Michigan Golf News, September 17, 2010

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Photo by Carter Sherline / Frog Prince Studios

Tom Watson, one of the hottest draws in Senior Golf

In This Issue __/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __/

Michigan Golfer Magazine Fall Issue Now Online Ryder Cup Videos with Bill Shelton and Mike McCafferty Treetops Has Another Successful Patriot Day and Now Looks to the Pepsi Twelve Reasons Golf is the Greatest - NY Times: By Bill Pennington http://onpar.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/05/30/twelve-reasons-golf-is-the-greatest/ Devine Thoughts Three Michigan Golfers Will Compete in Mayacama GC in California for the USGA Men's State Team Tourney New Shows on GLSP Cyber Geezer Minzey's Musings Alternative Treatments Par for the Course in Dealing with Joint Discomfort: By Tamer Elsafy Michigan Golf Calendar Michigan Golf Archives http://michigangolfer.com/mgn/archives.html Michigan Golf History http://michiigangolfer.com/mgn/history.html Michigan Golf Association Links http://michiigangolfer.com/mgn/associations.html

CIRCULATION 16, 347 Subscribe http://lyris.dundee.net/read/all_forums/subscribe?name=michigangolfnews Edited by Art McCafferty artmccaf@glsp.com Michigan Golfer Magazine http://michigangolfer.com/#pastissues Editor - Jennie McCafferty Archived, graphic, Michigan Golf News: http://issuu.com/michigangolfer ============================================================ RYDER CUP VIDEOS WITH BILL SHELTON AND MIKE MCCAFFERTY ============================================================ It's Ryder Cup time, so I thought we would trot out these past shows on the history of the Ryder Cup. Our first host of the Michigan Golfer Television Show, Bill Shelton, was also my boss at Eastern Michigan University. Bill, as well as his son, Brad, who has also done some writing for us, remain participants and fans of the game. As President of EMU, Bill was familiar with our son Mike, as he was voted one of EMU's outstanding students during his tenure. When I had the idea to do a series on the Ryder Cup I thought Bill and Mike would work well together-- Bill as our host and Mike as "The Haig". We had some fun putting the series together and Bill and Mike worked well as a team. We had a small grant from Dick's Sporting Goods, who supplied the golf shirts and vests that were worn during the series. We were trying to positon our new Michigan Golfer Internet Channel at the turn of the century to be a video "player" when the Cup came to Oakland Hills. We managed to cover the Oakland Ryder Cup, as well as the Ryder Cup at the K Club, with the help of Mike Biber as a benefactor and Susan and Paul Bairley as our crew. Then two years ago, Bill Shelton and I covered the Ryder Cup at Valhalla in Kentucky. This year, we did not have the budget to get someone to Wales to cover the Cup, but Jack Berry will give us an overview in an accompanying article in this newsletter. Where are they now? Bill and his son Brad represented the Michigan Golfer at the French Lick opening and also at the PGA Championship at Whistling Straits. Mike is still in LA doing the acting bit http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0564530/. In fact his latest commercial for Fed Ex aired during the Lions game this weekend http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gfgJ4Zz-BtI&feature=youtu.be Anyway, if you have some time, you can quickly catch up on the Ryder Cup history with our plethora of shows. 2008 2007 2007 2006

Introductions of Past Captains - Bill Shelton http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uSgeVG3ikQo Ryder Cup Memories - Mike Biber, Doug Bell and Cathal O'Sullivan http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Mf4-Stx_3g The Concession at the Ryder Cup - Tony Jacklin and Vanessa Bell http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_3Ubef9FRU Susan Bairley at the K Club http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqXiD3dGZ2s

2006 2004

1990's 1980's 1970's 1960's 1950's 1940's 1937 1935 1933 1931 1929 1927

Dave Hill and his Ryder Cup Matches http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGUoKfu4CT8 Introduction to the Oakland Hills Ryder Cup - Bill Shelton and Mike McCafferty as "The Haig" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vClBuduFCg Ryder Cup Matches of the 1990's Bill Shelton and Mike McCafferty as "The Haig" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJUopguz7iE Ryder Cup Matches of the 1980's Bill Shelton and Mike McCafferty as "The Haig" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HE1O9XW7DJs Ryder Cup Matches of the 1970's Bill Shelton and Mike McCafferty as "The Haig" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oJINhux6VE Ryder Cup Matches of the 1960's Bill Shelton and Mike McCafferty as "The Haig" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZplj529zms Ryder Cup Matches of the 1950's Bill Shelton and Mike McCafferty as "The Haig" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2t_jo6EFYWc Ryder Cup Matches of the 1940's Bill Shelton and Mike McCafferty as "The Haig" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pq4NUHrxPBg Ryder Cup Matches of 1937s Bill Shelton and Mike McCafferty as "The Haig" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIXsvbvpBx4 Ryder Cup Matches of 1937s Bill Shelton and Mike McCafferty as "The Haig" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKLsq_B87Cw Bill Shelton and Mike McCafferty as "The Haig" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5-t1Ap3MgU Bill Shelton and Mike McCafferty as "The Haig" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zk6L5lLT2no Bill Shelton and Mike McCafferty as "The Haig" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a68FEiZZoF4 Bill Shelton and Mike McCafferty as "The Haig" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADPnBS5QmWU

