invitational http://michiganrunner.tv/2010spartan_invite/ Run Wild for the Detroit Zoo http://michiganrunner.tv/2010runwild/

=================================================================== UPCOMING MICHIGAN PGA EVENTS FOR PROFESSIONALS AND AMATEURS =================================================================== The Michigan PGA has two events left this year in the WholesaleGrips.com Stroke Play Series presented by SkyCaddie. These are individual stroke play events for professionals and amateurs. The cost of each event is $100 and includes golf, range, cart and a purse for the professionals and gift certificate money redeemable at the host facility for amateurs. The series started in the spring and consists of 6 total events. The two upcoming events include: Pine Lake Country Club, Orchard Lake - October 5 Barton Hills Country Club - October 12 You can sign up online by going to http://www.michigan.pga.com and click on tournaments. For more information or any questions please contact Justin Phillips at jphillips@michiganpga.com . Justin M Phillips Tournament Supervisor/Director of Junior Tour ========================================================= THAD GUTOWSKI - THE CYBER GEEZER = PART VII OF A SERIES ========================================================= Like most guys I remember my first car, my first girl friend and my first portable telephone. I’ll spare you the details on the car and the girl friend. It was 1983 when I bought my first mobile-phone, called that because to function it required a hook-up to an automobile’s DC electrical system. Shortly after, I acquired a truly portable phone, a huge gizmo with heavy batteries in a large canvas bag that I slung over my shoulder. The dashboard cigar lighter socket served as the recharging station. So what does this have to do with internet marketing? Not much, except one didn’t see teen-agers then obsessed with cell-phone texting someone sitting an arms length away! I presume you have developed an email address list consisting of: guests at your facility, website visitors, online and telephone tee-time bookings, trade show visitors and overall networking, to name the most effective list-builders. And let’s not forget emails and newsletters “send to friend.” All this may take a bit of effort but that’s probably why your competition isn’t doing it.

Recently Bay Paul, the creator and CEO of Course-Logix, a Michigan based, full-bore internet marketing operation, geared exclusively for golf facilities, told me: “It’s a numbers game. The more golfers you have in your database, the more people you can reach with email. The more people you reach equals more potential customers. With that in mind, we designed our system so that its key theme is to grow a course database faster. Through the use of loyalty programs, viral marketing, and kiosks, we have proven that our clients grow their database 5 times faster than their competition. In fact, many of our clients grow their email database to 3,000 strong in the first year. These are not just email address, but full golfer profiles. Our client courses have the ability to slice and dice their golfer lists and send targeted email communications with purpose.” The keyword in Mr. Paul’s statement is “targeted.” Are you sending messages prepared for specific targets on your email list: juniors, seniors, women, couples, low or high handicappers, frequent golfers, not so frequent - the possibilities are endless. Knowing as much as you can about your specific customers could be the key to future success or even survival. (The National Golf Federation predicted recently that ten-per cent of America’s golf courses will close each year until supply and demand is in balance.) Your list is not unlike your customer base which is experiencing a certain degree of attrition. Customers die, quit the game, move away, find another course, you name it. So constantly adding new names and profiles is critical to keeping your list viable. So how do you get your list to deliver what you are looking for - additional profitable revenue? The answer is quite simple. Give your email readers something they don’t get from the outfit down the street. As Wee Willy Keeler, a Hall of Fame outfielder with the 1890 Baltimore Orioles, said when asked how he maintained a career batting average of .347 - “I hit ‘em where they ain’t.” In other words, don’t follow the pack that sends nothing much beyond low-ball prices. Give your readers a compelling reason to open and read your message, before they send it on to others. I read a NGF report that eighty per-cent of daily-fee golfer’s play about 80% of their rounds on three courses. About half on their “favorite course” and the balance on the other two. Think about it, just a slight alteration in this distribution can deliver you a handsome increase in rounds and revenue. Here’s the sixty-four dollar question: Have you surveyed your list to determine what they like about your facility, or better yet, what they do not? This takes a bit of intestinal fortitude for you may hear something that is not endearing. But from personal experience I know when you send a response to the later; you have a customer for life! I forget who said, “Good businessmen want to hear what their customers like about them. Better businessmen want to hear what customers don’t like about them.” Reminder: This series is not intended to reinvent the wheel, but to remind appropriate readers that successful marketing takes time and effort, no matter what media is employed. Incredibly low-cost email is no exception. My contact: cybergeezer@inbox.com

================== MINZEY'S MUSINGS ================== Truths For Mature Adults 1. I think part of a best friend's job should be to immediately clear your computer history if you die. 2. Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you're wrong. 3. I totally take back all those times I didn't want to nap when I was younger. 4. There is great need for a sarcasm font. 5. How in the heck are you supposed to fold a fitted sheet? 6. Was learning cursive really necessary? 7. Map Quest really needs to start their directions on # 5. I'm pretty sure I know how to get out of my neighborhood. 8. Obituaries would be a lot more interesting if they told you how the person died. 9. I can't remember the last time I wasn't at least kind of tired. 10. Bad decisions make good stories. ============================= 2010 MICHIGAN GOLF CALENDAR ============================= October 1-3 Ryder Cup, Celtic Manor Resort, Newport, Wales 2 Golf League Championship Tournament. Eagle Eye Golf Course, Bath http://www.migolfleague.com or http://www.mgcoa.org 9-10 Toughman Scramble, Treetops and Black Bear GC, Gaylord and Vanderbilt, MI http://www.treetops.com/index.php?method=golf&subpage=Toughman_Tournament 15-16 MHSAA - Girls Finals (LP) Division 1 - Eagle Crest Resort Division 2 - Forest Akers West Division 3 - Forest Akers East Division 4 - The Meadows

November and December 30 - Dec 2 Michigan Golf Business Conference and Vendor Fair, Amway Grand Plaza Hotel, Grand Rapids http://www.mgcoa.org ------------------------------------------

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