================================================= MICHIGAN GOLFER MAGAZINE FALL ISSUE NOW ONLINE ================================================= Contents Manitou Passage: Rebirth of Palmer's Kings Challenge - Terry Moore Senior Tournaments Put Michigan Golf Back on the Map– Jack Berry Dyebolical Pete– Jack Berry Strom Storms From Behind to Win Women’s Michigan Open – Tim Hygh Andy Matthews Wins the Tournament of Champions – Tim Hygh Brehm Wins Second Michigan Open – Tim Hygh Ron Beurmann Wins PGA Championship – Tim Hygh Teaching Pros Compete with the Touring Pros –Brad Shelton The Golf Club at Harbor Shores Grand Opening – BR Koehnemann For Pete’s Sake, Enough is Enough – Bill Shelton http://issuu.com/michigan_golfer/docs/mg0910 Past Issues 1996 - 2010


=========================================================================== TREETOPS HAS ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL PATRIOT DAY AND NOW LOOKS TO THE PEPSI =========================================================================== Kevin McKinley, Director of Golf at Treetops, was happy about the turnout at the Patriots Day golf outing and now is looking forward to the Pepsi Fall Charity Invitational. Once again, they expect over 100 four person teams to take on the courses designed by Jone, Smith and Fazio. You can check out past tournaments at the Treetops Television Channel http://glsp.com/treetops/ ================================================================ TWELVE REASONS GOLF IS THE GREATEST - NY TIMES: By Bill Pennington ================================================================ Click on: http://onpar.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/05/30/twelve-reasons-golf-is-the-greatest/ ================= DEVINE THOUGHTS ================= This is about the most amazing thing I have seen this year. Yes it is about a golfer but it is so much more than that.... It is why it is Always enjoyable to get up in the morning. You never know when you are going to see something truly amazing that resonates For a long while.... And believe me it is worth watching! http://video.yahoo.com/video/play?vid=1197420 Ken Devine, is the former COO of the Michigan PGA. ============================= NEW SHOWS ON GLSP NETWORK ============================= Michigan Travel Television Scenes From Porcupine State Park http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxIq0yBh1H0 Michigan Skier Television Stephen Kircher -Winter Olympics, the Golf Market and Pure Michigan http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8ecYP9c_cc Michigan Golfer Television Scott Hebert at the PGA Championship - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-B_2Y2PGJM Wisconsin Golf- Peter Allen and Mike Duff discuss their favorites http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTmzwSPmA7w Sweetgrass GC - Jennie McCafferty interviews Dave Douglas, Dir. of Golf http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQ5g4spcm40 Michigan Runner Television Marathon Oasis de Montreal - http://michiganrunner.tv/2010montreal/ The 2010 Crim Festival of Races - http://michiganrunner.tv/2010crim Milford Labor Day 30K http://michiganrunner.tv/2010milford/ ============== =============================================================================== ============== THREE MICHIGAN GOLFERS WILL COMPETE IN MAYACAMA GC IN CALIFORNIA FOR THE USGA MEN'S STATE TEAM TOURNEY

=============================================================================== ============================ Three Michigan golfers are headed to Mayacama Golf Club in Northern California for the USGA Men’s State Team tournament. T Hills), Joseph Juszczyk (Dearborn Heights), and Eric Lilleboe (Okemos) make up Michigan’s team. GAM Executive Director David Graham is the team captain; he does not play in the tournament. The GAM selects the team for the USGA Men’s State Team based on “honor roll points” they earn from their performance in GAM and USGA events. Lilleboe, 22, is the youngest player on the team and graduated from Ferris State University last spring. He was a first-team All-American in 2010 and posted seven championships and five runner-up finishes during his college career. Lilleboe and Juszczyk were pitted against each other in the semifinal round of match play at this year’s Michigan Amateur tournament. Lilleboe advanced to the final where he lost to Joey Garber 2&1. Juszczyk, 23, also graduated this past spring and was a two-time NCAA Division II All-American at Wayne State University. He finished 3rd in the 2010 GAM Championship. Champine, 38, is the senior member of the group. He acquired his private airplane pilot’s license last year and when he is not on the links operates Unicus Air. Champine was runner-up at the GAM MidAmateur this year. Michigan’s team begins teeing off at 1:39 p.m. PST on Tuesday, Sept. 14. There will be live scoring updates on the USGA web site at www.usga.org. Taken from a GAM release by Susan Smiley. ================== MINZEY'S MUSINGS ================== Did you ever wonder why there are no dead penguins on the ice in Antarctica where do they go ? Wonder no more! ! ! It is a known fact that the penguin is a very ritualistic bird which lives an extremely ordered and complex life. The penguin is very committed to its family and will mate for life, as well as maintaining a form of compassionate contact with its offspring throughout its life. If a penguin is found dead on the ice surface, other members of the family and social circle have been known to dig holes in the ice, using their vestigial wings and beaks, until the hole is deep enough for the dead bird to be rolled into and buried. The male penguins then gather in a circle around the fresh grave and sing: "Freeze a jolly good fellow" "Freeze a jolly good fellow." "Then they kick him in the ice hole." *** The Washington Post's Mensa Invitational once again invited readers to take any word from the dictionary, alter it by adding, subtracting, or changing one letter, and supply a new definition.

Here are the winners: 1. Intaxicaton : Euphoria at getting a tax refund, which lasts until you realize it was your money to start with. 2. Bozone ( n.): The substance surrounding stupid people that stops bright ideas from penetrating. The bozone layer, unfortunately, shows little sign of breaking down in the near future. 3. Giraffiti : Vandalism spray-painted very, very high 4. Sarchasm : The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person who doesn't get it. 5. Inoculatte : To take coffee intravenously when you are running late. 6. Karmageddon : It's like, when everybody is sending off all these really bad vibes, right? And then, like, the Earth explodes and it's like, a serious bummer. 7. Decafalon (n.): The grueling event of getting through the day consuming only things that are good for you. 8. Glibido : All talk and no action. 9. Dopeler Effect: The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly. 10. Arachnoleptic Fit (n.): The frantic dance performed just after you've accidentally walked through a spider web. ======================================================= THAD GUTOWSKI - THE CYBER GEEZER = PART VI OF A SERIES ======================================================= I planned to begin this column touching base on email list-utilization, but a message I received a short time ago has forced a change. The sender, a three-star golf course employee, said in effect this series on creative internet marketing was an exercise in futility, because golf today is “all about price…so get off selling the sizzle crap!” One might think I didn’t want to hear this, but au contraire! It gives me an opening to touch base on something I have found for a long time, troubling. And regrettably I suspect the writer’s attitude may be shared by more than a few in the golf business today. Okay, I agree the industry has done a masterful job of reducing the perceived value of a round of golf. I have signed up for a ton of golf course emails and must admit with rare exception; almost all I receive are low-ball prices. If there is any other content, it is too often badly done. It is painfully obvious that creative writing is not a high priority in Michigan golf marketing. But I don’t agree the over-all market is looking exclusively for the lowest price. And there is ample evidence to support my position. Therefore the mission is to determine what niche your facility is best to promote, and then do so in a pleasantly aggressive manner. While writing this piece today, I was most pleasantly surprised to receive an email for the first time from a true Michigan golf icon: Belvedere Golf Club in Charlevoix. Only after a well-crafted story on the history of the facility and the results of an online survey of their customers was price mentioned.

And I might add, in a classy manner. This is exactly what I have been writing about the past several weeks. Merci, Belvedere! At the risk of being redundant, your email list is a very valuable asset and should be treated as such. Much of what I have to say may be elementary. But to draw a parallel with golf swing execution, often one must return to the basics. Right Tiger? Email marketing is a godsend because the cost is incredibly affordable when compared to other methods of getting a message to the target market. Ask yourself what cost-effective avenues are available today and the internet is the hands-down winner. There are two options to developing a list: create your own or buy/rent one. The first method very likely provides the best quality, but takes more effort and may be the least expensive. Acquiring an established list is the quickest but could be somewhat costly up-front, so let’s start there. Renting a list may initially look like a silver bullet, but let the buyer beware. In most cases you don’t have access to the list. The supplier handles everything beyond creating the actual message in text and/or HTML, so you must trust that everything is on the up-and-up. Specifically that the list is as advertised, includes only opt-in addresses and fits the demographics agreed upon. In line with this, you may find the following of interest: A popular Southeast Michigan daily-fee course has a rather significant list developed over the past several years. Most of these addresses are regular customers, so renting a list could bring a message to many who probably had never been a visitor. Their email went to 4,000 subscribers of Golf and Golf Digest with an annual income of over 75k, who lived within ten miles of the golf course. The hook was a free round of golf if the recipient joined their e-club. The email suppliers tab came to about $800. That was the risk. Here’s the reward, so to speak. A disappointing one hundred and ten individuals signed up for the free round. I’ll do the math. That is a return of just 2.75 per-cent and represents $7.27 cost per address gained. Certainly nothing to write home about. But wait. Chances are those who downloaded the complimentary round wouldn’t come alone, and probably would bring at least one buddy who would pay the going green-fee rate of $40. Resulting in gross sales of $4,400. – not counting the food and beverage they may purchase. The cost per name would then be a more acceptable $4.00 each. Of course, if more than one person accompanied the new guest the cost per name would decline even more. I’ll stop here with the probabilities! Personally I believe any time you can get your out-of-pocket cost back on any promotion it is well worth considering. I believe it was my very distant relative General Tadeusz Kosciusko a hero of the American Revolution, who first said, “You have to spend money, to make money.” Damn, I’m out of space so we will address the subject of developing your own list another time. The winner of this week’s highly coveted Cyber-Geezer email award goes to Boyne for the knock-out wireless message I received today. Talk about first-class! You can get to me via: cybergeezer@inbox.com =============================================================================== ==============

ALTERNATIVE TREATMENTS PAR FOR THE COURSE IN DEALING WITH JOINT DISCOMFORT: By Tamer Elsafy ======================================================================== When Phil Mickelson told the golf world recently he was dealing with a case of psoriatic arthritis right before the U.S. Open, many hoped for a full recovery. Golf fans all over then began to share stories of their own personal battles with the many forms of arthritis and joint pain. Why? Because arthritis affects more than 45 million Americans and is the leading cause of disability in the U.S. A quick scan of any golf course in the country will produce more than a hof golfers who also suffer from the disease. Joint discomfort affects everything from wrists, hands, knees and a person’s back – each a critical element for a successful golf game. And as any golfer knows, when there’s discomfort in any of those body parts, making par is actually the last thing on anyone’s mind compared to feeling better. Historically, golfers turned to prescription and over-the-counter pain medications for relief. But frustrated with the skyrocketing costs and side effects of prescriptions, product recalls on over-the-counter meds, and long wait times just to see the doctor have forced many golfers to seek alternative treatments for joint discomfort relief. Long known for their all-natural herbal powers, dietary supplements are making a big impact based on proven ingredients like CM8, which is known to rebuild lost cartilage in joints and lubricate for better mobility. Golfers are embracing dietary supplements like Flexcin because it helps relieve the joint discomfort without any side effects that may affect a golf game. Another form of treatment that’s making a noticeable impression on the golfing community is chiropractic therapy. Chiropractors provide relief for men and women golfers of all ages and talents. Even Tiger Woods has made it clear that going to his chiropractor has helped him succeed. A third form of treatment, acupuncture, is based on energy flow in the body and balance of opposites like extreme heat or cold. A good flow of energy affects different parts of the body. If energy is flowing well in the body, then there is optimal health. Likewise, bodies need to be not too cold or too hot. It’s the balance of these factors that attribute to a golfer’s health. Mickelson noticed his psoriatic arthritis five days before the U.S. Open and he said the pain was so severe he visited with the Mayo Clinic. What makes psoriatic arthritis so dangerous is its ability to attack the joints and tendons. The all-star golfer found his own non-traditional way of coping with his arthritis – he became a vegetarian. He believes a healthier diet may prove beneficial in keeping the arthritis at bay, an approach also mirrored by many other golfers. Taken and edited from a Tamer Elsafy article. Tamer Elsafy is the CEO and founder of Flexcin, a dietary supplement that helps nourish joints for better mobility. For more information visit http://Flexcin.com. ============================= 2010 MICHIGAN GOLF CALENDAR ============================= September 18 MIAGT Tour Championship, The Grande Golf Club, Jackson, MI http://www.miagt.com/index.php?pg=schedule

26-28 23rd Annual Pepsi Charity Invitational, Treetops Resort, Gaylord, MI Registration: http://www.treetops.com/index.php?method=golf&subpage=pepsitournament Videos of Past Tournaments http://glsp.com/treetops October 1-3 Ryder Cup, Celtic Manor Resort, Newport, Wales 2 Golf League Championship Tournament. Eagle Eye Golf Course, Bath http://www.migolfleague.com or http://www.mgcoa.org 9-10 Toughman Scramble, Treetops and Black Bear GC, Gaylord and Vanderbilt, MI http://www.treetops.com/index.php?method=golf&subpage=Toughman_Tournament 15-16 MHSAA - Girls Finals (LP) Division 1 - Eagle Crest Resort Division 2 - Forest Akers West Division 3 - Forest Akers East Division 4 - The Meadows

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